As a rule, you never get bored in a sauna. A bath session involves changing the steam room mode and relaxing, filled with cool water treatments or leisurely conversations with friends. In addition, most modern saunas, including those in Korolev, are equipped with a billiard room, massage chairs, karaoke and a TV.

And yet, in order for your company to remember a joint vacation for a long time, you should take care of some exciting game in advance, because nothing brings a team together like the opportunity to feel like a child again.

There are a great many games that could be played in saunas. Of course, you can have fun with them in any other setting. But if you take into account the specifics of the sauna, you can come up with something truly unusual. What is worth playing, and what should you avoid during bath procedures?

A few safety rules for large companies:

  • One of the win-win options is calm conversational games, games with drawings or classics of the genre - cards. First of all, it is always relevant! Secondly, it gives the necessary rest to your body, which has been heated by steam procedures. Thirdly, physically active games in a sauna with a slippery floor can lead to an accident, but quiet time relaxes and puts you in a peaceful mood.
  • You should not organize highly intellectual games, even if you are all truly experts and erudite. After all, a bathhouse is a place where not only the body, but also the brain rests.
  • In addition, do not forget about time. If you like long board games, then it is better to indulge in them at home in a calm environment. When a game takes several hours, going to the steam room, it will have to be constantly interrupted, which obviously will not benefit the gaming mood. There is too great a danger of mixing up the move, losing the cards, or flooding the playing field with water.
  • Absolutely Any alcohol games and bets are contraindicated in the sauna. If at first it seems fun, then such a pastime often ends very sadly. Inappropriate actions of intoxicated players can lead to injuries or even worse consequences, and the most harmless among them will be disputes on the topic: “Who will spend the longest in the steam room” or dive into a snowdrift.

But an excellent option for having fun in a large and noisy company can be good old forfeits, various competitions and games: “Guess who I am?” The rules of the last game are very simple, everyone must think of a person who is fairly well-known to the majority of those present. After writing her name on a piece of paper, they pass the note to the person sitting next to her. Everyone must identify the character they have received to the other players, but they do not have the right to look at the name written on the piece of paper. The goal, by asking a variety of questions with “Yes/No” answer options to those present, is to guess which of the heroes they got. Moreover, if the answer to the question asked is “no,” the turn passes to the neighboring player.

Fun games for a bachelorette party:

One of the most popular games among the fair sex: “Hat”. Each player writes a given number of words on a separate sheet of paper. Words must be nouns. After which the sheets are rolled up and put into a hat or something that can replace it. After which the players are divided into pairs and, in a pre-agreed time, usually half a minute, describe the words they have been given, without using cognate concepts. In the second round the rules become more complicated. The notes are returned to the hat again, and now it is necessary to explain the word that comes across with a single association. Third round - the word is shown in pantomime. The winners are determined by the total number of points for all three rounds.

Of course, usually a group of women visit the sauna in the absence of representatives of the stronger sex, to talk about women's topics and enjoy cosmetic procedures. But even such an unusual pastime can lift the mood of you and your friends for a long time, taking you out of the usual circle of worries. Games in a bathhouse or sauna do not differ at all by gender. And beautiful ladies can play poker much more passionately, but such an option as an unusual photo shoot, which can be turned into a competition, is usually a privilege for the female sex.

Every year we have a long-awaited holiday - a birthday. And as this date approaches, we are beginning to be faced with the question of where and how best to celebrate this event. At home there is a mountain of dirty dishes, complaints from neighbors about noise, a kilometer of cleaning after the fun. A restaurant is a good solution, but quite expensive. But a sauna or bathhouse is just that. You can have a fun holiday and it’s inexpensive. Moreover, such establishments have long been adapted for dining events. From this article you will learn how best to celebrate your birthday in a sauna. Let your bath party be special and unique.

Choosing a place and time for the holiday

At this time, saunas and baths have long ceased to fulfill their direct function of elementary cleanliness. And they turned into a favorite meeting place for large companies. Therefore, many establishments are already equipped with a swimming pool, jacuzzi, water cannon, karaoke, massage table and even billiards. When choosing a venue for a holiday, it is worth considering the above facts.

Considerable attention should be paid to the steam room itself. Find out from the administration how it is heated. If the heater is wood-fired, it means the steam will be good and hot. If the oven is electric, arrange to have it turned on during the day, 2-3 hours before your arrival. The fact is that to save money, unscrupulous owners turn on the sauna an hour before you arrive. At this point, the steam room is heating up, but does not produce a high temperature. It’s very disappointing to steam all evening without any heat, and when it’s time to leave, it will only just come into its full force.

The size of the room also plays a big role. If there is a large company, then you should pay special attention to the rest room. The saying: “In cramped conditions, but don’t be offended,” this is not your option.

It would be nice if the bathhouse was located in a fairly picturesque place. For example: on the bank of a river or pond, overlooking the forest. Agree that it is very pleasant after a hot steam to go outside, where you are surrounded by a truly picturesque sight. If you have the opportunity to order such a bathhouse, believe that all guests will appreciate the local landscape in your favor.

After you choose the sauna you like the most, tell your guests where you plan to spend your holiday. Only after you have agreed everything with the invitees, you can safely go to discuss the time and discounts for you. It would be better to place an order a few days before the event. If you are in doubt about how long to order, then do not regret adding an extra hour. It’s better to leave early (which usually rarely happens) than to pack up later in a hurry in order to free up the sauna for the next steam lovers.

Festive table for a birthday in the sauna

You can choose the menu for the holiday according to your taste. But remember that the sauna is more conducive to drinking drinks such as beer, or, in extreme cases, wine. We would not advise you to drink vodka or cognac. Because heat expands blood vessels, but alcohol, on the contrary, constricts them. Such a difference can negatively affect your well-being. Of course, you can drink a little wine, but beer is more confusing
thirsty, and in the blazing hot atmosphere, it seems like a simply divine drink. Therefore, when choosing a menu, try to focus on the main drink - beer. For food, we would recommend you make kebabs and salads. And serve a variety of dried and salted fish with your drink. Crayfish will also beautifully complement your table. Increased air temperature, as a rule, does not increase appetite, and hot dishes will remain less in demand than snacks with beer.

Themed ideas for sauna parties

A birthday party in a sauna can be organized with some theme. For example:

  • Hawaiian party
  • Neptune Day
  • Playboy bunnies

But if you don’t have time to prepare, then you can celebrate the holiday just as fun by adding a few competitions.

Birthday fun in the sauna

After the guests took a steam bath, they swam to their heart's content. You can start having fun. Games in the sauna can be varied, from table games to more active ones. We offer you an approximate scenario for entertaining guests at a bathhouse birthday party. It can suit both men and women.

“Compliment”: When everyone has gathered around the table over a glass of beer, you can play this game. You need to say one compliment starting with the first letter of the hero of the occasion. You need to talk in a circle. Those who could not come up with praise for the birthday boy say a toast. If desired, during the evening, you can repeat it on the second and third letters of the name.

“Robe”: This game can be played as soon as all the guests have gathered together, or it can also be played after water procedures. The essence of this fun is that you need to tie the sheet as creatively and erotically as possible. It will look beautiful on ladies and funny on guys.

“Dance of washcloths”: When part of the evening is already over, and the guests are tipsy, you can organize a competition for the best dance with bath accessories. Several people are selected who can choose any attribute related to the sauna for help. When the actors are ready, the presenter loudly announces: “And now the washcloth dance! Washcloths, to the studio!!!” The guests perform a fiery dance to the music from karaoke. Everyone can dance together or each one separately, it’s up to you. The main thing is that “the basin does not interfere with good dancers.” Well, the audience will play the role of judges and choose, in their opinion, the most original dancing sponge. The winner will be awarded a prize.

  • The loudest voice
  • Funniest performance
  • Performance with dance
  • Most Creative Singing
  • Best production of bath sounds

The fans themselves will choose who they consider the best singer and will award the title “Voice of the Sauna”.

“Ditties”: These ditties can be prepared by one person or you can pass out a piece of paper with printed verses and sing them in a circle. Here are the bath ditties we suggested:
I'll drink beer today
I'll take a steam bath with a broom.

I'll cover my head with a hat,
I'll become a bath hero

Hop-hey, lalalei
It's more fun together in the bath!

I often wash myself with a washcloth,
I rub the washcloth firmly.
My wife swears
That I'll wear myself out so quickly.

Hop-hey, lalalei
It's more fun together in the bath!

How to remove fat from sides?

You need to eat less for future use.
And only go to the bathhouse
In the morning, early.

Hop-hey, lalalei
It's more fun together in the bath!

I'm covered in soap foam today
I'm in the mood today.
Ooh, good broom
I was off topic!

"Water relay": If you have a swimming pool, you can organize a whole relay race. Divide into two teams, be sure to come up with funny, corny names for each. And then the flight of your imagination for tasks:

  • Swim across the pool at speed
  • Stay underwater as long as possible
  • Synchronized swimming
  • Throw the ball as far as possible
  • Swim through a water cannon at speed
  • Swim with an inflatable ring

The main thing to remember is that water games must be safe.

"Beer Sniper": For this game you will need two sprinklers or two water pistols. We fill the weapon with beer. The game can be played between two pairs. Girls must get the spray into their boyfriend's mouth. The guy’s task is to drink as much beer as possible while spilling as little precious liquid as possible.

"Cash cows": Take a pair of medical gloves and make a small hole at the end of each finger. This is best prepared at home in advance. Four participants are selected. The first two stand on all fours, and hold gloves filled with water like an udder. The other two must milk her at speed. Both those watching and those playing will have a lot of laughter.

“Water fight”: What would a holiday be without a fight! If you purchase a sufficient number of inflatable hammers or modeling balls (sausage balls) in advance from a toy store, you can arrange a real battle in the water. Fun and a charge of positive emotions are guaranteed for your guests. It is advisable that if you film this, everyone involved will want to watch the course of the battle later.

"Continue the proverb": This game is good at the table. When the guests have already warmed up well and experienced the delights of the bathhouse. The host names part of the proverb, and the guests must continue it. Often those gathered do not know the continuation, but begin to put forward their own versions. It turns out to be a very unusual and funny continuation.

And finally, we can say a saying attributed to Peter I: “After the bath, sell your last footcloths, but??? (have a beer). After this, it would be appropriate for everyone to hit the beer together.

At the end of the evening, you can make a congratulation for the birthday person. Throw flowers into the pool and send small candles floating freely. It's better to turn off the light. Lower the birthday boy into the center of the pool, and the guests, standing on the sides on the side, will sing the song “Happy Birthday” in unison. After which, shouting “Congratulations!!!” three times, with a loud cry of “Hurray!” can jump into the pool for the birthday boy.

You can dilute our scenario, a birthday in a bathhouse, at your own discretion, with any of your ideas, or you can borrow it completely without changes. The main thing is, don’t be afraid to experiment and everything will work out for you. Hot parka for you!

Birthday, contrary to the words of the famous song, is not a sad holiday. On the contrary, he is very cheerful and positive. So what if you're a year older? But wiser and more experienced. Isn’t this a reason to celebrate this holiday on a grand scale every year? Of course, especially in such a wonderful place as the Ninth Val bath complex!

The idea of ​​celebrating a birthday in a sauna will be a success in any case. And all because we have created all the conditions in order to give the birthday boy and his guests an amazing holiday. Read more about all the benefits of celebrating in our sauna below.

1. Thematic halls

For those lucky ones who decide to celebrate their birthday in our bathhouse, we will offer twelve rooms of various themes. This is Yalta, Brazil, the Caribbean, and. The birthday boy, even with the most original preferences, will be able to choose a hall to his liking and invite guests there. The halls have swimming pools, recreation areas, and a billiard table. Each room is decorated in a specific style, each interior is absolutely unique. Choose the hall you like and enjoy your own holiday!

2. Wellness treatments

Why do people go to the bathhouse? Of course, in order to improve your health and tone your body. In our case, you can combine business with pleasure: celebrate your birthday in the bathhouse and try many useful procedures. Our bath complex offers its visitors the services of professional massage therapists and bath attendants. Relaxation therapy in ideal conditions - what else is needed to relax both body and soul?

3. Entertainment

At a good birthday, both the birthday person and the guests should have fun. Mandatory points of the program are feast, songs and dances. To accomplish all this, you don’t have to leave the gym. Moreover, you can start your meal right after leaving the pool! At your service are delicious dishes of Russian and European cuisine, several types of beer and elite alcoholic drinks. After the feast, we suggest remembering your favorite hits and performing them solo at karaoke or dancing on the dance floor. The perfect end to a festive evening!

Why is a birthday party in a sauna a great option for the whole family? Yes, simply because in just one bathhouse complex every visitor can find something to do to their liking. For example, small children and teenagers will enjoy splashing around in the pool, while adults will relax in the steam room or playing billiards. Girls will certainly enjoy treatments using exquisite aromatic oils. But men will be happy to try signature dishes from our chef and enjoy a glass of elite alcoholic drink. At the end of the evening, the whole company will be happy to sing karaoke together and demonstrate their dancing skills. Fun, and most importantly, useful!

Baths and saunas for birthdays in Moscow are perfect for organizing an extraordinary and unforgettable celebration. And even if there is no time to prepare, you definitely won’t be bored there.

Modern bath establishments are equally designed for steaming and subsequent procedures, as well as for exciting and varied relaxation. The availability of opportunities for sports and board games, audio-video equipment, karaoke, and disco equipment make them a wonderful venue for events of any format. It is especially good to organize themed birthday parties in new generation saunas. We bring to your attention some of the most popular holiday themes.

Hawaiian style

Bright swimsuits and swimming trunks, funny glasses, Hawaiian shorts and shirts, African wigs, wreaths and flower necklaces - all this is perfect for the hot atmosphere of the sauna. For ambience, you can decorate the room with multi-colored lanterns, home or fake palm trees, put a surfboard and play fun Latin American music. Serve smoothies, fruit and small finger foods as treats. Greet each other with traditional Hawaiian: Aloha, dance Hula and organize competitions and jokes.

Beach party

Suitable for sauna with swimming pool. Guests wear swimsuits, swimming trunks, flip-flops, hats and sunglasses. For atmosphere, you can set up beach umbrellas, sun creams and towels. Throw inflatable mattresses and circles into the pool. Serve Sex on the Beach and any refreshing drinks. Sushi, seafood, and fish are suitable for appetizers. For dessert - ice cream. Entertainment includes games and competitions in the pool, body art.

pirate Party

It is better to choose a sauna with a ready-made interior and a swimming pool. You can rent pirate costumes or simply dress up in black headbands, bandanas, “golden” rings and sailor suits. Girls will need fishnet stockings, corsets and full skirts to create their looks. Bottles with scrolls, ship models, compasses, magnifying glasses, maps, ropes, toy swords and water pistols are suitable for decorating the hall. They offer rum and cocktails made from it, as well as beer and kvass, and there is barbecue. Use pirate vocabulary. Arrange a “Game of Survival” - who can last the longest in the sauna, shoot with water pistols, tie sea knots, look for a treasure chest.

Spa bachelorette party

The most popular entertainment for ladies in Moscow and beyond. You will need professional and homemade bath cosmetics, bath caps, beautiful towels and bathrobes. For food, order sushi, tartlets, canapés, cupcakes and other mini-snacks. Drink juices and special teas for the sauna. Exchange cosmetics and tips on caring for your face and body, visit all possible spa treatments, invite a steamer to the bathhouse, and a massage therapist to the hammam.

Useful tips

You need to start organizing a sauna party long before the appointed day. Even if you have a suitable establishment in mind, it is better to book it in advance. If not, the search may take longer because you will have to travel and look. Next, you need to agree on a number of issues with the administration. Who is decorating the room, whether you can bring snacks and drinks, the maximum number of guests, and so on.

When everything is organized, you need to have an explanatory conversation with your friends about alcohol. Everyone knows that strong drinks and a sauna are not compatible, but this stops few people. In order not to ruin the birthday boy’s day, ask the establishment’s employees to periodically carefully examine guests for alcohol intoxication, or entrust this function to the least drunk person in the company.

When organizing a party, some saunas may offer a special discount, a gift from the establishment, or include room decoration or a birthday cake in the price. The total rental price of a sauna establishment usually depends on the number of guests and hours. Moreover, both up and down, which is always worth asking about in advance. Special discounts in saunas for birthdays are provided if you have proof: the birthday person’s passport and are valid only on the specified date.

Even the ancient Romans realized that this is not just a building where you can only wash yourself and take some health procedures. The inhabitants of ancient Rome turned their baths into vacation spots, furnished in the latest fashion. Here people often spent almost all their free time, talking with friends, doing gymnastic procedures, looking at works of art, even concluding business deals with partners. Many good modern establishments are also well equipped, and having a great birthday in a sauna is quite possible. Most of them contain not only simple swimming pools, but also a recreation room, billiard rooms, darts, and a swimming pool with a jacuzzi.

How to celebrate a birthday in a sauna?

  1. The first step is to book a room for a specific date and decide on a time. These establishments are quite popular, and very often, if you want to extend the entertainment program for another hour, it will simply be impossible to do this.
  2. If the bath complex is located in a picturesque place next to the pier, then you have the opportunity to go fishing with friends, so take care of your fishing rods right away.
  3. It is better to order a fish table, consisting of herring, crayfish, shrimp, mussels, and caviar. Fried, dried or pickled foods are suitable.
  4. It is not recommended to drink cognac and vodka in the sauna; such drinks will do more harm than good to people who are overheated in the sauna. But beer and wine in moderation will come in handy here. Choose a better quality product, fresh and without any preservatives, so that the next day the memory of the holiday is not overshadowed by a severe hangover.
  5. Consider all the best ideas on how to make your sauna birthday fun and unforgettable, but do not forget about privacy. It is highly undesirable to allow unnecessary people to attend such an event. This will lead to the fact that the atmosphere will be constrained and many participants in the holiday will not want to loosen up.
  6. A birthday in a sauna means something special