The Chinese Crested breed does not leave anyone indifferent. She often takes prizes in the competition for the most unattractive dogs, but she cannot be called ugly.

The legend about the origin of the breed says: the charming Lu fell in love with the shepherd Tsu-Li. But the girl’s father opposed the union of the young, promising to give his daughter to a rich merchant. Then the lovers turned to the wizard for advice. He agreed to change the course of events, but they paid dearly for it.

The sorcerer turned the old man into an elegant dog, but the spell also affected all the descendants of Tsu-Li and Lu. All subsequent generations lived in dog form. This is how the Chinese Crested breed was born.

Followers of Buddhism believed that the dog was in contact with the afterlife. They believed that the pets followed their owner into the world of the dead, defending his interests at the last trial.

Chinese scientists managed to decipher ancient manuscripts that mentioned small hairless creatures with a crane's crest, monkey limbs and a lion's tail.

A popular African version is that the animal became bald as a result of a mutation. In the hot climate of the continent, they were more comfortable without wool. Nailed dogs were brought to China by sailors.

Elegant beauties came to Europe at the end of the 19th century. At the New York exhibition of 1885, a new breed was demonstrated. Exotic lover V.K. Taunton presented his pet Chinese Ruler at the Crystal Palace. But the animal did not cause delight; it was considered a biological incident.

After infusing the pet with the blood of a Maltese dog, a Tibetan terrier and an Afghan hound, Taunton gave the “naked one” a gorgeous mane, warm stockings and pom-poms on the tail.

In 1969, a special breed club was opened, the standard was approved 4 years later.

Unusual pets came to Russia in 1991. 1996 was marked by the opening of the club.

Chinese Crested Appearance

The Chinese Crested is a medium-sized dog, 23-33 centimeters at the withers. Weight 2.5-5 kg. This breed has 2 types of constitution: light, fragile - deer. Stocky, squat - “pony”. The standard does not separate the varieties, but the differences are significant. The eyes, chest, and skull of the “heavy” type are more rounded. The legs are shorter.

In a litter, it is possible to have both hairless and downy puppies. Hairless, has a mane, fluffy stockings and a plume on the tail.

Chinese Crested Powder is covered with fine long hair.

  • The skull is graceful, rounded and elongated. A narrowed, thin muzzle, with tightly fitting lips, completely covering strong, even teeth. The bite is correct, scissor-shaped. The hairless variety often lacks premolars (large teeth), and the canines point toward the front.
  • The protruding nose can be of any color.
  • The eyes are dark, the whites are invisible, spaced at a great distance. The standard does not define the form. In the “pony” they are round, in the light type they are almond-shaped.
  • The ears are large, erect, and drooping is acceptable for downy ones.
  • The graceful neck flows smoothly into the shoulders. Slightly curved.
  • The torso is slightly stretched. The back is without deflection, rounded, springy. The belly is tucked up, the chest is wide, lowered to the hock joint.
  • The tail is long, tapering towards the tip. When at rest it hangs freely. When moving, it is parallel to the back, or raised up.
  • The limbs are high and stately. The paws are “hare”, elongated, set straight. Claws are acceptable in any shade. Stockings do not rise above the elbow.
  • Movements are light and smooth.
  • The skin is soft and smooth.
  • Any color is acceptable: plain, spotted.

Character to chinese crested

The appearance of a flighty coquette is deceptive. The Chinese Crested is a loyal, reliable companion.

An energetic, sensitive dog, gentle and affectionate. These qualities make her an ideal pet. Gets along well with relatives and other pets. Take part in children's pranks. Distrustful of strangers, but without aggression.

He idolizes the owner, tries to predict desires and please. Loneliness is hard to bear. Left alone, the Chinese Crested can howl, bark, and spoil things.

The animal establishes close bonds with family members and does not tolerate changes in ownership as an adult.

A temperamental person with self-esteem will not get bored with games. She will curl up comfortably on her owner's lap, or under a warm blanket she will wait for attention to be paid to her.

The fragile baby reacts poorly to sudden noise effects and becomes nervous and timid.

Such a pet is not susceptible to apathy and will always find entertainment. He will enthusiastically chase his favorite ball or rustling bag.

Chinese Crested Dog Training

Raising a Chinese Crested puppy begins at 3 weeks, and is the basis for character development.

Initially, the baby gets accustomed to the place, feeding schedule, and cleanliness. A clear hierarchy is established, the owner is always the leader. The dog is the last link after the parrot, without any discounts on size, sad eyes or age.

A gentle requirement, an ideal approach to learning. Shouting and physical violence are unacceptable. But concessions to the pet’s wishes are also impossible. All you have to do is let your baby onto the bed once, and daily battles for a warm place are guaranteed.

It is advisable to start training from 4 months. The Chinese Crested cat learns easily and with pleasure. The main thing is to timely praise your pet for the completed command. The owner's approval is more valuable than a treat.

Occasionally, physical correction is required: a slight tug with the leash, if the “near” command is executed incorrectly, placing the paws in a stance.

The command given always sounds the same. If an order is given, it must be carried out.

Chinese women are very jumping, and using these qualities in training, you can teach your dog tricks of varying complexity.

Chinese Crested puppies learn about the world in play; if you reinforce the desired actions with a treat, your pet will be happy to repeat them again.

Choosing a Chinese Crested puppy

Before purchasing, you need to decide whether the pet will be “for the soul” or for exhibitions.

You can take any puppy you like as a pet. You should approach the choice of a dog for the ring more responsibly. Pedigree appearance, courageous character, essential qualities of a future champion.

Some people do not contact a famous nursery, fearing that visiting exhibitions will be a mandatory condition for the purchase. Of course, a promising puppy will not be given to an amateur, but the breeder will select the baby according to his needs and financial situation.

Nursery guarantees:

  • Stable psyche, contact.
  • High-quality feeding, care, maintenance.
  • Timely vaccinations and deworming.
  • Original documents.
  • Help in growing.

When giving preference to hairless Chinese Crested puppies, it is necessary to take into account that each individual has different growth along the torso. The richer the bangs and plume, the more overgrown the dog is.

At 5-7 weeks, Chinese Crested puppies are independent and ready to go. It is not difficult to identify the best puppies. The right choice is the most active and curious baby.

  • The eyes are moderately moist, do not run or dry out. The expression is cheerful, interested.
  • Teeth in hairless people may appear later, but on the gums they look like tubercles.
  • The ears are clean, without odor or discharge. It is advisable for the breeder to start supplying them himself.
  • Bite without anomalies.
  • The skin is smooth, without sores and pimples.

You should be wary of the offer to purchase a Minik. The breed has a standard, but a small puppy is most likely not entirely healthy, or was raised incorrectly.

Hairless Chinese Crested puppies cost 15,000-25,000, while their downy counterparts cost less than 10,000-18,000.

Chinese Crested - photos of the breed look impressive. To achieve such results in caring for your pet, you will need:

  • Claw cutter.
  • Scissors.
  • Shampoo.
  • Air conditioner.
  • Razor (machine, electric), epilator.
  • Shaving cream.
  • Peroxide, chlorhexidine, alcohol infusion of calendula.
  • Single row comb, slicker brush.

Since the Chinese Crested has 2 varieties, care for them is slightly different.

It is enough to comb the hair of a naked individual every other day. Skin requires more careful care. The epidermis of a hairless individual is velvety to the touch. But the structure is denser, thicker. Cuts and scratches heal faster.

Regular bathing is necessary; without water treatments, your pet’s body will become covered with purulent pimples. Shampoos are used once a week. Rinse your pet daily in summer, every other day in winter. Using a special cream will protect the skin from peeling.

In sunny weather, it is advisable to use sunscreen emulsion and moisturizing ointments.

As the growth progresses, the dog’s face and body are shaved, and an epilator can be used.

Naked individuals are susceptible to cold; the need for clothing arises not only when walking, but also in the apartment.

Chinese Crested Powder requires daily brushing. Using air conditioners will make the task easier. Wash no more than 3 times a week.

  • Weekly ear cleaning is necessary. Manipulations must be carried out with special lotions.
  • Nails are trimmed every 2 weeks.
  • Eyes should be wiped daily.
  • Once a month it is necessary to clean the anal glands. The procedure is carried out independently or in a veterinary clinic.

Feeding pets should be complete and balanced. Dry food is given to naked animals in a soaked form.

All representatives of the Chinese Crested breed are passionate lovers of vegetables and fruits, but everything is good in moderation.

Meat and liver are cut into small pieces, vegetables are grated.

Feeding sausages, millet, and potatoes is unacceptable.

Red meats and tripe are preferred. Boiled sea fish, deboned.

Health and illness

The skin is the most vulnerable part of the breed. Allergies and unfavorable conditions leave their mark in the form of redness, rashes, and flaky areas.

A common phenomenon is folliculitis. The clogged pore becomes inflamed and a purulent pimple appears. During the process of maturation, the bubble breaks through and a weeping, bleeding wound is formed. Without appropriate treatment, there is a high risk of secondary infection. The ulcers are treated with peroxide, then cauterized with calendula tincture.

The naked Chinese Crested's immunity is weak; plague and leptospirosis can cause significant harm to health or kill the pet. Timely vaccination will help avoid the disease. Compliance with vaccination quarantine will strengthen health and immunity.

Illnesses are often associated with hypothermia. As a result, the kidneys and urinary system suffer. Pyelonephritis and cystitis are not uncommon in fragile babies.

Illnesses accompany:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Uncontrolled urination.
  • Cloudy discharge, often mixed with pus.
  • Painful sensations in the back, groin.

Only a veterinarian can diagnose the disease after laboratory tests. Avoiding drafts, active walking and a warm blanket will be a worthy prevention of the disease.

Increased mobility can cause fractures in a fine-boned dog. If you suspect an injury, your pet should be immediately taken for an x-ray.

Teeth are the weak link in the body. Lack of vitamins, neglect of hygiene (removal of plaque, tartar) can lead to premature loss.

Dryness of the eyeball, with insufficient tear production, provokes conjunctivitis. Purulent discharge, redness, and swelling of the eyelids appear. Drops and anti-inflammatory ointments are used in treatment.

A timely visit to a specialist and an accurate description of the symptoms will help make an accurate diagnosis and speedy recovery for your pet.

An eternal restless child, a sweet creature, having this breed, it is impossible to remain without constant attention and affection.

The Chinese Crested is a dog breed with a kind and submissive character. There are 2 varieties of the breed: hairless and powdery Chinese Crested (powder puff). Bald skin appeared in the breed due to a natural gene mutation. The baldness gene became dominant over time. But every dog ​​has a recessive gene responsible for hair. Therefore, in one litter, puppies can be born both naked and with fur.

Powderpuffs are miniature dogs with long, thick hair that requires special attention and care. Therefore, before getting this dog, you need to study all the nuances of its maintenance. The animal compensates for the attention and painstaking care with its devotion, activity and friendliness.

Origin and history of the breed

The Powder Puff is a type of Chinese Crested breed whose history dates back more than 1,500 years. There is no consensus on its exact origin. Most researchers are inclined to believe that dogs originated from central Africa, from where they came to China thanks to Chinese sailors.

The breed standard was officially adopted in England. But it got its name due to the fact that it is in China that it is especially valued and considered a sacred and healing dog. Previously, only wealthy people could afford to keep a Chinese Crested.

For unknown reasons, in the 60s of the last century the breed was on the verge of extinction. It was possible to restore the population of puffballs thanks to the efforts of American and English dog handlers. The breed standard was officially published in 1966. And it was recognized by the International Association of Cynologists in 1987.

Characteristics and standards

The Chinese Crested Powder is a small dog with a slightly elongated body. The height of adult males is 28-33 cm, weight 5-6 kg, the height of females is 23-30 cm, weight 4-5 kg. The Powder Puff differs from the Hairless Crested by the presence of long, flowing hair. It shouldn't be curly. The coat colors can be varied - from blue to dark red. More often you can see cream, white, black and white powder puffs.

Breed standards:


There can be two types: the light deer type and the thicker boned horse type. The back is straight, the lower back is elastic.


Slightly rounded, tapering slightly towards the muzzle, but not pointed. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle from above visually divides the head in half.


Very dark, the whites are almost invisible. The rim is either black or brown.

Hanging, set low, sometimes decorated with fringe.


The front ones are long and slender, the rear ones are wide set.


Long, does not curl.

How to retrain a dog and stop a dog from barking at everyone? Read useful recommendations from experts.

How can you clean your dog’s ears and how to do it correctly? Read the answer at this address.

Character, intelligence and behavior

The Chinese Crested is not used as a hunter. This is a decorative pet. When puppies arrive in the house, they initially behave timidly. Gradually they get used to it, become active and playful. It is very difficult for adult dogs to adapt to a new family and environment.

Puffballs need constant human contact. Therefore, this breed is unlikely to suit very busy people. It is not advisable to leave them alone. They begin to howl and whine. This breed is very loyal to its owner and other family members. She gets along well with other animals in the house, even cats. Some of their character traits resemble those of a cat. They love to sit in their arms and feel their owner's mood. Dogs show absolutely no aggression towards strangers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to their miniature size and good nature, Puffballs can get along with almost everyone. But, like any other breed, they have their pros and cons.

Advantages of the breed:

  • friendliness;
  • lack of aggression;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • mobility;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • good health;
  • undemanding to walks;
  • good socialization.


  • may be stubborn during the training process;
  • do not tolerate loneliness well;
  • requires careful grooming;
  • difficult to train to be neat.

Care and conditions of detention

Crested dogs require careful attention and careful grooming. This is something to consider before purchasing this breed.

How to train to a litter tray and further training to walk

Physiologically, representatives of powder puffs cannot tolerate the urge to go to the toilet. Usually, even 8-9 month old dogs relieve themselves at home. Therefore, while still puppies, they need to be trained to use the tray. First, put your dog in the litter box immediately after eating and after sleeping. If the puppy tries to leave the tray, return it back. When he does his job, praise him and treat him with a treat. After the end of quarantine, it is necessary to train the dog to use the toilet outside. First, he is walked in quiet, secluded places. The walking area is gradually increasing.

Feeding puppies and adult dogs

During the first months of a puppy’s life, you should not buy him food. It is better to replace it with boiled vegetables. First you need to stick to the diet that the puppy had in the kennel. Gradually you can add cottage cheese, kefir, and later switch to dry food.

Up to 2 months, puppies need to be fed 5-6 times a day. Up to 1 year, the norm is reduced to 2 times. After 4 months, your pet should not be given milk. Among dry foods, preference should be given to low-calorie foods, since the breed is prone to obesity.

As for natural products, Chinese Cresteds are absolutely not picky about food. They love fruit very much. The daily diet should also include lean meat, boiled offal, lean sea fish, vegetables (except beans and potatoes), and cereals. You can give an egg several times a week.

Prohibited products:

  • fat;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • baking;
  • spices.

Place to sleep

The dog needs to buy a bed, place it in a comfortable place without drafts and noisy household appliances. The puffball needs to be taught to sleep in its own place, and not with its owner. Since your pet is prone to freezing, it is better to lay a soft down or woolen blanket on it.


Hygiene for hairless and downy Chinese Cresteds is slightly different. A Powder Puff takes a lot of time and effort to care for its coat. For her to be beautiful, she needs regular combing, bathing, and haircuts. We must not forget about the hygiene of eyes, ears, teeth and claws.

Basic rules for caring for a dog:


Ears, eyes, claws, teeth

Sometimes tangles may appear, so to avoid them it is recommended to comb the puff every day with a metal comb. Start from the roots and comb throughout the body.

It is better not to scratch dirty fur, but first wash the animal with a special shampoo. If your hair is very tangled, use conditioner. It is recommended to bathe your dog on average once a week.

Trim the claws 1-2 times a month with a nail clipper.

Wipe your eyes with boiled water or a special solution to prevent them from turning sour, once a week.

The ears are the weak point of Chinese Cresteds; they need to be examined every 3-4 days and cleaned as necessary. Use a damp sponge to wipe the outer part of the ear.
Brush your teeth 1-2 times a week with a special brush and toothpaste. The dog needs to be accustomed to the procedure from childhood.


Puffballs love walks and outdoor games. They need to be walked 3-4 times a day for half an hour. In urban environments, it is better to keep your dog on a leash so that larger dogs on the street do not accidentally harm it. It is advisable not to walk under the scorching sun. The breed is very sensitive to UV rays.


Puffballs love to chew on everything. To avoid damage to things in the house, it is better to stock up on rubber toys in advance. It is better to refrain from squeakers.

Vaccinations and treatment against worms

Vaccination can only be given to absolutely healthy dogs. 10-14 days before each vaccination, worms are removed from dogs. At least 3-4 times a year, the dog is given antihelminthic drugs for preventive purposes. The first deworming is carried out for puppies at 3-4 weeks.

The vaccination schedule is determined by the veterinarian after examining the animal and assessing its health.

Approximate vaccination schedule:

  • at 8-9 weeks from paravirus, plague, adenovirus, parainfluenza;
  • revaccination after 3-4 weeks + rabies vaccine;
  • at 6 months from trichophytosis and microsporia;
  • per year - complex revaccination;
  • annual general vaccination.


Chinese Cresteds have no undercoat and are very hard-tolerant of cold weather. Therefore, before going outside in winter, they need to be protected with clothing to avoid frostbite. These can be special overalls, sweaters, shoes and other accessories.

Haircuts, trimming

Long-haired "Chinese" require regular grooming, both on the body and on the head. It is better to entrust this procedure to an experienced groomer.

The Chinese Crested haircut can have different variations. The main thing is to design the muzzle correctly. If the dog is being prepared for a show, then the muzzle is clipped, the tuft remains, and the hair around the muzzle is laid in an inverted V. You can leave sideburns - tufts of hair on the cheeks. It is imperative to trim the hair around the anus and pluck the hairs inside the ears. Also cut off excess hair between the fingertips.

Training and education

The puff is quite easy to train. She follows many commands and tricks and tries to completely please her owner. Dogs respond normally to the training process. Main: regularly reward them for obedience.

Simple commands “place”, “come to me”, “sit” can be taught to your pet independently. The main thing in the training process is to show patience and respect for the dog. After all, puffs are very sensitive to a person’s mood.

If a dog is preparing for subsequent participation in exhibitions, it is better to train it with an experienced dog handler. Exhibition specimens must have a graceful gait, good posture, patience and other qualities of a show-class breed.

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On the page you can learn about the symptoms of kennel cough in dogs, as well as methods of treating the respiratory disease.

Breed diseases

In general, the health of Chinese Cresteds is good. Sometimes dogs suffer knee cap injuries and other injuries as a result of their jumping and activity. Dental problems may arise from early childhood. This is a genetically determined defect. Therefore, regular dental care should be provided to the dog from early childhood.

Puff puffs are also susceptible to:

  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • cataracts;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • Perthes disease;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • urolithiasis;
  • degenerative myelopathy.

Choosing a puppy

The choice of a Chinese Crested dog must be taken very seriously. It is better to hire an experienced dog breeder to help. It is better to buy a puppy from a nursery that has an impeccable reputation. You need to pay attention to the living conditions of the animals and the health of the puppies’ parents. When choosing, you need to focus on the most active and curious individuals.

The cost of a puppy is influenced by the degree of compliance with the standard, pedigree, and titles of the parents. Nurseries can offer puffballs for $300-700. Experts recommend buying a dog at the age of 4-6 months.

Decorative breed. It is also called the Chinese Hairless due to the lack of hair on its body. This mutation has been known in China since ancient times.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

From time to time this breed was very popular, but in the middle of the last century it almost disappeared. In 1966, only one American breeder had its only representatives. After this, the dogs were brought to Great Britain and a new era of their breeding began.

History of the breed

An ancient legend tells how a small fluffy dog ​​found a freezing baby in the forest. The caring little girl shook off all the fluffy fur on him to warm the child, and then called the spirits of the forest for help. The gods were surprised and touched by such concern. They allowed the parents to take the baby and released the dog, which had lost its hair, after the people. They say this is how the Chinese Crested appeared.

Heroine of tall tales

There are other amazing stories about this breed. The Chinese believe that a naked dog with wavy fur on its neck and face accompanied the Buddha himself during his long travels. He wandered the world in the garb of a simple monk. When the enlightened one got tired, the little dog turned into a giant lion and carried the traveler on its back.

Another story involves unhappy love. The beautiful girl Lu fell in love with the poor guy Tsu-Li. Their feelings were strong, but the girl’s father promised to marry his daughter to the rich old man Ho-Chan. Desperate lovers went to the great sorcerer for help. He promised to change the fate of young people, but they had to pay a heavy price for this service.

The sorcerer turned the bald, wrinkled Ho-Chan into a charming dog, but this spell passed on to all future children of Tsu-Li and Lu. Their descendants in dog skins continued their lives in Buddhist monasteries, giving rise to the Chinese Crested breed.

Adherents of Buddhism and other religions, in turn, believed that hairless dogs were mysteriously connected with the afterlife. It was believed that such pets, after the death of their owner, went with him to the kingdom of death and became his lawyers at the great trial.

Fans in Russia
Chinese crested dogs came to Russia quite late - in 1991. After 5 years, the National Breed Club appeared, which did a lot to popularize it. Now more than 1,000 puppies are registered annually in the Russian Cynological Federation.

Made in China?

Many people want to believe that if a hairless dog is not a relative of the gods, then at least it belongs to an ancient breed. Alas, our heroine’s past is vague. No one is sure that the Chinese Crested was a favorite of the ancient mandarins and lived in the imperial mansions.

However, historians Ming Tao and Chao Tai managed to discover ancient manuscripts that mention “small hairless dogs with delicate skin, the crest of a crane, the tail of a lion and the paws of a monkey.” They say that these naked pets were bred by Buddhist monks.

There are also more outlandish versions of their origin. Some researchers believe that hairless dogs were brought to China ... by Latin American Indians about 2,500 years before Columbus. This happened during the reign of the Han Dynasty. In this case, the Chinese Crested really basked in the imperial lands of the Yangtze Valley.

The African theory of the origin of the breed is also popular. It is believed that the dogs of this hot continent have gone bald due to a genetic mutation. In the constant sun it was easier for them without fur. Then the mutated dogs were taken out by sailors who reached China.

Amazing Mutations

But the most obvious version looks most plausible. Mutations leading to hairlessness occur not only in man's four-legged friends. Cats, guinea pigs, and rats are susceptible to this transformation. It is likely that populations of hairless dogs appeared on all continents at different times. Moreover, independently of each other. But the sailors who arrived in China paid special attention to them.

A curiosity, and nothing more

Since the 18th century, British, Portuguese and French travelers have often encountered hairless tiny dogs in various parts of Asia and Africa. Descriptions of these exotic creatures are found in captain's diaries and travel notes.

But crested beauties came to Europe only at the end of the 19th century. The breed was first shown at the Westminster Kennel Club show in 1885 in New York. In an unusual way, animal artists became interested. They began to depict naked dogs on their canvases.

In 1986, Mr. V.K. Taunton, who collected rare breeds, showed off a cute dog named Chinese Emperor at the Crystal Palace. Alas, the British public was not impressed by the dog’s cute crests or velvety skin. The animal was considered a biological curiosity.

On the way to perfection

However, at English dog shows there were also those who became interested in the strange miracle from China. Taunton, together with the famous dog breeder Ida Garrett, began to develop a hairless breed. Latin American hairless dogs, as well as the Maltese, Tibetan terrier and even the Afghan hound, actively participated in the selection. It was these shaggy breeds that gave the “Chinese” a silky mane, woolen socks and cute tassels on the tail.

However, the emergence of a standard was still a long way off. The ancestors of the Chinese Crested, shown at exhibitions at the beginning of the 20th century, looked modest. They had neither the crests nor manes we are accustomed to. The modern appearance of the breed began to take shape only in the 70s of the last century.

American and English breeders played a big role in this. Among them are actress Gypsy Rose Lee and Englishwoman Ruth Harris. In fact, the “Chinese” dog was created by English specialists. In 1969, a club for fans of the breed appeared, and four years later it was officially recognized.

Two types of Chinese crested: hairless and downy (powderpuff)

The dog is 23-33 cm high at the withers, has a dry constitution, and weighs 2-5 kg. The body is completely devoid of hair, the skin is very smooth and thin, does not tolerate cold, dampness and direct sunlight. The head is long with an elongated muzzle. A lush crest is preferred on the head. The hair on the feet should not extend above the hock joint and wrist. The skin is hot and soft to the touch and can be of various colors: pink, blue, black, lavender, mahogany or copper. Under the sun, fair-skinned “Chinese” tan to a bronze shade.

Coat color Any one is recognized - solid or spotted.

There are two types of constitution of Chinese Cresteds - "deer" and "pony". “Deer” has lighter and thinner bones and looks more elegant. Overly emotional individuals are not uncommon among them. Dogs of the “pony” type are heavier-boned and stocky. They are more self-confident and calm, which helps them win shows more often.

The name of the breed does not contain the words “hairless” or “hairless”. An important feature of Chinese Cresteds: in one litter, both completely naked individuals can be born, which later grow tufts on the head, paws and tail, and puff puppies, i.e. completely covered with hair. The standard allows any colors and color combinations. They can range from brown-red to blue. When combined with pink pigmented skin, patterned, marbled and spotted colors are obtained.

It's funny that the richness and density of the color of the fur coat changes depending on the season. In summer, the animal's skin may become tanned. Then its color will become bronze or graphite. In winter, the skin tone becomes lighter again. Of course, crested dogs are very susceptible to sunburn.

Representatives of the breed have an unusual paw structure. Their elongated fingers resemble human ones. A smart pet, just like a small child, reaches out with its arms to its beloved owner or rolls out a toy from under the bed with its long paw.

No allergies?
Alas, even hairless dogs cause allergies. An allergic reaction can be triggered by secretions from the skin glands of crested pets or components of their saliva.


Hairless pets from China were never used as hunters or guards. Their ancestors were honorary participants in ancient rites. And modern breeders created precisely the decorative breed. This is where many of her qualities come from.

The Chinese Crested is very friendly. She loves all family members, especially children, and is very affectionate towards people, unlike many oriental breeds. She is gentle, affectionate, careful and flexible. , only the one who enters the house will not even play at first out of timidity. Afterwards he will show how playful and curious the “Chinese” are.

This is a rather temperamental dog, but it will not bark in vain. Her barking may mean that the pet is either too nervous or bored and waiting for affection.

Training her is quite easy and necessary, like any dog. At the same time, she is able to learn basic tricks: walking on her hind legs, climbing stairs, jumping over obstacles.

She gets great pleasure from communicating with a person, she really does not like loneliness. And so that she does not grow up fearful and distrustful, it is better to take her with you into human society more often and introduce her to calm, small dogs.

The Chinese Crested Dog loves his owner so much that he becomes vitally necessary for her and if he leaves the house, she will wait and look for him for a long time. Therefore, as an adult, this dog has a very difficult time adapting to a new owner.

Corydalis females are zealous mothers and nurse even well-grown puppies.

Many representatives of the breed are afraid of both hot and cold water. She needs to be provided with more toys to prevent her from chewing things out of boredom.

Chinese Cresteds amaze with their emotionality. They become strongly attached to their owner and do not tolerate loneliness. If you leave your pet in an empty apartment, the bored dog will immediately start whining and barking. Buying such a pet means forever being in the spotlight.

They perfectly sense people's moods. Typically, representatives of the breed are sweet, playful and friendly. But if the owner is busy, such a pet will not bother. He will curl up in a ball somewhere in a secluded corner and sleep peacefully. The main thing is that the family is nearby.

A playful pet can find its own entertainment. For example, roll a ball of thread, a plastic bottle cap, or a rustling bag across the floor. Her personality will allow her to get along with other pets. True, she might be a little jealous.

Connoisseurs of the breed say that it has many cat features. For example, the temperature of the naked body is higher than the temperature of the coat of other dogs. Therefore, the Chinese Crested can, like a cat, work... as a heating pad. They say it can relieve pain from rheumatism, inflammation of the veins and osteochondrosis.

Not for children
All crested dogs are very fragile, so they are not recommended for families with small children. A child can accidentally harm them. In addition, these dogs are afraid of screams and sudden movements. Constant noise will lead to chronic nervousness and timidity.


The degree of care for the Chinese Crested's coat depends on how much overgrowth the pet has. But her soft skin primarily requires constant and serious attention. You will have to try hard!

It is necessary to monitor for cracks, rashes and acne. If the body becomes dry, you need to lubricate it with non-greasy hypoallergenic creams.

You will have to give your pet a bath day every week. It is recommended to use a soft washcloth and gel for sensitive skin. It is better to wash the mane with shampoo, which will add additional volume. After the water procedure, you need to blot the dog with a soft towel and treat the skin with light cosmetic oil.

The hair on the face will have to be removed with a clipper, and after cutting, the skin should be carefully treated with a light cosmetic oil.

Hair on the face will have to be removed with a clipper, and after cutting, the skin should be carefully treated with an antiseptic solution and herbal baby cream. It is also necessary to periodically trim the growing fur on the back, shoulders, and hips.

Fluffy varieties of "Chinese" do not shed seasonally. However, their fur is still gradually renewed. So you will also have to wash and comb it regularly so that the hairs do not get tangled and do not absorb unpleasant odors.


A naked torso is a mutation, but not a genetic defect, this is confirmed by the fact that the “Chinese” are quite healthy animals and live on average 11-14 years. Their litter ranges from 1 to 9 puppies, but the average is 3-5. However, there are also “breed” infestations.

It is not uncommon for Hairless Chinese Cresteds to have difficult births, as well as acne and sunburn of the skin.

You can walk with the Chinese Crested at any time of the year. She happily frolics in the fresh air. Three to four short walks a day will be enough. But in winter she... Purchase a waterproof jacket or overalls with padding polyester in advance. In general, all representatives of the breed are in good health. But, as we have already written, you need to constantly monitor the condition of their skin. Under the influence of the environment, allergies can occur, which in advanced cases leads to itching and bacterial infections.

Crested cats also often have dental problems. After changing milk teeth to molars, some teeth may be missing. Sometimes they grow incorrectly curved. Such a baby will have to be shown to the veterinarian often.

However, fresh air and active movements are also necessary for the crested Chinese dog, so you should not make it exclusively a domestic dog. When walking in the cool season, the dog must be dressed. If you rarely go outside, you need to provide your dog with enough activity, otherwise it may become overweight.

The dog's coat does not require any special care; bathing should occur no more than once a month using special hypoallergenic products or baby soap. The crest and tail are combed daily to prevent tangles. I protect her skin with a special cream from drying out and peeling.

In summer, be sure to use high-quality sunscreen.

Chinese Crested dogs have very bad hair, so they need to be brushed from puppyhood.

Ideal host
The crested baby is suitable for a person with a creative mind, who loves small dogs and prefers the exotic.

Price of puppies

If you decide to buy this dog, then you should know that the Chinese Crested Powder, as a rule, costs 2-2.5 times less than its hairless relative. The approximate price level today for dogs with a pedigree and a good level is from 12,000 to 25,000 rubles for the puff and from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles for a naked dog.

Photo: How much does a Chinese Crested puppy cost?

And boredom will disappear!

Although the Chinese Crested is classified as a breed, it has excellent learning abilities. Training is built around the dog's natural curiosity, which makes him an attentive and diligent student.

Thanks to their innate agility and jumping ability, crested dogs can perform various tricks and even run through an obstacle course. But even if you don’t plan to train your pet and take it to shows, it won’t let you get bored. A crested dog will become a guardian angel for the whole family, relieving stress. This iconic and exotic animal will be your muse and faithful friend.

Photo of the Chinese Crested breed

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The Chinese Crested breed was bred as a companion for people forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle. You won't find a better pet for this role. The dog practically reads your thoughts and will be able to lie in bed for several hours in a row without moving a muscle. She has almost no desire to go outside and run around like an ordinary dog. Although she is athletic enough to jump over a surprisingly high fence and easily competes in agility. Chinese Cresteds are not pack animals, but are very sociable and quickly form bonds within their environment. The dog hardly recognizes strangers, but after he falls in love with you, you will have a little pursuer in your arms, faithfully accompanying the object of his love everywhere.

Photo of Chinese Crested


  • Level of adaptation (3/5):
    • adaptability to living in an apartment (5/5)
    • suitable for the novice owner (3/5)
    • sensitivity level (5/5)
    • loneliness tolerance (1/5)
    • cold tolerance (1/5)
    • heat tolerance (3/5)
  • Friendliness (4/5)
    • attachment to family (4/5)
    • love for children (5/5)
    • friendliness to other dogs (4/5)
    • attitude towards strangers (4/5)
  • Health and care (2/5):
    • shedding degree (2/5)
    • drooling (1/5)
    • ease of care (2/5)
    • general health (5/5)
    • tendency to be overweight (2/5)
    • size (2/5)
  • Learning ability (3/5):
    • ease of training (4/5)
    • intelligence (3/5)
    • tendency to use teeth (4/5)
    • hunting instinct (3/5)
    • tendency to howl and bark (3/5)
    • traveler potential(1/5)
  • Training needs (2/5):
    • energy (2/5)
    • intensity (1/5)
    • need for physical activity (2/5)
    • igrivosty (3/5)

Main parameters:

  1. Group: Companion dogs.
  2. Height at withers: 28-30 cm.
  3. Weight: up to 5.5 kg.
  4. Life expectancy: 12-14 years.


The Chinese Crested is a miniature dog with an exotic appearance, not bred in China. There are two variations of the breed:

  • Bald (hairless, naked), having silky hair on the head (crest), tail (feathering) and legs (“socks”);
  • Downy (genetically recessive), the body of which is completely covered with hair.

Puppies of both variants can be found in the same litter. Regardless of type, it is a thin, small-boned dog with elegance and grace. She is beautiful, although she has every chance of beating the competition in the “Ugliest Dog” competition (held annually in California). This is a big dog living in a small, sometimes naked-looking body.

In the literature, the Chinese Crested is described as very friendly, but this is more the exception than the rule. Yes, she will almost certainly smile at you when she is being naughty, but this is not the same thing. This is an extremely sensitive and overreacting dog with a great need for communication (get ready for her to sleep under the same blanket with you). She behaves wonderfully with her acquaintances, but she can even bite a stranger if she has not been instilled with the proper socialization skills and has not been taught to refrain from such impulses.

The bald crested cat does not require sunscreen, moisturizing milk, lotion and other various skin products. On the contrary, all this cosmetics causes problems. Dog skin has a better chance of being healthy if you don't put anything on it. The Chinese Crested needs to be bathed regularly, every one to two weeks.

Many hairless crests actually have a lot of hair. It's no surprise that most people aren't prepared for how hairy a hairless dog can be, and for someone with allergies, this can be a problem. Chinese Cresteds are not allergenic; they simply shed less than other breeds. At the same time, they shed more hair than you would expect from a “hairless dog.” Even the hairless variety has noticeable hair on the head, legs and tail. Some allergy sufferers get along well with hairless crested cats, while others cannot tolerate them. Body hair should be shaved to keep the skin healthy.

Often the fur is allowed to grow to keep the pet warm, but long hair does not fulfill this function and instead causes skin problems (it is better to use a sweater for warmth). The Chinese Crested does not sweat through its skin, and its body temperature is the same as that of any other dog breed. Some individuals are prone to the canine equivalent of acne.

The Hairless Crested is very heat tolerant. She can lie in the sun at temperatures above 37 degrees for long hours, like a lazy lizard, without any problems. These pets drink little, which confuses experienced dog owners who are accustomed to leaving a sufficient amount of water freely available. On the other hand, this breed does not tolerate frost at all.

Some people try to harden their dog by exposing him to the cold as if he were a seedling. It's not only cruel. This does not work! The cold will kill the “Chinese woman” much faster than the heat.

Vaccination and the use of topical cortisone medications require caution. Rabies shots often cause a reaction. Some cresteds can have a terrible reaction to medications, including topical flea treatments. A conservative approach to therapy is safe, but this does not mean that nothing at all should be used. Normally, representatives of this breed do not need flea and tick control: for insects, their body is the last place where they want to settle.

Chinese Cresteds are wonderful family dogs that enjoy spending time with people. They do well with children, although you should consider the age of the little ones and how they interact with animals before you let this little creature into your heart and home. The dog is easily injured and should not be left unattended with children or even alone in the yard.

With family members of any age who know how to handle dogs, they will play, snuggle lovingly on the couch, and enjoy an active life. Due to their need for companionship, Cresteds will suffer from separation anxiety, and this can lead to barking and destructive habits. They will climb, dig, and try to escape their prison if left alone for too long. These dogs are relatively calm when you are around, but may bark in warning. They feel good in apartments and dwellings of any type.

Chinese Cresteds are adept at jumping, digging and climbing! Don't make the common mistake of underestimating their athletic ability just because of their small size. They are like Houdini and can escape from almost any fence. A six-foot fence around the yard is a good idea. If a Crested can jump over a fence, it will do so.

She has no fear of lifting or jumping and can land on all fours from a standing position. Once the dog is outside, it will begin to enjoy its freedom, stopping all attempts to return it. And he will show more persistence than you.

Their athletic abilities explain why many Cresteds are overzealous with court work such as submission, obedience, and agility. Chinese traders once used the Chinese Crested as a rat catcher on ships, and the dog may have served this function on farmland as well. Today, Cresteds enjoy life as beloved family pets, but do not forget that they are not just pampered pets, but also individuals with their own character.


  1. The Chinese Crested is a small dog that thrives in many types of living spaces, including apartments.
  2. There is a genetic link between dominant hairlessness and tooth loss. This is not a sign of a “bad breed”, but one of the accompanying qualities.
  3. She should not be left alone in the yard or on walks without a leash. Large dogs may view this baby as prey. The Chinese crested joke climbs fences and can even jump over a high fence.
  4. Although the breed is good with children, the age and personality of the children must be taken into account before getting this dog. Due to their small size, they are easy to injure.
  5. The exotic appearance may attract you to the Chinese Crested, but keep in mind that this dog is just as temperamental as others, and sometimes more so. Cresteds have enviable stubbornness.
  6. This breed will bark and act like a small guard dog. If you want a calmer pet, look elsewhere!
  7. Chinese Cresteds are companion dogs and prefer to spend time with their owner and their family. They will not remain calm outside the house, and will begin to climb, dig the ground and any surface, trying to escape from captivity if separated from their owners. If Chinese Cresteds are left alone for too long, they begin to suffer and turn into destructive creatures.
  8. The Chinese Crested requires proper early socialization, otherwise it will become timid and fearful of people.
  9. Chinese Cresteds are relatively clean dogs with little or no shedding.


Contrary to its name, the Chinese Crested did not come from China. Its ancestor is an African or Mexican (it is impossible to say with certainty which one) hairless dog, which the Chinese breeders noticeably reduced. Presumably, crested animals were companions of Chinese sailors, accompanying them on voyages as early as 1530. They hunted rodents during and between outbreaks of plague (today they can still be found in port cities in different parts of the world). By the mid-19th century, Europeans began to actively capture them on canvases and engravings.

The Crested was previously known by the following names: Chinese Hairless (hairless), Chinese Royal Hairless, Chinese Ship's Dog, and even Chinese Edible Dog (although there is no direct evidence that the Chinese ate them).

The Chinese bred dogs for their excellent rat-catching abilities, indispensable on board a ship, and sailors sold them in various ports. In the 1700s, the European Hairless Dog, which closely resembles the Chinese Crested, was documented. Then European travelers visited Chinese seaports, crowded with merchant ships.

The Chinese definitely believed that the crested dog had magical healing powers; the dogs were used as living heating pads. They were kept by both Chinese emperors and sailors. It is not clear when the breed officially arrived in North America, but its first club was founded there in 1974. In China, the breed has become rare.

Photo of Chinese Crested


The agile and cheerful crested dog adores her family members, she is simply obsessed with them! Expect lots of kisses and cuddles with this little creature who will spend a lot of time on your lap. Understand that your dog doesn't accept strangers easily, but once he loves you, you will become his world.

Chinese Cresteds are excellent companions and have a highly developed mind. Keep in mind that dog trainers often underestimate them, giving them low scores on the intelligence scale because they don't fit the conventional profile.

The Crested can be stubborn. She communicates intensively, but within the confines of her immediate environment. Truly friendly Cresteds are the exception; most are suspicious of strangers. The dog is capable of giving out strong reactions, and this trait, combined with a high need for communication, can cause him to suffer.

Cresteds get along well with people they know, but are likely to try to bite a stranger if they are not socialized and trained to restrain such impulses. The dog gives an alarm with a loud bark (although it is unlikely to particularly frighten a burglar). The Crested is not the barking breed, but it diligently performs guard duty. Some "Chinese women" like to howl or sing.

When choosing a puppy, try to see at least one of its parents; usually the mother is more accessible, to make sure the dog has a good temperament and to understand whether you feel comfortable with it. Meeting your pet's other relatives will also help you imagine what the puppy will grow up to be like.

Like any dog, a young Chinese Crested needs early socialization - contact with different people, objects, new sounds and experiences. Socialization increases the likelihood that your pet will grow up to be a well-rounded dog.
A great place to start is to send him to puppy kindergarten. By regularly inviting guests, walking in busy parks, and meeting neighbors on leisurely walks, you help him practice social skills.


You should not purchase a puppy from unverified sellers. There is a risk of discovering various genetic diseases that were passed on to the pet from its parents. Check all documents and certificates carefully.

If treated properly, the dog usually grows up healthy, but each breed is prone to its own group of diseases. It is necessary to know about them in order to prevent the development of the disease and avoid serious consequences if problems with your pet’s health arise.

  1. Dental problems: arise due to a genetic link that exists between dominant hairlessness and lack of teeth. The hairless crested has small, peg-like teeth that can tilt toward the front of the mouth and cause problems. The downy dog ​​has a normal teeth and jaw structure, typical of toy breeds. The Hairless Crested often loses many teeth by the age of two or three years. Some require canned food, while others have no problem shredding food, as does the downy crested.
  2. Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): a disease in which the retina gradually wears out. At the beginning of the disease, the dog develops night blindness, then, as the disease progresses, vision disappears during the day. Many affected dogs adapt well to limited or lost vision as long as their environment remains the same.
  3. Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease: the hip joint is affected. If your crested dog has Legg-Perthes disease, blood flow to the head of the femur is reduced and it begins to break down at the junction with the pelvis. The first symptoms - lameness, atrophy of the leg muscles - are noted when puppies reach the age of 4-6 months. The defect can be corrected surgically, the operation alleviates the dog's suffering.
  4. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca: known as "dry eye syndrome". It refers to inflammation and dryness of the eyes. Occurs due to impaired lacrimation. The eye dries out, leaving only fat and mucus on its membrane. Symptoms may be mistaken for conjunctivitis, which also includes a sticky yellow discharge. The diagnosis is made using the Schirmer test. The syndrome is treated with drops and ointments.


The Chinese Crested requires minimal exercise and will not make a good jogging companion, but it is important to stimulate its mental activity. There are many dog ​​toys and puzzles on the market, many of which will suit your Crested.

Chinese Cresteds are easy to train, but very stubborn, which means you need to be patient. The only sure way to influence a dog is through positive reinforcement; correction requires a delicate approach, since the breed can be naturally shy.

Socialization is necessary, so try to find a school that has small, separate puppy classes to expose your Chinese Crested to dogs of similar size. Playing with large puppies can cause injury.
Crate training benefits any dog. This is a guarantee that no misfortune will happen to the crested cat in the house, and it will not harm itself or the environment. The aviary will also be a place to take a nap. Getting used to the cage will help the crested cat to endure imprisonment with dignity if he has to go on a trip or to a clinic.

Never lock your pet up all day. This is not a prison, and the dog should not spend more than a couple of hours a day in it, unless he falls asleep there all night. The Chinese Crested is a human companion dog and is not designed to live in a kennel or kennel for life.

The crate will also help in teaching the dog to keep the house clean. This can be one challenging task for the Chinese Crested (miniature breeds have a hard time learning this skill), but everything will fall into place in the end.


It is recommended to feed your dog 2-3 times a day, rather than pouring all the food into a bowl at once. The amount of food depends on the physique, age and activity of the animal. You should remember about proper nutrition and special diets that veterinarians prescribe for certain diseases. If the dog is exposed to additional physical activity during training, the portion should be increased.

Try to prevent excess weight gain by controlling the amount and nutritional value of food. But you can’t leave your dog hungry either. Looking at your pet from top to bottom, you should clearly see the waist. Place your hands on his back with your thumbs on his spine. It’s good if you feel the ribs, but if you remove your hands, you don’t see them. If you notice your dog is overweight, increase the amount of training and reduce the portion size.

It is important to understand what largely determines the quality and duration of her life. Recommendations and comments from dog breeders on specialized websites and forums make you seriously think about the issue of feeding your pet. Choosing good food and following certain rules will allow your dog to live a long and happy life!

Color and care

The color of the downy crested is all shades of mahogany, blue, lavender or copper. It can be either solid or spotty. The skin tones of the bald variety are pink and black. Perhaps the nakedness of the Bald Cresteds inspired American actress and stripper Gypsy Rose Lee to become their breeder.

The hairless Chinese Crested is hairless except for soft fur on the head, legs and tail. Body hair should be shaved to protect the skin. Do not use sunscreen or moisturizers, let the skin remain natural. Hairless Cresteds should be bathed frequently with a high quality shampoo. She may have minor skin problems such as acne, so check for comedones (blackheads) during grooming.

The Downy Crested is a high maintenance breed, they have a silky double coat and the abundant undercoat will become tangled if not groomed regularly. As an option, you can shave the dog's face. The Downy Crested needs to be brushed weekly, except during the period when the puppy hair changes to the adult coat. During this time, it is best to brush it daily with a toothed or bristle brush. All tangles must be untangled and any matted hair removed between the pads on the paws.

Downies need to be bathed regularly, but not as often as hairless ones. They require high quality shampoo to avoid losing natural oils from their skin and hair. It is important to dry the dog and dry it (with a low-temperature hair dryer) to prevent hypothermia or dry out fur.

Start caring for your Chinese Crested from an early age. Grooming allows you to bond with your puppy and check for signs of illness. Make grooming a good habit, and you'll find that veterinary checkups and grooming sessions once your dog reaches maturity will be easy and enjoyable.

Most dog grooming services are available from local groomers, and if you don't know or have any doubts about how to do something yourself, especially shaving, you should contact a professional. Both varieties of the breed can have dental problems, but hairless ones are especially susceptible to them. Brush your teeth with it at least two or three times a week. This will prevent the accumulation of bacteria and the formation of tartar. And daily brushing of teeth will protect against gum inflammation and bad breath.

Trim nails only when necessary. This is usually done one to three times a month. If you can hear your dog unintentionally scratching the floor with them, then it's time to cut them. Neat and well-groomed claws avoid accidental scratches during play or greetings. Puppies often become offended when they are brushed, paws touched, or their mouths and ears examined, so try to make this process more pleasant with praise in the form of treats. In the future, the pet will even become more obedient thanks to such procedures.

In addition to all this, you should periodically check the dog’s entire body for various wounds, infections and inflammations. Carefully inspect the mouth, eyes, ears, nose and paws. This will help you immediately identify potential health problems and prevent them, avoiding consequences. Your pet's ears should not smell like wax or manure, and your pet's eyes should not be red and tired. If any symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a veterinarian, otherwise serious complications may arise.

Communication with children and other animals

Children adore the affectionate and gentle “Chinese girl”. They should be old enough to understand that you have to be careful with small dogs. Try to explain to your child that you need to treat the dog gently and with extreme care, in particular, do not pull its tail. Prevent conflict situations and monitor the animal’s mood during play. Do not allow children to touch your pet while it is eating or sleeping. And never leave your child and dog alone.

Chinese Cresteds love other animals and are playful with them.


With the help of a list of breeding organizations, buying puppies will become much easier. Also in kennel clubs you can get additional information about this breed and learn the dog’s characteristics from the owners themselves.

Chinese Crested - a rare and exotic breed, which is gaining popularity every day.

Divided into two types: downy (long-haired) and hairless dog.

Eat two breeding methods: pure breeding and crossing. Both methods are used when breeding the Chinese Crested Dog.

Important! Representatives of both types of dog breeds can be born in one litter, which is not considered a marriage.

These are small, cheerful and energetic dogs. According to the type of constitution, they are divided into “ponies”(stocky, calm dog with heavy bones) and "deer"(an active dog with light bones).

Chinese Crested Dog Dimensions:

  • Height at withers: 23–33 cm.
  • Weight: 3–5 kg.
  • Color: All colors and pink pigmented skin are allowed.

Head and skull. A rounded skull with a narrowed oblong muzzle, the length of which is equal to the length from the base of the skull to the transition to the muzzle. The prominent nose of all colors tapers evenly with the muzzle.

Eyes. Dark, wide-set, almond-shaped eyes with invisible or barely visible whites. Eye color depends on the color of the animal.

Ears. Large, low set ears. Representatives of hairless dogs must have them, while fur dogs may have drooping ears. Cupping is not allowed.

Teeth. The animal has strong, strong jaws. Subspecies differ in the number of teeth. Downy ones must have a full set, while hairless ones may have a shortage.

Neck. According to the standard, the neck is long, tightly covered with skin without thickening or folds. Holds high when moving.

Body. Strong, laid back shoulders with well-developed sculpted muscles. Moderately toned stomach. Long, slender fore and hind limbs. The standard is straight paws and toes. Hind legs set wide apart, muscular thighs and elongated, elastic shins.

Tail. The position of the tail is average (does not lie on the back, does not hang). It can rise above the level of the back or fall below, and has a crescent shape.

Wool. Another difference between the Powderpuff and the Hairless Crested is the coat. Downy ones are characterized by soft, silky wool without a single curl. Hairless representatives of the breed may be completely hairless or have coverings on the head, paws and tip of the tail.

Chinese Crested Hairless Dog

This variety of this hairless breed is more popular than other subspecies. The main difference between the species is the lack of hair. Only the ears, withers, ends of the paws and tail can remain covered.

Crested hairless dogs have a kind and cheerful disposition. They become strongly attached to their owners and require a lot of attention. They love to chew on various things and wires, especially during a long absence of their owners. Leather in a hairless Chinese dog velvety to the touch, different colors. Skin color can be solid or patchy.

Important! The color darkens from sunlight. Due to the lack of hair, the skin requires additional care.

In winter it is necessary to wear warm clothes, and in the summer a protective T-shirt. Use special creams to moisturize the skin and protect from the sun.

Wool necessary regularly to maintain proper appearance. The muzzle and withers must undergo regular haircuts.

Such dogs are popular at shows, as they look like small ponies due to their unique coat. And the rich varieties of skin colors give them some advantage.

Dogs of this breed are quite intelligent and affectionate animals.. They easily learn to use the tray and are able to follow commands. The cheerful disposition and intelligence of the animal will appeal to everyone.

Chinese Crested Powder

The difference between this variety only that the whole body is covered with fur. The coat can be solid, marbled or spotted. Such dogs can participate in exhibitions, but they are not distinguished as a separate breed and are judged together with hairless Chinese Cresteds, which often win due to their extravagance.

Main advantage of down in front of other long-haired dogs – they practically don't shed. In addition, they have thick, soft and silky fur. However, there are varieties with shorter and tougher cover.

Grooming for Powder Puffs is easier than for other long-haired breeds. They need constant brushing so that the fur does not become shaggy. Also It is necessary to maintain a uniform length with a haircut for a neater appearance.

The dog's character is the same as its hairless counterpart. Thanks to its coat, it can better withstand sunny or cold weather. In appearance, puffballs resemble Afghan hounds, but are smaller in size.

The dog is ideal for lovers of fluffy breeds- after all, in addition to her incredibly beautiful fur, she has a huge plus in the form of the absence of shedding. This will save breeders from wool in the house.

The dog also does not have a characteristic unpleasant odor. And thanks to his intelligence and flexible nature, the pet is easy to train to the tray.

Important! The coat of this dog breed allows even people with allergies to own them. This breed has no undercoat and does not shed.

Chinese Crested Mini

This type of breed is not officially identified. This breed is already small in stature. So if a dog does not meet the standard, then it is a crossbreed or a reject. Of course, you can’t take such a dog to a show, but it can just as please its owners.

Designer Chinese Crested Dog Breeds

Designer breed called a dog that is obtained by crossing two individuals from different breeds. Such matings are done to breed dogs with the characteristic characteristics of their parents. However, the biggest problem is often that it is impossible to control which genes are passed on to offspring.

Important! The results of crossing can be very varied and not always pleasant in appearance.

A cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested

Also this the cross is called Khokhlomops. As a result of crossing, a wide variety of colors and coats appear. Most often the descendants preserve the pug's body structure with minor changes.

The fur may be completely absent, cover some areas of the body, or even form a tuft. The length of the coat is unpredictable. The most popular representative of this breed, Boris, gained popularity after a post on Pikabu. He retained all the features of a pug, adding a crest, fluffy paws and a tail.

Cross between Chinese Crested and Chihuahua

Also known as kitschy. The body remains small in size, the ears are often drooping. The coat can be present all over the body or correspond to the coat of a “pony”.

Cross between Chinese Crested and Griffon

Such Dogs often turn out beautiful and arouse sympathy among others. They retain the shape of the muzzle and body, color and coat type of the griffin.

Unfortunately, such dogs are not very pleasant in appearance, but on a walk in a dark park, hooligans will not pester you. As is the case with other crossbreeds, the dog retains the dimensions of a pit bull, and from the crested one takes on a hairless body and a sparse crest on the head.

Only dogs that meet the standard participate in the exhibition.

For hairless crested cats, it is important to have hair on the head, forming into a mane, on the tips of the paws and tail.

Puffs can also participate in the exhibition, since they are not separated from hairless breeds and are evaluated together.

Hairless dogs with short hair all over the body are considered defective and are not accepted for participation in exhibitions.

Useful video

Video clip about the Chinese Crested Powder Puff breed: