The mushroom season goes by pretty quickly. During this time, you need to have time to make supplies for the winter in the form of frozen or dried mushrooms. Today we’ll talk about how you can dry such healthy and tasty mushrooms as chanterelles at home.

The harvested chanterelles must first be sorted. It is advisable to sort the mushrooms by size, since the drying time depends on this. Identical mushrooms will dry out more evenly.

There is no need to wash the chanterelles. It is better to simply wipe dirty areas with a damp and clean dishwashing sponge. The lower part of the legs is cut off with a sharp knife.

If the mushroom caps are very large, they will need to be cut in half.

How to dry chanterelles at home

Drying naturally

You can dry mushrooms in the sun without using additional equipment. To do this, the chanterelles are laid out in one layer on a flat surface covered with a sheet of paper and placed on a windowsill or balcony.

You can collect “beads” from mushrooms. To do this, the caps are strung on a thick thread and hung in a well-ventilated area.

Also, in a natural way, faces can dry on a regular cabinet. In this case, the surface of the cabinet is lined with paper, and the mushrooms are covered with napkins on top, without pressing them tightly.

Any of these methods are quite time-consuming. Drying time – 7 – 14 days. It will depend on the size of the mushrooms, the conditions of their collection and weather conditions.

The optimal option is when the mushrooms are dried in the sun for several days and then finally dried in the oven.

In the oven

Place the mushrooms on baking sheets lined with parchment paper, keeping a small distance between the caps. It is very convenient to use special grates, which are often included with the oven.

The stove is heated to a temperature of 40 - 45 degrees and the chanterelles are placed there. To ensure air flow, the oven door is left ajar. To do this, you can place a towel or oven mitt in the gap.

After 2 hours, the temperature is increased to 55 - 60 degrees. And the mushrooms periodically begin to be taken out and mixed. To make drying more even, it is recommended to rearrange the hats: those that were closer to the door should be moved deeper into the cabinet and vice versa.

Drying time varies depending on the size of the mushrooms. Those that are already ready should be removed, and the rest should be left to dry. Typically it takes 8-10 hours to dry one batch.

Watch the video from the “Useful Tips” channel - How to properly dry mushrooms for the winter in the oven

In an electric dryer

Typically, these units are equipped with a mode specializing in drying mushrooms. If there is one, then you just need to set the desired temperature and wait for the result. If there is no such mode, then the chanterelles need to be dried for the first 2 - 3 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees, and then switch the device to a temperature of 60 degrees, and dry the mushrooms until tender.

Products in trays should be distributed evenly in one layer, and trays should be swapped during the dehydration process.

The total time for drying chanterelles in an electric dryer will be approximately 9 – 10 hours.

A video from the MrGerVick channel will tell you how to properly dry chanterelle mushrooms

In a convection oven

Chanterelles dry very quickly in the air fryer, in just an hour and a half. For this method, set the temperature on the unit to 60 degrees and set the maximum blowing power. The lid should be kept slightly open to ensure good ventilation.

In the microwave

Disadvantages of this method:

  • it is very energy-intensive;
  • Only small batches of mushrooms can be dried.

The chanterelles are placed on a flat container or wire rack. The power of the unit is set to 180 W and the time is set to 20 minutes. After the signal, remove the mushrooms and allow to cool for 5 minutes. During this time, the oven should also be ventilated with the door open.

At the final stage, the container with mushrooms is placed in the microwave for another 20 minutes. If this time is not enough, then the procedure is repeated.

In a refrigerator

In order to dry the mushrooms by cold, they are laid out on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in one layer. Before doing this, the shelf should be covered with a sheet of paper. Drying time – 1 – 2 weeks.

A video from the “Useful Tips” channel will tell you more about this method - How to dry mushrooms without an oven

How to store dry chanterelles

You can store dry mushrooms in pieces or in the form of mushroom powder. To do this, the drying powder is ground with a regular coffee grinder.

The powder is stored in glass jars, and whole mushrooms are stored in tin or wooden containers, as well as in cotton bags. The storage place should be dry and dark.

Mushrooms have long been recognized as one of the most valuable food products. Chanterelles are usually used not only as food, but also to get rid of certain diseases. Based on the fact that it is impossible to collect mushrooms all year round, with the arrival of cold weather the question of how to dry chanterelles at home becomes relevant.

If you want to eat mushrooms in winter, it is better to dry them in advance rather than pickle them. This is explained by the fact that dried plants are more valuable because they do not contain oil or vinegar. They are easily absorbed by the body, retain their beneficial qualities and aroma, in addition, they are very light and easier to transport. It should not be ruled out that a small amount of chanterelles can be frozen, but not everyone has special equipment.

For drying, you should select only strong and fresh fruits. Before drying, the chanterelles should not be washed, because then they will absorb a large amount of liquid and will not dry for a long time. You just need to brush off the dust and wipe away the dirt.

It is worth remembering that only the caps can be dried, but the legs should first be removed with a knife. To make the drying of mushrooms faster, it is recommended to cut the large caps and leave the small caps untouched.

Dry the raw materials yourself in an electric dryer, on a radiator, in an oven or in a dehydrator. Processing chanterelles should be done slowly, because if they are dried instantly, they will certainly spoil.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying?

Experienced mushroom pickers know very well that chanterelles do not have wormholes. Pests are not interested in them, because mushrooms contain a lot of quinomannose. This phenomenon explains the absence of any damage in the chanterelles.

How to properly prepare mushrooms for the winter? There are several basic rules:

  1. The first step is to clean the raw materials from leaves, debris and grass.
  2. Clean with a dry towel or brush without using water.
  3. The work should be done very carefully so as not to damage the chanterelles.
  4. If you do not use the option of drying chanterelles on a string, then the mushrooms should be cut into several parts.
  5. Be sure to weigh the purified raw materials.

In the case when you need to dry the chanterelles on the street, they are strung on a thick thread. It is worth considering that the drying time must be at least 7 days, otherwise the mushrooms will spoil.

Options for drying mushrooms

There are several ways to dry chanterelles so that they do not become bitter. Here are some of them:

  1. Drying on cabinets. This drying method involves the natural way. The chanterelles should be laid out in a thin layer on a cabinet lined with newspaper or white paper. Next, the mushrooms are covered, but not pressed. Such a solution must be carried out so that insects do not land on the raw materials. It is worth remembering that the room must be well ventilated.
  2. Using the oven. You can often hear that chanterelles are dried in the oven. Pre-cut mushrooms are placed on a baking sheet covered with foil or parchment paper. Heat the oven to 50 degrees, place a baking sheet with raw materials and close the door so that it does not close completely and steam escapes through the resulting gap. When the room smells of mushrooms, you should increase the temperature by 10 degrees.
    After an hour, you can start sorting out the chanterelles. This option is ideal if a person is thinking about how to dry chanterelles without an electric dryer.
  3. "Beads" method. This method has been used for a very long time. It consists of stringing a certain number of chanterelles on a thread and hanging them in a dry room, ideally near the stove. Mushroom beads should be rotated around their axis to ensure even drying.
    This option differs in duration, because the mushrooms will be finally ready only after a week.
  4. The microwave is much more convenient than oven drying, but the process will take longer. In addition, this option is suitable when there are not too many mushrooms.
    First of all, the raw materials are placed on a plate and evaporated at a temperature of 180 degrees. After this, the plate is taken out and the resulting liquid is drained. Keep the microwave open for 10 minutes and put the cup of mushrooms back in it for half an hour. The procedure should be repeated several times.
    This option is ideal when you need to know how to dry chanterelles without an oven.
  5. Drying using a special dryer. The simplest drying methods include the method of using a device for drying vegetables. You can place a lot of mushrooms in it, and you will have to spend very little effort.
    If the unit has a “mushrooms” mode, then drying in the dryer will take about 8 hours, but if there is no such mode, then you should turn on the device for 3 hours, setting it to 50 degrees.

All these tips make it possible to do whatever your household likes with chanterelles. Dried mushroom is always better than its frozen relatives. In addition, chanterelles that have been in the oven do not have a bitter taste.

When are the chanterelles completely ready?

In order to determine the readiness of the raw materials, you just need to try to break them. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the mushroom should not crumble, flake or contain bitterness. Properly processed raw materials bend between the fingers and break only when a person has made some effort.

In addition, the dried mushroom can simply be weighed: it should be much lighter than initially. If it hasn’t become 10 times lighter, then it’s worth understanding in more detail how to dry chanterelle mushrooms, the medicinal properties of which are completely preserved.

How to store mushrooms?

If a person decides to learn how to dry chanterelles for the winter, then he should also clarify the nuances of their proper storage. Drying is considered a more appropriate method than freezing, so the processed chanterelles are kept in a glass container that is tightly closed with a lid. You can use metal jars, linen bags or cardboard.

Unfrozen mushrooms can be stored for many years, and the recipe for their preparation can be found in any cookbook. It is worth considering that before using mushrooms for food, you should soak them and boil them thoroughly.

Dried mushrooms are a very healthy and versatile product that complements many dishes. With the onset of autumn, the mushroom season begins, which allows, if desired, to collect a large number of mushrooms. During this period, mushroom pickers are faced with the question of how best and correctly to prepare mushrooms for the winter - pickle, pickle, dry.

Is it possible to dry chanterelles?

Chanterelle mushrooms are distinguished by their beneficial properties and excellent taste characteristics among other representatives of the mushroom kingdom. These mushrooms tolerate the drying process well. They can be used not only in cooking, but also for medical purposes, as a cure for many ailments. Therefore, it is important to prepare as many of these bright, orange mushrooms as possible.

Did you know? One kilogram of raw chanterelles will yield 100140 g dried product


One of the important stages in the process of harvesting mushrooms is proper preparation. It is necessary to sort through, sort, cut off damaged fragments, and clean. Chanterelles are unique in that they do not contain worms. Pests are prevented due to the substance quinomannose, which is part of chanterelles.

The preparation process includes:

  • cleaning from dirt, grass, soil, dust;
  • treating heavily contaminated areas with a napkin or sponge;
  • chopping mushrooms (into halves, quarters), and if you dry them on a line, there is no need to cut them.

Drying methods

The following methods exist and are used in everyday life:

  • on a rope (string whole mushrooms, collect them into “beads”);
  • on a large horizontal surface (on a table, in a closet, on the floor);
  • in the oven (gas, electric) with a temperature scale;
  • in the microwave;
  • in an electric dryer;
  • in a refrigerator.


The simplest, most economical and practical method is drying mushrooms in natural conditions. The only drawback of this home method is its dependence on weather conditions. The weather should be sunny, dry, windy. And for Russia in the autumn period rainy, damp days are typical.

Natural drying time takes on average two weeks. The first thing to do is dry the mushrooms by spreading them on newspaper and gauze. This should be done in a sunny, ventilated space. After this, the fruiting bodies are strung on a strong thread, not very tightly, and hung in a sunny place.

You can also lay out the chanterelles on a wire rack, cover the top with gauze (to prevent flies and other insects from landing), and place them in the sun. This method involves constantly turning the product.

Properly dried, a good mushroom becomes flexible, elastic, it should not crumble or break. Poorly dried mushrooms can soon become moldy and rot. Overdried ones lose their taste and beneficial qualities and cook poorly.

Important! If you end up with overdried chanterelles, you can grind them in a coffee grinder and use them as a natural seasoning. This method of using dried mushrooms is the most practical.

In an electric dryer

For owners of a modern kitchen appliance - an electric dryer, the process of harvesting mushrooms will not be difficult. Typically, such dryers are used for preparing vegetables, fruits, and berries, but mushrooms can also be dried perfectly.

Chanterelles are relatively small mushrooms. The largest mushroom of this species was found in California, its mass reached 0.5 kg.

Stages of preparation in an electric dryer:

  1. Clean mushrooms from dirt and herbs. Remove the black tip of the stem. Do not use water for cleaning.
  2. Place chanterelles in a thin layer on a tray.
  3. After 2 hours of operation of the electric dryer, the trays need to be swapped, since the lower layers dry much faster than the upper ones.
  4. To optimally dry the chanterelles it will take 5-6 hours.

The practicality of this method lies in the fact that the electric dryer has several tiers of plastic grates (trays) on which a lot of products can be placed. To make drying faster, large mushrooms need to be cut into smaller pieces.

Video: drying chanterelles in an electric dryer

In the oven

An affordable and easy way to prepare mushrooms is to use an oven with a temperature scale. To prepare mushrooms in the oven, you need to place them loosely, in one layer, on a mesh tray. You can use parchment or foil as a bedding.

Several baking trays can be used at the same time. There is no need to close the oven door completely when drying (you need to secure the gap with an oven mitt or towel) to avoid the accumulation of excess moisture.

At the beginning of drying, you can set the minimum temperature to +40°C, after 2 hours set the maximum permissible temperature to +60°C, hold for another 1 hour. You need to keep an eye on the mushrooms and, if necessary, turn them over, rearrange them, and change them. If small specimens have already dried, they must be removed earlier.

In the microwave

One of the options for storing mushrooms for the winter is drying them in the microwave. Owners of this kitchen appliance can quickly dry chanterelles for the winter. However, when choosing this method, it is important to take into account its energy consumption, and the impracticality that a small amount of the finished product is obtained in one cycle.

Microwave drying steps:

  1. Chanterelles need to be laid out on a special tray, a flat plate, or a dish intended for a microwave oven.
  2. Set the power to 180 W, time - 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the prepared mushrooms, let cool, and ventilate the microwave well.
  4. Repeat the procedure, setting the required time for another 10–20 minutes.

In a refrigerator

Drying mushrooms in the refrigerator is an excellent option for those who do not have special equipment (oven, electric dryer, microwave). You need to dry the food on one of the refrigerator shelves, previously covered with paper or parchment. Spread the chanterelles as tightly as possible and leave them in the cold for 1–2 weeks, depending on the temperature. The recommended value is about +5°C.

Shelf life

High-quality dried mushrooms can be stored for more than one year, provided they are properly preserved. The most practical storage containers are clean glass or wooden jars with good sealing. An old but proven method is to store it in cotton bags and small linen pillowcases.

To extend shelf life, you need to periodically check the contents of jars and bags in order to detect poorly dried, moldy mushrooms in time and throw them away in time. Before using and cooking, chanterelles should be rinsed under high pressure water and soaked for 1–2 hours.

Useful and healing properties

Chanterelles have a beneficial effect on liver function. The substances included in their composition help fight the manifestations of hepatitis and cleanse liver tissue. This is important for many diseases, including obesity.

Important! When exposed to high temperatures, chanterelles lose some of their beneficial substances, so tinctures are often used for medicinal purposes.

Eating chanterelles has a beneficial effect on vision. An important rule is to collect mushrooms in ecologically clean areas. Chanterelles have no contraindications, except in cases where it is necessary to follow a diet for gastrointestinal diseases.

Chanterelle is a very tasty and healthy mushroom. It is very easy to prepare it at home. And in winter, such preparations will delight all members of your family.

Kira Stoletova

Collection of chanterelles

This species produces its best harvest in mid-summer and early autumn. It is better to look for them in coniferous forests, as well as in mixed and birch forests. The common chanterelle, or true chanterelle, is a mycorrhizal fungus that enters into symbiotic relationships most often with conifers with spruce and pine, and with deciduous trees with beech and oak.

Habitats of the species:

  • in damp moss;
  • under foliage;
  • under the branches;
  • in tall and thick grass.

The chanterelle can be slowly and carefully twisted out of the soil, holding the base of the legs, or cut off with a knife.


Drying chanterelles is one of the best ways to prepare them. The mushroom does not lose its beneficial properties and is a low-calorie product. It is contraindicated to consume them raw: they have an aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare dried chanterelles use:

  • Sun;
  • oven;
  • air fryer;
  • electric dryer;
  • Russian stove;
  • microwave.

Do not wash or soak mushrooms before drying. The product will absorb a large amount of moisture, which will make it impossible to cook properly.

It is better to dry at a temperature of +40...+45°C in several passes. The mushrooms are cleaned and cut into small plates. They are laid out on the surface in one layer and dried for several hours, then cooled and the procedure is repeated. The chanterelles are ready if they bend a little, but do not release moisture or crumble. After drying, a powder is prepared from them, which is taken as medicine.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Treatment with chanterelles

Chanterelles can simply be dried, crushed and taken 1 tsp. every day for 2 months. A decoction is also prepared from the powder. The course of treatment lasts 3 weeks.

Chanterelle decoction:

  • bring the water to a boil, then let it cool to room temperature;
  • pour into a glass with 50 g of powder;
  • leave for 1.5-2 hours;
  • Drink the liquid before bed along with the sediment (after stirring).

Additional herbs are added to the decoction:

  • sagebrush;
  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • sage;
  • birch leaves;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow;
  • peppermint;
  • tansy;
  • sumac.

These medicinal herbs enhance the healing effect of the decoction. They also have a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs, making treatment more effective.


Pharmacies sell products made from chanterelle powder. They are made as a highly concentrated extract. The medicine is 15 times stronger than the homemade version.

There is also a medicine called Fungo-Shi. The capsules contain dried chanterelle powder extract. They are taken 2 pieces per day.


Chanterelles have many beneficial properties. They strengthen the immune system, prevent the appearance of varicose veins, and improve the quality of the skin. They are also an antibacterial product.

Additionally, mushrooms improve vision and prevent inflammation of the cornea. They are also added to soups, sauces and side dishes as a seasoning.

Mushroom preparations are familiar to every connoisseur of “quiet hunting”. Marinating, salting, frying, drying, freezing - all these processes are in demand in families where they like to pick mushrooms. So, having brought home a good harvest of chanterelles, you need to decide which processing method will be used. This article will focus on proven recipes for drying chanterelles.

Before you learn how to dry chanterelle mushrooms at home, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for proper pre-cleaning. It must be said that the drying process eliminates the immersion of fruiting bodies in water. In other words, cleaning chanterelles should be done dry, without contact with water. It is best to start cleaning in the forest, not by uprooting the mushroom, but by carefully cutting it off and removing all heavy dirt. This way you can make it easier for yourself when you get home.

For drying, it is better to choose small and strong specimens, which should remain intact during the process. Large fruiting bodies should be cut into 3-4 parts. Then you can use a toothbrush or a regular kitchen sponge to wipe each cap and plates. Inspect the entire crop again and cut off damaged and rotten areas, if any. When the preparatory stage is completed, you can begin the drying itself.

So, how to properly dry chanterelles at home so that they do not lose their beneficial properties? Let's look at a few simple and time-tested methods.

Drying under natural conditions is considered the most popular, but at the same time the longest process. It takes about a week, but certain conditions must be met. Many housewives ask: how should chanterelles be dried on a thread? First of all, the mushroom harvest is laid out in a thin layer on a newspaper and sent to the sun in a well-ventilated room. This is necessary so that the mushrooms “grab” and wilt a little. What to do next, how to properly dry chanterelles after light drying? First you need to prepare a thick, strong thread on which the fruiting bodies will be strung. It is best to plant chanterelles using a thick needle. The fruiting bodies should not fit tightly together.

Then the product should be hung in the sun and covered with gauze to prevent flies from landing. You can place the thread in the kitchen above the stove. The readiness of the fruiting bodies is checked by pressing: they should bend well, but should not crumble. Typically, drying under natural conditions takes about 6-8 days.

Drying chanterelles in the oven

You can dry chanterelle mushrooms using the oven - how to do it? Many mushroom pickers note that this option is very convenient, since you do not need to wait several days for the fruiting bodies to dry. So, the prepared chanterelles are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper (or foil). Do not try to place all the fruiting bodies at once; divide them into several portions.

Place the baking sheet with the prepared ingredients into the oven, leaving the door slightly ajar. Thanks to this, excess moisture will evaporate, and the drying process itself will go faster. Initially, the oven temperature should be set to +50°. After a couple of hours, it is recommended to increase the temperature by 10°. After about an hour, you need to remove the mushrooms and check for doneness. In particular, drying time depends on several factors: the age and size of the fruiting bodies, as well as their number and weather conditions during harvest. As you can see, drying chanterelles in the oven is much faster, but do not overdry them.

How to dry chanterelles in the microwave?

This option is ideal if you plan to dry a small amount of mushrooms. How to properly dry chanterelle mushrooms using a microwave oven? To begin with, the purified product must be placed in an appropriate container and placed in the kitchen machine. At a power of 120-180 W, evaporate the mushrooms so that all the liquid comes out of them. Usually this procedure takes at least 20 minutes. The resulting liquid must be drained and the microwave left open for 10 minutes. After that, load the mushrooms back into the device for 20 minutes, choosing the same power. The procedure is repeated several times with a break of 10 minutes. Let us remind you that the readiness of the product is checked by touch: if the fruit body bends and crumbles only with strong pressure, then the drying process can be considered complete. As it turns out, drying chanterelles is not difficult if you follow certain rules.

Drying chanterelles in an electric dryer

This type of drying will certainly delight you with its simplicity. The device itself for drying vegetables will not only accommodate a lot of fruiting bodies, but will also significantly save you time. Many housewives are happy to use this method if they need to process a lot of mushrooms. Next, you can learn in detail how to dry chanterelles using an electric dryer at home?

Place the mushrooms on the grill of the appliance in a thin layer and set the temperature to 45-50°. The process usually takes 3-4 hours, so it is better to check the product for readiness. If the mushrooms look damp and are easy to press, then they should be dried a little more. Dried chanterelles should be stored after complete cooling in glass jars.