Hi all. Today I'll tell you about the Jobs plugin.
For the plugin to work Jobs required economics plugin, but you can chew these plugins, so which ones should you use: iConomy 5/6 / BOSEconomy 6/7 / Essentials Economy.
Well dealt with this.
Now plugin settings Permissions:

Here teams:
Player commands:
/jobs browse - List of available jobs.
/jobs join - Login to work.
/jobs leave - Leaving work.
/jobs info - Information about a particular job.
/jobs stats - Statistics of your job exp or lvl.

Administration commands:
/jobs admininfo - who knows, but Google translated it this way and shows the level of each job and the experience benefits for the player.
/jobs fire .
/jobs promote .
/jobs demote.
/jobs removexp .
/jobs transfer.
/jobs reload - reload the plugin

I'm not English so think about the commands yourself. My job is to write what they are: D

Mini description of the plugin:D
Plugin allowing players to get a job. Having chosen a profession, players will receive coins and experience by completing the work. Having gained a certain amount of experience, players will increase the level of their profession. The higher the level of the profession, the more coins for work.

List of professions:
- Hunter
- Farmer
- Digger
- Builder
- Miner
- Woodcutter

Hunter (hunter)- while performing work in this profession, the player will need to kill both neutral mobs and aggressive ones. For each type of mob, a certain amount of experience and coins are awarded.

Farmer- While working in this profession, the player will need to grow plants. For each type of grown plants, a certain amount of experience and coins are awarded.

Digger- while working in this profession, the player will need to mine blocks of earth, sand, gravel, and clay. For each type of block mined, a certain amount of experience and coins are awarded.

Builder (builder)- When performing work in this profession, the player will need to build buildings from blocks. For each type of installed block, a certain amount of experience and coins are awarded.

Miner (miner)- while working in this profession, the player will need to mine blocks of coal, stone, iron, gold, etc. For each type of block mined, a certain amount of experience and coins are awarded.

Woodcutter- When performing work in this profession, the player will need to cut down trees and make boards. For each type of block mined, a certain amount of experience and coins are awarded.

In new versions of the plugin, several new jobs have been added, a fisherman and, like, a gunsmith.
Article written by the site website Happy reading:D

Many servers have this installed Jobs plugin, and was no exception. Some players did not immediately understand the basic capabilities of getting a job. Therefore, those who do not understand something can find out more useful information.

The main purpose of the plugin is to give players the opportunity to work while receiving game currency for it. In order for you to be given money, you will need to perform certain actions. But before you start doing this, you will need to find out exactly what vacancies are available. To do this, enter the command /jobs browse.

Woodcutter - woodcutter

This profession pays for destroying blocks of wood (whether with a hand or an ax), as well as for planting seedlings and installing blocks of boards. Great opportunity to create industrial forest- level the area, light it, and plant trees. Pros: safety from mobs and high income.

Payment: $7 per felled block of wood.

Miner - miner

Here you will have to spend days and nights in mines and quarries. Income comes from the destruction of stone blocks, as well as various ores. But if you install blocks of iron and gold ore, it will be a loss to you.

Payment: from $2 for breaking stone to $6 for diamond ore.

Digger - digger

You can earn money by destroying blocks of earth, sand, clay, gravel and grass with a shovel. The income will be small, but if you enchant a diamond shovel with strength 3 and efficiency 5, you can get quite a fortune.

Payment: $2 for soil, sand, gravel, etc.

Farmer - farmer

They will pay for growing crops. Players will receive money for planting and harvesting through seeds, as well as for reeds. The main disadvantage can be considered only the long growth of plants.

Payment: $4 for harvesting ripened wheat, and $3 for planting seeds.

Hunter - hunter

Everything is simple here - kill mobs and get a reward.

Payment: $2.5 for killing friendly mobs and $10 for hostile ones.

Fisherman - fisherman

Lowest paid profession. Fish are rarely caught, and they only pay $4 apiece. You can only earn extra money while on a long boat trip.

Weaponsmith - gunsmith

Produce weapons and make money from it (see also, which adds weapons). They pay for the production of all types of swords except stone ones. You can also make money by smelting iron and gold bars.

Brewer - potion maker

In this case, everything is simple - brewed potion = money.

Enchanter - sorcerer

Enchant the sword and get paid. It is worth remembering that a stone sword is not included in the list of paid items.

Information about the plugin

The above prices are valid for the first level of the profession. As you work, you will gain experience that will increase your level. High level = high income.

So, now you have an idea about your earning potential and income level. When you work, in addition to money you will also receive experience points. Having accumulated the required number of points for a certain profession, you will switch to new level, and your income will increase.

But how can you get a certain job? To do this, you will need to enter the command /jobs join vacancy. For example - /jobs join hunter. Quitting is as easy as getting a job - write /jobs leave name. And to quit all your jobs at once, enter /jobs leaveall.

Work part-time in different professions, because this way you can increase your earnings. In total, you can select no more than three vacancies at a time. If you need to change them, then you need to quit one and get a job at another. The level will remain the same. Great option- woodcutter, gunsmith, hunter. If you grow a tree, you get paid. After that, you make a wooden sword, and you get paid again, and then you go kill mobs, again for money.

In addition, players can find out the prices for a certain job at the right time. You can find out how much money they will give for destroying a certain block or enchanting a sword. To do this, simply enter the command /jobs info name.

Want to know statistics on your friend's work? This is also possible. By entering the command /jobs stats player nickname, you will receive information about the profession level, type, as well as current experience and required for the new level. For example - lvl19 Miner 286/768.

All teams

And finally - full list commands (if you don’t understand something):

  • /jobs browse- displays the names of available professions;
  • /jobs join name- apply for a job;
  • /jobs leave name- quit;
  • /jobs leaveall- quit all jobs at once;
  • /jobs info name- information on the desired profession;
  • /jobs stats player nickname- statistics of a specific player.


The user does not need to install anything. The administrator needs to add the Jobs plugin to his plugins folder, and after that, replace the contents of the jobConfig.yml file with this. Permissions.


Have you ever dreamed of a server where you can earn and spend money just like in real life? If yes, then stop dreaming! This mod is the solution! It is actively tested and used, getting better and better with each update, on every third host!

Downloading the Minecraft Jobs plugin is quite simple, so even a novice “crafter” can do this action. Perhaps some of you will ask: how to set it up if you have never encountered it? Everything is thought out (!): it is delivered to the player as “already configured”, you just have to upload it to the server in the plugins folder (if you want to install this mod on the server) or place the files in the minecraft.jar file (if you want to install it into a single game), after opening it through an archiver program. In this regard, the setup will also not cause you much trouble, which you may fear:

After brief description and some questions about its installation, I would like to “pour out” more specifics. So, the plugin for the Jobs RUS server is what allows players to get a job and quit a job. Initially, players must determine what they want to do on the server, and only later get a corresponding job. As you know, it is easier and faster to gain experience and coins when you do what you love. Having gained a certain amount of experience, players will increase their level of “professionalism,” but it is important everywhere: in such a matter as website promotion, in the game, and even just in a hobby. In other words, the higher the level of professionalism, the more coins the player will receive.

The standard list of professions that he suggests:

Farmer (farmer) - you will need to grow a variety of plants
Hunter (hunter) - hunters will receive money for killing both evil and neutral mobs.
Builder - in order to be a successful builder, you will need to build beautiful structures from various blocks.
Digger (digger) - sand, gravel, clay, earth - here
the “main goal” of the digger.
Woodcutter (lumberjack) - cut down trees and craft boards from them, this vacancy also pays well.
Miner (miner) is the most popular type of work among both beginners and professional players (you can simultaneously earn money and dig up valuable ores).

We'll talk about teams in this article, because... Without them, of course, you will not be able to use this plugin.
/jobs - all information on plugin commands
/jobs browse - view professions
/jobs join (profession name) - apply for a vacancy
/jobs leave (professor’s name) - quit
/jobs stats - information on your job