Kegel exercises target the pelvic floor muscles. Under normal conditions, they (the muscles) are used quite rarely, as a result of which over time or under the influence of various factors they weaken and lose elasticity. As a result, the main task (holding organs in the pelvis) is not performed properly, which often leads to problems in sexual life and various kinds of diseases.

On a note! The exercises were developed by the famous obstetrician Arnold Kegel in the middle of the last century.

When are Kegel exercises recommended?

Below are the main goals of these exercises:

  • treatment or prevention of prolapse of organs located in the pelvis;
  • counteracting the effects of aging on the body;
  • treatment of fecal and urinary incontinence;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
  • preparation for childbirth or pregnancy;
  • prolongation of good sexual health;
  • increased sexual activity;
  • increased sexual sensations;
  • increased orgasm (vaginal and clitoral);
  • regeneration of tissues that have stretched after childbirth.

As you can see, exercises can be performed in many situations, but we are interested in postpartum recovery.

Video - Kegel exercises with a simulator

Why do problems arise?

During pregnancy, there is excessive stress on the pelvic floor muscles. They are not only a support for the embryo, but also a kind of channel through which the fetus leaves the womb during childbirth. Muscles can weaken for various reasons - due to rupture of perineal tissue or, for example, episiotomy.

This condition manifests itself in weakening of the muscles of the urinary canal, which can cause a little urine to be released (for example, when coughing or laughing), and the walls of the vagina lower. The latter after childbirth increases slightly and becomes less elastic. Often, when the perineum ruptures, the tissues of the inner layer are also destroyed. Less often, the genital fissure is unable to completely close even after the perineum is completely restored. Low elasticity and sensitivity of vaginal tissue can cause a decrease in sexual sensations, and for two partners at once.

Kegel exercises will help solve all these problems.

How to identify the right muscles?

When placing a finger into the vagina, the target muscles contract around it, while the back or gluteal muscles need to be relaxed. In other words, if the muscles close around the finger, it means that the right thing is being trained. You should breathe deeply and evenly.

There is another way. It consists of sitting on the toilet, spreading your legs slightly and trying to stop urinating without moving them. The muscles that are tense at this time are the pelvic floor muscles.

On a note! If you were unable to identify them the first time, then do not despair - you need to try again.

Method one. Muscle contraction

In this case, the muscles will only shrink. The pace is different.

Exercise No. 1

Step one. The muscles contract/unclench quickly for ten seconds, followed by a ten-second break. After three approaches you need to rest for half a minute.

Step two. The muscles contract/unclench for five seconds, after which you need to rest for the same amount of time. The exercise is repeated nine times.

Step three. The muscles are compressed, held for half a minute and relaxed for the same amount of time. The exercise is performed twice, after which step one is repeated.

Exercise No. 2

For two minutes the muscles simply contract and relax. The duration gradually increases to twenty minutes. The exercise must be performed every day at least three times.

Exercise No. 3

Step one. The muscles contract, hold for five seconds and relax. You need to do ten approaches.

Step two. The muscles quickly contract/unclench ten times, the exercise is repeated three times.

Step three. The muscles are compressed and held for as long as possible (up to two minutes). After a two-minute rest, the exercise is repeated.

Exercise #4

Step one. The muscles contract/relax thirty times, then you need to proceed to the second step. The number of compressions in the previous step gradually increases to one hundred times.

Step two. The muscles are compressed with extreme force and held for half a minute, then released for the same amount of time. The procedure is performed five times.

Method two. Muscle contraction and “pushing”

There are also several exercises here, let's look at each of them.

Exercise No. 1. Abbreviations

In this case, everything is simple: the sexual muscles tense and relax at maximum speed.

Exercise No. 2. Slow squeeze

Step one. The muscles tense in the same way as when stopping urination.

Exercise No. 3

It's called "pushing". Its essence is this: you need to push moderately (in the same way as during bowel movements or childbirth).

On a note! Training should begin like this: compression + contraction + “pushing” five times daily (at least ten approaches).

A week later, five more exercises are added to each complex; the number of approaches remains the same. Weekly additions are repeated until there are 30 of them. After this, the number no longer increases, but the exercises are performed with the same frequency.

Video - How to do Kegel exercises after childbirth

When the postpartum period passes, some women notice a number of unpleasant symptoms that have not disappeared: incontinence of drops of urine when laughing, coughing, physical activity, decreased sexual sensations during sexual activity. The reason for these phenomena is the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. Is it possible to get rid of these troubles?

During childbirth, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes from almost all systems that experience additional stress. In particular, in the genital area of ​​a woman during childbirth, ruptures of the perineum and vaginal walls of varying degrees are possible. The baby’s head, passing through the mother’s genital tract, has a diameter of about 10 cm. The tissues of the perineum (the perineum is the zone from the lower point of convergence of the labia majora to the anus) are not always sufficiently extensible, and a number of factors (large fetus, its incorrect position, rapid or, conversely, prolonged labor) can lead to rupture of the vagina and even the cervix. Sometimes the doctor himself makes an incision in the perineum (episio- or perineotomy, since the incision heals better than a rupture). Over time, connective tissue may form at the site of the sutures. After healing, the muscles in this area may begin to work differently than before, and functional inferiority of the pelvic floor muscles occurs.

Let's take a closer look at how a woman's pelvic floor works.

An excursion into anatomy

The uterus is normally located between the bladder and rectum. The position of the uterus is fixed to the walls of the pelvis by ligaments (the so-called ligamentous suspensory apparatus). The pelvic diaphragm, or pelvic floor, holds it in place from below. This is the main anatomical formation responsible for maintaining the normal position of the uterus and pelvic organs. This structure ensures uniform pressure distribution during physical activity.

With the rupture of the perineal tissue and the divergence of the muscles responsible for the tone of the pelvic floor, with the formation of functional inferiority, these functions weaken. The uterus and vaginal walls, deprived of the necessary support, gradually descend. The bladder and urethra are adjacent to the anterior wall of the vagina, and the wall of the rectum is adjacent to the posterior wall. Displacement of the uterus and vaginal walls causes disruption of the sphincters (ring-shaped muscles that perform an obturator function in the urethra, bladder and rectum). Sphincters lose the ability to reflexively contract when intra-abdominal pressure increases. Therefore, when straining (laughing, coughing), involuntary release of urine occurs. In addition, the width of the vagina increases, and the genital slit may gape (remain slightly open). The so-called postpartum anorgasmia occurs - the absence of the previous sensations during sexual activity in the presence of desire.

Where can I go?

Helping a woman in this situation is not so difficult for an experienced specialist. Intimate surgery is a branch based on the intersection of several branches of medicine. This includes gynecology, plastic surgery, sexology, psychology, and psychiatry. In fact, before deciding on the indications for surgery and the scope of the intervention, the gynecologist needs to decide whether the patient needs surgery at all. Before the operation, in addition to consulting a gynecologist, a consultation with a psychologist or sex therapist can be carried out, since violations of intimate life can also be caused by psychological reasons.

Diagnostic methods

The first step is, of course, a consultation with a gynecologist. During the examination, in addition to the woman’s complaints, the severity of the changes is taken into account: prolapse of the vaginal walls, the frequency of episodes of urinary incontinence, the presence of scar tissue deformation. Having asked the patient to squeeze the muscles of the perineum, the doctor evaluates the strength of contractions during a gynecological examination on a chair. However, this is done more accurately using special devices with digital sensors (perineometers). A vaginal sensor is inserted into the woman’s vagina, then she contracts the perineal muscles as much as possible, and a quantitative assessment of this contraction is displayed on the device’s scale. A perineometer works on the same principle as a blood pressure monitor, meaning it measures the pressure created in the vagina. Next, the doctor decides on the method of treatment and, if necessary, consultations with other specialists (psychologist, therapist, anesthesiologist). In milder cases, treatment begins with conservative methods of therapy.

Conservative methods of strengthening the pelvic floor muscles

Special exercises improve blood supply to the pelvic organs, restore their anatomy, eliminate stagnation of venous blood and prolapse of the vaginal walls. Of course, these methods are most effective for the initial manifestations of pelvic floor muscle incompetence, that is, not in cases where urinary incontinence occurs even with little physical activity. In the middle of the last century, special exercises were developed to develop the muscles of the perineum, intended for the treatment of women with postpartum (the so-called). Moreover, the author of the technique, Dr. Kegel, made another important observation: those with “good” vaginal muscles not only did not suffer from urinary incontinence, but were also much more satisfied with their intimate life. Dr. Kegel recommended exercises to his patients that exist today in several modifications. These exercises can be used not only for treatment - they can be performed by both pregnant women and women after childbirth for preventive purposes. Kegel exercises involve contracting the pelvic muscles that support the vagina. These muscles contract when a woman stops urinating or tightens her vagina.

Symptoms that should prompt you to contact a specialist:

  • disruption of the physiological functions of the pelvic organs of varying degrees (bladder, rectum), which can appear both in the postpartum period and also during pregnancy - urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • lack of previous sensations during sexual activity if desired (anorgasmia), painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • gaping of the genital slit, sometimes causing dryness in the genital area;
  • the appearance of complaints due to a violation of the microflora of the vagina, urethra (periodically increasing mucous whitish discharge with an unpleasant odor in the absence of any genitourinary tract infections);
  • prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus (usually detected during a gynecological examination).

To enhance the effect, special vaginal balls can be inserted into the vagina (then the woman, while walking, tensing the muscles of the perineum, holds them inside the body). In addition to strengthening the muscles, these exercises, according to a number of researchers, help improve sexual function. This conclusion is supported by data on the participation of two physiological processes in the sexual response: increased blood flow to the genitals and myotonia - increased muscle tension.

In addition to Kegel exercises, so-called step-free therapy is used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The load on the corresponding muscles is ensured with the help of special vaginal cones of different weights. The cone is inserted into the vagina with the narrow end and the muscles contract, trying to hold it and preventing it from slipping out. As the muscles strengthen, they move on to a cone with more weight. In any case, you need to exercise daily, 2-3 times during the day for 5-15 minutes. The more time you devote to training, the faster and more effective the treatment will be. The effect is assessed after a year of use.

Kegel exercises

  1. Strongly contract the vaginal muscles for 1-2 seconds, then relax them; To achieve the effect, you must perform 5-30 contractions several times a day.
  2. Contract the vaginal muscles for 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds. Do the exercise 4 minutes a day. After this, do quick contractions for 1 minute (1 second each), alternating them with the same quick relaxations.
  3. “Elevator” exercise: contract the vaginal muscles (“1st floor”), hold for 3-5 seconds, continue contracting with greater force (“2nd floor”), hold again. Go through 4-5 “floors” like this. Make the same step-by-step movement “down”, lingering on each “floor”. You can do the exercises at home, in public transport, or while watching TV.

There are also special mini-simulators for individual use that allow you to put stress on the pelvic floor muscles. A woman devotes 5-10 minutes a day to “training”, performing exercises in the mode set by the device. These devices have a special vaginal sensor. A special screen reflects not only the specified exercise mode, but also the strength of the contractions produced by the woman, which allows her to assess the effectiveness of the training herself.

Finally, physiotherapy is used to strengthen muscles. We are talking about myostimulation of the perineal muscles under the influence of pulsed electrotherapy. These effects can be combined with gymnastics. If the above measures do not bring a significant positive effect, the degree of anatomical disorders is great, and it is necessary to resort to surgical methods.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is resorted to when conservative treatment is ineffective, in case of severe urinary incontinence, when there is no hope for the effect of conservative methods, the patient’s wishes are also taken into account.

During the operation, the size of the vaginal opening is reduced, as well as the size of the vagina itself. Technically, it looks something like this:

  • an incision is made along the back wall of the vagina,
  • a cone-shaped area of ​​the vaginal mucosa is excised,
  • the edges of the resulting defect are sutured layer by layer,
  • as a result, the volume of the vagina decreases and it becomes narrower.

There are no scars left after the operation. Sometimes they limit themselves to plastic surgery of only the entrance to the vagina: a smaller outer section of the mucous membrane is excised, without affecting the inside of the vagina. The postoperative period in this case is shorter.

In other situations, when, on the contrary, there is a narrowing of the entrance to the vagina due to old scars, the scar tissue is excised and integrity is restored also by layer-by-layer suturing of the mucous membrane, muscles, and skin of the perineum. This allows, by returning to the normal anatomy of the organs, to relieve the woman from painful sensations and return to a full sexual life without discomfort.

When should surgery not be performed?
Vaginoplasty is contraindicated:

  • for all general conditions of the body in which planned surgical interventions are contraindicated (fever, infectious diseases, oncological pathology, some blood diseases);
  • in the presence of a mild degree of identified disorders, which makes it possible to successfully apply conservative treatment methods.

The choice of surgical method is made based on the results of a vaginal examination of the patient by a gynecologist, which allows one to assess the degree of changes in the vaginal walls and determine treatment tactics. Vaginal plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia; the operation lasts 1-1.5 hours. During the intervention, the patient sleeps and does not feel pain. If there are contraindications to general anesthesia, spinal or.

The postoperative period in the hospital has the following features:

  • toileting of the external genitalia and perineum is performed 4-5 times a day;
  • vaginal douching is not recommended;
  • silk sutures on the skin of the perineum are removed on the 5th day;
  • a woman is advised to eat easily digestible food to avoid constipation (“straining” after surgery is contraindicated);
  • It is allowed to sit down only after 12-15 days.

A few days later the woman is discharged from the hospital.

During the next 2-3 weeks after discharge, it is not recommended to sit - you can only walk and lie down. During the first months, heavy lifting is not allowed and physical activity should be limited. It is necessary to monitor bowel movements and avoid constipation. It is better to postpone having sex until 2 months after surgery.

Pregnancy should not be planned within the next 12 months after surgery. During subsequent births, vaginal ruptures along the old scar are possible, but this does not happen often; tissues have time to restore their anatomical and functional usefulness. The presence of vaginal plastic surgery is not an indication for a cesarean section in the future.

Currently, there is a continuous search for new treatment methods for this problem (both surgical and conservative). This demonstrates both the desire to make these interventions less traumatic and more effective, and the increased interest of patients in these techniques, which allow them to live a full life again, feel loved and desired.

Oksana Shishkanova,
Obstetrician-gynecologist, Obstetrics Center,
gynecology and perinatology RAMS
Article provided by the magazine "Pregnancy. From to Childbirth" N 02 2007

Kegel gymnastics is also very popular among modern girls who want to strengthen the vaginal muscles to give new sensations during sexual intercourse. Despite the fact that many are skeptical about this technique, the number of its adherents is constantly growing.

The essence of the technique

Initially, a set of Kegel exercises was developed for women suffering from involuntary urination after childbirth. The scientist found that the pelvic floor muscles in this case practically do not perform their functions, although they are responsible for holding back urine during sudden tension, for example, when sneezing, coughing or laughing. After childbirth, a woman’s genitals undergo significant changes:

  • the elasticity of the vaginal walls is lost;
  • its walls descend;
  • the tone of the pelvic floor muscles decreases;
  • muscle separation occurs (diastasis).

The essence of the Kegel complex is to train the vaginal and pubococcygeus muscles that are part of the woman’s pelvic floor. Also, performing gymnastics helps increase blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system, improves blood circulation and helps saturate the blood with oxygen.

It is recommended to start classes using this method at the stage of pregnancy planning in order to fully prepare for the upcoming birth. The pelvic muscles play a significant role in childbirth, so modern medicine has developed training for expectant mothers based on the principles of Kegel.

Currently, the technique is widely used in medical institutions around the world, its simulator has many modifications, but the essence remains unchanged - increasing the elasticity of the pelvic muscles. The system is quite easy to use; you can do gymnastics at home. To achieve maximum effect, exercises should be performed regularly.


Kegel gymnastics is widely used in medical practice in various fields; it is prescribed by gynecologists, andrologists, and urologists. The following conditions are indicated.

  • History of pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth. For example, weakness of labor, painful childbirth, stretching and prolapse of the vaginal walls.
  • Risk of urinary incontinence or fecal incontinence. This is typical for women after the onset menopause and for young girls after surgical operations on the genitourinary organs.
  • Suspicion of prolapse and prolapse of the uterus and vagina. Most often caused by weakness and decreased elasticity of the perineal muscles.
  • Problems in your sex life. Lack of a sense of sexual satisfaction, inability to achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse.

Arnold Kegel's method is not a panacea. For serious pathologies, systemic therapy and, in some cases, surgery are necessary.


Despite the apparent simplicity of the exercises, a positive effect cannot be achieved without the ability to concentrate on the desired muscle group and proper breathing. If these skills are not mastered, training may even be harmful. Contraindications to gymnastics are as follows.

  • Genital prolapse 3-4 degrees. With diagnosed uterine prolapse, increased stress on the abdominal and buttock muscles can aggravate the pathological process, since intra-abdominal pressure increases significantly during such exercises. Therefore, experts often prohibit engaging in any physical exercise in advanced cases of prolapse and prolapse of the vaginal walls or female pelvic organs (bladder, uterus and cervix, and less commonly, intestines).
  • Active inflammation in the genitourinary area. Training is strictly contraindicated in cases where a woman, in addition to muscle problems, has infectious or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Somatic diseases. Classes are not recommended for existing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, hypertension, diagnosed oncology or benign formations.
  • Early postoperative and postpartum periods. You should not start training after undergoing surgical operations on the organs of the genitourinary system or immediately after treatment of injuries in the perineal area, after childbirth with injuries and ruptures, as well as during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

You should exercise with caution during menstruation, with severe endometriosis. If classes are accompanied by pain, it is better to postpone them. The time of possible start of classes can only be determined by a doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Kegel exercises are often recommended for pregnant women to increase the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles, but there are also contraindications. For example, you should not further strain your muscles if you have a history of miscarriage, increased uterine tone, or other pathologies that can lead to premature birth. In these cases, the doctor may recommend that the woman start doing gymnastics in the postpartum period.

5 basic exercises

The method developed by Kegel has undergone changes over time, a special complex for men has appeared, but the basic principles and approaches have remained unchanged. There are five basic exercises.

  1. Stop. This is a basic exercise to do while urinating. Its essence is to control the stream of urine, when you need to stop and start it several times during the process, tensing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum. There is no need to use the muscles of the thighs and lower abdomen.
  2. Reduction . Alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles. You need to start this exercise with a cycle of ten repetitions several times a day, gradually increasing the load.
  3. Elevator. The exercise takes into account the anatomical features of the structure of the vagina. It is a cylinder with a number of “rings” (muscle bundles). A woman must learn to feel these “rings” and strain them one after another at short intervals.
  4. Waves. For the “waves” to be effective, you need to know that around the vagina, anus and urethra there are special muscles called the “extended figure of eight”. They are the ones who must tense and relax in a certain order.
  5. Positioning. The point is to perform all the exercises in various positions: not only standing, but also lying down, squatting or sitting.

There are general basic principles for performing exercises:

  • maintain a single accelerated pace;
  • strain your muscles for more than 30 seconds;
  • gradually increase the load;
  • Take a short break between strong contractions.

At the discretion of the doctor, the set of exercises can be expanded or reduced.

Execution Features

There are some features of performing exercises depending on the goals pursued.

During pregnancy

The main rule is not to try to complete the entire complex in full. Before starting your workout, you need to empty your bladder. During this, you can try to hold the stream of urine by squeezing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum and sphincter. For the first time, 15 repetitions will be enough. At the next stage, you can imitate attempts similar to actions during defecation (strain the muscles of the perineum, leaving the abdominal muscles relaxed).

It is prohibited to engage in such gymnastics in the following cases:

  • threat - a woman is in the hospital with a diagnosis of threatened miscarriage;
  • discomfort- performing exercises causes discomfort, pain or increased muscle tone of the uterus;
  • injuries - before pregnancy there were spinal injuries or osteochondrosis of the lumbar region;
  • risk - a woman is at risk for premature birth.

Pregnant women are not recommended to strain their abdominal muscles during any type of physical activity or perform exercises that involve holding their breath for a long time.

After childbirth

  • On the second or third day. You can start training this early if the birth was successful, the woman gave birth on her own, there were no injuries or tears in the perineum and vagina, and no stitches were placed. A prerequisite is the good general condition of the woman in labor and the absence of unpleasant sensations during the gymnastics process.
  • In two to three months. In case of complicated childbirth associated with perineal ruptures and other injuries, training can be done only after complete healing of the perineum and vagina and after a comprehensive examination by a gynecologist. The same applies to the condition after a cesarean section.

Your doctor will help you determine what specific exercises are needed in the postpartum period.


When the uterus prolapses, exercise should be done with caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor. In this case, gymnastics is complemented by other exercises. For example, “Bicycle” or swinging legs in a lying or standing position.

You need to increase the load gradually. You can start with two or three times a week, then moving on to daily training. The degree of omission must be taken into account.


You shouldn't expect miracles from gymnastics. If there are serious pathologies, they can be eliminated with the help of complex therapy, and sometimes only with surgery. But the Kegel complex has good therapeutic and preventive effects:

  • helps improve tone- increases the degree of elasticity of the pelvic and perineal muscles, useful for increasing vaginal tone;
  • warns - reduces the likelihood of prolapse of a woman’s genital organs;
  • treats - to a certain extent solves the problem of stress urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • enhances sensations during sex- helps a woman achieve orgasm;
  • rejuvenates - slows down the aging process in the body;
  • reduces the risk of inflammation- such as cystitis, colpitis, adnexitis.

To enhance the effect and maintain results, you need to do gymnastics every day, gradually increasing the intensity.


Kegel gymnastics is a unique technique that has no alternative in modern physiotherapy. One interpretation of the technique is the use of special vaginal weights - balls. Such activities are called wumbling.

But this does not mean that there are no other ways to treat pelvic organ prolapse or postpartum pathologies of the vagina and uterus. An alternative is drug treatment, and in particularly difficult cases, surgery.

In the 50s, the now world famous gynecologist professor at the University of California created gymnastics for the muscles of the genitourinary system. In those years, it did not immediately gain popularity among the population, but today it is a panacea for problems of the genitourinary system. Kegel exercises for women after childbirth are prescribed to women in labor to restore the functioning of the internal genital organs and to strengthen the vaginal muscle system.

general information

Initially, Arnold Kegel created gymnastics for women with problems with incontinence and lack of control over the organs of the genitourinary system. The exercises are effective for the vaginal muscles, as a result the organ becomes elastic and sensual.

Kegel exercises after childbirth are a mother’s assistant for returning to a full intimate life. The right approach, regularity and complexity are the key rules of the technique.

How to properly perform Kegel exercises after childbirth:

  • all movements of the diaphragm must be deep;
  • muscle contraction as you exhale, weakening as you inhale;
  • Only the vaginal muscles tense;
  • the first 3-4 classes are carried out in a lying position, for a clear feeling of the process;
  • when compressing the uterine muscles, you need to forcefully pull them up;
  • rest between approaches should be 10-15 seconds;
  • exercises are done only on an empty bladder;
  • if additional equipment is used, they must be disinfected after each use.

If the abdominal muscles are not tense when performing the technique, the process is proceeding correctly. The main task is to catch and feel the intimate muscle. The first lessons are difficult, but you can’t give up; after 3-4 lessons you will gain confidence and ease in performing.

When can you do Kegel exercises after giving birth? Only after the uterus has fully contracted can you do Kegel exercises after childbirth. This takes up to 2 months. If before the birth of the child, the mother practiced gymnastics, then in the absence of ruptures and injuries, training is possible already on the 3rd day. But this requires a doctor's permission.


During pregnancy, a woman experiences changes in her pelvic organ system. The diameter of the uterine canal expands significantly, the intensity of the blood supply changes, and there is a very high load on the muscles of the genital organs. The muscles are stretched and their recovery requires the same training as for the abs.

  1. return to the original shape of the uterus;
  2. quick relief from lochia;
  3. improving immunity against inflammation of the genital organs;
  4. additional pleasure during sexual contact due to the narrowing of the diameter;
  5. preventing uterine prolapse;
  6. reducing the risk of hemorrhoids;
  7. elimination of urinary and fecal incontinence.
  • after natural childbirth, it is allowed to start gymnastics after 3-5 days, in case of good uterine contractions;
  • Kegel exercises after childbirth with sutures are done after complete healing;
  • After a caesarean section, gymnastics is prohibited for 2 months and is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Women feel the results of gymnastics at different times. Some share their impressions of the effect after 1 month, while others require 2-4 months of intensive training to get the first changes.

Kegel exercises can be done at home; you don’t need an instructor, special equipment, or warm-up. For the mother of a newborn, it is important to be able to correct postpartum problems without being distracted from business.

Cons and contraindications

The opinion of doctors about Kegel gymnastics for women after childbirth has shaped towards the usefulness of the complex. It is recommended to simultaneously use medications (gels, ointments) and exercise equipment to increase tissue elasticity.

Contraindications for women after childbirth boil down to delaying the start of gymnastics. Delivery with complications presupposes the physical calm of the woman in labor for 1-3 months. There are risk groups who should start training carefully, with the permission of a gynecologist.

Risk factors:

  • Caesarean section operation;
  • the presence of injuries during childbirth and sutures in the perineum;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • disorders of venous flow and vascular function;
  • bleeding;
  • malignant tumors;
  • exhaustion due to difficult childbirth.

In these situations, permission from the observing gynecologist is required. For the first 7 days, it is enough to perform 3-4 sets of simple exercises 5-7 times. If the woman does not experience pain during the first sessions, the gymnastics continues. The load increases in stages, adding one session every day.


Before you start doing Kegel exercises for a woman after childbirth, you need to properly feel the muscles of the perineum. To do this, during each urination, urine is retained and a group of muscles is compressed. It is these muscles that are involved in performing Kegel exercises.

It is forbidden to constantly use the technique when urinating. The technique is aimed at the ability to control a group of internal tissues, relaxing them alternately. Exercises to restore the vagina are done only with an empty bladder. Kegel exercises for women after childbirth will work faster when combined with special devices for the vagina.

Kegel exercises for women after childbirth:

  1. Pause;
  2. Fixation;
  3. Compression;
  4. Nurse;
  5. Elevator;
  6. Storm.

Pause. The exercise is mastered first, but is done for a short period of time. 7 days of daily training is enough. With the help of the Pause exercise, the essence of the Kegel technique is understood. It is necessary to hold and release the flow of urine for 10 seconds, 5 times during one urination process. It is important not to involve other muscles (abdomen, legs) in tension.

Fixation. Squeeze the main vaginal muscles for 5-7 seconds, then release. For better effect, simulators in the form of a cone are introduced inside. Sex store devices are used for training with this item inside. Repeats 5, 10-15 times.

Squeezing. Squeeze and unclench the muscle immediately, without fixing the delay. The strength and time of compression increases daily.

Nurse. When supplemented with physical exercise, the pelvic floor muscles are trained even more. For example, when squatting in a special position: the back is straight, the legs are spread wide apart, the feet are facing in different directions, the palms are on the waist. Squats are done slowly, going as low as possible. Stay at the bottom for 5-7 seconds, rise, relax. A sufficient norm is 5 times a day, in combination with other exercises.

Elevator. The essence of the exercise is a gradual contraction of the muscle. Hold it weakly for one time, then, without relaxing, squeeze the muscle even stronger, and so go through 5 stages “up”. Then begin to gradually release the muscle, also stopping at each floor. Do “climbing up” while inhaling, and “going down the floors” while exhaling. Do 5 passes 5 times, several times a day.

Storm. The muscles contract gradually - first in the clitoral area, then in the vaginal area, and then in the anal area. The exercise is done in a similar way to the “lift” technique. Gradually, without relaxing, while inhaling and also gradually releasing the clamp, while exhaling. Perform 5 passes 5 times, after the “elevator”.

Exercise equipment

Intimate simulators are useful not only for maintaining technique, but also for stimulating sensitivity during sexual intercourse. The products add brighter, deeper sensations to sexual relationships.

Vaginal balls. Balls of different volumes are strung on one fishing line. They are inserted inside the vagina, the tip of the fishing line remains outside. With the simulator inserted inside, you can begin exercises. The intensity and frequency of visits does not change; a separate action is also performed, trying to pull the machine higher into the vagina. After each use, the balls are washed with soap and doused with boiling water.

Jade eggs. A new technique that uses egg-shaped jade stones. There is a hole in the stones, a cord is inserted through it and the product is used like vaginal balls. An egg without holes is introduced as an independent exercise machine. It needs to be held by the muscle for as long as possible.

The uniqueness of the simulator lies in the composition of the eggs - they are made of natural jade. The stone has disinfectant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Using jade balls not only develops the vagina, but also gets rid of genital infections.

Cones. The set consists of cones of different diameters and weights. Classes begin by holding the easiest of them. Every 3 classes the cone is changed to a heavier one. The product is suitable for both gymnastics professionals and beginners. If the exercise is not done correctly, the cone will fall out. Therefore, with such a simulator it is easier to determine whether tasks are being performed correctly.

Egg. It is similar to a jade exercise machine and vaginal balls. But the Egg is used in a single form. The product is clamped by the vagina and kept inside during daily activities. You can use this device during gymnastics. For example, eggs will monitor the correct completion of the “elevator” task.

Skittles with vibrator. New vibrator technologies are equipped with control devices, mechanisms for changing intensity and the ability to connect to smart devices. The silicone pin is inserted inside and, depending on the compression force, responds with vibration. The degree of charging efficiency is determined by the vibration level of the device.

Proponents of the Kegel system focus on the correct understanding of the technique. It is important not to pump up your muscles, but to learn to feel and control them. What matters is not the strength of compression, but the ability to hold and relax the muscle when a signal is received from the nervous system.