Among the huge number of unique shrines that can currently be seen in ancient church monasteries, there are also those whose images clearly demonstrate the holy martyrs. One of them is the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya.


According to an ancient Orthodox legend, Saint Cyprian was completely immersed in the world of magic and witchcraft from an early age. Its unique incredible magical abilities, he tried to apply it in good intentions, helping the sick and needy. Wandering around the world and gaining new life experiences, Cyprian discovered many picturesque beauties. However, ultimately, fate forced him to return to his hometown called Antioch. And at this time, one of the passing days, an unfamiliar but wealthy young man once came to him. He needed help from Cyprian in his matters of the heart. The young man demanded that he use his sorcerer’s abilities, forcing Ustinya’s feelings against her will. And this was not without reason. After all, the young girl Ustinya was unusually sweet and beautiful. However, from childhood she was completely devoted to the love of God, deciding to devote her life to Jesus Christ until the end of her days.

And in order for the girl to unwittingly fall in love with Aglaid, Cyprian sent many enchanted demons and evil spells on her. However true love in God was able to completely protect the young girl from evil spirits magician Then, Cyprian decided to make a second attempt to realize his sinister and illegal plan. He brought a terrible disease into the city, from which it was impossible to get rid of.

Many people began to get sick with it, but despite this, Ustinya still believed that sooner or later, the Lord God would hear the prayers of believing citizens and would definitely help them survive terrible adversities

This is how it all happened, after Ustinya prayed, the Almighty heard her and again saved her from terrible troubles. After this phenomenon, Cyprian fully realized the true power of God, recognizing his power above any, even the most powerful, spells. And as a sign of admiration and respect for the great Orthodox power, he forever accepts the Christian faith and subsequently, together with Ustinya, takes part in its spread.

It is important to note that on the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya, the biblical heroes are depicted on the shrine together, standing next to each other. At the same time, on some compositions you can see one active image from those presented above. An example is the icon of St. Cyprian.

How does the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya help?

The significance of the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya is extremely great. Since ancient times, many Russian Orthodox people have turned to her. For some believers, this shrine reliably protects home. The icon helps to cope with various illnesses, resolve conflict situations with certain ill-wishers, and make peace with lovers, leaving behind a long quarrel.


The icon of Cyprian and Ustinia is especially revered on the day of celebration.

According to ancient church customs in honor of the memory of the two saints, it is held on October 15.

On this day, people remember the long history of the two martyrs, as well as their great deeds that were accomplished in the name of the Lord God.

Prayer to the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya

Prayer is an important and obligatory ritual used by believers while in sacred Orthodox churches. Each of the existing prayers has its own special purpose, which, if handled correctly, allows people to be heard by the Lord God himself. Being in front of the icon of Kupriyan and Ustinya, people pray, first of all, with the goal of getting rid of damage.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

Oh, most holy martyrs, Cyprian and Ustinya! Hear our prayers. Protect from the evil demons that have settled in our souls. Get rid of the magic that destroys our lives. Protect us from troubles and misfortunes. For during your life you dedicated yourself to the Lord, dying for the faith. So become our intercessors, do not let the demon lead us astray from the righteous path. Show us the true path to Christ. We will not stop praying to you. And until the end of our lives we will remember all the good deeds that you have done. Pray before the Lord for our sins, for we repent. Become our wall and amulet from all the evil that was happening in the world! Get rid of witchcraft and magic. May we praise you, O Great Martyrs. And we will glorify your names. Forever and ever. Amen.

Cyprian, the famous sorcerer and philosopher, came from Carthage and lived in Antioch during the reign of Decius. Coming from wicked parents, he was dedicated by them as a child to serve the pagan god Apollo. For seven years he was given to sorcerers to learn sorcery and demonic wisdom.

Upon reaching the age of ten, he was sent by his parents to prepare for priestly service on Mount Olympus, which the pagans called the home of the gods; there were countless idols in which demons lived. On this mountain, Cyprian comprehended various demonic transformations, learned to change the properties of the air, induce winds, produce thunder and rain, and disturb sea ​​waves, cause harm to gardens, vineyards and fields, send diseases and ulcers to people. He saw there countless hordes of demons with the prince of darkness at their head, whom some stood before, others served, others exclaimed, praising their prince, and others were sent into the world to seduce people. There he also saw pagan gods and goddesses in many images, as well as various ghosts and apparitions, which he learned to summon during a strict forty-day fast; After sunset he ate, and not bread or any other food, but oak acorns.

When he was fifteen years old, he began to listen to the lessons of the seven great priests, from whom he learned many demonic secrets. Then he went to the city of Argos, where, after serving the goddess Hera for some time, he learned many seductions from her priest. He also lived in Tavropol, serving Artemis, and from there he went to Lacedaemon, where he learned to use various sorceries and induction to call the dead from their graves and make them speak. At the age of twenty, Cyprian came to Egypt and in the city of Memphis he studied even greater sorcery and sorcery. In his thirtieth year he went to the Chaldeans and, having learned stargazing there, completed his studies, after which he returned to Antioch, being committed in every crime.

Fact 2. Cyprian was loved and honored by the prince of darkness himself

A sorcerer, sorcerer and murderer, Cyprian became a great friend and faithful slave of the infernal prince, with whom he talked face to face, receiving great honor from him, as he himself openly testified.

“Believe me,” he said, “that I saw the prince of darkness himself, for I appeased him with sacrifices; I greeted him and spoke to him and his elders; he loved me, praised my intelligence and said in front of everyone: “Here is the new Zamri, always ready for obedience and worthy of communicating with us!” And he promised to make me a prince upon my departure from the body, and during my earthly life to help me in everything; At the same time, he gave me a regiment of demons to serve. When I left him, he turned to me with the words: “Take courage, zealous Cyprian, get up and accompany me: let all the demonic elders marvel at you.” As a result of this, all his princes were attentive to me, seeing the honor shown to me.

His appearance was like a flower; his head was crowned with a crown made (not in reality, but ghostly) of gold and shiny stones, as a result of which the whole space was illuminated, and his clothes were amazing. When he turned in one direction or another, the whole place shook; many evil spirits various degrees they stood obediently at his throne. Then I gave all of myself to his service, obeying his every command.”

This is how Cyprian himself spoke about himself after his conversion.

Fact 3. Cyprian was revered by the people as the chief priest

While living in Antioch, Cyprian seduced many people to all sorts of iniquities, destroyed many with poison and sorcery, and sacrificed young men and maidens to demons. He taught many his disastrous sorcery: some to fly through the air, others to swim in boats on the clouds, and others to walk on water. He was revered and glorified by all pagans as the chief priest and wisest servant their vile gods. Many turned to him in their needs, and he helped them with the demonic power with which he was filled: he helped some in fornication, others in anger, enmity, revenge, envy.

Fact 4. Justina herself converted from paganism and brought her family to Christianity

At that time, there lived in the same place, in Antioch, a certain girl named Justina. She came from pagan parents: her father was an idol priest named Edesius, and her mother was called Cleodonia. One day, sitting at the window in her house, this girl, then already of age, accidentally heard words of salvation from the lips of a deacon named Prailia passing by. Justina wanted to learn the faith better and more completely from the deacon, but did not dare to look for him, restrained by girlish modesty. However, she secretly went to the Church of Christ and, often listening to the word of God, with the influence of the Holy Spirit on her heart, she believed in Christ.

Soon she convinced her mother of this, and then led her elderly father to faith. When her father Edesius became stronger in the faith of Christ, the bishop, seeing his piety, made him a presbyter. After this, having lived virtuously and in the fear of God for a year and six months, Edesius ended his life in holy faith.

Fact 5. To destroy Justina, the enemy inflamed the passion of a rich pagan youth for her.

Justina labored valiantly in keeping the commandments of the Lord and, having loved her Bridegroom Christ, served Him with diligent prayers, virginity and chastity, fasting and great abstinence.

But the enemy, the hater of the human race, seeing her life like this, envied her virtues and began to harm her, causing various disasters and sorrows.

At that time, there lived in Antioch a certain young man named Aglaid, the son of rich and noble parents. He lived luxuriously, surrendering to the vanity of this world. One day he saw Justina when she was going to church and was struck by her beauty. The devil instilled evil intentions in his heart. Inflamed with lust, Aglaid began to try by all means to gain the favor and love of Justina and, through seduction, to lead the pure lamb of Christ to the defilement he had planned. He watched all the paths along which the girl had to go, and, meeting her, spoke flattering speeches to her, praising her beauty and glorifying her; showing his love for her, he tried to entice her into fornication with a cunningly woven network of seduction.

The girl turned away and avoided him, abhorring him and not even wanting to listen to his flattering and crafty speeches. Not cooling in his lust for her beauty, the young man sent to her with a request that she agree to become his wife. She answered him: “My groom is Christ; I serve Him and for His sake I maintain my purity. He protects both my soul and body from all defilement.”

Hearing such an answer from the chaste maiden, Aglaid, incited by the devil, became even more inflamed with passion. He decided to kidnap her, but his attempt failed.

Not knowing what to do next, he, with an increase in unclean lust in him, decided on a new evil deed: he went to the great sorcerer and sorcerer - Cyprian, the priest of idols, and, telling him his grief, asked him for help, promising to give him a lot of gold and silver. After listening to Aglaidas, Cyprian consoled him, promising to fulfill his desire.

Then taking books on his secret art, he called on one of the wicked spirits, in whom he was sure that he could soon inflame Justina’s heart with passion for this young man. The demon handed him a vessel filled with something. Cyprian called Aglaidas and sent him to secretly sprinkle Justina's house from the devil's vessel. When this was done, the prodigal demon entered there with kindled arrows of carnal lust, in order to wound the girl’s heart with fornication, and inflame her flesh with unclean lust.

Fact 6. Fornication overtook Justina when she began to pray at night

Justina had the custom of offering prayers to the Lord every night. And when, according to custom, she got up at three o'clock in the morning and prayed to God, she suddenly felt excitement in her body, a storm of bodily lust and the flame of hell fire. She remained in such excitement and internal struggle for quite a long time: the young man Aglaid came to her memory, and bad thoughts were born to her.

The girl was surprised and ashamed of herself, feeling that her blood was boiling like in a cauldron; She was now thinking about what she had always abhorred as filth. But in her prudence, Justina realized that this struggle arose in her from the devil; She immediately turned to the weapon of the sign of the cross, ran to God with warm prayer and from the depths of her heart cried out to Christ, her Bridegroom: “Lord my God, Jesus Christ! Behold, my enemies rose up against me, prepared a net to ensnare me, and exhausted my soul. But in the night I remembered Your name and rejoiced, and now, when they oppress me, I run to You and hope that my enemy will not triumph over me. For You know, Lord my God, that I, Your servant, have preserved the purity of my body for You and entrusted my soul to You. Save Your sheep, good Shepherd, and do not give them over to be devoured by the beast that seeks to devour me; grant me victory over the evil lust of my flesh.”

Having prayed long and earnestly, the holy virgin put the enemy to shame. Defeated by her prayer, he fled from her in shame, and calm again came in Justina’s body and heart; the flame of lust went out, the struggle ceased, the boiling blood calmed down. Justina glorified God and sang a song of victory. The demon returned to Cyprian with the sad news that he had achieved nothing.

Fact 7. The demons could not even stand the name of the righteous Justina and fled from him

Cyprian summoned a more evil demon and sent him to seduce Justina. He went and did a lot more than the first, attacking the girl with greater fury. But she armed herself with warm prayer and took upon herself an even stronger feat: she put on a hair shirt and mortified her flesh with abstinence and fasting, eating only bread and water. Having thus tamed the passions of her flesh, Justina defeated the devil and drove him away in shame.

He, like the first, having accomplished nothing, returned to Cyprian.

Then Cyprian called one of the demonic princes, told him about the weakness of the sent demons, who could not defeat one girl, and asked him for help. Having reassured Cyprian and promised to seduce the girl in other ways, the demonic prince took on the appearance of a woman and entered Justina. Justina recognized the cunning seducer-devil and defeated him more skillfully than Eve. She immediately resorted to the protection of the Cross of the Lord and placed its honorable sign on her face, and turned her heart to Christ, her Bridegroom. And the devil immediately disappeared with even greater shame than the first two demons.

In great confusion, the proud prince of demons returned to Cyprian. Cyprian was indignant at the devil for disgracing him, and, blaspheming the demon, said: “Such is your strength that even a weak maiden defeats you!”

Then the devil, wanting to console Cyprian, made another attempt: he took on the image of Justina and went to Aglaid in the hope that, having accepted him for the real Justina, the young man would satisfy his desire, and thus neither his demonic weakness would be revealed, nor Cyprian will not be put to shame. And so, when the demon came to Aglaid in the form of Justina, he jumped up in unspeakable joy, ran up to the imaginary virgin, hugged her and began to kiss her, saying: “It’s good that you came to me, beautiful Justina!”

But as soon as the young man uttered the name of the virgin, the demon immediately disappeared, not being able to bear even the name of Justina.

Fact 8. Honorary citizens of the city asked Justina not to grieve Cyprian and marry Aglaid

Cyprian began to take revenge for his shame and with his sorcery brought various disasters on the house of Justina and on the house of all her relatives, neighbors and acquaintances, just as the devil once did on the righteous Job. He killed their cattle, struck their slaves with plagues, and thus plunged them into excessive sorrow. Finally, he struck Justina with the disease, so that she lay in bed, and her mother cried for her. Justina consoled her mother with the words of the prophet David: “I will not die, but I will live and tell the works of the Lord” (Ps. 117:17).

Cyprian brought disaster not only on Justina and her relatives, but also on the entire city, by God’s permission, as a result of his indomitable rage and great shame. Ulcers appeared on animals and various diseases among people; and, through demonic action, a rumor spread that the great priest Cyprian would execute the city for Justina’s resistance to him. Then the most honorable citizens came to Justina and angrily urged her not to grieve Cyprian any more and to marry Aglaidas, in order to avoid even greater disasters because of her for the whole city. She calmed everyone down, saying that soon all the disasters caused by Cyprian with the help of demons would stop. And so it happened. When Saint Justina prayed fervently to God, immediately all demonic obsession ceased; all were healed of ulcers and recovered from diseases. When such a change took place, people glorified Christ, and they mocked Cyprian and his magical cunning, so that out of shame he could no longer appear among people and avoided meeting even his acquaintances.

Fact 9. Struggling with the devil, Cyprian prayed: “God of Justin, help me!”

Convinced that nothing could defeat the power of the sign of the cross and the Name of Christ, Cyprian came to his senses and said to the devil: “Oh, destroyer and seducer of all, the source of all uncleanness and defilement! Now I have recognized your weakness. For if you fear even the shadow of the cross and tremble at the Name of Christ, then what will you do when Christ Himself comes upon you? If you cannot defeat those who cross themselves, then whom will you tear out of the hands of Christ? Now I have realized what a nonentity you are; You can’t even take revenge! Having listened to you, I, the unfortunate one, was seduced and believed your cunning. Get away from me, you damned one, get away, for I should beg the Christians to have mercy on me. I should turn to pious people so that they will save me from death and take care of my salvation. Depart, depart from me, lawless one, enemy of truth, adversary and hater of all good.”

Hearing this, the devil rushed at Cyprian to kill him, and, attacking, began to beat and crush him. Finding no protection anywhere and not knowing how to help himself and get rid of the fierce demonic hands, Cyprian, already barely alive, remembered the sign of the holy cross, by the power of which Justina resisted all demonic power, and exclaimed: “God of Justina, help me!” Then, raising his hand, he crossed himself, and the devil immediately jumped away from him, like an arrow shot from a bow. Having gathered his courage, Cyprian became bolder and, calling on the name of Christ, made the sign of the cross and stubbornly resisted the demon, cursing and reproaching him. The devil, standing far from him and not daring to approach, for fear of the sign of the cross and the Name of Christ, threatened Cyprian in every possible way, saying: “Christ will not deliver you from my hands!” Then, after long and furious attacks on Cyprian, the demon roared like a lion and left.

Further events in the life of Saints Cyprian and Justina are briefly outlined in the akathist. Cyprian asked the Christian bishop Anfis to baptize him, but he, knowing that Cyprian was a great and terrible sorcerer for everyone, did not believe. Then Cyprian, in the middle of the city, burned all his books of magic, repented greatly, and remained in fasting and prayer. Seeing his zeal and devotion to the faith of Christ, the bishop baptized him, then made him a reader, on the twentieth day he was made a subdeacon, on the 30th day he was made a deacon, and a year later he was ordained a priest. Cyprian changed his life, increasing his exploits every day, constantly mourning his previous evil deeds. He was soon installed as a bishop. He appointed the holy maiden Justina a deaconess, and then entrusted her with a nunnery, making her abbess over other Christian maidens. With his behavior and instruction, he converted many pagans and won them for the Church of Christ. Thus, idolatry began to cease in that country, and the glory of Christ increased.

Fact 10. Before his martyrdom, Cyprian asked that Justina be executed first - he was afraid that she would be frightened at the sight of his death and would renounce Christ

Seeing strict life Saint Cyprian, his concern for the faith of Christ and the salvation of human souls, the devil gnashed his teeth at him and prompted the pagans to slander him before the ruler eastern country in that he disgraced the gods, turned many people away from them, and glorified Christ, who was hostile to their gods. The governor ordered Cyprian and Justina to be seized and put in prison. The torturer ordered the saint to be hanged and his body to be planed, and Saint Justina to be beaten on the lips and eyes. Throughout their long torment, they unceasingly confessed Christ and endured everything with thanksgiving. Then the tormentor imprisoned them and tried with gentle admonition to return them to idolatry. When he was unable to convince them, he ordered them to be thrown into the cauldron; but the boiling cauldron did not cause them any harm, and they, as if in a cool place, glorified God.

Seeing this, one idol priest named Athanasius said: “In the name of the god Asclepius, I will also throw myself into this fire and shame those wizards.” But as soon as the fire touched him, he died immediately.

Seeing this, the tormentor was frightened and, not wanting to judge them any longer, sent the martyrs to the ruler Claudius in Nicomedia, describing everything that happened to him. This ruler condemned them to be beheaded by the sword.

When they were brought to the place of execution, Cyprian asked himself some time to pray so that Justina would be executed first: he was afraid that Justina would not be frightened at the sight of his death. She joyfully bowed her head under the sword and reposed before her Bridegroom, Christ.

Seeing the innocent death of these martyrs, a certain Theoktistus, who was present there, greatly regretted them and, having inflamed his heart towards God, fell to Saint Cyprian and, kissing him, declared himself a Christian. Together with Cyprian, he was immediately condemned to beheading. So they gave their souls into the hands of God; their bodies lay unburied for six days. Some of the strangers who were there secretly took them and took them to Rome, where they gave them to a virtuous and holy woman named Rufina, a relative of Claudius Caesar. She buried with honor the bodies of the holy martyrs of Christ: Cyprian, Justina and Theoctistus. At their graves many healings took place among those who came to them with faith.

Prepared from the life outlined by St. Demetrius of Rostov.

Unfortunately, today many of us have problems. Some we can solve quite well ourselves, while others seem so complex that it seems impossible to correct the situation on our own. Such situations occur especially often in love. Love spells, conspiracies, curses - you just won't find them. And then insight comes... People who want to preserve theirs should discover for themselves what Ustinye is, which will help literally get out of the Darkness that envelops the heart. Note that these are very real people who lived in the third century AD. But first things first!

Saint Cyprian and Ustinya: prayer helps them from damage, the evil eye, etc. Why?

Quite often we cannot imagine very well to whom and why we turn in prayer. And it seems to some that the Church does not recognize witchcraft and various kinds of dark magic at all. And how can you ask someone infallible for help, who doesn’t seem to understand what’s eating you? Well, let's start with the fact that Cyprian was once... a sorcerer, and Ustinya (Justina) was precisely his object magical exercises! Consequently, Ustinye will definitely go to those who will simply understand your fears and problems perfectly!

The essence of the legends about Cyprian and Ustinya is as follows. The talented and intelligent young man Cyprian, who lived in Antioch, became the most faithful and capable minion of the devil, who gave him power. The sorcerer did dark things: he corrupted, poisoned, killed. He was approached by a certain Aglaid, who simply could not remember himself from the desire to possess the maiden Ustinya. The difficulty was that, although she was the daughter of a pagan priest, she rejected the ideals of her parents and believed in Jesus Christ with all her soul. Therefore, all of Aglaid’s claims worried her little.

But he was completely maddened by unsatisfied desire. And he decided to seduce the unapproachable girl at all costs. This is why he came to Cyprian, who did not hesitate to achieve his goals. It turns out that the prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya is, in fact, an appeal to those who have personally experienced the power of the devil.

Cyprian prepared some kind of potion with which it was necessary to sprinkle the house of Ustinya, which Aglaidas did. In theory, the girl should have been inflamed with passion for him. But it was not there! As soon as Ustinya realized what was happening to her, she turned to Jesus Christ. And the magic had no effect!

End of story

Admittedly, this provoked Cyprian; he simply outdid himself in trying to enslave Ustinha. But the girl’s faith was so great that she survived, and Cyprian doubted the power of the devil. Subsequently, Ustinha and Cyprian died as martyrs for their faith. So, a sincere prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya can help when you are tempted to do something bad, to ask Satan for help. Faith in God and his power will help you resist temptation!

How should the prayer to Saints Cyprian and Ustinya be read?

In the 3rd century, during the kingdom of Rome named after De-Kia, a pagan sage, a sign, lived in Antiochia. n-ty sorcerer-vo-va-tel Ki-pri-an. He pacified the prince of darkness by sacrificing himself, gave him all of himself into power, and he gave him a regiment of demons as his service and promised to establish a prince based on his descent from the body. Many people turned to him in their needs, and he helped them with demonic power. One day a young man named Agla-id, the son of gods and noble families, approached him. One day he saw Justina’s girl and was struck by her beauty, and from then on he began to look for her beauty and love, she told him: “My bridegroom is Christ; I serve Him and for His sake I preserve my purity.”

Having lived by secretly knowing me and calling on unclean spirits for help, Ki-pri-an sent them out three times -blaz-thread Justi-well. They instilled bad thoughts in her, created carnal passion in her, sought to flatter you and lure you cha-mi, but Justi-na beat them with a prayer, a prayer and the sign of the cross, and, disgracefully, they were frightened -crossed with the Lord under him, they ran with their eyes on them. Voz-ne-go-do-val then Ki-pri-an and began to take revenge on Justina for his disgrace. He sent pestilence and plagues to the house of Justina and to the whole city, just as the devil once did to the righteous Job. She prayed diligently, and the demonic expectation stopped. After such a change, people began to glorify Christ, and Ki-pri-an, having regained his sight, renounced the affairs of the dia- la, he gave everything to the local bishop An-fi-mu, gave him all his books to burn and begged him to do it above him is Holy Baptism.

He completely changed his life, seven days after his baptism he became a reader, twenty days later he became an ipo-di-a-ko-na , after thirty - to dia-ko-na, and a year later to ru-ko-po-lo-li-li to the priest. He was soon made a bishop and in this rank he led such a holy life that he became equal to many great men. we are holy.

During the persecution of Christians under im-pe-ra-to-re Dio-kli-ti-an Ki-pri-a-na and Justi-nu okle-ve-ta-li , in the same way, that's why they ordered to hang the saint and whittle his body, and beat Justi-nu on the mouth and eye-deputy After this, they were thrown into the boiler, but the boiling boiler did not cause them any harm. In the end they were condemned to be beheaded with a sword.

Seeing the innocent death of the mu-che-ni-kov, the warrior Feo-k-tist declared himself a Christian and was executed along with him -mi.

The holy martyr Ki-pri-an, the holy martyr Justina and the holy martyr Feo-k-tist were killed in Ni-ko-mi-dii in 304.


Troparion to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina

And a partaker in character,/ and a vicar of the throne, an apostle,/ you gained action, inspired by God,/ in a vision the sunrise:/ for this sake, correcting the word of truth,/ and for the sake of faith you suffered even to the point of blood,/ Hieromartyr Cyprian,/ pray to Christ God/ / save our souls.

Translation: And you became a participant in the morals of the Apostles, and became an heir to their throne, through your deeds you achieved ascension; therefore, proclaiming the right word of truth, you suffered to the point of bleeding for the faith, Hieromartyr Cyprian, intercede before Christ our God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina

Turning from magical art, O God-Wise One,/ to the knowledge of the Divine,/ you appeared to the world as the wisest physician,/ granting healings to those who honor you, the Cyprians and Justina:/ praying to the lover of mankind Vlada. tse // save our souls.

Translation: The God-wise One turned from the craft of magic to the knowledge of the Divine, appeared to the world as the wisest physician, granting healing to those who worship you, Cyprian and Justina, with her pray to the Lord who loves mankind for the salvation of our souls.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian

Holy servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer for all those who come running to you! Accept this praise from us, the unworthy; ask the Lord God for strength in weaknesses, consolation in sorrows, and everything useful to everyone in our life; Offer your merciful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from the falls of sin, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the activities of unclean spirits and tame those who offend us. Be a strong champion for us against all enemies, visible and invisible; give us patience in temptation and at the hour of our death show us intercession from the torturers at the aerial ordeals; May we, led by you, reach Mount Jerusalem and be honored in the Kingdom of Heaven with all the saints to glorify and sing the holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina

Oh, holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justin! Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died your temporary life as a martyr for Christ, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord to teach us and to patiently bear your cross to help us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mothers has been acquired by nature. Even now you will be prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy (names). Be our intercessors of the fortress, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, wise men and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canon to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina

Song 1

Irmos: The sea of ​​the dark abyss / with damp feet / the ancient Israel who walked, / with the cross-shaped hand of Moses / defeated the power of Amalek in the desert.

Now established with the Premier rites, O sacred and Divine head, / look down from Heaven upon you who sing piously / and preserve with your prayers.
In the darkness of ignorance, reverend, you are fiercely possessed / and you are kindled by the soul-destroying passions of the flesh through intemperance, / you suddenly found glorious transformation, all-blessed.
Glory: Thou didst first sit in the seats of the destroyers, Father, / and thou didst glorify Christ again in the seats of the elders, / having been changed by the Lord’s revealed Divine grace.
And now: You remained a Virgin after the Nativity: / Having given birth to the Creator of all and the Lord, / appearing unusually and strangely to us as a body, / to the Mother of God, the Ever-Virgin Mother.

Song 3

Irmos: Your Church rejoices in You, Christ, calling: / You are my strength, Lord, / and refuge and confirmation.
Chorus: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino, pray to God for us.
Like Paul, / having transferred your spiritual love to Christ, Cyprian was all-wise, / of whom you were a disciple.
Christ betroths you, / instead of passionate vestments, giving you the robe of glory / and the robe of rebirth.
Glory: The fasting fast-monger was formerly patient, / later, the all-valid Cyprian, / you were a witness of the Truth.
And now: Lordly and truly, we honor You, the Mother of God, / for You gave birth to God, / You were flesh, All-immaculate.
Lord, have mercy, three times.

Sedalen, tone 8. Similar to: Wisdom:

Diligently punished for delusion, / like Paul, he was called from Heaven, / We instruct the cross to the light of knowledge, / for we kindle honest virgins with love, / for the sake of which you were united to the Creator of men. / Thus, having exposed the weakness of the enemy, / with it you were honored with the face of the martyrs, / Cyprians, fertilizer for the bishops, / pray to Christ the God of sins to forgive taxes / to those who honor your holy memory with love.
Glory, even now, to the Mother of God: In a multi-braided misfortune I fall / from enemies visible and invisible, / overwhelmed by a storm of my countless sins, / and, as to my warm intercession and protection, O Pure One, / I flow to the refuge of Your goodness. / Moreover, O Most Pure One, from Thee Incarnate without a seed / pray diligently for all Thy servants, / who continually pray to Thee, the Most Pure Mother of God, / beseeching Him to grant forgiveness of sins forever / to those who worthily sing Thy glory.

Song 4

Irmos: You are exalted, having seen the Church on the Cross, / the righteous Sun, / standing in your rank, / worthily crying out: / glory to your power, Lord.
Chorus: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino, pray to God for us.
Having awakened, O God-voice, from the first fury, / you denounced all the demonic flattery and soul-spirited charm and, rejoicing, you cried out: / glory to your power, Lord.
Justina is valiantly strengthened / and the Pure Virgin and the Joyful One, earnestly praying, / to escape the snares and snares of the enemy.
Glory: Strengthened by the faith of your Bridegroom / and clothed with the power of the Cross, / the demons are hidden, crying out: / glory to your power, Lord.
And now: Who by nature is free, / in the image of a slave impoverished by the riches of goodness, Mother of the Ever-Virgin, / from You, according to Hypostasis, all humanity receives.

Song 5

Irmos: You, Lord, are my light, / you came into the world. / Holy Light, turn from darkness of ignorance / those who sing of Thee to faith.
Chorus: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino, pray to God for us.
The champion of the Pure Mother of God, having become rich, Justino, / preserved her honest virginity without harm.
The animated Christ and the most beautiful image, / let us honor Justina, / intimate kindness and unstealthy devotion.
Glory: The Bride of Christ, ever present and undefiled, / having received suffering and fasting, / righteously wears the crown.
And now: The angelic and human mind cannot express / the indescribable and glorious miracle of Your Nativity, / All-Pure One.

Song 6

Irmos: I will devour Thee with a voice of praise, O Lord, / The Church cries out to Thee, / having been cleansed from demonic blood, / for the sake of mercy from Thy side / by the flowing Blood.
Chorus: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino, pray to God for us.
You have reached the depths of the wickedness of the underworld, / but to the extreme of virtue, Father, / you have ascended to the heights, / having been gloriously transformed by Divine Baptism.
You were a servant of demons first, / but you appeared to be Christ’s Epiphany disciple, / having loved the last desire with love.
Glory: You have brought many martyrs to the Master, / demonstrating the greatest purchase, / purchasing the Kingdom of Heaven, God-wise, with the least blood.
And now: Break my captivity of sins, Bride of God, the sinful law, / Granting freedom to life by the law, / Who gave birth to the Lord of the law.
Lord, have mercy, three times. Glory, and now:

Kontakion, tone 1. Similar to: The Face of an Angel:

Turning from magical art, O God-Wise One, / to the knowledge of the Divine, / you appeared to the world as the wisest physician, / granting healing to those who honor you, Cyprian and Justina: / with this you prayed to the Lover of Mankind / to save our souls.
Ikos: You have sent down your healings, holy gifts, to me, / and heal my ailing heart with sinful pus / with your prayers, / for now I will bring you the word of singing from my unclean lips / and I will sing to your illness, which you have shown, O holy martyr, / with good repentance and the blessed and those approaching God. / He was held by his hand, / you headed, like a ladder, to the Heavenly Ones, / constantly praying to save our souls.

Song 7

Irmos: Your youths saved in the fires of Abraham / and, having killed the Chaldeans, / even the truth was righteously caught, / the revered Lord, / God of our father, blessed art thou.
Chorus: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino, pray to God for us.
You entered the hierarchical leadership, / you showed the most sacred image as your hierarch and the rule, crying out: / blessed are you, O Lord, God of our fathers.
Your life-giving right hands are truly a change, Father, who has found, / made you wise, the Speaker of God, singing: / revered Lord, God of our father, blessed art thou.
Glory: An invincible weapon against us, blessed, art thou who have appeared, / denouncing him with flattery, singing: / revered Lord, God of our father, blessed art thou.
And now: The heavenly faces and the heavenly cathedrals / sing hymns from you, the Mother of God, born, calling: / revered Lord, God of our father, blessed art thou.

Song 8

Irmos: Rejoice, O Jerusalem, rejoice, O ye who love Zion: / For the Lord of hosts has come to reign forever. / Let the whole earth stand in awe at His Face / and let it cry: / Bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.
Chorus: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino, pray to God for us.
You neglected the wisdom of the Hellenic wisdom, O glorious one, / but the Divine broadcast of the apostles, rattled by the Spirit, father, / and clearly spoken with tongues of fire, you cried out: / bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.
You have risen up into the high and worldly light of the village, / offering to Christ the blood, as an immaculate sacrifice, father, / a living slaughter, pleasant and pleasing, singing: / bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord.
Glory: We are overcome by the indwelling grace in you, / the demonstrators are driven away and the passions of the ailing are driven away, God-wise, / we are satisfied with the return of the Divine light, crying out: / bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord.
And now: They rejoice with the Angelic powers, O Most Pure One, at Thy Nativity, O Mother of God, / and those who call Thee the Mother of God by faith: / For Thou hast given birth to us as a Master and Savior, to Him we sing: / Bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Song 9

Irmos: Eve, through the disease of disobedience, / instilled an oath, / But You, Virgin Mother of God, / Through the vegetation of womb-bearing, You have blossomed with the blessing of the world, / Thus we all magnify You.
Chorus: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino, pray to God for us.
Above us, who piously sing thee, thou art admiring thee with Divine grace, / by thy prayers, O God-speaker, and crowning with the weapon of benevolence, / grant us peace and salvation, / as the most divine clergyman.
The flow of healing abundantly rewards your dust to those who love you; / for you, Cyprians, the God-bearing wives, as they accept the Divine treasure / and diligently reveal the hidden, / so that we may all enjoy it for you.
Glory: Direct our progress towards Christ, O rich one, through deeds, / and God-pleasing life, and the purest purification / imploring God’s quietness, as a most compassionate hierarch.
And now: Strengthen our spiritual weakness, O Mother of God, by Thy power, / resolve the burden, O Most Holy One, imposed on Thy servant, / the Sun that has risen unspeakably to the world of righteousness.

Luminous. Similar to: Wives, hear:

Among the Magi, there is no judgment and one is greater, / who has lost his temper and burned the books instructing in delusion, / and the testimony of the crown of strangely received, / Let us praise Cyprian, the mirror of the sufferers.
Glory, and now: Of old, the deity deceived me with hope, deceiving me, / with a dense offer he is wisely seduced by the Virgin Who Rised; / and the dense condemnation of the flesh was resolved, / slain to death.

Akathist to the Hieromartyr Cyprian

Kontakion 1

Chosen from the service of the devil to serve the true God and numbered among the saints, Hieromartyr Cyprian, pray to Christ God to deliver us from the snares of the evil one and defeat the world, the flesh and the devil, let us cry to you:

Ikos 1

The angelic powers were amazed at how you turned from magical art, God-Wise Cyprian, to the knowledge of the Divine, and through repentance you gained an angelic, passionless life. We, marveling at your conversion, cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, having astonished the Angels with your conversion;

Rejoice, joyful face of the saints.

Rejoice, you who have shown your wisdom;

Rejoice, you have received a crown for Christ.

Rejoice, for through you demons are driven away;

Rejoice, for through you all illnesses are healed.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Lord how from a young age Cyprian was given over by wicked parents to be trained in demonic service, he desired to turn him to Himself, and with the Angels and all the saints he sang: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

Having an imperfect mind for higher understanding, you worked diligently, Saint Cyprian, studying demonic false tricks, but, having learned the weakness of demons, that they fear Christ, you turned to the knowledge of the true God. Therefore we magnify you:

Rejoice, conqueror of the demonic wiles;

Rejoice, you who expose the charm of his ministry.

Rejoice, you who put to shame the evil serpent;

Rejoice, glorifying Christians.

Rejoice, wisest of the wise of this world;

Rejoice, most intelligent one.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer for our souls!

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High enlighten your mind, blessed Cyprian, when, having failed in sorcery against Justina, the devil tells you: we fear and tremble at the power of the Cross, with which the virgin Justina drives us away. You answered: you are afraid of the Cross, but the Crucified One is stronger than the Cross. For this reason you came to the temple of the Lord to sing with all the faithful: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Having his mind enlightened by the power from above, Cyprian came to the bishop to ask for baptism, but he, fearing the deceit of the sorcerer, drove him away. Cyprian flowed into the Temple of the Lord, and there, during the liturgy, the deacon cried out: the catechumen, come forth, saying: I will not leave the Temple, until I receive baptism. We, rejoicing at your admonition, sing to you like this:

Rejoice, enlightened by the power from above;

Rejoice, admonished by the Lord.

Rejoice, having learned the power of the Cross;

Rejoice, having driven away demons from yourself.

Rejoice, you who have corrected your life;

Rejoice, directing your steps to the Church.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 4

A storm of thoughts overwhelmed Cyprian about how to accept baptism. Moreover, first of all, take your magic books, bring them to the middle of the city and burn them there, singing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

Having heard the bishop, as if, in all wisdom, he had the good intention of being a Christian, he baptized you and installed a reader in the temple. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, conqueror of the spirits of evil;

Rejoice, burning books of sorcery

Rejoice, thou who desirest to be a Christian;

Rejoice, having received Holy Baptism.

Rejoice, you who cried out to God with repentance day and night;

Rejoice, thou who was appointed a bishop and a reader in the temple.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 5

Having received the richly woven robe of Holy Baptism, the all-valid Cyprian warmly prayed to God for the forgiveness of sins previously committed, chanting to God from all Christians: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

Having seen the bishop of your exploits and labors, Hieromartyr Cyprian, fasting, long-night vigil, kneeling, repentance, tears, prayers, and after testing, made you a deacon. We, thanking God, praise you:

Rejoice, adorned with deeds and virtues;

Rejoice, you who pray for the forgiveness of sins.

Rejoice, you have shown an example of correction;

Rejoice, you who bring tearful prayers to the Lord.

Rejoice, having learned the path to salvation;

Rejoice, you who have shown fiery love for Christ.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 6

Imitating the image of Christian piety to the Virgin Justina, the Hieromartyr Cyprian, you truly appeared as a perfect Christian, you rejected the wicked teaching, having been baptized, and with your lips and a pure heart you sang gratefully to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

The light of Divine perfection shone in your heart, O God-Wise Cyprian, and you attained the rank of priest, and then bishop. We pray to you, enlighten our hearts with your prayers, warmly praying to you:

Rejoice, ordained to the rank of bishop;

Rejoice, thou exalted to the height of an eagle.

Rejoice, city, stand above for years;

Rejoice, lamp, burn before God.

Rejoice, tireless prayer book to Christ;

Rejoice, teacher bestowed by God.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 7

Although the Lord will save everyone, he has given us this prayer book, intercessor and healer from the spirits of evil in heaven. By your skill and words, O God-voice, you led many to repentance and correction of sinful lives, teaching everyone to sing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

You have appeared to the world, the wisest new doctor, Hieromartyr Cyprian, as if your sorcerer’s machinations cannot resist your prayer, they are destroyed and the suggestions are driven away evil people and crafty demons. We, seeing the power of God given to you, cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, destroyer of magical wiles;

Rejoice, driver of terrible demons.

Rejoice, for from worthlessness the spirits of malice disappear like smoke;

Rejoice, you will soon help those who suffer heavily.

Rejoice, deliver us from troubles and sorrows;

Rejoice, turn suffering into joy.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 8

A strange miracle comes to you with faith, Hieromartyr Cyprian, for by the grace given to you from God, demons who torment a person are driven out, and sick people are healed, crying out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

Having risen with all your heart to God, the most glorious, and loving Him with all your soul, you had diligence and desire to do His will and, like a good shepherd, you did not reject those burdened with troubles, but interceded in prayers before God, giving us healing and consolation. For gray sake, praising your love for the Lord, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, loving Christ with all your heart;

Rejoice, thou who has acquired all virtues.

Rejoice, help for the sick and weakened;

Rejoice, consolation in sorrows and sorrows.

Rejoice, you who drive away slander and temptations from the world, the flesh and the devil;

Rejoice, healer of all mental and physical illnesses.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 9

The entire angelic army rejoiced, father, seeing you, a warrior of the Heavenly King, unshakable and boldly preaching Christ, when you were led to be beheaded by the sword together with Justina. But you, being sick about her, let him not renounce Christ; having seen you beheaded, say to her: let him be beheaded before you. And, bowing his head to the sword, he hurried to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Because of the wealth of your sufferings for Christ, you will not be able to sing for Christ, because you did not naturally fear the cruel rebuke, but with bright faces appeared to the royal court of nature, exalting all the faithful to say to you:

Rejoice, confessor of the unshakable faith of Christ;

Rejoice, bold preacher of the Most Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, having laid down your souls for Christ;

Rejoice, you who have imputed the cruel torment to nothing.

Rejoice, for your sufferings are glorified by the faithful;

Rejoice, for your names are magnified in the temples of God.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 10

Although you may save the souls of all those possessed by unclean spirits, do not cease to cry out to the Lord, Cyprian the God-speaker, for you have been given the grace to pray for us, and for mercy and cleansing, let us sing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

Be a solid wall and a strong fence for us, Hieromartyr Cyprian, who come running to you with warm faith and love, protecting us from enemies visible and invisible, deliverance by you, let us glorify you like this:

Rejoice, having conquered the spirit of malice with humility;

Rejoice, you who burned the arrows of the enemy with the fire of prayer.

Rejoice, wall and fence from enemies visible and invisible;

Rejoice, glorious adornment of the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, wonderful help to those left behind by doctors;

Rejoice, beloved consolation and amusement for those who mourn.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 11

Singing incessantly Holy Trinity Thou hast brought more than others, O Hieromartyr Cyprian, Who, for the sake of mercy, has favored the fallen sinners who are unworthy and worthy to be numbered among the holy flock. We, thanking God for His mercy towards us sinners, call to Him: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

You were a luminous light, O God-Wise One, in the Church of Christ, illuminating the souls of the faithful with immaterial light. We pray to you, enlighten our sin-darkened hearts, as we sing to you like this:

Rejoice, illuminated by the Tri-radiant Light;

Rejoice, numbered among the host of saints.

Rejoice, for you enlighten the souls of the faithful with immaterial light;

Rejoice, for you guide those who are lost to the right path.

Rejoice, thou who, like a sheep, was taken from the pit of destruction by the Savior;

Rejoice, shame for demons and joy for man.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for souls!

Kontakion 12

Grace was given to you from God to trample on the power of the enemy and every satanic presence, you defeated your enemies and sealed your faith in Christ with the feat of martyrdom. Now, standing before the Throne of the King of Glory, pray, O all-blessed Cyprian, that we may get rid of the captivity of the devil and exclaim to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

Singing your faithfulness to God and your wondrous, glorious miracles, we magnify and praise you, Hieromartyr Cyprian, for you have received such grace from God. We also pray to you: when at the hour of death our demonic hordes overtake our souls, show us your intercession, and through your deliverance, we will cry out to you:

Rejoice, quick protection from the enemy forces that find you;

Rejoice, deliverance from all kinds of sorrows and sorrows.

Rejoice, loving Christ to the end;

Rejoice, having laid down your life for Him.

Rejoice, you were washed in the blood of Lambs;

Rejoice, thou who dwellest in the courts of the Lord.

Rejoice, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for our souls!

Kontakion 13

O most wonderful and glorious servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper to all who come running to you, accept from us, the unworthy, our singing of praise. To her, we pray to you, the saint, heal us from various ailments, protect us from visible and invisible enemies and eternal torment, pray to the Lord, and with you we sing: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Kontakion 13 is spoken three times.And again the 1st Ikos and 1st Kontakion are honored.

Akathist to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Holy Martyr Justina

Kontakion 1

Chosen miracle workers and speedy intercessors, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino, for those who have great boldness towards the Lord and stand before His Throne, by your intercession free us from all troubles and make us heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven who bring you songs of praise:

Ikos 1

The angelic powers were amazed at how you, Cyprian and Justino, having turned away from the soulless gods and believed in the Living God, through the knowledge of the Divine truth, acquired a naturally angelic, passionless life. We, marveling at this, cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, you surprised the angels with the firmness of your faith in Christ.

Rejoice, having made the saints glad by entering into the marriage of the Lamb.

Rejoice, for you have naturally suffered courageously for Christ.

Rejoice, because for His confession the crowns of incorruption came to nature.

Rejoice, you who stand in heaven now before the Throne of God.

Rejoice, you who pray to the Lord for the salvation of our souls.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the vanity of idolatrous wickedness, you turned away from the knowledge of the Divine from magical art, Cyprian, snatching away your soul from eternal destruction. Now, standing before the Throne of God in heavenly glory, pray to the Master of Mankind to save our souls who sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Instructed from above by the mind of true knowledge of God, you turned away from sorcery and sorcery, Cyprian, and you quenched your passions with tearful repentance; Having realized that in the name of Christ and the Life-giving Cross the demons tremble and the machinations of the enemy are destroyed, you flocked to the temple of God to serve Him. Moreover, your zeal is praised, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, thou who courageously rejected the cunning of the demons.

Rejoice, their destructive machinations are like a spider torn to pieces.

Rejoice, fearlessly revealing the delights of his ministry.

Rejoice, you put the evil serpent to shame before everyone.

Rejoice, for through you demons are driven away.

Rejoice, for through you illnesses of body and soul are healed.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 3

Strengthened by the power of the Most High, you have received the seeds of saving faith in your heart, Justino: for you, listening to the preaching of Deacon Prailius about the Lord Jesus Christ, born of the Most Pure Virgin Mary, suffered, and was buried, and destroyed death by death, by listening, you increased the good fruit in your soul , uprooting the thorns of unbelief, and crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a mind enlightened by God, Saint Justina understood that only in the Church of Christ had she found the salvation of her soul, and in it, listening to the word of God, she was confirmed by the Holy Spirit in her faith in Christ. Rejoicing in such God's favor for you, we sing to you:

Rejoice, star, who shone forth in the darkness of pagan wickedness.

Rejoice, enlightened by the light of pious faith.

Rejoice, having filled your soul with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, you have betrothed your virginity to the Heavenly Bridegroom.

Rejoice, beautiful bride of the Sweetest Jesus.

Rejoice, you who have been called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 4

Avoiding the storms of sin, you came to Christ and offered everything to yourself, like a fragrant sacrifice, to our Savior, God-wise Cyprian, for you received a firm intention in your heart: to whiten your soul with holy baptism, to be a faithful follower of the Lord and to chant all the days of your life. To him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing your renunciation of serving the enemy of the human race and seeing your good intention in Christ, you were clothed and become a perfect Christian, Bishop Anthimus Abiye baptized you, Cyprian, and made you a reader in the temple of God. We, rejoicing at your conversion to Christ, sing this:

Rejoice, for you loved the Lord with all your soul.

Rejoice, for you have desired to be a true Christian.

Rejoice, having received holy Baptism with reverence.

Rejoice, you who have made the Holy Spirit your dwelling place.

Rejoice, enlightened by the Lord from above.

Rejoice, instructed by the bishop in the faith of Christ.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 5

You set off along the God-rich path and reached a quiet refuge, holy martyr Justina: for you enlightened your parents Edesias and Cleodonia with the light of truth of the Divine, together with them holy baptism You received it from Bishop Ontat, so that you may please Christ and be able to sing to Him without restraint: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the great virtue of your father Edesius, the saint of God appointed him a presbyter, so that by his virtuous life he would lead others to Christ; To you, most blessed Justino, his worthy daughter, who loved Christ above all else and labored well in keeping His commandments, we honor you with these titles:

Rejoice, you who shone with spiritual beauty.

Rejoice, you who brought immaculate virginity as a gift to God.

Rejoice, God-wise evangelist of the Gospel.

Rejoice, zealous preacher of the Lord's commandments.

Rejoice, ascetic of God, raised by fasting and prayer.

Rejoice, immaculate dove, full of meekness and gentleness.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 6

Thou hast appeared as a preacher of the truth of Christ, O Hieromartyr Cyprian, also the Lover of Mankind, Who, though we all desire to be saved, has given to us a wondrous prayer book, a healer and a protector from the spirits of evil in heaven: by your deeds and words you lead many to repentance and correction of sinful lives, teaching everyone to sing God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You have shone forth like a luminous luminary, illuminating with the light of the knowledge of God all who exist in the darkness of unbelief, Saint Cyprian, even beyond your prayer, those who come from wicked demons and evil people cannot resist: they are both destroyed and driven away by the power of God. For this reason we cry out:

Rejoice, destroyer of the enemy's machinations.

Rejoice, driver of evil demons.

Rejoice, from enemies visible and invisible there is a wall and fence.

Rejoice, the wonderful help left by the doctors.

Rejoice, you will soon deliver from troubles and sorrows.

Rejoice, transforming suffering into joy.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to envy the wise evangelical virgins, you were filled with the oil of good deeds, the glorious martyr Justin, and, having lit the lamp of your soul, you enlightened people with the teachings of Christ, so that having come to know the Lord Jesus, they sang to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Almighty Lord has shown His mercy to you again: With His divine grace He has lifted you up, O glorious Justino, to the heights of spiritual perfection, as you can heal those who are weak from mental and physical ailments, and can free those who suffer from unclean spirits from the snares of their evil ones. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, thou who art on high, more than those below, who lovedst.

Rejoice, you who have given yourself over to God.

Rejoice, burning with seraphic love for Him.

Rejoice, teaching us to love Him with all our souls.

Rejoice, confirmation of Orthodox people in the faith.

Rejoice, ornament of the virgin host.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 8

It would be strange for the wicked hegemon to see you, Hieromartyr Cyprian, ever handing you over to an unjust judgment: for you, as an unshakable warrior of the Heavenly King, with the boldness of Christ you confessed, chanting in your suffering: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You gave everything to God, Hieromartyr Cyprian: for you were not afraid of the cruel rebuke and the suffering itself, but with a bright face, shining with the grace of God, you appeared before the wicked court, challenging all the faithful to sing to you:

Rejoice, unshakable confessor of the faith of Christ.

Rejoice, bold preacher of the Most Pure Trinity.

Rejoice, conquering the spirits of evil by the power of God.

Rejoice, you who burned the arrows of the enemy with the fire of prayer.

Rejoice, for you have imputed the cruel torment to nothing.

Rejoice, for in your suffering you glorified God.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 9

Do not reject every good request of ours that comes to you with faith, holy martyr Justina, for by the grace given to you from God to cast out unclean spirits that torment a person, demons are driven away and health is given to the sick who cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of multi-proclamation according to their heritage will not be able to sing all your labors, Saint Justino, for you have loved God with all your heart and all your soul, and you have directed all your diligence and desire to fulfill His holy will. Even now, you do not abandon us, burdened with troubles and sorrows, but intercede for us before the Lord, granting us healing and consolation. For this reason, praising you, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who soon fulfill our good requests.

Rejoice, you who graciously visit those who suffer in their illnesses.

Rejoice, there is warm refuge in our prayers.

Rejoice, good consolation to the offended.

Rejoice, good teacher of those faithful to salvation.

Rejoice, helper in these struggles.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 10

The Lover of Mankind, the Lord, who arranges the salvation of all, at the end of your confessional feat, crowned you, Saint Cyprian, with the crown of martyrdom: confessing before the tormentors the True God, worshiped in the Trinity of Saints, you fearlessly bowed your head under the sword, chanting: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are a wall and a shield, God-Ward Cyprian, to all who diligently come running to you and warmly pray before your icon: for you have been given to us by the All-Good Lord to help and heal mental and physical illnesses. For this reason we appeal to you:

Rejoice, for you offer your prayers to the Lord for us.

Rejoice, for you are interceding for us before the Throne of God.

Rejoice, for you enlighten the righteous with the light of the knowledge of God.

Rejoice, for you guide those who are lost on the path of salvation.

Rejoice, quickly give healing gifts to those who ask you.

Rejoice, reward those who love and honor you with deep love.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 11

Thou didst lift up all-congratulatory singing to the Lord, O passion-bearer Saint Justino, when thou bravely endured grievous torments for Him; Having ended your confessional course, you joyfully bowed your head to be beheaded by the sword, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Shining with a luminous light on the church candlestick, Saint Justino, driving away from us enemies visible and invisible, with the light of grace. We, who come running to you with warm faith and love, praise your martyrdom, crying out to you:

Rejoice, you who boldly preached the True God.

Rejoice, in the Lord who strengthens you in all things possible.

Rejoice, for you bore the marks of the Lord Jesus on your body.

Rejoice, for through your patience you overcame your tormentors.

Rejoice, you who crowned your martyrdom with a sword-like death.

Rejoice, you who glorified your Lord through your suffering and miracles.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 12

Grace was given to you from God, Saints Cyprian and Justino, to trample upon the forces of the enemy and every demonic presence: for having endured great suffering, through your martyrdom you achieved eternal bliss in nature; Now, standing before the Throne of the King of Glory, pray for us, that we may be delivered from the captivity of the devil, so that we may be able to sing to God without stumbling: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your zeal for God and your wondrous and glorious miracles, we magnify and praise you, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justin, who have received such grace from God; We pray to you: when our souls are surrounded by demonic hordes at the hour of death, then show us your intercession, so that we will always be delivered by you, we cry to you:

Rejoice, quick protection from the enemy’s snares.

Rejoice, deliverance from sorrows and sorrows.

Rejoice, having loved Christ to the end.

Rejoice, you who laid down your souls for Him.

Rejoice, you have been washed in the Blood of Lambs.

Rejoice, you who dwell in the courts of the Lord.

Rejoice, to the host of saints in company.

Rejoice, the Triscendent Light of illumination.

Rejoice, Cyprian and Justino, quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 13

Oh, the admiration and glorification of the saints of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, quick helper to all who come running to you with faith, accept from us, the unworthy, this song of praise, and heal us all from mental and physical ailments, protect us from visible and invisible enemies and Pray the Lord to deliver us from eternal torment, and let us cry together with you: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Oh, holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justino, heed our humble prayer! Even though you naturally died as a martyr for Christ during your temporary life, you do not depart from us in spirit, ever following the commandment of the Lord, walk us teaching and patiently bear your cross with us. Moreover, as you have gained boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother, be prayer books of strength and intercessors for us unworthy, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, wise men and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Evil spirits are strong and never subside, they try to seduce every person living on Earth, deceive, change his life and turn him into complete hell. That is why you need to be able to deal with them correctly and protect yourself and your loved ones. Prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya against the evil eye is the most powerful defense against the tricks of the devil.

Prayer directed to the saints carries very strong energy and evokes evil forces only fear and trembling. Cyprian and Justinia who are they? Icons located in the temple.

Prayer of Kupriyan and Ustina from evil spirits

Start reading a prayer for damage, witchcraft and the evil eye are advised only after a sincere confession in church, Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and blessings from the priest himself on petitions and prayers to higher powers.

Before the process of reading the text of the prayer, you need to remove all irritants and unnecessary noise around, get rid of thoughts about everyday problems and sincerely believe in the power of God. The main thing in prayer considered sincere and pure faith in Christ.

Prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya against witchcraft

O holy priests Cyprian and Justina! Hear the humble prayer. Like your temporary life of martyrdom, you died for Christ, but do not leave us in spirit, according to the commandments of the Lord, you followed us teaching and help us to patiently carry your cross. This prayer to Christ God and His Most Holy Mother was received by nature. In the same way now, wake up prayer books and protectors for us, unworthy of the name. Be intercessors for us, so that through your protection we may remain protected from the influence of evil forces, magicians and demons; we glorify the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and then, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian against damage and the evil eye

O holy servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, we soon pray and ask for all those who come running to you! Take from us, unworthy, this praise, and ask the Lord God for strength in weaknesses, consolation in sadness and everything useful in our life; Offer your strong prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from possible problems, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and other actions of evil spirits and pacify our enemies.

May we have strong protection from all enemies, visible and invisible, give us patience in temptations, during the time of our death, show us protection from torturers in the air ordeals, and together with you, we will reach Mount Jerusalem and come to Heavenly Kingdom, where he will sing with all the saints the holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

In what life situation should you ask Cuprian and Justinia for help?

If you believe in God, then prayer to the saints can create real miracles. The main thing is that the person asking, or the one for whom the request is being made, must be Orthodox and Christian. Otherwise, Justina and Cyprian will not be able to give mercy and healing to that person who has not accepted the Lord God in his soul and heart. You should ask the saints for your protection in order to:

How to recognize damage, how can prayer help?

You should rely on the help of saints, if the following factors exist:

  1. There is a complete misunderstanding in the family, constant fights and swearing occur between family members.
  2. Difficulties and failures simply fall on a person: a budget is lost, precious items go missing, layoffs occur in an enterprise or company, thieves rob property, unexplained fires occur in the house.
  3. Family members are plagued by nightmares.
  4. Pets feel unwell in the house and cannot for a long time live in it.
  5. Deaths often occur in the family (especially during the same illness, people of the same sex die).

The Hieromartyrs Justina and Cyprian will soon come to the aid of those praying to them, they will be able to deal with the hellish demonic army.

The life story of Justinia and Cyprian

The philosopher Cyprian lived in Antioch. From childhood, his parents gave him to serve the pagan deity Apollo. At the age of seven, his mother gave her son to sorcerers so that they could teach the boy to perform witchcraft rituals. At the age of 10, the child was sent to Mount Olympus, where he was trained for priestly service. A large number of idols were located in this place, in which the demons themselves lived.

It was in this place that the boy learned to cause grief, change the direction of the wind, harm gardeners' gardens, send grief and illness to people, summon ghosts, raise the dead from their graves to talk with them. At the age of 15, he studied a large number of demonic secrets and went to Argos, and by the age of 30, he perfectly used various magic tricks, learned astrologers, murder, and became a real slave of the prince of hell. The prince gave Cyprian as assistants a whole regiment of demons. A large number of Cyprian destroyed peaceful souls by learning disastrous witchcraft: they flew in the air, walked on the surface of the water, rose into the skies and circled on snow-white clouds. People came to him to get help in revenge, bad deeds, and enmity.

The Lord did not want Cyprian’s soul to perish and decided to save her. It all happened like this:

A girl named Justina also lived in Antioch; her ancestors were also considered pagans. One day, by chance, a girl heard a conversation between a deacon and one of the parishioners about the salvation of the soul, the humanization of God, His birth from the Most Pure Virgin and departure to heaven after long and difficult torment for the sake of salvation human souls. Then Justina’s heart suddenly changed, and her soul sincerely began to see clearly. Justina firmly decided to learn to believe in God.

She quietly came to church and over time began to believe in Christ. She soon proved this to her loved ones, who asked a Christian bishop to initiate them into Orthodoxy. Justina's father became promoted to . Edesei lived in virtue for about a year and a half, and after that he peacefully ended his journey. Justina sacredly believed in Christ and loved him with all her heart. But the forces of darkness, seeing the girl’s virtue, began to cause her great trouble.

In the same city the young man Aglaid lived in the wealth and bustle of the world. Having once seen Justina, he was surprised by her beauty, and at that same moment lust appeared in his soul. He tried to seduce the girl, asked her to marry him, told beautiful speeches, followed on her heels, wherever she was. The chaste girl repeated only one thing in response: “My Groom is Christ.” Then Aglaid decided to forcibly kidnap the girl with the help of his stupid friends and waylaid her on the street and forcefully dragged her into his house. To the loud screams and sobs of the girl All the townspeople came running and freed her from the wicked man.

Then Aglaid decided to commit a new evil; he came to Cyprian for help and offered a lot of gold and silver in exchange. He promised to fulfill his wish and called on a spirit who was supposed to inflame a passion for Aglaid in the girl’s heart. The demon easily made his way into the house and tried to seduce the girl’s flesh.

Justina, as always, was praying at night and suddenly felt the ignition of lust in her body. Immediately she had bad thoughts and immediately remembered Aglaid. But she quickly came to her senses, realizing that lust appeared in her body due to the influence of a demon. Then Justina began a prayer to God. The Lord heard her words and helped her, the girl’s soul calmed down, and the devil came to Cyprian with sad news.

Then the sorcerer decided to send an even more powerful and stronger devil to the girl. He furiously attacked the girl, but she again resorted to the help of the Lord, abstained, fasted for a long time, prayed to the icons and again defeated the demon.

For the third time, Cyprian sent a skilled demonic prince to Justina, who changed into a female form, dressed in women’s clothes and came to Justina. With cunning, enticing conversations, he tried to seduce Justina, but she quickly realized that in front of her was an evil seducer and crossed herself with the Cross, prayed to the Lord and the demon left at that very moment.

So, the offended Cyprian decided to take revenge and sent misfortune to the girl’s house, her relatives, friends and acquaintances, killed animals, and infected human bodies with ulcers and diseases. Trouble spread throughout the city, people understood why this was happening. They asked Justina to become the wife of Aglaid and save the entire city. But the girl quickly calmed them down, prayed to Christ, and all the people immediately began to recover, and they began to laugh at Cyprian’s magic for a long time. In a rage, Cyprian attacked one of the demons; in response, the devil attacked Cyprian and tried to kill him. The man remembered that the devil was very afraid of the Sign of the Cross; on the verge of death, he made the sign of the Cross over himself. Then the devil roared like a lion and rushed away.

After Cyprian decided to go to the bishop and asked him to perform the rite of the Sacrament. Cyprian told him about his evil deeds and gave him the sorcery Talmuds to be burned. Bishop Anfim taught the man the Orthodox faith and, seeing his sincere devotion and faith in Christ, immediately baptized him.

Soon Cyprian became a reader, and then was elevated to the junior rank of priesthood. Then he became a bishop and spent the rest of his life in faith, caring for those around him. He decided to make Justina a deaconess, and soon ordered her to become the abbess of the monastery. A large number of pagans with the help of Cyprian accepted Orthodox religion , thus the service of idols began to disappear.

During the persecution and attacks on Christians, Justina and Cyprian were slandered and sent to prison. They decided to hang Cyprian, and ordered the girl to be beaten in the face and eyes. After much suffering, they were thrown into a seething cauldron, which, to their amazement, did nothing harm to the young people. Then they were entrusted with beheading them with a sword. The bodies of the saints were taken to Rome and buried with honor, and in the 13th century they were sent to Cyprus. Near the tombs of the saints, healings of the sick who came to them with faith took place.

How to properly read the text of a petition?

If your friend is very sick or close person , and therefore he simply cannot pray on his own, you can read this prayer over water and give it to the patient to drink. He will immediately feel better and will be able to continue the treatment process on his own.

October 15 marks the feast of Ustinya and Cyprian. On this day it is worth going to church and ordering a prayer service in front of the icon. In this way you will definitely ensure take the protection of the saints and receive their support. they can be found in Cyprus.