There are so many stars you won’t meet in modern show business. If in the domestic show business, gay stars are easy to read (or they are good at hiding their personal lives), then what about foreign celebrities? There are dozens of famous foreign performers and film stars of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Perhaps this is due to the attitude of society itself towards same-sex marriage. If we take our country and, for example, Europe, then you understand that loyalty to non-traditional people is completely different, in European countries and the US is officially allowed same-sex marriage, while in Russia same-sex unions are not recognized at all.

One of the first scandalous confessions of gay stars belongs to Sir Elton John, who spoke about his bisexuality back in 1976.

In addition, there are a lot of stars, both pop and film, you may not have even guessed about non-traditional sexual orientation.

Take everyone’s favorite Ricky Martin, who recently announced his relationship with a man and his intention to adopt a child.

Or the famous actor Jim Parson, who played Sheldon Cooper in the TV series “Theory big bang”, who turned out to be a gay star.

Stars of non-traditional sexual orientation are actor Jim Parsons and his chosen designer Todd Spivak.

Famous stars gays are not only men, but also women. Remember the young Angelina Jolie, who dated model Jenny Shimizu for more than 5 years. Yes, yes, at that time the young actress considered herself bisexual.

As we see, stars with unconventional sexual orientation are no less talented and many of them have built an excellent career in show business and have fans regardless of orientation.

Many of the stars of non-traditional sexual orientation have started families and are raising children. If you are interested, we suggest looking at photos of current stars of non-traditional sexual orientation, whose true nature you may not have known about.

Popular stars with non-traditional sexual orientation photos: top 20 stars who announced coming out

Gay stars: actor Zachary Quinto, starred in the films “Hitman: Agent 47”, “Star Trek: Into Darkness”.
Stars of non-traditional sexual orientation - Rupert Everett, famous British actor.
Young actor Paul Iacono - main character the film “When Your Best Friend Is Gay” is also included in the list of stars of non-traditional sexual orientation.
The star of the Russian TV series “Interns” Odin Byron, who played Phil, announced in 2015 that he is gay.
Celebrities of non-traditional sexual orientation: Neil Patrick Harris - star of the series “How I Met Your Mother”
Foreign gay stars: actor Matt Bomer - the main character of the series "White Collar"
The famous actor Luke Evans, who starred in such films as “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”, “Fast and Furious 7”, “Dracula”.
Foreign gay stars: actor Jonathan Groff, known for the films “Glee” and “The Boss.”
Foreign gay celebrities: famous actor Ian McKellens became famous for his role as Gandalf in the films The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Gay stars: Irish actor Andrew Scott, who played Moriarty in the TV series Sherlock.
Foreign celebrities those who announced coming out - Sir Elton John.
Stars of non-traditional sexual orientation - actress Ellen Page. The heroine of the films “Juno”, “Lollipop”, “X-Men”.
Foreign gay celebrities among women - popular TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres.
Gay stars - successful musician George Michael.
Foreign stars coming out: actor and singer John Barrowman. Known for starring in the TV series Desperate Housewives.
American actress Jodie Foster - main character film "Silence of the Lambs".
Foreign gay stars - Australian singer Darren Hayes, ex-soloist of the famous duo Savage Garden.
Celebrities of non-traditional sexual orientation: Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon.
Gay stars: the most famous hero series "Glee" Chris Colfer.
Celebrities of women of non-traditional sexual orientation: Beth Ditto - lead singer of the group “The Gossip”.

Every year there are more and more daredevils who decide to admit their non-traditional sexual orientation.

What motivates celebrities to choose same-sex love, and which stars were caught being gay?

Famous films: “An Ideal Husband”, “The Importance of Being Serious”, “Best Friend”, “Wedding” best friend", "Shakespeare in Love", "Stardust", "Quiet Don", "Wild Thing".

The general public remembers the actor in the roles of gay friends in the films “Best Friend,” where he was Madonna’s partner, and “My Best Friend’s Wedding,” in which he played in tandem with Julia Roberts. The actor was never shy about his sexuality, but only decided to come out in 1989. After Rupert's confession, he was criticized "by you and by us."

Sexual minorities did not like the fact that he did not defend his civil rights and was opposed to raising children in same-sex families. Heterosexuals were, in principle, against such revelations in public. It is worth noting that 20 years after his coming out, in 2009, in an interview with The Observer newspaper, Rupert advised gay actors to never openly declare their orientation if they do not want to say goodbye to a successful career.

Famous films: “Garden Country”, “The Big Bang Theory”, “On the Road with Judas”, “The Gardener of Eden”, “ Big year", "I wish I was here."

Jim's life changed under the influence of Sheldon Lee Cooper - genius physicist, whom he played on The Big Bang Theory. The actor became popular overnight and attracted the attention of millions of fans. For several years, the media carried on information that Jim might be gay. These speculations turned out to be true: in 2012, Parsons came out, telling the New York Times magazine about his 10-year relationship with art director Todd Spivak. For some time there was information in the press about the secret wedding of Todd and Jim, but this information was not confirmed.

Famous films: “Band of Brothers”, “Lennon Unvarnished”, “Sherlock”, “Locke”, “Victor Frankenstein”, “007: Spectre”.

Andrew began his career in 1995, but gained recognition and popularity relatively recently - thanks to the role of Professor Moriarty in the BBC series Sherlock. The Irish actor has never hidden his sexual orientation and in 2013 openly announced his love for men in an interview with The Independent. Andrew also said that people close to him understood this choice and did not condemn him at all. True, no one has yet been able to find out anything from Scott other than his sexuality - after all, he is quite careful in his statements about his partners.

Famous films: “The Accused”, “The Silence of the Lambs”, “Anna and the King”, “Panic Room”, “Nim’s Island”, “Elysium: Heaven Not on Earth”.

Hannibal Lecter’s “beloved woman” came out in 2007, when at one of the award ceremonies she told the whole world that she had been living with a woman for 14 years.

Her chosen one at the time was producer Sydney Bernard. Jodie's fans thought that it would come to a wedding, but this did not happen... Cindy and Jodie broke up. Then Cindy Mort and Sophie B. Hawkins “ran through” Jodie’s life.

And in April last year, Jodie legalized her relationship with actress Alexandra Hedison. But there were not always women in the actress’s personal life - she has two sons, but Jodi does not disclose the details of the children’s father.

It is interesting that Foster's mother, Evelyn, after divorcing her husband, was depressed and found solace in fragile women's hands by becoming a lesbian. So, same-sex love in the Foster family is passed down from generation to generation.

Famous films: “Panic Room”, “In wild conditions"", "Teleport", "Twilight", "On the Road", "Snow White and the Huntsman", "Sils Maria", "American Ultra".

The most famous “vampire’s girlfriend” and part-time bisexual is in no hurry to admit her orientation. But Kristen no longer hides her relationships with girls.

So, after breaking up with Robert Pattinson, the actress switched to her former assistant Alicia Cargile. The couple was seen together on vacation in Malibu, they were caught walking holding hands. There were rumors that Alicia and Kristen were going to move in together at Stewart's Los Angeles mansion. Happy married couple It didn’t work out between the girls and they soon broke up.

Currently, Kristen is alone. Or again, we don’t know something yet.

Famous films: “Anna Karenina”, “Angel Face”, “London Fields”, “Paper Towns”, “Pan: Journey to Neverland”.

One of the most crazy models, extraordinary actresses and favorite muses of Karl Lagerfeld admitted her bisexuality in 2014. At 18, Kara dated Tyrone Wood, but the relationship only lasted a few months. The model's next choice was Harry Styles, but he couldn't stay in the beauty's heart for long. As a result, Kara realized that she wanted to experiment and switched to girls. So, her first (though perhaps not her first) girlfriend was the brawler Michelle Rodriguez.

The girls didn't meet for long - Michelle went to Zac Efron, and Kara found solace in Annie Clark. IN Lately, Kara and Annie increasingly appear together in public and do not hide their feelings. The model has admitted more than once that she feels much more confident in relationships with girls. True, maybe this is another quirk of Kara’s and she will gradually return to the traditional ranks?

Famous films: “Amadeus”, “Baby Walking”, “Sex and the City”, “Bastion”, “An Englishman in New York”.

Having become famous thanks to her role as Miranda in the cult series Sex and the City, Cynthia looked at many things differently. For example, she realized that she was closer in spirit to women than to men, and that she was drawn to the fair sex. But she once lived for 15 years with English professor Danny Moses, to whom she gave birth to two children.

In 2004, at a protest against the school, Cynthia met her fate. She turned out to be Christine Marinoni. Since then, the women have not separated. They got married in 2011 and do not know grief, because a woman will always understand a woman.

I wonder what Cynthia and Christine have common child- Max Ellington. They also raise Cynthia’s children together from her professor husband.

Famous films: “Dinotopia”, “Underworld”, “Escape”, “Resident Evil 4: Afterlife 3D”, “Loft”.

For a long time, the girls could not believe the news that such a handsome man could be gay. Alas, this is true.

The star of the TV series Prison Break, Wentworth came out in 2013. He even refused to visit St. Petersburg in protest against homophobic laws that infringe on the rights of sexual minorities.

In an interview, Wentworth also admitted that he realized his gayness in his youth, which is why he tried to take his own life, since no one understood him. Well, we're glad Miller is alive, well, and happy in his blue dreams.

Famous films: “Hamlet”, “Six Degrees of Separation”, “X-Men”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Hobbit”, “The Da Vinci Code”, “The Golden Compass”, “Mr. Holmes”.

Well, you would never have thought that this venerable British actor - a master of the Shakespearean repertoire, a real knight and a white Magician from the film adaptation of Tolkien's novels - could be gay. But no, that’s how it happens!

In 1988, Ian announced his homosexual orientation during an interview with the BBC, although the actor prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is only known that one of his life partners was the little-known actor Sean Mathias, then Ian switched to teacher Brian Taylor.

Currently, Sir McKellen is single, he is fighting with all his might for the rights of sexual minorities and does not lose hope of reaching out to Russian government in order to repeal the law on gay propaganda.

Ricky Martin

Famous compositions: “Maria”, “Private Emotion”, “I Don’t Care”, “Juramento”, “Come with Me”, “The Best Thing About Me Is You”, “Tu Recuerdo”, “Tal Vez”.

The sexy Puerto Rican macho singer both surprised and disappointed his loyal fans when he openly announced his non-traditional sexual orientation on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2010.

This bold confession caused a flurry of indignation, but Ricky did not take back his words: he seemed to exhale - he felt so at ease after his confession. For some time, the singer dated economist Carlos Gonzalez Abella. The lovebirds' relationship ended in January last year.

Well, don’t forget that Ricky had a full-fledged heterosexual relationship - for 14 years he dated Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Alba. The singer even planned to propose to his beloved, but something went wrong and the couple broke up. In addition, Ricky has twin sons Valentino and Matteo, born in 2008 by a surrogate mother. While the singer is single, raising children, fans do not lose hope that Ricky will come to his senses and return to the ranks of straight men.

Experts in the "Show Business News" section of the online magazine "Stock Leader" report that the pop singer made her statement during a heated discussion on the topic of the law prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality with TV presenter and journalist Anton Krasovsky, who himself had previously openly admitted to unconventional orientation. The pop star said that she strongly supports such a legislative initiative, but in her personal opinion, for closed door lovers of such same-sex relationships can do whatever they want: the only important thing is that they “don’t shout about it at every corner,” reports

Valeria gave out the names of the so-called. "openly gay" modern Russian stage, who turned out to be Boris Moiseev and Sergei Penkin.

The singer’s words caused great indignation from the stars Russian show business. In particular, the outrageous Ksenia Sobchak expressed dissatisfaction, accusing the performer of “snitching.” Lolita Milyavskaya also supported her in this. She noted that at first the BBC journalists turned to her as a person who is well known in the country for supporting modern gay culture, and this does not include the promotion and spread of same-sex love. But since English singers not ideal, she was unable to discuss such a topic on air. As a result, Valeria was invited to television, who expressed her personal opinion in excellent English, Lolita notes.

Milyavskaya stated that before naming names and saying such things, Valeria should have asked permission from her colleagues, since this is a clear violation of the boundaries of her personal life.

In turn, the media, developing the theme of the scandal that flared up, recalled the singer Valeria’s famous video for the song “Break it all,” where the artist herself is present in the frame in a very explicit scene with several girls at the same time.

Valeria has already commented on Ksenia Sobchak’s attack, calling it just another provocation. She admitted that she cooperates and is friends with homosexuals and has nothing special against this phenomenon.

And Dzhigurda named more names, but no one criticized him

As previously reported by experts from the “Russian News” and “Show Business News” departments of the economic publication for modern investors “Stock Leader”, at the end of this March in the television program “Iron Ladies” the flamboyant actor Nikita Dzhigurda named the names of the most important gays of Russian show business . At the same time, he made an appeal to them to openly tell everyone about their orientation. He connected this request and appeal with the fact that after the adoption of a law that prohibits the promotion of homosexuality, they will no longer be able to do this.

Dzhigurda directly addressed individual artists from Russia with a request to stop pretending to be cauldrons and ladies' men. All these guys - Leontiev, and Bilan, and Kirkorov, and Lazarev, and even Nikolai Baskov himself, who so ardently portrayed novels with Oksana Fedorova, then with Anastasia Volochkova, noticed Dzhigrud. He is sure that before it is too late, they all need to come out of hiding and admit their homosexual orientation. Come out with banners and do a truly masculine act!

Among other things, Nikita Dzhigurda expressed his personal hope that in the very near future each of the above-mentioned artists will go to trial. Once accepted new law, then anyone who can admit to his non-traditional orientation will be able to be put on trial, because he is engaged in propaganda of this, stated Dzhigurda.

Let us recall that a few days ago the Russian State Duma adopted a law banning any propaganda of homosexuality. This is what caused a great resonance in the global community. It even got to the point that the heads of individual states made an open call to immediately cancel passed law. Among Russian stars Serious debates and discussions also broke out in show business. Valeria was one of the first to speak out in support of the adopted legislative act. Ksenia Sobchak and Lolita went against her statements.

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of which there are persistent rumors. And if Phillip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov gossips gayness has been attributed for a long time, and this will not surprise anyone; about some celebrities, as they say, “you can’t tell from the outside.”

In their research, collective bloggers relied on entries on gay forums, in which visitors to thematic clubs shared that they saw certain stars there kissing and hugging representatives of the same sex, on insider gossip (which should not be underestimated), the most significant urban folklore , as well as on the statements and hints of the stars themselves (including jokes and jokes on entertainment shows), as well as on the Internet revelations of lower-ranking gays who allegedly slept with celebrities.

Dvachers also analyzed messages on the Internet in which former concert promoters talked about how stars visiting with a concert, with their help, looked for same-sex lovers for relaxation.

The result is the following selection, which you don’t have to believe, but it’s interesting to read.

Sergey Lazarev

Has Lera Kudryavtseva really never pressed her naked body against this pumped up torso?

Alla Pugacheva on the air of radio “Alla” once put Sergei Lazarev in a state of shock, saying live literally the following: “You shouldn’t get married so as not to be lonely! But you shouldn’t at all, as I understand it. If you suddenly get ready, you know what I’ll tell you how wise woman? For you personally, if you want to get married, you need a friend first of all, a life partner.

Because all these sex shmex, they come and go. And to give birth to a child, you can try once, even two or three times. But, in principle, this is not why a person is needed in life. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha (Mikhail Dvoretsky, director of the singer - Time Out). And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much ... "

Nikolai Tsiskaridze

A charming man, passionate about art, of great charm, who hardly hides his homosexual orientation, and even joke about sensitive topics on television when he feels confident.

Nikolay Baskov

Sources characterize him as the “most notorious” and “intimidated” homosexual in Russian show business, for whom coming out means losing most of his audience, since these are archaic, respectable old women with strict views.

But where would we be without him in this collection... By the way, the singer Lolita is a famous gay icon and a woman who publicly supports and defends gays and lesbians in Russia.

Oleg Menshikov

It's hard for fans to believe, but it's too a large number of sources indicate that, at least in his mature years, the handsome actor gravitates more and more towards young male lovers.

Victor Sukhorukov

And you, brother?!...

However, the magnificent eccentric himself has not hidden it for a long time, and with hints in various interviews he makes it clear about his difficult personal life. With men.

Maksim Galkin

What about Alla Borisovna? The most powerful Russian gay icon, sympathizes with LGBT people, by the way, etc.

The most popular rumor about Galkin points to comedian Sergei Drobotenko as Maxim's long-term partner. Drobotenko’s mother recently indirectly confirmed in an interview with NTV when journalists caught her off guard with insidious questions.

Evgeniy Mironov

He lives with his mother all his life, in interviews the topic of sexual orientation and personal life in general is taboo, and a reason for the anger of the sophisticated artist. According to numerous rumors (especially among theatergoers), this is not without reason!

Alexander Rybak

Ay biliv in e fairytail...

And he too?! And he’s so pretty... Although, yes, everything is logical - he’s so pretty!

Andrei Malakhov

On gay forums, no one calls Malakhov except “Andryusha”. Perhaps Andryusha is the only closeted gay man whose admission of homosexuality would not harm his career, because he is too exemplary, intelligent and friendly for older fans to stop loving him for some kind of homosexuality.

Phillip Kirkorov

Well, what would we do without him? They say that in the song "Snow" he took off his young lover, and the song is dedicated to him.

Pavel Lobkov

What, this one too?!... And we watched “Plant Life!” with him.

Lobkov, by the way, became the eleventh in this selection, although we promised ten characters.

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