What is an icon? Why do icon painters create icons of the Virgin Mary . icons of patron saints . icons of the Savior and other Orthodox icons? Why do we one day have an irresistible desire to order an icon? We want the icon to be painted personally for us.

Literally translated from Greek, an icon is an image. Through the icon, each person turns to God in himself, because he is one in everyone. Prince E.N. Trubetskoy wrote that Orthodox icons open to a person “a vision of a different life truth and a different meaning of the world” 1. different from the struggle for survival. No words can convey the power of Divine love and the joy of feeling Divine grace that comes from the icons of the Mother of God, icons of saints and icons of the Savior Jesus Christ, painted by modern icon painter Yuri Kuznetsov.

As is known, icons “have a special language - a system of signs that convey certain information“2. But “deciphering” these symbols can only be done with the heart. For a person who would like to order an icon, it is important to find not just an icon with the image of the Savior Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, or saints, but behind the Orthodox icon there should be “the discovery of a saint, the place of his mystical presence. An icon is a visual link in the dialogue between a praying soul and a saint: a Christian prays not to an icon, but through the icon to the one depicted on it.” 3. Even a non-believer can experience the power of Divine love emanating from the icon of Yuri Kuznetsov. The icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness, Rejoice, Unbrideless Bride, makes a special impression.

Of course, “... church art has its own special, peculiar to it, features and therefore puts the artist in a special position: the artist must understand the demands placed on him. He must give not an ordinary real picture, not a copy from a sample that came to hand by chance, not an idle invention of the imagination, not sanctified by a clear religious consciousness, but an icon corresponding to it high appointment"4. And if the person praying, contemplating the icons of the Mother of God, icons of saints, icons of the Savior Jesus Christ or other Orthodox icons, experiences a soul-piercing sense of the reality of the spiritual world. If the icon suddenly opens as a bright, shedding light vision, which is recognized as exceeding everything around it, residing in another, its own space and in eternity, then the burning of passions and the vanity of the world subsides, the feeling of God is recognized as above-peaceful, qualitatively superior to the world and acting from its own domain here, among us there are 5.

All of the above was experienced by me personally and by many people who keep icons of the “Kuznetsov letter” in their homes. Everyone has an icon of their patron saint in their home.

An icon, be it the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. icon of the Mother of God the All-Tsarina. An icon of the patron saint, the Savior Jesus Christ or another Orthodox icon is “Church Tradition and the grace of God, manifested through lines and colors, as through color writing. The power of the icon indicates that this world [spiritual approx. KK] is near us, that the soul itself is a particle of this world” 6.

Father John of Kronstadt wrote about the need for icons in the house: “Icons in the church, in houses are necessary, among other things, because they remind of the immortality of the saints who live (Luke 20:38), as the Lord says, that they are in God they see us, hear us and help us” (John of Kronstadt. My life in Christ. St. Petersburg, 2005, p. 468). Through an icon of a saint, an icon of the Mother of God or an icon of the Savior Jesus Christ, we become involved in his life and seem to live it together. Together with the icon of the Mother of God “I am with you and no one else is against you,” the person praying is confirmed in his faith. Literally, the name of the icon sounds like “I am always with you and no one will offend you.”

“The icon begins with a line, and the line begins with the heart; it has no other basis or cause that determines it. The heart in the patristic understanding is the seat of the human spirit or the spirit itself. Therefore, the starting point of the icon lies in the invisible world, and then appears and manifests itself, as if descending onto the plane of the icon; it is not a repetition of the line of the sample from which the icon is painted” 7. Imagine a thin silver thread coming from the heart, and every moment of life dyes it in the corresponding color, so you get a multi-colored carpet woven from life’s episodes. This is the essence of the icons of the “Kuznetsov letter”. Icons of the Mother of God, icons of saints, icons of the Savior Jesus Christ or other Orthodox icons are painted by Yuri Kuznetsov according to this principle: each point is an episode of the life of a saint. If we perceive the icon not logically, but in spirit, then in the ornament Vladimir icon The Mother of God can be seen that this icon was brought from Byzantium to Russia at the beginning of the 12th century, as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky from the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke Chrysoverkh. The icon was placed in convent In Vyshgorod, not far from Kyiv, rumors of her miracles reached the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who decided to transport the icon to the north.

Such an understanding and reading of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is possible because “the line on the icon is a cut into the spiritual world, it is a gap in the world of bone and, therefore, in its essence, darkened matter - only grace can enlighten matter” 8. A cut in icons “Kuznetsov writing” is the ornament that underlies it. The ornament is rounded, since the line in the icon “should not be pointed and angular, as if broken (angularity, convulsions, breaks, pointed ends refer to the image dark force). Circumference and roundness, natural movement lines are the life of the line...” 9. Variations of the ornament change depending on whether the icon of the Mother of God, the icon of saints, or another Orthodox icon or the icon of the Savior Jesus Christ is being painted.

In the process of icon painting, “the mystical experience of communication with the Heavenly Church and the experience of spiritual realities” 10 is very important. It is this experience that gives the true content to the icon.

Canonical form and historical accuracy the Orthodox icon is given a sample from which the copy is taken. There is a fundamental difference between the copy and the copy from the icon of the Mother of God, the icon of saints or the icon of the Savior Jesus Christ. “A list is closeness to a person, a copy is similarity, or even a visual match with iconographically" 11. “To make a list, you need to internally experience the icon, read its semantic text, and then write it in your own handwriting" 12.

Icons of the 21st Century is a site created specifically to popularize and promote the work of icon painter Yuri Kuznetsov, as well as to revive and restore Orthodoxy in Russia, to return people to the path of joy, love and kindness. With us you can order an icon"Kuznetsov" letter, get acquainted with the stories of the discovery of Orthodox icons, learn about earthly life saints and their veneration, read about the meaning and content of the holidays of the Orthodox calendar.

Icons of the Mother of God, patron saints, the Savior Jesus Christ and other Orthodox icons are created using ancient monastery technologies using tempera on a linden board.

Before ordering an icon, we suggest you find out our recommendations. If you want an icon for yourself, an icon that will be with you throughout your life, then this could be personalized icon. that is, an icon with the image of a saint of the same name as you. You can select the appropriate image from the proposed list of already written personalized icons. If your name is not on the list, this does not mean that you cannot order personalized icon, write to us or call us and we will select a holy image for you. A personal icon does not have to be personal. This could be an icon of the Mother of God, an icon of a saint, an icon of the Savior, or another Orthodox icon.

The peculiarity of the icons of the “Kuznetsov letter” is that the icon painter Yuri Kuznetsov, having a very sensitive perception of a person, writes for him an image that corresponds precisely to his spirit. Author's letter icon written specifically for specific person, throughout his life will strengthen him in faith and support him in difficult moments life. When painting a holy image, it is very important for the icon painter to understand life path the person for whom he reveals the holy image, since after painting the icon the person and the saint will be connected. Therefore, a personal icon: an icon of the Mother of God, an icon of a saint, a personal icon, an icon of the Savior, family icon or another Orthodox icon painted specifically for you must under no circumstances be sold or given to another person.

After you decide on the image, in order to order the icon, you will need to choose its size. Yuri Kuznetsov paints icons of saints mainly in 2 sizes: large - 75x100 cm and small - 35x40 cm.

In which case is it better to order a large icon, and in which case a small one? A large icon allows the icon painter, with the help of ornament and color, to convey in more detail the story of the saint’s life and his spiritual feat. A small icon is more private and easy to transport. Of course, it is possible to choose an icon of a different format, but you need to take into account that this will require additional time to prepare the base for the icon. “The icon is both a path and a means; it is prayer itself." 13. The purpose of an icon, be it icons of the Mother of God, icons of saints or other Orthodox icons or icons of the Savior Jesus Christ, is "to direct all our feelings, as well as the mind and all our human nature to its true goal - on the path of transformation" 14.


1 Trubetskoy E.N. Speculation in colors / Icons of Russia. M. 2008. p. 117

2 L.V.Abramova. Semiotics of icons. Saransk, 2006, p. 4

3 Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About the language of the Orthodox icon/ Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 79

4 N.V. Pokrovsky. New church art and church antiquity / Theology of the image. Icon and icon painters. M. 2002, p. 267

5 Florensky P. Iconostasis. M. 2009. P. 36

6 Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About the language of the Orthodox icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 60

7 Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About the language of the Orthodox icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 66-67

8 Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About the language of the Orthodox icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 63

9 Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About the language of the Orthodox icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 71

10 Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About the language of the Orthodox icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 60

11 Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About the language of the Orthodox icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 67

12 Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About the language of the Orthodox icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 67

13 Leonid Uspensky. The meaning and content of the icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 111

14 Leonid Uspensky. The meaning and content of the icon / Orthodox icon. Canon and style. M. 1998, p. 111

The Three-Handed Icon is especially revered in Orthodoxy and is miraculous. Celebrations to commemorate this image take place on the 11th and 25th of July each year. The type of this icon is “Hodegetria”, which means “Guide” for all Christian believers. The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus, whom she holds with her right hand, while her left hand is turned to her heart.

However, the most important thing is the image of the third hand, which is located below. Sometimes icon painters paint this hand separately, as if it does not belong to the Mother of God. There is also such an interpretation of the image when the third hand is written as if it were part of the body of the Mother of God herself. What does the Three-Handed Icon help with? The answer to this question lies precisely in the amazing symbol of the third hand, the meaning of the image is this: serving God is salvation.

The appearance of the miraculous image “Three Hands”

The Byzantine Emperor Leo the Isaurian, who lived in 717 AD, was a cruel despot. He especially violently subjected Orthodox Christians to oppression and torture. He ordered to destroy, burn Christian shrines, icons and books, the Bible. He subjected those who preached the Word of God to special mockery before execution.

At this time, in Damascus, among the Muslims, there lived a Christian, the man of God, John. He was known for his honest and righteous life, although he held a very high position. He regularly served as an adviser to the city ruler and was respected.

Trouble came, a worthy man of God was slandered by intriguers and envious people. They accused the adviser John of Damascus of treason not only to the city, but also to the emperor Leo the Isaurian. Unfortunately, the caliph believed this slander. According to the laws existing at that time and by order of the emperor, the man of God John of Damascus should be subjected to public punishment. In the square, with a large crowd of people, the man of God John lost brushes right hand, the executioner cut her off. After which the severed part of the body was hung for public display and intimidation, so that others would be discouraged from speaking out against the existing government.

Since the man of God John did a lot for the city, the caliph, changing his anger to mercy in the evening, granted his request. And John asked only for one thing - to return his severed hand and allow him to retire for the night in his cell.

All night long prayed fervently the man of God John of Damascus in front of the icon of the Mother of God, placing a severed hand on his wounded hand. He asked for healing so that he could continue to fully serve his neighbors and with dignity carry the Name of his Lord to thirsty hearts.

When John fell asleep, then The Mother of God herself appeared to him in a vision with the good news of the healing of his hand. She told John that from now on his destiny was to serve God, and his hand should work only in the Name of God and glorify Him.

After awakening, Saint John of Damascus saw that a miracle had happened, his hand was healed and completely unharmed.

It was with this miraculously healed hand that he wrote down the special song of praise dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is still known today under the title “Every creature rejoices in You, O Gracious One.”

So that the miracle performed by the Virgin Mary would always remain in the memory of people, St. John of Damascus attached to the miraculous icon image of the right hand, which was cast in silver.

The news of an extraordinary, miraculous event won the heart of the Caliph and delighted many people, especially Orthodox Christians, different corners countries. The slanderers were disgraced. man of God John of Damascus was again awarded a high position at the ruler's court, but he responded with a polite and humble refusal, asking permission to leave. He went to Jerusalem, taking with him the minimum necessary things, and most importantly, the miraculous icon. In Jerusalem, Saint John of Damascus gave himself up to solitude and constant prayer.

The history of the miraculous icon “Three Hands”

The Three-Handed Icon could have been in Jerusalem for several centuries. In the 13th century it was given to Saint Sava, Archbishop of Serbia.

In the 15th century, warriors came to Serbia Ottoman Empire. They did not spare Christians, as well as Christian shrines. The situation was so serious that the monks could no longer defend the miraculous icon. Therefore, it was decided to trust the Queen of Heaven, and wonderful icon was given to the will of Divine Providence. She was placed on a donkey and sent on God's way. No one could even imagine where the miraculous icon would end up and who would become its owner. There was only hope for a miracle. And it happened.

At the end of a long journey, by the will of Heaven, a donkey with an icon on its back ended up in the very center Orthodox Christianity- on Athos. Unknown Divine Powers They brought the animal straight to the gates of the Hilandar monastery. This monastery was founded two centuries ago, in the 13th century, by Simeon (Stephen), the Serbian ruler.

A wonderful story within the monastery walls

The monks accepted with trepidation, reverence and joy this God's Gift from Heaven. They installed the “Three-Handed” icon on the altar in the cathedral. She is still there, and pilgrimages to her continue. Every year in honor miraculous icon“Three-handed” religious procession is taking place, many believers from different countries the world come to the temple specifically for this event to honor the Divine miracle and ask for blessings from the Mother of God herself.

And this is not at all an unfounded statement, because touching the miracle of the icon“Three-handed”, you can truly receive a blessing from Above. Why can this miracle happen to everyone who prays? An extraordinary incident that happened in the monastery testifies to this.

When one of the abbots of the Hilandar monastery left the earthly vale, the question of who would now head the monastery turned out to be difficult. There was no unanimity among the brethren; they could not decide who to elect as head. However, The Mother of God herself allowed it that dispute.

One day, having gathered for morning worship, the monks discovered the miraculous icon “Three Hands” on the abbot’s place. They thought that someone had secretly moved the icon from the altar to an empty place where the abbot was praying. However, this turned out not to be the case.

The monks tried their luck again - they installed the icon on the altar, left the temple and sealed it for the night. front door. However, in the morning the “Three-Handed” icon was again in the abbot’s place. This happened more than once.

Mother of God, protector and patroness - history of the monastery

Having heard about extraordinary events, he came to the monastery one of the Athonite hermits. He told the brethren that he had a vision in which the Mother of God spoke about preventing discord among the monks. Therefore, she took over the management of the monastery. Since then, the “Three-Handed” icon began to be in the temple in the abbot’s place of honor.

The monastery is headed by the hieromonk-vicar, who during the service must be next to the “Three-Handed” icon.

To this day, the monks believe that their the monastery is ruled by the Mother of God herself. Therefore, an abbot is never chosen here. The brothers believe that by asking for a blessing from the icon and venerating it, they receive it from the Mother of God herself.

There are other legends according to which the miraculous “Three-Handed” icon more than once saved Athonite monks from the attacks of the Ottoman Turks, appearing to them in visions in the form of the miraculous face of the monastery’s defender.

The Three-Handed Icon and its special veneration in Russia

In Russia, the Three-Handed icon became famous in the 17th century. The copy of the miraculous icon was presented to Moscow Patriarch Nikon in 1661. Since then, believers in Russia have fallen in love with this bright image of God. Mother of God for centuries it protects and protects many, many human souls.

Today, one of the most revered icons of the “Three Hands” is kept in the Assumption Church in Moscow. There are also known copies of the icon with the image of the Mother of God “Three-handed”, which are today in different temples countrywide:

  • In Arkhangelsk this is the Shenkursky Trinity Convent.
  • In Tver there are the Simeonovsky, Borisoglebsky and Trekhsvyatitelsky churches.
  • In Tambov there is a copy of the icon in the Zhamensky Sukhotinsky convent and other places.

What can you pray for to the Three-Handed Icon?

There are many copies of the miraculous “Three-Handed” icon all over the world. Nevertheless, the Mother of God, her holy image helps people, regardless of which icon in front of this moment a person prays - in the original or a copy of it.

Evidence of this is miracle that happened in Kyiv in the summer of 1889. At that time, there was a widespread epidemic of typhus in the city. The founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery, Venerable Jonah, together with the monks, served a prayer service in front of the copy of the miraculous “Three-Handed” icon. The Mother of God saved the city and hundreds of lives of its inhabitants. After all, after this wonderful prayer the disease has subsided people stopped dying.

This story had its modern continuation. In the nineties of the last, 20th century, the relics of St. Jonah and the “Three-Handed” icon helped one of the parishioners of the monastery, who began to pray for healing - she burned her hand with acid. The recovery happened miraculously, blessed by the Mother of God.

In what cases does prayer in front of the “Three-Handed” icon help?

How to read the akathist before the “Three-Handed” icon

Akathist is a special a prayer that is a song of praise dedicated to the Mother of God herself. They read the akathist when they are looking for protection or help from difficult life circumstances. Here are the rules for reading in front of the “Three-Handed” Mother of God icon.

The great shrine is the Face of the Mother of God of Three Hands. The peculiarity of the relic is that in its lower part there is a hand that looks like the third hand of the Queen of Heaven, but at the same time it is a separate element of the image.

Help from Heaven

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God of the Three-Handed One works miracles:

The first miraculous copy of the legendary Face of the Virgin Mary came to Russian soil in the 16th century. Several lists were made from it, which to this day rest on the walls of Orthodox Russian churches.

Many churches testify to the miraculous healings of parishioners who turn to the Queen of Heaven with their last hope. It is noteworthy that most of those healed had injuries similar to the injury of the great luminary John of Damascus.

Other miraculous icons:

Important! Holy Virgin Mary helps everyone who is sick and asks for Her help.

Prayer text

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God of the Three Hands is offered by millions of Orthodox Christians around the world. Celebrations in honor of the miraculous Face are held annually on July 11 and 25.

Icon "Three-handed"

Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall down and worship Thee before Thy holy icon, remembering Thy glorious miracle by healing the truncated right hand of the Venerable John of Damascus, which was revealed from the icon, whose sign is visible to this day on it in the form of a third hand attached to Thy image.

We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of our race: hear us, praying to You, and, like blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, You heard us, so do not despise us, who are grieving and suffering from the wounds of many different passions and those who diligently come running to You from a contrite and humble soul.

You see, O All-Merciful Lady, our infirmities, our embitterment, our need, I will demand our help and intercession, as if we are surrounded by enemies from everywhere and there is no one who helps, less than one who intercedes, unless You have mercy on us, the Lady.

To her, we pray to You, listen to our painful voice and help us to preserve the patristic Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to walk unswervingly in all the commandments of the Lord, to always bring true repentance for our sins to God and to be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer on the Last Day The judgment of Thy Son and our God, Who prayed for us with Thy Motherly prayer, may He not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy.

O All-Good One! Hear us and do not deprive us of Your sovereign help, yes, having received salvation through You, let us sing and glorify You on the land of the living and our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of You, to whom befits glory and power, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit always , now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen

Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos, who showed a great miracle to Saint John of Damascus, as if he showed true faith - undoubted hope! Hear us, sinners, before Your miraculous icon, fervently praying and asking for Your help: do not reject this prayer of many for the sake of our sins, but, as the Mother of mercy and generosity, deliver us from illnesses, sorrows and sorrows, forgive the sins we have committed, fill us with joy and joy to all who honor your holy icon, may we joyfully sing and glorify with love your name for You are chosen and blessed from all generations forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the seriously ill

(read while standing at the patient’s head in the morning and evening, holding the “Three-Handed” icon in their hands)

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall down and worship you before your holy icon, remembering your glorified miracle, the healing of the beheaded by the right hand of St. John of Damascus, revealed from this icon. His sign is still visible on it in the form of a third hand, attached to Your image. Help, O Three-Handed One, in healing by Your wondrous hand the servant of God (name). And hear us, and do not deprive us of Thy Sovereign help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the history

The image of the Mother of God of Three Hands was especially revered by the defender of the Orthodox faith, John of Damascus, and the appearance of the third hand on the icon is associated with it.

During the time of iconoclasm, the Byzantine throne was ruled by Leo the Isaurian, and the luminary was slandered by him. The ruler forged John's handwriting and wrote a message to the caliph, in which the saint allegedly persuades him to begin military operations with the Saracens and capture Damascus. The enraged caliph ordered Damascus's right hand to be cut off, to which the saint begged to leave him the severed hand.

Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”

The crippled luminary put the stump of his hand to the joint and began to fervently pray to the Mother of God for healing, for the restoration of the integrity of his hand to do righteous, Godly deeds. After praying, John fell asleep, and in the morning he saw his hand intact and healthy.

At the same time, the caliph learned of the deception committed by the Byzantine emperor. He called the saint to serve the fatherland, to which he refused and took monastic vows. He brought with him to the monastic monastery the holy image of the Mother of God, decorated with the image of a third hand.

Currently, the miraculous Face is kept on Mount Athos in the Hilendar monastery. He also appeared there miraculously. During the Turkish invasion of Serbia, Christians were afraid of losing the icon and entrusted it to the Most Pure Virgin. Having placed the image on the donkey, they sent it on its way without a driver, in the hope that the Lord would lead it to where it needed to go. A miracle happened and the animal independently arrived at the Holy Greek Mountain and stopped at the gates of the monastery, and the Face of the Three-Handed One remained safe and sound.

The miraculous icon of Three Hands

Icon of Three Hands. Prayer.

IN Orthodox faith The miraculous icon “Three-handed” has a very important. Celebration of the image on July 11 and 25. The icon depicts the Mother of God, on whose right hand the Infant God is located and blesses with her right hand all those in front of him. And the Mother of God points to the baby Jesus Christ, as if showing the way to salvation. Below on the icon, under the right hand of the Mother of God, another human hand. Some lists of Our Lady attribute a third hand to her. The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” is based on a severed hand, indicating that people who serve God can receive salvation.

The history of the appearance of the image is associated with Saint John Damascene, who was accused of treason. By order of the Emperor, they cut off his right hand and wanted to hang him in the square, but then they pardoned him. John asked the icon of the Mother of God for help for a long time, so that Higher power They restored his hand. After much prayer, the Virgin Mary appeared to him at night and told him about the healing of his hand and John should use his hand to glorify God. This event formed the basis for the appearance of the “Three-Handed” icon.

The “Three-Handed” icon means what it helps with. The main meaning of the icon is its protective abilities. To protect your family from negativity and problems, you need to place it at home. The image of the Mother of God also helps believers receive support and hope in difficult life situations. Among artisans, “Three-Handed” is considered a patroness. If people are sick, then the icon has special meaning for them.

Prayers in front of the image help sick people recover and help them recover from illnesses. History remembers that prayers before the icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” helped save many people from serious illnesses, from typhus, and not only from physical illnesses, but also from mental illnesses. The image helps praying women if they want to strengthen their marriage or marry good husband. The face also helps to heal from diseases of the legs, arms, and eyes. Prayers in front of the icon will help so that sad thoughts, apathy, and melancholy go away.

The help of the “Three-Handed” icon can only be received by a deeply religious person who turns to the icon in prayer with a sincere heart, love, and faith. Not only the icon itself is considered miraculous, but also all the copies that are found in numerous churches.

In Russia, the “Three-Handed” icon has been known since the 17th century. A copy of this icon was presented as a gift to Patriarch Nikon of Moscow in 1661. Copies of the miraculous icon, which also help believers in their prayers, are found in churches throughout the country. In the capital of Russia, Moscow, you can pray to a copy of the image of the Holy Mother of God in the Assumption Church on Taganka.

Glorification of the Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”

The “Three-Handed” Icon of the Mother of God would probably not be so famous if it were not for the story that happened in St. John of Damascus. In 717 AD there was a certain Byzantine emperor, Leo the Isaurian, who was particularly cruel in the persecution of Orthodox Christians. During his reign, many different icons were burned and destroyed, and those who preached the Christian faith were especially brutally tortured and subjected to mortal torture. John, at that time, lived in complete safety, since he was in Damascus, it was a Muslim city, which was located far beyond the territory of the Byzantine land. Then he was an adviser to the city ruler, which was a very high and respected position.

John of Damascus performed his service well and faithfully, but gossips They arranged everything in such a way that they began to accuse him of treason to the state and personally to the emperor himself. The adviser was slandered, right in front of the local caliph, after which, by order of the emperor, his right hand was cut off. After torture, the brush was hung on main square. This was done to intimidate the people, and to understand that this would happen to anyone who dared to give a state or an individual emperor.

In the evening, when the ruler “cooled down” a little, his former adviser asked permission to retire to his cell. The emperor allowed John to retire and he indulged in a long and fiery prayer before the Holy Image of the Virgin Mary. He asked the Mother of God about the healing of his severed hand and, placing his hand on the image, spent the whole night in prayer. When he fell asleep, the Mother of God herself came to him in the form of a vision, informing him about the healing of his hand. The Virgin Mary said that now his healed hand should work in the Name of the Lord and glorify His holy name.

After awakening, the Saint actually saw that his hand was safe and sound.

Touched to the depths of his soul by the mercy shown by the Lady, John composed a song of praise, which is known as “Every creature rejoices in you, O Gracious One.”

The Monk John of Damascus, in order to somehow perpetuate this miracle, attached his right hand, which was cast from silver, to the image that he had at home. This is how the “Three-Handed” icon appeared, which is depicted with a third hand at the bottom.

After the news of the miracle spread throughout all borders, they again wanted to appoint John as the chief adviser, but he refused, asking permission to retire to Jerusalem. There, among a few things, he took an icon, and later gave himself up to loneliness.

The history of the “Three-Handed” icon and its meaning

Until the thirteenth century, the icon was in Jerusalem. In the fifteenth century, an amazing incident occurred that was associated with the holy Mount Athos. This happened due to the fact that Ottoman troops began to attack these lands. So that the shrine would not be damaged in battles or destroyed, it was decided to entrust its fate to the Queen of Heaven herself. Therefore, the icon was placed on the donkey, and it set off on its own.

No one knew where he would go and who would become the owner of the miraculous image. But it so happened that the donkey, by an unknown force, was directed precisely to Athos - the center of Christianity and monasticism. He decided to stop right near the gates of the Hilandar monastery, which Simeon founded back in the thirteenth century. The monks reverently accepted this gift and installed it on the altar of the local cathedral church. To this day, this icon is located on Mount Athos, and every year a pilgrimage is made to it. procession With big amount believers from all over the world.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Child, whom she holds in her arms, and her head is slightly tilted towards his head. At the same time, Jesus Christ looks straight ahead, folding his right hand to bless everyone who stands in front of him. At the bottom of the icon is the right hand, which seems to point to Christ, letting us know that through him we will be saved if we only go for it.

Miracles performed by the Three-Handed Icon

After the appearance of the icon on the holy Mount Athos, its history never ceased to amaze. One day, one abbot reposed before God, and turmoil occurred among the brethren, because for a long time they could not choose the manager of the monastery. Arriving at the morning service, the brethren were surprised to see the icon in the abbot’s place. The monks thought that this was the work of someone else and again placed the icon on the altar.

After the service, the doors of the temple were sealed, but in the morning the “Three-Handed” icon was again in the abbot’s place. This continued until one of the most famous hermits came to the temple and told the brethren about his vision. In it, the Mother of God said that she was taking on the management function because she did not want there to be disagreement among the brethren. Therefore, from now on she occupies the abbot’s place with her icon.

As was customary then, this is still observed to this day, the abbot in this monastery is no longer elected by the entire brethren. After all, its place is taken by the “Three-Handed” icon and the Mother of God herself rules. The monks also firmly believe that by venerating and asking for a blessing from the holy image, everyone will receive a blessing from the Lady of Heaven herself. The Three-Handed One showed her miracles many times during the Turks’ attacks on Mount Athos. In those days, one could observe the emergence of a wonderful woman’s face, which was inaccessible to any type of weapon.

How does the “Three-Handed” icon help and how to pray

  • Before this image, it is necessary to pray to those who have all sorts of ailments associated with injuries and injuries;
  • When reading the prayer, apathy and melancholy go away. Therefore, this image helps those who suffer mental disorders and increased anxiety;
  • Those who are engaged in any craft also need to extol prayers in front of the holy image, for success in their business and the development of the craft in the right direction;
  • “Three-handed” is also a protector from all troubles and misfortunes;

Prayer to the Three-Handed Icon

Today, there is a large number of copies that help people all over the world. Christians treat this holy image with great reverence, and not only because the icon has amazing story and protects the holy Mount Athos from everything bad, but also because it is a protector. According to the prayers of Orthodox Christians, it is capable of granting healing from various ailments, burns and other injuries, as well as strengthening the human soul in the fight against demonic intrigues and temptations.

“Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall down and worship Thee before Thy holy icon, remembering Thy glorious miracle by healing the truncated right hand of the Venerable John of Damascus, which was revealed from the icon, whose sign is visible to this day on it in the form of a third hand attached to Thy image.

We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of our race: hear us, praying to You, and, like blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, You heard us, so do not despise us, who are grieving and suffering from the wounds of many different passions and those who diligently come running to You from a contrite and humble soul.

You see, O All-Merciful Lady, our infirmities, our embitterment, our need, I will demand our help and intercession, as if we are surrounded by enemies from everywhere and there is no one who helps, less than one who intercedes, unless You have mercy on us, the Lady.

To her, we pray to You, listen to our painful voice and help us to preserve the patristic Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to walk unswervingly in all the commandments of the Lord, to always bring true repentance for our sins to God and to be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer on the Last Day The judgment of Thy Son and our God, Who prayed for us with Thy Motherly prayer, may He not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy.

O All-Good One! Hear us and do not deprive us of Your sovereign help, yes, having received salvation through You, let us sing and glorify You on the land of the living and our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of You, to whom befits glory and power, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit always , now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Such an icon can rarely be found in home iconostasis. It is also not very common in temples and cathedrals. But every believer should know its history and offer their fiery prayers to this Holy image!

Queen of Heaven pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls!

What you need to know about the “Three-Handed” icon