The person of Anna Sedokova has been attracting attention for many years. She is known for her numerous novels, candid photos and the fact that before, she was a member of the “golden” cast of “VIA GRA”. The girl has practically ideal parameters and therefore does not hesitate to publish her photographs on the pages of magazines and on social networks.

She constantly stirs up the public's interest with photographs of expensive gifts and huge bouquets of flowers from fans. Unfortunately, at present Anna Sedokova is better known for her posts on the pages of Internet sites than for her creative activities.

But at the same time, she was able to release three solo albums, which did not become mega-popular.

But Anya’s popularity among men is beyond doubt. The girl was officially married twice and has three children. She always had fans, which she shared with the public and the press. But despite such success with the opposite sex, the singer is currently alone and raising three children.

Sacrifices for the family

Being at the peak of her popularity and performing in the VIA GRA group, the girl suddenly disappeared from the sight of fans. Everyone was wondering what happened and where Anya went. It turned out that the girl married a famous football player, Dynamo Kyiv player Valentin Belkevich.

The wedding and pregnancy were connected with Anna Sedokova’s departure from the group. She decided to become an exemplary wife and devote himself completely to his family. Six months after the wedding, a daughter, Alina, was born into the family of the football player and singer. Anna was very happy, because since childhood she had dreamed that she would have a full-fledged family.

She devoted all her time to her husband and daughter. The girl learned to cook and practically did not appear at social events. But her husband did not appreciate these sacrifices. He preferred spending time with his friends and teammates rather than with his wife and daughter.

After two years of this life, Anna decided to take the child and file for divorce. She cited her husband’s numerous infidelities as the reason for the divorce. This provoked a scandal between the former spouses and resentment for life.

Married to a businessman

After the divorce, I had to think about how to earn a living for myself and my daughter. When Alina grew up a little, Anna returned to show business. But the return was not triumphant, as the singer expected. She has released several new songs. Her main performance venues were festivals and group concerts.

Later Sedokova decided to pursue a career in Russia. She began to take part in various music and sports shows, hosted programs and broadcasts. Along with this, the girl did not stop looking for a husband. But this time she decided that her husband should be wealthy so that she and her child would not need anything.

This person was Maxim Chernyavsky, who was the manager of Formula 1 and had a good fortune. It was this man who significantly influenced the image of Anna Sedokova, making her a fatal beauty.

Interesting notes:

Fans noticed that after the birth of her second daughter Monica, the singer’s appearance and style began to change. Anna began to prefer revealing dresses, which sometimes resembled a piece of fabric, wore bright red lipstick and emphasized her sexuality in other ways. It was hard not to notice that the girl had several plastic surgeries.

Later she will tell you that by choosing such outfits and making changes to her appearance, she tried to please her husband, who preferred sexy beauties. Anna felt best in simple jeans and a T-shirt, but for going out she chose revealing outfits.

Despite the birth of a daughter, the marriage with Maxim Chernyavsky also did not last long. Again the girl had to go through a divorce. And again the reason was banal - her husband’s infidelity. There was also a scandal. The singer accused her friend Santa Dimopoulos of taking her husband away from the family.

After the divorce, the former spouses were unable to maintain friendly relations even for the sake of their own child. They met only occasionally at Monica's birthdays. And now Chernyavsky has completely decided to deprive the girl’s mother of parental rights and took her daughter to America. Sedokova faces long legal battles to resume custody of her daughter.

Men of the singer's life

Two unsuccessful marriage and her husbands’ infidelities did not make the girl give up on men. She was still looking for her happiness. For some time, Sedokova had a relationship with dancer Sergei Guman.

Their relationship was not without scandals, breakups, declarations of love and passionate reconciliations. But even here Sergei turned out to be not the man with whom Anna was going to spend her whole life. The couple broke up. The singer commented on their separation and named the reason for this.

It turned out that the relationship did not stand the test of distance, because the singer actually lived in three countries and was torn between work and personal life.

Interesting notes:

Read on E-motion about the main men in the singer’s life

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Anna Sedokova is now in the spotlight - rumors about her divorce from her husband Maxim Chernyavsky, and also about quarrel with friend Santa Dimopoulos it's on everyone's lips now. On her page, Anya shares thoughts on personal topics, and we at E-motion will try to find out why Sedokova is so unlucky with men. Read about the main men in the beauty’s life and draw your own conclusions.

Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk © Lydia Tropman

Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk

Of course, Anna Sedokova did not have an affair with these men. But they were the ones who played important role in the singer’s life, inviting her to the group “ VIA Gra" It is unknown how things would have turned out creative life Sedokova, if not for these producers. However, one can, of course, assume that Anna would have managed without them, and Meladze and Kostyuk simply made her path into show business a little easier.

Be that as it may, Sedokova broke up with these men with a scandal. And when her solo numbers were cut from the television version of the concert for the anniversary “ VIA Gra“, she just shrugged her shoulders, saying: “The ability to rejoice in the victories of your students is the greatness of a teacher.”

Valeriy Meladze © Oleg Batrak,

Valeriy Meladze

Who would have thought that filming Valery Meladze’s video “I Can’t Live Without You” would become such a test for Anna Sedokova. As, indeed, for Valery himself. The whole point is that film set then Meladze’s wife, Irina, accidentally stopped by. The woman was simply horrified by the abundance of explicit scenes and immediately demanded that they be cut out.

And in the party they immediately whispered that there is no smoke without fire, and it’s not for nothing that Irina is so jealous of her husband for the young beauty Anna. As time has shown, then the singer’s wife should still have been jealous of him for the wrong VIA Gra participant...

Valentin Belkevich ©

Valentin Belkevich

Footballer and at that time captain of Dynamo Kyiv Valentin Belkevich became the singer’s husband in June 2004. The singer was so captivated by her love for the athlete that for the sake of her family, when she learned about her pregnancy, she even left the mega-popular VIA Gra. In her marriage to Belkevich, Anna gave birth to a daughter, Alina. But even the child could not save the couple from breaking up.

Sedokova honestly admitted that her divorce was very difficult, and hinted that the reason was Valentin’s betrayal. Moreover, according to Anna, her ex-husband suggested that she get back together, but she still decided that broken cup you can't glue it together.

Andrey Malakhov © Press service

Andrei Malakhov

“Sedokova was caught in bed with Malakhov” - these types of headlines literally blew up the Internet several years ago. Of course, it was only on the set of Anna’s video “I’m getting used to it” - especially since Sedokova and Malakhov are old friends. But such a hot cause for rumors could not go unnoticed and the couple was even credited fast wedding- Anya and Andrey played love in the video too convincingly. However, the singer and showman are still only friends.

Roman Emelyanov ©

The tall and handsome young man was known to fans Russian show business only as the husband of Anna Sedakova. But after he took part in the “Bachelor” project, he became very popular, especially among the fair half of the TNT channel audience.

Childhood and family of Maxim Chernyavsky

Maxim was born in Kyiv. He also spent his childhood there. His family was quite wealthy thanks to the trading business. Marina Chernyavskaya, Maxim’s grandmother, was among the first to open a country hypermarket. This is the “Maxi” complex. It was opened in 2000.

It is known that family business It was always the grandmother who led. Chernyavsky’s father is an entrepreneur, his mother works as a chief accountant.

After successfully graduating from school, the young man became a student at the Kiev University of Trade and Economics, from which he graduated with honors.

The beginning of the career of businessman Maxim Chernyavsky

The Maxi hypermarket, owned by Maxim’s grandmother, could not withstand the competition and was purchased in 2005 by the Fozzy corporation. After this, Chernyavsky, under the strict guidance of his grandmother, began to engage in construction luxury real estate.

Thanks to perseverance and hard work, the aspiring businessman at the age of nineteen created a successful enterprise. It cannot be said that he did this without the support of his relatives, including financial support. However, in business, not only great finances are important, but also the ability to think economically and “push with elbows.”

Chernyavsky is not yet thirty years old, but he is already a successful entrepreneur and millionaire. Many business partners around the world know his last name.

Personal life: Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedokova

In an interview, Maxim says that he has always liked girls who have a model appearance. For some time, Maxim dated a fashion model from Kyiv. This was before I met my wife.

Anna Sedokova got confused in men - Maxim Chernyavsky

My future wife The businessman saw Anna Sedokova on TV long before he met in person during a performance by the VIA Gra group. Later he saw her on the street and decided to meet her. Romantic relationships developed at lightning speed. At the beginning of 2010, they went on vacation to Los Angeles, where the young man proposed to Anna. A year later, the couple got married. In the summer they had a daughter, who was named Monica. The girl is very similar to Anna. Since the couple did not have a wedding as such, but only a wedding ceremony, they decided to gather guests and celebrate their wedding, combining it with a celebration in honor of the birth of their daughter. None of Anna's colleagues were among the guests.

It must be said that Sedakova was married for some time to football player Valentin Belkevich. This marriage broke up in 2006. They have a daughter together, who remained with Anna after the separation.

Unfortunately, after a year and a half life together, Anya and Maxim's marriage broke up. At first there were a lot of quarrels, unpleasant statements about each other on the Internet and in the press, and this was followed by a loud divorce process.

In an interview, Chernyavsky said that it was difficult for him to be married to a woman who often appears in explicit videos and videos, and who has many men. In his opinion, he needs a more “homely” wife, a keeper of the hearth, a mistress of the house. Anna accused her husband of numerous affairs, including with Santa Dimopoulous, Sedakova’s colleague.

The daughter stayed with Anna, but Maxim proves himself to be wonderful loving father and often sees Monica. They spend almost every weekend together. On his blog, friends often see new photographs showing Maxim and Monica during their regular meetings. Many people believe that mutual feelings ex-spouses still haven't faded away. On his pages on social networks, Chernyavsky wrote more than once that his daughter and her love for him gives him confidence in life, gives him strength and the desire to move forward.

New women of Maxim Chernyavsky

A month and a half after the official divorce, the businessman was repeatedly seen with Anna Anders. This Ukrainian model is only nineteen years old. The relationship did not last long. The media often wrote about the similarities new passion Maxima with his ex-wife.

During the advertising of the upcoming reality show “The Bachelor,” a photograph of his daughter was repeatedly used with Chernyavsky’s permission. This was the reason that Anna filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband, saying that she was against Monica being shown on the show.

Maxim Chernyavsky in the show “Bachelor”

After a difficult divorce, the businessman was invited to become a participant in the show “The Bachelor”. He stated that his heart is free, so he would gladly take part in a reality show where girls from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia would “fight” for his affection and love.

There have been many articles in the media about possible reasons Maxim’s participation in “The Bachelor”. One of the most likely is that he wants to be seen. As for the weak half of humanity, the businessman never felt a lack of their attention.

The show was shown by TNT in the spring of 2014. Maxim chose a girl Masha from the city of St. Petersburg as his “wife”. She is 23 years old and is a lawyer by training.

Maxim Chernyavsky now: his hobbies

Maxim tried more than once to change his clothing style. When buying himself another business suit, he always makes a promise to himself to wear it. But soon he is seen again in the office in jeans and his favorite Nike sneakers.

A young man is interested in auto racing. When it comes to cars, he prefers the Porsche brand.

Journalists conducted an investigation about the new Russian “Bachelor”, during which interesting facts about him surfaced. It turned out that Maxim Chernyavsky is not at all successful businessman, as he and the creators of the reality show claim. Young man is called a millionaire and the owner of one of the largest construction companies in Los Angeles, with branches all over the world, but in life everything turned out to be wrong.

Those close to Maxim Chernyavsky reported that thanks to the powerful financial support grandmother, Marina Chernyavskaya, the guy really tried to build a business by opening a development company. But three months later, the young businessman was left with nothing, his business went bankrupt. The only thing Maxim Chernyavsky managed to do was buy real estate in Ukraine and America.

“For some people it is more important to appear than to be,” this is about Maxim. Everything that is shown in this TV show is a lie and deception, which naive girls and lovers of easy money believed. And I'm not going to discuss this anymore horrible dream in my life!"- said Anna Sedokova.

TNT TV channel, which broadcasts Russian version the show “Bachelor”, information about the financial problems of Maxim Chernyavsky refutes:

“We do not confirm the information about Maxim’s financial problems. The creators of the show carefully checked information about it even at the stage of casting candidates. That is why, out of several hundred applicants, only one Maxim became the main character of the show “The Bachelor” on TNT.”

“Maxim Chernyavsky’s grandmother has not interfered in her grandson’s financial affairs since he turned 20,” Ekaterina Kostyukova, creative producer of the “Bachelor” show, told - Yes, Marina Chernyavskaya had and still has her own capital, but Maxim’s construction business is not connected with his family’s capital; he founded and developed his company himself. Moreover, his company has not suffered any failures and is developing successfully. Having collected all possible information about what kind of person Maxim is and his financial successes, we decided to offer him participation in the project. Money is not the main thing, but, fortunately, he has enough of it to provide for himself, his entire family and his future wife. The presence of two houses in Los Angeles, land in West Hollywood and his own car fleet provides a fairly strong basis for a general understanding of his financial well-being. Maxim Chernyavsky’s participation in the show “The Bachelor” is not paid, no fees are paid to him.”