Being one of 13 children, and not the eldest, on February 1, 2008 Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum was nevertheless announced Crown Prince of Dubai. The devilishly attractive prince instantly became the object of media attention, and his personal Instagram has not thousands, but millions of subscribers. So who is he, the chosen one of fate?

Hamdan is 34 years old today, and his life is definitely not boring and far from idle. In addition to the official positions that a newly-crowned crown prince is entitled to (chairman of the Executive Council of the City of Dubai, head of the hedge fund HN Capital LLP, head of the Young Entrepreneurs Support League and president of the university), Hamdan has many hobbies to which he devotes his free time.

The Crown Prince manages to practice falconry, cycling, attends horse racing, diving, skydiving, and even writes poetry under the pseudonym Fazza. And at home, on his magnificent estate, the prince is waiting not only for his family, but also for his exotic pets, including camels, white tigers and lions. Hamdan also owns several thoroughbred stallions that regularly win races.

Of course, the Crown Prince is no stranger to the desire for luxury - he often travels to incredibly beautiful places on the planet, stays only in the best hotels, and also travels on his own yacht or in one of his many expensive cars. Not only is the prince fabulously rich, he is also very attractive and is still unmarried, which makes him one of the most eligible bachelors on the planet. Moreover, Hamdan is known for his excellent education and desire to help those in need - the prince devotes a lot of time to charity, helping sick children, the disabled and sponsoring hospitals.

Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the 35-year-old heir to the throne of the Emirate of Dubai. Sheikh Hamdan is a true eastern prince: he is fabulously handsome, owns a huge fortune and enjoys such typical royal things as falconry, equestrianism and Formula 1 racing. His fortune is estimated at over $18 billion.

Let's tell you about the life of a young billionaire.

1. Arab Sheikh Hamdan has lived in incredible luxury since birth. He was born into the family of the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. He also has 6 brothers and 9 sisters. In the United Arab Emirates, Hamdan is a very popular person due to his versatile image and apparent “closeness to the people.”

2. In fact, Hamdan spent most of his life not in his native United Arab Emirates, but in Great Britain, where he received an excellent education. First, he studied at the elite military school of the ground forces at Sandhurst, which is often chosen by English aristocrats for their beloved children. Then the sheikh moved to London, where he studied economics. After several years spent in Foggy Albion, Hamdan still had to return to his homeland - matters of national importance were already awaiting him there.

4. In ordinary life, Sheikh Hamdan looks a little different - he loves baseball caps with Formula 1 symbols, sports T-shirts and shorts. And the prince is to some extent far from politics - he is quite romantic in nature, loves travel, falconry and horse riding.

5. The prince is an excellent rider, he is very interested in equestrian sports, has his own stable and once won the Arab Olympic Games thanks to his skill in the saddle.

6. The Sheikh of the United Arab Emirates is not at all like the British princes Harry or William, although he lived in England for several years. Very little is known about Hamdan’s personal life, unlike his famous “colleagues,” and what is known is only rumors and guesses. One thing we know for sure is that the image makers of the royal court are constantly working to ensure that the image of the sheikh is impeccable.

7. Judge for yourself - Sheikh Hamdan is constantly photographed with children, his many nephews and nieces and at the same time looks like an absolutely charming and kind uncle. At the same time, the sheikh does not let anyone forget that he lives in luxury - on the Internet you can find a lot of photographs of Hamdan with tiger cubs (he can afford to have a pet tiger instead of a modest cat!), falcons, Arabian horses, luxury cars, in interiors a magnificent palace... In a word, the sheikh is constantly in an aura of power and wealth.

8. Of course, one of the richest people in the world cannot help but engage in charity work - Hamdan oversees several foundations, and sometimes he himself comes to visit people in need of help.

9. His personal life and relationships with women in the UAE are talked about only in whispers. Answering a question about his possible marriage, the prince said that he had been engaged to a maternal relative since birth, so there were no problems with choosing a bride - everything was decided long before he even entered conscious age. Several times his photo with an unknown woman appeared in the media, but we will never see her face - Hamdan's alleged bride (or wife?) wears a black burqa, showing the world only her eyes. Everything else is for the husband.

10. However, the sheikh has the right to have as many wives as he wants, so it is quite difficult to talk about the prince’s romantic attachments. By comparison, Hamdan's father, Sheikh Mohammed, is rumored to have around five wives. We say “about” because the exact number is really unknown - there are only eyewitness accounts and guesses.

In a word, even girls from aristocratic families have no opportunity to get closer to the mysterious eastern prince, since everything connected with his personality is confidential information, and the influential Hamdan clan is unlikely to leave the choice of wives to his own discretion. This does not prevent the sheikh from having a lot of fans of his attractive appearance and various talents - after all, no one forbade him to watch and believe!

11. Nowadays, the 32-year-old sheikh works as chairman of the Dubai City Council and president of the Dubai Sports Committee.

12. Like his father, Sheikh Hamdan writes poetry. The main motives of poetry are family, homeland, romantic relationships.

13. The prince is a skilled horseman. He received a gold medal in horse riding at the Asian Games.

14. His Highness is also interested in breeding camels, which requires considerable expenses.

9 August 2017, 18:36

Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum (born 14 November 1982) is a member of the royal family of the Emirate of Dubai, son of Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai.
He is the second in the family twenty three!) children. "I enjoyed a peaceful childhood with my father, mother and brothers and sisters. I was raised in an environment that allowed me to realize the true meaning of life and reflect on the greatness of God."
After school, he continued his studies in the UK at the Royal Military Academy, along with Prince William and Harry. After which he graduated with honors from the London School of Economics.

Sheikh Hamdan is the Chairman of the Dubai City Council, President of the Sports Committee of the Emirate of Dubai, honorary patron of the Dubai Autism Research Center and the Youth Business Support League. Forbes magazine assessed the heir's fortune at 18 billion dollars.


Prince Hamdan leads an active lifestyle, his list of hobbies is huge - skydiving, diving, fishing, falconry, snowboarding, cycling and much more. His Highness has won several awards from prestigious competitions, including the gold medal of the World Equestrian Games held in France in 2014.


Travels a lot around the world, often piloting himself.


The prince is seriously interested in photography. On Instagram he also shares his work and gives advice.


Hamdan's pets include such exotic animals as white tigers and lions. Thoroughbred stallions are a particular passion for the prince; the prince indicated that he was born into a family where they adore horses; riding gives him a sense of freedom.


The heir supports and creates many charitable foundations and participates in events organized by them, and also regularly donates blood. Pays special attention to disabled people and sick children.


The prince said that he simply adores children. His Instagram contains many photographs with the offspring of other members of the royal family and their close associates.


The prince is not married. Have no children. He appears in gossip columns as one of the most eligible bachelors on the planet, and his merits include not only a wealth of 18 billion, but also a good education, excellent external data, a broad outlook, and most importantly, kindness and many good qualities.


Hamdan inherited a love of poetry from his father. The prince writes poetry himself. Basically, these are philosophical, romantic and patriotic lyrics. He publishes poems under the pseudonym Fazza, which means "speed" and "success".

These are a little clumsy, but translations :)

The color and smell of your hair,
The sweetness of lips, the tenderness of graceful hands
I didn’t write it in poetry, I carried it in my soul
All times past and present...
Even future ones! Hearts beating
The sparkle of bottomless green eyes -
This is my life! The circle is closed
Where are we together in sleepless nights,
Enchanted by beauty
We enter the shadow along the lunar path...
Like death, separation from you.
Without you I'm a little different
A gloomy day without you, my light,
The night is dark and the moon is unable to
Light it up. In the world there is no
Better than the one I called cute.

This tired traveler sat down to rest
And he suddenly said thoughtfully: “Prisoner
You are your passions... How will you continue your path,
If your flesh and soul are perishable?
And I thought - as if I had accepted a reproach...
How high I used to fly!
I have become different now, I have changed since then -
I drank the water of truth from the source.
I frayed the horse's bridle on the roads,
Destroyed all the castles in the air,
I learned to forgive, and they forgave me,
I saved to save my soul...
How beautiful this precious day is,
He rejoices like a thunderstorm at sea!
Each one is dear, like a priceless stone,
He looks into the soul, squinting his eyes...
He grins - are you waiting for the end?
The day has come, the heat and wind reign,
The night of love is like a sheep to the slaughter,
He is in no hurry to let him land.
Only the evening will rush invisibly,
And the sun goes down into sunset,
Horses of Time on a Chariot
The night is coming - there is no turning back!
How painful is the moment of waiting...
Day and night, morning and evening, as of old,
I can't stand the night's breathing
And I’ll tear off the calendar again.
The night is priceless! Like the day, endless
The light of the moon, the marvelous stars of the carnival.
Life is long and, alas, fleeting...
Happy is the one who knows all this!

Sheikh Hamdan Mohammed al-Maktoum has many advantages - a horse owner, a poet, an athlete, the heir to a royal family, and even a bachelor. Sheikh Hamdan's wife is still absent from his personal life, however, last summer information leaked to the media that he was going to marry Palestinian refugee Kalila Said, whom he met at one of the charity events. It is said that this marriage was approved even by the prince's parents, although at first they were disappointed with their son's choice.

In the photo - Sheikh Hamdan

Sheikh Hamdan is one of the many children of Sheikh Mohammed, Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates and head of the Emirate of Dubai. He was born thirty-three years ago and grew up in incredible luxury. Sheikh Hamdan received an excellent education, first at the private school named after Sheikh Rashid, created according to the English model, then at the Dubai Government School at the Faculty of Public Administration. Hamdan Mohammed al-Maktoum graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the UK, where the scions of English aristocrats study, and specialized courses at the London School of Economics.

From childhood, the sheikh's father prepared his son to participate in the political life of his native state, and now Hamdan is a regular participant in various congresses and summits. Sheikh Hamdan attends all these political events out of necessity, but in his private life he prefers traveling, horse riding, and falconry. He is a very romantic person and even writes poetry under the pseudonym Fazzaa.

In general, almost nothing is known about the personal life of Sheikh Hamdan, and the image makers of the court are constantly working to create an impeccable image for him, and this can be judged by the numerous photographs in which he is captured with relatives and looks very nice. Hamdan devotes a lot of time to charity - he manages the work of several foundations, and personally helps people in need.

To questions about whether he was going to end his bachelor life, the prince always answered that he had been engaged for a long time - Sheikh Hamdan's future wife should be a relative on his mother's side, however, in connection with recent events, when he met Kalila Said, anything is possible change. In general, a sheikh, according to the laws of his country, can have not one, but several wives - his father Sheikh Mohammed, for example, according to some information, has as many as five wives, and time will tell how many wives Sheikh Hamdan will have.

In the modern world, royal misalliances happen quite often, so we decided to remember the most influential, but still free royal offspring of the Middle East. After all, no one knows who you might accidentally bump into even in a crowd.

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum

In 2011, Kate Middleton's grand wedding took place, the broadcast of which was watched by 162 million viewers, mesmerized by the reality of the scenario of the fairy tale about Cinderella. And the Duchess of Cambridge, in turn, seemed to repeat the scenario of Mary Donaldson, now the Crown Princess of Denmark, whose typical, inconspicuous life changed dramatically after a chance acquaintance in Sydney with Prince Frederick. 3 years after that chance meeting, she was destined to become his bride, and then his wife.

However, not only these two ladies proved that dreams of a royal wedding in the truest sense of the word have every right to exist. Even the most titled persons sometimes choose one of the common people as their life partner. And the Middle Eastern princes and princesses, as we remember, were no exception. Take, for example, the story of the beautiful Rania, Queen of Jordan. But today we are not talking about her. After we counted all the European eligible blue-blooded bachelors, the editorial team came up with the idea to talk about princesses and princes from the Middle East, who also have not yet found their halves.

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai (34)

The beloved heir to the throne of the Emirate of Dubai has many talents. He was initially educated at the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, Berkshire, England, and subsequently attended classes at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

The 34-year-old enviable prince rides horses, scuba dives and is already an almost professional parachute jumper. In addition, he even publishes poems of his own composition, imbued with patriotic and romantic sentiments.

In general, his skills and achievements can be listed endlessly, and he immediately talks about them on his Instagram. There you can also find photo evidence of how much the Crown Prince loves sports and an active lifestyle in general, which cannot but please.

Hussein ibn Abdullah, Crown Prince of Jordan (22)

Hussein ibn Abdullah

The Prince with his mother, Queen Rania

He is the eldest child of the couple King Abdullah II and Queen Rania, by the way, one of the most beautiful royalty of our time. The prince is a graduate of Georgetown University in Washington, where he majored in international history.

The prince with his father, King Abdullah II, and US President Barack Obama

Interestingly, last year Prince Hussein had the honor of chairing a meeting of the UN Security Council, thus becoming the youngest participant in the process in its entire history. Thus, Prince Hussein is following in his father’s footsteps, continuing his parent’s endeavors by actively participating in policies to empower youth.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar (28)

The 28-year-old heir to the throne is the 5th son of Sheikh Emir and his second wife Sheikha Moza, one of the most famous women of the East. In 2013, he received his master's degree from Harvard University. In addition to Arabic, the young man speaks fluent English and French.

In addition, Sheikh Mohammed Hamad is the former captain of the Qatar equestrian team. He also chaired the competition to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Sheikha Maita bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Princess of Dubai (36)

Maita is the half-sister of the Crown Prince, who heads our list of free royal offspring of the East. But her fiance will have to work hard to live up to her. And the point here is not at all about the social status of the bride. In addition to her important title, Sheikha is also the honorary president of the United Arab Emirates Taekwondo and Karate Federation and the president of the Women's Committee of the West Asian Karate Federation. She even led the UAE women's team in this sport, which took first place from 2003 to 2006. In addition, Sheikha Maita became the first Arab athlete to carry her country's flag at the Beijing Olympics. In 2008, Forbes magazine included the girl in the list of the 20 most famous representatives of royal dynasties.