All people are subject to mood swings. Some more often, some less often. And you are probably familiar with the situation when everything around you is annoying. Every event, even positive, does not please, but brings disappointment. When the gentle spring sun hurts your eyes, and the chirping of the neighbor's children in the yard is an ear-worm. This does not mean that you are a bad person. You're just in a bad mood.

Who ruined your mood? Don't deceive yourself. A bad mood is not a consequence of external causes. The secret of the problem always lies within. And don't lie. Saying it's not true. Let's admit that we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens in our lives.

For some reason, people often like to plunge themselves into a depressing mood. It’s as if they are trying to find the reasons for all the problems. They are trying to find sympathizers. There are few advantages to this. True friends will be sorry, perhaps they will help with advice. Many people think that life is easier this way. But often a person justifies his laziness, low level of motivation, lack of desire.

How to deal with a bad mood? Reveal in the bud. After all, when some kind of trouble happens... STOP! This is the moment when the seed of depression falls on the soil. It is important to realize from which side you are looking at the situation. Can you decide for yourself how to look at a problem? Who decides this for us?

You need to think about it, delve into yourself. Understand what threatens your good mood. Listen to yourself? What happens to the body, to the mind, to the soul? This will help you see the first signs of a bad mood. And then you can take action. Which? How to get rid of a bad mood when it just begins to crowd out all the positive? You need to understand what is best for yourself. Decide what mood you choose.

Observation and sensitivity to one's own feelings are not an innate quality. It develops with the help of psychological exercises. Most personal trainings are aimed at understanding yourself.

What are the reasons for a bad mood? Very often this is a signal from our body. He tells us: “There is something wrong with me.” It’s a familiar situation – you wake up in the morning, and it’s not clear why you’re in a bad mood. And you just need to remember what happened yesterday before going to bed. Hearty dinner! Dietitians do not recommend eating before bed - this is harmful to your figure and contributes to the deposition of fat in the body. Psychologists agree with their colleagues. After seven to ten hours of lying almost motionless, the food stagnates and rotting processes begin. How to deal with a bad mood? Delay your meal time two hours before bedtime. Take a two-week to three-week course of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli every six months. You can eat fiber, which is sold in pharmacies - it helps remove harmful substances from the body.

You get into a very bad mood when you sleep in a stuffy room. The body does not have enough oxygen for proper rest. And he takes revenge with a feeling of weakness and nightmares. And they never cheer people up. But you need a little thing - an open window or regular ventilation before going to bed.

A bad mood in girls and boys causes constant stress. It occurs when you live in the same apartment with people you find unpleasant. You always have to expect something bad, constantly be in tension. How to get rid of a bad mood in this case? Try to move away from them.

Bad mood, what to do? Did it appear today? Think about how much caffeine you consumed yesterday. This substance plunges the body into a tense-stressful state. His overdose threatens the next day with a caffeine hangover. How to deal with a bad mood? Limit your daily caffeine intake. It is found in coffee, green and black tea.

Why the bad mood? Think about how much you move. With a lack of movement, the body's cells are poorly supplied with oxygen. A bad mood in this case is a cry from the body. Start moving more, playing sports, and it will immediately recede.

When you watch your diet, sleep comfortably at night, don’t experience constant stress, don’t overdo it with coffee and exercise a lot, but the problem remains a bad mood, what should you do? The cause may be a kidney problem or bile stagnation. When the kidneys do not work well, urine stagnates in the body. The body is poisoned. Drink more water and a diuretic. If there are symptoms of bile stagnation, you need to find out whether the gallbladder is working well. You can also drink choleretic drugs.

It is important to remember that a constantly bad mood is very dangerous. This can lead to depression. And it doesn’t matter what the reasons for the bad mood are. Depression negatively affects a person’s life, worsens his relationships with loved ones and colleagues, and negatively affects his ability to work.

How to distinguish a bad mood from depression? After all, with depression you need to see a psychotherapist. It consists of three components - mood disorders, autonomic disorders and fatigue.

If a bad mood lasts more than two weeks, the person has a mood disorder. When you are depressed, the world seems dull and gray. Very often, a mood disorder is accompanied by mood swings rather than a stable bad mood. In the morning everything around can make you happy, but in the evening you feel heaviness and depression. Or the morning bad mood dissipates in the evening. And then, it seems that there is no need to ask the question: “Why are you in a bad mood?” This is not so - you need to listen to yourself.

Sometimes a depressed mood is accompanied by feelings of melancholy, anxiety, despair, and indifference. Perhaps a person will not notice a bad mood. But the feeling of “a stone in the soul” will signal the onset of depression. There are rare cases when depression manifests itself in chronic pain in some place, and no doctors can identify the cause of this pain.

Very often, long-term stress can lead to depression with anxiety. It is very important to identify anxiety. It may be accompanied by constant unreasonable fear for loved ones, fear of falling asleep and frequent nightmares. Sometimes anxiety manifests itself as nervousness and the inability to sit in one place.

Anxiety, which manifests itself in a feeling of panic (symptoms of which are a feeling of rapid heartbeat, a feeling of lack of air, trembling in the body), often occurs against the background of full-blown depression. This is how one of the types of depression manifests itself - anxious depression.

Unlike anxious depression, when a person cannot sit still, other types of depression reduce a person’s motor activity. He sleeps more than twelve hours a day, and sleep does not bring morning vigor. Ordinary tasks such as making soup or vacuuming the carpet seem difficult and meaningless. Most likely, this is the development of apathetic depression.

Inhibition processes affect not only motor activity, but also mental processes. Attention and memory deteriorate, it becomes more difficult to think. Feeling tired after reading or watching TV for a short time.

The second component of depression is autonomic disorders (manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia). If the cardiologist and general practitioner have ruled out relevant organic diseases, then dizziness, headaches, frequent urination, false urges, and fluctuations in blood pressure and temperature are secondary vegetative signs of depression.

Depression also affects the gastrointestinal tract: appetite disappears, constipation appears for four to five days. With atypical depression, the opposite happens: appetite increases and diarrhea appears. This form of depression is much less common.

When depression develops in a person, regardless of gender, sensations in the sexual sphere become dulled. Sometimes depression prompts numerous promiscuous sexual intercourse and masturbation. Men have problems with potency. In women, menstruation is delayed by ten to fourteen for six months or more.

The third component of depression is asthenic. It is expressed in fatigue, irritability, sensitivity to weather changes.

With depression, there are problems falling asleep, shallow sleep, early awakening with a persistent desire to sleep.

The development of depression has its own laws. The most severe is depression, in which thoughts arise about the purposelessness of life, and even about suicide. The manifestation of such signs of depression is a reason to immediately contact a psychotherapist. It is important to begin treatment with medications in the correct doses as quickly as possible. Medicines affect the system of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), norepinephrine, etc. A stable mood helps solve psychological problems.

There is a myth that antidepressants are addictive. Therefore, many are afraid to take them. Strong sedatives and sleeping pills from the group of tranquilizers cause addiction. Antidepressants used to treat depression are not addictive.

Antidepressants are prescribed according to the nature of the depression: some treat depression with a hint of anxiety, others treat depression with a hint of apathy and indifference. When using medications in the correct dosage, the first results appear in the third or fourth week - anxiety disappears, suicidal thoughts disappear, mood levels out, and the desire to live actively appears. To cure depression, you must complete a course of treatment. If interrupted, depression may return.

The duration of treatment with antidepressants is determined by a psychotherapist. It usually lasts from four months to a year. Sometimes a maintenance course of treatment is prescribed. It is designed to consolidate the results achieved in the fight against depression.

Depression can be compared to a high fever. This is an indicator that something is wrong in the body. It should not be taken lightly. It is better to prevent it at the stage of bad mood.

Sometimes a bad mood overtakes me. Or the mood that is commonly called BAD in society. “I’m in a bad mood...” - that’s what they say. They say sadly. And they allow themselves to be immersed in it. In fact, the mood is not bad, but, let’s say, sad, mournful, accusing, sad, shy, submerged, unhappy, cheerless, etc. Let's figure out what kind of phenomenon this is and what you can do when you're “overwhelmed.”

Let's go through the symptoms. I don’t want to see anyone, I don’t want to communicate, you know pretty well about yourself that you’ll start whining to someone, and whining is disgusting; you don’t want to work, you refuse offers to hang out and go for a walk, you hide “in a hole” so as not to be touched; you begin to see the world in gray and black tones, without colors; you retreat into yourself and almost don’t notice the world, and in general you see it exclusively from the inside; There is a desire to find someone to blame and to blame someone for your current vision of the imperfections of the world.

Sound familiar? Does this happen to you? In my psychological practice, I often help people not only get out of such a mood, but also - what is more valuable to me - analyze and find the reasons for the appearance of such a state . Today I’m sharing with you ways to do this if you don’t have an attentive, professional psychologist at hand.

First. Try to put off all the NECESSARY things (those that you should do) until later - don’t worry, if you do everything correctly, “later” won’t last forever. The fear of endless unpleasant experiences is something that many people “sin” (I have repeatedly encountered situations where parents think about their children’s behavior that THIS will last for a long time always, or even all your life - this is not so. Trust the practice).

You can and should leave the things you want to do. I understand that there is little you want in such a state. And yet. We search and find.

The most productive method "number of times"- this is to change the physical space around yourself. Moreover, to call this magic not cleaning - under no circumstances! – and by creating beauty!

How does it work? By changing the space around us, we change the vision of our own world. It is not necessary to understand how this happens - I don’t understand it well (most likely, Feng Shui specialists know much more about this issue). It's enough to know that it works. You've probably noticed: you'll start putting things in order in your home, on your desk, and more! - for some reason they return to the world of paint, things get done, people call, clients come. It works.

It’s great to remember at the same time that when cleaning or clearing away rubble in the house or at work, it’s worth immersing yourself in this process. That is, try to turn off the mental, expectant and yearning process of thought formation. It is much more effective to do it in the mode of complete immersion, that is, receiving pleasure from CREATING BEAUTY around yourself.

Method "number two". Take up handicrafts. The same applies to physical labor and space decoration. Handicrafts can include everything from knitting to decorative changes to your home or office. Feel free to take a brush and paint. On walls, paper, a variety of surfaces - pour out what is in your soul outside.

No matter how surprising it may sound, the need for creativity in each of us is enormous. In everyone. (usually we are told that there are creative people, and there are uncreative people - they are lying!)

Our education was and is structured in such a way that we think (rather, analyze) more than we do. And if we do, then most of our actions are aimed at the production of banknotes. (today this is noticeable in the direction of the thoughts of our children). We can do the same in creativity. Only this is a pure production of beauty, ideologically originating in our Soul. By being creative, we get out of ourselves - ourselves.

How does it work? A bad mood, as a rule, is associated with the fact that we have forgotten about ourselves. Creativity helps you remember and tune in to your real self, and get out of yourself what you really like. Agree, when you create, you don’t owe anything to anyone :) Give it a try. Check it out. I know it works. You can check.

Method “number three”. Movement. Go, run, jump, have sex. Any movement. Just don’t sit there, going into the depths of self-analysis. Let your muscles take care of your good mood. They are capable of this.

Second. Be aware of the desire to whine. It's not productive. There is no need to fight him. When you are in a bad mood, the desire to whine has simply magical powers. Once! - and you are already whining, or feeling sorry for yourself. It would be wiser if you are in such a state, switch self-pity to anger. It will pass faster. Just remember: we are not in this world to destroy others like ourselves with our anger. We are for someone else. Direct your anger towards inanimate objects, or towards creating beauty (read above).

Why is there no need to fight the desire to whine? Because struggle is what strengthens desire, reinforces it. The more you fight, the stronger the desire. Have you tried to fight excess weight? Was the fight successful? Who won? Are you? What price did you pay for the victory?

How to do this? Imagine yourself looking at your whining, your bad mood. You are the spectator. And whining is a participant in some screen-television-radio-theatrical production. You are a spectator, not a participant in this “show”. Look from the side. Be aware, notice what you see. Whining and you are two different creatures.

Third. Don't rate. Evaluation is a sick symptom in the development of our society. We appreciate everything. Yourself, others, actions, thoughts, feelings, weather, world. Remember at least one case in your life when evaluation made you happy. Maybe successful, having “scratched” your ego - yes. But happy? Did grades bring you happiness? No to me. I think you too. If you don’t believe it, check it by remembering.

And again - be aware. You are the spectator. Notice how thoughts usually come down to evaluation. Once! - and you have already appreciated it. Yourself, circumstances, life and the world as a whole. “It’s all my fault...”, “The world is crap,” “They are bastards.” Notice and share: there is me, and there are thoughts-evaluations. There is a difference between us.

Fourth. "Send them on vacation." “They” are those people who, in your opinion, should have called you, repaid the debt, said the right words, not said the words, appreciated, protected, saved, helped, entertained whose, etc. Those people whose actions could ruin your mood. Consider them "on vacation." Wish them a happy holiday there.

The most interesting thing about this is that you/we/I can influence the duration of their “vacation”. As soon as we allow them to be in a state of unlimited vacation, it will end. There is no need to wait for the vacation to end right now, when you need them, for them to “come back urgently” to fulfill your expectations. Imagine that THEY are somewhere on the islands. Should they frantically stop their vacation and return at your first request? Imagine all the panic, confusion and stress that will arise if they really decide to give up everything to save you from your bad mood? Let them rest. Let them go. And they will immediately want to come back to be closer to you.

Fifth. World of facts. Despite the overabundance of information in the modern world, we DO NOT LIVE in a world of facts. We live in a world of ratings. Trust journalism: all journalism is built on subjectivism. On the assessments with which the media manipulate our consciousness. And all we do is “swallow” other people’s assessments.

Facts. Reality. How does it work? You stop your flow of thought formation, which was discussed above, and begin to slowly and meticulously describe what YOU HAVE. And there are, as a rule, a lot. You are breathing. This is a fact. You have arms and legs - thank you God! - and this is a fact. You have a roof over your head - yay! You have a job, school, children, husband (if you have all this). Your children are healthy and you - even if you are unhappy with them - have the opportunity to experience the deepest feeling of love for them. You have some skills. List it.

Important: keep your estimates. Become aware of them. Just the facts. It is. And that's it.

How does it work? By calling things by their proper names or announcing their presence to ourselves and the world, we create the foundation of reality. We show ourselves and the world that we have something to rely on, something to push away from in order to move either up or forward. You can only rely on solid ground. Ha facts. More on the sensations of the body. How does it feel now? How does it feel? Trembling? Relaxation? Tension? Describe.

Sixth. Gratitude. I won’t hide: my favorite self-help recipe - it also works with my clients - when you are in an incomprehensible mood, when you feel sadness, anxiety, confusion or resentment and accusations.

Gratitude is an amazing spiritual and psychological tool in its simplicity and effectiveness. How does it work in our “bad mood” situation? After you have realized a lot and called things by their proper names, listed the facts - after that it is worth thanking for all this. This is how we thank our parents, realizing that without them we would not exist. This is how we thank the sky and the sun, realizing that if we had a different climate, our life would not be so sweet. Let us be so grateful, realizing that we live in peacetime, and are not hiding in the ruins to escape a bomb or a stray bullet. This is how we give thanks for breathing...

Imagine - do this in order to live the very essence of gratitude - that in one beautiful moment you lost the ability to breathe... You can’t. It doesn't work out. You are suffocating... And again! - breathe again. What will be your gratitude now for this gift returned to you?

Any illness in our life - from depression to cancer - begins with dissatisfaction with what we have at the moment. From our bad mood. Or in other words: dissatisfaction with yourself. I suggest you notice the smallest shoots of dissatisfaction with yourself. You can pull out the weeds so as not to interfere with the growth of garden plants. Or you can sow everything with green grass and take care of it with love. The choice is yours. You can personally “turn on the sun” so that it helps you take care of those plants-thoughts-moods that you choose to “plant” in your head. B life. And again the choice is yours.

I wish you to make friends with a bad mood. It comes so that we can notice: somewhere I stopped thinking well about myself, somewhere I stopped taking care of myself, I’m too dissatisfied with what I have now. Let me give myself a holiday of the soul and regain my satisfaction with my life. With what I ALREADY HAVE.

Love, ease and skill to you, dear readers, in managing your own mood!

How do you cope with a bad mood?

If you have been diagnosed with mild depression, it doesn’t matter. It is easy to cope with without the use of special tools and medications. A few steps will relieve you of an obsessive pessimistic mood.

Step 1. Sports and exercise. During exercise, the level of endorphin in the body increases. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state. Experts also recommend starting your day with exercise and a contrast shower.

Step 2. Healthy sleep. Sleep disorders are the most common cause of sudden depression. Try to normalize your routine. Fall asleep earlier, putting all gadgets away. In sleep, thoughts are cleared of negativity.

Step 3. Change of scenery. Maybe you are not satisfied with your place of work? Don't be afraid, change it! A job you don’t like is another common reason that causes stress, and along with it, protracted, difficult-to-treat depression. Find what you like. Spend more time outside, discover new places, fill your life with pleasant memories and impressions.

Step 4: Reading. Good literature is not only the development of intellectual abilities, but also a great way to get rid of depression on your own! The book distracts you from obsessive thoughts and helps you gain new energy and vitality.

Step 5. Creativity. Scientists have long proven that during creativity a person throws all negativity aside, and his thoughts are completely cleared. Drawing, music, writing, sports... Find a hobby that you enjoy.

Step 6. Walking with friends. Close people are capable of creating real miracles with just their presence. Even if depression progresses and you don’t want to see anyone at all, overcome yourself: this will be a huge step towards healing.

How to get rid of depression on your own: traditional methods

You can fight depression with improvised means. Few people know, but many of the available products have a stimulating effect, and some, on the contrary, have a calming effect. We present to your attention several simple ways that will help you get rid of obvious symptoms of depressive disorder in a matter of days.

Nuts+dried apricots+honey. You will need an equal amount of all ingredients - 100 grams each. Grind the nuts and dried apricots through a meat grinder, then add honey. This mixture must be taken for a month, one teaspoon 2 times a day before eating.

Herbal drink. Collect one tablespoon each of lemon balm, peppermint and currant leaves, one teaspoon of thyme. Add two tablespoons of ordinary long tea to this. Mix. Pour a teaspoon of this “tea” with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain. By taking a glass of the drink 3 times a day, you can get rid of depression, lethargy and apathy on your own.

Healthy breakfast. Take a banana, a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of pine nuts (or walnuts), as well as sprouted wheat grains. Grind everything in a blender, adding a glass of milk. Drink this cocktail every day as breakfast, and within a month you will notice how your emotional state has begun to stabilize.

Depression is not a death sentence. Correct diagnosis and the right treatment method can correct the situation in a matter of days. You can get rid of it yourself, but you should not neglect the advice of specialists. After all, no matter how trivial the symptoms of mild depression are, they can always progress, developing into a severe form.

It seems that today is the worst mood?! It is not possible to establish the reason or there are so many of them that thoughts run wild, which one to stop at? Congratulations, you are not alone in this! How to overcome a terrible mood?! Let's talk about the most effective and efficient methods. Ready?! Then go ahead!

Why the terrible mood?

When you are in a bad depressive mood, literally everything is annoying. Some people express a terrible mood by aggression towards external stimuli, while for others it manifests itself in complete apathy and reluctance to even say a word to anyone.

When a person is not in good spirits, he is in a terrible mood, what reasons can provoke this? This state is preceded by the following life events:

If your soul hurts, cats scratch there incessantly, you need to listen to your condition. Only by analyzing the problem of depression, by getting to know yourself, can you find a way out of the blues.

Listen to ourselves

If you're in a terrible mood, then it's time to communicate with your inner self. analyze your internal state. Only this method will help you understand the reason for your bad mood. Listen to your inner feelings. How do you feel? Try to understand what exactly upsets you. Only with independent internal work can a person find the cause of discomfort within himself.

Feeling yourself and observing your condition is not given to everyone. If a person cannot “look” into his soul, then he should consult a psychologist. With the help of special techniques and psychological exercises, you can learn to understand your feelings and figure out what to do with them next.

How to fight?

Only the iron lady knows how to restrain her emotions when she is in a bad mood. Most people react emotionally not only to changes in life, but also to a terrible mood. However, this state does not make you look good either internally or even more so externally. Do you want to remain ugly for a long time? So, let's pull ourselves together! As they say in the famous novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”: saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. So, let's get started:

  • Treat yourself to a gift. At the first onset of the blues, buy yourself a gift. Even if you don’t have enough money in your wallet for the desired new thing, you will definitely find it for a bar of delicious chocolate. Chocolate will always cheer you up, and in a matter of minutes. It increases the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. This is what we need to get.
  • Love yourself. just what you need when you're in a bad mood. “Cleaning the feathers”: straightening the tips, a new manicure and pedicure is a guarantee of a good mood.

  • Call your friends. As life experience shows, a bachelorette party helps you forget about a bad mood. And all the problems that you share with your friends don’t seem so serious at all.
  • A new romantic adventure. If a woman is in a bad mood, then you can experiment a little. For example, we go to social networks and raise our morale with new acquaintances. Why not become a femme fatale at least for an evening?
  • We turn on a comedy or melodrama. The genre of the film depends on the character traits of a woman in a bad mood. Some people are crazy about melodramas, while others don’t mind brightening up the evening by watching science fiction or action films. The main thing is with a good ending. Otherwise, your mood will only worsen.

“We eat” a good mood - we get it

Few people know that some foods contain “happiness”: substances that improve mood. So, take out a notepad or write down a note on your smartphone:

Of course, no one canceled their favorite dishes. Why can’t you please yourself, especially if you’re in a bad mood? It's very necessary!

Adding activities

What to do when you're in a terrible mood? Many simply wrap themselves in a blanket, lie down on the sofa and begin to cry, feeling sorry for themselves. Forget about this “destructive” rule! Force yourself to move, charge your body with vigor. Jogging, dancing, fitness training, swimming - all active sports will help you forget about apathy forever.

Don't be afraid of getting tired. Of course, you will feel the consequences of physical activity, but you will immediately feel psychologically free and cheerful.

If you are not ready to be physically active, then walking is an alternative. However, you need to go quickly. Walking speed is directly proportional to the speed at which your mood improves. The faster you walk, the better oxygen saturates your blood. Consequently, dull, pessimistic thoughts go away from your life.

Do not think about bad things under any circumstances. Yes. This is hard. But you need to overcome yourself. To help you - positive dance music in headphones. Take advantage, you won’t regret it!

Towards something new!

How to overcome a terrible mood? Keep your thoughts busy with something new! Eg:

Try auto-training. I would immediately like to recall the film “The Most Charming and Attractive” directed by G. Bezhanov.

This amazing film provides simple recommendations on how to deal with a bad mood. A good mood after watching is guaranteed. And self-hypnosis is a whole effective art.

What is bad mood afraid of?

Paradoxical as it may seem, the enemy of a bad mood is laughter. Laugh! The muscles on the face record emotions. Therefore, as soon as the lips spread into a smile, the “fun” reaction immediately enters the brain. Of course, in theory everything works out great. However, this is a proven first way to attack a bad mood.

Have a little holiday for yourself. Moreover, the reason is literally “under your feet.” For example, the victory of your favorite team at the championship, the birthday of your favorite cat or dog, anniversaries, etc. Invite your friends and have fun from the heart.

Getting smarter and happier

Another way to improve your mood is to engage in self-development. Yes, strange as it may seem, intellectual activity is useful in a wide range.

First, you develop mentally. Secondly, the inner belief that you will become even smarter will immediately affect your mood. Solve crossword puzzles, open an interesting book you haven’t read, take psychological tests, play board games. Better yet, come up with activities for yourself. What do you want to do now? Gather your will and do it.

How to get ahead of depression?

Of course, there are life situations in which conventional methods are simply powerless to improve your mood. However, being depressed is not an option. By the way, psychologists say that depression leads to a gradual loss of self-confidence. If we think logically, then who would be interested in a depressed, pessimistic, insecure person? At most, you will “attract” people similar to yourself.

If a serious psychological problem sits inside, then consult a psychologist. He will help guide you to find a way out of the current situation. Remember that everything passes. Failure will not be your eternal companion in life.

Life is not just black and white. It should glow and be full of bright positive shades. Your day and your whole life will depend on what brush and what color you dip it in. Paint your life in all the colors of the rainbow!

Let every moment be filled only with positive and bright shades. Walk boldly along your rainbow of life, and may you never encounter depression along the way!

Every person, at any age, experiences moments of deterioration in their mood. Everything seems to be the same as always, but somewhere the inner spirit and desire to do something disappear. And when the question arises: what to do if you are not in the mood, then not everyone knows how to behave and how to act.

First of all, you need to find out the reason for the lack of mood. There can be many circumstances that influence its deterioration, these can be minor troubles and large, big problems.

Reasons that influenced the deterioration of mood

  • Quarrels and conflicts
  • Failures at work
  • Stressful situations
  • Ailments
  • Resentment towards others
  • Financial position

Of course, this is an incomplete list of reasons. But, you need to remember that every problem can be solved, there is a way out of any situation, the main thing is to find it. And 50% of the fact that there is a bad mood is a person’s personal perception of the problem, that is, you can reconsider some of your qualities and views on a particular situation. Treat the problem with some ease and try to solve it at the root.

Ways to solve problems

If the reason is a quarrel, then you just need to talk with the person, clarify all the misunderstandings and come to a common compromise. If you are offended by a person, talking to him and expressing the essence of the complaints will also help. You shouldn’t keep it to yourself, because the accumulation of negative emotions can lead to disappointments and unfulfilled hopes.

If these are failures at work, it’s worth understanding the problem, why this happened or why something didn’t work out. You should not delay in solving problems, since the accumulation of small failures will ultimately lead to a lack of desire to work.

In stressful situations, it is worth distracting yourself. A walk in the fresh air, entertainment and relaxation helps a lot.

The doctor and the remedy he prescribed will relieve you of your ailments.

When facing financial difficulties, you need to remember that earning money means working. If there is no place to work, then find one. If you have it, but are not satisfied, then change jobs. And if you have a job and are happy with it, you can look for additional sources of income.

Every person is capable of cheering himself up. In any situation it helps:

  • Source of joy and smiles (children and animals)
  • A good deed (any, in relation to others)
  • Creativity (crafts, drawing, singing, dancing, etc.)
  • Food (favorite dishes)
  • Fresh air (walk and rest)
  • Sport
  • Pleasant music
  • Funny movie
  • Meeting and communicating with loved ones

Lack of mood often occurs on significant holidays, such as birthdays or New Years. Experts have proven that this is due to several factors:

  • Age (every year, becoming older, a person begins to reflect on the past years, forgetting about the holiday)
  • Disappointment in the behavior of others (lack of desired congratulations and gifts)
  • Fatigue (physical, from preparing for the holiday and moral, from increased attention from others)

There is nothing scary about this, you just need to switch to the holiday and have a good time.

People around you can also help improve your mood. If there is a gloomy person around you, you should help. Find out why you are not in the mood and try to cheer him up. Phrases to lift your spirits will help: compliments, words of encouragement and willingness to help. After all, sincere sympathy and empathy does not cost material costs, it is priceless, and many people need it.

What if depression?

You should know that a lack of mood that lasts for weeks, months or even years is depression, and only specialists and pills will help you get rid of it. The reasons for depression are more serious circumstances than minor grievances.

  • Serious illness
  • Poor relationships with family
  • Parting and separation from loved ones
  • Death of relatives
  • Lack of love
  • Divorce
  • Difficult critical situations
  • Constant failures

Adolescents are often exposed to depression; it is at this age that a change in worldview and views, internal changes and a reassessment of values ​​occur. If a child is noticed: a constant lack of mood, reluctance to do homework, communicate with peers and everything irritates him. You shouldn’t leave him alone, alone with his thoughts. Help is definitely needed. You can work with a teenager on your own if you have enough knowledge and strength, but it is better to seek help from specialists.

If depression is not treated, it can become very serious. The course of the disease occurs gradually: from a state when you often want to cry, to a state of belief in powerlessness, inferiority, uselessness, loneliness, uselessness and distrust of people. At the moment of such a state, you don’t want to do anything, then an internal breakdown occurs, a breakdown occurs, faith in yourself and the future disappears, the desire to simply live disappears. With this condition, only specialized doctors and psychologists can help. You should not try to cope with severe depression on your own, at the risk of only making the condition worse.

Whatever your mood, bad or depressed, you shouldn’t give up. It is necessary to work on your inner world, bringing it to a better state. A positive attitude definitely leads to success and the realization of any dream.