The indestructible spiritual connection of generations, genetic or blood memory - these are things that official science is skeptical about. Hypothetically, it admits their existence, but scientists cannot yet support this theory with serious evidence.

The emergence of the hypothesis of a continuous energy relationship between us and our ancestors was facilitated by observations of various unusual cases, ranging from the appearance of "ghosts" and poltergeist, and ending with dreams in which dead relatives appear to us alive. Most often in such dreams people see their grandmothers. And even scientists have no doubt that these night visions carry certain information that you can listen to. Even if you don’t take your dreams seriously, you can at least try to understand what a living dead grandmother is dreaming of. Especially if the dream made a strong negative or positive impression on you, and you woke up in a sweat from the fear experienced, or, conversely, woke up in an extremely high spirits.

What is the dream of a living dead grandmother?

To interpret the dream correctly, you must try to remember as many details as possible. For example, was the grandmother who dreamed alive, who had already died, cheerful or sad, did she say anything, did she give advice or money, etc. If in a dream a person saw a recently deceased relative living, then this dream suggests that he misses her greatly and cannot yet come to terms with the pain of loss. And this one can also talk about changes in life, for example, about marriage.

The lunar dream book answers the question of why the dead relatives dream of living, in particular the grandmother, answers as follows: a cheerful grandmother dreams of good luck, a sad one portends the appearance of any problems in life. According to Miller's dream book, if a dead grandmother dreams of being alive, it means that a person will soon have to go through some kind of test or survive a loss. When talking in a dream with this relative, you should remember her words as best as possible and follow the advice she gives. If your grandmother insists that you make some kind of promise to her, it means that in reality you will soon have to bear responsibility for your actions. If she gives something in a dream, great luck should be expected.

If in a dream you saw how you were kissing a resurrected grandmother, then you should be wary of any losses. But this does not mean that they will be negative, on the contrary, you can free yourself from illness, broken promises, etc. If in your dream someone else kissed your grandmother, then the losses will be financial in nature, and you should prepare for unforeseen expenses. A dream in which you hug a living, deceased grandmother portends a long period without illness and serious problems. If in a dream you feed grandmother, it means that something weighs on your conscience, and you don’t know how to get rid of it. And for brides, such a dream can speak of the infidelity of the future husband or the insincerity of his feelings.

Why does the deceased grandmother dream of being alive, but then she dies in a dream?

Sometimes we may dream that the deceased grandmother is alive, but then she dies. And such a dream should definitely be regarded as a warning. If you clearly saw the moment of your grandmother's death, then you should expect some bad news. If in a dream your grandmother not only died before your eyes, but then you also saw her lying in a coffin, then you should start to be more attentive to your own actions. It is very likely that soon your actions will provoke a major quarrel with relatives.

Elderly relatives are associated with experience and wisdom, therefore, it is worth listening to the words of a grandmother in a dream.

If the grandmother is silent in a dream, then the nature of her emotions and actions can also serve as a kind of information signal. For example, if a grandmother shakes her head in a dream, or is sad, crying, or angry, shaking her finger, then the dreamer is doing something wrong in his life.

Dream interpretation of a grandmother who praises the sleeping person, strokes her head, etc. - a symbol of patronage in business. If in the near future a project is to be implemented, a responsible or risky event, then the dream promises good luck, success.

Why does a dead grandmother dream - like any other dream about the dead, such a dream, as a rule, is a reflection of the memory and memories of a deceased person. And yet, a deceased grandmother can dream on the eve of change - why does a grandmother dream. A deceased grandmother can give good advice or a sign.

Why is the late grandmother dreaming? The late maternal grandmother can warn women against some wrong step. For example, if a woman is about to get married, and her grandmother looks unhappy in a dream, then the marriage will be unsuccessful.

As we have already said, according to the dream book, the deceased grandmother, or rather her image in a dream, carries the memory of this person, her wisdom and shows inseparable family ties. This, in general, also explains what the grandmother dreams about. Grandmother is perceived as an assistant and adviser, a bearer of life knowledge and experience, therefore she usually dreams of periods when a person needs outside support.

From the point of view of the dream book, a dead grandmother can appear alive when she wants to convey something to the owner of the dream or her descendants, to tell something. It may also mean that a person is not ready to part with his grandmother, cannot even come to terms with her loss even in a dream.

If the deceased grandmother swears at you in a dream, then you are doing something wrong at the moment of your life (in a particular situation or relationship), and she is unhappy with it. Thus, she tries to guide you and protect you from questionable actions.

The deceased grandmother hugs - this means she says goodbye to her loved ones, but still wants to protect and envelop with care. Sometimes such a plot carries an alarming meaning - imminent serious illnesses that can even lead to the death of the one who has such a dream.

Why dream of the death of a grandmother? This is either fear, fear for her life, or a harbinger of unfortunate events. You need to take care of yourself and the health of your family and relatives. One of the variants of such a plot is a grandmother in a coffin.

The funeral of a deceased grandmother can rather be interpreted as memories of a grandmother, longing for her, as well as awareness of loss and mental farewell to a person.

According to the dream book, the funeral of a grandmother is a sign of future misfortunes and illnesses.

Dream Interpretation: grandmother's grave is an unfavorable sign. In general, walking among the graves or standing next to them can be interpreted as detachment from reality, mental weakness and aggravation of chronic conditions. And all of the above can end with their own death.

The house of a deceased grandmother may signal a loss of connection with the roots, with their ancestors. If you spent your wonderful childhood or another happy period of life in your grandmother’s house, then this dream says that you live in memories, you cannot let go of the past and therefore mark time, do not develop personally.

A dying grandmother can show you how illness comes and what it is.

A grandmother in black can warn of any grief. You or your immediate family may be touched by sadness. For a young girl, this can mean mutual misunderstanding and discord with a friend or lover, and a married couple will be disappointed in their life together. At work, you should also be vigilant, you do not need to take risks and take on big things.

Kissing the deceased grandmother is a desire to receive her blessing. Mentally (in a dream) turning to the older generation for approval in their work or relationships with a partner.

Why is the old grandmother dreaming? A symbol of fading, excessive fatigue. On a spiritual level, this is a loss of strength, discouragement, depression. If we talk about the material plane, the old grandmother speaks of a change in appearance, namely, the fading of former beauty, which inevitably occurs with aging.

A sick grandmother is a direct sign of problems with the body. Your physical form requires attention, go in for sports. Judging by this dream, the body is already weakened and prone to diseases, so do not overload yourself, because this can do even more harm.

A young grandmother promises those who dream of her great hopes, fulfilled expectations and success in implementing plans. Young girls, boys can meet their future husband or wife.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar grandmother? You can get the information you need from where you didn't expect. Knowledge will come from another person, perhaps even unfamiliar to you or a new source, the appeal to which is not typical for you.

Grandmother's house or grandmother's apartment portends a meeting with relatives. Perhaps returning to the father's house or moving to a former apartment, for example, to parents. In a figurative sense, the word "house" means stability, stability in a broad sense. It can be a permanent job with a stable income, and well-established relationships, and the choice of a suitable field of activity or lifestyle.

Grandmother cries in a dream and thus predicts tears and suffering to the owner of the dream. If your own grandmother cries, then she thus shows that she worries about you and wants to help. There may be circumstances in life that bring with them significant problems that you cannot solve on your own. A difficult situation can drag on and cause severe apathy, a sharp deterioration in well-being.

A pregnant grandmother is a rather strange, ambiguous symbol. It may mean that there is some secret in the circle of your relatives and information unexpected for you will be revealed. In a positive sense, a dream symbolizes change and innovation: an interesting project, acquaintances and the development of a serious relationship.

Grandmother hugs - it means she wants to give some advice, to reassure. A sign that everything is back to normal, even if there is some kind of confusing situation.

Hugging a grandmother in a dream is on the part of the dreamer a desire to receive protection from her, on any issue to turn to her as a knowledgeable person. Maybe it's time to visit your blood relatives.
Grandma smiles, unlike when she swears at you in a dream, means her approval and support in what you are doing at the moment.

A drunken grandmother, like any drunk person in a dream, shows the possibility of committing rash, reckless acts in any area with tangible consequences. Speaking of business or work, this is making hasty decisions, making deals with unreliable partners. Talking about relationships, frivolity will manifest itself here in the form of a new love, violent passions that can end in tears.

Naked grandmother. The interpretation of this character depends on the dreamer's own feelings. If you are uncomfortable, unusual to see a naked person in reality or in a dream, you are shy, then a similar situation is likely to appear in your life when you may find yourself in the center of condemnation or negative attention from people. Some unpleasant history connected with you may be exposed. If you are quite normal about the lack of clothes on others and in a dream you do not experience negative emotions from this, then the dream can be interpreted from the standpoint of the appearance in life of more freedom, opportunities, getting rid of stereotypes or illusions, as well as the discovery of talents in yourself.

Dream interpretation on another topic:

Why dream that my grandmother died? The meaning of a dream depends on whether your elderly relative is alive or in real life she is no longer with you, as well as on other circumstances. Try to remember all the circumstances of the dream and look for a suitable prediction in our list.

So, you remembered what happened to you in the kingdom of Morpheus. Now look for the desired interpretation:

  1. Did you dream of the funeral of a grandmother who has long been dead? Favorable events for you are coming in reality - a series of successes and difficulties will finally end, only happiness and prosperity are ahead. Some difficult situation that worries you will stop occupying your mind - you will draw the necessary conclusions and will not make mistakes in the future
  2. The late grandmother can also dream of either recovering from a long illness, or normalizing her state of mind after experiencing emotional stress.
  3. If you dream that you are caring for a sick grandmother, and then she dies, this is also an auspicious sign. Peace and tranquility await you, life will flow happily and relaxed
  4. If you dreamed of a late grandmother who is happy, alive and enjoying life, you need to stop resisting insurmountable circumstances in reality. Rely on the will of fate and let events unfold without your participation

Popular interpretations

And here are the predictions collected from the most popular and most reliable dream books:

  1. If in a dream you relive the death of your late grandmother, you will soon have to make an important choice in your life. The future will depend solely on what decision you make, so approach it carefully and thoughtfully.
  2. The deceased grandmother may dream of the dreamer's health problems. You should go to the doctor, be examined - it may be possible to detect the disease at an early stage and cure it quickly
  3. According to other authors, the death of a grandmother may dream that the efforts that you make in real life will not be successful. You will do a lot of work that will not bring the desired result

Major changes are coming

Very often, the death of a grandmother dreams of cardinal changes in the dreamer's life:

  1. If you dream about how not your grandmother died, but your great-grandmother, in real life, expect insight. You will finally understand how to act in a difficult situation and be able to change the course of events in the direction you need
  2. If a pregnant woman dreamed of her grandmother's death, childbirth will be exhausting and extremely difficult, but the baby will be born healthy.
  3. If a dream appeared to a man in a relationship, his beloved girlfriend will be unfaithful to him. Cheating will happen from the fact that the beloved lacks your attention
  4. If the late grandmother dreamed of a young unmarried girl, the dreamer will soon meet an attractive young man with whom she will have a long romantic relationship.
  5. If the dreamer is a young and unmarried guy, he will soon have to make an important choice. The decision will determine the course of his whole life, so it’s worth considering everything well
  6. If a child dreams of a deceased grandmother, there is nothing to worry about. Such a dream suggests that the baby is under reliable protection.

Miller's dream book

  • Did you dream about how your grandmother died, who is healthy and alive in reality? This means that in reality the dreamer will face a serious test. Possible loss of a loved one, separation or separation
  • Dreaming about how you are present at the funeral of a living grandmother in reality? This is an unfavorable sign that portends the death of a close relative. And to the dreamer himself, such a dream promises longevity and a happy life.

See in the video what the deceased relatives dream of:

Other interpretations

Sometimes, with the help of dreams, the subconscious sends a signal to a person: it gives a sign, indicating the direction in which to act in real life. We have picked up a few more predictions:

  1. Had a dream that your dear and beloved grandmother died? This means that in real life the black bar will end. You will finally stop getting into unpleasant situations, ahead is a long happy life surrounded by people you love and love.
  2. If some kind of trouble occurred during the funeral, then in real life old problems that you have long forgotten will make themselves felt. Will have to re-mobilize forces and overcome difficulties
  3. If you dream of a deceased grandmother who leaves you along a long corridor, then in reality you will have to experience such negative emotions as self-doubt, weakness and moral impotence
  4. Did you see an unfamiliar elderly woman dying in a dream? So, in real life, the time has come when you need to be alone with yourself. This is a suitable period for self-education, self-development, searching for your destiny, working with a psychologist and finding a soul mate.
  5. Did you dream that your grandfather died? This means that in reality a flurry of problems will fall upon the dreamer, which will need to be solved in the very near future.
  6. Did you see in a dream how the grandmother of your close friend or relative died? Be careful - in reality, you will need to resist the temptation and keep your head in an extremely emotional situation. It is imperative to hold on, otherwise you will ruin your reputation and lose credibility in the eyes of others.
  7. In a dream, were you informed that your grandmother had died? This is a favorable sign: a dream portends a very pleasant acquaintance with a person who can become your life partner.
  8. It can turn out to be a prophetic dream if in a dream you learned about the death of your grandmother, who in reality is alive and lives very far from you - in another country or another city. Such a dream portends the imminent death of an elderly relative

A person who dreamed at night of one of the deceased relatives, for example, a grandmother, always wakes up with heavy feelings.

However, this may not always mean a bad omen.

Let's look at the interpretation of dream books regarding the question: what is the dream of a dead grandmother alive.

What portends?

Most people believe that the appearance of a deceased person in a dream is not a good sign. However, according to most dream books, the arrival of a grandmother in a dream to a person is a symbol of calmness and peace in life. For example, if a grandmother appeared in a dream to a single man or an unmarried girl, this is a sign of an imminent marriage, which will eventually turn into a strong and reliable union. Very often, grandmothers appear in a dream of people who have big changes in their lives in the near future. If you have some important question, the deceased can easily answer you in a dream.

1) a deceased grandmother, who appeared before the sleeping person in a strange guise, can be a warning that you should be extremely careful and not get involved with dubious people, which in reality can turn out to be simple crooks and deceivers;

2) the deceased grandmother, who appeared alive in a dream, is a symbol of success, reaching new heights and the fulfillment of all secret desires;

3) the late grandmother in a dream can also symbolize future failures and unforgettable feelings that left an indelible residue on the soul;

4) if you hug your own grandmother in a dream, this is a sign that you are promised good health and long life;

5) get a kiss from a grandmother - problems in personal life and at work, to illness;

6) a kiss from you on the forehead of a deceased old woman - for a short parting with one of your relatives or close people;

7) the appearance of the deceased in the coffin - fear of betrayal of her soulmate and failure in plans will be confirmed;

8) to be during the funeral of the deceased grandmother - wait for the news. Everything here will depend on the weather during the ceremony: it’s clear on the street - things will go uphill, the news will be exceptionally good, bad weather - expect problems and bad news.

It also happens that in a dream an unfamiliar deceased old woman comes. This can be regarded as the emergence of early news that will simply stun the sleeper. There is another interpretation of such a dream - expect an unexpected situation.

Some of the dreams in which the deceased comes can be very unusual and strange. So, for example, the appearance of a pregnant deceased grandmother can promise success in absolutely all aspects of life, the implementation of all ideas and the achievement of a significant triumph.

What does the late grandmother regularly come to in a dream?

To interpret a dream, one must try to remember not only the appearance of the deceased herself, but also other details of such a dream. The thing is that often deceased relatives are eager to give you some important information for you. So, if a late grandmother began to come to you often, this could mean the following:

    she cries - this is a harbinger of a large number of quarrels and scandals;

    handing over photographs to your grandmother - a very bad sign that indicates the imminent death of the people depicted on them;

    the corpse of the deceased - to future serious illnesses.

A grandmother crying in a dream can also mean that she is very sad, and she asks you to visit her grave. Do not forget to go to her cemetery, and her soul will calm down.

What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Wangi's dream book

The famous clairvoyant interprets this dream in different ways. She claims that everything depends on how long ago the deceased departed to another world.

If 40 days have not yet passed from the day of death, and the deceased appeared in a dream to a person, this is a symbol of your bitterness from the loss, but this does not carry any bad news in the future.

If a large amount of time has already passed since the day of death, then it is not difficult to determine why such a dream occurred:

- young girls should expect imminent changes in their personal lives, most likely marriage;

- if you are talking and hugging with the deceased grandmother, clearly understanding that she is alive in a dream - this is a sign that she is trying to remind you of some promise given to you that you forgot about. Most likely it was given to the grandmother herself during her lifetime;

- the appearance of two deceased grandmothers at once in a dream means that they are trying to protect you from various troubles. In this case, it will not be superfluous to pray for the dead, visit the church and light candles for their repose;

- if a deceased old woman invites you to her place, this is a bad sign. If, moreover, in a dream you respond to a call and follow it, everything is very bad, a serious illness or even death awaits you;

- if you hug the deceased grandmother - this is a sign of your good health, if, on the contrary, she hugs you, then you made an unfortunate mistake, which is not too late to correct.

What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Hasse's dream book

According to Hasse's dream book, if a late grandmother came to you in a dream, then:

    the appearance of a living old woman in a dream, and you kissed her in a dream - this is a sign that the person to whom you have great feelings cannot answer you in the same way;

    a kiss from a grandmother who lies in a coffin is a sign that some circumstances will change, and the feeling will go away for a long time;

    if the deceased is alive in a dream, and another person kisses or hugs her - to future financial losses.

The appearance of the deceased alive in a dream according to Menegi's dream book

Menega states that:

- if the deceased grandmother came to her granddaughter in a dream and asks her for food or money - a sign that you do not have any outstanding debts to her in life;

- the appearance of a deceased grandmother, who eats sweets in a dream, may mean for her granddaughter that the groom does not love her and brazenly uses her.

What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Miller's dream book

Miller believes that:

    the appearance of a deceased old woman in a dream is a sign that there is a need to ask your relatives and friends about their state of health.

    to see a grandmother in her house means you need to reassess your life values ​​and priorities;

    the appearance of a grandmother in a coffin in a dream - there is a high probability of betrayal of your wife (spouse).

What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Freud's dream book

Freud symbolizes the old woman in a dream as a symbol of the feminine, but with a certain color:

    for a girl, she is a symbol of her doubts about her own attractiveness, the fear of being left without a sexual partner;

    for a woman, it is a symbol of fear about the loss of her sexuality;

    for a young man - a symbol of his doubts about his own viability;

    for a man - sadness about unrealized opportunities.

Why does a dead grandmother dream alive according to Danilova's dream book

If you follow Danilova's dream book, then if you:

- were delighted to meet a grandmother in a dream - this is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult or even dangerous situation in the future, but you will be able to find the only right way out of it;

- they noticed in a dream an old woman who cries - this is a symbol of the fact that people close to you offend and reproach you absolutely undeservedly. In this case, you should carefully listen to the advice that the deceased granny will give you in a dream;

- you yourself walk around in a dream in the form of a grandmother - this means that very soon you will have to face supernatural forces. It may well be that you will see something unusual and amazing that cannot be explained by any logic or reality.

The deceased people, as a rule, can be an omen of any changes in life. But what they will be, good or bad - here everything will depend solely on you, as well as on the circumstances and details of the dream itself.

The appearance of a grandmother in a dream according to Rummel's dream book

Rummel believes that there are only three interpretations of the dream in which the deceased grandmother appeared alive, namely:

1) expect difficulties in life that will be very difficult to overcome, but good advice will come to your aid;

2) a feeling of physical and spiritual weakness, emptiness in the near future;

3) in a job for which you will initially be promised a certain amount of money, you will not receive some of the previously agreed salary.

Thus, the arrival of a dead grandmother alive in a dream can speak, first of all, that you need to wait for changes in life, and what they will be depends on the details of the dream and the person himself.

Many people believe that seeing deceased relatives in a dream is always an unpleasant event. Sometimes, on the contrary, it prophesies positive changes in life. If a deceased grandmother is dreaming, then this can be interpreted in different ways. Dream Interpretations will be able to suggest what information this dream carries. Before drawing conclusions, it is worth familiarizing yourself with several sources. The correct interpretation will depend on many additional details related to the appearance of the deceased in a dream: whether she is talking, kissing, asking for something, etc.

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    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    If the deceased grandmother comes in a dream as if alive to a young and unmarried girl, then this indicates imminent positive changes in love affairs, a probable marriage proposal. If the deceased hugs and talks, then this is a sign of a forgotten or unfulfilled promise in real life.

    You should always be attentive to what the deceased relatives say in a dream. They can warn about something important, help in making decisions, give advice.

    If in a dream you go after the dead woman calling for herself, then this promises a possible death or serious illness in life. And if you dream of warm hugs with her, then this is for good health and longevity.

    To see a deceased grandmother in a dream with grandfather - in the near future, one must prepare for important chores related to money matters.

    The native grandmother asks for financial assistance - we should expect material success and prosperity. Seeing her dying or seriously ill - you need to be wary of meanness from someone from the environment, there is a possibility of developing unfair situations.

    Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

    If you saw in a dream a grandmother who is not alive, then the interpretation depends on the actions:

    • if you kiss the deceased, who is in the coffin, then this is to get rid of negative obligations and circumstances soon;
    • if other people or relatives hug or kiss her, as if alive, then one should expect unplanned financial costs;
    • if you see the deceased alive and kiss - this is a sign of the development of relationships that will not be mutual.

    Why does the ex-husband dream - interpretations in dream books

    Dream interpretation according to Miller

    When a deceased grandmother dreams, it is a sign to pay attention to living relatives and take care of them, start taking an interest in their health, and make visits to loved ones more often.

    The deceased is in her home - it is worth reconsidering her life position, correctly distributing priorities and values. If she looks too energetic, joyful, then unsuccessful changes are coming in life, many difficulties and troubles.

    If in a dream you see a grandmother and talk to her, then in reality this portends health problems. It is worth being more attentive to well-being, limit addictions.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    The meaning of dreams according to Freud

    Freud symbolized the appearance of a grandmother in a dream as the personification of femininity, but with some connotation:

    • for a young person, this means that she does not feel her attraction to the male;
    • for an adult woman means the loss of former attractiveness and sexuality;
    • for a young man - a sign of great self-doubt, as a wealthy and decisive partner;
    • for an adult - longing for missed opportunities, failed events in life.

    To see a grandmother alive in a dream according to Danilova's dream book

    If the deceased cries in a dream, it is a sign that there are unfair accusations in life. You need to listen carefully and remember what she says or advises. This can be an important key to resolving issues in the real world.

    If a person dreams that he himself is in the image of a grandmother, then this symbolizes the possible discovery of extrasensory abilities in himself, the ability to see what cannot be explained by science.

    To experience joy in a dream from meeting with the deceased means that in the near future there is a possibility of severe or life-threatening events. But, in spite of everything, a successful solution to the problem will suddenly appear.

    The meaning of a dream according to Rummel's dream book

    He singles out just a few decodings of the meaning of the dream in which the deceased grandmother comes alive. This usually means:

    • in the near future, great difficulties are threatening, difficult to overcome, but at the most key moment the necessary and correct decision will come;
    • financial troubles associated with work, there is a possibility of a decrease in wages;
    • spiritual and physical breakdown, a feeling of emptiness in the soul, there is a chance of being in the hospital.

    What does it mean to see the reflection of a dead grandmother in the mirror

    Various sources interpret such a dream in their own way. If such a dream occurred when the period of forty days from the date of death had not expired, then this indicates that the deceased did not have time to do some important things during her lifetime.

    A mirror in a dream is a reflection of the future and possible prospects. But if you see a dead grandmother in him, then this means that her soul has not yet rested, has not gone to another world. It is worth being attentive to what she says or asks. And it is desirable to listen to her, to carry out possible orders. The dead just don't come.

    Other dream books claim that such a dream calls to turn inward, to try to understand your life and your actions.

    The deceased grandmother comes to her granddaughter in a dream

    In order to correctly interpret the dream, one must additionally take into account which side the grandmother is dreaming of (with her mother or father). This information will help you better understand the meaning of sleep.

    An important role will be played by the details that accompany the dream. You should try to remember them as much as possible.

    Deceased on mother's side

    Grandmother came in a dream to her granddaughter alive, healthy and full of energy - a sign that a serious love relationship will soon appear in the life of a young lady. Perhaps she will have a successful marriage.

    If the deceased has already been dreaming more than once and is constantly trying to convey some information, then you need to pay attention to your unfinished business, possible unfulfilled promises. Understand what part of life needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Try to close all outstanding issues as quickly as possible.

    Gentle hugs with the grandmother on the mother's side symbolize good health, longevity, getting rid of the existing disease.


    Deceased relatives who come in dreams often cause anxiety. Even if the dream book interprets their arrival as something unfriendly, this does not mean that everything will necessarily come true in real life. The appearance of deceased relatives in a dream is most often a favorable sign: they want to help and warn. There is no need to fear or fear them.