Winter is approaching, which means that flu and colds will soon start plaguing people in droves. It would seem that the same story has been repeated for many years: a person knows what to do in order not to get sick, dresses warmly, drinks hot tea with lemon as a preventive measure, but no, no, and he “gets caught” with a cold.

And it’s okay if this disaster happens in winter, but when the disease overtakes you somewhere in the summer, on vacation, it’s doubly offensive. Many have probably already gotten used to the idea that at least a couple of times a year they will have to lie down with a fever and runny nose. I was one of them until I learned not to get sick.

By “illness” I mean a cold or flu that prevents you from working/studying as normal. The last time I was sick was January 20, 2012, that is, almost 2.5 years ago. That day I made a strong-willed decision not to get sick anymore. I lasted a year, then another, and next year I’m preparing to celebrate the third year without colds and flu.

To understand how to deal with diseases, first consider the causes of their occurrence.

Why do we get sick

  1. Stress. According to statistics, the most sick days occur on stressful Mondays. Least of all - on Friday. On Friday, a person feels an emotional uplift before the coming weekend, but on Monday he feels the full burden of the upcoming work week - it is at this time that the likelihood of getting sick increases. Sooner or later, constant stress will force a person to take sick leave.
  2. Internal protest. Are you tired of work or has it become unbearable to travel to classes in the morning? Or maybe you want to finally relax, but the vacation is far away? There is a way out: the subconscious mind itself will turn on the necessary mechanisms so that you are more often exposed to the wind, cold and air conditioners and thus can get sick.
  3. Lack of attention. You want the people around you to start giving you oranges, giving you Coldrex, feeling sorry for you and inquiring about your health every day. This is pleasant for everyone, but it is nothing more than a way of manipulation.
  4. Extreme cold. This type of cold is hard to miss, because it is clearly felt by every cell of the body. The first instinct when you feel extreme cold is to immediately warm up.
  5. Slight cold. A striking example is an imperceptible draft or a treacherous air conditioner nozzle, which quietly but systematically, minute by minute, takes away your heat - this is one of the most dangerous types of cold.

How to deal with the above causes of disease

  1. You can combat stress at work either by revising your attitude towards work (be simpler, don’t take everything to heart), or by changing your job.
  2. In the case of internal protest, it makes sense to pump yourself up with good reasons to go to work (motivation) or, again, change your job and do something more enjoyable. In addition, it may be that you are fed up with everyday life. In this case, it makes sense to deliberately take a vacation for at least a couple of days and emotionally invigorate yourself with the help of a little travel and communication with interesting people.
  3. If you lack attention, then you shouldn’t pretend to be a martyr. It will be much more productive to go out with friends to some event: you will spend much less time and get your dose of social capital. The more often you go out in public, the less you will want to get sick. And if you fall in love, even more so.
  4. Severe and mild cold require different approaches. It is easier to prepare for severe cold than for mild cold because it is more noticeable and tangible. It is impossible to ignore it: when you are shivering and your teeth are tap-dancing, you will either urgently look for a way to warm up, or make a strong-willed decision to endure. This is the secret to fighting extreme cold.
  5. A slight cold is like a frog being quietly simmered over low heat. Avoiding this most insidious form of cold requires a high level of awareness. You need to learn to feel your body and notice the slightest uncomfortable manifestations around you. You shouldn’t be a hero and endure a slight draft or an insufficiently warm blanket. A slight cold can catch you by surprise when you are sleeping and have no control over your sleep conditions. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare in advance for possible cold snap scenarios and prepare an extra blanket or take an extra sweater with you. It’s better to sweat than to freeze. To increase your chances in the face of a slight cold, you should not only do your “homework” on insulating with sweater blankets, but also add a reminder to your “cache” in your head that the wind is blowing and you can’t relax. That is, even when you are sitting somewhere in an office at an important meeting, you must “book” the thought of cold in your head. When you remember about the cold and are aware that it exists and that it affects you, you already increase your chances of not getting sick by 50%.

Prevention will save the world

It is much easier not to get sick if you regularly perform simple but effective actions:

  • Toughen up. Even a couple of minutes of cold water at the end of your daily morning bath can work wonders.
  • Get dressed. Risk areas that require attention first: back, chest and neck.
  • Sleep. This is a very important point, since lack of sleep leads to poor health and decreased immunity.
  • Drink hot drinks. It doesn't matter if it's coffee, tea or just boiling water. An extra glass of something warm will not only remind your body that it is being taken care of, but will also allow you to more accurately identify sources of cold by contrast.
  • Take a hot shower. Even if you're not cold. It's never a bad idea to warm your back and neck.

Shock measures: take revenge on the cold

It happens that you find yourself in severe frost, while you are aware of the danger of getting sick, but, as luck would have it, there is not a joule of warmth nearby. In such cases, even a glass of hot tea is not able to cover the “damage” caused by the cold. In such a situation, you need, as before, to keep the thought of cold in your head. It doesn't matter that he won the battle, because you can still win the war!

Take revenge on the harsh winter by taking a good steam in the shower while simultaneously pouring hot tea with lemon down your throat. Dress yourself in everything you have, cover yourself with all the blankets you can get, and go to bed. And sleep as much as you want without getting up at the sound of an alarm clock. It’s better to sleep through work, but be healthy, than to heroically be at the office on time, but with the onset of illness.

And for a snack - a recipe for health from integral yoga guru Sri Aurobindo

"The only disease is lack of consciousness. In later stages, when inner silence is firmly established in us and we are able to perceive mental and vital vibrations still on the periphery of our periphery, we will be able in the same way to feel the vibrations of illness and to divert them before they can enter us. If you are aware of this surrounding “I” of yours,” Sri Aurobindo wrote to a disciple, “then you will be able to grasp the thought, passion, suggestion or force of illness and prevent their invasion of you.”

What ways do you know that help you not get sick?

Preventing colds - myth or reality? Is it possible to protect yourself from virus attacks during the cold season? It turns out that it is possible. You just need to know the weaknesses of the “enemy”.

It is in vain that we consider autumn-winter-spring infections inevitable. It is possible to avoid getting sick in the fall and winter, and you should strive to do so. We've all heard about prevention, but for some reason we don't carry it out. Although no, we prevent the disease with miraculous antiviral drugs, further weaning the body to fight on its own. And prevention consists of a set of actions aimed at creating conditions that are unfavorable for viruses and beneficial for the immune system. Let's consider these actions point by point.

1. Eat right. Viruses don't care what we eat. It has been proven that if a person is addicted to sweets, he is more susceptible to attack by pathogenic microorganisms. Sucrose is a nutrient for many inhabitants of the microcosm. But viruses do not like food containing proteins: meat, chicken, fish. During fasting, plant foods high in protein (legumes - beans, peas) are useful in this regard. Viruses also do not tolerate when the “host” eats iron-containing foods (meat, buckwheat, pomegranates, etc.).

2. Keep your body warm, especially your legs. Viruses love it when we are supercooled; this creates excellent conditions for their development. When going outside, make sure you dress appropriately for the weather. Pay special attention to your arms, legs, head and lower back. It is dangerous to wear short jackets that do not cover your back.

3. Wash your hands. We carry countless microorganisms on our hands, incl. pathogenic. During epidemics, it is important to wash your hands frequently. But this should not become an obsession, since the virus can also be transmitted through airborne droplets.

4. Rinse your nose and eyes. The entry points for viruses are mainly the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. It has been proven that frequent rinsing of the nose and eyes with sea water or isotonic salt solution can protect the body from infections and helps not to get sick during the autumn-winter flu epidemics. Sea water for this can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is effective to wash the mucous membranes 2 to 6 times a day, especially after visiting public places.

5. Get rid of waste and toxins. The slagging of the body gives rise to stagnation. Viruses love to multiply in such conditions. To “wash” your body, you need to eat foods rich in fiber (porridge, fruits) and not be poisoned by new portions of toxins. The latter include, for example, various chemicals in food products: dyes, flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, stabilizers, etc.

6. We walk more. Fresh air perfectly strengthens our body; it is only important to dress appropriately for the weather. Don't overcool, but don't overheat either. It is also useful to let fresh air into your home by regularly ventilating the rooms, especially before going to bed.

7. Take a contrast shower. This is another method of hardening, training and strengthening our blood vessels, making them resistant to viruses.

8. Do exercises. Exercise helps get rid of the same stagnation, strengthens muscles, and improves blood circulation. It has been noticed that athletic people get sick much less often.

9. We take vitamins. Vitamin and mineral complexes will support all body systems during the period of immunodeficiency. Many vitamins are antioxidants and also strengthen vascular walls. This is an extremely useful property in resisting viruses.

10. Drink healthy natural drinks. Cranberry juice, ginger tea with lemon and honey, infusion of succession and other healthy drinks will contribute to the protective mechanisms of the immune system and help not to get sick this fall and winter.

11. We get as many positive emotions as possible. Viruses love tears. Stress quickly suppresses the immune system. If you get upset, offended or quarrel with someone, expect a virus attack. On the contrary, a smile, goodwill and a positive attitude towards everything that surrounds and happens strengthens our defense. For your own safety, try to keep your emotional state under control. Train yourself to smile more and enjoy even the little things.

12. We eat fruit. Fruits are rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines and promotes the growth of normal microflora. Fruits are also a source of minerals and vitamins. Choose seasonal fruits grown in our country. It is better to leave exotic fruits until the holidays, and prefer local apples and pears for every day. For fruits to be beneficial, you need them.

13. We respect onions and garlic. These natural remedies, rich in phytoncides, are powerful antibiotics. Every day during epidemics it is recommended to eat 1 clove of garlic. You can cut it into pieces and swallow it like a tablet with water. This will help get rid of the pungent odor, although there can be nothing reprehensible in the aroma of garlic emanating from a person.

14. You can additionally take herbal immunomodulating agents- tincture of Leuzea, Schisandra, Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, but before using it is necessary to consult a doctor, since these drugs have contraindications, although they are herbal.

By combining all the above tips, you can significantly increase your chances of winning the fight against viruses, and perhaps not getting sick at all in the coming cold of autumn and winter. Happy prevention!

Dear readers, summer will end very soon and the cold will set in. And, as usual, the question will arise about how to protect our children from colds? How to properly strengthen the immunity of children so that they grow up healthy and happy? In addition to which we have devoted several articles to, there are certain household rules for parents, following which you can significantly reduce the risk of children getting sick with various colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, etc.

Let's talk about 3 components of baby's health:

  1. A conscious mother, ready to take responsibility for the health of her baby.
  2. A healthy space and climate where the baby grows.
  3. Healthy lifestyle: hardening, walking, hydration, water treatments, nutrition, etc.

Nowadays, every mother should become a little doctor for her child. Unfortunately, the number of incompetent doctors is growing, commercial medicine cares more about profit than about the health of the younger generation, so after visiting medical offices there is a real risk of harming your own child.

Mothers nowadays should know a lot, be able to correctly analyze incoming information and independently build a plan for a healthy life for their family. I propose now to figure out together why our children begin to get sick with the onset of the autumn-winter period? The main reason for this phenomenon is that parents begin to bundle up their children (we are afraid that the child will freeze and get sick, but, in fact, the baby sweats from excessively warm clothes and, on the contrary, is blown away. The result, as they say, is obvious - illness comes). And at this time, mom and dad behave incorrectly again. Let's see what needs to be done to avoid getting sick, and how to get out of the disease correctly.

What to do to NOT get sick

Many of us are concerned about the issue of prevention, what to do to avoid getting sick, and what to do if a child gets sick. It is important to observe a number of measures and strict rules that must be followed during a child’s illness:

About air humidification during illness

  • Get a good humidifier. During the cold season, especially in winter, the air in city apartments is dry due to working heating radiators and a reduction in the amount of ventilation. In this regard, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx of our children dry out excessively. And dry mucous membranes are a “breeding ground” for harmful microorganisms and viruses that easily penetrate the baby’s body, causing various diseases. A good air humidifier is an excellent helper for the whole family in preventing colds in children in the autumn-winter period;
  • Using a newborn phototherapy lamp is also incredibly beneficial. Such things provide significant prevention and assistance.

Eating when sick

  • If before illness the child ate cold foods straight from the refrigerator, then during illness we continue to give him the same foods. Nothing changes. You can only reduce the time the child stays in the water. But the number of wet cleanings should, on the contrary, be increased, and the humidifier should be operated around the clock. In general, in a healthy state, it is very important to teach a child to eat cold food and drink cold liquids. Straight from the refrigerator.

A delicious recipe for hardening... with ice cream!

You can make it a rule to take ice cream as a medicine, a teaspoon 3 times a day. No need to defrost it. After a week, you should increase the dosage of the tasty medicine by 1 teaspoon at each dose. So, in a month it will be possible to allow the baby to eat a whole glass of ice cream. The cold trains the child's throat, and a kind of hardening occurs;

  • During illness, it is better not to overfeed the baby in order to leave the body the strength to fight infection and destroy viruses. It is better to temporarily exclude some, especially heavy foods, from the child’s diet. For example, meat, eggs, milk. Of the dairy products, the lightest are kefirs (i.e. fermented milk). You can leave them. They will not overload the baby’s body;
  • During the period of illness, the child’s lifestyle does not change. Those. You still need to go for a walk, also eat food from the refrigerator, and also take baths. However, this only applies to those children who do not suffer from endless sore throats. If your baby has a weak throat, then during illness it is better to give foods and liquids at room temperature. There is no need to heat anything additional;

How to dress?

  • If a child is used to running around barefoot and wearing a T-shirt at home, then during illness you can wear a thin blouse and thin pants - this is the maximum that can be done for your own peace of mind. If the baby resists insulation, it is better not to change anything. It is very good when a child is already accustomed to walking barefoot on a cold floor. This means that he will never get sick if he gets wet, since cold feet are a common sensation for him. This means that when your child warms up at home, everything will be fine again, and the disease will bypass him. No cold will take him. Of course, you shouldn’t suddenly give your baby a “cold foot”, take off his slippers and woolen socks, but you should gradually switch to lighter things if you want to toughen up. Then no problems will arise. However, if your child is a girl, then it is still better to always put very thin socks on her feet to prevent very cold feet;

Healthy sleep during illness

  • If sleeping with the window open is still new to you, then during illness it is better to close the window at night, having previously done a long ventilation before going to bed to destroy viruses. If you wake up at night, you can open the window again for 10-15 minutes. If you were unable to wake up at night, you should ventilate again an hour or two before the baby wakes up in order to destroy the viruses exhaled by the baby during the night. This way, you can improve the air quality in the room, and you won’t be nervous or afraid that your child will become hypothermic in his sleep. If you are sure that the child does not open at night, and therefore he is warm during the night, then you can sleep completely calmly with the window open;

How high is the temperature and should it be brought down?

  • If a child has a high temperature, then it is better not to bring it down to 38 degrees. When the temperature rises in the baby’s body, all internal defenses are activated, the rate of production of interferon and protective antibodies increases, due to which harmful microorganisms die. And next time, if the temperature is not brought down initially, the baby will bear it much easier.
  • Drink more water and fruit drinks, for example, from cranberries, which have remarkable bactericidal properties. Showering can also be done at temperature. Water takes away evaporation from a hot body, i.e., in fact, the child transfers heat to water. Therefore, such a physical method of reducing temperature also has a right to exist. In this case, the patient’s body temperature drops by half a degree. After such a shower or cool bath, you need to get dressed immediately so that the baby does not become hypothermic. Under no circumstances should you take a cool bath or shower when your child is cold. At this time you only need to keep warm;

About cough

  • Cough is a very common occurrence in children whose immunity is weakened. Usually, upset mothers try to get rid of it as quickly as possible, starting to “feed” their child with medications and various cough syrups. Of course, during a cough, it is necessary to increase the discharge of sputum, so it is necessary to increase the time the baby spends in the fresh air and increase the time of the baby’s water procedures (unless, of course, he has a fever).
  • Breathing exercises, active jumping and massage also contribute to the removal of phlegm. If a child has a prolonged cough, and no medications help him cough up, then the bathhouse and sauna will be good helpers for parents in this matter. The steam will help remove mucus, and the child will experience improvements in health. However, it should be remembered that in children under 2 years of age, the respiratory system is not yet fully mature and cannot cough up large amounts of mucus. Mucus can back up into the lungs and cause obstruction (severe inflammation and narrowing of the bronchi). Therefore, it is better not to take children to the bathhouse or sauna while they are coughing. But only in a healthy state for the purpose of hardening and strengthening the immune system;

To walk or not to walk?

  • If the child does not have a temperature, you must continue to walk. During walks, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are moistened, which helps flush out harmful bacteria and stops the growth of adenoid tissue;
  • It is always necessary to dress your baby correctly when going outside. It is important that he does not sweat, but also does not get too cold, especially in the cold season. The problem can be solved by purchasing clothes made from modern breathable materials (membrane suits and overalls. They do not heat, but help retain heat when the child moves).

When getting ready for a walk, you should follow the basic rules of dressing:

  • It is not recommended to tie a scarf over a child's mouth. If you have done this before, you should wash the scarf, as harmful microorganisms may have accumulated there;
  • If you yourself go outside without a hat in the fall or spring, you shouldn’t wear one for your child either. As a last resort, very thin if it is windy;
  • When going outside, it is recommended to dress with the child at the same time, or dress yourself first, then him. This is necessary so that the baby does not sweat and does not go out for a walk already sweaty;
  • In winter, when going outside, you should put on a hat at the entrance, immediately before leaving. Again, to avoid sweat on the scalp;
  • If the child refuses to wear mittens, do not insist. Heat leaves the body through the palms. Perhaps this is how the baby intuitively saves itself from overheating;
  • When dressing for the street, you should maintain the principle of layering, i.e. take things with you that can, if necessary, warm your child. For example, put on an extra hat or cover with a warm blanket in case of freezing. A thermos of herbal tea with lemon wouldn't hurt either.

This video contains simple and accessible life hacks for moms that will come in handy in difficult moments of childhood ARVI:

Adenoids in children

We should talk separately about adenoids. In fact, this is a big problem for many kids, which begins to haunt them from the time kindergarten begins in their lives. Adenoids are when a special tonsil, located in the pharynx and part of the so-called lymphoid ring, becomes inflamed. This ring is designed to serve as a barrier between the ears and nasopharynx, as well as protect a person from infections coming from the environment, disinfecting air and food right at the entrance to the body. An inflamed pharyngeal tonsil causes such concern for everyone because, located behind the nasopharynx, it prevents the baby from breathing normally through the nose in an unhealthy state and from sputum discharge. Accumulated mucus leads to blockage of the auditory tubes and frequent ear infections.

Usually, 2-3 weeks after the illness, the inflammation goes away, and the adenoid tissue returns to its normal state. But if the child, without completing treatment, went to kindergarten or school prematurely, and there he picked up another infection, then the unhealthy tonsil enlarges even more. It begins to interfere with the baby’s breathing even more, and more and more mucus accumulates in it. This is why childhood illnesses become increasingly protracted and then chronic. Each subsequent disease leads to an increasing proliferation of adenoid tissue. As a result, the baby generally stops breathing properly and switches exclusively to breathing through the mouth.

What are the signs of adenoids in children:

  • breathing through the nose (especially at night);
  • snore;
  • sleep disorders;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose, even if there is no runny nose;
  • prolonged runny nose, which “cannot be treated”;
  • persistent ear inflammation;
  • puffy, edematous face (adenoid face);
  • lack of oxygen.

What to do to cope with adenoids and avoid surgery? Consistent and competent measures are needed here:

  • living conditions - fresh, cool and clean air in the room where the child is. We monitor the air in kindergarten. We talk with teachers about compliance with SanPiN requirements;
  • constant hydration of the baby’s mucous membranes (ventilation, purchasing a humidifier, bathing, dripping, drinking water and fruit drinks);
  • frequent long walks;
  • We recover completely before we begin to visit collective places.

I hope these tips will help you cope with colds in children and take the right measures to prevent them. Good luck!

Winter is approaching, which means that flu and colds will soon start plaguing people in droves. It would seem that the same story has been repeated for many years: a person knows what to do in order not to get sick, dresses warmly, drinks hot tea with lemon as a preventive measure, but no, no, and he “gets caught” with a cold.

And it’s okay if this disaster happens in winter, but when the disease overtakes you somewhere in the summer, on vacation, it’s doubly offensive. Many have probably already gotten used to the idea that at least a couple of times a year they will have to lie down with a fever and runny nose. I was one of them until I learned not to get sick.

By “illness” I mean a cold or flu that prevents you from working/studying as normal. The last time I was sick was January 20, 2012, that is, almost 2.5 years ago. That day I made a strong-willed decision not to get sick anymore. I lasted a year, then another, and next year I’m preparing to celebrate the third year without colds and flu.

To understand how to deal with diseases, first consider the causes of their occurrence.

Why do we get sick

  1. Stress. According to statistics, the most sick days occur on stressful Mondays. Least of all - on Friday. On Friday, a person feels an emotional uplift before the coming weekend, but on Monday he feels the full burden of the upcoming work week - it is at this time that the likelihood of getting sick increases. Sooner or later, constant stress will force a person to take sick leave.
  2. Internal protest. Are you tired of work or has it become unbearable to travel to classes in the morning? Or maybe you want to finally relax, but the vacation is far away? There is a way out: the subconscious mind itself will turn on the necessary mechanisms so that you are more often exposed to the wind, cold and air conditioners and thus can get sick.
  3. Lack of attention. You want the people around you to start giving you oranges, giving you Coldrex, feeling sorry for you and inquiring about your health every day. This is pleasant for everyone, but it is nothing more than a way of manipulation.
  4. Extreme cold. This type of cold is hard to miss, because it is clearly felt by every cell of the body. The first instinct when you feel extreme cold is to immediately warm up.
  5. Slight cold. A striking example is an imperceptible draft or a treacherous air conditioner nozzle, which quietly but systematically, minute by minute, takes away your heat - this is one of the most dangerous types of cold.

How to deal with the above causes of disease

  1. You can combat stress at work either by revising your attitude towards work (be simpler, don’t take everything to heart), or by changing your job.
  2. In the case of internal protest, it makes sense to pump yourself up with good reasons to go to work (motivation) or, again, change your job and do something more enjoyable. In addition, it may be that you are fed up with everyday life. In this case, it makes sense to deliberately take a vacation for at least a couple of days and emotionally invigorate yourself with the help of a little travel and communication with interesting people.
  3. If you lack attention, then you shouldn’t pretend to be a martyr. It will be much more productive to go out with friends to some event: you will spend much less time and get your dose of social capital. The more often you go out in public, the less you will want to get sick. And if you fall in love, even more so.
  4. Severe and mild cold require different approaches. It is easier to prepare for severe cold than for mild cold because it is more noticeable and tangible. It is impossible to ignore it: when you are shivering and your teeth are tap-dancing, you will either urgently look for a way to warm up, or make a strong-willed decision to endure. This is the secret to fighting extreme cold.
  5. A slight cold is like a frog being quietly simmered over low heat. Avoiding this most insidious form of cold requires a high level of awareness. You need to learn to feel your body and notice the slightest uncomfortable manifestations around you. You shouldn’t be a hero and endure a slight draft or an insufficiently warm blanket. A slight cold can catch you by surprise when you are sleeping and have no control over your sleep conditions. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare in advance for possible cold snap scenarios and prepare an extra blanket or take an extra sweater with you. It’s better to sweat than to freeze. To increase your chances in the face of a slight cold, you should not only do your “homework” on insulating with sweater blankets, but also add a reminder to your “cache” in your head that the wind is blowing and you can’t relax. That is, even when you are sitting somewhere in an office at an important meeting, you must “book” the thought of cold in your head. When you remember about the cold and are aware that it exists and that it affects you, you already increase your chances of not getting sick by 50%.

Prevention will save the world

It is much easier not to get sick if you regularly perform simple but effective actions:

  • Toughen up. Even a couple of minutes of cold water at the end of your daily morning bath can work wonders.
  • Get dressed. Risk areas that require attention first: back, chest and neck.
  • Sleep. This is a very important point, since lack of sleep leads to poor health and decreased immunity.
  • Drink hot drinks. It doesn't matter if it's coffee, tea or just boiling water. An extra glass of something warm will not only remind your body that it is being taken care of, but will also allow you to more accurately identify sources of cold by contrast.
  • Take a hot shower. Even if you're not cold. It's never a bad idea to warm your back and neck.

Shock measures: take revenge on the cold

It happens that you find yourself in severe frost, while you are aware of the danger of getting sick, but, as luck would have it, there is not a joule of warmth nearby. In such cases, even a glass of hot tea is not able to cover the “damage” caused by the cold. In such a situation, you need, as before, to keep the thought of cold in your head. It doesn't matter that he won the battle, because you can still win the war!

Take revenge on the harsh winter by taking a good steam in the shower while simultaneously pouring hot tea with lemon down your throat. Dress yourself in everything you have, cover yourself with all the blankets you can get, and go to bed. And sleep as much as you want without getting up at the sound of an alarm clock. It’s better to sleep through work, but be healthy, than to heroically be at the office on time, but with the onset of illness.

And for a snack - a recipe for health from integral yoga guru Sri Aurobindo

"The only disease is lack of consciousness. In later stages, when inner silence is firmly established in us and we are able to perceive mental and vital vibrations still on the periphery of our periphery, we will be able in the same way to feel the vibrations of illness and to divert them before they can enter us. If you are aware of this surrounding “I” of yours,” Sri Aurobindo wrote to a disciple, “then you will be able to grasp the thought, passion, suggestion or force of illness and prevent their invasion of you.”

What ways do you know that help you not get sick?

What should you do to avoid getting sick?

When we get sick, the world around us becomes colorless. What kind of joy is there in life when there is a sore throat, and an annoying cough does not allow you to sleep... Our well-being suffers, everything falls out of hand. We can’t concentrate on work, we communicate with colleagues through a headscarf, we’re afraid of infecting our loved ones...

Needless to say, it’s not very pleasant - it would be better not to get sick. But is this possible? Is it possible to protect yourself from colds when it’s cold outside, and seasonal ARVIs “mow down” everyone right and left? Can! And nothing supernatural is required for this!

By and large, the main thing that is needed to prevent a cold is to strengthen our body’s defenses in advance. A strong immune system will repel attacks from viruses and bacteria and will help us not get sick, and three proven remedies will help us “pump up” it.


This path to strong immunity is the most delicious. Oranges and tangerines, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, lemon tea, dried fruit compotes - all these delicious things are a real vitamin “cocktail”. Vitamin C is especially useful for the prevention of colds. A significant amount of ascorbic acid is found in products of plant origin, especially citrus fruits. That is why the main fruits during ARI epidemics are orange, red currant or lemon. And of course, you can take vitamins in tablets - and your doctor will tell you which ones to choose.


With this word, many of us imagine dousing in the cold and “winter swimming,” but to become healthy, “extreme” is not at all necessary. The main thing we need is to ensure that the body is ready for the “tricks” of the weather and adapts to them without problems.

Daily walks in the fresh air, skiing in a pine forest, and swimming in a river are quite suitable for training the body. And how nice it is to walk barefoot on the sun-warmed ground in summer! At home, we can also harden our body: wipe ourselves with cool water, take a contrast shower. To start hardening your kids, it’s enough to stop wrapping them up too much. In a word, everything is within our power - we just need to make up our minds and start.

Healthy lifestyle

Many of us, ever since school, cannot stand the daily routine - it is inevitably associated with “obligation” and lack of freedom. That is why, after a busy work week, on weekends, we “break away” - we sleep until noon, then we sit in front of the TV or on the Internet until the morning, and the next morning we can hardly open our eyes. Our body does not enjoy such “rest” - it is worse than work for it.

Sound, full sleep, meals at the same time, walks, proper distribution of energy during work, giving up smoking, alcohol and unhealthy food - this is what can restore and further maintain our strength and health. Well, if we also do physical exercise (at least we regularly do morning exercises or go for a light jog), then illnesses will become nothing to us at all. For attention to our needs, our body will definitely repay us with kindness.

Well, what if someone in the family still gets sick? What can we do to protect other family members from infection?

First of all, it is important to try to avoid the spread of germs. Ventilation and regular wet cleaning of the apartment will help us with this.

We also need to help the mucous membrane of our respiratory tract repel attacks from pathogens. To do this, you should protect the mucous membrane from drying out - in cold weather, when the heating is on in the apartment, you should turn on humidifiers at home and put wet towels on the radiators.

Finally, it is important to “expel” microbes from our respiratory tract that have already managed to penetrate there. To do this, it is good to rinse your nose with saline solution several times a day, as well as gargle with it.

Taking vitamins, fruits and drinking plenty of fluids will be useful not only for our patient, but also for us, his family, if we do not want to get infected. If you follow these simple rules, then our immunity will not let us down, and a cold will forget the way to our home for a long time.