Almost always, when choosing a fishing rod, we look for an option that will be reliable, durable, convenient and affordable. How to correctly approach the issue of choosing a fishing rod so that it perfectly meets all of the above and many other requirements. This is exactly what our article will discuss.

What types of fishing rods are there?

Let us immediately note that all proposed divided into composite and integral. The latter are convenient to use if you do not need to transport them. If you have to get to a pond by transport, then it will be more convenient to use composite fishing rods, which are small in size when folded. Composite fishing rods consist of several legs, the number of which can be from two to four.

Float fishing rods are the most popular. The advantage of such a fishing rod is its simplicity, reliability and ease of operation. Rods for float fishing are made of fiberglass, carbon fiber and bamboo.

A float rod has a lot of advantages, but what should be especially highlighted is the fact that with its help you can successfully catch absolutely any fish.

When choosing a fishing rod, special attention should be paid to the length of the cone attachment. You can find out the length as follows. We lay out the rod and examine it against the light.

Finnish fishing rods are considered the most reliable and high-quality, thanks to the tulip mounted on the rod of the tackle. You can use this fishing rod when fishing both from a boat and from the shore.

As noted, fishing rods can be made of fiberglass, bamboo, and carbon fiber. The most popular today are fishing rods made of carbon fiber. This is due to their many advantages, namely strength, lightness, convenience and reliability.

It is important to note that fiberglass fishing rods are also often used for fishing. Of course, in many characteristics these fishing rods are inferior to carbon fiber ones, but they are distinguished by high wear resistance and water resistance and, most importantly, these fishing rods are much cheaper than carbon fiber ones.

It should be noted that today a wide range of fishing rods are offered in the production of which graphite is used. These fishing rods are lightweight and flexible. The length of fishing rods of this type does not exceed 5 meters.

Today, rods with lengths from 1 to 7 and even 8 meters are offered. The choice of rod in terms of length should always be based on where you plan to fish, as well as what kind of fish. If the chosen place is surrounded by bushes and trees, then you should choose rod lengths for fishing from the shore in options up to 4 meters long. For fishing in open areas, you can use rods 5 or more meters long.

If fishing will be carried out on a lake with standing water, then a rod 4.5 meters long is best suited. When fishing on a river with a weak current, it is recommended to opt for five meters. It is important to note that in the latter case, the rod must be of a rigid action and must have a thick tip. If fishing will be carried out on reservoirs or large lakes, where it is important to cast the bait far from the shore, preference should be given to feeder rods with a flexible tip.

Choosing a fishing rod based on the quality of the reel seat and guides

It is important to note that high-quality guide rings help reduce friction of the fishing line on the inside of the ring, which has a positive effect on casting and landing fish. The following types of guide rings can be installed on fishing rods: with inserts and chrome-plated.

Insert guides are strong and durable, but they do not minimize line friction. Chrome rings do not have a long service life; as a rule, it is recommended to replace them with new ones every season. The main advantage of chrome rings is only to reduce friction.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the quality and reliability of the existing reel seat. It is important that after installing the coil, it fits comfortably in your hand and is clearly fixed in its place.

When choosing, it is important to carefully examine the integrity of the existing guide rings; their surface should not have dents, cracks, chips or other defects. In addition, the rings should not wobble and, most importantly, the rings and reel seat should be installed strictly in line.

It all depends on where and what kind of fish you plan to catch. So, to catch fish whose weight does not exceed 1 kg, it is enough to purchase a 6-meter fly rod, which can be made of fiberglass or carbon fiber. A fly fishing rod can only have a fast action, which means that only its tip will bend when subjected to load.

To catch large fish, you should buy a rod that is durable and preferably with a slow action. This rod is distinguished by the fact that it bends along its entire length, due to which the load will be distributed evenly. It is important to note that slow action rods must be equipped with a quality reel.

So, the choice of fishing rod regarding strength and thickness should always be made based on what kind of fish you plan to catch. A short and thin rod is perfect for catching small fish in difficult conditions. The main requirement for a fishing rod is that it should be as flexible as possible.

For example, it is more convenient to catch large fish with a rod up to 4 meters long, which will be durable and able to withstand heavy loads. , and other fish whose weight does not exceed 2 kg can be conveniently caught using fiberglass fishing rods, the length of which should be selected based on the fishing conditions.

Provided that the requirements for choosing a fishing rod are met exactly, you are guaranteed to be able to purchase a fishing rod that will fully satisfy your needs and is ideal for fishing in specific conditions.

A float rod is used when fishing for white fish and in some cases when fishing for predatory fish, especially when using live bait as bait.

A novice fisherman always faces a dilemma:

  1. Buy a ready-made fishing rod complete with all the gear.
  2. Or buy a rod, fishing line, float, hooks, and a set of lead pellets in the store and assemble the tackle yourself.

Both methods have a right to life, moreover, a store-bought ready-made fishing rod will be even more preferable for anglers who need quick results, and attention to detail takes a back seat. And for anglers who want to gain true mastery of the tackle and achieve a deep understanding of float fishing with a fly rod, this step-by-step guide has been written.

Types of float rods

The rod for a float rod should be longer the further you plan to cast the float rig.

Fishing rods are:

  • flight feathers— the bait and float are delivered to the fishing spot with a small wave of the hand, the reel is not involved in fishing;
  • plug rods used for fishing in distant areas from the shore. The rod consists of several composite plugs, which, when connected, make the rod very long, which allows you to deliver the bait and float located a couple of meters from the tip of the rod directly to the fishing spot;
  • match rods consist of an inertia-free reel and equipment with a sliding float. Match equipment can be cast using the spinning method over long distances, and the sliding float allows you to fish even in very deep places.

Choosing a fly rod for float fishing

We will focus on a fly fishing rod, because in most cases it is enough to fish a large area of ​​water, and its use does not impose any additional inconvenience.

The length of the rod is usually from 4 to 6 meters. The longer the rod, the heavier it is, and lightness is very important in fly tackle. Therefore, at the initial stage it is recommended to take a fishing rod no longer than 5 meters; this length will be enough for you to make even fairly long casts.

The vast majority of fly rods are telescopic, but try to choose rods made from lightweight materials.

Recently, carbon fishing rods have become popular, combining strength and lightness.

Availability of coil welcome, but many models are sold even without reel mounts. These options use special reels, which are needed only to reel in the fishing line after fishing and to transport the fishing rod. In this case, the reel itself does not participate in fishing and is not on the fishing rod.

The lack of a reel makes the rig easier, but less convenient if you need to make longer casts. Therefore, whether to use a simple reel or not is up to you.

Inertia-free reels for a float fly rod are completely optional, and even less preferable for fishing with a float rod. They are unnecessarily heavy and do not provide useful functions for a fly rod. Constant winding and winding of the fishing line is not required here.

The tip of the rod should be quite sensitive so that during hooking it makes a sharp hook (not too hard), otherwise you can tear off the fish’s lip or not hook it at all.

Float rod equipment

The float rod equipment looks like this:

1. Two small pieces of cambric are strung onto the main line, into which the top of the float and its lower part will then be inserted. Some floats have a ring in the upper part, so the line is threaded through the ring, and the lower part is secured with a cambric (in this case, only 1 cambric is needed).

2. Next comes a series of lead pellets to load the float. The pellets come with a hole and a notch on the side. In both cases, the pellet is applied or strung on a fishing line and clamped with pliers (or teeth).

Attention: it is highly recommended not to press pellets with your teeth, and especially to try to bite off an excessive part of the pellet in order to reduce its weight. This leads to damage to the integrity of the tooth enamel; use small forceps or pliers for this purpose.

There should be several sinkers and their size should decrease as the fishing line approaches the hook.

3. The very last sinker should be moved away from the penultimate one by 7-10 centimeters and be the smallest. This sinker is called a sub-sink. It contributes to the correct distribution of the weight of the equipment and will allow you to load the leading part of the equipment.

4. After the sub-grazing, there is a connection between the main line and the lead line. The lead line has a smaller diameter than the main line. For example, if the main line has a diameter of 0.18, then the leader line can be set to 0.12. But be careful, a large fish can break off a fishing line that is too thin and of poor quality. The diameter of the leash should not be thinner than 0.15.

The leash is used so that the fish is not afraid of the fishing line and if your hook gets caught on the bottom (snag, stones) and with small twitches you will not be able to unhook it - you would pull the fishing line with your hands stronger and break the tackle exactly in the leash (where the line is thinnest). This way you will only lose the hook, which is much easier to cope with than losing the float.

Use the correct knot to attach the leash.

5. Finally, a hook is attached to the leash. The length of the leash should be about 10 cm. The hook must be secured with a special knot for reliability.

Float selection

The thinner the tip, the better the float for a fly fishing rod. Good options would be floats whose tip smoothly flows from a thick diameter to a thin one and has a sufficient length for the thin part.

Very sensitive floats are floats made of goose feathers or having a similar structure.

Loading the float

Proper loading of the float surrounds it so that only its antenna is visible above the surface of the water. This load allows you to make the equipment very sensitive to even the weakest touches of the fish on the bait.

In windy weather, it is advisable to make the equipment a little less sensitive so that the waves do not completely cover the float, although in this case the bite can be distinguished (when the float does not appear from under the water for a second, or emerges from it).

The float can be loaded directly at home in a 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle. First attaching a larger lead pellet, and then smaller and smaller ones, until the float is located at the bottom of the antenna. If you have overloaded the float too much, you can cut off part of the pellets with pliers or scissors. It is not advisable to do this with your teeth.

Hook selection

The hook must be selected according to the size of the fish you are hunting and the bait. Mentally imagine the size of the fish’s mouth and whether it can suck your overly large hook into its mouth. At the same time, if the hook is too small, you may also have a large number of idle bites, since during hooking the small hook could not catch the fish.

Float rod for live bait fishing

If the bait is live bait, you need to use a larger float and lower it not to the bottom of the antenna, but a little lower. All live baits are different sizes and it’s okay if your tackle becomes less sensitive. The attacks of the predator in the vast majority of cases are swift, which means you will definitely see a bite, no matter how loaded the float is.

Often 2 hooks (on two leaders) are used to secure the fish under the upper fin and slightly further than the lower fin.

Let's sum it up

Selecting and equipping a float rod requires certain knowledge and when equipping it, you should rely on increasing the sensitivity of the tackle. And when choosing a fishing rod, consider its lightness and ease of casting.

It is worth remembering that when fishing with a float using a fly rod, the reel is not involved, so choosing a fishing rod with a reel or reel is your choice. The reel will provide the opportunity to increase the length of the fishing line, and the reel will ensure the lightness of your gear.

How to choose a fishing rod so that it is not heavy or flimsy, but at the same time is not expensive. After all, the success of the upcoming fishing depends on the right fishing rod. What should you pay attention to: the rod, the thickness of the fishing line or the size of the hook? This is what we will talk about today in our article.

Types of fishing rods

Fishing rods are divided into solid and composite. One-piece fishing rods are convenient to use if you don’t need to take them with you on the road. If you have to go fishing in city or railway transport, then it is more advisable to use composite fishing rods. Composite fishing rods are made up of two, three or four links. Special cases are provided for transporting composite fishing rods.

The most common fishing rod is the float rod. Its popularity lies in the fact that the float rod is simple and easy to use, and is also versatile when fishing. A float rod consists of a rod, reel, line, float, sinker and hook.

Float rods are made from a wide variety of materials: hazel, bamboo, carbon fiber or fiberglass. The reel should come complete with two guide rings at the lower end of the rod so that you can tighten the line when casting.

The advantage of a float fishing rod is the fact that it is suitable for fishing for both beginners and professionals. In addition, almost any fish can be caught with a float rod, and you can fish with it almost all year round.

When choosing a telescopic fishing rod, pay attention to the length of the joint of the conical attachment of the knees. This length can be determined by examining the assembled rod against the light. The ratio of the length of the knee to the length of the grip of a telescopic rod should be equal to 6:1 for the entire length of the rod.

Finnish fishing rods are considered durable and effective due to their “tulip” design on a flexible whip. You can fish with such fishing rods both in summer and winter. In addition, with the help of a Finnish fishing rod you can fish both from land and from a boat.

Spinning is suitable for fishing only for professionals, as it requires certain skills and experience due to the complex fishing technique. The spinning rod consists of a rod, handle, reel, rings, fishing line, sinker and leash.

A bottom fishing rod consists of a rod, line, sinker, leash, hooks, guard and float. This tackle can be thrown quite far. However, a bottom fishing rod does not allow you to catch fish everywhere, which somewhat reduces its effectiveness.

Rod material

The material of the rod determines its flexibility, strength and lightness. Rods are made from carbon fiber, bamboo, reed, hickory and fiberglass. The most common material is carbon fiber. This is explained by its characteristics, which are superior in quality to all other materials.

Fishing rods made of fiberglass have also proven themselves well. Although they are inferior in quality to all other materials, fiberglass fishing rods are waterproof and wear-resistant. In addition, such rods are distinguished by their low cost.

More expensive rod models are made with the addition of graphite. This makes them lighter and more flexible. Rods made with the addition of graphite can be up to 5 meters in length. Moreover, their weight does not exceed the weight of a fiberglass fishing rod of shorter length.

Rod length

Rods come in different lengths up to 6 meters. Moreover, the longer the rod, the more skill it requires. The choice of length largely depends on the fishing location. So, if the fishing spot is surrounded by bushes and tall trees, then you should take a rod up to 4 meters long, and if it’s deserted - from 4.5 meters long.

A four-meter rod is suitable for fishing on lakes. To fish for fish in the current, you should purchase a rod at least 5 meters long. In addition, the rod must be of a rigid action and have a thick tip. To lure fish over long distances, it is recommended to choose a feeder rod that is equipped with flexible tips.

Also, the length of the rod depends on the type and weight of the fish. A rod up to 4 meters long is suitable for fishing for fish weighing up to 700 grams. To catch fish weighing over a kilogram, you should purchase a rod 5 meters long. It is best to buy five-meter fishing rods with a parabolic action so that the rod bends along its entire length.

Guides and reel seat

The correct choice of guide rings reduces friction between them and the fishing line. The distance and accuracy of casting the line depends on the amount of friction. Passage rings are chrome-plated and with inserts.

Chrome rings provide minimal friction, but they have a short service life and require replacement every season. Insert rings offer little friction but are durable.

Also pay attention to the reel seat. It should fit comfortably in your hand. Remember that with the correct placement of the reel seat, the butt of the rod should be located at the end of the elbow, and the reel should be located between the index and ring fingers.

When choosing rings and reel seats, carefully inspect them for chips and scratches. They should also not have any unevenness in the winding or varnish coating. The guide rings and reel seat must be installed level.


The choice of hooks for a fishing rod depends on the type and weight of the fish. Thus, for fishing for bleak, minnows, roach, ruffs, crucian carp, small perch, char and dace, hooks No. 2.5-4 are suitable. Hooks No. 4-6 are suitable for catching roach, silver bream, rudd, bream, podust, crucian carp and perch.

For catching medium-sized fish, such as tench, ide, carp, burbot and carp, hooks No. 6-10 are suitable. And for catching large carp and other fish, it is recommended to choose hooks No. 10-14. For catching pike and pike perch, hooks No. 8-12 are suitable.

Also, the choice of hook for a fishing rod depends on the type of bait. So, if frogs are used as bait for catching large fish, then it is recommended to choose hooks No. 18-20. And if meat or live fish is used as bait, then large hooks are used.

For light baits such as moths, steamed oats, wheat, peas, pearl barley, bread and flour balls, it is recommended to use hooks No. 2.5-4. For bait in the form of insects, hooks No. 5-7 are used. For heavier baits such as beetles and crayfish, use hooks No. 8-12 with a long shank.

Useful tips

When choosing a fishing rod, you need to check not only its quality, but also its convenience. Hold the fishing rod in your hand and check how heavy or light it is. Lay out the rod and see how straight it is. The fishing rod should be level and smooth without scratches or other damage.

The fishing rod should fit comfortably in your hand. It must be strong, flexible and lightweight. To transport the fishing rod, it is recommended to purchase a design with a removable whip. However, do not buy plastic whips, as they cannot withstand frost of more than 30 degrees. Carbon fiber fishing rods with an open reel lock allow you to monitor the serviceability of the structure.

Do not choose fishing rods in which the reel clamp spring is hidden under the reel, as when water gets in there, ice will form and the device will fail. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a fishing rod with a spring located under the lock lever. With this arrangement of the spring, the drum rotates due to balancing gravity.

When choosing a fishing rod, you need to expand and fold the rod to evaluate the rigidity and structure of the blank. Shake the rod to check for vibration at the joints and wedges of the telescope arms. Pay special attention to the joints, as this is where the most defects can be found.

Build fishing rods

A fly rod 5-7 meters long is suitable for catching small fish. Its rod is made of carbon fiber or fiberglass. The fly rod has a fast action, that is, during manipulation it remains straight, and only the tip bends.

To fish for medium and large fish, you need a rod of high strength and slow action. This action, with a smooth bend along the entire length of the rod, compensates for the strong pulls of the fish. Such a fishing rod must be equipped with a reel.

Fishing rod thickness and strength

The thickness and strength of a fishing rod depends on the size and weight of the fish. To catch small and medium-sized fish, you need to choose a rod that is short and light, since it must always be held in your hand. The rod must be flexible so that you can fish for fish using a thin line.

For large fish, you should choose the longest and strongest rod that will not break when fishing for it. The length of such a rod should be at least 4 meters, since the farther the bait is from the fisherman, the more successful the fishing will be.

Fiberglass float rods are suitable for catching medium-sized fish. Bamboo fishing rods are suitable for large fish as they are much stronger. When fishing from a boat, it is more advisable to use short float rods consisting of one link. In order not to clutter up the fishing rod with unnecessary rods, it is recommended to equip the upper link with reels for winding the fishing line when fishing for fish from a boat at great depths.

Tips for storing and caring for your fishing rod

Fishing equipment requires careful care. In return, they are ready to serve you for many years. After each fishing, you must thoroughly rinse the rod with warm water and cleaning products. When washing the rod, plug all the cracks with a sponge or plastic plugs to prevent water from entering them. Do not use soap as the smell will deter the fish.

After washing the rod, wipe it dry with a towel. The handle and whip should also be cleaned and dried. If scratches and cracks form on the fishing rod, they should be covered with nitro varnish. The cork handle must be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, and then sanded with sandpaper.

The components of the float fishing rod must be tightly tied together when disassembled. Whole fishing rods are stored on nails driven into the wall or suspended under load so that they do not bend. Before each season, it is necessary to coat fishing rods with natural drying oil or nitro varnish.

The fiberglass fishing rod should be disassembled and each link thoroughly washed, then wiped and dried. Only then can the rod be assembled and stored. If moisture remains on the links of the hood, their surface will deteriorate.

After the end of each season, it is necessary to remove the coils and wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to remove dust, dirt and grease. New and spinning reels need to be lubricated after the end of the season, since their elements in contact with each other wear in, and worn parts get into the lubricant.

The reel needs to be lubricated only where indicated in the fishing rod's passport. When assembling the fishing rod, make sure that all parts of the reel are tightened tightly. Before putting the reel away for storage, it is necessary to unload its brake as much as possible.

Carefully inspect the rings and joints of the rod. They need to be washed especially carefully, since if there are particles of dirt left there, then during the storage of the fishing rod, they will dry out and turn into powder, which, when the fishing rod is subsequently used, will fall into its knee. This dirt can be easily removed with a brush.

Fishing rods with guide rings must be carefully inspected from the outside for cracks and scratches. If you find any flaws, repairs will need to be made. The degree of difficulty of repair depends on the depth of scratches and cracks.

It is recommended to remove small scratches with mastic by rubbing it into the damaged areas. For deep scratches, liquid glue is used, which is applied to this place, and the excess is removed with a piece of cloth. If excess glue gets into the place where the knees are fastened, it should be removed by slow and high-quality grinding with a zero.

If large damage is found on the rings that cannot be repaired, they must be replaced with new ones. After the end of the season, it is recommended to throw away the fishing line and not store it until the next season. Also think about whether used hooks, spoons and other gear will be useful to you in the next fishing season, or whether they have already served their purpose.

If your fishing gear has already served its useful life, then you should take care of purchasing new ones in advance. If you are sorry to part with your gear, which still seems quite suitable to you, then wash it thoroughly, dry it and put it away until the next season. If you decide to leave the fishing line until the next season, then after thoroughly cleaning and drying, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for greater preservation.

When using a fishing rod, you must remember that the rod cannot be left in water, as it can quickly crack, and moisture will get into the cracks, which will render it unusable. To extend the life of a fishing rod, it is necessary to place the rod on a special stand so that it is as high above the water as possible.

We wish you a good choice!

Each method of fishing requires special gear. In this guide, we will look at all the fishing rods for bone fishing - for float fishing, feeder and spinning. We'll tell you what nuances to pay attention to when choosing, and which ones you can omit. Go!

Choosing a fishing method

Spinning fishing

This type of fishing is very exciting and gives a good catch. The main thing is to learn how to properly control the spinning rod. It will take quite a lot of time to improve your skills. You may spend one fishing season learning the techniques and tactics of working with a spinning rod, but all your efforts will return a hundredfold. And catching, for example, pike perch, will no longer seem like a fairy tale.

First of all, pay attention to the casting force (use 1/3 of your heroic power) and its range (vary the force and angle of the cast). There are a lot of exercises that will help you develop these skills and enjoy the results. Explore our section dedicated to.

Float fishing with a fly rod

Why are so many fishing enthusiasts? The answer is simple - this tackle is universal and suitable for almost any fishing conditions. There are no unnecessary parts that could cause inconvenience to the fisherman. the fishing rods are very simple.

The casting technique is simple and does not require the participation of a reel; there is no reel in this fishing rod at all.

A number of advantages of a fly rod:

  • reasonable price;
  • simplicity of the device, understandable even for beginners;
  • simplicity of fishing technique;
  • high probability of catch in any body of water, both white fish and predators can bite;

Thanks to these characteristics, this fishing rod has won many fans among fishing enthusiasts.

Feeder fishing

This fishing method can scare off novice anglers due to some nuances. Let's figure out what it is. Feeder fishing is a modern version of bottom tackle. The main difference between the feeder and the prototype is the presence of a rod with a sensitive tip, which is designed to signal the beginning of a bite.

The tackle is also equipped with a feeder, which attracts fish to the baited hook. You can cast this feeder up to 100-120 meters from the shore thanks to the powerful and.

And this is a great way to catch shy deep fish. The advantage of feeder fishing is that the angler can sit in a convenient place and enjoy nature and relaxation. This happens thanks to the feeder - you don’t need to move around the reservoir in search of fish, you just have to remember to regularly send food to the fishing spot. Once you understand the intricacies of bait and the types of rods, feeder fishing will become a dynamic and unexpected outdoor sport for you.

Rod test or maximum weight of the thrown load:

  • light (up to 30 grams);
  • medium-light (up to 60 grams);
  • medium (up to 80 grams);
  • medium-heavy (up to 100 grams);
  • heavy (up to 120 grams);
  • very heavy (over 120 grams);

Light rods are used to fish in still water at a short distance from the shore. And very heavy ones are used for strong currents and very long casts on large reservoirs and rivers. If you are going to combine both fishing options, buy a universal heavy-class rod with interchangeable tips that will be adjusted to lighter weights and feeder weights.

Rod length depends on the casting distance. The classic choice is 3.6 - 3.9 meters. Although for a record 100-120 m, rods up to 4.2-4.5 meters long are needed.

Material. In production, three main materials are used for the manufacture of feeder fishing rods.

  • Products made of carbon fiber have two drawbacks: high cost and fragility of the fishing rod.
  • Composite (a mixture of glass and angle) is much stronger, but the weight of the fishing rod is heavy.
  • Fiberglass fishing rods will bring joy to the owner in extreme fishing conditions.
  • We recommend carbon fiber feeder rods.

The best feeder rods

This is a durable and flexible fishing rod made of high modulus carbon fiber. Thanks to its excellent action and the possibility of minimal deflection, it catches fish in reservoirs with medium and strong currents. Possibility of installing medium and heavy feeders. One of the unsurpassed leaders among budget options. Price: a little more than 3000 rubles.

Shimano Nexave AX Feeder MFDR. Manufactured in accordance with the latest technologies, the base material of the rod is reinforced with carbon inserts. It has a blank with a thinner diameter and lighter weight than its predecessors. The fishing line is protected from friction by special guide rings. This fishing rod is a bestseller from a well-established manufacturer. It will last a long time and will delight you with an excellent catch. Price: 5,000 rubles.

Mikado SENSUAL Feeder 360. This rod has proven itself well when fishing in lakes and small rivers. The feeder is well balanced, light and stiff with medium dough. The kit includes carbon and fiberglass ends. The extended cork handle and ergonomic reel seat make casting rigs easy. Price: 4,000 rubles.

An experienced fisherman knows perfectly well that the success of fishing often depends on the right equipment. Therefore, when planning to sit on a river or lake, you should take the choice of equipment very seriously and, first of all, a fishing rod. Our rating includes only the best fishing rods.

How to choose the best fishing rod?

Choosing the best fishing rod is largely determined by fishing method. Only in this case will you be able to assemble a balanced fishing rod and enjoy a good bite. Today, fishermen use the following methods to catch peaceful species of freshwater fish.

Fans bottom fishing give preference feeders. These are composite rods of the plug type, which are equipped with interchangeable tips (quivertips). The rigid blank allows you to make long casts of feeders and baits. Thanks to the high sensitivity of the rod tip, the angler detects a bite.

One of the oldest proven gear is fly rod. It allows you to quickly remove from water fattening fish. To complete such gear, a lightweight telescopic fly rod without guide rings and equipment with a loaded float are required.

To fish on a float away from the shore, will do match tackle. The important elements of such a fishing rod will be a plug-type match rod with guide rings and a spinning reel. The tackle is equipped with a fairly large float and sinker.

For river fishing, gear is assembled based on light Bolognese rod. Thanks to the guides and reel you can enjoy fishing into the wiring. Even trophy fish lose their caution when a tasty bait naturally swims past them.

The most accurate float rod today is plug. Thanks to the long rod 12-16 m you can spot feed the place, and also use exceptionally elegant equipment. Despite the high cost of gear, the number of adherents of this fishing method is growing every year.