The whole world learned that the Crown Prince of England, Elizabeth II's grandson William, had finally gotten married in the spring of 2011. His chosen one turned out to be Kate Middleton, a commoner, which shocked many. Evil tongues even prophesied that this couple would separate quite soon. However, everything turned out differently; the prince’s family turned out to be strong. Moreover, the children of Prince William and Kate Middleton, who already have children, and the third one was born just recently! are the favorites of the whole country.

After the wedding, new information about the royal couple appeared. The wedding ceremony was widely broadcast, all fashion houses and tabloids discussed the bride's wedding dress.

The wedding of the Prince and his chosen one in 2011

Soon photos of Kate, now in the status of the prince’s wife, Duchess of Cambridge, began to be published. At the same time, the press was waiting for the main event - news about the heir.

Timur (2 years 10 months):
- I want us to have another child.
- Where can we get it?
- Maybe let's go to the site?

However, the son of the Prince of Wales and his young wife became parents only on July 22, 2013. On this day, their first child, baby George, was born. The couple decided not to stop there. And on May 2, 2015, the Duchess gave birth to a daughter, Charlotte, who, like her older brother, immediately received the title of Royal Highness.

Kate and Prince William's eldest children

How and where did Kate give birth?

Rumors that the illustrious couple are expecting a third child have been circulating for quite some time. They were confirmed in September 2017, when it was officially announced that Prince William and Kate were planning a baby.

Prince William's family is expecting their third child

It was assumed that Kate would please her husband with the birth of a baby just in time for their wedding date. That's exactly what happened.

All of the Duchess's children were born at St. Mary's Hospital. Every time a luxury ward was prepared here, and the best doctors in England attended the birth. During all three, Kate felt very ill due to severe toxicosis. Unpleasant sensations were also caused by the public excitement, because there were so many people near the hospital that it was necessary to strengthen the security of the ward and the hospital itself.

All births took place without complications, and each time their time was reduced. If Kate gave birth to her first child for about 10 hours, then the third birth took no more than 2 hours.

Third child in the royal couple's family

How the royal children grow up: George, Charlotte and Louis

Many people ask the question what are the names of Prince William's children. Their son was named George Alexander Louis, and their daughter was named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. These are the full names of the children of an English prince). The children of Prince William and Kate Middleton are one of the favorite topics of the British and European press. Fans are keenly interested in how children grow up and what their hobbies are.

George Alexander Louis Prince of Cambridge

The heir received such a long name in honor of his eminent relatives: Queen Elizabeth II (full name Elizabeth Alexandra Maria), her father (George) and his uncle (Louis).

Five-year-old George plans to become not a king in the future, but a policeman, and even collects toys with police symbols. Like a real man, he is very interested in technology, namely airplanes and helicopters.

Prince George is simply happy to have his father, who serves as a helicopter pilot.
emergency medical service, takes him to work and allows him to sit in the pilot's seat.

He is generally a very inquisitive boy. The prince already has a favorite museum - the London Natural History Museum. They often visit him with their mother and sister. According to Kate Middleton's recollections, she herself enjoyed coming here as a child and admired the grandeur of nature. And now, having become a mother, she experiences the same joy, visiting him with her children and again being surprised with them.

Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Princess of Cambridge

According to her mother's observations, Charlotte and her older brother George become real friends. He looks after his sister, because she is still just a baby. On May 2, 2018, Princess Charlotte celebrated her third birthday. In January of the same year she went to kindergarten.

With a small age difference, they should be interested in each other

It should be noted that, despite her such a young age, the young lady knows how to behave perfectly in society. Parents do not particularly spoil the public with the presence of their children, but Charlotte appeared several times at public events, such as the wedding of her aunt Pippa Middleton or the royal tour to Poland and Germany. It was there that the little girl demonstrated extraordinary obedience. Not being in the best mood, a small reason brought her to tears and whims. But, at her mother’s first request, the baby wiped her tears with her fists and skipped after her parents.

Louis Arthur Charles Prince of Cambridge

Shortly before the birth of his third baby, the prince let slip his name. By the time it became known that the Duchess was pregnant and indeed expecting her third child, William was present in the stands of the stadium during the match of his favorite team. And overjoyed after the successful goal, he announced that he would name the baby Jack (in honor of the author of this goal).

Thus, journalists had a reason to declare in advance that they not only know when the third child of the royal crown couple will be born, but also what his name is. By the way, the prince’s reservation was a revelation - after all, according to tradition, members of the royal family should not find out in advance the gender of the future heir.

However, recently the whole world learned the final name of the third child of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The name of the royal couple's third child is Louis Arthur Charles, or simply Louis. It’s probably difficult to call the royal grandson just Jack….

Kate Middleton's eldest children were born strong and healthy; their younger brother weighed approximately 3.8 kg. By the way, this heir to the Prince of Wales, according to the law, took fifth place in line to the royal throne. And here is the birth certificate of little Prince Louis:

Birth certificate of Prince Louis, the third child of Prince William and Kate Middleton

Watch this video about five rules for raising children in the royal family

Judging by the photographs, Prince William and Kate Middleton are proud of their children. Now the couple are busy with joyful chores. The latest photos of children and their parents indicate that the family, contrary to rumors, is full of love and mutual trust.

The couple look happy and do not allow the strength of their relationship to be questioned

How the relationship between the prince and the athlete developed

After it became known about the marriage of the British crown prince, many drew a parallel with the history of his European “colleague”. The fact is that the children of Prince Albert of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock are also of morganatic marriage. By the way, the ruler of Monaco acquired a new family status also in 2011, with a difference of only a few months from the wedding of the son of the Prince of Wales. Indeed, it is not so often that royals connect their lives with representatives of the people.

I hear my princesses talking:
“There are few princes, and there aren’t enough for them all,” Sanya declares.
“Yes, there’s only one left, and that Englishman,” Sonya answers.
- Well, you need to learn English and quickly! - Sanya found a way out of the situation.

After the death of his mother, Princess Diana, Prince William of Wales for a long time tried not to communicate with the media and kept his personal life secret. The heir's age was already approaching 30 years. And when it became known that the prince had chosen his bride, questions immediately began about who she was.

Prince William and Kate's relationship has not gone beyond friendship for a long time.

Catherine Elizabeth Middleton comes from a family of businessmen. The girl entered the Scottish University of St. Andrews, where she met William. By the way, in college she was involved in athletics and tennis, and at the university she played for the local hockey team.

Despite the fact that Prince William and Kate Middleton met at the beginning of the 2000s, for a long time they remained only friends. The media began talking about them as a couple in 2005. The official announcement of the engagement was published in November 2010, at the same time the wedding itself was announced. The wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William took place in 2011, on April 29.

Watch a video compilation of numerous photos of the happy royal couple with their children

The Duchess of Cambridge's mother Carole Middleton arrives at Royal Ascot, June 16, 2017

“Poor Kate! “She will be compared to Princess Diana all her life,” journalist Andrew Morton exclaimed with bitterness in his voice in the next broadcast dedicated to the memory of the Princess of Wales. Mr. Morton always knew how to make a well-selling fairy tale out of reality - after all, it was from his pen that came the biographies of Monica Lewinsky, Angelina Jolie and - perhaps the most scandalous of his entire career - "The True Story" of Princess Diana. But here even he did not dare to speculate on the too superficial similarity between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Yes, both women became the wives of British heirs, both stood out for their democracy and kind hearts and became real queens of style. But it seems that this is where the common ground ends.

“Kate, in fact, lived happily with William for seven years before marrying him, and was very delicately integrated into the royal family,” the writer continued. “She was not thrown into the unknown waiting for the kitten to learn to swim on its own, like that was with Diana." There is no drama, Mr. Morton is sure, because unlike Lady Spencer, whose family did nothing but raise her to be the prince’s bride, Katherine always had a strong and friendly family behind her, standing behind her like a mountain - and, most importantly, her mother Carol , who, for the sake of her daughter, is not even afraid to quarrel with the Queen.

Aristocrat without a title

“Katherine had a very happy childhood - yes, she has a rival sister - but she also has parents who are always ready to support her. And this is exactly what draws William to her,” continues Diana’s biographer. But let's not lie: the Middleton family is not as simple as it might seem. After all, just by looking at Carol, who always strives to be closer to her famous daughters and to get into the frame, you understand that nothing earthly is alien to her. Yes, the daughter of a truck driver, Carol also had her own ambitions and plans for children, but still, unlike the Spencers, she was smart enough to raise her eldest daughter to be a future queen, and her youngest daughter to become a millionaire’s wife, without injuring her. their psyche.

Brides of Windsor: Diana Spencer with her grandmother Lady Fermoy...

...and Kate Middleton with her mother Carole

Of course, having become pregnant with her first daughter at the age of 26 from a simple air traffic controller (and being a flight attendant herself), Carol could not even imagine that she was carrying the future ruler of her country. Yes, she could not give birth to children in the palace, but still she always wanted only the best for herself and her family - so just sitting and waiting by the sea for the weather was not in her rules.

Born into a poor family, where her father barely earned a living and her mother ran a household, Carole Goldsmith never had any illusions that one day she would be taken into his castle by a handsome prince. Such grooms do not fall from the sky - they are met in Cambridge or at social functions. And although there were also aristocrats in her family once upon a time (her great-great-great-grandfather was a distant ancestor of Queen Mother Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon), the family coat of arms, along with the fortune, have long since sunk into oblivion, leaving Carol’s family to be content with their distantly noble origins in a modest house on west London.

Carol's parents are a truck driver and a housewife - grandparents of the future Duchess of Cambridge

Carole Middleton, early 80s

Of course, with her father’s income, there was no question of any private establishments. The girl graduated from a regular public school, after which she immediately went to earn a living at British Airways. Stewardess. There she met her future husband, air traffic controller Michael Middleton. The guy, of course, was not a prince and could not boast of being related to any baronet, but at least there was money in his family - his grandmother Olive came from the centuries-old Lupton clan of merchants. True, his origin didn’t help him much either, so together with Carol they shared their sorrows and joys in a modest house, putting off their salaries for the next month, and occasionally remembering their venerable ancestors. After all, money is money, the couple thought, but there is still something in the world that is more valuable than wealth - true love and mutual understanding.

But, as it turned out, a fairy tale can also come to the house of a simple flight attendant - though not in the form of a prince, but in the form of fortunate circumstances. In order to somehow entertain her young daughters (James would not be born until 1987), Carol began sewing bright costumes for them and organizing parties, for which she made the props herself. This is how the Middleton family came up with the idea of ​​a family business selling decorations and everything necessary for children’s events, which after a few years began to generate good income (Michael even quit his career as a pilot and became the administrator of their small company “Party Pieces”). The money earned and saved was even enough to send the eldest Katherine to a private elementary school. Yes, Carol, of course, understood that she would have to limit herself, but her children were able to take the first step towards the life that she herself dreamed of.

Thus, a real holiday reigned in the friendly Middleton family - by 1987, Carol and Michael had three long-awaited children, their financial situation had more or less stabilized, and love and mutual understanding reigned between the spouses themselves.

Catherine's parents on the day of the royal engagement announcement, November 16, 2010

And soon the fruits of distant relationships arrived - in the late 80s, Michael’s grandmother left him an inheritance of several trust funds. Overnight, the family of Kate, Pippa and James became millionaires. Not rich, of course (in the UK this status gives the right to be called “well-to-do middle class”), but now they could all afford a little more.

How to raise a princess

Carole and Michael Middleton arrive at Wimbledon, July 2, 2014

Carol on Day 9 of Wimbledon, July 12, 2017

In addition to commenting on Mrs. Middleton's figure, the head of Chanel will also note her always elegant style. Well, Carol passed it on to her daughters too. Being a very attractive woman (it was no coincidence that she was hired as a flight attendant), even in her poor years she never ceased to look good. Palm-length skirts above the knee, jackets, fitted blouses, romantic dresses - in fact, Kate Middleton’s legendary style began long before this girl became the prince’s bride. He will make himself known when still young Katherine begins to admire her mother’s outfits in which she came to her school events.

The art of waiting

It would seem that Carol's dream came true: she provided her children not only with a happy childhood, but also with a quality education and, more importantly, excellent upbringing. Perhaps more was not needed, but still, when Catherine entered the very prestigious University of Edinburgh, her mother gently advised her daughter to take a year off and travel, and at the same time take a closer look at the University of St. Andrews, where Prince William was supposed to enroll the following year. Of course, it didn’t come to pressure: like any reasonable mother, Carol simply left her daughter alone with this thought. And a year later, Kate became a classmate of the heir to the British Crown, leaving Edinburgh to be stormed by James and Pippa.

Kate and William, 2005

The romance between Miss Middleton and William did not start right away - but I think no one expected anything else. Carol, at least for sure. William at that time was just interested in Jessica Craig, and Kate herself preferred to go on dates with the handsome Rupert Finch.

Carol did not interfere, knowing that she had raised her daughter well enough for her to find a companion to match, but still her mother’s instincts did not let her down: in the end, Kate and William seriously liked each other.

Kate and William on the day of their official engagement announcement, November 16, 2010

For marriageable age, but not for consumption

So Catherine was preparing to leave her family and enter the British Royal House. The Middleton family, whose company instantly increased in value to £30 million thanks to the news of the engagement (analysts note that in fact, the company "Party Pieces" is hardly worth a quarter of this amount), paid a hundred thousand pounds for their daughter's wedding. The celebration was immediately dubbed another “wedding of the century”: the dress, decoration, wedding - it would seem that everything was perfect. The only one, however, who was dissatisfied was Carole Middleton, who felt that her family was not allowed to participate in organizing the event to the extent that she would have liked.

Carole Middleton, Elizabeth II and the Duchess of Cornwall at the wedding of William and Kate, April 29, 2011

She would later realize her full potential at Pippa's wedding, but it seems that on that day - April 29, 2011 - Carole was determined that this was the first and last time she would allow the royal family to push her around.

So that her daughter would not repeat the fate of Princess Diana, Carol did not want to fade into the background and abandon the newly-crowned Duchess of Cambridge to “be devoured by protocol.” Contrary to tradition, she moved to Kensington Palace during all of Kate's pregnancies (even now, she is with her daughter to help her cope with severe toxicosis), which sometimes caused genuine dissatisfaction with Elizabeth II. It went to extremes: they say that Carol did not even hesitate to scold William if, in her opinion, he did not pay enough attention to her daughter.

Carole Middleton and the Duke of Edinburgh at Royal Ascot, June 21, 2012

And, perhaps, her behavior could indeed be considered tactless, but it seems that if the Duchess of Cambridge did not have the support of a loved one who was ready to rush to her at her first word, she would hardly have been lucky enough to adapt to her new position as gently as she did described by admiring journalists. It is no coincidence that Carol is the only one Catherine is willing to trust to look after the children when she herself is on long-term trips. It is no coincidence that Catherine allowed her father to take the first photo of her son George in the garden of their family estate. It is no coincidence that for several years in a row, Kate, William and their children have been running to the Duchess’s parents to celebrate Christmas in a narrow family circle in Bucklebury. Love in the Middleton family is simple and clear, like a sunny day - because, unlike her famous mother-in-law, Catherine always smiles when she is with her family.

Carol continues to lead a secular lifestyle, launches a line of children's products following the news of Kate's pregnancies and advocates for her youngest daughter to continue to be called by the name Middleton in the press. The honor and reputation of her family has become her most pressing ambition today, but looking at the way she still rushes to Kensington Palace to take care of her pregnant daughter and the light that shines from her eyes when looking at her children, it becomes clear: in her In a family, real feelings stand incomparably higher than vain aspirations.

Kate, Pippa and their mother before the royal wedding, April 28, 2011

Carol with her youngest daughter Pippa, June 13, 2013

Carol hugs her youngest daughter, April 28, 2011

The Duchess of Cambridge with her mother at Royal Ascot, June 20, 2017

The parents of Kate Middleton, the current Duchess of Cambridge, are one of the usual British families.

Michael Francis Middleton, Catherine's father, was born in Leeds in 1949. His father was a pilot, and his grandfather was a legal consultant. Michael studied at Clifton College, following in the footsteps of both his father and grandfather. All three representatives of the Middleton family were boarding students at the Brown Faculty. Until 1987, Clifton was an all-boys school.

Mother of the Duchess of Cambridge - Carole Elizabeth Middleton, nee Goldsmith. She was born on January 31, 1955 in the Perivale maternity hospital, a suburb of the administrative district of London Illing. She grew up in a council flat in Southall and attended the local school.

Read also:

Kate's mother and father

Catherine's parents met while they were both working for British Airways. Carol was a flight attendant and Michael was a staff member.

In 1979, Michael was promoted to the position of air traffic controller. They married on 21 June 1980 at St James's Parish Church in Dorney, Buckinghamshire. In 1982, the couple had their first child, daughter Katherine. A year later, a second daughter, Philippa Charlotte, or Pippa for short, was born. The last, third child - this time son James, brother of Kate Middleton - was born in 1987.

The Middleton family has been in business successfully since 1987.

Carol loved to work with children and constantly organized holidays for them. One day, once again planning to cheer up the kids, she couldn’t find some little things for a children’s party. It was then that the decision to organize a company came to her mind. The name they chose was simple - Party Pieces. This is how the current multimillion-dollar fortune of the Middletons began to be created from a simple idea of ​​an ordinary housewife.

Today the Middleton family is discussed throughout Britain. Afterwards, all family members are of interest to the British. Pippa, who has become a real socialite, is especially popular. Despite the royal family ties and constant media attention, nothing affected the Middleton family's goodwill and courtesy.

Philippa Charlotte Middleton(Philippa Charlotte Middleton - English) was born on September 6, 1983 in Reading (Berkshire, England). Best known as Pippa Middleton.

The Middleton family does not belong to the British nobility; both spouses worked in civil aviation, Carol Elizabeth was a flight attendant, Michael Francis was an air traffic controller.

In 1987, the Middletons founded the parcel trading company Party Pieces, which successfully developed in the British market and made them millionaires. The family settled in their own home in the village of Bucklebury in Berkshire.


The imminent birth of a successor to the throne has once again increased interest in the royal family. Among those who are currently under the close attention of the paparazzi is Pippa Middleton ( Philippa Charlotte Middleton- English), younger sister of the Duchess.

While Kate is relaxing at Kensington Castle, the youngest Middleton is not wasting any time. Pippa Middleton is not only a relative of the future Queen of England, but also a young writer. These days, a presentation of Pippa Middleton's new book took place, which was presented in Holland by the newly minted writer herself.

Recently, Pippa went to Holland to present her book “Celebrate: A Year of Festivities for Family and Friends.” The younger sister of the wife of the English Prince William, Catherine Pippa Middleton, pleasantly surprised many admirers at the presentation of her newest book. Fans reported that Pippa looked great and was in no way inferior to her older sister.

Pippa Middleton slayed London with her flawless look.

The sister of the Duchess of Cambridge was noticed by fashion observers in central London - Pippa attracted the attention of photographers with her magnificent spring look. The Duchess's younger sister Catherine literally amazed her many fans who came to the ceremony with her appearance. Pippa, who usually misses the mark with her outfits, suddenly and unexpectedly became a true lady.

Fans sincerely hope that Pippa will develop a relationship with William's younger brother, Prince Harry.


The Middleton family gained great fame thanks to the crowned marriage of Kate and Prince William. After this, the Princess's parents, as well as her younger sister and brother, are under the gun of cameras. Unfortunately, not all the pictures can please: Kate's brother, James Middleton, has a very scandalous reputation.

James Middleton born April 15, 1987. He is the youngest child in his family. There is quite a big age difference between Kate and James, so talking about friendly relations between them is quite difficult. The boy was often sick as a child, but was always the center of attention. He always had many friends. According to family tradition, James entered the University of Edinburgh, but there were big problems with graduation.

The young guy decided to go into business, continuing the family idea: producing desserts. James Middleton's company currently offers pastries and cakes for any occasion. What’s most interesting is that the sweet product can have almost any form. Considering that the Duchess of Cambridge is currently riding a wave of popularity, her brother’s culinary masterpieces are selling out very quickly.

As a child, the boy was much closer to his sister Pippa. There is a possibility that his upbringing was strongly influenced by his female environment. It’s not just that the press is spreading rumors that James is gay. This information appeared almost immediately after the marriage of William and Kate, when journalists began to collect negativity regarding the Middleton family.

Every girl has her own ideal to which she strives. The real standard of femininity for many is Kate Middleton. She embodies the image of a modern princess who always looks beautiful under any gaze of the paparazzi. The Duchess not only has good taste in clothes, but also has an equally excellent figure. But she didn’t always look so flawless, so we will share what height and weight Kate Middleton is, and how she achieved aristocratic slimness.

The Duchess of Cambridge is a style icon. Often her look is a classic sheath dress, but not every girl can afford such an outfit. Kate, on the other hand, has an ideal body type that many would envy. But let's remember how she got her figure in perfect shape before the wedding and after the birth of two children, and what diet helped her.

Catherine Middleton cannot be called a diminutive woman; she is 175 cm tall, but at the same time has a small weight - only 60 kg.

She always keeps herself in a certain shape thanks to proper nutrition and exercise. After giving birth, she looks great, and at the age of 35, Kate did not go under the surgical knife. Even without makeup, she looks wonderful, as evidenced by the pictures taken by reporters.

Losing weight for the wedding

Even before meeting her future husband William, Kate Middleton looked a little different. Her university friends remember that she had chubby cheeks. The Middleton family is very athletic, so the future duchess has always been interested in sports. During her school years she played hockey and netball. Younger sister Pippa Middleton and brother James accompanied their sister in high-speed cycling.

Changes in appearance were noticed on a special day - during the wedding. The Duchess wore a beautiful dress that emphasized her slender figure, and many people wondered how Kate Middleton had lost weight.

Then they started saying that the Dukan diet helped the bride lose weight. This diet is extremely popular, the essence of which is that the diet should be low-carbohydrate. Kate Middleton's diet before the wedding consists of 4 stages:

  1. Stage "Attack". The menu consists of protein foods, the consumption of which is not limited. The principle is that the body, making up for the lack of carbohydrates, breaks down fats. This period lasts about 2-7 days.
  2. Stage "Cruise". Vegetables are added to the diet. The time of the “cruise” depends on the extra pounds, if you want to lose 2 kg, then the stage will last two weeks.
  3. Stage " Consolidation". The menu includes small amounts of sweets, cereals, cheese, etc. The duration of this stage depends on the kilograms lost per 1 kg lost. - 10 days of “consolidation”.
  4. Stage "Stabilization". There are no longer any restrictions on products. You only need to follow 3 rules:
    1. daily 20-minute walk;
    2. once a week - following a protein diet;
    3. daily consumption of 3 tablespoons of oat bran in any dishes.

Recovery after childbirth

During her first pregnancy, Kate Middleton gained several kilograms. The press even published a photo taken after the girl was discharged from the maternity hospital, where the belly that had not yet gone away after childbirth was visible. Journalists tried to track how much the duchess's figure had increased. Information has appeared that the young mother has lost 13 kg. and returned to its previous forms.

After her second pregnancy, Catherine was able to lose weight just as quickly, because her figure is closely monitored not only by her, but also by journalists who literally track every gram on the royal person’s body. Because of this, rumors about a new pregnancy may pop up on the Internet, but Kate always destroys the next gossip by going out in outfits that emphasize her slimness.

She managed to regain her figure so quickly thanks to diet and sports. It is worth noting that, even while pregnant, the Duchess did not give up sports, but preferred meditative prenatal yoga, which helps prepare for childbirth.

Sports in royal life

Britain's darling has never pinned her hopes solely on diet. She leads an active lifestyle and, despite her busy schedule, finds time for sports. In this environment, the royal family has its own preferences.

  • Yoga. Yoga has been Kate Middleton's priority for 15 years. She instilled a love for performing various asanas in her husband, and now they study together with the same instructor.
  • Tennis . The Duchess has been playing tennis since she was young. They say that the coach promised her great opportunities in sports, but the girl did not make tennis a priority. However, William spares nothing for his beloved wife, so their residence has a private tennis court.
  • Skiing. Also, since childhood, Katherine has been instilled with a love for the mountains. Therefore, a married couple can be found at a ski resort.
  • Swimming. This is husband William's favorite activity, but Kate is not far behind him. There are rumors that even before her marriage, she and the Duke went to the sea, where they organized competitions. Currently, the young prince, Middleton’s first-born, is mastering this sport.
  • Run . Kate has been interested in running since her university days. When she first met William, they organized pairs races.
  • Sailing. The Duchess is not used to just lying on a yacht and enjoying the weather. She can easily cope with the management of maritime transport. Once in New Zealand she took part in a competition in which she was the first to reach the finish line.
  • Walks. Being a member of the royal family means having vast territories. Now Middleton lives in Anwar Hall, where he walks his dog or rides his bike every day.

The Duchess, as you can see, never sits still. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised that she has a gorgeous figure.

It's nice to note that Catherine shares many of her sports activities with her husband. They really have a lot in common and are a great married couple.

Royal menu

Catherine Middleton's diet was based on low-carbon foods. But she loves to try something new, so, according to information from her inner circle, Kate began to get involved in a raw food diet. After all, raw food can preserve youth and improve skin condition.

It has long been known that unprocessed food has many beneficial properties. This diet was followed by stars such as Demi Moore.

The Duchess sets aside one day of the week for raw food. But her menu is chosen with royal chic.

Royal gazpacho

Gazpacho is a dish from sunny Spain, which is prepared from pureed fresh vegetables. To prepare you will need:

  • 500 g tomato;
  • 300 g cucumbers;
  • 300 g bell pepper;
  • 150 g onions;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 ml. olive oil.

Cooking steps:

  1. Peel all vegetables, remove seeds from peppers. Beat the ingredients in a blender.
  2. Add olive oil to the puree and beat again.
  3. Cool the soup in the refrigerator, leave for about 2-3 hours.
  4. Serve the soup with herbs and enjoy a Mediterranean dish.

Gourmet salad

Tabbouleh is a salad of oriental cuisine. To prepare you will need:

  • tomato - 3 pcs.;
  • couscous - 0.3 cups;
  • parsley;
  • olive oil and lemon juice;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. You need to pour 150 ml of couscous. boiling water, after five minutes stir it and the couscous is ready.
  2. Prepare tomatoes and parsley. To do this, simply chop them and add them to the cooled couscous.
  3. Season with oil and lemon juice. You can serve it as a salad, appetizer or side dish.

Also in her diet, Kate replaced regular milk with almond milk, and instead of sweets she ate goji berries and fruit salads.

Every woman in childhood dreamed of becoming a princess, but with a title, nature will not give you a beautiful figure. Using Kate Middleton as an example, you can see that her charming characteristics are the result of hard work and a lot of work on herself. Therefore, every girl can look like a queen if she puts effort into her beauty.

Kate Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading. Father - Michael Francis Middleton, was an air traffic controller, and later became a pilot for British Airways. Mother - Carol Elizabeth (née Goldsmith), was a flight attendant. Mother's ancestors were miners in County Durham. Kate has a sister, Philippa Charlotte (Pippa, 1983) and a brother, James William (1987).

When Kate was two years old, she and her family moved to the capital of Jordan, where her father was transferred to work. The family lived there from 1984 to 1986. At the age of three, the future duchess attended a local English kindergarten. Returning home, Katherine went to St. Andrew's School, graduating in 1995. After school, she attended Marlborough College, where she played a lot of tennis, hockey and netball, and also did high jump. While studying at Marlborough College, Kate completed the Duke of Edinburgh's highest level program.

In 2000, having successfully passed exams in chemistry, biology and art, Middleton received a certificate of general education of the second level of complexity, and took a year off from studying. During this year she visited Italy and Chile.

In 2001, Kate entered the most prestigious university in Scotland - St. Andrews. While studying at the Faculty of Art History, the future duchess played hockey for the university team and also participated in charity events. There she met her future husband, Prince William, who at that time was having affairs with two girls from the Faculty of English Literature.

Since 2002, Kate and William, being friends, began renting a separate house for housing, and since 2003, a country cottage. By this time, they had already begun an affair, which the young people tried by all means to hide. During their student holidays they traveled together several times.

In 2003, Catherine was one of the few people invited to the prince's twenty-first birthday. Over time, the future duchess managed to push all the other girls out of his heart, including the British model Isabella Calthorpe. Studying together at the University of St. Andrews and living under the same roof allowed them to get to know each other well. In 2004, the royal press service was forced to publicly admit that the prince had a lover.

In 2005, Kate Middleton graduated from the University of St. Andrews with a bachelor's degree, and Prince William, according to family tradition, entered the Sandhurst Military Academy. At the same time, Kate was invited to work in the purchasing department of a clothing chain, and she moved to London.

On December 15, 2006, Catherine and her parents attended a graduation ceremony at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, which was attended by Queen Elizabeth II and members of the royal family.

In April 2007, it was announced that Prince William and Kate Middleton had separated. One of the most likely reasons for the breakup was the growing pressure on the girl from journalists, as well as the beautiful Isabella Calthorpe. The British press claims that William allegedly even proposed to Isabella, but she refused him, not wanting to bind herself to all sorts of protocol difficulties and responsibilities inevitable for a member of the royal family.

In the summer, information appeared in the media about the possible resumption of the romance between the prince and Catherine, which was confirmed in August 2007. The young people decided to continue the relationship.

On November 16, 2010, the royal residence officially announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton. On October 20, while on vacation in Kenya, they got engaged. Preparations for the wedding and the very event of the marriage of a member of the royal family to a commoner attracted enormous media attention.

On April 29, 2011, the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Elizabeth Middleton took place at Westminster Abbey in London. A few hours before the service, Queen Elizabeth II gave William the titles Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron of Carrickfergus.

After the wedding, Kate Middleton became Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge. The ceremony was attended by most of the royal family, as well as many members of foreign royal families, diplomats and the couple's personal guests. Tens of millions of people around the world watched the wedding live.

On July 24, 2013, Catherine and William named their first child George Alexander Louis, and they use the name George in everyday address.

On October 23, 2013, Prince George of Cambridge was christened at the Chapel Royal at St. James's Palace. Seven people became godparents: William von Cutsem, Oliver Baker, Emilia Jardine-Paterson, Julia Samuel, as well as Lord Hugh Grosvenor (son of the 6th Duke of Westminster), the couple's former private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton and Queen Elizabeth's granddaughter Zara Phillips.

In April 2014, Kate Middleton, Prince William and Prince George went on an official three-week tour of New Zealand and Australia, during which they attended a parade, a sailing competition, a local zoo, and also tried their hand at DJing.

On September 8, 2014, the Westminster residence of members of the British royal family, Clarence House, confirmed information that Kate Middleton and Prince William are expecting their second child.


The Duchess of Cambridge's official title is Her Royal Highness Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus.


Spouse - Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (06/21/1982)
Son - George Alexander Louis (07/22/2013)
Daughter - Charlotte Elizabeth Diana (05/02/2015)
Son - Louis Arthur Charles (04/23/2018)