Many Star Wars fans have imagined themselves in their dreams as brave Jedi fighting evil using their fantastic lightsabers. Probably every boy thought about the sword in the film and how can such a weapon be reproduced in reality? In the film, young fighters for good had to go through many tests in order to create their own own weapon. IN real life, of course, everything is a little simpler.

What do you need to purchase to create?

  1. To do laser sword do it yourself, you will need to purchase a regular flashlight at any store that runs on 2-3 A batteries. The lantern will serve two purposes simultaneously. Firstly, this will be the handle of your future sword. Secondly, it will highlight the structure. It is best to choose metal lanterns. The color can be any, the main thing is that you like it and match the color of the future “blade” of the sword. The size depends on your hand, it should be comfortable for you.
  2. In a specialized online store you will need to order so-called “cold” or “flexible” neon. This type products are widely used for decorative lighting of the room, and you will make it real laser ny sword of the Jedi. Neon is an electroluminescent cord. Its average price is about 300 rubles per meter. The main advantage of “flexible” neon is the fact that it gives a uniform and pleasant glow along the entire length due to the sufficient small capacities.
  3. should be chosen according to your taste. Today there are various models of this product. Remember that it is best to choose one that is thick enough. The length of the cord will correspond to the length of the future sword.
  4. If you're interested in how many Star Wars fans made a laser sword, buy a power supply or inverter. In order for the cord to glow, a high-frequency current must pass through it. Remember that the ideal output frequency of the unit should be at least 2000 Hz and the voltage should be 110 V. As a rule, such inverters operate on batteries.

The last step to create

First you need to attach a flashlight to the power supply (which, as you remember, is needed for the handle). Check if the glow works. If the neon lights up, the Jedi's weapon is ready. To make the structure more durable, it is necessary to fasten each part as carefully as possible and isolate the connections.

The second way to create a sword: what do you need to buy?

So, we have already discussed above how some craftsmen made a laser sword, but there is another way. For it you need to purchase Luxeon 5W or 3W LEDs (it is better not to buy the latter in white or blue color), holder for "pinky" speaker with a diameter of 25 mm, a button to turn off, a plug, a steel tube with a diameter of 32 mm, a translucent polycarbonate tube, screws, black electrical tape, simple wiring, tin, studs, Remember that this method is only suitable for those who knows how to solder.

Instructions: step by step

  1. Create a sketch of the hilt of your future sword. Remember that the more “filling”, the longer it will be.
  2. Assemble the inner frame. To do this, connect the diode and speaker with a soldering iron. Attach a lens to the diode, and battery holders to the speaker.
  3. After this, all electronics will need to be secured to the frame. Be sure to check if the design works and proceed to create a body from a steel tube.
  4. Create a blade. To do this, you need to saw off a piece of suitable length, plug one end of it, and attach the other to the handle.
  5. Let's start decorating the handle at your discretion. Here you can show all your imagination.

You have learned two ways of how numerous fans of the famous series made the Jedi laser sword, and you can safely create your own weapon.

A large number of boys and grown men around the world are fans of George Lucas' famous Star Wars saga. Who among them has not dreamed of becoming the owner of a real Jedi sword, flying through the labyrinths of the Death Star, or becoming a student of the wise Yoda? If it is problematic to bring the latter desires to life, then the first can be dealt with in one evening. How to make a lightsaber with your own hands, read the article below.

Making Jedi weapons

To make your own lightsaber, you will need to purchase LEDs and an LED flashlight, plastic rods, resistors, aluminum foil, tape, glue, sandpaper and heat shrink tubing.

Disassemble the flashlight and remove the board from it, removing the LED. Attach your own LED and resistor to the board. Place heat-shrink tubing on the resistor to keep it in place more tightly. How to make a real lightsaber? Of course you need a blade.

It is made from a transparent plastic rod of the required length (if necessary, cut off the excess). Attach the rod to the screwdriver, sharpening one end to do this. Adjust the other end to the diameter of the flashlight body using a file.

We continue to work on light weapons

Now you need to carefully sand the entire area of ​​the blade. This is done so that the light falling on the sword is scattered evenly.

Then coat the end of the plastic tube with glue and insert it into the flashlight body. True fans don't stop there. How to make a lightsaber look realistic? Add decorations to the body. To do this, take aluminum and copper foil or tape. Cover the handle body. Now the weapon looks more like a formidable intergalactic sword.

Both children and adult Star Wars fans will be delighted with this gift.

How to make Obi-Wan's lightsaber

The episode of the famous saga called "A New Hope", where Obi-Wan fights Darth Vader with lightsabers, inspires awe in many fans. Such a sword can be made at home, although it will require more skill than for the weapon described above. But this doesn't stop men.

How to make Obi-Wan's lightsaber? Take a piece of aluminum pipe and place it on a thin oblong lamp. Don't forget to connect the emitter. This way the sword will truly burn. It is better to integrate the controller into the handle; the batteries are placed inside a hollow tube. Attach a metal cylinder to the emitter; the sleeve will strengthen the action of the emitter. The work is painstaking, all the wires must fit exactly into place.

Some craftsmen manage to create a sword from a nickel furniture leg and a polycarbonate tube. How to make a lightsaber from these items? Insert the colored diode into the holder for three batteries, place it in a metal handle (not forgetting the resistor). Secure the handle and sword together with electrical tape.

All that remains is to decorate the craft as desired.

How to make a lightsaber at home?

The imagination of fans of the space saga never stops; they come up with many options for making light weapons. The sword can be created from cold neon. It is an electroluminescent cord that gives a mesmerizingly bright glow. Connect neon and thin steel cord. Then connect the cord to an inverter that runs on batteries. All that remains is to attach the resulting weapon to the handle. Use the body from an old flashlight instead - this is the most popular option. As you strengthen your skills, you can create a double-edged Jedi sword.

Making a sword with a child

If a little fan of the saga lives in the house, sooner or later he will ask for a lightsaber, because playing with it is so exciting. Don’t rush to upset your child; together with him you can come up with an easy option from scrap materials. For this you need a flashlight.

How to make a lightsaber out of paper? Find a lantern with a white lamp. It must shine brightly, otherwise the game will be less interesting. If your flashlight becomes dim, change the batteries or purchase a new light.

What color sword would you like to create? Find polyethylene in the shade you need. Cut a piece that will completely cover the front of the lantern and attach it. Then take several sheets of white A4 paper. Wrap the first sheet around the top of the lantern, securing it inside with double-sided tape. If you see that the edges of the paper overlap one another, straighten them. This way the light will be distributed evenly.

Roll the second sheet. Secure it onto the first sheet of paper, trying to go as little as possible onto it. Make the sword further by attaching paper rolls one on top of the other. You should not create a very long blade, otherwise it will bend under its own weight. Turn on the flashlight and enjoy

If you don't have time to create a sword

If you don’t have extra time, perseverance or materials, but still want to please yourself or your loved one with an interesting gift, you can order a real laser sword. The Americans have come up with a wonderful sword, the heart of which is a real laser. A weak red sword costs about 1800 rubles, and a powerful green one costs 4800. It has a comfortable handle, stunning design and a built-in pressure sensor. The weight of such a weapon is about one kilogram.

You can make a Jedi sword yourself different ways. Some require nothing more than a flashlight and simple paper, others will require many skills from you (knowledge in the field of electricity, soldering, and so on). Every fan of a star film can independently choose the option that is suitable for him.

How to make a laser sword?

Thanks to the talent of J. Lucas and the film “Star Wars,” the whole world now knows about luminous laser swords. And although the era of real laser weapons has not yet arrived, there are still enthusiastic craftsmen who know how to make laser swords with their own hands. So if you want to do original gift amateur science fiction, a Jedi style sword would be a great solution.

Polycarbonate tube sword

In order to create a homemade Jedi sword at home you will need:

  • polycarbonate tube, preferably matte
  • some plastic film
  • Light-emitting diode
  • insulating tape
  • nickel-plated furniture leg for sword hilt.

First, measure and cut the required length of the polycarbonate tube, this is approximately 80 centimeters. If the tube is not matte, you will need polyethylene of the same length and 32 centimeters wide. Also cut out a circle for the top of the sword. Now saw off the hilt of the sword diagonally from the nickel-plated leg; for this you can use a grinder. Drill a hole in the handle for the switch and file it with a fine file. Take a colored diode with a power of at least 3 watts, insert it into a holder for three batteries, also use a 3 ohm resistor. Place all this in a pen. Now secure polycarbonate tube in the handle of the sword, having previously wrapped it with electrical tape. Insert polyethylene into the tube and seal the cap on top. After decorating the hilt, your laser sword is ready for use.

Cold neon sword

And although today there are companies that make swords, still a thing made with one’s own hands brings more pleasure. The imagination of Star Wars fans does not dry out; they are constantly coming up with new ways to get closer to the heroes of the world-famous saga, so on the Internet you can easily find many instructions and videos on how to make a laser sword at home. For example, you can make a sword and cold neon - this is an electroluminescent cord that gives a bright, evenly distributed glow. In addition to neon, you will need an inverter that runs on batteries. Attach the neon to a thin steel wire, connect the wire to the inverter and attach everything to a handle, which can be used as a regular flashlight.

They have been trying to create a lightsaber for decades. For now, all we have is a plastic toy that turns on with with the right sound, glows in the dark and breaks after a couple of hits. But inventive thought does not stand still, and there are already working prototypes, and some things can even be ordered on the Internet.

The lightsaber idea has a few obvious flaws. For example, the fact that a beam of light cannot be stopped, so the sword will cut not only the ceiling above the Jedi’s head, but also the roof, planes flying past and celestial bodies. However, a laser pointer is the most obvious way to create a lightsaber, and some inventors have gone this route, leaving the problem of (infinite) beam length for later.

1. Pointer

So far, the most dangerous laser pointer with a Jedi handle was created by enthusiast Anthony Drake. A guy in his early 20s runs a YouTube channel where he shows off his really crazy inventions. First of all, he is interested in lasers. So, inspired by the seventh film in the series, Drake presented his prototype sword.

Drake's device has a power of 7 W, while according to American law, lasers with a power of more than 0.005 watt are prohibited from being sold. So the guy makes them himself, for example, from parts of an ordinary computer. To create the sword, he used a Nichia GaN laser diode, “overclocking” it to 7 W. To focus the beam I used a coated lens. The device runs on two unprotected lithium-ion batteries connected in series.

With the help of such a sword you can cut electrical tape, burn through a paper cup, set fire to paper or wood, which Drake demonstrates in his videos. It must be said that the laser pointer is rather a step back for the inventor. A few months earlier, he had designed a 40-watt “laser shotgun.” At the same time, according to the video blogger, the US Navy is testing a prototype laser gun with a power of 10-30 thousand watts.

If Drake's laser sword apparently only exists in a single copy, then you can order a 2-watt laser pointer now. The Spyder III Arctic model, of course, cuts and burns paper more slowly, but its handle is so authentic that Lucasfilms even considered suing the manufacturer. And the pointer costs almost as much as an exact toy copy of a lightsaber.

2. Lighter

Another inventor and video blogger named Allen radically solved the problem of the infinite length of the light blade. Instead of concentrating a beam of light, he made the blade by igniting a stream of flammable mixture.

Such a sword does not cut, but only burns, but that makes it look no less cool. True, the blade turned out to be somewhat thinner than the usual Jedi blades, and to add authenticity to the invention, Allen screwed a miniature speaker onto it, which produces a characteristic sound when fuel is supplied. The flame is maintained with butane using methanol and acetone as fuel. Judging by the slightly frightened face of the inventor, the technology is not very stable yet, so we wish him good luck in further tests.

3. Razor

When it became known that Jay Jay Abrams was starting to work on the next series of the franchise, a team of seasoned startupers decided to give the world a truly useful laser blade. As is known, the main problem a good half of humanity in the 21st century suffers from irritation after shaving. And in response to this challenge, they began to raise money on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter to create a laser razor.

According to the authors of the project, $160 thousand was needed to develop the technology and create a working prototype. They promised that the laser razor would shave not only black, but also colorless hairs (for this, biologists discovered a special substance in the hair and adjusted the radiation to it). As a result, thanks to photoshop footage, confident speech and white coats, we managed to raise more than $4 million for the project.

All that the startupers were able to do in a few months from the start of the project was a new video with incomprehensible graphs and less confident voices. Then Kickstarter froze fundraising, beginning the procedure of returning money to those who were not afraid of the theoretical possibility of cutting their cheek with a laser in the morning before work.

4. Table knife

The most stable blade that does not require recharging or refueling and is almost eternal and, most importantly, certified by Lucas and Disney based on “ Star Wars“costs only a thousand rubles. And in the set, in addition to the sword, which cuts steak faster than current industrial lasers, you will also receive a fork and spoon. Everything with Jedi handles is natural. For a complete set, you can buy sticks in the shape of two Luke swords for the same price.

Why is a lightsaber impossible?

Well, seriously, the possibility of creating a lightsaber is seriously complicated by several theoretical problems. Firstly, the already mentioned light. As user Sergei Bunevich notes on The Question website, “light, like other electromagnetic radiation, propagates in space rectilinearly at a constant speed, which in a vacuum is approximately 300,000 km/s (the speed of light in matter may be less). In addition, in the absence of a medium that scatters light, the beam cannot be seen.<...>Thus, if we neglect the curvature of space-time, such a “blade of light” simply cannot look like a column of light of a certain length.”

Secondly, plasma. If we assume that a “light saber” is just a beautiful term and the sword has the same relation to light as a mortar has to mines (link to a post about mortars in LiveJournal), then most likely it should function as follows: a plasma arc is created , which stretches magnetic field and is held in a certain shape. The same field should reflect blaster shots, which are probably also plasma clots.

A similar technology for working with plasma already exists. With its help, for example, they cut metal in factories. But the arc length in such installations does not exceed several centimeters. You can try to stretch the arc, but it will turn out to be extremely unstable and will constantly deviate to the sides, trying to “stick” to the nearest surface.

In addition, the plasma is “consumed” and cools down. “In plasma cutting, plasma is created by a powerful jet of gas passing through an electric arc. It will take a lot of plasma to cut metal like in the film,” notes Bunevich. Well, the last problem, which also cannot be solved without supernatural power, is the electricity needed in a huge number to keep the cutter running.

If all these problems can be solved, the appearance of a lightsaber is quite possible. You can read more about the scientifically correct way of its functioning in the book “Physics of the Impossible” by the famous popularizer of science Michio Kaku. He operates with several scientific instruments that do not exist in reality, but on the whole he is correct and understandable to the widest range of readers.

How to make a Jedi sword with your own hands aslan wrote in January 6th, 2018

In this post I will tell you how to make a lightsaber completely with your own hands:

First, we need this diagram with drawings of the original handle.

I used a plastic PVC pipe as a basis. gray with thin walls with a diameter of 40 mm. I don’t remember the exact name, but in a hardware store you can easily find it in the plumbing department.

We mark the length of the future handle on it.

Print it out and put it on the pipe:

Let's cut it off. It turns out like this:

Drilling holes in the ears:

We attach it to the handle according to the diagram, mark the position and make a cut for the power buttons.

And glue it

Now that the glue has hardened, we smooth everything thoroughly with fine sandpaper and go over the entire surface of the handle. After this, using a solvent, degrease the entire surface of the handle, prime and paint.

After the first layer has dried (in about a day), add plastic decorative elements according to the diagram and paint again.

This is the paint I used

She's the best fit. Before this I used cheaper paint from FOX, it turned out to be terrible, it turns dark when touched, and after varnishing it turns completely dark gray.

According to the diagram, we make a ring and paint it in the same way, maybe in one layer.

After the paint has completely dried (after 24 hours), coat the handle with glossy varnish.

We cut out the last design elements from plastic according to the diagram, glue them with the letter T, paint them matte black and glue them to the handle.

This turns out to be such a great handle.

Now about the filling.

All the filling is assembled according to this scheme:

A 12-volt battery can be purchased at an RU toy store or an airsoft equipment store. The 12 - 5 volt converter is a regular car USB charger for the cigarette lighter.

Sound cards may be different. I usually take from HASBRO swords, but now they sell cheap swords at Fix Price, they have an identical copy of the HASBRO sound card installed, apparently someone was not too lazy to copy it. The sound quality is excellent.

You also need a speaker, it is best to take it from a portable acoustic system. 4 watt 4 amp speakers are best, they are bassy and vibrate well.

For all this electronics you will need a chassis so that you can easily disassemble the sword at any time for repairs or upgrades. We cut it from the same pipe, I got something like this:

We insert it into the handle, mark the hole for the button and fill it:

The next in line is the battery, the positive wire is immediately connected to the button.

And then according to the diagram, all the rest of the electronics. It is very important that the 5 - 12 volt converter be connected after the button and not before it.

Now all this stuff can be attached to the handle

We add a button cut from a SEGI cartridge, and put plastic on the bottom so that the buttons can be pressed and that’s it.

This is the beauty we got

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