What is a volt.

Volt is a conditionally reliable image of an object of witchcraft work, which has established rapport (connection) with the object of work. Rapport is established by adding a “mummy”, that is, body parts (hair, blood, nails, skin particles, teeth) or “cover” (parts of clothes worn on the body, threads from it, etc.). Body-worn clothing is clothing that is worn in direct contact with the body - underwear, hats, socks, etc. The less clothing has contact with the body, the less suitable it is.

In our age of technological development, photographs are actively used to create volts. The photo can be cut into pieces by cutting out the face, arms, body, legs, etc. separately. Parts of the photo are attached to the corresponding parts of the volt.

Material, how to do it, consecration of the volt, what can and cannot be done with the volt:

Volt material.

There are three types (actually there are many, but there are three main ones) of materials used to create volts. The first is wax. Wax perfectly stores information, but does not hold it for very long, so wax volt should be used immediately after production. The second material is rope. Vervyem is the name given to ropes, tow, hay, and bast. The rope itself cannot accumulate and hold information, therefore, in the process of creating a volt from it, wax balls or balls from the object’s clothing are placed inside the doll - in the head, in the heart, in the groin or in the legs. It depends on where the main work will go. The third material is bread crumb or dough made from flour and water. Wax is not required here, but it is extremely difficult to achieve reliability.

How to do a volt.

Wax volt is made using several methods. The first is to heat the wax to the state of plasticine and mold a doll from it. If you have ever sculpted with wax, you know that this is not an easy process. The wax flakes off, sticks to your hands, some wax parts fall off from others. Therefore, I recommend taking a bread crumb, molding it into a mold of a person and filling it with wax. When it hardens, heat it up and mold it into the desired shape.

If you are making a volt from rope, then take a bundle of ropes of the same length or tow, bend it in half and tie it just below the bend with a separate rope - you get a head. Arms, body and legs are obtained in a similar way. At the folds (main joints) you also tie them with ropes. Then they put the mummy into the doll, glue fragments of the photo, dress it in parts of the object’s clothes and begin to “blessing” the volt.

Consecration of the volt.

There are many ways to sanctify, or as they also say, revive the volt. Starting from the simplest “I revive and name you (the name of the victim). So be it!”, and ending with the reproduction of a full-fledged baptismal ritual.

Personally, I prefer the following method.

When the volt is completely ready, then I carry out initiating work on it, give it a name, and then spend a lot of time simply “setting up” it, telling it about the facts of the object’s life that are reliably known to me - about family, friends, especially significant events in biography, as I would tell the subject if he, say, lost his memory.

I have my own initiating work, but you can use the standard classic one (Spell or Initiation Formula), completed before the initiation with the name:

“O Adonai, Ieva Zebaoth, O supreme father, creator of heaven and earth, the four elements and the highest spirits! I conjure you to infuse life into this body! I name you, body, with the name (name of the object)! I conjure you, (name), in the name of truth, life, eternity, and I tell you - rise up! Let it be so!"

What can you do with a volt?

Contrary to popular belief, volts can not only harm, but also help. For example, you can depict a volt with signs of illness that a person has, and gradually “treat” him, reporting healing works and eliminating one sign or part of a single sign of the disease. But you cannot use metal or stone - only your own hands or pieces of a rag. If the disease does not have external manifestations, then the corresponding healing works are recited on the volt.

But, of course, most often volts are used precisely to cause harm. In this case, fairly large unstitched needles are used. An “unstitched needle” is a new needle that has not been used to sew anything before. Why new? Because it has no traces of use for purposes other than the one for which you use it. Why a needle? It is traditionally believed that sharp metal stores information better. And what in a sorcerer’s household can be new, sharp and metallic? The nail is not sharp enough (although you can use a cemetery nail, of course), and a sorcerer’s knife is too important an object to poke into any nasty things)) What remains is the needle. The needles can be strengthened by additionally charging them in the graveyard. To do this, they are brought after sunset to a churchyard where there is no church, and buried with their points up for three nights. After which they come and take it away, leaving the ransom in the place where they took it from. They leave without looking back.

What not to do with Volt.

Volt must not be thrown into the fire, doused with water (any kind), sprinkled with holy water and buried in any soil other than a cemetery. The Volt should not be given to anyone, disassembled, taken out into bright sunlight and “finished.” That is, if you have already made a volt, and then you have some other biomaterial of the object, then you cannot open the volt and put biomaterial into it. But if you have more suitable clothes for the object, then the volt can be changed.

In the rituals of black magic, in Voodoo rituals and other magical traditions, there is and is very often practiced such a technique as an effective love spell on a wax figurine. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about the conditions for working with volts in this article. As an example, we will consider in detail the ritual of a black love spell for a man’s love.

About how to make a volt and about love spells on a wax doll

And I, magician Sergei Artgrom, will begin with the fact that the doll - volt (a wax doll with pronounced sexual characteristics and the bindings of the victim) - is one of the most ancient and most common mechanisms for humans. In the rituals of black magic, volts are made of pure wax; in our country they are often called saffron milk caps.

Used by sorcerers in powerful rituals:

  • and twists of grass,
  • and volts baked from dough,
  • and figures made of dung,
  • clay,
  • from bread,
  • Volts are also sewn from fabric.

Sometimes a Volt doll is not needed at all, and the magician uses the person’s belongings directly, i.e. its biomaterials.

Any witchcraft work can be done with volt dolls:

  • you can damage a person,
  • can be bewitched to eternal love
  • can be doomed to love suffering and melancholy,
  • you can take away your mind,
  • can diseases be cured,
  • improve material affairs,
  • attract money
  • bring back youth
  • with wax volts they make very strong protections.

Bindings in love witchcraft are used in different ways. The man's biomaterials (blood, saliva, sweat, urine, nails, hair, sperm, teeth, skin particles) are added to the appropriate places of the wax doll. Use subject anchors -

  • photos,
  • drawings,
  • handwriting samples.

Such bindings are burned and the ashes are mixed into wax. The name of your beloved guy whom you want to bewitch is also a binding, as is his date of birth. In some magical rituals of love spells for submission and damage, men use underwear, clothes and shoes, but this is another story, which has nothing to do with the creation of a wax volt.

The finished volt, equipped with bindings, needs to be presented to the world and named. High above his head, the sorcerer raises the doll he made - volt and points to all directions of the world and names it with the name of the victim. The doll is energetically connected through connections to the desired person and personifies him. Now everything that happens to the Volt will be reflected in its prototype.

To really do love spell on a wax doll, experience in similar work is required. But, for a real love spell on wax, it is not enough to make a volt of your beloved guy. It is necessary to create communication channels through it. For this purpose, a magic Volt doll is placed in a corner and identified with the victim; this is done until the magician begins to see and feel not the doll, but the person himself.

It is not always possible to get binding materials for your loved one. This is especially true for wax love spells on a guy at a distance, or in cases where it is impossible to get close to the object, and, accordingly, it is impossible to get the bindings. In this case, the volt is called a volt, but the result of the magical effect will depend on the energy and force invested by the magician in the envolting love spell.

Many people make magical love spells on wax on their own.

Without experience working with wax volt, you can get results, but what you get may not always correspond to what you want. Most of the love spells for a married man that are practiced today are old, long-established, with strong energy. Therefore, you need to approach effective love spells for a guy’s love consciously and carefully. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, warn you that it is dangerous to imagine yourself as an all-knowing magician, many have already paid for their pride.

How does a love spell work on a customer and what are the consequences of witchcraft?

The problem of undesirable consequences for the customer of a love spell on a guy is one of the most pressing. This has always been important, but today, when magic is being used en masse, magical consequences have become simply an epidemic. Will there be after effectivelove spell consequences for the customer, and which ones exactly, depends on many factors.

If a love ritual is performed by an experienced, practicing sorcerer, the customer of a strong love spell at a distance does not need to be afraid of the negative consequences. The magician will do everything to protect his client from troubles, both during the ritual and if the love spell is removed from the man. Another thing is that the customers themselves work as a sorcerer. There are such lovers who will order a black love spell for the love of a married man, and run to church to atone for their sins. That’s why the demons of human stupidity will rejoice, but teach the ignorant a lesson so that even the defenses put in place will not stand. Yes, and such girls and men get it from the Christian egregor; double-dealers are not welcomed anywhere. Well, if you cast a black love spell on your beloved guy, then stand your ground. If you are afraid, don’t do it yourself, and don’t bother experienced magicians.

Beeswax is used in practical magic not only to create volts. Castings from this natural material have long been used to remove damage and love spells from a husband. Methods that will help you remove damage from yourself or another person, or a love spell on wax, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will offer you in another article, devoting it specifically to this topic. And now here is the promised way to make a love spell on a guy with a volt yourself.

Strong love spell on a wax figurine - conspiracies and sequence

An effective love spell is performed on the waxing Moon. Volt requires pure wax. Make a figurine according to all the rules of love witchcraft described above. Take a flat plate, draw an equilateral cross on it with charcoal, and place a wax volt doll in the center of the plate. Light a black candle at the head of the figurine.

Read the plot for a black love spell on a guy on the wax figurine:

“Thirty-three prayers were prayed, but the priest anathematized in the church, and was spoken by the demon himself, and those secret prayers were contaminated with filth, and driven by force. If you read a prayer, you will open the eyes of a dead man, so I say that prayer over the wax-bearer, and I give the wax-bearer a name. Yes, today (name of the object) you are talking, your heart is pounding, and there is blood all around. Otpet, yes it is said. Yes, life is invested with black prayer. Amen".

Now take 4 new needles, heat each one on a candle flame, and for each needle read the text of the bewitching spell:

Immediately you need to flog the chicken and pour plenty of live blood into the volts. This is sacrificial blood in a black love spell on a man through the power of wax. It gives power to the ritual and serves as a ransom for demons.

“For this blood I call out the demon, and the black associate, and the hiding place of hearts, who are in charge of rage, and who are filled with melancholy. Yes, the heart is in a loop, and the loop is in the veins, and it will come together, and it will come together in a knot, and the knot will be for ardent love, and the blood will be dripped onto (the name of the object)’s body, and as this blood dries up, so the longing for (name) will begin to eat away at me, my eyes It will wrap you in a veil and confuse your blood with heat. So the blood was shed, and (name) was found with love for me, then the demon with blood, and in the body (name) with ardent love. Amen".

In continuation of the strongest love spell on a wax doll, this is what should be done. Insert the first needle into the crown of the volt.

Read the plot for an effective love spell on a lover:

“I’m depriving (name) of his mind, so he can only languish over me, and not know anyone. Even a black thought has been planted, and a love thought has been hunted into (name) for me. Amen".

“There is a restless fury in the heart, yes to love, yes to suffer for you (name), yes to seek a meeting with me, yes to black melancholy, yes to fierce love in attack. Amen".

Inject the third red-hot needle into the solar plexus and read the words of the conspiracy for your husband’s love:

“I pierce right through, and press (name) with ardent love. Don’t walk around, don’t make speeches, don’t know your relatives, but I’m taking you away from this world, and I’m nailing (name) to myself. Amen".

Inject the fourth needle into the groin and say:

“What is tired, but inflamed with demonic fire, and now you (name) are tormented by bodily pleasure, and the demonic fire within is ignited, and driven by bodily thirst. You want me day and night, but the demonic fury of love is restless. Amen".

“Out of hell, ardent love has fallen, and bodily torment, and melancholy lust, and everything is shrouded in fog, and a black arrow, and right into (name’s) heart, all in one stroke, and now (name)’s heart is tormented by love torment, and (name)’s heart is enveloped in black melancholy. Yes, with passionate lust, the inner nature is scattered, thirsty, it does not calm down, does not fade, but with every hour in height, and in breadth, this lustful and amorous matter diverges, spreads, so (name) comes from me, and becomes exhausted. So it was said, and noticed by the demon himself. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Having done the above, leave the volt untouched until the morning, and the next morning you should complete this black love spell on a wax figurine. The next day, before noon, the volt must be burned in the forest on a fire, placing it on the coals.

At the same time, read the words of the love spell of the bewitching guy:

“As wax burns, so (name) burns with lust for me. The wax melts, so (name) yearns for me. As the wax disappears, so (name) caresses me. Amen".

In this proven love spell for a guy on wax, the ransom for the demon brothers is a chicken, and it’s the chicken that needs to be carried to the crossroads. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, admit that not every novice magician who grew up in an urban environment will be able to kill a sacrificial bird. Technically it is not difficult - one blow, but you need to decide to take this blow. Some people try to make their task easier by replacing the chicken with fresh blood purchased especially for the ceremony, but under no circumstances pork! The powers that be will consider this an insult, pay yourself off with beef blood - but it’s still not the same, the power of a real love spell on a married lover is greatly weakened. If you do the love ritual yourself correctly, there will be no rollback.

How does a black love spell work on a guy?

As you can see, the strongest love spell on a guy using the power of black magic is complex and multi-step. But the result is corresponding - the love connection is strong.

What may happen negative consequences for the customer love spell on the love of her husband. A side effect may be jealousy. And this is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for the performer or customer of a love spell for a man’s true love. The negative consequences of a magical ritual include problems with health, money and luck. To prevent this, an experienced sorcerer puts protection on the customer before performing the ritual. If you decide to do such a love ritual at home on your own, first of all take care of magical protections for yourself. You can put several different rituals for protection, but combined with each other, then the barrier from the forces of evil and the rollback will be strong.

You can also bewitch a woman with an effective wax love spell.

According to the results: it acts quickly, the influence is strong, the girl can be aggressive. This is normal for a woman to cast love spells with the help of demons. I won’t say that it lasts for a long time - from six months to a year. For some it goes off earlier; a lot depends on the strength of the magician - the performer. But that's why there is a fake.

A magical counterfeit is the repetition of a previously performed ritual after a certain period of time. The purpose of the fake is to enhance energy and prolong the effect of the strongest love spell on a person’s love. Regular repetitions allow black love spell on a wax doll not weaken for as long as the customer or contractor needs it. In addition to counterfeiting, a magician can perform other magical rituals, pursuing the same goal. For example, if a black love spell was cast on a girl with a volt, you can periodically “feed” the demons at the crossroads, specifically specifying your request. This can also prolong the effect of a woman's love spell through a wax figurine.

How to avoid unwanted consequences for the customer of a love spell

Before casting any powerful love spell on a man, magicians make a diagnosis. Real magic allows you to find answers to any questions related to practical witchcraft. For example, is this particular love ritual suitable for the victim, how will the proven ritual work and whether it will be successful, how will a love spell affect a customer?

But in order not to harm the guy you are bewitching (after all, you need him loving and healthy, unless, of course, you are causing damage), in the process homemade love spell with wax, visualize the result very clearly. When preparing for a magical ritual, keep in mind the result you need, scroll through this picture in your imagination, and do not deviate from this image during the work; good visualization is the key to success for a beginner.

A volt love spell is a powerful magical ritual performed with the goal of binding a lover to oneself and rekindling love and passion in him. A person who has become a victim of such a ritual begins to experience strong feelings and yearn without the one who performed this sacrament. Having decided on such a ritual, you should be confident in your feelings for the person.

Preparing for the ceremony: choosing a time and place

It is necessary to follow the sequence of actions and take into account all the nuances when performing a love spell. Only then can you achieve a positive result without harming yourself and your lover.

You should decide on the date of the ritual. For it to be as effective as possible, you need to sculpt the doll 1-2 days before it is performed. This way, the bindings used in the manufacture of the volt will have time to “grow together” with the wax figure.

It is better to cast a love spell on a doll on the waxing moon on the night from Friday to Saturday. The best time is midnight.

The day of the ceremony should not coincide with a church holiday, fasting, or Sunday.

Men do love spells on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, women - on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.

Is a volt different from a voodoo doll?

For this ritual you will need:

  1. Volts of the lover and the fortune teller.
  2. Threads are black.
  3. Black velvet.
  4. Casket or box made of natural material.
  5. 3 white candles purchased in the temple.

When the moon is full, you need to cover the table with black velvet. Dolls are placed in the middle of the table. Then the candles are lit and the “Our Father” is read. Using black threads, you need to sew the figures together, placing them face to face, saying the magic words:

“I weave our destinies with threads, I unite our hearts forever. They (names) will live together for a long time, not knowing grief and troubles. No one can destroy these words. Let it be so. I conjure with dark forces."

The dolls are placed in a box along with the ransom (small coins, sweets) and taken to the cemetery.

Black bunch of lovers with needle

To perform this ritual you will need the following items:

  1. A doll representing a witch.
  2. Lover's Volt.
  3. Mirror.
  4. 3 green candles (from the church).

Lighted candles are placed in the shape of a triangle, in the center of which a mirror is placed. Your volt is placed in the right hand, your loved one in the left. The dolls are carried one by one over the candle flames, pronouncing the following spell:

“I’m calling my devil friends, I want to make a love spell. Let them help you tie your sweetheart, connect destinies, steal your heart. The beloved will follow (name) and love with all his soul. What was said is destined to come true. Amen".

After the ceremony, you need to look in the mirror and imagine your future together with your lover.

The fortuneteller must bury her doll in her loved one’s yard, and his doll in her yard, along with candle stubs.

Three needles

Over the candle fire you need to heat 3 needles that were recently purchased and have not been used before. These needles must be inserted in turn into the volt in 3 places: between the eyebrows, in the genitals and in the heart area.

When performing a love spell, you need to say:

“As sharp as this needle is, his thoughts about me are just as sharp. No matter how hot this needle is, his feelings towards me are just as hot. How strong this needle is, so strong is his love. I don’t stick sharp needles, I kindle a fire, I don’t cause pain, but I awaken love.”

At the end of the ceremony, the candle is extinguished and wrapped in a new towel along with the doll. The contents are tied with a triple knot and placed in a place where it will be accessible to the performer and inaccessible to strangers.

A love spell with a volt and three needles should be performed during the full moon.

To bring back your loved one

Using this method, you can correct your lover’s behavior. For the ritual you will need:

  1. New broom.
  2. White church candle.
  3. Red silk ribbon.
  4. Photo and volt of the beloved.

You need to light a candle and place a photo of your loved one in front of it. 2 twigs of equal size are pulled out of the broom and tied up with a volt. Then they take it in the right hand and say:

“I bind the slave (name), return him to his home, and drive him away from his mistress. Now he will bypass different women, but love and favor his wife. He will say goodbye to his vicious past, come home and stay forever. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then the volt needs to be tied with a triple knot using tape and placed under the pillow all night. In the morning it will need to be buried in the yard of his mistress.

To kindle the heart

A love spell on a Volt doll is carried out as follows: it must be made from candle wax purchased in the church. The beloved's biomaterial is mixed into the wax. You will need a red beeswax candle, over the flame of which you need to heat 2 new needles. 1 of them is injected into the heart and the following words are read:

“I leave your mind to myself, I light a fire in my heart forever. You will miss (name), you will not be able to stop loving her. Amen".

Another needle is stabbed into the stomach, saying:

“The fire in the heart will flare up, the mind will obey the feelings. From this moment and forever there is only (name) for the slave (name).”

A harsh ritual with the subordination of the will

Strong black love spells, which this ritual refers to, should be carried out carefully.

It is necessary to sculpt a doll kneeling. They place 13 black candles in a circle, light them, and place a photo of their loved one in the center. They put a rope around the volta’s neck, take it with their left hand and read:

“I call upon the forces of darkness to help, I enslave the soul of my beloved. Now the slave (name) will be in captivity of the slave (name), he will not dare to take a step without her, he will not be able to utter a sound. If he does not want to submit to her will, the fiery snake will drag him to the grave. Let it be so. Key, tongue, lock."

The volt, along with the rope and the remains of the wax, must be buried in the cemetery near the grave of a person with the same name as the beloved. Upon returning home, they drink holy water: it will neutralize the negative consequences of the ritual.

With two figures

One of the most effective love spells is a ritual using 2 wax figures. They personify the person being bewitched and the performer. The sculpted figures are given gender characteristics and photos of their faces are attached. It is necessary to use the victim's biological material (blood, hair, nails) to obtain the necessary effect.

You need to take 3 red candles. On one of them the name of the loved one is written, on the other - the artist. The candle with the name of the performer is lit first and the spell is pronounced:

“This candle is my longing for love.” Then they light a candle with the name of the beloved and say: “This candle is your love longing.”

Opposite each candle lies a corresponding doll. The burning candles are placed opposite each other, and a third one is placed between them, which will need to be set on fire from the other 2. It will symbolize the kindling of passion between the object of the love spell and the customer.

When the third candle lights up, the others must be extinguished by saying:

“I bind us with the fire of growing desire, and only I can extinguish the kindled love thread.”

After this, the dolls should be folded face to face, wrapped in red cloth and tied with red woolen thread, then the bundle should be placed in a box and stored in a safe place.

It must be taken into account that the biological material must be fresh. Volt dolls should never be found by strangers. In this case, misfortune may occur in the lives of the people participating in the ritual. To correct the consequences, you will have to contact a professional magician. It is not recommended to do this yourself, because... You can provoke even bigger troubles.

When can I expect results?

The love spell will take effect in half a month or 28 days, provided that:

  1. All actions were performed correctly, no mistakes were made.
  2. The participants in the love spell know each other well.
  3. The victim does not have a long-term relationship at the time of the ritual.
  4. The object has a weak will and low energy level.
  5. The sorceress has a strong energy field and faith in the effectiveness of the ritual.

Love magic will work in a month or 40 days if:

  1. The performer turned to the forces of darkness for help.
  2. The ritual took place in a cemetery.
  3. The victim has strong energy.

A love spell may not come true if there was no payoff or mistakes were made. The magic will not have an effect if the parties taking part in the ritual do not know each other or are far away.

How to avoid undesirable consequences?

To prevent negative consequences, the victim should cleanse the energy of negativity by sprinkling her photograph with holy water. After this, the photo is burned and the ashes are thrown into a seething water stream.

Before performing the ritual, you should fast for 45 days: do not eat meat, fish and dairy dishes. It is not allowed to drink alcohol or go to entertainment venues. You must attend morning church service every day.

As a payoff, they leave small money or food at the crossroads of 3 roads, saying:

“Power of the world, come to the rescue, save the soul of God’s servant (name) from recoil. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to recognize such a love spell?

The signs of a love spell with a doll are as follows:

  1. A person begins to have health problems, both physical and mental. Relapses of various diseases may occur.
  2. A feeling of discomfort in the cervical spine or pressing pain in the esophagus. This is evidence of suppression of will.
  3. Troubles in all spheres of life, frequent quarrels with others.
  4. Depression, apathy, lack of interest in life.
  5. The bewitched person has mixed feelings: reluctance to be near the person and lack of willpower to leave him.

How to remove a love spell on volts?

To remove the love spell, it is necessary to perform a cleansing ritual on the river. The river should be in close proximity to the temple. You can perform cleansing rituals with fire while at home.

You must attend church daily for 30 days. Reading prayers addressed to Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Most Holy Theotokos and Matrona of Moscow will help remove the conspiracy.

In the arsenal of black magic there is a powerful volt love spell. Only an energetically strong person can do it.

This ritual is very difficult to remove and can only be done by a person who is professionally involved in magic; he is able to influence the victim for a long time.

Influence on a person using volts

While the Volt doll, which has been subjected to a conspiracy, is hidden away from prying eyes, inaccessible to other people, the person is subject to constant influence from the outside:

  • turn your loved one into an obedient zombie forever;
  • make your enemy fall in love with you, then leave him;
  • return the departed husband to the family;
  • inflame passion;
  • restore cooling relationships.

Weaken the impact and make the volt love spell less strong by performing the ceremony in the cemetery. But to completely get rid of his influence is to completely destroy the Volt doll.

The strongest love spell on volts

The doll intended for use in the ritual is made independently. A doll from a store is not suitable; it will not have the necessary energy. Volt is made from any available materials, the main thing is their natural origin. Wax is suitable and easy to use.

You need to sew a doll from fabric taken from the clothes of the person being bewitched. The items with which the doll was sewn cannot be used in everyday life. Each item should be purchased without change and without haggling. You can leave the change to the seller.

When making a doll, you must make it look like a person. When working on a doll yourself, take into account its dimensions corresponding to the human palm. After sewing the top, stuff it with cotton wool or cut pieces of natural materials. For greater effect of the ritual, a photograph of the victim of the love spell is placed inside the volt. Dolls can be wooden, made of flour, wax.

The finished doll is named after the object of the love spell. A volt is shown to the four cardinal directions and the words are said:

“Created by me, named by me (name of object).”

To make the ritual more successful, daily communication with the doll until the day of the love spell (2-3 days) will help.

This love spell requires silence and solitude. When performing a ritual, the right time is deep night and burning candles. When performing the ritual, injections are made with a needle at the places required in the spell on the volta doll, which embodies the image of the object of the love spell.

When injections are applied to the head, you should say the following phrase:

“I deprive you of your mind forever, I only conjure you to have a strong love for me. You will languish in a dark thought, and you will never hang out with anyone again.”

To the heart area:

“In your heart I place a restless passion, in your soul an irresistible melancholy and dryness. Without me, you will not know sleep and peace.”

To the loins:

“I take you away from the entire earthly world and take you to myself without a trace. Only love for me forever and through. From this moment you are a slave to my body. Amen".

In order for the volt love spell to have the strongest effect, the needle used for injections is smeared with your own blood and a few drops of it are given to the doll. Ritual actions are repeated several times, which greatly increases the energy of the words:

“As sharp as this magic needle is, so will your thoughts about me be, as hot as this magic needle will be, so will your passion for me be, as strong as this magic needle, so strong will be your feelings for me. I don’t stick magic needles, but I kindle strong love in you, I sincerely love you, so I don’t cause pain, but I awaken deep feelings in you.”

When the understanding comes on a subconscious level that the goal has been achieved, the ritual should be stopped. Extinguish the candles, and wrap the volt in cotton or silk cloth and hide it in the most inaccessible place. All items used in making the doll and performing the ritual are removed from the house and buried in the ground.

The action of such a ritual begins very soon. After a little time it begins to become noticeable. Moonlight makes the effect of the love spell stronger - on a full moon the ritual will have a greater effect. The main thing is to be able to renounce all problems, focusing on performing the ritual and visualizing your feelings for the object of the love spell.

Compliance with important conditions when performing the ritual

Important conditions that must be strictly observed are:

  1. No one should guess or know about the preparation for the ritual.
  2. No volt is allowed to be made or a finished item for anyone to see.

If all conditions and rules are met, the ritual is always successful. If the effect of the love spell does not occur, this is a warning that the volt was seen by the eyes of others. Two people's destinies will not unite, which poses a certain danger to the person being bewitched. He may get sick or die.

Spelling a love spell on a guy on your own is a difficult job that requires you to follow many rules. It is not always possible for a person who does not have sufficient magical experience to cope with it. Conducting a ceremony requires awareness, and not to be the first impulse that will soon go out. The effect of this black magic love spell is directed towards the person for whom real feelings are experienced, and further life without it cannot be imagined.

The warning of experienced magicians should not be neglected - every turn to magic has bad consequences that cannot be predicted.

Some believe that a love spell using a volt is a voodoo ritual. These rituals are united by the presence of a doll, the rest is completely different.

Powerful love spell using volts

A powerful love spell on a Volt doll when performed professionally is effective. To perform a magical ritual you need to prepare:

  • clay or wax;
  • rich red fabric;
  • trimmed nails or a strand of hair from the victim of a love spell;
  • red wool thread;
  • 3 red candles;
  • small box.

You should make wax or clay figurines embodying the images of two people, the object and the person casting the love spell. The gender of the figures must be indicated. When making a figurine of the love spell object, a biomaterial is added that comes into contact with it and the love spell object. Photos are attached to the doll faces.

The name of the person being bewitched is written on the candle, and the name of the person making the love spell is written on the other. First, you should light a candle with the name of the person doing the love spell, while saying the words:

“This candle is my longing for love.”

Then - a candle with the name of the object of the love spell, saying the words:

“This candle is your love longing.”

Each candle has a suitable volt. Burning candles are placed opposite, and a third one is located in the middle; it should be set on fire from two burning ones. She is a symbol of creating passion. With the third candle burning, the two with names should be extinguished and at the same time say:

“I bind us with the fire of growing desire, and only I am able to tear the thread of love that I have kindled.”

The dolls are connected by faces, wrapped in red cloth, then the whole thing is tied with red woolen thread. The resulting package is hidden in a box and stored in a place inaccessible to others.

When performing such a ritual, the magician influences the person’s aura. This is a very difficult task, and the result obtained comes from the magician’s skill and professionalism. When carrying out such a ritual, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  1. The biomaterial used in the manufacture of volts should not be old; blood is best.
  2. Under no circumstances should the Volt doll be given to strangers. This can trigger catastrophic setbacks in the lives of two people.
  3. When using magical rituals to attract love, you need to clearly understand whether you want to stay together with the person you are bewitching for the rest of your life. If the feelings are fleeting, such attachment will lead to fatigue and disgust after a short period of time.
  4. When, from carrying out a powerful love spell, the expected result failed.
  5. It is prohibited to independently remove the sad consequences; there is a possibility of getting negative consequences several times more.

If you feel the impact with the help of a Volta doll, it is important to contact a professional sorcerer to remove the impact. On the shelves of bookstores you can find many books introducing the world of magic.

You can't joke with magic. You should think carefully, carefully weigh your feelings and sensations, familiarize yourself with magical rituals in detail, and only then independently perform love spell rituals.

Simple protection against the effects of love spells

If you feel that you have become the object of a love spell, you can resort to protection from their influence. You can create a talisman against love spells.

  1. Food is often used for love spells and spells. In a restaurant or at someone's house, before you eat food, you need to blow on it. And drink drinks through your thumb. This simple action will protect you from love spells.
  2. You cannot take bouquets of any flowers that they try to give you, and it is not recommended to pick up abandoned flowers from the ground.
  3. It's tempting to pick up a piece of jewelry from the ground that someone has lost. This should not be done; the product can be mortally dangerous if it has been damaged.
  4. Do not pick up small coins, especially if there are several of them scattered in one place; all sorts of negativity can be deposited on them.
  5. It is not recommended to give photographs to strangers.
  6. It is not advisable to sell or give the bride's dress to anyone.

Volt love spell: difference from Voodoo

Novice esotericists believe that a volt and a voodoo doll are one and the same, but this is not true. There is a difference. Let's look at it.

In voodoo magic, a doll is made to serve as an intermediary between the magician and the spirits.

And a practical magician uses volts to influence the object of the love spell, his subtle bodies.

This must be done very carefully, since this type of magic is very powerful and there is a great danger of harming the person you are bewitching.

Creating a volt gives the magician power over the victim, it can cause harm, it can even lead to death.

How to return love through volt

1. On the waxing moon, buy 200g of wax. Then you need to melt it and add the ashes from the photo of the affected object to the melted wax. You can also add ashes from clothes, his nails, hair.

2. Give the Volt a name. To do this, show the doll to the cardinal directions: east, south, north and west and say to each side: “This is Zhenya, for example.”

3. When creating a doll, it is important to pronounce the name of the victim, visualize his image, think about him, and it is important to do this consciously and concentratedly. No extraneous thoughts. Here it is important to include all the magician’s will and concentration.

Make sure that all unaccustoming factors are eliminated before the ceremony. So that nothing bothers you. It is also important that there is no fear or tension during the moments of the ritual.

4. After making the volt, press into it (while the wax is soft) the object of the love spell victim, for example, his button or nail.

5. Work with the doll. Take it in your hands and visualize how your boyfriend has returned, how he hugs you, reaches out to you.

If you want your loved one to desire and love you, gently stroke the voltaine, speak loving speeches to him, greet him in the morning and before bed, kiss him, etc. It's like a doll is a real person.

6. When the man returns, disassociate the doll with the man, say that “you were Zhenya, now you are a doll, and then melt it and bury it.

The volt love spell belongs to the rites of black magic and is particularly powerful. At home, only a person with strong energy can perform a love spell on their own. The popularity of this ritual is due to the fact that this love spell conventionally refers to irreversible influences. And in fact, a love spell on a doll has a long-term effect. More precisely, we can say that the person will be under your influence while the enchanted doll is kept in a hard-to-reach, unknown place.

A love spell using a doll can be used for various purposes, namely to:

  • Zombify the person you like and tie him to you forever;
  • Remove your worst enemy from your path by making him love you and then abandon you;
  • Return the person to the family;
  • To ignite passion in a person;
  • Refresh your fading relationship with your loved one.

You can neutralize the impact or reduce its strength with the help of a cemetery ritual. But you can completely remove the volt love spell only by destroying the enchanted doll.

Preparation for the ceremony

You need to make a doll that will be used in a magical ritual yourself. A product purchased in a store is not suitable, as it will not carry the required energy charge. To make a volt, any available materials can be used, but it is desirable that they be natural. Making a volt from wax is not difficult.

For sewing, it is recommended to use simple fabric taken from the clothes of the person you plan to bewitch. Scissors, threads and needles used for sewing must be purchased separately and after sewing the dolls should not be used for household needs. Any item that will be used in a love spell ritual should be purchased without change, although it is permissible not to take change. Also, under no circumstances should you bargain.

It is very important that the manufactured doll resembles a person in its external outline, but it is not necessary to achieve an exact resemblance. The main thing is that all the main parts of the body are present: head, torso, arms and legs. A rag doll you make yourself must be the size of a person’s palm. After the upper part of the volt is sewn, the doll is stuffed with cotton wool or small scraps of natural fabrics. To increase the effectiveness of the ritual, you need to include a photo of the person being bewitched. It is also allowed to use a wax doll for the ritual, and craftsmen can fashion it out of flour or carve it out of wood.

After the doll is ready, it is named after the person being bewitched. The ceremony is carried out in any form. After this, to ensure the success of the ritual, several days before the ritual it is necessary to pay daily attention to the made doll. You should pick her up, call her by name, hold her close and talk to her. Thus, imagining her in the image of a loved one, we manage to convey to the doll the necessary charge of love energy.

The ritual process

A volt love spell is always carried out in complete privacy and absolute silence. This needs to be taken care of in advance. The ritual should be performed late at night with lit candles. During the ritual, certain parts of the body of the doll, which represents a loved one, are pierced with a needle.

At the same time, the magic words are pronounced:

  • For the head:

    “I deprive you of your mind forever, I only conjure you to have a strong love for me. You will languish in a dark thought, and you will never hang out with anyone again.”

  • For heart:

    “In your heart I place a restless passion, in your soul an irresistible melancholy and dryness. Without me, you will not know sleep and peace.”

  • For the loins:

    “I take you away from the entire earthly world and take you to myself without a trace. Only love for me forever and through. From this moment you are a slave to my body. Amen".

To make a volt love spell more effective, the needle that will be used to pierce individual parts of the doll can be lubricated with your own blood. It is also recommended to drop one drop of blood on the doll. Some magicians recommend using the same magic words when piercing a doll with a needle, citing the fact that when the spell is repeated many times, the energy message increases significantly.

The words in this case sound like this:

“As sharp as this magic needle is, so will your thoughts about me be, as hot as this magic needle will be, so will your passion for me be, as strong as this magic needle, so strong will be your feelings for me. I don’t stick magic needles, but I kindle strong love in you, I sincerely love you, so I don’t cause pain, but I awaken deep feelings in you.”

Ritual actions should be repeated several times. If you manage to completely detach yourself from the influence of the real world, then on a subconscious level you will definitely feel that the influence has reached its goal. After this, the ritual should be stopped. After the end of the ceremony, the candles are extinguished, and the doll is wrapped in a piece of natural fabric and hidden in a place inaccessible to others, which should only be known to you. Other attributes of the magical ritual, including those used for sewing, must be taken out of your own home and buried in a vacant lot.

A love spell using a volt begins to work very quickly. The first results become noticeable within a few hours after the ceremony. The moon enhances its impact, filling space with a powerful charge of natural energy. In principle, this ritual can be performed at any time, the main thing is to completely renounce worldly problems and focus on the mystery of the ritual and your own feelings for the person being bewitched. But the most effective rituals are those performed during the full moon.


It should be understood that no one should know about plans to perform a magical performance with a doll. It is very important that no one sees the finished volt or the process of making it. With the right attitude, the ritual is always successful. If the effect does not work, it means that someone saw your doll. This is very dangerous and it will not be possible to unite the destinies of two people. In this case, the person whom they tried to bewitch may become seriously ill and even die.

A love spell using a volt is quite complex, as it requires strict adherence to many small details. The magical effect in this case is based on creating an energetic connection between the aura of the person being bewitched and the created doll. Before performing the ritual, it is important to analyze your own feelings for the person you are going to bewitch. Using the strongest ritual of black magic, you must be absolutely sure that your feelings are sincere, and you are ready to live with your loved one all your life.

Do not forget that removing this love spell is no less difficult than casting it. In addition, any magical action carries negative consequences. And sometimes they can be unpredictable if something goes wrong. If you have the slightest doubt about your own abilities, against the backdrop of a finally made decision to bewitch your loved one with the help of a volt, you must refuse to perform the ritual yourself and turn to a professional magician.