Musical script. Characters: Dunno and Baba Yaga. Children are involved in a fascinating performance. You will need equipment to watch the cartoon.

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten “How the royal brides were sent to study”

The king wants to marry his sons, but the brides turn out to be illiterate. They want to go to school, but Baba Yaga tries to stop them by hiding the letters. The children help guess the letters, and Baba Yaga asks to go to school with the children.

Graduation in kindergarten “Adventures at the School of Young Vasilis”

Not everyone does well at the school of magic. As a result of unsuccessful witchcraft, girls appear who know nothing about school, and the children tell them. Well, the matter, of course, could not have happened without the old woman Shapoklyak, who wants to prevent the children from getting to school.

Graduation in kindergarten “Farewell, kindergarten”

Graduation script kindergarten“Goodbye, kindergarten” for children 6-7 years old. The holiday is held in a kindergarten or other spacious room. Hosts: Fairy and Kikimora. Guests of the holiday are parents, grandparents. The fairy and the guys are trying to bring Kikimora to reason.

Graduation script “Hawaiian Pie”

Hawaiian style graduation party: decoration, graduates dress up in Hawaiian beach suits of their choice. The ball takes place in assembly hall, where all school graduates gather. Parents and teachers are also invited.

Scenario for the alumni meeting evening “On the Waves of Memory”

Evening of graduation, suitable for any date of the meeting (5 years, 10 years, etc.) This is a meeting-memory of the school time, it can be done together with former parallel classes, or one class.

Scenario “Graduation with friends!”

The scenario is designed for a graduation party, which will be attended only by schoolchildren - graduates, the class teacher and several teachers. The evening is spent in an informal, friendly atmosphere, preferably in a native classroom or in a rented cafe.

Graduation party “In lilac blossom”.

The title “In Lilac Bloom” is conditional, lilacs bloom in the vast expanses of our vast homeland not at the same time, so you can take any flower: roses, violets, lilies, and in accordance with the chosen flower, decorate the hall and change the words in the script . Scenario for teenagers.

Scenario for graduation in elementary school (for 4th grade) “For a small ship, a long voyage!”

Scenario for children in 4th grade. The transition of children to fifth grade is another significant step in a child’s life. They say goodbye to the first teacher and enter a new, more adult life. This script will help make this moment the most memorable.

School prom script for 11th grade “At Cinderella’s Ball”

Scenario for teenagers. Prom scenario for 11th grade, which involves characters from a fairy tale. This allows you to add humorous notes to the solemn part and smooth out the sad moments of saying goodbye to school.

Scenario for graduation party in 11th grade “Farewell light”

Scenario for teenagers. A beautiful, cozy, memorable evening for ninth graders. It can be held both in the assembly hall and in your classroom, with minimal costs and maximum impressions. The evening is combined with a disco and does not require special training for students.

Modern graduation scenario for 4th grade “School Oscar”

Graduation is always a captivating and exciting event that allows students to move on to new stage own life. Graduation evening is filled with emotions, experiences, and bright colors. Therefore, it is very important that this holiday is unforgettable, unique, and interesting.

Graduation evening is an unforgettable celebration in everyone's life. A few more hours, and with the dawn, yesterday’s schoolchildren will meet adult life, which is much more complex than the entire school curriculum. Here you will find the most original and interesting prom scenarios that will not leave graduates, parents, or teachers indifferent.

Remember that if you choose this scenario, then you have to take care of the little things. For example, one of the parents can play the role of a photographer on the “Red Carpet”, and someone can play the role of a reporter and interview students, and someone can act as a video operator, recording the entire prom. Also, we must not forget about the design. You can hang several Oscar posters and figurines on the walls, hang garlands and glitter balls, and be sure to lay out a red carpet from the entrance to the stage, depending on the chosen room. The script was written for one class.

awards for graduates (according to the number of children), an Oscar statuette for the teacher, an envelope with the name of the Oscar winner.

Junior school graduates, parents, guest artists (optional) Presenter and Presenter (high school students, older brothers, sisters, parents can be involved), Primary school teacher, School Principal.

The curtain falls, the hall is dark, the guests are seated, music starts from the beginning of the star ceremony, and the lights on the stage come on. The curtain rises, the Presenters appear:

Hello dear guests, I am glad to welcome everyone to our starry, school event! The main event of the year, the air is filled with excitement, everyone is puzzled by the question: “Who will win the Oscar for the best school role?”

Everyone is waiting, the long-awaited day has come, and now, just a few moments separate us from this most important event.

Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you to our “School Oscar”, to the first school graduation party of your beautiful children! I am ready to proudly present our first star applicants, namely, graduates (the class number and letter are called, and so on, depending on the number of classes).

(Children walk along the red carpet to the music and go up to the stage)

Here they are, the future of our country, the support of the planet, and the pride of parents - our graduates! I hope you have something to say to all the guests and spectators of our ceremony?

Student 1:
What can I say, it was invented a long time ago,
It's time for us to say goodbye to childhood,
All life is like a bright movie,
IN last time, we decided to all get together!

Student 2:
Get together to spend time
With my beloved class, with our relatives,
How quickly all the years have flown by,
I regret that I decided to grow up!

Student 1:
How quickly time has flown by
It seems like just yesterday
My mother read to me before bed,
Now it's time for me to go to 5th grade!

Student 2:
Sometimes I dreamed about high school,
And I imagined this to myself,
Bring back your childhood, I’m not ready!
Let me be a little girl!

Student 3:
How often have I asked my mother questions,
About the senior class, about what will happen there,
Sometimes I unraveled my braids,
Now fear overcomes!

Student 4:
Just think, summer will pass,
I will enter my school again,
But childhood is only left somewhere,
I'm going to 5th grade now!

Student 3:
I remember when I came to first grade,
How dad straightened his briefcase,
I remember it like it is now
How lazy I was to go to school!

Student 4:
I remember my first five,
And I didn’t forget about the deuce either,
And my first cleaning,
How young and strong he was then! (Takes a deep breath).

Student 5:
And I remember my first diary,
How carefully I wrote then,
How I dedicated a song to my mother,
Just like I wrote in the copybooks!

Student 6:
And at this time they were next to us,
Parents and true friends,
Thank you for your help,
Great things await us!

Student 7:
We are grateful to you, our dear ones,
For work, for understanding, for everything,
We graduated from our junior school, our native school,
The eldest is still waiting for us all!

Well, well done, almost everyone is ready to say goodbye to childhood and go on a new and exciting journey. I ask you, dear graduates, to take your seats in the hall.

She was with you every day,
Taught me to write, read and count,
I divided my lessons, waited for a break,
Now she will accompany you!
IN new life where the items will be
which you will study,
We invite (Name and Patronymic of the first teacher),
A few final words to you!

(The first teacher comes up to the stage)

Teacher :
How quickly time has flown by
It seems like just yesterday
We met with you,
After kindergarten, the school accepted you.
Now you are all big,
Get away from me
Come and visit me,
My dear child.
You will grow up more over the summer,
And you will have new dreams,
And the high school will open its doors,
You will still be “mine”!
I’m letting you go on your way, I’m new,
I wish you to reach heights
High marks to you, happiness,
How quickly time goes by!

I can’t disagree with you, time really flies. It seems like just yesterday I was a first-grader myself, and now I’m already the host of the nomination!

You and a first grader? I think you were born with a microphone. But that's not about it. I propose to return to our event and get a little closer to the award ceremony. Now, I invite to the stage those who for all 4 years school life, didn’t earn a single D, but pleased his parents with straight A’s. Excellent students, take the stage!

(Excellent students come out)

In nomination " The smartest people class", according to the results of the general vote and according to the presented report cards, won (Last names and first names of students).

Stop! How are you sure that these are the same children?

It says so here. If you don't believe me, read it yourself!

Need to check! By the way, we have a very serious event! School Oscar ceremony! This is no joke at all!

Got it, I got it. What do you offer?

I suggest you check your knowledge!

(The presenters take turns asking each student a question from school curriculum. The students take turns telling the story. After which they present report cards, certificates of honor, and some symbolic awards, preferably the same for all children)

You know, I was told that some wonderful dancers came to our ceremony and prepared a gift for our young graduates and graduates.

So, why were you silent? Let's invite talent to the stage!

(Announces the exit of the team. If you decide to do without this, you can replace this part with some)

Next nomination “B” healthy body, healthy spirit! I want to invite all the sportsmen and women of the class to the stage to receive their awards!

Don't check again! Your previous experience has taught you nothing!

(The presenter gives several simple tasks. The students take turns telling the story, they are presented with report cards, certificates of honor, and awards)

We can't live without our parents. Parents are the most important people In human life. They take us to school for the first time, see us off to graduation, and always look forward to going home. Now I want to invite the parents of our dear graduates to this stage so that they can congratulate their children on such an important and long-awaited stage in their lives. Parents, please!

(Parents come on stage)

Parent 1:
Be still a child, I beg you,
How quickly my daughter has grown up,
I read books with her in the evenings,
Such an adult, beautiful soul!
Just a little bit, you will become more mature,
And you'll run away on dates,
You won't have time to look back,
How are you going to enter the 11th grade?

Parent 2:
My son was a baby, I won’t forget it,
How he fell asleep peacefully in his crib,
Such a small, sweet little miracle,
Sometimes he didn’t sleep at night and screamed.
Now quite big and visible,
Today he is not a boy, a graduate,
He is very smart to me, handsome,
Athletic and well-read groom!

Parent 3:
Our dear children,
Today we want to wish you,
So that life is more beautiful, sweeter,
We wish you success in all subjects!

Parent 4:
And you know, for you, we will sing a song,
We're a little worried now,
You are sweet, beautiful, so wonderful,
We sing on this day, kids, just for you!

(The tune of the song “If only there were no winter” sounds)

Verse 1:
If only you hadn't grown up,
I wouldn't go to school
If only you were children forever,
Cute, cheerful.
We would take you to the garden,
Watched cartoons
And we walked every hour,
And we ate ice cream
And we walked every hour,
And we ate ice cream!

Verse 2:
If only you hadn't grown up,
If we were kids,
We ate semolina porridge,
Day and night.
If only you were children,
And played with Lego
But now graduates
What can we do about it?
But now graduates
What to do about it!

Verse 3:
If only you hadn't grown up,
If only we had stayed a little longer,
Cradles would sing to you,
They rocked it in their arms!
And we would have lessons with you,
They wouldn't teach at all
If only you hadn't grown up,
If only, if only, if only!

Now I want to nominate the “Dancing People” nomination. Dance students are invited to the stage.

(The presenter asks to do several dance movements to the music. The students take turns telling the story, they are presented with report cards, certificates of honor, and awards)

You know, our graduates are all very versatile and talented.

And I never thought to doubt them! What are you talking about now?

Attention! Song!

(Graduates come up to the stage and line up. The tune of the song “Call me with you” sounds)

Verse 1:
This year, the wind of evil changes carries us into the distance,
You, leaving only a photo in return, and he won’t ask,
Maybe we don’t want to fly anywhere,
Maybe we don't want to grow up
And we want to sit at our desks!

We invite you all with us,
Let's go to high school
Let's live one dream
Hurry up to be together again!
We will miss you very much
In those days, that fun,
We will remember with sadness,
How quickly we grew up.

Verse 2:
Our last year flew by so quickly,
We didn't even have time to notice
Just like Graduation,
We dreamed about it once.
We wish you all well today,
But only sad as before,
It's time for us to go to 5th grade!

We invite you all with us,
Let's go to high school
We will read, learn,
And be sad just a little bit!
We will remember everyone
We will miss the class
In the place where we were able to grow up,
Where we need to say goodbye!

How smoothly we approached the “Singing People” nomination.

(Vocal students are invited to the stage. The presenter asks them to sing a verse of their favorite song to the music. To do this, the children need to learn together short excerpt. Students sing and tell stories in turns, they are presented with report cards, certificates of honor, and awards. Depending on the number of participants and their merits, additional nominations are introduced. Between nominations, groups, invited artists, or held may perform)

Our evening is coming to an end. And this means that it is time to present the School Oscar for the best role!

We are holding an envelope with the winner's name on it. And we will find out who it is in a second, since our respected school principal will open it.

(The school director comes up to the stage)

Head teacher :
You have become older, smarter, more interesting and responsible. There are many discoveries ahead, various items, trials and difficulties that you will definitely overcome, because one finish line you managed to cross. I congratulate you on this grandiose event, and with all my heart I want to wish each of you success and have a nice summer! Gain strength, relax and see you in 5th grade! Today, I have the great honor to open this envelope and mark the fate of Oscar. So, the fateful moment (opens the envelope). Oscar goes to (FULL NAME class teacher) , for your excellent role in our school life!

(The teacher comes up to the stage)

Our congratulations! You rightfully deserve your first, and hopefully not your last, Oscar!

Classroom teacher:
I am very pleased that I had such an honor to be the owner of such an important statue. My dear, beloved, dear students! I want to wish you never to be afraid! A sea of ​​magical moments awaits you, amazing discoveries, which will give new knowledge and emotions. Remember, my doors are always open for you. I will always be happy to receive you in our home office (room number), I will listen and, if necessary, give advice. You are the best, talented and capable, don’t forget about it!

The evening has come to an end and a sweet table awaits us all, a sea of ​​competitions and gifts! Thank you for your attention and for visiting our evening.

You can organize a themed photo area. This will not only be exciting, but will also help you take bright, interesting pictures. If any parents want to play a little reporter, here are a few questions:
1. Are you afraid to go to 5th grade?
2. Do you think you will like your new teacher?
3. Who do you want to sit at a desk with in high school?
4. What are you thinking about now?
5. Your outfit is so stylish, who was your designer?
6. What are your plans for the coming year?
7. What are you dreaming about now?
8. Who accompanies you at the ceremony?
9. If you were awarded an Oscar, what would you do?
10. Have you already decided which backpack you will go to high school with?
11. Would you like to return to childhood?
12. Would you like to never grow up?

The main thing is to record all the answers on video, and in a few years you can pleasantly surprise your child. The questions can be varied, these are given as an example. Also, don't forget about musical accompaniment evenings.

What could be the theme for graduation, how to choose a specific theme for graduation prom, what are the features of the organization and what is important not to forget - these and 1000 and 1 other questions worry a lot of people on the eve of graduating from the 11th grade of school or institute. My Tips are aware of common problems. And in order not to leave you alone with them, we have collected the top topics for graduation in one article, as well as the main 10 rules for organizing this holiday. Read on!

How to choose a theme for your prom?

The main difficulty in choosing and agreeing on a theme for a prom is the lack of commonality. Vasya and Petya want to cosplay “Pirates” Caribbean Sea", Masha and Olya dream of becoming Disney princesses, Ira and Kolya don’t care at all - they are quietly thinking about how to bring more fun to the event. To find out general opinion and not lose 100500 meters of nerve fibers in the process, here are some useful ideas.

Option No. 1: survey method to choose a topic for graduation

Gather the whole class or parallel if the prom will be shared by several classes. Ask everyone to write on pieces of paper from 1 to 3 themes for the prom that you would like to implement. Collect these pieces of paper and count the resulting topics. 100%, you will notice that some ideas are repeated.

  • you immediately take the topic that was encountered more often;
  • arrange the second stage of voting;

For the second option, gather everyone again, write on the board or announce the TOP 3 or TOP 5 options based on the results of the calculations and ask them to choose and write one of these topics. Voila, in half an hour you can collectively choose one theme for the prom.

Option No. 2: appointment of responsible persons

The initiative, as you know, has... ahem, sorry, this is in the wrong place. The initiative is punishable, I mean. Assign the person who brings up the topic most often in class to be in charge of prom. Such a responsible and honorable position will give him strength to find an original solution, and all problems will be removed from you. Not good? Probably, but it will be effective.

As a result, it is recommended to choose a committee to organize the prom. Appoint representatives from each class company to ensure a holiday that suits everyone. Teamwork is the key to getting the desired result.

Option No. 3: for the most desperate and in just 1 phrase

Surrender to the mercy of your class teacher and parents if you are not afraid!

Original and interesting topics for graduation

The theme for the 11th grade graduation is such a field for imagination that you can work on it, it seems, forever. We don’t have forever, graduation is just around the corner, so here are ready-made ideas from which you can choose what’s right for you!

No. 1. Prom stand-up

Are you kidding? And we're serious, by the way. If you have a class of amateur comedians and those with a good sense of humor (or they predominate), then this option for a themed prom at school or college will be ideal. Schedule your program in advance:

The Rise of Antiquity (Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome)

There are just a lot of ideas here! Firstly, they do not lose their popularity for decades - this is important for girls. Secondly, what scope there is for culinary innovations and experiments. Thirdly, there are a lot of ideas for decor! A few photos to get you into the spirit of the era Ancient Greece and immediately chose this option:

There are also a lot of ideas for holding it. For example, as hosts you can choose 2 people who will play Mom (the god of ridicule and evil jokes, stupidity) and Gelos (the god/personification of laughter). A smart option would be to organize a “toastmaster”-Bacchus if you are celebrating a graduation from an institute or university. Or his even more cheerful son Comus. Who is not aware of the subtleties Greek mythology— Wikipedia can help you, comrades, it’s not too late.

National traditions

Every nation has its own flavor, why not use it! National costumes, traditional elements such as wicker fences, ceramics, amulets, thatched roofs and mud huts. Folk dances and songs, colorful national humor, themed costumes - this option is easier to organize, less expensive, and almost more fun than the others!

Belarusian national costume:

Ukrainian national costume:

Russian national costume:

Kazakh national costume:

Dedicated to cinephiles or Cinema-mania

Options for organizing a 11th grade prom in movie style:

  1. Riddles for guessing a film by fragment/frame.
  2. Karaoke with movie soundtracks.
  3. Acting out scenes from classic world cinema.
  4. Guessing a movie or a character like playing Crocodile: one or a group of participants try to show the plot of the movie without words, the rest need to guess what it is about.
  5. Invitations in the form of movie tickets.
  6. Popcorn - exclusively in striped red and white glasses and so on.

The topic can be narrowed down, choosing only domestically produced cinema, Western cinema, or focusing on films from one single country. Here's how to come to an agreement!

In the style of "The Great Gatsby" or the Roaring Twenties*

There’s no need to even say much here—everyone will recognize this style! Below are some photos for inspiration on this theme for your 2017 high school graduation party. Plus, dear young men, don't forget to read about it!

*Roaring Twenties (aka Roaring Twenties) - the era of the '20s in North America, Great Britain and a number of European countries, is characterized by the development of art, active social and cultural life. The rise of jazz, art deco, the breakthrough of cinema.

An inspiring Great Gatsby themed YouTube video just for you!

Disney style

Disney themed high school graduation party - great way have fun! Ideas:

“Board!” - pirate graduation

This is a classic, where would we be without it! Even if you don’t take into account “Pirates of the Caribbean,” a pirate-themed graduation will turn out to be an incredibly rich, vibrant and memorable event. And costumes won’t be too difficult!

Other themes for graduation party 11th grade

The options above don’t end there, as you understand! Therefore, here are some more interesting ideas for you on what theme to choose for your school graduation party:

1. Gangster Birmingham (or not Birmingham, if your class wasn’t inspired by Peaky Blinders...). Soak up the atmosphere!

2. Mafia. Super cool video from YouTube about a Mafia themed graduation:

2. Prom in the Wild West.

3. Superhero prom!

4. Prom in Las Vegas.

5. Graduation 007.

6. Aloha-party: Hawaiian chill prom, as in the You Tube video below:

7. Oscar-winning graduates are not just for you!

8. Matrix:

These are the prom theme ideas you can use when organizing your own party this year! What graduation theme did you like best? Write to us in the comments! Plus, don’t forget to read My Tips on the portal!

Graduating from school is a transition from one stage to another, a transition from childhood to adolescence. Graduation in 11th grade is a magical night when children make wishes, and they definitely come true when girls turn into princesses and boys into princes. How to celebrate graduation in an original way so that it is remembered forever?

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Photo gallery: Unforgettable graduation in 11th grade: how to celebrate the holiday?

Prom Party Ideas

When organizing a school graduation, you should focus on the wishes and interests of the children. Modern holiday agencies offer evenings for every taste: from a royal prom in the palace to a disco party in one of the clubs. Interesting idea- a romantic evening on board the ship. By ordering a turnkey organization you will receive: transfer, hall decoration, banquet, entertainment program, security organization.

Graduation in 11th grade - scenario: unusual and funny

A graduation party organized independently at a school or banquet hall can be no less memorable, the main thing is to think through the scenario.

Please note the following points:

Graduation script, 11th grade

To have a fun holiday, organize a themed graduation. The theme of “Scarlet Sails” can be used as the main motive. This color should be present in the decoration of the hall; graduates’ outfits should contain a scarlet element (ribbon, flower, belt). Don't forget also about the nautical theme, for example, let the director and teachers have captain's caps. Children appear in the hall to the music of the school waltz. The school director greets them:

How gently the wave
Footprints are washed away from the sand,
This is how childhood silently floats away from you.
It's now for you
It will only be a dream in a dream.
And you shout to him:
"Come back and say goodbye to me!"
And you will remember more than once
This native pier.
Where with the rays of the eyes
There are dawns,
Where they believe in magic
Where they are friends with miracles,
Where are the fairy tales in reality?
They come to visit themselves.

Graduation in 11th grade: original scripts

The main part is the presentation of certificates. After this, it was the children’s turn to congratulate their parents and teachers. Poems are perfect for this:

Among people of unfading professions,
Laying claim to eternity,
To teachers, like inspired songs,
Live on earth while the earth is alive!
Lovely, cordial, good,
Dear my teachers!
I say goodbye to childhood and school,
I just don’t say goodbye to you.
Thank you for loving us so much
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Thank you for teaching me how to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us.

Funny scenes will help add some humor. Today you can laugh at any realities of school life: cheating, duty, lessons, uniforms.

What is a holiday without a song? The guys are preparing a graduation song for their favorite teachers.

(To the tune of the melody "Scarlet Sails" by V. Lanzberg)
And in vain no one believed in miracles,
But then one early summer morning,
Scarlet sails soared above our school,
And the violin sounded in the ocean.
There are not three eyes, because this is not a dream,
After all, the scarlet sail, indeed, flies proudly,
Above the school where brave Gray found his Assol,
Above the school where Assol waited for Gray.
And nearby are ships from distant countries
They pulled the masts to the sky like hands,
And in each cockpit there is a lonely captain
He smoked, sighed and thought about his friend.
It's easier to surf the waves with your beloved
And it’s easier to eat sea salt steamed,
And without love in the world it is impossible to live,
And the scarlet sail will become gray.

Competitions and comic quizzes, in which not only children, but parents and teachers take part, will help make graduation fun. Interesting competition- complete the phrase (we give children and teachers half of the known formula, and they must remember the second). For example: Pythagorean pants... (equal in all directions), the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to... (the square of the hypotenuse).

Graduation waltz in 11th grade, video

But with all the congratulations and wishes, we forgot that prom is a time of romance, which is the most main topic"Scarlet Sails" - love! And what better way to reflect it than a graduation waltz.

Invitations and gifts for school graduation

When planning your graduation ceremony down to the smallest detail, don’t forget about the invitations. For a maritime holiday, invitations on pieces of parchment tied with twine or twine are suitable. A special chic is to put each one in a small bottle and seal it with a cork.

For a ball, the invitation should be designed in a retro style. This can be a beautiful scroll with monograms and vignettes.

An original idea - photo invitations. Photos of children from the graduating class are placed on the cards. The whole “trick” is that all forms will be different.

It is worth discussing gifts for graduation in 11th grade. You shouldn’t make them expensive, they should be original souvenirs: photo collages, engraved medals, discs with a clip from photographs, etc.

At graduation in primary school The script is always prepared in advance. Students and parents must be consulted regarding the program and general plan spending the evening. The subjects most often chosen are cheerful, unusual and funny themes or classic and modern fairy tales, where children are given the opportunity to try themselves in the role of their favorite characters and say the words: “Goodbye, elementary school!”, dressed in the costume of Cinderella, Pinocchio or the Poet from “ Bremen Town Musicians". After all, despite the fact that 4th grade is already over, boys and girls still feel like carefree tomboys and do not deny themselves the opportunity to laugh heartily and fool around.

Primary school graduation – a modern scenario for 2017

Graduation in primary school, held according to an interesting and original modern scenario, will give both children and adults bright, colorful and unforgettable impressions. There are no restrictions when it comes to ideas for the main story. For example, you can create a program in the style of a corporate event and invite professional animators and popular children’s ensembles in the region to entertain schoolchildren. Let ten-year-old boys and girls feel like adults, put on beautiful evening suits and long fluffy dresses, will sit down at the tables with refreshments and enjoy the performance and music concert, and in the second part of the event they will take part in simple quizzes and competitions where you can win toys, souvenirs, memorable gifts and sweet prizes.

Examples of competitions for a modern elementary school graduation scenario

  • "Reliable chain"- a simple competition that will pleasantly defuse the solemn atmosphere and give the children the opportunity to move around a little. To conduct this, the participants are divided into two teams, placed opposite each other and told to hold hands tightly. At the leader’s signal, a player from the first team loudly calls the name of any player from the second team. The one whose name was called comes out a little forward, accelerates and quickly runs towards the enemy in order to break the closed chain. If this is possible, the player takes one of the members of the enemy team. If the chain withstands the attack, the player must join the enemy side. The team that collects in its chain wins maximum amount participants.
  • "How to make tea"- very cool, fun competition for a graduation party in elementary school. It is attractive because it provides for the participation of absolutely all students in the class. To implement the project, children are divided into teams of the same size. Sheets of whatman paper with a cup pre-drawn in the center are attached to the board (the number of sheets must match the number of teams). The participants are tightly blindfolded and then the children go to a sheet of paper on the board and draw a triangle on it, symbolizing tea bag. The victory goes to the team whose members were the most accurate and placed the maximum number of bags inside the drawn cup.
  • “Who can bake pancakes faster?”good competition for speed and accuracy, promoting the development of fine motor skills. Suitable for both team and individual performance. The idea is that sheets of paper and a sample of a pancake are laid out in front of the player (or players) - a paper circle about 15 centimeters in diameter. Then the judge gives a signal and the participants begin to work. The task comes down to cutting out as many “pancake” circles as possible in a certain time. After the time has elapsed, the judge counts the paper “pancakes” and awards victory to the one who managed to get ahead of his opponents and “bake” a record number of circles.

Unusual and fun elementary school graduation - scenario for 2017 with video

The graduation scenario for an elementary school should not only be unusual, fun and original, but also educational. Children need to be given the opportunity to demonstrate to teachers, parents and other guests of the event the knowledge and skills they have acquired over four years. The video below will tell you how to do this as effectively and brightly as possible. The history of the Russian alphabet and writing was chosen as the theme for the holiday. The topic is multifaceted and allows you to involve absolutely all students in the presentation.

The program is divided into two parts. The first consists of solemn and official speeches, which are delivered from the stage by the school principal, head teacher, class teacher and other teachers leading fourth-graders various items. Children are congratulated on successful completion school year and the transition to a completely new stage of life. Boys and girls are wished to never forget what they were taught in primary school, to respect their elders and always come to the aid of those who need it. After all the official phrases have been said, the performance itself begins.

The lights in the hall are dimmed, and with the help of a video projector, footage depicting the ancient Russian alphabet is broadcast on the screen. To the appropriate musical accompaniment, two students appear on stage dressed as the inventors of Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius. In their poetic performance one can hear pride in the beautiful, sonorous and figurative language, which has become one of the most respected in the whole world. Then the host of the holiday returns to the stage and says that now the guys will tell everyone present about each letter of the Russian alphabet and explain in detail why it is so important for a person to be able to read and write.

Then, for 60-80 minutes, students come on stage one by one with the image of one of the letters on their T-shirt. They recite poems telling about the meaning of letters, and from them make up various words. The performance ends with a grand finale, when the entire Russian alphabet comes out to bow to the audience at the same time. The scene turns out to be very impressive and makes a lasting impression on those present.

Graduation in elementary school - a fun and unusual scenario in the form of a fairy tale: ideas and examples

A fairy-tale scenario for a primary school graduation is one of the most successful options for celebrating a holiday. Children always take part in such an event with great pleasure and willingly try on the roles of their favorite heroes and characters.

  • “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”- an interesting and colorful script based on Russian folk tales. The main character is Ivanushka the Fool. He goes on stage in folk costume, is capricious and refuses to go to school. When persuaded by his parents, he replies that he already knows everything and school knowledge he simply doesn't need to. At the same time, the insidious Baba Yaga, Koschey and the Serpent Gorynych kidnap Ivan’s sister Alyonushka. Having learned about this event, the boy decides to go through the dark forest in search of his sister, but immediately runs into a problem. Various forest inhabitants block his way and demand that he complete some task from the school curriculum in order to move on. But Ivanushka cannot do this, because he did not go to primary school and does not know the answers to the questions asked. He has to run back home, look for the Wise Old Man-Borovitch and ask him to teach him the wisdom of school. The elderly mentor comes to meet Ivan halfway and very quickly (with the help of magic, of course) helps the boy go through the entire program. The wiser student goes into the forest again, easily copes with all the tricky tasks, easily finds his sister and rescues her from the clutches of the villains. Returning home, the children sing a song about how important it is to attend school and receive all the necessary knowledge there.
  • "The Bremen Town Musicians"- a fun musical script based on the events of the well-known classic cartoon. The plot centers on the Capricious Princess, who is very lazy and categorically refuses to go to school. Papa King decides to take extreme measures and hires his daughter very special tutors - a team of Bremen Musicians. Donkey, Rooster, Cat, Dog and their friend the Poet teach the royal daughter reading, writing and mathematics in poetic and musical form. At first, the girl refuses to listen to them, but then cheerful, cheerful, catchy songs and touching rhymes penetrate her heart, and she agrees to start studying. To reproduce this scenario, a lot of preparatory work will be required, large-scale decorations, costumes and appropriate musical accompaniment. In order for the guys to remember their roles well, they will have to conduct several rehearsals and work out each number step by step. But the efforts will not be in vain and the result will be a very bright, extraordinary and spectacular performance that will bring a lot of pleasure to both the little actors and the audience invited to the holiday.
  • "Golden key for Pinocchio"- a classic scenario for graduation in elementary school. It even practically does not require adaptation, since the events precisely describe what problems can arise due to the fact that the child does not go to school. The only thing that needs to be done for the success of the performance is to correctly distribute the roles, sew suitable costumes and prepare the scenery. It is worth involving the students’ parents in the process, not only to resolve organizational issues, but also to play certain roles. For example, one of the dads can play the original role of Karabas-Barabas, Durimar or Papa Carlo, and someone’s mother can act as the Wise Tortilla. The children will be very happy to go on stage with their parents and plunge into a wonderful and kind children's fairy tale together.

Interesting graduation in elementary school - scenario based on nominations for 4th grade

Very original idea– hold a graduation ceremony in an elementary school according to a scenario with nominations and mandatory awards for participants. The peculiarity of this option is that you can come up with a variety of nominations for the children and encourage absolutely every student, including those who do not behave well and do not demonstrate success in studying the school curriculum.

The event is organized in a large, spacious assembly hall or sports hall, and the passage from the doors to the stage is necessarily lined with the red carpet traditional for pompous celebrations. Along it, young fourth-graders and teachers enter the room and take their seats to the accompaniment of bravura music. The presenters appear near the curtain - a boy and a girl, dressed in elegant, festive costumes. They welcome participants and declare the event open. Then the primary school graduates are called to the stage one by one and each of them is awarded a certificate of honor indicating completion of the first stage of education. Then the nomination in which the student showed himself most clearly and successfully is announced. Except classical definitions“The smartest (assiduous, attentive, diligent, etc.)” student is also added with more original options, for example, nominations for “The tallest fourth-grader”, “The most often answering at the blackboard”, “The biggest lover of a certain subject”, “The best poetry reader" or "Best artist (musician, athlete, etc.)." And in order for the prize in the nomination to be fully deserved, the student is asked to prove his talent and convince those present that he is worthy of the honorary high title.
This moment is played out in a humorous and playful manner. To determine the tallest fourth-grader, all the boys are called onto the stage and their height is measured with a large improvised ruler. Candidates for the title of best reader are required to recite aloud some poem about school, and the best artists are required to quickly draw on a piece of paper a portrait of their favorite teacher or some genre scene from the life of the class. Students are warned in advance about who exactly will be nominated in a certain nomination so that everyone has time to prepare the appropriate number.

The same type of award is offered to teachers. However, here, for greater originality, all nominations are kept secret, giving teachers the opportunity to improvise once they are on stage.

A beautiful and fun elementary school graduation - video example

The video below will tell you in detail how to have a fun and beautiful graduation in elementary school. The event is structured like a real ball, and the stewards are a couple of presenters. They're in poetic form announce the opening of the holiday and invite the heroes of the occasion to the hall. A lyrical melody sounds and boys in formal suits and girls in smart ones come through the door. long dresses. To the applause of their parents and teachers, they perform a simple classical dance, and then bow to the audience and take their seats. After opening remarks The presenters begin a video presentation, clearly showing how four years ago timid first-graders crossed the school threshold and sat down at their desks to “gnaw on the granite of science” under the strict guidance of their teachers. Years passed, the kids became smarter, learned to read, count, write and gained basic knowledge about the world around them. Now new horizons have opened before them and the time has come to thank the elementary school and confidently move on to new achievements, achievements and knowledge.

The main program consists of music and dance performances and the awarding of honorary graduate diplomas to fourth-graders. At the end of the event, the children thank their teachers for their love and present them with beautiful bouquets of flowers. After this, the holiday moves into an informal phase and each class goes to its own classrooms to continue celebrating the end of school in a closer circle.

Graduation “Farewell, elementary school!” - video presentation

The graduation celebration, held under the motto “Farewell, elementary school!”, will be decorated with a spectacular video presentation, once again reminding students, teachers and parents how many bright and extraordinary events have happened to them over the four years that have flown by unnoticed. In order for the material to be truly interesting, it will be necessary for schoolchildren to bring from home photos and video files taken at holidays, on hikes, on rulers and classroom hours. One of the parents or teachers will edit the information using one of the graphic editors and turn the disparate data into a single film telling about the life of children in elementary school. Watching such a clip and going back in time for some time will be interesting not only for students, but also for teachers.