In this article we will talk not only about vitamins, but also other dietary supplements that improve skin condition. Of course, it is desirable to obtain these chemical elements from natural products. However, in the winter-spring period, when food is less rich in vitamins and microelements, and also when we experience stress, which adversely affects the condition of our skin, nutritional supplements can help. This article first describes and benefits vitamins for the skin, and at the end - the main skin diseases and recommendations for taking the necessary vitamins.

Let's start with vitamins

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is necessary for the formation of collagen and elastin, which preserve and maintain the structure of the skin. With a lack of this vitamin, the skin becomes sluggish and dull, pigment spots appear on it when exposed to sunlight, since the lack of ascorbic acid leads to a lack of immune protection of the skin.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a powerful antioxidant. It is not synthesized in our body and belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, therefore it is poorly excreted from the body (overdose is dangerous to health). Vitamin E strengthens cell membranes, preventing their damage, thereby reducing the rate of skin aging, smoothes skin wrinkles, has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory properties, and restores smoothness and elasticity to aging skin.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of natural collagen. When vitamin A enters the body in the right amount, the skin smoothes out, ceases to be dry, gets rid of small wrinkles, and becomes firm and elastic.

B vitamins

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) smoothes skin wrinkles, making deep wrinkles less pronounced and fine wrinkles invisible. It is beneficial for sagging skin and can prevent aging.

B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for fat metabolism and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With a deficiency, cracks appear on the lips, in the corners of the mouth, and skin inflammation.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) has nourishing, moisturizing, powerful protective and restorative properties, allowing the skin to actively resist the aggressive external environment. With a lack of vitamin B6, dermatitis, ulcers, and dryness are possible.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) activates the restoration of the epidermis and protects blood vessels from destruction.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) helps slow down the aging process at the cellular level and maintains overall tone.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) is effective against age spots and freckles, because has a whitening effect. Phylloquinone eliminates swelling and relieves inflammatory processes.

Vitamin PP

Vitamin PP (niacin) in sufficient quantities gives the face a healthy and natural color and protects against external influences.

Vitamin P

Vitamin P (rutin) strengthens the walls of skin capillaries, improving their strength and elasticity, and fights signs of rosacea.

Skin diseases due to lack of vitamins

  • Age spots - Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin PP
  • Acne, pimples - Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2
  • Wrinkles - Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin PP
  • Couperosis - Vitamin C, Vitamin P, Vitamin B9, Vitamin K
  • Dry skin - Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2
  • Puffiness - Vitamin K

Let's not forget about microelements for healthy skin

Selenium protects skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Copper ensures the development of elastin - fibers that support the structure of the skin.

Zinc Known for its healing properties, it is actively used in the treatment of problematic skin prone to acne and oily sheen.

Silicon participates in the production of collagen, which means it makes the skin more elastic.

Skin diseases due to lack of microelements

  • Pigment spots - Selenium
  • Acne, pimples - Zinc
  • Wrinkles - Copper, Silicon

Amino acids for healthy skin

Alpha lipoic acid found in some foods and produced in the human body. Due to its structure, alpha lipoic acid freely penetrates the cell membrane. It is especially useful in the process of preventing wrinkles, promotes the production of collagen, balances the secretion of the sebaceous glands, stimulates the process of exfoliation of dead skin cells, preventing clogging of pores.

Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture in the skin. With age, a lack of hyaluronic acid leads to faster loss of moisture and the appearance of signs of aging (wrinkles, loss of firmness).

Coenzyme Q10 produced in the human body. It inhibits the synthesis of collagenase, an enzyme that breaks down collagen, stimulates the growth of new cells, and fights free radicals.

Alpha-linoleic acid Omega 3- polyunsaturated fatty acid, part of the vessel wall. Omega-3 gives elasticity to blood vessels, reduces the tendency to redness, prevents atherosclerotic changes in the vascular wall, thereby combating the development of rosacea on the face.

Skin diseases due to lack of amino acids

  • Dryness - Hyaluronic acid
  • Wrinkles - Hyaluronic acid, Coenzyme Q10, Alpha lipoic acid
  • Couperosis - Omega-3
  • Acne, pimples - Alpha lipoic acid

The beauty of the skin depends on its ability to recover, renew itself, and protect itself from aggressive environmental influences. Natural processes in the skin can fade over time or be disrupted due to various unfavorable factors. The condition of the skin is also affected by the general health of a person and the quality of his diet.

Unfortunately, the body's resources are clearly not enough to keep the skin in excellent condition. Wrinkles, inflammatory processes, peeling, sagging facial contours and other skin problems arise due to disruption of the biochemical processes occurring in the skin. To normalize these processes, specific substances are needed - coenzymes, or vitamins.

We can only get vitamins from food. That is why the diet should be rich enough. However, the daily need for vitamins is so high that it is almost impossible to cover it with food. That is why there are pharmacy vitamins and vitamin complexes that help make the skin of the body and face beautiful, elastic, smooth, and healthy.

What vitamins does the skin need?

To keep your face beautiful and young longer, you need to carefully care for your skin. However, in addition to regular care and proper nutrition, it is extremely important for your skin to receive the full range of vitamins that will support its normal functioning. Which vitamins should you choose?

Many vitamins are important for the beauty of the skin:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • niacin (vitamin B3);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • biotin (vitamin H);
  • vitamins B6, B5, B12
  • vitamin F (a collective name for several substances).

All of them should be regularly consumed orally and applied directly to the skin. Which medications to take must be decided based on the specific skin problem. It makes sense to take a course of vitamins two or four times a year.

Who is responsible for what?

Different vitamins solve different problems on the skin.

It has the greatest influence on it, on which the nutrition of dermal cells depends. It is this vitamin that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of natural collagen. When vitamin A enters the body in the right amount, the skin smoothes out, ceases to be dry, gets rid of small wrinkles, and becomes youthfully firm and elastic. If there is not enough retinol, clogged pores (comedones), pimples, acne appear, the skin sags and becomes dry.

Tocopherol strengthens cell membranes, preventing their damage and thus acquiring the properties of a powerful antioxidant. reduces the rate of skin aging, smoothes skin wrinkles, has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory properties, returns smoothness and elasticity to aging skin.

– also a powerful antioxidant. It promotes better production of elastin and collagen, accelerates tissue regeneration, whitens, gives the skin radiance and tone. Vitamin C also helps smooth out wrinkles and reduces the rate of aging. If it is not enough, the dermis becomes excessively dry, thin, and easily injured.

Skin problems

Any skin problem is caused by a deficiency of several vitamins. This is why vitamin complexes are produced.

If there is peeling, there is a deficiency of B vitamins (B2, B5, B6), as well as vitamins A, F, PP.

Wrinkled, old, flabby skin will be supported by vitamins B1, C, E, A, F.

Vitamins B2, E, B6, A, C, H fight acne. They also eliminate comedones and help the skin renew itself and exfoliate.

Vitamins PP, C, F, A, K, E are responsible for firmness and elasticity. In combination, they improve regeneration and stimulate collagen synthesis.

Vitamins C, B3, and PP can make your skin glow. They make the face smooth, matte, relieve puffiness, and erase age spots.

You should take complex medications at intervals of two to three months. What drugs should I pay attention to? You need to study the manufacturer’s information and listen to the opinion of the pharmacist.

The best vitamin complexes

Pharmacies offer a large selection of vitamin complexes. Your doctor can help you figure out what medications you need to take. In addition, you should pay attention to the composition of the product and the characteristics of the condition of the dermis.

Complivit Radiance

An excellent vitamin complex has a complex effect on the skin of the face and body, nails and hair. The skin structure is evened out, pimples disappear, the skin is filled with a radiance of health and beauty. The composition of this drug is balanced. It contains calcium, without which it is impossible to absorb vitamin D3, silicon, vitamins E, C, A, PP, H, a powerful antioxidant selenium, B vitamins, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. This complex has a magical effect on the skin of the face: wounds heal, swelling and peeling disappear.


One of the most famous, which contains two vitamins: tocopherol (A) and retinol (A). The drug perfectly protects from adverse weather conditions, solar ultraviolet radiation, gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. Good for dry, burned skin that is subject to constant microtrauma. You need to take one or two capsules before meals, three times a day. Taking a vitamin complex is not possible in case of hypervitaminosis E, A, cardiac dysfunction, or pregnancy.


The vitamins K, A, E included in Aekol improve the structure of the skin, disinfect, and normalize blood circulation. Vitamin K, which is part of the drug, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, normalizing the blood supply to the damaged skin fragment. The complex relieves peeling, heals wounds and cuts, and fights bacteria. This drug has worked well on the mucous membranes of the body.

“Skin, hair, nails” from Solgar

This balanced beauty product contains not only vitamin C, but also sulfur, red algae, and several essential amino acids, which together improve the condition of the skin of the face and body. The dermis receives the necessary hydration and an even, pleasant color. The drug stimulates the formation of collagen, protects against ultraviolet rays, restores elasticity to the skin, makes it firm, removes oily shine and inflammation. The skin of the face and body becomes clean, radiant, smooth, matte.


The complex preparation has an amazing composition: B vitamins (B6, B 12, B1, B5, B2, B9), H, D, E. This is a real healing cocktail for the beauty of the body, face, and joints. If you know what vitamins the manufacturer has included in the drug, its beneficial effect on the skin becomes clear. “Revivona” is important for dry, aging facial skin, as well as for the healthy condition of joints, bones, and improving the functioning of the immune system. The skin ceases to be dry, dull, gray, and is filled with health and a radiance of beauty.

Lady's Formula

The cocktail of vitamins B, D, A, C, H, PP is supplemented by amino acids, plant extracts, micro- and macroelements: zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine. This is an indispensable drug for quickly improving the condition of the skin of the face and body. It is used to treat skin diseases, including excessively dry, age-related, and problematic skin.


The drug for the beauty of the face and body “Revalid” includes vitamins B6, B1, H, amino acids methionine, cystine, as well as zinc, iron, copper, wheat germ extract, millet, yeast. It copes excellently with a wide range of skin problems, improving the condition of wounds and restoring metabolic processes to the dermis.


An effective complex of vitamins D, C, E, H, A, the entire line of group B is combined with selenium, silicon, copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium, chromo, amino acids, echinacea and burdock extracts. Indicated for dry, damaged skin of the face and body, relieves peeling, treats psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. An excellent product for maintaining beauty, youth and radiance.

Taking vitamins to improve the condition of facial skin is a prerequisite for maintaining health, maintaining youth and beauty.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their faces. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noticing age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

Skin health, beauty and youth of a person directly depend on the vitamins supplied with food. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. Given our rhythm of life, this is almost impossible, and then, since there are not enough vitamins in the body, doctors advise compensating for this deficiency by taking pills for the skin of the face.

Vitamins for beauty and health

Scientists have proven that there are a number of vitamins in tablets intended for facial skin, which also help strengthen hair and nails. They are all available at the pharmacy:

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For useful information about the necessity and beauty of our skin, watch the video:

Youth from the pharmacy

If a person eats right, exercises, and does not have bad habits, his body is fully provided with all the necessary nutrients for a normal life. He does not need to take medications to maintain his health. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a healthy lifestyle. If you have a poor diet, you simply need to supply your body with vitamin complexes.

Reviews from many people say that preventive medication strengthens the immune system, the body becomes healthier, and the mood is in order.

Modern pharmacies offer their visitors a lot of different vitamin complexes. In this article we will try to highlight a number of the best of them:

  1. "Supradin". The product is available in various forms for ease of use, for example, in the form of chewing candy or in the form of syrup. "Supradin" provides the body with all vitamins and coenzyme Q10. The duration of the course is one month. The course should be repeated no more often than six months later. It is advisable to choose a time when the body especially needs vitamins - this is autumn and spring. The price of the drug ranges from 200 to 300 rubles.
  2. . Many types of medicines are produced under this brand. A special formula “Shine” has been released for women. This series supports the production of collagen by the female body and ensures constant tissue regeneration. The course of prevention is a month. The price of the product is about 300 rubles. .jpg" alt="Complete" width="450" height="311" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 812w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  3. "Imedin". It contains not only vitamins, but also additives that work directly in the skin cells. Imedin contains proteins and other substances that make the skin more elastic.
  4. Series "Alphabet Cosmetics" created to help a woman find and preserve her natural beauty. Contains a number of vitamins and coenzyme Q10. To ensure maximum benefit during administration, the substances were divided into 3 groups. Depending on the color, the tablet must be taken at different times. The course of admission is 2 weeks. The cost of packaging is about 300 rubles.
  5. Biological additive "Laura"- one of the most popular among buyers and doctors. According to statistics, up to 60 percent of therapists in Russia prescribe it. This is not surprising, because the complex contains vitamins and microelements, as well as antioxidants and bioflavonoids to maintain tone. However, the supplement is only suitable for young women. For older women, the company produces other dietary supplements, for example, Beauty Elite. The price for one package fluctuates around 600 rubles.
  6. The product fights aging quite well. Doctors often prescribe it for the treatment of skin diseases, because the complex increases the body’s ability to fight harmful factors. The price per piece of such a product is about 420 rubles. .jpg" alt="Perfectil" width="450" height="351" srcset="" data-srcset=" 514w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  7. Our list ends with a product from Spain called "Revidox". It contains no vitamins produced by artificial chemical means. It consists entirely of natural plant extracts - grapes and pomegranate. It significantly slows down the aging process and improves the general condition of a person. The main disadvantage of such a product is the price, because for a standard package of goods in a pharmacy you will be required to pay more than 2 thousand rubles.

Types of vitamins for facial skin in tablets

Many problems with appearance can be solved by vitamins, available in the form of tablets designed to improve the condition of facial skin. These include vitamin complexes and various dietary supplements.

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Since each vitamin affects skin cells differently, it is best to take complex preparations. Let's look at their most popular types:

  1. "Aevit". It consists of two vitamins A and E. Together they tighten the skin and heal wounds on blood vessels faster.
  2. "Aekol". It differs from the previous one in that it contains another vitamin K. It is necessary to improve blood circulation.
  3. "AlfaVITCosmetics" consists of vitamins B, C and K. Together they will make your skin healthy and youthful.
  4. "Vitasharm" contains vitamins from group B. The vitamin complex tones the skin, removes wrinkles and speeds up food digestion. That is why cosmetologists recommend using it for women aged 40 years and older.
  5. Ideal for people who care about the condition of their skin and hair. In its composition you will find a number of vitamins, the combined use of which makes the body work more efficiently: cellular renewal is accelerated, collagen is produced.

When using medications to provide the body with nutrients, remember that you should not neglect the instructions for use from the manufacturer. Keep in mind that before each course of use it is recommended to talk with a therapist about contraindications. Otherwise, there is a danger of harming your body, and not gaining beauty and youth.

Hormonal tablets to combat acne

Hormonal pills are prescribed if a woman’s skin rashes are caused by increased testosterone levels. Birth control pills can change hormonal levels and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thus the problem of acne will be solved quite quickly. The best medications of this type are presented in the list below:

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Good medications that protect against unwanted pregnancy can really save you from acne. However, remember that they are not products that are aimed at combating unwanted inflammation on the skin in the first place. They have many contraindications, so they are recommended to be used only after the approval of the attending physician.

Antibiotics for facial rashes

Drugs containing an antibiotic are prescribed to people with advanced acne. They are needed if other, “weaker” means have not been able to solve the problem. The name of the drug that the doctor prescribes to the patient, the duration of treatment for acne - all this depends on the stage of damage to the face, the causes of the disease. Depending on the clinical picture, the doctor may prescribe one of the following drugs:

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Long-term and uncontrolled use of potent pills is detrimental to the body; self-medication with such drugs is dangerous!

Basic rules for the use of medicines

To achieve only the positive effect of drugs from the pharmacy, follow a number of rules:

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To effectively combat the appearance of acne on the face, it is necessary to use cleansing creams and lotions suitable for oily facial skin.


When dealing with imperfections on your facial skin, do not self-medicate. Only a competent specialist can determine the cause of skin imperfections after conducting the necessary research. To build an effective treatment regimen, the doctor also needs to take into account the weight, age and other characteristics of his patient. Trust an experienced doctor, and facial rashes will no longer bother you.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin is a reflection of the health of the body. Vitamin deficiency leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and flaking, as well as a gray and dull complexion. It is especially important for girls that their skin shines with beauty and health.

What vitamins are needed for the skin and why?

What vitamins does the skin need? All.

Medicine knows 13 groups that contribute to the normal functioning of the body:

What products contain

A healthy diet not only keeps your skin in good condition, but also cures many diseases.

To fully provide the body with useful substances, you need to include a number of products in your diet:

  • green vegetables. The main thing is to eat them fresh; heat treatment significantly reduces the concentration of vitamins, since they are broken down at high temperatures;
  • meat products and seafood;
  • legumes to replenish group B;
  • dairy products to replenish vitamin D reserves;
  • eggs, tomatoes, melons, peaches contain a considerable supply of group A.

There is no need to say much about citrus fruits. They are full of ascorbic acid. This antioxidant is also found in black currants, cranberries, sauerkraut and bell peppers. Look for rutin (R) in walnuts, green tea and rose hips.

The best vitamin complexes for skin

Aevit is the simplest and most affordable drug. It is based on two vitamins A and E. The drug is suitable for preventive measures for skin and hair conditions. When using it, you need to carefully monitor your own feelings; if side effects are detected, stop taking it.

The price per package is 100-200 rubles.

Revalid from the manufacturer of the same name is considered a full-fledged complex drug. In addition to vitamins, it contains amino acids, minerals and plant extracts. It helps normalize metabolic processes, speed up healing of wounds and cleanse the dermis. Take the drug before or after meals.

Problems usually disappear within a month.

Before taking, you should consult a doctor, since the complex is potent and may cause allergic reactions.

The cost ranges from 300-450 rubles.

The drug promotes natural cleansing of the skin and its restoration, as well as improving the condition of hair and nails. The processing of fats and the digestion process in general are significantly improved. It is prescribed for poor nutrition, increased stress and treatment of vitamin deficiencies.

You will have to pay 250-500 rubles for packaging, depending on the type chosen.

External use of vitamins

The problem, as they say, needs to be solved on two fronts. It will not pass without active action. And regular care makes itself felt after a short period of time. The body always thanks for your attentive attitude towards itself.

For acne

Cosmetologists fully approve of the external use of vitamins. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and strictly observe the dosage.

Pimples and acne are one of the most common problems.

Vitamins of groups A, B and E help get rid of them. Citrus fruits help compensate for their deficiency.

In emergency situations, you can use a mask. The orange pulp is ground with a small amount of peeled cherries, a few teaspoons of corn or potato starch are added and allowed to swell for about 5 minutes.

The resulting mass is applied to the entire face and kept for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water and apply nourishing cream.

For rejuvenation

You need to mix a couple of teaspoons of ground oatmeal with kefir or homemade yogurt, add a little honey and 5 drops of vitamin A and E. Gently place the mixture on the face and décolleté, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes and apply daily care.

For oily skin

The shine of an oil lump indicates a B2 deficiency.

To tidy up the skin, grate fresh potatoes and add a teaspoon of lemon pulp and juice.

The mixture is applied to problem areas and removed after 15 minutes with cool water.

Regular use of this mask will regulate sebum production and eliminate unsightly shine.

For dryness

In winter, the dermis needs nutrition and hydration. Vitamins A and E will help fill it with healing moisture. Grate a small apple, add sour cream and 3-5 drops of oil solution. The mask is applied to the entire face and lasts for about 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

For pigment spots

Vitamin C lightens blemishes and acne well.

A tablespoon of cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream (proportion 2:1), and then a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask is applied to the required areas and kept for 20 minutes.

After waiting the required time, use a cellulose sponge to wipe the mixture and rinse off the residue with cool water.

Solutions and masks should be kept for no more than 20-30 minutes.

Symptoms of lack of vitamins for the skin

The body always gives a signal about a problem and a lack of something. Dryness, peeling and the appearance of new wrinkles indicate a deficiency of nicotinic acid and vitamins A and E. Fat content, on the contrary, indicates a lack of group B. Also, their deficiency makes itself felt as allergic dermatitis and the manifestation of hyperpigmentation. Inflammation and acne appear due to a lack of fatty acids (no matter how surprising it may sound). If your skin turns yellow, then it’s time to add B12-rich foods to your diet.

The answer is obvious: you need to help the body fight external adverse influences. When the natural sources of youth begin to dry up, you need to nourish them and help “restore strength.”

Vitamins are irreplaceable in such situations - substances whose presence in the body ensures its normal and functional life. And an organism with a high immune status, healthy on the inside, will always be healthy on the outside.

How do vitamins affect facial skin?

Scientists have identified a number of vitamins that directly affect the quality of the skin and the processes that contribute to the natural maintenance of its tone.

Tocopherol – vitamin E for the face

– the most important element for women. It plays one of the main roles in the activity of the reproductive system. Hence the name of the group of tocopherols in Greek, "tokos" and "fero" mean "offspring" and "carry."

Figure 1. Vitamin E for skin

There are eight known compounds of the two main subgroups of vitamin E:

In cosmetology, the most popular form is alpha-tocopherol acetate, combined with vegetable oils for activation. This is probably the most commonly found vitamin in cosmetics.

  1. Tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant. It slows down the aging process of the skin.

Note that the antioxidant properties of vitamin E extend not only to cells, but also to other vitamins.

  1. Alpha tocopherol acetate improves blood microcirculation, stimulates protein synthesis and cellular regeneration, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thus, it saturates the blood and skin with oxygen, prevents the formation of rosacea and promotes the natural renewal of the epidermis and smooth out wrinkles.
  2. As a fat-soluble element, alpha-tocopherol acetate provides deep hydration to all layers of the skin.

Retinol – vitamin A

Did you know that you were the first official vitamin, and you got it from carrots? That is why it is named after the first letter of the Latin alphabet, and provitamins A, the breakdown of which forms the vitamin, are called carotenoids.

Retinol (scientific name) not only ensures the growth and development of the body, is responsible for the quality of vision, normalizes blood sugar levels, but is one of the most important regenerating elements that slow down cell aging.

Rice. 2. Vitamin A for facial skin

That is why both natural retinol and its chemical derivatives – retinoids – are valued in cosmetology. Their effect on facial skin can be described as follows:

  • restore the normal functionality of the sebaceous glands and sebum production;
  • heals inflammation, is used in the treatment of various skin diseases;
  • improves immunity and thus reduces the risk of infections in problem skin;
  • comprehensively rejuvenates the body, including the skin.

Absorbed only in fats and oils.

With a lack of retinol, the lipid barrier of the skin is disrupted, it becomes rough and flakes.

B vitamins

The group of B vitamins is the widest and most diverse in its effects on the body. These are about 20 vitamins, united by the presence of nitrogen in their molecular composition.

One way or another, the whole group affects the condition of the skin, but cosmetologists identify several of the most important forms.

Rice. 3. B vitamins for skin

– regulator of the nervous system. Strong nerves mean fewer wrinkles and a firm “no” to nervous rashes and redness.

Accelerates metabolic processes, improving complexion, is responsible for natural hydration, and fights inflammation. It is riboflavin deficiency that causes dermatitis in adults.

In cosmetology it is used in the form of nicotinic acid. Promotes deep hydration of the skin, relieves puffiness (removes excess fluid from skin cells), increases skin elasticity and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Panthenol(Vitamin B5) is one of the most effective elements in the group in eliminating acne and moisturizing sensitive, inflamed skin. Used in the form of pantothenic acid.

Pyridoxine(vitamin B6) is a universal participant in almost all metabolic processes necessary to maintain healthy and beautiful skin.

It copes best with manifestations of itching and increased sensitivity of the skin of any etiology.

Folic acid(Vitamin B9) is one of the favorite “rejuvenating” vitamins of all cosmetologists. It not only supports, but activates the independent regeneration of skin, hair and nail cells.

Para-aminobenzoic acid (Vitamin B10) valued for its protective properties against UV radiation. It is also used to treat the effects of exposure to sunlight (photodermatosis, for example), to reduce photosensitivity (sensitivity to the sun, close to an allergy), and vitiligo.

Cyanocobalamin(Vitamin B12) helps saturate the blood with oxygen and thereby restores a healthy glow and youthful glow to the skin.

Ascorbic acid - vitamin C

A familiar immune system stimulator is ascorbic acid.

Rice. 4. Vitamin C for skin

In cosmetology, it is known as a strong antioxidant, regenerator of collagen production, regulator of skin water balance and anti-inflammatory element. Vitamin C is also effective for eliminating age spots and post-acne.

In rare cases, those with sensitive skin report mild allergic reactions to this vitamin (itching, redness, etc.). Therefore, to determine the degree of individual tolerance, it is recommended to start with low concentrations.

Calciferol - vitamin D

The most important vitamin synthesized in the skin under the influence of the sun. Its use is even more important in the seasonality of our climate and the lack of sunlight.

Rice. 5. Vitamin D for skin
  • Provides a full life cycle of the cell from initial division to metabolic processes.
  • Stimulates collagen production, slowing down the aging process of the skin.
  • Moisturizes and nourishes epidermal cells, tones.
  • Eliminates inflammation, reduces the symptoms of psoriasis.
  • Prevents the occurrence of skin cancer.

In large doses, Vitamin D is quite toxic, so the recommended dosage must be followed.

Rutin - vitamin P

An element that owes its name to its strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. It reduces their permeability - P from the word permeability.

Fig, 6. Vitamin P for skin

Its properties are similar to Vitamin C: it protects hyaluronic acid from decay, ensures the elasticity of blood vessels and skin, provides it with a healthy color, fights skin infections and treats acne and other inflammations.

Vitamin K

In cosmetology, the form Vitamin K1 or phytonadione is used. This vitamin functions directly in the circulatory system.

Rice. 7. Vitamin K for skin
  • Effective in the fight against rosacea and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect - relieves redness and pigmentation after cosmetic procedures.

Other vitamins that are good for your skin

Lipoic/thioctic acid - Vitamin N

Used as part of vitamin complexes and procedures:

  • for the treatment of acne, acne, pigmentation;
  • to nourish and rejuvenate sagging and dull skin.

The most popular compound is alpha lipoic acid.

Vitamin F

In fact, it is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic.

Effective for the following skin problems:

  • First wrinkles;
  • Acne;
  • Dryness, flaking.

The right combination of individual vitamins for the face

Proper care and proper nutrition of the skin are possible only with the right combination of vitamins. Some of them complement each other, enhancing the effect of their companions, others are incompatible - when paired they are either neutralized or provoke negative reactions.

Rice. 8. Combination of vitamins for skin

Vitamins A, E and C.

  • Antioxidant companions prevent the breakdown of Vitamin A, increase its effectiveness and reduce the toxicity associated with retinol overdose.
  • Carotenoids and Vitamin E enhance the antioxidant properties of Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C restores the effect of Vitamin E during the oxidation process.

Vitamins C, B9 and B5.

  • Thanks to Vitamin C, Vitamin B9 remains in cells and tissues longer.
  • The absorption of Vitamins B9 and C is easier in combination with Vitamin B5.

VitaminsFand A,Fand E.

  • Taking Vitamin A/E together (not together) with Vitamin F significantly enhances their effect and speeds up metabolic processes.

Vitamins B2, B9 and B5.

  • Vitamin B2 is a catalyst for the transition of Vitamin B9 into its active form and facilitates the easy absorption of Vitamin B5.
  • In turn, B5 helps the body absorb Vitamin B9.


  • Provided that Magnesium is present, Vitamin D has a more pronounced effect on skin cells if taken in combination with Vitamin F.

Vitamin D cannot be absorbed without magnesium.

Vitamins B2 and K.

  • The active form of Vitamin K is catalyzed by Vitamin B2.

Vitamins C and R.

  • It is no accident that these elements coexist in the same products - they complement each other, enhancing their joint effect on cellular tissues.

Review of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements

A very varied menu is required to consume the daily requirement of vitamins. Since it is extremely difficult to regularly maintain this level of healthy nutrition, special vitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes are constantly being developed.

Rice. 9. Multivitamins for the face

Taking vitamin preparations compensates for the lack of vitamins in food.

Let's present the top of the most popular pharmacy complexes, which are considered - both according to experts and in terms of sales - the most effective in their range.

NameActive substancesPurposeManufacturer country
. Alpha tocopherol acetate (Vit. E) 100 mg,
· Retinol palmitate (Vit. A) 100,000 IU or approx. 2.1 mg
Aevit capsules provide additional nutrition and hydration for the skin, and have a therapeutic effect on various skin inflammations and diseases (psoriasis).Russia
(Meligen, Renewal, RealCaps, Lumi, etc.)
Alphabet Cosmetics· 13 vitamins

· 10 minerals (calcium, iodine, selenium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, iron, silicon, manganese, copper)
Coenzyme Q10
· Plant extracts (green tea, nettle, horsetail, chamomile, birch leaves

A complex with a daily calculation of useful vitamins and minerals to maintain the beauty of skin, hair and nails. Each tablet contains only elements that are compatible with each other.Russia
WellwomanB vitamins
Vitamin PP
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
· Vitamin C
Provitamin A (carotenoid)
Minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, manganese, chromium
A unique dietary supplement to maintain energy in the female body. Gives an influx of strength and good mood. Balances the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems. Strengthens the skin's defenses, improves its tone and nourishes from the inside.Great Britain
Doppelhertz Beauty Lifting-Complex· Biotin (Vit. B7)
· Vitamin C
Vitamin E
· Hyaluronic acid
· Beta-carotene
· Minerals: magnesium, calcium, silicon, titanium, etc.
A dietary supplement that helps improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin, revitalizes the complexion and protects the skin from the aggressive effects of the external environment.Germany
Imedeen Flawless Update·Vitamin C
Vitamin E
· Unique BioMarineComplex
· Soybean, white tea, chamomile, tomato, grape seed extracts
Complex for mature skin with a pronounced anti-aging effect. Stimulates the production of elastane and collagen. Prevents the formation of wrinkles and inflammation.USA
Complivit Radiance· 11 vitamins (C, E of group B, A, PP, N)
Green tea extract
· 8 minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, silicon, cobalt)
A universal complex for improving the condition of skin, hair and nails. Designed to effectively help the body in urban ecology. It also helps reduce appetite and speed up metabolism.Russia
Laura EvalarVitamin E
· Vitamin C
· Hyaluronic acid
Yam extract (phytoestrogen)
Anti-aging drug (dietary supplement) to activate rejuvenating processes in the skin.

30% less noticeable wrinkles, elastic skin, glowing with health - these are the results in just a month

Lady’sformula Ageless SkinVitamin E
Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
· Vitamin C
Vitamin B12
· Plant extract (horsetail, thistle, citrus)
Minerals (zinc, selenium, calcium, silicon)
A complex of active substances that prevent aging of the skin of the face, décolleté, neck and hands. Aimed at strengthening capillary walls and removing toxins.Canada
Vitrum Beauty EliteVitamin E
B vitamins
· Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Nicotinamide (vitamin PP)
· enzymes
· Minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, etc.)
· Plant extracts (aloe, kelp, grape seeds, lemon, etc.)
Rich complex for skin 30+.

It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, immunity, and digestive system.

It also saturates skin and hair cells with nutrients, stimulating metabolic processes and preventing the appearance of wrinkles and the first signs of aging.

Solgar Skin, hair, nails· Vitamin C
Amino acids
Red algae extract
· MSM (methylsulfonylmethane, source of organic sulfur)
A specially developed natural multivitamin and mineral composition to strengthen hair and nails and restore the natural processes of regeneration and skin lifting.USA

How to properly apply and apply vitamins?

A universal rule for external and oral use of vitamins is to read the instructions before use. There you can get the maximum benefit from the drug and minimize the risk of harm to health.

Please pay attention to the presence of an allergic reaction to the components. For example, cases of allergy to vitamin C are common.

Also consider the compatibility of vitamins with each other and with minerals.

We can conditionally divide the form of release of vitamin preparations into three types, each of which has individual characteristics in use.

Tablets and capsules.

  • Manufacturers must indicate not only the percentage of each vitamin in the drug in relation to its daily requirement, but also indicate the exact number of times and time of taking capsules or tablets. Just follow the instructions and keep the dosage.
  • Vitamins are a source of energy and strength, so it is recommended to drink them in the morning.
  • Take the tablets with food.

Liquid in ampoules.

  • Water-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin C, B6, B12, etc. are most often produced in ampoules. Fat-soluble ones, including Vitamins A, E, D, come in small bottles.
  • Vitamins in liquid form can be easily tested for an allergic reaction: apply a drop to the crook of your elbow. If redness does not appear after 15 minutes, you can safely continue the procedure!
  • It is recommended to adhere to the rule “1 vitamin - 1 mask”, this will eliminate the occurrence of a conflicting combination.
  • Make masks no more than 2 times a week on previously cleansed skin.
  • Store opened ampoules in the refrigerator according to the period specified by the manufacturer.

Creams and serums enriched with vitamins.

  • Be sure to choose cosmetics based on your skin type and the specific imperfections it is intended to address.
  • Cosmetologists note that if the cream contains more than 5 vitamin elements, then their concentration will be minimal. As a consequence, the expected effect is unlikely to be achieved.
  • Do not use vitamin cosmetics and products with fruit acids at the same time.
  • Creams and serums that contain antioxidant vitamins can and should even be applied before bed.
  • Observe storage conditions.

Vitamin face masks


  1. A wonderful and simple mask with a cumulative effect. It contains a tablespoon of olive oil and literally a couple of drops of Vitamins A and E. Heat the oil base in a water bath, mix with vitamins and apply to a clean face. Using your fingertips, massage the skin along the massage lines until the solution is completely absorbed.

This mask can be done daily. The result will be noticeable within a month.

For acne and blackheads.

  1. Take 1 amp. or one teaspoon of liquid retinol, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of any cosmetic oil. Apply the oil solution to clean skin for ten minutes. Then remove the remains with a paper towel. Once a week is enough.
  2. You will need 1 tsp. favorite nourishing cream, chilled aloe juice, retinol. Mix in a bowl and apply with clean hands to cleansed face for about 15 minutes. May sting slightly. Do not wash off the mask, but blot it with a napkin.

From pigment spots.

  1. Use a mask of ascorbic acid (can be taken either in liquid form or in powder without additives, mixed with water), 3 tablespoons of aloe juice, 4 drops of tocopherol oil solution and 5 drops of any citrus essential oil (they effectively eliminate any pigmentation spots). Keep the mixture on the skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For skin inflammation.

  1. Curd mask with Vitamin E maintains a healthy glow and eliminates redness. It requires 1 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable (olive, grape, flaxseed, etc.) oil, 1 amp. alpha tocopherol acetate. Mix until smooth, apply to clean face for 15 minutes.

From peeling skin.

  1. For maximum skin hydration and nutrition, use the following recipe. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream, chicken yolk and 5 drops of Vitamins A, D and E until smooth. Apply the mixture evenly to your face and leave for twenty minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Two procedures per week are enough to see the first positive changes.

Rejuvenating injections with vitamins for the face

To deeply nourish the skin, capturing all the cells of the epidermis, in cosmetology there are methods of biorevitalization and mesotherapy. These are procedures during which preparations rich in vitamins, amino acids, minerals, etc. are injected into the dermis.

Rice. 10. Vitamin injections

Since the concentration of vitamin elements in such injection cocktails is very high, they should be made exclusively by professional cosmetologists and use high-quality proven compositions. Unlike masks, such cosmetic procedures are carried out no more than once every six months.

Products containing vitamins beneficial for the face

With rare exceptions, vitamins are not synthesized by our cells. Therefore, they can only be obtained from the outside. The simplest and most affordable way is to eat balanced and vitamin-rich foods.

Moreover, in nature this was foreseen in advance - many natural products contain from one to several vitamins and microelements.

  • Vitamin A is found in milk, butter, liver, and in vegetables: red bell pepper, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, melon, persimmon. Be sure to season these products with oil.
  • Naturally, all citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, as well as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, strawberries, rose hips and even dill.
  • Vitamin E can be obtained by adding a variety of vegetable oils, nuts, spinach, sorrel, red fish, and rabbit meat to your diet.
  • The B vitamin group is present in beef liver, chicken, legumes, oatmeal, nuts, bananas and avocados.
  • In cloudy weather, you can replenish Vitamin D deficiency by eating red caviar and red fish, eggs, butter, mushrooms
  • You can find an additional source of Vitamin P in buckwheat, tomato-garlic paste, citrus fruits (especially in the peel), apricots, grapes, plums, chokeberries and currants.
  • Fans of plant foods are not afraid of a lack of Vitamin K. After all, it is found in all types of cabbage, seaweed, celery, cucumbers and beans.