List of qualifications and positions

A graduate of a bachelor's degree in specialty 050716 – Instrument Engineering is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of Instrument Engineering.
In accordance with the qualification requirements of the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 273-P dated November 22, 2002, bachelors can occupy the primary positions of technician, design technician, adjustment technician and tests of the first category, laboratory assistants and technicians of research institutions, design and engineering organizations without presenting requirements for work experience and other positions.

Qualification characteristics of bachelor of specialty 050716 - Instrumentation

Field of professional activity
The field of professional activity of the bachelor is production, all sectors, including military-industrial, industry, transport and communications, agriculture and utilities, medicine, education and consumption.
Objects of professional activity
The objects of professional activity are enterprises and organizations of all sectors, including military-industrial, industry, transport and communications, agriculture and utilities, medicine, education and consumption, design organizations, firms of various forms of ownership.
Subjects of professional activity
The subjects of professional activity are physical methods and instruments for monitoring and analyzing substances and products; mechatronic, electronic, electro-mechanical, magnetic, electromagnetic, acoustic and acousto-optical devices and systems; biotechnical and medical devices; element base of electronic engineering and instrument making; electronic technologies; aviation instruments and instruments of automation systems, technologies for automated production of elements, instruments and systems.
Types of professional activities
Bachelors in specialty 050716 – Instrumentation can perform the following types of professional activities:
- calculation and design;
- production and technological;
- experimental research;
- organizational and managerial;
- educational (pedagogical).
Functions of professional activity
Functions of professional activity of graduates:
- development and design of various types of devices and complexes for instrument making, information and measuring technology and electronic engineering, medical, aviation devices and devices in other fields of activity;
- maintenance, organization of preventive inspections and current repairs of instruments, measuring instruments, testing and control;
- development of design, technological and operational documentation, new technologies, testing methods for equipment and devices;
- analysis of the state of devices, systems and complexes and assessment of the stability of the quality of their work for the purpose of further development and increasing the efficiency of production and operation;
- conducting experiments, measurements, observations, implementation of research and scientific development results.
Typical tasks of professional activity
Graduates of specialty 050716 – Instrumentation are prepared to solve the following types of problems by type of professional activity:
- collection and analysis of information source data for design;
- calculation and design of parts and assemblies in accordance with the technical specifications using standard design automation tools;
- development of design and working technical documentation, registration of completed design work;
- monitoring the compliance of developed projects and technical documentation with standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents;
- conducting a preliminary feasibility study of design calculations;
- organization of workplaces, their technical equipment, placement of technological equipment;
- control over compliance with technological discipline;
- maintenance of technological equipment;
- organization of metrological support of technological processes, use of standard methods for quality control of manufactured products;
- participation in work on fine-tuning and mastering technological processes during the preparation of the production of new products;
- assessment of the innovative potential of new products;
- preparation of documentation on quality management of technological processes at production sites;
- monitoring compliance with environmental safety;
- study of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the topic of research;
- mathematical modeling of processes and objects based on standard computer-aided design and research packages;
- conducting experiments according to a given method, analyzing the results;
- carrying out measurements and observations, writing descriptions of ongoing research, preparing data for reviews, reports and scientific publications;
- drawing up a report on the completed task, participation in the implementation of research and development results;
- organizing the protection of intellectual property and research and development results as a trade secret of the enterprise;
- drawing up technical documentation (work schedules, instructions, plans, estimates, requests for materials, equipment, etc.), as well as established reporting according to approved forms;
- performing work on standardization and preparation for certification of technical means, systems, equipment;
- organizing the work of small groups of performers;
- planning of personnel work and wage funds;
- conducting cost-benefit analysis of production units;
- preparation of initial data for the selection and justification of scientific, technical and organizational planning calculations for the creation (reorganization) of production sites;
- development of operational plans for primary production units;
- ensuring high-quality transfer of skills and knowledge, ability to work
with students and students during their learning.
Areas of professional activity
Depending on the educational program, the graduate’s professional activity is carried out in the following areas:
- instrument making, installation and adjustment of automation system devices;
- physical methods and instruments for monitoring and analyzing substances and products;
- aviation instruments and measuring and computing systems;
- biotechnical and medical devices and systems;
- information and measuring equipment and technologies;
- electronic systems and technologies;
- electronic engineering;
- instrument making;
- mechatronics and robotics.
Contents of professional activity
The content of professional activity includes a set of means, methods and methods of calculation and design, production and technological, experimental and research activities aimed at the manufacture of competitive instrument engineering products based on the use of modern design methods.
Requirements for the key competencies of a bachelor in specialty 050716 – Instrumentation
must have an idea of: modern achievements in the field of creation, operation and prospects for the development of complex electronic devices, systems and complexes for various fields of activity;
know: methods of analysis and synthesis of devices, systems and complexes in the chosen field and the principles of their construction and operation;
be able to: calculate and design the main units of devices of systems and complexes, maintain and use devices, systems and complexes in their field of activity;
have skills: in working with devices, systems and complexes in the chosen field;
be competent: in matters of technical regulation, in international and domestic standards, means and methods of information technology; in matters of the legislative, regulatory framework in the field of instrument engineering, labor protection, environmental protection; in the field of experimental research; in other aspects of professional activities.

General education disciplines
Required component
History of Kazakhstan
Kazakh (Russian) language
Foreign language
Computer science
Component of choice

Basic disciplines
Required component
Math 1
Math 2
Physics 1
Physics 2
applied mechanics
Electrical engineering
Materials Science
Standardization, metrology and certification
Electronics Basics
Algorithmization and programming
automation again
Labor protection and life safety
Engineering and computer graphics
Component of choice

Major disciplines
Required component
Instruments and research methods
Economics and organization of production
Fundamentals of information and measurement technologies
Computer techologies
Integrated and microprocessor circuitry
Component of choice

Additional types of training
Physical Culture
Military training and other types of educational work

PGK Intermediate State Control
IGA Final state certification
1) Writing and defending a thesis
2) State exam in specialty (discipline)

List of universities recruiting students in specialty 050716 – Instrumentation

Direction code: 12.03.01 Educational standard: Federal State Educational Standard 3+ Level of education: Bachelor's degree Description:

Field of activity

Instrumentation is a field of science and technology that develops automation tools and control systems. Today, these tools are used in large and small enterprises, in transport, in communication systems, in robotics, in aircraft, in housing and communal services, etc. These systems are even installed in children's toys, which delight children and parents with their unusual functions.

Instrumentation is a branch of mechanical engineering that produces measuring instruments, means of analysis, processing and presentation of information. Such tools must not only be developed, but also properly operated, so only knowledgeable specialists are allowed to use the devices. The range of instruments is limitless: multimeters, spectrum analyzers, electronic, optical and optical-electronic measuring, monitoring and control devices, medical devices and diagnostic systems.

Features of professional activity

Our graduates receive in-depth training in 4 years
natural sciences and engineering disciplines. Mostly bachelors are focused on research and design activities. Some future graduates undergo internships at a leading scientific organization - the Elektropribor Research Institute in St. Petersburg. By gaining new knowledge in automation tools and control systems, in modeling measuring systems and processes, in software, in information and measuring technologies, graduates become desirable specialists in many organizations and enterprises.


After graduating from AltSTU, our graduates are ready to carry out professional activities in instrument-making enterprises: “Sibpribor-Analit”, “Rotor”, “Altaipressmash”, “Altaikoks”, “AZPI”; at information technology enterprises: STC Galex, LLC "Glashatay", Internet agency Mitra, NPP Smart, etc.; in engineering systems development companies: LLC NTP "Special Electronics", LLC Corporate Systems, JSC KC Group, Satellite Monitoring Systems, Techkom-Avtomatika, PKF Video Surveillance Systems, etc.; at communication enterprises: MTS OJSC, VimpelCom OJSC, Megafon OJSC, Sibirtelecom OJSC, etc.; in enterprises related to telecommunications: Arcysitek, Sibholding; in organizations and scientific laboratories related to measurement and data processing: Altai Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Altai Optical-Laser Center, Dynamic Image Research Laboratory and the Piezoresonant Nonlinear Measuring Transducers Laboratory at the Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunov.

Opportunity to continue education

After completing their studies, graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in a master's program in the field of preparation “Instrument Engineering”.

An instrumentation specialist is a qualified worker in the field of science, technology and mechanical engineering. The employee is engaged in the development and production of various measurements. The professional's area of ​​expertise also includes automated systems.

So how much does an instrument engineering specialist earn in different countries of the world?

How much does employment cost in the Russian Federation?

A design engineer in instrumentation makes good money. The average salary of a specialist is 50,000 rubles(approximately $877).

For clarity, let's look at some open vacancies:

  • "Technopark Institute of Innovative Development" ( Samara) – 55,000 rub. / $820. The specialist’s responsibilities include the development of preliminary and technical designs. An important point is the preparation of documentation;
  • Central Research Institute "Cyclone" ( Moscow) – 65,000 RUB/ 970 bucks. Development of 3 D models is a priority. A professional takes an active part in the assembly and adjustment of prototypes;
  • Organization "Teplopribor Sensor" ( Chelyabinsk) – 40,000 ₱ / 597 USD. The expert organizes control over the technological preparation and production of new products. The employee also plans technical assignments for the performers.

How can you work in instrument engineering? How much does the employer pay?

Let's look at the main options:

  • information and measuring equipment and technologies – from 35 000 rub / 522 dollars;
  • devices and systems of radiation energy – on average RUB 46,800 / 698 USD;
  • photonics and laser biomedicine – ₱51,250 / 764$;
  • instrument engineering and intelligent security systems analyst – 60-140 thousand Rub / 1492 USD. A starting employee earns 75% of the salary;
  • optical-electronic devices and systems – 49,800 RUB / 743 bucks;
  • optical technologist - salary ₱76,000 / $1,134;
  • expert on laser optoelectronic devices and systems – 56,000 rubles / 835 bucks. His assistant receives 80% of his salary.

The value of employees in various areas

Instrumentation specialists accept active participation in the operation of device circuits and devices.

Experienced designers are especially in demand at defense enterprises.

The gradation of salaries for professionals is as follows:

  • novice instrument maker – profit 20,000 rubles / 298 USD;
  • experienced adjuster – remuneration 30-40 thousand RUB / 447-597 $;
  • a manager who oversees the implementation of the project and a whole team of performers - 40,000 -50,000 ₱ / 597-746 bucks.

Value in biomedical instrumentation

Price list of instrument making workers in countries Europe and some regions is at a high level.

The direction “Instrument Engineering” is currently the most popular area of ​​​​training for bachelors and masters. This is due to the fact that the devices are used in a wide variety of human activities from aerospace engineering and nuclear energy to household appliances and children's toys. Modern devices containing microprocessors for digital information processing are the main elements of complex technical systems. Various types of transport - road, rail, aviation and others, thermal and nuclear energy equipment, technological equipment for the chemical industry, etc. cannot work without control and measuring instruments (CIS). The list of bachelor's training profiles in the field of "Instrument Engineering" contains a wide variety of measuring instruments in various fields of technology. Volgograd State Technical University has implemented the widest and most universal profile of the direction “Instrumentation” - “Information and measuring technology”, which allows satisfying the needs of enterprises and organizations of the Volgograd region for specialists. Students in this direction undergo internships at instrument-making enterprises: Akhtuba, Shtil, Meteor, etc. These enterprises are equipped with modern technological equipment.

Graduates of this direction in the Volgograd region can work at instrument-making enterprises: Akhtuba, Shtil, Meteor, Aurora; at enterprises producing products containing control and measuring instruments: “Titan”, “Volgograd Tractor Plant”, “Volzhsky Bus Plant”; at enterprises whose technological equipment is equipped with control and measuring instruments: “Caustic” and “Refinery”. In addition, graduates can work in various organizations that use complex instruments, such as control and diagnostic devices in the energy sector, medical devices, vehicle devices and diagnostic equipment at car service stations, non-destructive testing and diagnostic devices in oil and gas pipelines.

It should be noted that graduates of the Instrument Engineering major can work in design and research organizations. Scientific developments of the department - devices are being introduced into production: at the Volgograd parquet production enterprise, a device for monitoring the humidity of the workpiece on the flow has been introduced, which makes it possible to improve the quality of the products and eliminate defects; The Volgogradneftemash enterprise introduced a laser complex for marking column devices, which allowed the enterprise to improve the quality of its products and enter the international market. At the Department of Electrical Engineering, a small enterprise “Optical-electronic systems” has been opened, which is engaged in the introduction of developed devices into production. Currently, the department is developing a device for the Ministry of Emergency Situations to determine the fire resistance properties of insulating electrical materials. Scientific and technical developments of students and graduate students, carried out under the guidance of teachers of the department, are constantly exhibited at competitions and shows of scientific research works of young scientists in the direction of “Electronic devices and systems” and take prizes. Graduates of the direction are prepared for postgraduate studies.

Graduates of two graduations - bachelors continue their studies in master's programs in the areas of "Informatics and Computer Science", "Management in Technical Systems" and "Physics" of VolSTU and "Instrument Engineering" of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (SPb ITMO). It should be noted that St. Petersburg ITMO is a leader in the field of information technology and instrument engineering. Our graduates (there are 8 of them in the latest graduating class) are successfully studying for a master's degree in a field related to rocket and space technology.

Direction of training bachelors

12.03.01 “Intelligent technologies and systems”

direction "Instrument making"

25 budget places (2019)

Passing score 2017 - 163, average score 2017 - 183.9.

Passing score 2018 - 150, average score 2018 - 185.

Unified State Exam - Russian language, mathematics, physics.

The direction “Intelligent Technologies and Systems” (direction “Instrument Engineering”) is training in the design, development and use of information-measuring instruments and systems for collecting information, processing, monitoring and diagnosing various objects and processes.

The state of the labor market in the Rostov region and the dynamics of its development show that in the region there is a real need for graduates of the direction 12.03.01 “Instrument Engineering”. Almost all graduates of this direction of the department work in their training profile at enterprises and organizations in the Southern region of Russia.

The focus “Intelligent Technologies and Systems” (direction “Instrument Engineering”) is included in the list of directions (specialties) in educational institutions of higher professional education that correspond to the priority areas of modernization and technical development of the Russian economy.

The objects of professional activity of graduates of this direction are measuring and computing systems for diagnosing the condition of technical objects; information-measuring systems for monitoring the parameters of technological processes and objects in various industries, medicine and science; devices for general and special purposes with built-in microprocessors for measuring physical quantities.


  • The developer of information and measuring systems is a specialist in the design of devices and systems for measurement, control and diagnostics.
  • Head of metrology, standardization and certification services of government centers and large enterprises in various industries.
  • Head of instrumentation and automation services (I&A) for enterprises in the electrical power, chemical, oil and gas, food and other sectors of the economy.
  • Electronics engineer for service centers of medical equipment, vehicles, and technological equipment.
  • Developer of processor-based virtual and intelligent measurement, control and diagnostic tools.
  • Developer of software for process control systems, diagnostics and condition monitoring of complex technical objects.

To consolidate knowledge and professional skills, students of the department undergo internships at leading enterprises in Russia and Germany that design, produce and service modern information and measuring equipment.

Training of bachelors in the field of “Intelligent Technologies and Systems” (direction “Instrument Engineering”) is carried out in accordance with federal state standards and includes fundamental training in the field of information and measuring equipment and technologies.

Main disciplines of the curriculum:

    “Architecture and programming of microprocessor systems”;

  • “Fundamentals of design of devices and systems”;
  • “Software for measuring instruments”;
  • “Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering”;
  • “Standardization and certification of information and measuring systems and technologies”;
  • “Design and technology of production of instruments and apparatus”;
  • "Measuring information systems";
  • "Intelligent systems and technologies";
  • “Methods and means of measurement, control and diagnostics”;
  • “Theoretical foundations of measuring and information technologies”;
  • “Technical and medical systems of electrical impedance tomography”;
  • “Metrological support of measuring instruments”;
  • “Fundamentals of automatic control”;
  • “Physical basis of obtaining information”;
  • “Electronics and microprocessor technology”;
  • "Metrology and electrical measurements";
  • "Intelligent measuring instruments";
  • “Programming in C++”;
  • "Discrete Math";
  • "Introduction to Digital Technologies";
  • “Fundamentals of digital modeling”;
  • “Programming in high-level languages”;
  • "Development of applications for the Internet";
  • "Computer graphics";
  • “Digital technologies in engineering”;
  • "Introduction to the profession";
  • "Numerical Methods";
  • "Optimization methods";
  • "Physics";
  • "Mathematics";
  • "Foreign language";
  • “Economics and organization of production”;
  • "Database";
  • “Life Safety”;
  • "Jurisprudence";
  • "Sociology and Psychology";
  • “History (history of Russia, general history)”;
  • "Philosophy";
  • and etc.

To ensure the organization of all types of practices, provided for by the curriculum of the direction 12.03.01 “Instrumentation”, department “Information and measuring systems and technologies” A number of long-term agreements have been concluded with enterprises and organizations: Novocherkassk - PC NEVZ, Novocherkassk State District Power Plant, INIS, VElNII, SKB Graf, CJSC Iris; Rostov-on-Don - Rostvertol, Rostselmash, Research Institute SIIS; Taganrog - “Software Technologies”; Stavropol - JSC Energomera, JSC Signal, etc.

In addition, students undergo internships under individual contracts at enterprises in the Southern Federal District, such as:

1. ZAO Alcoa Metallurg Rus, Belaya Kalitva;
2. LLC "KB Metrospetstekhnika", Rostov-on-Don;
3. ZIP “Energomera”, branch of JSC “Electrotechnical Plants “Energomera”, Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory;
4. Research Institute of Energy, Novocherkassk;
5. OJSC “Research and Production Enterprise for Space Instrument Engineering “Kvant”” (JSC “NPP KP “Kvant”), Rostov-on-Don;
6. JSC "Nevinnomyssk Azot" Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory;
7. JSC NTP “Aviatest”, Rostov-on-Don;
8. FSUE "Taganrog Research Institute of Communications" (FSUE "TNIIS"), Taganrog;
9. Branch of OJSC “OGK-2” Novocherkasskaya GRES;
10. OJSC “Heating Networks”, Apsheronsk, Krasnodar Territory;
11. JSC Shakhtinsky Plant Gidroprivod, Shakhty;
12. Eurochem LLC, Belorechensk, Krasnodar region;
13. Plastic Enterprise LLC, Novocherkassk.

As part of the development of the field of study “Instrument making” opened at the IIST department Educational Center National Instruments, whose main activity is certified training of students and specialists. Currently, the Center cooperates with the leading manufacturer of software and hardware in the field of control and measurement equipment - National Instruments (USA). Students get acquainted with advanced solutions for diagnostics and control in the field of automation, real-time systems, energy, construction, and robotics. Additional training in certification courses provides students with the opportunity to receive an international certificate from National Instruments.

In the direction of "Instrument Engineering" there is a MASTER'S DURATION 04/12/01 program "Intelligent Technologies and Systems".

Students, graduate students and graduates of the direction 12.03.01 "Instrument Engineering" are regular participants in various exhibitions and innovation forums.

For example, in August 2013 Ksenia Savvina, Master of the South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platova and director of the Savva group of innovative companies, presented at Seliger a device that diagnoses oncology in the early stages using one drop of blood in 10 minutes. The inventor asked for help and to include mandatory testing with the device during general medical examinations in order to save the lives of millions of people.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with Seliger participants, noted that such devices are in high demand, and promised to transfer the device documentation to the Russian Ministry of Health for expert evaluation.

Ksenia Savvina is the director of a group of innovative companies. This is not the first time at Seliger; this year it presents a development that, according to many experts, can change the understanding of the diagnosis of oncological diseases. In a matter of minutes, this device can detect cancer in the early stages; the accuracy of the results is more than 90%.

Student Research Laboratory"Technical and medical magnetology" Department of Information and Measuring Systems and Technologies

Currently, the TIMMAG laboratory consists of more than 25 undergraduate and graduate students working under the guidance of a number of professors, associate professors and senior teachers of the IIST department, with a volume of work performed exceeding 2 million rubles. in year. Most of the laboratory's projects are carried out jointly with a number of leading foreign research centers and universities (Stanbeis Center, Ilmenau, Technical University of Braunschweig, Technical University of Dortmund). Every year, more than 10 members of SNIL "TIMMAG" receive international scholarships and undergo internships abroad. In 2010, 8 Euler scholarships and 2 Lomonosov scholarships were received in the amount of about 1.5 million rubles. The work carried out in the laboratory regularly takes prizes in competitions at the university, city, regional and all-Russian levels.
The main topic of work carried out in the laboratory is the study of magnetic fields. In addition, the laboratory is currently carrying out work in a number of other areas:

  • Technical vision.
  • Radio frequency identification.
  • Hearing Aids.
  • Navigation systems for moving objects.
  • Development of drives using new magnetostrictive materials.
  • Systems for measuring insulation resistance of power lines
  • Instruments for measuring and forecasting the geomagnetic field.

The department holds weekly seminars organized by the head of the department, the first vice-rector of the university, professor, doctor of technical sciences. Gorbatenko N.I. This seminar is a regular part of the laboratory’s work and allows you to exchange opinions, express original ideas and receive advice from specialists in various fields of knowledge.
Currently, the leadership of SNIL is carried out by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of IIST Shaikhutdinov D.V.