More and more people are deciding to get an exotic pet. Among people there are thrill-seekers, as well as connoisseurs of beauty, which the snake fully combines. Her graceful curves, bright color and deadly danger They really like being around it and many would like to have a pet snake. Coolness, calmness and at the same time a certain amount of danger always fascinate.
When choosing a snake, you should pay attention to several criteria:
character and behavior;
the average size adult snake;
grip strength and toxicity;
food addictions.
Snakes are one of the most interesting creatures, accepted by people As pets, there are many types of them. Although they ferocious predators Most snakes can become docile and even friendly when they are treated with attention and well cared for.

A person who has decided to get such an exotic pet must remember that a domestic snake is, in a simple sense, a pet that cannot be allowed to go outside or hunt rats or other small rodents. The snake is the source increased danger, which requires special attention and conditions of detention. Getting a pet snake is not difficult, the main thing is to understand what responsibility the owner must bear.
First of all, it is worth debunking the myth that snakes are creepy, slimy and nasty creatures. Despite the fact that science already knows a lot about these representatives of the fauna, stereotypes are still strong. Snakes are truly quiet and silky-soft creatures, and those kept indoors make wonderful, sensitive friends. It is also worth considering such a common disease as an allergy to fur, and snakes do not create discomfort, they do not have fur or feathers, and do not exude unpleasant odor.
Apart from the initial costs associated with purchasing a snake and housing for it, keeping a snake is not an expensive hobby. Pet snakes too optimal solution for owners who cannot devote enough time to care for a dog or bird. It is worth remembering that snakes are not suitable for everyone and when making such a choice, you should feel confident. It's also worth asking the people who live with you. Agree, not everyone will like living in the same room with a snake. Remember that even the smallest snakes grow to at least 3-5 feet, they need impressive size aquarium, at least 20 gallons. Pet snakes will not tolerate short-term commitments, for adult find good house will be much more difficult, but they live quite a long time: with good care 20-25 years.
Many snake owners find feeding to be the most difficult challenge because it involves feeding whole animals. Most often, a rat or mouse is enough for reptiles to get enough food. If you purchase an animal bred in captivity, feeding dead rodents is acceptable, although the snake may refuse. However, scientists do not recommend feeding live food to domestic snakes, because it can injure the snake and even infect it with something unpleasant. Some people feel uncomfortable watching snakes eat cute mice whole.
Before purchasing a snake, like any other exotic pet, do thorough research own home. Snakes will have their own needs and will not be able to survive in the same environment as cats, dogs or parrots. Snakes require different levels of humidity and temperature regime. Unlike other pets, snakes are cold-blooded creatures and feel the need to regulate their temperature. It is necessary that a temperature gradient be established in the snake’s aquarium and the temperature regime be strictly regulated. Place the cold end of the range at one end of the aquarium, and the warmer end at the other. The snake should have equal access to both areas. The gradient is needed so that your snake does not overheat, but also to provide the heat it needs so that it continues to live and digest food.
As we already said, keeping snakes is not expensive. The main thing is to take into account the cost of the reptile itself. It is recommended to buy a snake that has been bred in captivity: they get used to changes in environment more easily, are easier to feed, and are less likely to get sick. Their cost is often higher than that of regular wild snakes. Also, pay special attention to the aquarium, let it be low and long, so that there is room for the snake to crawl. The tank must be provided with adequate lighting, heating, bedding and shelter. Do not use so-called hot rocks; the snake may be burned and injured, and the temperature in the rest of the tank will be below normal.
It is not recommended to keep reptiles in premises where there are children under 5 years of age, as well as people with weakened immune systems. Often snakes can become carriers of salmonella (remember what they eat), and this disease is transmitted through direct or indirect contact with the reptile. For children and people with reduced immunity, this disease can be fatal. Snakes rarely have health problems; the main causes of illness may be improper nutrition or stress.
If you are interested in purchasing a snake, then know that there are many varieties of reptiles that would be an excellent option for first-time owners. It could be a ball python or a king snake. Their size is small, they are unpretentious and quite obedient. Burmese pythons, anacondas or boas are not recommended for inexperienced snake owners as they are strong, fast and dangerous. Illegal content is also prohibited poisonous snakes, remember that snakes are natural escape artists. If you are not afraid of these reptiles, feel free to get one pet, a snake can be a wonderful friend.
Snakes, in essence, are not domestic animals at all, so if you are offered a snake caught, for example, in Siberia, then nothing good will come from placing it in a terrarium, providing it with light and warmth - don’t wait, because such a snake is already accustomed to freedom of movement, food - in general, she already has a rhythm of life, changing which could simply kill her.
It is better to buy a pet snake in specialized places, where these snakes have already been born in captivity and are already accustomed to a terrarium, artificial light and food. Moreover, when buying a snake for your home, they will give you competent advice, tell you what to feed, how to care for it, etc. so that your pet pleases you for as long as possible.
Some of the most commonly found snakes on sale include snakes, boa constrictors, pythons, milk snakes, king snakes, and snakes.
If you are just looking at getting a pet snake, then experts recommend turning your attention to unpretentious snakes, such as snakes or milk snakes, because... These snakes bite quite rarely and they are not very aggressive.

As a result, I would like to summarize the list that we recommend following when purchasing domestic snake
Start with small snakes so that the adult size does not exceed 1.5 meters in length.
Before purchasing, consult with specialists in the store about each a separate type– diet, hibernation, temperature in the terrarium and other aspects of the life of a snake in captivity.
If you are bringing a snake home for the first time, we do not recommend getting poisonous snakes, because... you need to learn how to care for a snake; the easiest way to do this is on safe, non-venomous specimens, such as the common snake.

Have a snake at home? Tips for beginners. was last modified: August 19th, 2014 by allpets1

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More and more people are deciding to get such an exotic pet as a snake. The composure, calmness and at the same time a certain amount of danger are fascinating. For keeping at home, you can select several varieties of snakes that are not fussy in the conditions of keeping and are easily tamed.

When choosing a snake, you should pay attention to several criteria:

  • character and behavior;
  • average size of an adult snake;
  • grip strength and toxicity;
  • food addictions.

Here are some types of pet snakes that are suitable for keeping at home.

Patterned runner

Very obedient, unpretentious. The beautiful color makes the patterned snake a favorite of many. An adult reaches a length of 60-120 cm.

In captivity, it lives up to 10 years. It feeds on mice, hamsters, lizards, fish, quails and their eggs. Feeding frequency is once every five days. The snake strangles the caught prey and then swallows it whole. The temperature is 22-280C, the humidity is high. Leads a diurnal terrestrial lifestyle. Contained in a horizontal terrarium, minimum size which is 50x40x40 cm. It is necessary to install a pool and shelters of any shape. Kept alone.

King snake

This is a bright snake, painted with stripes of various colors. There are many subspecies of the king snake. It can be colored red, black and white stripes, or it can be completely white with a thin yellow stripe. You will undoubtedly be able to choose a snake of the color that you like. The conditions for keeping and breeding them are varied. It grows up to 100 cm in length.

It is recommended to keep them in separate terrariums, since in captivity these snakes often exhibit cases of cannibalism. Life expectancy is 8-10 years. The size of a horizontal terrarium for one individual is 50x40x40 cm. The terrarium is equipped with a pool or drinking bowl and several shelters. They feed on mice; for large individuals, rats are suitable.

Royal python or ball python

Pythons are gentle and curious non-venomous snakes. Long life, inexpensive price, docile and non-aggressive nature have made the python the best-selling snake. Now several varieties of python with unusual colors have been bred. The python leads a semi-arboreal lifestyle. He swims well, and if he senses danger, he curls up into a very tight ball, hiding his head inside. Comfortable temperature content 20-230C.
An adult reaches a length of 1-1.4 m.

For maintenance, you need a horizontal terrarium measuring 100x50x60 cm. Inside you need to place a spacious pool, driftwood, and a couple of shelters. One shelter is placed in a warm corner, the other in a cold corner. Air humidity should be at least 80%. If the air is too dry, the python may refuse to eat. The ball python is fed mice and rats.
If you have chosen a snake as a pet, you need to make sure that you do not experience difficulties in communicating with it, that you can easily pick up the snake and feel comfortable at the same time. And also make sure that you can feed the snake to another living creature.

The most unpretentious look

Perfect for the faint of heart garter snakes or garden snakes. They can be fed not with mice, but with fish, worms and insects, the main thing is to accustom them to this when they are still young. They are unpretentious. Usually snakes require an additional heating system in winter time years, but this species can do without artificial heat. It is quite difficult to recognize garter snakes by the color of their scales, because there are a great many color options; only a specialist serpentologist can do this. The length of representatives of this variety can range from 50 to 150 cm.

The most popular variety

Climbing snakes are another type of snake with which experts recommend starting to tame reptiles. There are more than 11 species in total, but they are best suited for living at home corn snake, or corn snake, and patterned snake. Snakes are called differently rat snakes, since their main diet consists of rodents. This is the most popular type of snake for home care. Snakes are easy to tame and easy to care for. The colors of such reptiles are very diverse.

Thanks to genetic abnormalities, it is possible to cross species and produce baby snakes of incredible colors. Mutations can also cause albinism in these snakes, which looks amazing, although it has a negative impact on the health of the reptile. The natural color of the corn snake is bright red; the scales of the patterned snake have a greenish and white tint. All other colors are the results of crossings. Snakes feed on small animals, birds, amphibians, and swallow eggs whole. Cannibalism occurs among patterned snakes. The average length of such snakes is approximately 120 cm.

For home improvement, you can highlight the main points, such as:

  1. A drinking bowl with water will simultaneously serve as a source of water and a pool where you can lie down in the water.
  2. Branches - especially needed for arboreal snakes. She will be able to crawl along them, thereby stretching her body and resting.
  3. Stones - you can fill the entire bottom of the terrarium with them, the main thing is that all the stones are smooth and without sharp edges, which could cause injury to the animal.
  4. Shelter - even at home, a snake needs a place where it can hide from prying eyes and lie quietly. Such a place can be either a house or a shelf hidden behind the branches.

Many people are mesmerized by the cool calm, grace and flowing beauty of these stunning reptiles. Non-venomous pet snakes, contrary to unfair prejudices, are gentle, curious creatures that are attached to their owners. They subtly sense the owner’s mood and even his well-being, and accurately determine external dangers and threats. In addition, communication with exotic pets has a beneficial effect on a person, gives peace and tranquility.

Are snakes suitable for pet keeping?

For some reason, there is an opinion that owning the reptile in question is dangerous, as it can bite. To begin with, it’s worth remembering that only non-venomous snakes should be purchased as pets. Even professional terrarium keepers rarely deal with dangerous species these animals.

Snakes are the most calm and balanced. To provoke a reptile into aggression, you need to try very hard and spend a lot of time, teasing and pissing it off for at least a couple of hours. As a rule, in conflict situations the pet will try to defend itself by hiding in a shelter. But even if you continue to try to provoke, the snake will simply hiss. Extremely in rare cases a reptile can bite, but it looks like a pinch, completely painless and almost unnoticeable.

Thus, keeping a pet snake is completely safe. They can be started in families with children, in some cases it is even recommended by experts, for example, in cases of mental disorders and imbalance in children.

Features of a snake as a pet

The pet also needs access to water, both for drinking and bathing. We must not forget about “houses”; reptiles need shelters for sleeping: driftwood, branches and roots of plants, caves.

It is important to note in advance that all snakes are carnivores and prefer live food, usually rodents. If such feeding of your pet disgusts you, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​owning a reptile.

Of course, caring for a snake is labor-intensive and at first seems quite difficult. But such efforts are rewarded by the harmony and peace that contemplation of these beautiful creatures gives.

Which snakes are suitable for keeping at home?

Before you go to a pet store or nursery to pick up your pet, it is important to make sure that the reptile is not poisonous. It is necessary to have a substantive conversation with the breeder about the rules for keeping, feeding, caring for, and handling the snake. You can ask for advice on arranging, creating comfortable humidity and temperature, purchasing food for an exotic pet. It is advisable to immediately find a qualified veterinarian who knows how to handle reptiles and has the appropriate equipment. If there are other animals in the house, you should also consult in advance about their compatibility with the selected snake and find out whether they pose a danger to each other. After clarifying all the details, you can proceed to the actual selection of your pet.

Popular types of pet snakes:

Royal python
Patterned runner
Imperial boa
Corn snake
Milk snake
Green mamba (Western mamba)
Pointy-headed snake
Aesculapian snake
Earth snake
Common copperhead

Almost all pet owners sooner or later face a serious problem - where to place and who to entrust their pet to during a planned (vacation) or emergency (business trip) leaving home. What if he was just left at home alone? This seemingly stupid thought is not so stupid if your pet is a snake.

When keeping a king snake, it is necessary to take into account that it is more active than other colubrids and moves quickly. Snakes of the genus Lampropeltis are not the most “social” animals and should not be handled often; it is advisable to do this only when necessary. However, in spite of myself, sometimes aggressive behavior, the snake lives well in captivity and gets used to being handled.

Red or corn snake is the most popular snake kept at home. In the USA, according to some reports, up to 50,000 individuals are sold per year. Interest in these snakes is not limited to America, where they come from. It is also often found in European terrariums. There are clubs for corn snake lovers. More and more new color variations are being released. You can purchase a runner not only in red with various patterns, but also in almost white or black colors. Corn snakes rarely grow over one and a half meters and do not require a large terrarium. WITH young Snakes can be trained to handle. They rarely bite, and once they bite, they are not capable of damaging the skin. These snakes quickly get used to the people who surround them and do not try to escape at the first opportunity. This does not mean leaving the terrarium open or keeping the snake in a box. Snake in search warm place may crawl out of the apartment, but the neighbors may not know about its harmlessness. Another advantage of keeping corn snakes is that they can easily become accustomed to frozen food. This makes the life of a terrarium owner very easy. There is no need to go to the pet store for every mouse or keep a family of mice at home. Keep household members, especially children, away from the terrarium when feeding live rodents. It is convenient to have a supply of food in the refrigerator, and tell the child that this is a “cutlet”. Before feeding a frozen mouse, it must not only be thawed, but also brought to the temperature of the warmest point of the terrarium. Any terrarium with good ventilation and a heating lamp will suit the corn snake, but you should not use aquariums as housing for snakes, since without drilling the side windows, it is very difficult to achieve the ventilation necessary for the animal. In addition, pet stores now offer wide selection of terrariums, which are much more practical and convenient.

In the collections of foreign and Russian herpetologists at this moment located a large number of newly developed color forms of Longtail, Mandarin, Patterned and many other snakes and non-venomous snakes, as well as interspecific hybrids, which are not found in nature. So there is always the opportunity to acquire an original animal that you can show off to your friends.

Well, there were always plenty of exotic lovers... At a time when some enjoyed the company of cats, dogs, hamsters, canaries and aquarium fish, others got themselves collectible cockroaches, spiders, piranhas and snakes. Of course, pets like snakes are not for the faint of heart. Most people find it more pleasant to stroke and hold a fluffy kitten on their lap than to feel the chill from the scales of a wriggling baby snake.

People's attitudes towards snakes are very diverse and sometimes contradictory. They evoke a feeling of fear and admiration at the same time. No one is left indifferent to a snake crawling along the sand or hanging from the branches of a tree, but terrariums with snakes at home are not such a rare occurrence.

Currently, there are more than 3,000 species of snakes on Earth, grouped into 2 orders, 3 superfamilies and 18 families. Venomous snakes make up about a quarter known species. At home, it is better to refrain from keeping poisonous snakes. Most often people prefer beautiful non-venomous snakes, snakes, boas, royal, tiger pythons and albino pythons.

In any case, before you decide to buy a snake, it is important to think carefully and decide which type is best for you. This should concern not only the maintenance of the snake and its housing needs, but also its behavioral characteristics, form of nutrition, and the size to which this reptile will grow.

If you decide to purchase a reptile for the first time, then choose corn snake or king snake. These are quite small snakes, approximately 100 - 150 centimeters long, which means they do not require much space for a terrarium, which is very suitable for a small apartment:

  • maintenance is reduced to a minimum, after creating excellent conditions for life in the terrarium - this is food once a week, cleaning after feeding, timely change of water in the pool and maintaining the desired temperature;
  • a very bright creature, completely harmless, calm and safe, will never bite;
  • it does not make noise, it does not have an unpleasant odor - it is the most good-natured, tame type of snake.

Representatives of these species do not have special needs In addition, they are quite obedient and can become a wonderful pet for you and your children.

Another important aspect that is extremely important to consider when buying a snake, and which often comes as an unpleasant surprise to those who have not thought about this issue in advance, is the food preference of the animal. Many snakes eat live food. Some people prefer small mice, others prefer frogs, but in any case, the owner of the reptile must be prepared for the fact that he will have to feed small cute animals to his exotic pet. A captive-bred snake can be trained to eat dead animals, but over time.

It is better to keep these exotic animals in special heated terrariums. It is imperative to take into account the living conditions of the type of snake you have chosen. For example, tree snakes need a tall terrarium with big amount branches and fragments of trees for snakes to climb. It is also necessary to have access to water (this applies to boas) - these can be pools or drinking bowls of any shape and size.

You will have to learn to understand your snake's behavior and mood. Before molting, the snake usually falls into apathy, so if it begins to move less, do not rush to sound the alarm. As a rule, the reptile lies curled up and, as if listening to its inner sensations. Her appearance changes noticeably - the skin becomes faded, dull, folds and wrinkles appear on it, and it dries out. And then the moment comes when the snake simply crawls out of its skin in a new “outfit”.