Beautiful, bright and unusual inhabitants of the aquarium are always more popular than dull and inconspicuous ones. Undoubtedly, one of these beauties is the decorative veil-tailed fish. Despite the fact that the first of them were bred by man many centuries ago, they are still in great demand today, and new varieties are also appearing. We’ll talk about fish with veil tails and caring for them in our article.

It's all about the appearance of the fish, or rather its beautiful, long fins and tail hanging from the body. They resemble a fabric called veil - light, transparent, flowing. Thanks to them, the fish seems to soar or fly in the water. This is where the name veil-tailed or veiled came from.

History of appearance

Several centuries ago, Chinese and Japanese fish farmers artificially bred the first ornamental fish - these are veil varieties: veiltail and comet. For a long time they remained the only representatives of fish with such fins and tails.

Since 1952, a new life began for this trend in aquarium farming. At that time, almost simultaneously, scarf guppies and Henkel guppies saw the light of day in Moscow and New York.

The former had elongated and widened dorsal and anal fins, while the latter had veiled tails.

Vasiliev N.A., Obraztsov S.A., Malinovsky A.G. and Levitas Y.A. more successful than others in this matter in Russia. It was then that the scarf-fork variety of guppies appeared, in which the dorsal fin was longer than the tail.

Since 1956, amateur spawners have also joined the breeding of veil fish. K. Butendorf (GDR) developed an angelfish with a veiled tail.

Now we can see veil forms in many species of fish:

  • gold;
  • angelfish;
  • cardinals;
  • zebrafish;
  • neons;
  • cockerels;
  • Ancistrus;
  • synodontis, etc.

What do veil-tailed fish look like?

Main features:

  • long caudal fin at least 5/4 the length of the entire body of the fish, externally resembling a veil;
  • tail, consisting of 2-3, and ideally 4 blades;
  • there should be a right angle between the lower and upper blades of the tail fins;
  • the dorsal fin is most often high;
  • large eyeballs with different iris colors;
  • the body is spherical or ovoid.

It is worth noting that there may be variations in coloration, body structure and the presence of scales.

General Content Features

Aquarium must have a volume of at least 50 liters for a pair of individuals. Small round aquariums are absolutely not suitable as they cause vision problems and stunted fish growth.

Water indicators: temperature 12-18, hardness no more than 20, acidity 6.5-8.

Active filtration and aeration of water.

Priming made of coarse sand and small stones without sharp edges, since many veiltails like to dig at the bottom in search of food.

Particular attention should be paid scenery. They should be smooth, without sharp edges, and there should be a large space for swimming, otherwise the beautiful long fins of the fish will soon tear and resemble rags. The same approach should be taken to vegetation, you should avoid dense thickets and give preference to soft, small-leaved greens.

Pay special attention to feeding mode. The fact is that these fish are most often sedentary and lazy. Too much food will lead to obesity and disease.

Therefore, the amount of food per day should be no more than 3 percent of body weight. It should be divided into 2 parts and given in the morning and evening. Remove the remains. A fasting day is recommended every week. Feeds can be given combined, vegetable, live and dry.

Cockerel fish.

Ideal neighbors

Veil-tailed fish are usually slow-moving, peaceful, sedate and self-sufficient. Their weak point is their luxurious plumage, which is very easy to damage. Therefore, other inhabitants must be selected taking into account these features.

Say yes!" small fish with a peaceful character:

  • zebrafish,
  • neon,
  • gourami,
  • cardinal,
  • Pecilia Shubunkina,
  • telescope.

Let us clarify that it is generally better to keep veil telescopes in pairs in a separate aquarium, since their sore spots are not only the tail, but also the eyes.

A tandem of veil fish with catfish, for example, speckled or ancistrus, is ideal. The fact is that the former create a lot of waste, and the latter dispose of it.

Say no!" nimble, active fish who like to tug on their fins and tail: barbs, cockerels, etc. There are cases when shrimps attacked the bushy tails.

Getting offspring

Viviparous veiled fish, such as guppies, swordtails, and platies, breed in a community aquarium. Those that spawn can do this in a spawning tank of 20-30 liters with sand soil and small-leaved plants. Usually one female and 2-3 males are placed in it.

The initial water temperature must be at least 25 degrees. Gradually it is increased by another 5-10. After spawning, the parents are removed.

Subsequently, the fry are fed live dust. Let us clarify that this is the most general information about the reproduction of veiled animals. It is worth talking in more detail about sexual differences, timing and conditions of reproduction for each species individually.

Long-finned thorn.


This is the most famous representative of this type of fish. It is one of the artificially bred breeds of goldfish. There are several variations of it. The two main standards are classic (skirt) and voile (ribbon).

Appearance and Behavior

The distinctive features of the latter are elongated fins and a lush veil tail in the form of a ribbon or fork. Body in the form of an egg or ball.

The most prized specimens are those whose tail consists of 3-4 fused lobes and falls down like a luxurious, fluffy veil. The dorsal fin is high, making up half to ¾ of the fish’s body. Other fins are elongated and pointed towards the end.

The eyes are large with irises of all colors except green. Some fish can reach a size of 20 cm. There are individuals with and without scales.

The coloring comes in a wide variety of colors.

The most common are dark red fish with golden bellies, chests and eyes.

Less commonly, they are white with bright red fins and tail (there is the opposite option) or only purple eyes. There are colors with pearly pink speckles and blue eyes (calico). Black individuals are very rare.

Like all similar fish, veiltails are slow, calm and friendly. Most of the time they burrow in the ground or swim leisurely.

Veil-tailed goldfish.

Conditions of detention

They need a spacious aquarium or even a declarative pond on the street.

Water should have the following indicators:

  • temperature 12-28°C,
  • hardness up to 20,
  • acidity 6.5-8.

There should be a lot of oxygen in the water, so filtration, aeration and weekly changes are required. Recommended light is bright, soil is fine.

You can decorate the pond with stones and driftwood. Plants are acceptable, live or artificial, both ground and floating. They are not picky about food.

No objects with sharp edges or edges are allowed, as veil-tailed fish will injure their body or damage their fins and tail.

Reproduction of the veiltail

These fish are ready to breed at the age of one year. At this time, the male develops a saw on the first ray of the front pair of pectoral fins and growths on the gill covers in the form of warts, the size of semolina. The female has a clearly visible thick belly with eggs.

Reproduction occurs in a spawning tank, in which the water meets the following parameters: 22-28°C, gH 8-15° and pH 7.0-8.0. A pair of males and one female are placed there, which is capable of laying up to 10 thousand eggs. After five days the fry begin to swim. During this time they are fed rotifers.

Important! Due to changes in the shape and structure of the body (as a result of selection), the internal organs of veil-tails have also shifted. This has affected the health of the fish: they get sick more often than their long-bodied relatives and live less.

As we can see, there are many varieties of veil fish, and there is plenty to choose from. Moreover, their content does not present insurmountable difficulties. It is only important to remember that all veils were bred by breeders, and therefore have not only advantages (very beautiful), but also disadvantages (they are slow, have poor health and a short life span).

But it is in your power to create comfortable conditions for these fish and provide proper care, and then they will delight you for quite a long time. Good luck!

Veiltail is one of the artificially cultivated ornamental breeds of the aquarium “goldfish” (lat. Carassius gibelio forma auratus (Bloch, 1782)), which is known for its elongated fins and a longer, more fluffy veiled tail - compared to other representatives of this species. Their size is no more than 20 cm.

From historical sources it is known that homeland of the veiltail(the Japanese name for the fish is “ryu:kin”, “ogiki-ryu:kin”, and the Chinese name is “ya-tan-yu”) - Japan, Yokohama.

The “ancestor” of veiltails is considered to be the Ryukin, a still existing breed of goldfish, distinguished by its unique body shape: short, swollen, with a characteristic “hump” from the head to the anterior ray of the dorsal fin. Breeders repeatedly selected from the offspring and crossed fish with the most outstanding exterior characteristics in terms of fins.

The American name veiltail was coined by William T. Innes in the 1890s, when Franklin Barrett of Philadelphia, while breeding Japanese pets of the Ryukin breed, obtained new varieties of goldfish with a trimmed tail. This led to the creation of a new line of veiltails, which became known throughout the world as the "Philadelphia veiltail", for which their own standards were developed.

Currently, there are two standards for veil tails: classic, and the so-called veil or veil: having a more magnificent and hanging caudal fin in the form of a “ribbon” and/or “fork”.

Veiltails are also divided into scaly and scaleless.
- Albino form of fish.
- “Golden veiltail” (golden) is distinguished by a solid golden color (from yellowish-red to pure red body shades).
- The calico veiltail is distinguished by its variegated coloring in the form of alternating spots on the body.
- Black veiltails are much less common and more valued.
- Veil telescope.

The color of these fish varies: specimens with areas of bright red and white to light cream are especially prized. Most often, veiltails are found with a dark red cinnabar back and sides of the same color, a dark golden belly and similarly colored chest and eyes.

Others have scarlet sides, chest, belly and corresponding fins and a milky white back. Others themselves are completely white, and the fins and tail are bright red, or vice versa.

Still others are covered, like pearls, with pinkish-red specks, and their eyes are light blue; the fourth ones are all white, and some of the eyes are large, bright red, purple. There are completely black ones, but they are extremely rare.

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Veiltail (Carassius auratus auratus) is one of the most luxurious varieties of aquarium goldfish, and in our country, perhaps one of the most famous and popular. Veiltails, however, are considered a rather rare and relatively expensive variety, since it is difficult to obtain offspring from them, and even more difficult to obtain a real quality variety. The body of veiltails, in contrast to ordinary goldfish and shubunkin, is more rounded and ovoid in shape.


All of today's varieties of goldfish are descendants of wild carp that live in Asia and Central Asia (Siberia). These fish live in still waters of rivers, lakes, ponds and ditches; They feed on plants, detritus, insects and small crustaceans. Over many centuries, beginning in the 16th century, these fish produced a huge variety of goldfish shapes and colors. There are currently 125 species of goldfish.

Veiltail goldfish were developed in Philadelphia in the late 19th century from the Japanese variety Wakin.


The main feature of veiltails is their long and thin-looking fins. In the best specimens, the caudal fin is completely split into two lobes, and the anal fin is also completely divided into two parts. In the worst specimens, these fins may not be completely separated all the way to the body. The best veiltails should have a tail that is at least 3/4 of their body length. The dorsal fin is single, straight. The body is ovoid, short and thick. They grow up to 15 - 18 cm in length, but not less than 5.5 cm, although 7.5 - 10 cm of the total length is the tail.

Veiltails are similar to fantail goldfish, but they have a more rounded body and extremely long and thin fins. The double caudal and anal fins are well separated, and the dorsal fin is longer; in veiltails it can grow up to 6 cm.

The color can be solid red or orange, variegated or multi-colored. Quality fish should be bright, intensely colored, and the color should extend to the fins.

Veiltails live on average 10 - 15 years in a home aquarium.

These impressively beautiful fish will decorate any aquarium, but they are not suitable for beginners - they are very delicate fish. Their thin, long fins are extremely susceptible to injury and infection, and their round body makes them very slow.

Just like all goldfish, veiltails are cold-resistant; they do not require mandatory heating in a home aquarium. However, it is very desirable to use filtration, especially biological. Filters will remove most of the detritus and waste from the water and help keep the water clean and oxygenated. All of this is very important if you want to keep your Veiltails healthy.

Choose an aquarium with a minimum volume of 40 liters, but it is better to immediately take a large aquarium: 70-100 liters for 1 goldfish and plus 35 liters for each additional one. That is, to maintain, for example, 5 veil tails you need 70 + (35 * 4) = at least 210 liters! You need to choose a tank with the largest water surface area so that the water can be freely saturated with oxygen.

With enough water, veiltails will grow large, beautiful and healthy, otherwise they will be stunted, prone to disease and may die.

Veiltails prefer cold water; water between 18 and 22°C suits them best. They can tolerate lower temperatures, just a few degrees above zero, but the cooling should be gradual, only a few degrees per day. A sharp drop in water temperature can kill veiltails. They can be kept in a pond, but it is better in a home aquarium - these goldfish are weaker than many of their other relatives.

It is advisable to have soil in the aquarium, so the veiltails will feel more comfortable. Decorations can be used, but they must all be smooth, with no sharp or protruding edges. It is better not to use stones and driftwood at all, or very little. Aquarium plants are useful, but they can all be uprooted by veiltail burrowers. You can take anubias or ferns, tying them to round stones, or artificial silk plants.

Lighting doesn't matter. Veiltails rarely jump out, but it is best to use a cover in the aquarium to reduce evaporation.

Veiltails are freshwater aquarium fish, but can live in slightly brackish water.

Content Options

Temperature: 18 – 22° C;
Breeding temperature: 18°C;
ph: 6.0-8.0;
Overall hardness: 5 - 19 dGH;
Salinity: specific gravity less than 1.002.


Due to their slowness, veiltails do not get along very well with common goldfish, comet and shubunkin - faster neighbors can interfere with them while feeding. Stargazers (sky-eyes), bubble-eyes (water eyes), telescopes and lionheads are better neighbors - these types of goldfish are slower.

Also, peaceful, calm tropical aquarium fish and peaceful bottom-dwelling catfish will be suitable neighbors.


Veiltails are omnivores and will eat any dry, live or frozen food offered. But it is better to feed dry and frozen foods to avoid infection in the aquarium.

The difference between a male and a female

It is very difficult to distinguish a male veiltail from a female during non-breeding season due to the short and round shape of the body. Often female veiltails are slimmer, giving the impression that they are males.

Males develop white tubercles on the gill cover and the leading edges of the pectoral fins - this is a sure sign of male gender.


The fins of veiltails are so huge that they impede the movement of fish. Therefore, they need more space to reproduce so that other fish do not get into the breeding area. Breeding veiltails is very complex and can be difficult.

The best breeders are chosen for breeding, with the longest fins - this is a sure sign that the offspring will inherit the qualities of their parents. Young veiltails, whose fins grow greatly in length at an early age, usually remain smaller and rarely reach maturity. The best producers will be those fish that first grow well, without wasting energy on the development of fins, and only later “grow” fins.

For breeding, breeders no older than 5 years are selected.

One of the most beautiful types of goldfish is the veiltail. Today, with the help of photos, we will be able to get acquainted with what these graceful beauties look like, and also learn the basic rules for their maintenance.



Veiltails are one of the artificially created and most popular. Its main difference from other relatives is that the fins are more elongated and quite lush. It is known that the birthplace of veiltails is Japan. It is there that the Ryukins live - their ancestors, who, as a result of selection, developed long and unusually beautiful tail fins. As a result of many years of selection, carried out in parallel in different countries, it was possible to develop two subspecies: classic and veil (distinguished by a more developed tail than that of the classic subspecies).

These beauties have a short, egg-shaped body, which makes veiltails not the best swimmers. This feature creates a number of problems for them when kept together with other species. Thus, when feeding, veiltails often do not keep up with the rest of their relatives and are forced to eat only the remnants of their lunch. Another characteristic feature of these fish is their beautiful forked caudal fin.

The coloring is quite varied. Most often you can find golden or red representatives of the species. But specimens of mixed colors are most valued: red, white or cream. Black veiltails are the least common species. The sizes are quite large: with good care they grow up to 20 cm. In addition, this fish can easily live more than 10 years.

Perhaps the veiltail fish is the most unpretentious variety of all the golden beauties. They can feel comfortable in almost any environmental conditions. However, round aquariums are absolutely not suitable for them. The fact is that such a glass configuration can ruin the fish’s vision. In addition, for their convenience, the water tank should be designed for 100 liters for one individual. In addition, these animals require regular water changes and a powerful filtration system (they produce a lot of waste).

You also need to pay attention to the ground. Goldfish love to tear it apart, digging up all possible plants. Therefore, either sandy soil or very coarse gravel is best. Otherwise, the fish will be able to swallow it, which will lead to their death. Veiltail fish love fairly cool water (up to 22 degrees), and can survive in aquariums with water at 10 degrees. Water parameters must be maintained as follows: 5-19 dGH, and ph at 6-8.


This has its own peculiarities, the fact is that goldfish do not have a stomach, which means that food goes directly into the intestines. This leads to the fact that they can eat until they die. Therefore, it is best to feed them twice a day with the amount of food that they can eat in one minute. In addition, they should only be fed with specialized food for goldfish. They guarantee a sufficient amount of nutrients that will not lead to overfeeding.

Who do they get along with?

This animal gets along very well with other species of aquarium inhabitants. The only thing is that these must be those species that have the same love for cool water. In addition, these golden beauties can eat their small neighbors. Therefore, it is best to keep them with related representatives of the group: telescopes or shubunkins. It is very bad to place them in the same aquarium with fast guppies, Sumatran barbs, and thorns.



Reproduction in veiltails becomes possible only a year after the fry hatches from the eggs. Before spawning begins, both the male and female change significantly in appearance. Thus, in the male, the first ray on the pectoral fin changes, and the female swells significantly in the belly area. These fish require a special spawning tank with a volume of about 100-150 liters. During one spawning, the female is capable of releasing up to 10 thousand eggs.


After spawning, the eggs begin to hatch into larvae. This usually happens on the 2nd day. And already on the 5th day, the grown fry begin to swim independently. At this time you need to feed them with rotifers.

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Video “Veiltails - another type of goldfish”

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Veiltails are the most popular aquarium fish of all goldfish. It has a short, rounded body, a forked caudal fin and a very varied coloration. But that's not the only thing that makes it popular. First of all, this is a very unpretentious fish, which is great for beginner aquarists, but it has its limitations. She digs quite a lot in the soil, loves to eat and often eats herself to death, and loves cool water.

Habitat in nature

Veiltail, like other types of goldfish, is not found in nature. But the fish from which it was bred is extremely widespread - crucian carp. It is the origin of this wild and strong fish that makes the veiltail so unpretentious and hardy.

The first veiltails were bred in China, and then, around the 15th century, they came to Japan, from where, with the arrival of Europeans, they came to Europe. It is Japan that can be considered the birthplace of the veil tail. At the moment, there are a lot of different color variations of the veiltail, but its body shape remains classic.


The veiltail has a short, ovoid body, which distinguishes it from other fish of the family, such as the shubunkin. Due to this body shape, it is not a very good swimmer, often unable to keep up with other fish when feeding. The tail is characteristic - forked, very long.

The veiltail lives for a long time, under good conditions, about 10 years or even more. It can grow up to 20 cm in length.

The coloring is varied, at the moment there are many different colors. The most common is the golden or red form, or a mixture of these two types.

Difficulty in content

Along with the Shubunkin, it is one of the most unpretentious goldfish. They are very undemanding to water parameters and temperature, feel good in a pond, a regular aquarium, or even in a round aquarium, and are unpretentious at home.


Feeding veiltails has its own characteristics. The fact is that goldfish do not have a stomach, and food immediately goes into the intestines. Accordingly, they eat as long as they have food in the aquarium. But, at the same time, they very often eat more than they can digest and die. In general, the only problem when feeding veiltails is calculating the correct amount of food. It is best to feed them twice a day, in portions that they can eat in one minute.

It is best to feed veiltails with special food for goldfish. Regular food is too nutritious for these insatiable fish. And special ones, in the form of granules, do not disintegrate quickly in water, it is easier for veiltails to look for them at the bottom, and such food is easier to dose.

If it is not possible to feed special food, then you can give any other food. Frozen, live, artificial - veiltails eat everything.

Feeding fish living in the pond:

Although, when you think of goldfish, the first thing that comes to mind is a small round aquarium with a lone veiled fish in it, this is not the best choice. Veiltail grows up to 20 cm, and it is not only large, it also produces a lot of waste. To keep one veiltail, you need at least a 100-liter aquarium; for each subsequent one, add another 50 liters of volume. In addition, you need a good external filter and regular water changes. All goldfish simply love to rummage in the soil, raising considerable dirt and even digging up plants.

Unlike tropical fish, veiltails love cool water. Unless the air temperature in your home drops below zero, then you do not need a heater in your aquarium. It is best not to place the aquarium in direct sunlight, and not to raise the water temperature to more than 22 C. Goldfish can live at water temperatures below 10, so the coolness does not bother them.
It is better to use sandy or coarse gravel as soil. Goldfish constantly dig in the soil, and quite often swallow large particles and die because of this.

As for the water parameters, they can be very different, but optimally it will be: 5 - 19° dGH, ph: 6.0 - 8.0, water temperature 20-23 C. The low water temperature is due to the fact that the fish comes from crucian carp and tolerates low temperatures well , and high ones are the opposite.

Compatibility with other fish

A peaceful fish that generally gets along well with other fish. But, veiltails need cooler water than all other tropical fish, plus they can eat small fish. It is best to keep them with related species - telescopes, shubunkins. But even with them, you need to make sure that the veiled tails have time to eat, which is not always possible with their more nimble neighbors. For example, veiltail and guppies in the same tank is not a good idea.

If you want to keep veiltails in a general aquarium, then avoid very small fish and fish that can break off their fins - sumatran barb, mutant barb, golden barb, thorntail, tetragonopterus.

Sex differences

It is very difficult to distinguish a female from a male in a veiltail. This is especially true for juveniles; in mature fish you can tell by their size; as a rule, the male is smaller and more graceful. It is possible to confidently determine the sex only during spawning, when white tubercles appear on the male’s head and gill cover.

Veiltail - maintenance, breeding, compatibility photo video

Veiltail is one of the most beautiful and popular types of aquarium goldfish. Their feature is, as the name suggests, a luxurious veil-like tail. In some individuals it can reach sizes six times larger than the body of the fish itself. It is important that the smallest tails of such a fish should not be much less than the length of the body.

It is known that aquarium veiltails were bred in Japan, they were removed from the Ryukin species.


Based on the type of tails, two types can be distinguished: classic or skirt and ribbon. In the classic species, the length of the caudal fins is approximately the same, due to this the fish acquires a strict skirt, and in the case of ribbon “fans”, due to different lengths, they create the impression that the tail is made of light fabric or gaseous matter. The value of the fish directly depends on their number, so the more “fans”, the more valuable the fish, the maximum number is 4. An interesting fact is that the ideal fin angle (between the upper and lower blades) is 90 degrees.

The value of the fish also depends on the coloring. The most popular are golden or red, and there may be a mixture of these colors. Among the plain ones, the rarest is the black veiltail. There are also many color options, mostly combinations of 2-3 colors, for example, white with pink spots or with bright orange fins. Fish with blue eyes are rare.

Despite the variety of tails and colors, the bodies of all veil tails are the same and somewhat resemble an egg; in the ribbon ones it is slightly longer. The outlines of the head smoothly transform into the body. Due to this body shape, the fish is slow and often does not keep up with others during feeding. The dorsal fin is erect and can reach ¾ of the entire body in size.

With proper care, such a fish can reach a length of 20 cm and live about 20 years.

How to properly keep a veiltail

Veiltails are unpretentious, which makes them easier to keep. Therefore, anyone, even a novice aquarist, can have them. They inherited their unpretentiousness from their wild ancestor – the carp. However, to care for it, you need to remember several nuances: such fish love cold water, love to dig in the ground, do not know moderation, and because of this they can overeat to death.

Many people mistakenly believe that such a veil-tail fish feels great in a round aquarium, because it is so beautiful, but this shape of a water tank leads to a deterioration in the fish’s vision and also slows down its growth. In order for your pet to feel comfortable, you will need an aquarium, the volume of which should be at least 50 liters, and preferably 100 liters. It is interesting that these aquarium fish live just as well outside in ponds in the summer. Fish love cool weather; the ideal temperature for them is 12-22 degrees. The water needs to be provided with good aeration. The best water parameters for breeding veiltails:

  • Water hardness (gH) from 8 to 15;
  • Acidity (pH) from 7.0 to 8.0;
  • Temperature range – 12-22 degrees.

It is necessary to install good filters in tanks for veiltails, since the fish often dig through the soil in search of food, lifting all the sediment into the water. In this regard, you need to take a closer look at the soil; the pebbles should be smooth, and if you want to use sand, then its structure should be coarse-grained. If you want to plant algae in an aquarium, they must have a strong root system so that the fish cannot dig them up or damage them. Don't forget to change the water in your aquarium regularly.

Features of feeding

Goldfish, which include the veiltail, do not have a stomach, so food goes straight into the intestines. Due to this, they can easily overeat and die. Calculating the portion of food for them is very simple; keep track of how much food the fish can handle in one minute. This is quite enough for half a day. Then simply feed the fish with approximately the same portions 2 times a day. Once a week, it is advisable for the fish to have a fasting day. The veiltail is not picky when it comes to food, as it is slow and inactive, but it is better to feed them with special food intended for goldfish, or granulated food, which is easy for the fish to find at the bottom.


365 days after birth, veiltails reach sexual maturity. During the mating season, the male develops some kind of warts on the gill covers, and the first pair of fins has a series of notches. A female ready for marking will have a distended abdomen; when viewed from above, a slight curvature of the body will be visible, which occurs due to the presence of eggs. Often it can persist even after the mark. For it, the female can lay from 2 to 10 thousand eggs. After 2 days the larva emerges, and on the 5th day the fry begin to swim independently.


Fish are quiet unless their neighbors are larger than their own mouth. They get along quite peacefully with the others. However, the water they require is much colder than that loved by tropical aquarium fish. Ideal neighbors would be similar species: telescopes, or, for example, Shubunkin. Also, do not forget that small fish can not only be swallowed, but also bite the veiltail’s fins. Such hooligans include:

  • Barbus mutant;
  • golden barb;
  • Sumatran barb;
  • Tetragonopterus;
  • ternation.

Ideal neighbors would be similar species: telescopes, or, for example, Shubunkin.

If you pay a little attention to the veil-tailed fish, they will delight you for a long time with their bright colors and luxurious shapes of fins and tail.

Veiled-tailed aquarium fish

Beautiful, bright and unusual inhabitants of the aquarium are always more popular than dull and inconspicuous ones. Undoubtedly, one of these beauties is the decorative veil-tailed fish. Despite the fact that the first of them were bred by man many centuries ago, they are still in great demand today, and new varieties are also appearing. We’ll talk about fish with veil tails and caring for them in our article.

Where does this name come from?

It's all about the appearance of the fish, or rather its beautiful, long fins and tail hanging from the body. They resemble a fabric called veil - light, transparent, flowing. Thanks to them, the fish seems to soar or fly in the water. This is where the name veil-tailed or veiled came from.

History of appearance

Several centuries ago, Chinese and Japanese fish farmers artificially bred the first ornamental fish - these are veil varieties of goldfish: veiltail and comet. For a long time they remained the only representatives of fish with such fins and tails.

Since 1952, a new life began for this trend in aquarium farming. At that time, almost simultaneously, scarf guppies and Henkel guppies saw the light of day in Moscow and New York.

The former had elongated and widened dorsal and anal fins, while the latter had veiled tails.

Vasiliev N.A., Obraztsov S.A., Malinovsky A.G. and Levitas Y.A. more successful than others in this matter in Russia. It was then that the scarf-fork variety of guppies appeared, in which the dorsal fin was longer than the tail.

Since 1956, amateur spawners have also joined the breeding of veil fish. K. Butendorf (GDR) developed an angelfish with a veiled tail.

Now we can see veil forms in many species of fish:

  • gold,
  • guppy,
  • angelfish,
  • cardinals,
  • zebrafish,
  • neons,
  • cockerels,
  • barbs,
  • ancistrus,
  • catfish,
  • synodontis, etc.

What do veil-tailed fish look like?

Main features:

  • long caudal fin at least 5/4 the length of the entire body of the fish, externally resembling a veil;
  • tail, consisting of 2-3, and ideally 4 blades;
  • there should be a right angle between the lower and upper blades of the tail fins;
  • the dorsal fin is most often high;
  • large eyeballs with different iris colors;
  • the body is spherical or ovoid.

It is worth noting that there may be variations in coloration, body structure and the presence of scales.

General Content Features

Aquarium must have a volume of at least 50 liters for a pair of individuals. Small round aquariums are absolutely not suitable as they cause vision problems and stunted fish growth.

Water indicators: temperature 12-18, hardness no more than 20, acidity 6.5-8.

Active filtration and aeration of water.

Priming made of coarse sand and small stones without sharp edges, since many veiled tails like to dig at the bottom in search of food.

Therefore, the amount of food per day should be no more than 3 percent of body weight. It should be divided into 2 parts and given in the morning and evening. Remove the remains. A fasting day is recommended every week. Feeds can be given combined, vegetable, live and dry.

Ideal neighbors

Veil-tailed fish are usually slow-moving, peaceful, sedate and self-sufficient. Their weak point is their luxurious plumage, which is very easy to damage. Therefore, other inhabitants must be selected taking into account these features.

Say yes!" small fish with a peaceful character:

  • zebrafish,
  • neon,
  • gourami,
  • cardinal,
  • Pecilia Shubunkina,
  • telescope.

Let us clarify that it is generally better to keep veil telescopes in pairs in a separate aquarium, since their sore spots are not only the tail, but also the eyes.

A tandem of veil fish with catfish, for example, speckled or ancistrus, is ideal. The fact is that the former create a lot of waste, and the latter dispose of it.

Getting offspring

Viviparous veiled fish, such as guppies, swordtails, and platies, breed in a community aquarium. Those that spawn can do this in a spawning tank of 20-30 liters with sand soil and small-leaved plants. Usually one female and 2-3 males are placed in it.

The initial water temperature must be at least 25 degrees. Gradually it is increased by another 5-10. After spawning, the parents are removed.

Subsequently, the fry are fed live dust. Let us clarify that this is the most general information about the reproduction of veiled animals. It is worth talking in more detail about sexual differences, timing and conditions of reproduction for each species individually.

This is the most famous representative of this type of fish. It is one of the artificially bred breeds of goldfish. There are several variations of it. The two main standards are classic (skirt) and voile (ribbon).

Appearance and Behavior

The distinctive features of the latter are elongated fins and a lush veil tail in the form of a ribbon or fork. Body in the form of an egg or ball.

The most prized specimens are those whose tail consists of 3-4 fused lobes and falls down like a luxurious, fluffy veil. The dorsal fin is high, making up half to ¾ of the fish’s body. Other fins are elongated and pointed towards the end.

The eyes are large with irises of all colors except green. Some fish can reach a size of 20 cm. There are individuals with and without scales.

The coloring comes in a wide variety of colors.

Less commonly, they are white with bright red fins and tail (there is the opposite option) or only purple eyes. There are colors with pearly pink speckles and blue eyes (calico). Black individuals are very rare.

Like all similar fish, veiltails are slow, calm and friendly. Most of the time they burrow in the ground or swim leisurely.

They need a spacious aquarium or even a declarative pond on the street.

Water should have the following indicators:

  • temperature 12-28°C,
  • hardness up to 20,
  • acidity 6.5-8.

There should be a lot of oxygen in the water, so filtration, aeration and weekly changes are required. Recommended light is bright, soil is fine.

You can decorate the pond with stones and driftwood. Plants are acceptable, live or artificial, both ground and floating. They are not picky about food.

No objects with sharp edges or edges are allowed, as veil-tailed fish will injure their body or damage their fins and tail.

Reproduction of the veiltail

These fish are ready to breed at the age of one year. At this time, the male develops a saw on the first ray of the front pair of pectoral fins and growths on the gill covers in the form of warts, the size of semolina. The female has a clearly visible thick belly with eggs.

Reproduction occurs in a spawning tank, in which the water meets the following parameters: 22-28°C, gH 8-15° and pH 7.0-8.0. A pair of males and one female are placed there, which is capable of laying up to 10 thousand eggs. After five days the fry begin to swim. During this time they are fed rotifers.

As we can see, there are many varieties of veil fish, and there is plenty to choose from. Moreover, their content does not present insurmountable difficulties. It is only important to remember that all veils were bred by breeders, and therefore have not only advantages (very beautiful), but also disadvantages (they are slow, have poor health and a short life span).

But it is in your power to create comfortable conditions for these fish and provide proper care, and then they will delight you for quite a long time. Good luck!

For more information about veil-tailed goldfish, watch the video:

An aquarium is not just a container for keeping decorative fish. This is a window into the underwater kingdom, where “beauties” and “beasts” live. One hundred percent of the “beauties” include the veiltail aquarium fish. And many connoisseurs breed golden veiltails as fish with remarkable exterior characteristics.

What does a veiltail look like?

There are two standards for the veiltail fish: classic (or skirt) and veil or veil (ribbon). The main distinguishing feature for the latest standard: a long and lush caudal fin, almost transparent, like gaseous matter. In a word, veil. This fin hangs down in a straightened “ribbon” (“fork”). Moreover, the length of the veiled tail can be several times (up to six) greater than the length of the fish’s body. There should be a 90 degree angle between the upper and lower blades of the caudal fin. In the classic veiltail, all the blades are equal, the caudal fin is in the form of a “skirt”. The main thing is that, according to any standard, the length of the caudal fin cannot be less than 5/4 of the length of the body. The tail may have two, sometimes three, blades. And only rare specimens have four. It looks very nice and is appreciated.

The dorsal fin of veiltail fish is high. The height is equal to the height of the body and should not be less. The fish's eyes are larger than those of a regular goldfish. And it is noteworthy that they have a variety of iris colors. It’s a pity that there are no green or emerald ones. The remaining fins are paired, with pointed edges. And, although the fish is slow and not very stable, the paired fins are strong. The body is defined as spherical or ovoid, and in the “ribbon” it is longer.

Standards are standards, but there are many variations of the aquarium fish veiltail: these are albino, and “calico” veiltail, and golden veiltail, and a rare fish that is completely black. In addition to its luxurious fins, the fish is also attractive due to its color. The back and sides are dark red, and the chest, belly and eyes are dark gold - this is a veil tail. Either the whole fish is white, and the fins are bright red, or vice versa - this is also a veil tail. Fish covered with pink-red spots, like scattered pearls, with blue eyes look very attractive. Or…. There are many options. They can also be scaly or scaleless. But in order for this beauty of veil-tailed aquarium fish to please the eye for a long time, they need to create comfortable conditions.

For each pair of such fish you need an aquarium volume of about 50 liters. If you want more beauty, give it a larger aquarium. They can even live in ponds and swimming pools. Naturally, in cold weather you need to move them to an aquarium. These fish are demanding of water purity and oxygen saturation. Therefore, aeration is necessary. Veil tails quickly clog the aquarium, so water filtration is also necessary. Water requirements: temperature range 12-28 degrees Celsius, water acidity ranging from 6.5 to 8.0. The hardness of aquarium water can be up to 20 degrees.

Veiltail fish, like true crucian carp, love to look for food in the ground, so there are requirements for the design of the bottom of the aquarium. There should be no sharp edges on the stones: they can damage the fins. If sand is used, it should be coarse. The roots of living plants should be hidden in stones, the leaves of the plants should be hard, but clinging. The latter is especially important for artificial plants. Veiltail fish are calm, slow fish that are not picky about food. They consume live, plant, combined and dry food. They should not be overfed. On average, a fish should eat about 3% of its body weight per day. We divide the food into 2 portions and feed it in the morning and evening. It is advisable to collect leftover food. Once a week we allow a fasting day.

Who do veiltails get along with?

Like all beauties, veil-tails have their ill-wishers and envious people. Veiltail aquarium fish are peaceful and slow-moving. And the proximity of active and nimble people does not suit them. Especially those who drag them by their fins, or can even gnaw them. These are fish of the characin family or restless neighbors barbs. Veiltails get along with Shubunkin fish. When well maintained, the fish grow up to 20 cm and can live up to 20 years.

Name of aquarium fish photo catalog video species.


Goldfish appeared almost more than a thousand years ago, the first color varieties of the Chinese silverfish. It is from them that the goldfish with all its many species traces its ancestry. The aquarium for goldfish should be large, with a substrate of large pebbles or gravel.


The beautiful fish “at heart” remain crucian carp and, just like crucian carp, they dig in the ground, stir up water and dig up plants. You have to have powerful filters in the aquarium and plant plants with a strong root system or in pots.
Body length up to 22 cm. The body is rounded, with long veil fins. The color is orange, red, black or spotted. Through many years of selection by aquarists of the Ancient East, it was possible to develop a huge number of beautiful varieties goldfish. Among them: telescopes, veil-tails, celestial eye, or astrologer, shubunkin and others. They differ from each other in body shape, fins, color and have long lost their external resemblance to crucian carp



A rather small fish that can live in aquariums from 30 liters. The classic color is brown. Often these small catfish are confused with their larger counterparts - pterygoplichts. In general, it is a very hard-working fish and is good at cleaning build-up.


SWORD-BEARER- one of the most popular aquarium fish. It is found naturally in the waters of Honduras, Central America, Guatemala and Mexico.
The fish is viviparous. Males are distinguished from females by the presence of a sword-shaped process, hence the name. It has an interesting feature: in the absence of males, the female can change sex and grow a “sword”. They are also known to eat algae and snails.


Very cute and nimble catfish Corydoras. We would compare them to the Pomeranian of the dog world. A small bottom-dwelling fish that does not require special conditions feeds on what it can find at the bottom. As a rule, they are 2-10 centimeters long. If you don’t know who to put in the aquarium, buy Corydoras.

Botia clown

This type of bot is the most popular among aquarists. Most likely due to the fact that clowns look very impressive, as can be seen in the photo. The peculiarity of the fish is the spikes that are located under the eyes. These spines can extend when the fish is in danger. They can live up to 20 years.

Sumatran barb

Perhaps one of the most spectacular types of barbs - for this reason it is considered one of the most popular of its kind. They must be kept in a school, which makes the fish even more spectacular. The size in an aquarium is up to 4-5 centimeters.

SIAMESE ALGAE EATER- a peaceful and very active fish. The best assistant in the fight against algae.
Inhabits the waters of Thailand and the Malaysian Peninsula.
In nature it grows up to 16 cm, in captivity much less. Life expectancy in an aquarium can be 10 years. Eats algae of almost all types and even flip flops.
Content: 24 - 26 °C; dH 4 - 20°; pH 6.5 - 7

The most interesting and beautiful fish, a representative of the Cichlid family. The homeland of this fish is South America.
Discus fish are calm, peaceful and a little shy. They live in the middle layers of water and do not get along well with angelfish and highly active fish. Should be kept in a group of 6 or more individuals. Very picky about water temperature. If the temperature is below 27 °C, then the discus get sick, refuse to eat and die.
Content: 27 - 33 °C; dH up to 12°; pH 5 - 6

The most unpretentious fish, ideal for beginner aquarists. Habitat: Northern part of South America and the islands of Barbados and Trinidad.
The male has a luxurious tail with a bright and beautiful pattern. The female is twice as large as the male and not as bright. This fish is viviparous. The aquarium must be closed. It is better to keep them in a species aquarium, since active neighbors can damage their veiled tails. Guppies are omnivores.
Content: 20 - 26 °C; dH up to 25°; pH 6.5 - 8.5

Shark barb (bala)

Shark bala or barb is a fish that was so named as a result of its resemblance to sharks (this can be seen from the photo of the aquarium fish next to the description). These fish are large, they can grow up to 30-40 centimeters, so it is better to keep them together with other large barbs in a volume of 150 liters or more.

Betta fish. Found naturally in Southeast Asia.
The only drawback is that males are very aggressive towards each other. They can grow up to 5 cm in length. Surprisingly, this fish breathes atmospheric air due to a special labyrinth organ. Keeping this fish does not require special knowledge. It is advisable to have an aquarium of at least 3 liters. Diversity in food is encouraged.
Content: 25 - 28 °C; dH 5 - 15°; pH 6 - 8

A peaceful and beautiful fish. Belongs to the Labyrinth family. They are found in the waters of the large islands of Indonesia, the Malay Peninsula, and southern Vietnam. They get along with any neighbors and grow up to 10 cm. They live mainly in the upper and middle layers of water. They are most active during the daytime. Recommended for beginner aquarists. It is necessary to keep an aquarium of at least 100 liters with live plants and bright lighting.
Content: 24 - 26 °C; dH 8 - 10°; pH 6.5 - 7

Danio rerio

A small fish up to 5 centimeters long. It is not difficult to recognize due to its coloring - a black body with longitudinal white stripes. Like all zebrafish, it is a nimble fish that never sits still.


Telescopes come in gold and black. As a rule, they are not very large in size, up to 10-12 cm, so they can live in aquariums from 60 liters. The fish is spectacular and unusual, suitable for those who love everything original.

Black mollies

There are black, orange, yellow, and also mixed breeds. In shape they are a cross between guppies and swordtails. The fish is larger than its relatives described above, so it requires aquariums of 40 liters or more.


Pecilia are the personification of a whole genus - the Poeciliidae. They can come in a variety of colors, from bright orange to variegated with black splashes. Fish can grow up to 5-6 centimeters.


A good fish that does not like encroachment on its territory. Although she is beautiful, she requires proper treatment. It is better not to plant them with their own kind; there are enough females and males of this species in the aquarium; they can get along with neons, guppies and other small species.

An active, schooling, peace-loving and very shy fish. It comes from the Rio Negro River basin.
In an aquarium it grows up to 3.5 cm, life expectancy is up to 5 years. Should be kept in a flock of at least 10 individuals. You should not add them to large fish, as neon can easily become their prey. Maintains in the lower and upper layers. The size of the aquarium is selected at the rate of 15 - 20 liters per couple of individuals. Food: small bloodworms, dry flakes.
Content: 22 - 26 °C; dH up to 8°; pH 5 - 6.5

SCALARIA- angel fish. Found in South America in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.
This fish has been known to aquarists for many years. She is able to decorate absolutely any aquarium with her presence. This is a calm and schooling fish with a lifespan of 10 years. It should be kept in a group of 4 - 6 individuals. A large and hungry angelfish can eat small fish, such as neon. And a fish like a barb can easily pluck its fins and antennae. Prefers live food.
Content: 24 - 27 °C; dH 6 - 15°; pH 6.5 - 7.5


Tetra fish love when there are a lot of living plants in the aquarium, and therefore oxygen. The body of the fish is slightly flattened, the predominant colors are red, black and silver.



Ternetia is also called the black tetra. The classic color is black and silver, with black vertical stripes. The fish is quite popular, so finding it in your city will not be difficult.


The size of the fish varies, but in general they do not grow more than 8-10 centimeters. There are also smaller species. All fish are beautiful, silver in color, with different shades. The fish are schooling and live calmer in a group.

ASTRONOTHUS- a large, calm and slightly timid fish. Found in the Amazon River basin.
In an aquarium it can grow up to 25 cm, life expectancy can be more than 10 years. Can eat little neighbors. The aquarium is selected at the rate of 100 liters per individual. There should be no sharp decorations, as astronotuses can injure themselves in a panic. The aquarium must be closed. Should be fed with live food.
Content: 23 - 26 °C; dH up to 35°; pH 6.5 - 8.5

BLACK KNIFE- bottom and night fish. Lives in overgrown parts of the Amazon River.
Has an interesting body structure. Can move in any direction. In an aquarium it grows up to 40 cm. During the daytime it mainly hides. It is better to keep them alone, as clashes may occur between large individuals. An aquarium of 200 liters or more with driftwood, live plants and a large number of shelters made of stones is suitable for keeping.
Feeds on live food.
Content: 20 - 25 °C; dH 4 - 18°; pH 6 - 7.5

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The veiltail is one of the artificially cultivated ornamental breeds of aquarium “goldfish” that is known for its elongated fins and a longer, more fluffy veil tail - compared to other representatives of this species.

Origin story
From historical sources it is known that the birthplace of the veiltail (the Japanese name for the fish is “ryu:kin”, “ogiki-ryu:kin”, and the Chinese - “ya-tan-yu”) is Japan, Yokohama. The “ancestor” of veiltails is considered to be the Ryukin, a still existing breed of goldfish, distinguished by its unique body shape: short, swollen, with a characteristic “hump” from the head to the anterior ray of the dorsal fin. Breeders repeatedly selected from the offspring and crossed fish with the most outstanding exterior characteristics in terms of fins.
In Russia, several variations of veiltails are known, which were imported from China and Europe (mainly from Germany); Using the method of selection, their own lines were formed, which were sold in markets and pet stores. Due to the fact that in Russia there are no factory producers of aquarium fish and plants, many breeds of goldfish are losing their former superiority and exceptional forms, being replaced by Western ones: mainly American ones. We can say that the Russian national lines of veil tails are almost irretrievably lost.
The American name veiltail was coined by William T. Innes in the 1890s, when Franklin Barrett of Philadelphia, while breeding Japanese pets of the Ryukin breed, obtained new varieties of goldfish with a cut off tail. This led to the creation of a new line of veiltails, which became known throughout the world as the "Philadelphia veiltail", for which their own standards were developed.
Currently, there are two standards for veil tails: classic, and the so-called veil or veil: having a more magnificent and hanging caudal fin in the form of a “ribbon” and/or “fork”.

A short ovoid or spherical body, the profile of the head smoothly merges into the profile of the back, all fins are very long, thin, almost transparent; the anal fin is double, the caudal fin is unusually long: sometimes 6 times longer than the body of the fish itself, very wide and as thin and transparent as some lightest gaseous matter or mist - in a word, something so airy, which, without seeing, is difficult to imagine imagine, has a train-like veil-like forked appearance. There are especially valuable specimens in which the tail consists not of two fused fins, but of three or even four, forming deep folds and falling down like a luxurious veil. The angle between the upper and lower blades of the tail of a ribbon veil tail is about 90º, or all the blades are equal - like a skirt tail. The erect dorsal fin is equal to 1/2 - 3/4 of the body height in the ribbon veil tail, and higher in the skirt tail. The remaining fins are paired, strongly elongated, with slightly pointed tips. The eyes are slightly larger than ordinary ones, but are distinguished by a remarkable variety of iris colors, which can be of all colors, with the exception of green. The most valuable thing in the selection of veil tails is the length and splendor of their caudal fin with a spherical body (in contrast to the body of a comet). The dorsal fin is vertical and its front rays are equal in length to the height of the body. The anterior rays of the ventral fins are of the same size. The anal and caudal fins are forked, with the caudal fin almost equal to the length of the body and measuring up to 20 cm.
Color varies: specimens with areas of bright red and white to light cream are especially prized. Most often, veiltails are found with a dark red cinnabar back and sides of the same color, a dark golden belly and similarly colored chest and eyes. Others have scarlet sides, chest, belly and corresponding fins and a milky white back. Others themselves are completely white, and the fins and tail are bright red, or vice versa. Still others are covered, like pearls, with pinkish-red specks, and their eyes are light blue; the fourth ones are all white, and some of the eyes are large, bright red, purple. There are completely black ones, but they are extremely rare.
The behavior of fish is calm and peaceful. The short body and gently falling large caudal fin do not allow the veiltail to control its movements well. Therefore, veiltails are slow in their movements and unstable. They constantly dig in the ground in search of food.
Modern standards for veil fish have changed little compared to those at the beginning of the century. Veiltails exhibited at exhibitions are subject to certain requirements: the height of the dorsal fin must be equal to the height of the body, the minimum ratio of tail length to body length is 5/4, the length of the pelvic fins must be 3/5 of the length of the tail. The curve of the back should smoothly transition into the line of the tail, the caudal fin itself should look like a train, gracefully falling down. The dorsal fin, in addition to being of sufficient height, must have such rigidity that the fish can constantly keep it unfolded.
In the American standardization of veil tail lovers, two independent breeds are indicated (English Fringetail - trimmed or bordered tail, and Latin Veiltail - veil tail). In Russian - respectively, “ribbon” and “skirt” veils.
The classic veiltail has a smooth caudal fin in the shape of a “skirt”. Tails in the form of a “fork” or “ribbon” appeared much later and in the 80s of the 20th century already prevailed among the variety of forms.
Ribbon veiltail
The body is elongated: the ratio of height and body length is from 1/2 to 5/8. The caudal fin is forked and strongly elongated - equal to or longer than the size of the body, and the angle between the upper and lower blades is about 90º. The erect dorsal fin is high: from 1/2 to 3/4 of the body height. The remaining fins are paired, strongly elongated, slightly pointed at the ends. The eyes are slightly enlarged.
Skirt veiltail
The body is very short and more rounded - ovoid and swollen. The ratio of height to body length is from 5/8 to one. The caudal fin is forked and greatly elongated - equal to at least 3/4 of the body length: the longer the tail of the goldfish, the better; the upper and lower blades are a single unit. The erect dorsal fin is very high and makes up at least 3/4 of the body height. The remaining fins are paired, strongly elongated, well spread. The eyes are slightly enlarged.
Conditions of keeping and reproduction
Veiltails are kept at:
Water hardness (gH) up to 20°
Water acidity (pH) 6.5-8.0;
Temperature (t) 12-28 °C.
Demanding on high oxygen content in water. Can be kept in a school with other calm fish. It is not advisable to keep veiltails with characin fish, which fray and tear off their fins.
They are unpretentious when it comes to food and are omnivores: they eat both live and plant foods, as well as dry food.
The sexual maturity of veiltails and the possibility of their reproduction occurs a year after the fry hatch from the eggs. A male goldfish ready for spawning has characteristic differences: a saw on the first ray of the front pair of pectoral fins in the form of a series of notches and warts appear on the gill covers, usually the size of grains of semolina. The female, mature and ready for marking, has a thick belly filled with eggs. If you look at it from above, you will notice the curvature of the fish’s body caused by the presence of caviar. The resulting curvature often remains after spawning. Preparation for spawning is similar to that described for other cyprinids: the spawning tank is set up in the center of a 100-150 liter aquarium with a spawning grid, one or two sprayers and a bunch of small-leaved plants in the center. For one female there are 2 males. Fertility is from 2 to 10 thousand eggs. The larva emerges after 2 days. On the 5th day the fry begin to swim. Feeding the fry with rotifers.
For breeding:
Water hardness indicators (gH) 8-15°;
Water acidity (pH) 7.0-8.0;
Temperature (t) 22-28 °C.
Features of the structure and shape of the body, obtained through artificial selection, led to constraint and displacement of the internal organs of the veiltail. Representatives of this breed of goldfish are more susceptible to various diseases, and their life expectancy is much shorter than that of long-bodied varieties.
The offspring often contain fry with single or unforked caudal and/or anal fins. It happens that the caudal fin is twisted back. Such fish are more tenacious and active in movements, however, they are rejected, and some of the most interesting ones can be used to breed new breeds."]Taken here