In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Murat, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac Murata – Cancer
  • Planet – Moon
  • The color of the name Murat is silver
  • Treasured plant - water lily
  • The patron of the name Murat is the doe
  • Murat's talisman stone is selenite

What does the name Murat mean?: desire (Turkish, Ossetian name Murat of Muslim origin).

The name Murat has Arabic roots. Historians say that the meaning of the name Murat is “intention, desire, goal.” It must be said that in some countries such an option as Murad is popular. It appeared in honor of the fact that the Murad River flows through the Armenian Highlands in Turkey, being the most important tributary of the Euphrates. In history, there are known sultans of the Ottoman Empire who bore the name Murat. From him the surnames Muradov and Muratov were subsequently formed.

Angel Murat Day: not noted, since the name Murat is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

Character of the name Murat: As a rule, as a child, Murat does not cause any trouble to his parents, teachers, or educators - from an early age he gets used to listening to adults. He gets along well with his peers, as he is distinguished by his sociability and lack of aggression. The name Murat rarely gets sick and is distinguished by good health. He loves animals very much, and he always has a pet at home.

Murat has a very strong character and a keen sense of justice. So, he is always ready to stand up for a weaker and defenseless person. A man named Murat is non-conflict, practically uninfluenced and always acts as he sees fit - he has his own criteria for success, correctness, etc. It is difficult to argue or quarrel with him, since Murat respects any point of view and does not try to impose his own opinion as the only correct one.

Health and talents named after Murat: The meaning of the name Murat largely depends on the time of year of his birth. So, Murat, born in winter, is in dire need of friendly support. However, the desire not to seem intrusive leads to the fact that the name Murat does not ask for help. “Autumn” Murat adapts well to circumstances and is able to find a common language even with the person towards whom he feels negative.

At work, the name Murat is very responsible and diligent. Professions related to the exact sciences are more suitable for him. Driven by vanity and pride, he will definitely achieve success in his career. Can be an artist, journalist, instructor, director.

The fate of the name Murat in history:

  1. Murad I the Godlike (Khudavendigar) - Ottoman sultan (1359-1389), thanks to whom the Ottoman state expanded by annexing Anatolia in the Balkans
  2. Murad II - Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1404-1451), who contributed to the expansion of Turkish influence in the Balkan Peninsula, and also strengthened the power of the Ottomans in Anatolia
  3. Murad V (Murat Khan V) – 33rd Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, reigned for less than 1 year
  4. Murad Bey - Mamluk leader of Egyptian origin
  5. Hadji-Murat Khunzakhsky - the foster brother of the Avar khans and a character in the story of the same name by L. Tolstoy
  6. Murad Magomedov – Russian and Soviet archaeologist, professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, specialist in the field of early medieval history of the peoples of the North Caucasus, Dagestan and South-Eastern Europe
  7. Murat Zhurinov – Kazakh chemist, scientist, president of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan
  8. Murad Gaidarov is a Belarusian freestyle wrestler.
  9. Murad Girey Tlekhas - Azerbaijani major general, military leader
  10. Murad Guloyan – Armenian statesman and political figure
  11. Murat Aitkhozhin - academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, specialist in the field of molecular biology and biochemistry
  12. Murat Aliyev is a Kyrgyz and Soviet cinematographer, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, who worked at the Kyrgyzfilm Film Studio.
  13. Murat Suyumagambetov - football player, former player of the Kazakhstan national team, striker of Tobol
  14. Murat Ristov is a Russian, Soviet, Kazakh singer and songwriter.


Murad (Murat, Murod, Marat, Muradi) - Arabic, Turkic, Persian, Georgian, male name. It is of Arabic origin and can have several sounds ( Murad, Murat, Murod, Marat, Muradi). The pronunciation of the name depends on the language and its dialect. Among historical figures there are bearers of all variants of the name. The name Murad was especially popular in the Ottoman Empire. The meaning of the name Murad in Arabic is “desired”, “goal” or “plan”.

Variants of the name and their distribution

Option Murad And Murat distributed everywhere. Option Murod distributed mainly among Arab, Turkic and Iranian peoples. Option Murod It is most common among Uzbeks, Tajiks and Turkmens, as well as among Azerbaijanis, Turks and the peoples of the Caucasus. Option Marat mainly among the Tatars and Bashkirs, rarely among the Kazakhs. Option Muradi among Georgians and Adjarians.

Geographical objects

  • One of the names of the Murat River in Turkey.


  • Murad, Leila (at birth Liliana Murad; 1918-1995) - Egyptian pop singer and actress.
  • Murad, Nadia (born 1993) - Iraqi human rights activist of Yazidi origin.
  • Murad, Ferid (born 1936) - American physician and pharmacologist, Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine.
  • Name of several sultans of the Ottoman Empire
    • Murad I- Sultan from 1359 to 1389.
    • Murad II- Sultan from 1421 to 1444 and from 1446 to 1451.
    • Murad III- Sultan from 1574 to 1595.
    • Murad IV- Sultan from 1623 to 1640.
    • Murad V- Sultan in 1876.
  • Murad (Khan of the Golden Horde)
  • Murad Geray (1627-1696) - ruler of the Crimean Khanate.
  • Murad Bey (1750-1801) - Egyptian Mamluk leader.
  • Murad Sebastatsi (1874-1918) - national hero of Armenia.
  • Articles starting with the word Murad

Murat: the meaning of the name and the character of a person

It has long been known that the name given at birth influences a person’s fate. Therefore, many try to find out the etymology (origin) of their name and its interpretation. Such knowledge helps to avoid mistakes in communication, find your calling, and identify hidden talents.

Murat is a desired goal

From what country did the beautiful sonorous name Murat come? The origin of the name, as well as its literal translation, have not been fully established. Some onomastologists believe that the name is purely Arabic, others claim that it came from the Persian language. Hence some contradictions in interpretation. The translation of the name Murat has several options:

  • purpose, intention;
  • goal-oriented;
  • desired.

Given the differences in translation, modern interpreters of names have found a compromise: many of them translate the name as “desired” or “desired goal.” They are sure: these interpretations are reflected in the character of the child named Murat. The meaning of the name gives the baby special character traits that distinguish the boy from his peers.

What does the name Murat mean?

Murat's main trait as a child was his responsiveness. The boy is very kind and constantly avoids conflicts. He doesn't give anyone any trouble. Always obedient, striving for peace and order, the child often helps adults reconcile quarreling children, and always stands up for the weak. For this, his peers love him and his teachers appreciate him. The boy perfectly absorbs new knowledge, studies well, but not because he wants to be the best. Innate abilities help him absorb new knowledge, and the desire for a conflict-free existence helps him fulfill all the requirements and guidelines of teachers. Diligent, but not a "nerd", good-natured, but not unrequited, flexible, but quick-tempered - these are the main characteristics of a boy named Murat. The meaning of the name, which came from the Muslim world, leaves an imprint on the child’s behavior: he easily adopts the behavior model of the adults around him. The boy grows up reliable, confident, and proud. Constantly in need of approval, he never shows that he suffers from lack of attention. If a child was “disliked” in childhood, in adulthood he chooses a profession not related to communication.

Murat means "purposeful"

What does the name Murat mean for an adult man? Already from adolescence, he understands perfectly what he wants from life. Having chosen a goal, he achieves it, despite the difficulties and obstacles that await him. Often he himself enters a university, where he studies well enough so as not to create additional difficulties for himself. Ignoring some subjects and requirements, the young man pays increased attention to those aspects of training that, in his opinion, will be necessary in the future. The young man chooses his own field of activity. He takes his chosen job extremely seriously, thoughtfully, and spares neither effort nor time for it. Any employer can without a doubt hire a man whose name is Murat. The meaning of the name ensures that this person can be trusted with the most difficult matters. Murat is picky and responsible, which often annoys his colleagues. Therefore, Murat feels most comfortable where he can do all the work himself.

The most striking character traits

Murat is a very flexible person, so he can make a good diplomat or a modern leader. Responsibility, scrupulousness, practicality and the ability to get along with people allow him to easily adapt to any environment. Murat has well-developed mathematical abilities and an excellent memory. He is musically gifted and prone to deep and comprehensive analysis. Intelligence, excellent organizational skills and self-criticism open any doors for a man named Murat. The meaning of the name ensures that he can find himself in any field: from politics and science to art and crime.

Personal life

Most often, this name is given to boys born into Muslim families. This undoubtedly leaves an imprint on the character of a man. Being soft and flexible, he adamantly follows his line in the family. He is the undoubted head of the family, a good “steersman”. A loving and wise father, a successful earner, an intelligent adviser - this is also Murat. The meaning of the name suggests that he puts the interests of his family above all else, and therefore will stop at nothing to protect her. Sometimes a man can indulge in affairs, but most often he needs them to maintain the image of a real man, and do not in any way affect Murat’s children and wife.

As a translator, the name is Murad

Lady in a hammock on vacation

The meaning of the name Murad (Murat) is Arabic. - “goal”, “intention”.

Characteristics of the name Murat: As a child, he does not cause trouble for adults; he is loved in kindergarten, and then at school. He is obedient, understanding, and gets along well with his peers. An unusually musical boy. Kind and responsive, sociable. Rarely gets sick. He loves animals very much and rarely does without a cat or dog in the house. Children feel Murat’s kindness, but he doesn’t know how to refuse friends. Murat grows up as a very conscientious boy; he is usually not the only child in the family, but he is loved more than others. Murat is fair, but quick-tempered, he always stands up for the weak. Very proud. Persistent in achieving goals. Usually, on his own initiative and without outside help, he graduates from a higher educational institution. Little susceptible to influence. He is laconic and rarely argues;
loves to laugh and has a developed sense of humor. Often feels lonely even in a large group. Smart, has an analytical mind, capable of exact sciences. Often, after graduation, he works in a completely different specialty. He takes any work seriously, is very responsible, and scrupulous. He achieves certain heights in society thanks to perseverance and hard work. Self-love and vanity are his driving forces. Not afraid of difficulties. Noble, reliable, he can be entrusted with the most important part of the work. Does not like to speak about others in their absence. In any situation he does not lose his fortitude. She does not flirt with her superiors, is known among her colleagues as a smart girl, and is distinguished by rare intelligence and a lively and practical mind. “January” Murat is very proud, prefers to work alone, can rely on few people, relies only on himself. Murat desperately needs the attention of his friends, but will never turn to them for fear of seeming annoying. He himself often suffers from the importunity of others. "Noyabrsky" Murat is very practical, flexible and knows how to adapt to any situation. He easily finds a common language even with people he doesn’t like. He has excellent intuition, which never lets him down. He reads a lot, preferring classical literature. Plays backgammon and chess. Has excellent organizational skills. Intelligent. A pronounced materialist. Full of various plans that he knows how to implement. Professions: artist, restorer, investigator, prosecutor, teacher-mathematician, cook, journalist, pharmacist, dentist, economist, art historian, livestock specialist, film director, dramatic actor, tax inspector, builder, designer, inlaymaker, telephone mechanic. In a team he is modest, obligatory and careful in his work.

The name Murat (مراد‎) is a name of Arabic origin and can have two sounds, Murat and Murad. Both of them are true and depend more on the dialect of the language. Among historical figures there are bearers of both variants of the name. The name Murad was especially popular in the Ottoman Empire. Among the bearers of the name, even two sultans were noted. The meaning of the name Murat in Arabic is “desired”, “goal” or “plan”. Many experts believe that the name Marat is a derivative of the name Murat and has the same meaning.

The meaning of the name Murat (Murad) for a child

As a child, Murat is an exemplary and obedient child. He easily finds a common language with both adults and children. The boy is growing up sociable and responsive. Murat pays special attention to animals, so get ready, he will constantly bring them home. The child is quite good-natured and sometimes less well-mannered children take advantage of this. A boy should be taught to distinguish between where he is being used and where a person has a real problem that needs help.

Murat is a fairly gifted child and studies well, although not excellently. He is rather interested in expressing himself outside of school, which he does with success. A boy can become interested in sports and even achieve serious success in it. The child can also participate in amateur clubs, theater clubs or radio electronics clubs. His serious attitude to his hobby makes him a favorite of teachers, and of course he often shows great promise.

The boy's health is very good. His passion for sports only complements his excellent physical attributes. Murat has a high vitality, which allows him to be active throughout the day. However, this also imposes certain restrictions. Murat needs to move a lot, and if this is not possible, then his nervous system may become overexcited. Nervous tension and overload are the most common problems of the owners of the name.

Diminutive and abbreviated names Murata

Muratik, Muratka, Muratochka, Muratonka, Muratushka, Murik, Murri, Mura.

Children's middle names

Muratovich and Muratovna. The colloquial form of the male patronymic is Muratich.

Name Murat in English

In English the name Murat is written as Murat.

Name Murat for international passport- MURAT.

Translation of the name Murat into other languages

in Arabic - مراد‎
in Belarusian - Murat
in Bulgarian - Murat
in Spanish - Murat
in Italian - Murat
in German - Murat
in Polish - Murat
in Ukrainian - Murat
in French - Murat

Church name Murat not certain. This name is not in the calendar.

Characteristics of the name Murat (Murad)

The adult Murat can be described as a brave, conscientious and confident man. He has a certain amount of pride, although this trait sometimes takes on negative connotations. Murat strives to be a successful and significant member of society. He is characterized by a business approach to solving any problems, and he also knows how to find a common language even with the most difficult people. Murat does not like to make empty promises, and his word is very much valued among friends and acquaintances.

Murat works more often in areas related to exact sciences and technology. He can even show a creative streak in this direction. Murat has good business qualities, and his enthusiasm energizes all his colleagues. He is also characterized by manifestations of entrepreneurial inclinations. If Murat follows this path, then great success awaits him. It is true that it is worth noting that success in business comes to Murat quite late.

If we talk about ideal family men, then Murat is one of the standards. He is very patient and will never enter into conflict of his own free will. He loves his wife very much and takes care of her in every possible way. He loves children very much and shows them a tenderness unusual for most men. This is especially noticeable in his attitude towards his daughter (if he has one, of course).

The secret of the name Murat (Murad)

The secret of Murat can be called vanity, which sits deep in his character. It is from vanity that Murat’s pride grows. He should be very careful with this feature of his. It can easily be used for personal gain. The destructiveness of this passion is perfectly revealed in the film “The Devil's Advocate.” Let this film serve as a reminder of the lurking danger.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Doe.

Name color- Silver.

Plant- Water lily.

Stone- Selenite.


The meaning of the name Murat

Murat is Arabic. the desired “Goal”, “Intent” (Arabic) In childhood it does not cause any trouble for adults, it is loved in kindergarten, and then at school. He is obedient, understanding, and gets along well with his peers. An unusually musical boy. Kind and responsive, sociable. Rarely gets sick. He loves animals very much and rarely does without a cat or dog in the house. Children feel Murat’s kindness, but he doesn’t know how to refuse friends. Murat grows up as a very conscientious boy; he is usually not the only child in the family, but he is loved more than others. Murat is fair, but quick-tempered, he always stands up for the weak. Very proud. Persistent in achieving goals. Usually, on his own initiative and without outside help, he graduates from a higher educational institution. Little susceptible to influence. He is laconic and rarely argues. Loves to laugh and has a developed sense of humor. Often feels lonely even in a large group. Smart, has an analytical mind, capable of exact sciences. Often, after graduation, he works in a completely different specialty. He takes any work seriously, is very responsible, and scrupulous. He achieves certain heights in society thanks to perseverance and hard work. Self-love and vanity are his driving forces. Not afraid of difficulties. Noble, reliable, he can be entrusted with the most important part of the work. Does not like to speak about others in their absence. In any situation he does not lose his fortitude. She does not flirt with her superiors, is known among her colleagues as a smart girl, and is distinguished by rare intelligence and a lively and practical mind. “January” Murat is very proud, prefers to work alone, can rely on few people, relies only on himself. Murat desperately needs the attention of his friends, but will never turn to them for fear of seeming annoying. He himself often suffers from the importunity of others. "Noyabrsky" Murat is very practical, flexible and knows how to adapt to any situation. He easily finds a common language even with people he doesn’t like. He has excellent intuition, which never lets him down. He reads a lot, preferring classical literature. Plays backgammon and chess. Has excellent organizational skills. Intelligent. A pronounced materialist. Full of various plans that he knows how to implement. Professions: artist, restorer, investigator, prosecutor, teacher-mathematician, cook, journalist, pharmacist, dentist, economist, art historian, livestock specialist, film director, dramatic actor, tax inspector, builder, designer, inlaymaker, telephone mechanic. In a team he is modest, obligatory and careful in his work.

Numerology of the name Murat

Soul Number: 2.
Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint action, in a work team or in a family, comes easily to them and reveals all their greatest strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 7


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, deer.

The name Murat as a phrase

M Think
U Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
T Firm

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Murat

M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
U is an active imagination, a generous, empathetic person, a philanthropist. Strives to rise to the highest spiritual level. At the same time, a reminder to the owner not to make utopian plans and to remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: in life there is something unpronounceable!
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
Synonyms for the name Murat. Murad, Murot, Murod, Muradi, Muradig.
Origin of the name Murat. The name Murat is Muslim, Ossetian, Kazakh.

The name Murat has Arabic roots and means “goal, intention, desire”, “desired”. In some countries, a different pronunciation of this name is common - Murad. This is confirmed by the fact that the Murat River, flowing through the Armenian Highlands in Turkey, which is the most important tributary of the Euphrates, is also called Murad. The name Murad was borne by several sultans of the Ottoman Empire, who also appeared in history under the name Murat. From this name the surnames Muratov and Muradov were formed.

The name Murat can also be written as Murad, Murot and Murod and be part of a compound name. For example, the name Murodzhon is a combination of the name Murat and the name-forming component “zhon” (“jan”), which means “soul.” Therefore, the name Murodjon can mean “aspiration of the soul”, “desire of the soul”, Shahmurad - “desired ruler”. And the name Khadzhimurad means “desired pilgrim”, “purposeful pilgrim”. The name Berdymurat translates as “given by God,” “desire given by God,” “your desire, which God has fulfilled.”

Little Murat never causes trouble to his parents, educators and teachers as a child. He is an exemplary child, he understands everything and obeys adults. He gets along very well with his peers, thanks to his kindness, sociability and responsiveness. He loves animals and usually has a pet.

In the family, little obedient Murat is usually loved the most. He has a strong character, he always defends justice and stands up for the weak. He is a proud and independent boy who persistently achieves his goals. Murat usually does everything in his life without the help of others and is little influenced. He is a very silent, cheerful and non-conflict boy with a good sense of humor.

January Murat needs the support of friends more than others, but does not want to seem intrusive, so he rarely asks for help. But numerous acquaintances can annoy him with their requests.

The November representative is very flexible and adapts to anything. He is practical and finds a common language even with those who are unpleasant to him. He is an excellent organizer and strategist. Loves classical literature, plays chess and backgammon. He has many plans for how to make money, and he can implement them. This is a very intelligent man with good intuition.

He is very responsible, scrupulous in his work and is not afraid of difficulties. You can entrust him with the most important tasks, thanks to his reliability and honesty. He is driven by pride and vanity, so he achieves certain heights in society. But he often feels lonely even in a large company. For his analytical mind, studying the exact sciences is more suitable for him. The chosen profession often differs from his specialty. In any situation he navigates calmly and quickly. Murat is not prone to slander and does not flirt with his superiors, so his colleagues respect him as a person and a professional. In his work he is practical, quick-witted and intelligent. January representatives are very proud, so they do not like to work in a team; they rely only on themselves.

He finds work in completely different areas of professional activity. Murat can choose a creative profession as an artist, art critic, inlay maker, restorer, actor, director or journalist. Among technical specialties, the position of a builder, telephone mechanic or designer is suitable for him. Successful work awaits him as an economist, mathematics teacher, investigator, prosecutor or tax inspector. Murat also sometimes becomes a cook, pharmacist or dentist.

In the family, Murat is also flexible and gentle. He understands people well, so he chooses a good wife for himself. She will be lucky because he is a caring husband and father.

It’s easy to communicate with Murat; he is always ready to help, without demanding anything in return. He is tactful, cheerful and sociable, while he reveals himself quite rarely. In his company it is comfortable and calm, friends know that their conversation will remain between them, since Murat is not prone to gossip and slander.

Murat's name day

Murat does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Murat

  • Murad I the Godlike (Khudavendigar) ((1319/1326 - 1389) Ottoman sultan who reigned from 1359 to 1389. Under Murad, the Ottoman state expanded its territory in Anatolia and the Balkan Peninsula, and important reforms took place in the system of government. Murad is the first the ruler of the Ottomans, who took the title of sultan, he also turned the state, which was once a small Turkic tribe, into the Ottoman Empire.)
  • Murad II ((1404 - 1451) Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who ruled in 1421 - 1444 and 1446 - 1451, Murad significantly expanded the influence of the Turks on the Balkan Peninsula, strengthened power in Anatolia and helped the empire recover from the heavy defeat inflicted by Tamerlane in the Battle of Angora 1402 of the year)
  • Murad V, also Murat Khan V ((1840 - 1904) 33rd Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, reigned from May 30, 1876 to August 31 of the same year)
  • Murad Bey ((1750 - 1801) Egyptian Mamluk leader, cavalry commander. Ruled Egypt jointly with Ibrahim Bey. Had Georgian roots. After defeat from Napoleon's armies at the Battle of the Pyramids, Murad fled to Upper Egypt, where he staged a brief guerrilla campaign, which he abandoned Desaix for a year.In 1800, Murad made peace with Kleber, and agreed to command the garrison in Cairo, but died of bubonic plague on his way.)
  • Hadji-Murat of Khunzakh ((d.1852) a native of Khunzakh (Dagestan), foster brother of the Avar khans, one of the most energetic and capable mountain leaders. A character from the story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy.
  • Jan Janson van Haarlem ((c.1570 - after 1641) Dutch pirate; better known as Murat Reis the Younger after his conversion to Islam. He took the name Murat Reis in honor of the more famous Turkish naval commander Murat Reis the Elder.)
  • Murad Magomedov ((born 1932) Soviet and Russian archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, is a highly qualified specialist in the field of early medieval history of the peoples of Dagestan, the North Caucasus and South-Eastern Europe)
  • Murat Zhurinov (Kazakh scientist, chemist, president of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Author of 92 inventions. The main scientific works are devoted to the study of the electrochemical behavior of various classes of organic compounds and the development of new methods for electrochemical synthesis of both known and new physiologically active substances, mainly based on natural connections.)
  • Murad Gaidarov (Belarusian freestyle wrestler)
  • Murad Girey Tlekhas ((1874 - 1920) Azerbaijani military leader, major general)
  • Murad Guloyan (Armenian politician and statesman)
  • Murat Aitkhozhin ((1939 - 1987) specialist in the field of molecular biology and biochemistry, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1983), Doctor of Biological Sciences (1977), professor (1980), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1976), student of Academician A.S. Spirin)
  • Murat Aliyev (Soviet, Kyrgyz cinematographer, director of the highest category at the Kyrgyzfilm Film Studio, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
  • Murat Suyumagambetov (Kazakh footballer, forward of Kostanay Tobol, former player of the Kazakhstan national team)
  • Murat Ristov ((1983 - 2009) athlete, Russian champion, 2008 world champion in combat sambo)
  • Murat Nasyrov ((1969 - 2007) Soviet, Russian and Kazakh popular singer, songwriter)
  • Murat Khrachev (Russian amateur boxer, competing in the light weight category (up to 60 kilograms), International Master of Sports in boxing; bronze medalist of the 2004 Olympic Games, two-time champion of Russia (2002, 2003), winner of the 2005 World Cup in boxing, as part of the Russian national team)
  • Murat Iskakov (former Russian football player, defender, now coach of Lokomotiv Moscow)
  • Murat Zekokh (former Soviet and Russian football player, midfielder and striker, Russian football coach)
  • Murad Magomedov (Russian and Israeli football player, defender)
  • Murat Ishmametov ((1925 - 1990) Moscow poster artist, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR)
  • Murat Boz (Turkish pop singer originally from the Black Sea coast of Turkey)
  • Murat Tleshev (Kazakh football player, forward of the Kazakhstan national team and the Irtysh club)
  • Murat Zyazikov (Russian statesman, President of the Republic of Ingushetia (2002 - 2008))

The name Murat is of Arabic origin and means goal, intention. Widely distributed in Muslim countries: Turkey, Kazakhstan, etc. In some regions it may have a pronunciation variant Murad. In Russia, the name is found mainly among Tatars.

From an early age, Murat is a model child: kind and obedient. Because of his flexible character and peaceful disposition, he is liked by everyone. This is the favorite child in the family, even if he has brothers and sisters. In kindergarten, he is doted on by his teachers, and during his school years by his peers and teachers.

Murat is an amazingly kind, very sociable and sympathetic boy, this is how he attracts people to him. An extremely conscientious child with an innate sense of tact and justice, he will certainly stand up for the weak.

  • A strong character trait is persistence.
  • A man named Murat always achieves success in everything, persistently pursues his goal, without requiring help from family and friends. He himself is not able to refuse the one who asks.

Murat is a proud person, he strictly follows his principles and ideals, and it is almost impossible to impose someone else’s opinion on him. He prefers not to get into arguments, is not known for his verbosity - he speaks only to the point. As a rule, he has a good sense of humor.


A man named Murat has a strong, bright personality, but he is reserved and serious. This is a very hardworking person, he approaches any task with maximum responsibility and always completes everything he starts; there are no impossible tasks for him.

Murat prefers to work alone, does not allow other people into his work, and never asks for help, preferring to cope on his own.

  • He always has many different plans and ideas, which he implements with pleasure.
  • Murat loves to get his own way, he is very smart and educated.
  • He differs from his peers by his amazing intelligence and practical mind.
  • Perseverance and meticulousness help a man named Murat achieve a high position in society.
  • This person is very noble and will never discuss people behind their backs.
  • He always makes contact with people, even if they are unpleasant to him.
  • This is a very tactful and intelligent man, often with a beautiful appearance.

Murat is quite vain and proud, but these traits do not have a negative connotation; they serve as a kind of driving force in achieving the goal. Sometimes these personality traits get in his way and he may feel lonely when surrounded by other people. He loves attention to his person very much, but will never express it directly.

A man named Murat has a well-developed intuition, which he always listens to.


Murat usually has no health problems and rarely gets sick even in childhood.

Marriage and family

The ability to understand people well helps Murat find his ideal wife. Usually this is a kind, intelligent woman who can support him in everything. Family is of paramount importance for such a person; he loves his wife and children very much. Animals often live in the house, and Murat developed a love for them from early childhood.

Work and hobbies

Murat is a materialist to the core, so he approaches any work as responsibly and practically as possible. Such a man can find himself in absolutely any profession - everything works out well for him. A team he is loved for his modesty and lively mind, his superiors respect him as a reliable and efficient employee.

Murat has good organizational skills. Often quickly rises up the career ladder.

The name Murat can be found among specialists in various fields. You can achieve particular success by working:

Murat Boz (Turkish pop singer originally from the Black Sea coast of Turkey)

  • economist,
  • investigator or prosecutor,
  • mathematician,
  • tax inspector.

Builders and mechanics are often among the Murats. In the creative direction, a person named Murat often finds himself as:

  • actor or director
  • artist or restorer,
  • art critic or journalist.

Among the Murats there are also dentists, pharmacists and cooks.

Murat has a lot of hobbies, he is interested in everything at once, and sometimes these interests develop into a specialty. He loves music very much, often plays several instruments, and often attends concerts. Loves logic games: chess, backgammon, etc. He will never refuse a good book.