You have probably noticed that during lessons with a tutor there comes a time when your methods and techniques, no matter how hard you try, no longer motivate and inspire the student; during the lesson he is sleepy and does not want to do anything. I suggest you slightly diversify the activities in the lessons, namely, use outdoor games.

How to do this correctly if your students are teenagers? Very simple! Combine the gaming moment with the educational one - two birds with one stone!

The use of outdoor games in biology lessons

In my practice, I worked more with teenagers who, as you understand, do not really like all kinds of games (computer games do not count). They believe that they are too old for such entertainment, especially with a teacher.

Agree, just playing ball won’t work for older schoolchildren, and they pay you for theoretical lessons, not for playing. I will show you with examples how you can get a student interested in doing the exercises, and also learn the subject at the same time.

Games in biology lessons worked especially well: topics about animals and plants, human anatomy always arouse keen interest among the children.

Such techniques work very well for kinesthetic learners; they like to move, and at the same time remember the material better this way.

In my lessons, I often used such methods, even in individual lessons. If the child is not very easy-going, you can get by with cards. All the same, the game switches attention from one type of activity to another, so it’s easier to present the same material in a more interesting form.

The value of outdoor games

Let's look at the meaning of such exercises for schoolchildren during lessons with a tutor:

  • Physical activity

Sitting in one place for an hour and a half straight and listening to a boring story from a teacher? - no, it’s better to play and move!

  • Variety of activities

The monotony of activities always reduces attention and desire to work. Use outdoor games and you will see how your students' performance will improve.

  • Individual approach

Each student can prove himself in such activities, even if he is not the smartest, but he can be the most dexterous and fastest.

  • Comprehensive development

Isn’t the diversified development of a student the key to a successful lesson? In such games, the child reveals his hidden talents and develops emotional intelligence and communication skills.

  • Implementation of knowledge into practice

With the use of such games, any, even the most complex terms and concepts immediately seem elementary. Of course, they are an element of the game!

  • Increasing interest in classes

Outdoor games are an emotional activity, so they are of great value in additional activities with children. This lesson will be remembered by all participants for a long time.

  • WIN situation

In any game there will be winners, and this is very motivating. Give students the opportunity to win, let there be several nominations (“Fastest,” “Erudite,” “Mr. Savvy”). The competitive moment is the key to a successful game.

Techniques for outdoor games

"Step forward!"

Invite the student to take several steps (5-7) around the room; for each step you need to name certain terms or their sequence.

For example, it is very easy to memorize the sequence of taxa in the classification of animals (Kingdom-Type-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species), where the words must be named clearly in order. Then you can complicate it and add to the taxa an example for a specific animal.

"I know five..."

A similar principle of working with the ball.

For example, a student, while hitting a ball, says: “I know five trees of a mixed forest: oak - one, pine - two, birch - three, maple - four, linden - five. I know five flowers of a mixed forest: lily of the valley - one, snowdrop - two, snowdrop - three; violet - four; corydalis - five.” The session is suitable for both group and individual work.

“In the footsteps of... (you can name the topic of the lesson)”

Place cards with terms on the floor (or on chairs in a row). Cards can be made in the form of traces, arrows, or in the shape of leaves, animals, insects (show your imagination, connect this with the topic of the lesson). Have the student pick up the cards and name the definition or characteristics of the object on the card.

The session is also suitable for group and individual work.


The algorithm for this technique can be briefly described as follows: word - sentence - question - answer.

The teacher throws the ball to the student and says: “Word.” He says a word that relates to the topic of the lesson. For example: "Medusa". A student throws a ball to another student and says: “Sentence.” Another student, having received the ball, makes a sentence with this word.

For example: “Jellyfish are coelenterate animals that live in warm seas.” Having said the sentences, the student throws the ball to any of the students, who must make up questions for this sentence. For example: “What are the characteristic features of a jellyfish?” When asking, he throws the ball to the fourth student, who must answer the question: “The jellyfish has a number of characteristic features: a dome-shaped body, tentacles on the underside, transparent, invertebrate.”

If there are more than four students, you can add more questions so that each one asks different ones. Then the circle shifts, and the student asks another question.

"Ping pong"

Two students come to the board and take turns asking each other questions about their homework. In this game you can use a small bright ball. The student says questions and throws the ball to his opponent. The teacher evaluates their answers.

One of the students prepared simple questions for homework. The answers to them should be one-part. He goes to the board, throws the ball to any of the students in the class and at the same time asks him questions. The answer sounds and the ball returns to the first student. The teacher evaluates the quality and originality of the questions and the correctness of the answers.


Classic "Crocodile", only words and expressions related to your subject. Prepare task cards in advance. Invite a student or group of students to pantomime some concept or literary character (options by subject - animal, plant, natural phenomenon, historical figure, scientist), the rest of the students should recognize it.

To complicate things, take not only words, but also expressions, fragments of poems, proverbs and phrases related to your subject.

Then sum up who guessed how many words. A very fun game, the kids just can't stop it.

"Black White"

This game is aimed at distinguishing concepts and their classification. First, try playing this game with colored cards, let the children understand the principle of the game, then you can move on to more active games. The red card is the name of the animal, the green card is the name of the plant. Over time, you can increase the number of word options and card colors accordingly.

Movable option: if the named word refers to animals, then the players must sit down, and if it refers to plants, raise their hands up. The students, having mixed up the concepts, take a step forward each time. Those who make fewer mistakes win.

If the number of children allows (there are 6-8 people or more), you can arrange a team competition. The meaning is the same, only now when naming an animal, one team raises its hands up, and the other squats. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

The game can be complicated: for example, distinguish between types of animals (worms, arthropods, chordates), divisions, classes and families of plants (Angiosperms, Algae, Ferns). You can also define not only two actions for two options, but more, for example, adding hands to a belt or raising a leg for certain concepts.

The use of didactic games as one of the methods for increasing the cognitive activity of students in biology, chemistry lessons and during extracurricular hours.”

The experience is relevant because it is closely related to solving the school problem “Humanization of the educational process.” This experience allows students to increase self-esteem, self-esteem, and respect for others. It allows us to solve the main problem facing modern schools - the reluctance of children to learn and large information overload. During the game, even the most passive student is included in the lesson; children are able to complete a volume of tasks several times greater than a regular lesson.

The difficult economic situation and new market relations have set a task for our school: in a relatively short time, to educate and equip students with such knowledge so that they can take their rightful place in society and bring maximum benefit to it. One of the most important directions for solving this problem is the intensification of the educational process, i.e. development and implementation of such forms and methods of teaching and educational materials that would provide for the targeted development of students’ thinking abilities, the development of their interest in learning, independence and creativity.

Fostering independence, initiative, and activity among our graduates is a requirement of our days. As a result, there is a need to constantly improve the structure of the educational process, its methods and organizational forms, to introduce elements of novelty into the methods and progress of completing educational tasks and solving problems. In the educational process, without receiving all the knowledge in a ready-made form, students must, based on the fundamental guidelines of the teacher, acquire a significant part of it independently during search tasks, problem situations and other means that activate cognitive activity.

Increasing student activity is achieved by a set of methods for organizing and managing educational and cognitive activities, which are commonly called active.

Active forms and methods of teaching contribute to the formation of students' information base, creative thinking, and practical skills. Active learning methods are divided into non-imitation and simulation. Imitation methods are divided into non-game and game methods. I will talk in more detail about gaming methods. Game is one of the types of active activity. It equally contributes to both the acquisition of knowledge, activating this process, and the development of many personality qualities.

Unfortunately, in our pedagogical activities, play is not always used as an equal form of learning and development for children. Although even the classics of Russian pedagogy (Ushinsky, Sukhomlinsky, Makarenko, Rubinstein) in their theoretical works and practical experience devoted a special place to the game, noting its beneficial educational, training and developmental capabilities, and pointed to the need to study the methodological development of games for schoolchildren. “We attach such importance to children’s games that if we were organizing a teachers’ seminary, we would make the theoretical and practical study of children’s games one of the main subjects,” wrote K. D. Ushinsky.

This statement has a relevant meaning for today's pedagogy. After all, the main function of a teacher is not so much to be a source of knowledge, but to organize the process of cognition, to create an atmosphere in the classroom in which it is impossible not to learn.

School practice indicates that educational game activity as a form of education fully meets the current task of methodology, didactics, psychology and pedagogy, which strive to intensify the educational process.

An educational game has the same structure as any educational activity, i.e. it includes the goal, the means, the process of the game and the result. In addition to educational, the game simultaneously pursues two goals: gaming and educational. On the one hand, it is a means of modeling the surrounding reality, and on the other, it is a methodological teaching method. The creative atmosphere and freedom from patterns that arise during the game contribute to the liberation of the creative reserves of the human psyche, neutralize feelings of anxiety, create a feeling of calm, and facilitate communication.

Play has a huge positive impact on the educational activities of intellectually passive children, of whom the majority are in our school. Special studies were carried out, as a result of which it turned out that during the game such a child is able to complete a volume of educational work that is completely inaccessible to him in a normal educational situation.

When is the game needed? Research by psychologists shows that if schoolchildren have developed a stable and deep interest in a subject, then they can give up the game (high school). If there is no such interest and the teacher strives to create it, then the game can become a good assistant to the teacher. It is also necessary to take into account the age of schoolchildren: the younger they are, the more important the game is for them. And here there is no need to be afraid that the interest that arises during the game is an interest in the game, and not in the learning process itself. The development of interest has a pattern: interest in the external side of phenomena develops into interest in their inner essence. Psychologist Davydov notes: “A properly staged game can teach a child a lot. Organizing children’s play activities requires no less profound special scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical research than the development of medical and genetic standards for ensuring the life of a child.” “And the opportunities that play opens up for an observant teacher in terms of assessing the creative inclinations of children, their resourcefulness, and ingenuity cannot be provided by any lesson, even the best one in methodological terms,” says V.F. Shatalov. During the game, the world of childhood connects with the world of science. In games, the student receives various information and knowledge freely. Therefore, often what seemed difficult during the lesson, even inaccessible to the student, is easily learned during the game. Interest and pleasure are important psychological effects of play. The famous French scientist Louis de Broglie argued that all games, even the simplest ones, have many elements in common with the work of a scientist. In both cases, what attracts you first is the task at hand, the difficulty that needs to be overcome, then the joy of discovery, the feeling of an obstacle overcome. This is why all people, regardless of age, are attracted to the game. The purpose of didactic games is the development of cognitive processes in schoolchildren (perception, attention, memory, observation, intelligence, and others) and consolidation of knowledge acquired in the lesson. Characteristic of each didactic game is, on the one hand, the solution of various didactic tasks: clarifying ideas about the subject as a whole and its essential features, etc. In this sense, the game is educational in nature. On the other hand, an integral element of every game is game action. The student’s attention is directed specifically to him, and already during the game he, unnoticed by himself, performs the general task. Therefore, didactic games are presented to students not just as fun, but as an interesting, unusual activity.

Game requirements.

  1. The game should be based on the free creativity and initiative of students.
  2. The game should be accessible, the goal of the game should be achievable, the design should be colorful and varied.
  3. A mandatory element of every game is its emotionality. The game should evoke pleasure, a cheerful mood, and satisfaction from a successful answer.
  4. In games, there must be a moment of competition between teams or individual participants in the game.

I have been working on this problem for two years. I tried to use a large variety of didactic games in my practice. I have developed not only lessons where game moments are fragmentarily used, but also lessons where play is the leading method (lessons - role-playing games, lessons - competitions, lessons - knowledge reviews, lessons - quizzes, lesson - investigation, lesson - examination and others) .

I'll start with lessons - games.

1. Lesson - role play"In the animal world. Phylum Arthropods." I teach this lesson in 7th grade as a lesson - a generalization of the material covered. I distribute roles in advance (this depends on the number of students in the class) so that as many children as possible are involved in the lesson. I choose two presenters who should know well the characteristics of the type of Arthropods and the classes included in this type. The following roles are the roles of correspondents who talk about different representatives of the Arthropod type. We choose as representatives animals that live in different parts of our planet, and do not forget about our local species. When selecting material, I try to make the information interesting and unusual. So, in this lesson, correspondents talk about the following Arthropods: lobsters and lobsters, the black widow spider, the tsetse fly, gadflies and horseflies, stray ants, fleas, and Colorado potato beetles. When talking about an animal, the correspondent shows its habitat on a map. In preparation for the lesson, the children themselves make drawings of the animals they talk about. A professor from the University of Massachusetts joins the discussion about the Colorado potato beetle and talks about the beneficial properties of the Colorado potato beetle. At the end of the lesson, 2 zoologist students tell interesting facts from the life of Arthropods and conduct a quiz about Arthropods to consolidate knowledge.

In preparation for this lesson, children learn to work with additional literature - select a source, select the main, interesting information. Students develop speech because they do not read their reports, but tell them in their own words. Every child wants to prove to himself and his classmates that he is capable of preparing and telling something interesting, and accordingly, self-esteem and self-esteem increase. Since there is a quiz at the end of the lesson, their attention is focused on the information provided. During a regular lesson, the kids are very reluctant to prepare reports, but here everyone wants to participate. Listening to classmates, children learn a culture of communication and behavior; They develop a sense of respect for others.

2. Lesson - review of knowledge"Blood. Circulatory system". I teach this lesson in 8th grade as a lesson - control of knowledge. This lesson allows you to test the knowledge and skills of students acquired while studying the topic “Blood. Circulatory system". The entire survey and knowledge control is carried out in the form of several competitions; for this, the class is divided into two teams. The first competition “Terms” or oral biological dictation, the teacher reads the definitions, students must give names. Second competition “Find the mistake”. The teacher reads out a story in which 8 mistakes were made. The team must find and correct these errors. Both teams are attentive, as you can complement your opponents’ answer and earn extra points. Third competition “Reception at the emergency room”. The teams are offered a description of the situation, they must determine the nature of the injury and provide first aid. The fourth competition “Accurate to...”. Students are given numbers and their task is to determine what these numbers mean. Fifth competition “Solving biological problems”. Students are given two biological problems to answer. Sixth competition “Names”. Teams take turns calling the name of a scientist who has made some kind of discovery in the field of studying blood or the circulatory system; the team’s task is to determine what kind of discovery this scientist made. Seventh competition “Messages”. This is homework - the teams draw a topic for their report by lot, and speak on their topic for 2 - 3 minutes. The eighth competition “Rebuses” is held as an additional one (if time permits) - each team must solve four puzzles to see who is faster. Then the lesson is summarized.

This form of lesson allows you to interview a large number of students and monitor the assimilation of a large amount of material. Discipline and attention are very important in this lesson to be able to answer.

3. Lesson - travel"The cell is the unit of life." I teach this lesson in 11th grade as a re-summarizing lesson. All repeated material is divided into several stations, while at which students perform certain tasks.

1. Station "Istoricheskaya". On the table are business cards of scientists who contributed to the development of cytology. Students pull out business cards and talk about the scientist whose name is written on the card. 2. Station “Blitz on knowledge of biological terms.” Students name terms according to their definitions. 3. Station “Comparative anatomical”. Some characteristic structural features of the cells of a particular organism are written on the cards. The students' task is to determine which organism we are talking about. 4. Station “Cell structure”. Students have signs on their desks with the names of cell organelles. The teacher reads out the functions performed by this organoid. Students must pick up the card with the correct organelle. 5. Station. "Physiological". The cards contain the names of the substances that make up the cell. What functions do these substances perform? 6. Station. "Genetic." Protein biosynthesis task. Two nucleotide sequences of DNA are given, write the process of transcription and translation from this sequence.

4. Lesson - competition"Angiosperms". I teach this lesson as a lesson in testing and monitoring knowledge. The class is divided into two teams. 1st competition - “Riddles from the garden”, teams guess riddles about plants of the studied families. Competition 2 - “Identify the plant.” Teams are given sets of plants (herbariums) with identification cards. Teams identify plants, who is faster and more correct, then tell how the determination was made. Competition 3 - “Listen, don’t yawn.” The teams have signs with the names of the families of plants studied. The teacher names the signs - the students raise a sign with the name of the family (or families). 4th competition - “Guess the intended plant.” There are several herbarium exhibits on the board. Each team guesses a plant, and then, asking leading questions, must guess the plant conceived by their opponents. The team that guesses the plant faster wins. 5th competition - “Do you know the taxonomy of plants.” Teams have signs with taxonomic units. The teacher reads out various biological names and students must hold up the card with the correct taxon. 6th competition - “The fifth odd one”. Teams are given herbariums of plants from one family; choose an extra plant that does not belong to this family. 7th competition - “Name a relative.” In 1 minute you need to write as many plants from the Asteraceae family as possible. Then the teams read out the plants (one at a time), and the last team to name the plant wins. 8th competition - “The story is a tall tale.” This is homework. Each team writes a story about a plant, making 5 mistakes. The opponents' task is to find and correct mistakes. The results are summed up and grades are given. During this lesson, children are very active; here they are required to know not only theory, but also the ability to apply their knowledge in practice. To win this lesson, you need to unite students into a team, cohesion, attentiveness and discipline.

5. Lesson - role-playing game."Disorders of the nervous system and their prevention." When conducting this lesson, roles are distributed among students (geneticist, infectious disease specialist, narcologist, sociologist, ecologist, neurologist, laboratory assistant). Children prepare performances that depict the harmful effects of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and stress on the nervous system. Students deepen the concept of a healthy lifestyle, the causes of diseases of the nervous system, and their prevention. An illustration of the issues being studied is a demonstration of laboratory experiments; testing of school students; tables and graphs.

6. Lesson “Skin hygiene. Nail and hair care." A lesson in learning new material. In this lesson I will hold an exhibition of cosmetics for skin, nails and hair care. Students act as cosmetologists, talking about the types of cosmetics. Rules for its use. Students - “traditional healers” talk about traditional medicine recipes used to treat acne, skin whitening, etc.

7. Lesson “Global problems of air pollution” It is carried out in a chemistry lesson in the 11th grade as one of the final ones. Students are divided into sections, each section preparing information on a specific pollution problem. Students in the section themselves distribute the tasks: who will prepare a message, solve a problem or conduct an experiment. This helps strengthen collectivism and mutual assistance in the group.

8. Lesson - game “Weak Link” on the topic “Hydrocarbons”. I teach this lesson in 10th grade as a knowledge control lesson. This form allows you to check the quality of assimilation of a fairly large topic in a relatively short time. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of topics such as: chemists who contributed to the study of hydrocarbons; structural features of hydrocarbon molecules; physical and chemical properties; qualitative reactions; Areas of use. In addition to lessons - games, I use the game as a fragment of the lesson. Very often I use game "Biological fishing". The fish are ready for the game, with tasks written on the underside. Two students - “fishermen”, from each team go out and catch fish with fishing rods with magnets attached. Then for 2 - 3 minutes. teams prepare for answers, then answer. The game is multifunctional, because allows you to replace tasks and use it in different lessons. In addition, in this game form you can ask weak students who, when completing this task, feel more confident. The game is “Biological Lotto”. Different groups of animals are written on the tablets, the teacher names the types of animals, and the students distribute these animals on their tablets. This game allows you to systematize and classify the studied animals into groups. Memory and attention of students develop. I play the game using the same principle. "Chemical Lotto", where students must distribute the formulas of the proposed substances into classes of inorganic (organic) compounds. Game - "Zoo". Students in 1 min. must write as many animals as possible. Then they take turns reading out their answers, and the child who names the last animal wins. When completing this task, children analyze the available information about animals in general. Learn to generalize the concept of “animal”. The game is "The Third Wheel". Of the three words, choose one extra one. For example, drupes, achenes, apples (grade 6). On the one hand, the excess is the achene, because this is a dry fruit, on the other hand it is an apple, because it is a multi-seeded fruit.

Game - “Make pairs”. 7th grade Pisces class.

1) Salmonids; Coelacanth. 2) Sturgeon. Asp. 3) Carp-like. Ruff. 4) Spiny-finned. Beluga. 5) Locofin. Pink salmon.

In addition to such games, I use a variety of crosswords and puzzles. Children themselves make up crossword puzzles, fairy tales, creative tasks and reports, drawings of fantastic animals, etc.

Make up the name of the fish by rearranging the letters.



To complicate this task, you can ask students to come up with questions for the resulting fish names.

A wide field of activity for using games exists in extracurricular work in biology and chemistry. Children are happy to take part in activities such as: games “Lucky Chance” - “Winter in Nature”; “Finest Hour” - “Birds”, “Primroses”, “A Dog Happens...”, “Brain Ring” - “My Health”, etc.

And the most important thing, in my opinion, is the fact that children do not consider my subject to be secondary or unnecessary. They study biology with enthusiasm, pass exams, listen with bated breath to stories about living things. Apply the knowledge gained in class in everyday life.

I believe that as a teacher, I have come closer to realizing my goal in teaching and the comprehensive development of the student’s personality, so that he can use the knowledge and skills acquired in my lessons in real adult life, and live in harmony with the surrounding nature, people and himself.

Extracurricular activity in biology grades 6-7

This event can be held during biology week. Participants are divided into teams in advance, which receive a home task: prepare for the competition “team presentation”, “musical break”.
To play the game you need:
1. Video projector, 8-10 slides with various animals (predators), images of a baboon, insects, snakes.
2. Task cards for participating teams, envelopes, tokens for spectators, score sheet for the jury.

Progress of the game:

Leading: Today we have an unusual event where you will need the knowledge gained in biology lessons. But remember that the most complete, most accurate knowledge of nature lies beyond school textbooks, and is based on observations of the lives of living beings in everyday life. This requires such qualities as observation, the ability to notice the characteristic features of an animal, establish the relationship between phenomena, reflect, put oneself in the place of a living creature and see the world through its eyes.

Our ancestors mastered these skills perfectly. After all, they were closely connected with the animal world - you had to know what animals and how to hunt, and which ones a person himself could serve as a good meal. Later, all the knowledge helped to train some animals.

Unfortunately, today most people living in the city have lost, along with the need for everyday study of nature, an understanding of the laws of its existence. But the ability to observe and think will help us again understand the laws of existence of living beings. This is needed now more than ever.

At today's game we will learn a lot of new things about the animal world. Well, since we cannot invite every representative of the animal world to our event, video recordings will help us make observations.

So, let us consider our event dedicated to animals open. Let's plunge into the world of amazing, wonderful, diverse animals. Leading: Man, watching animals, dreamed of acquiring some of their qualities: the visual acuity of an eagle, the flight speed of a falcon or the running of a cheetah, the strength of a bear, the agility of a leopard. Our ancestors not only hunted animals. They deified them. For example, in the Congo, some tribes consider elephants their ancestors, in Madagascar - crocodiles, and in modern Japan, fireflies are considered the souls of warriors who gave their lives for their homeland. Therefore, the first task is to find your totem. You must choose a name for your team and explain why you chose it.
The teams come out and introduce themselves one by one. Their performances are evaluated by a jury. Maximum 5 points. Leading: The most important quality in today's game is observation. Now we have to find out who is the most attentive and observant. Various animals will be shown on the screen for a few seconds. Your task is to have time to recognize, remember, and then name as many of them as possible, as well as notice a common feature that is characteristic of all.

8-10 slides with images of various animals are shown on the screen, each slide lasting 3-5 seconds. You are given 1 minute to prepare an answer. Each correct answer is worth 1 point
(Slides: dolphin, penguin, coyote, frog, heron, crocodile, polar bear, swimming beetle. Characteristic feature - predation) Leading: This competition will require your ability to make connections.
Each team receives one task. The teams draw lots, after which they open the envelopes and get to work. Preparation time - 3 minutes. The audience at this moment takes part in the quiz. After the quiz, the presenter reads out the task of each team in turn and listens to its answer. Then he gives the correct answer and the corresponding video fragment is shown. If the team finds it difficult to answer a question, you can use the hints provided, thereby reducing points. Maximum score - 5 points.
Contents of cards:
(There is an image of baboons on the screen.)
To date, about 100 species of ancient gymnosperms - cycads - have been preserved. Encephalartos is one of the most interesting species, but it is endangered. The seeds of this plant are a tasty food for elephants and baboon monkeys (the monkeys also eat the seedlings). Scientists have proposed an unexpected solution - to breed lions in this area. Explain the proposal.
(Lions will regulate the number of monkeys)
(On the screen are representatives of the insect class)
The housefly has two large compound eyes and three simple ones, but despite the abundance of eyes, the fly clearly sees only at a distance of 40-70 cm. And the dragonfly sees further - at 1.5-2 meters. Find the reason for the differences in “farsightedness” and explain it.
Clue: Differences in farsightedness are related to lifestyle.
(The dragonfly is a predator; it catches insects in flight, navigating with the help of its visual organs. This is not necessary for flies, since they feed on “stationary” food.)
On summer nights there are a lot of mosquitoes and midges flying around. This is an excellent food for fish on a fishing collective farm. But how will they end up in the water?
Clue: The midge itself flies into the water.
(the fish are fed using a spotlight: a beam of light is directed into the water, a midge, flying towards the light, falls into the water. The fish can only open their mouth.)
(snake on screen)
The female tiger python collects 40-50 eggs in a pile and wraps itself around the clutch, making 3-4 rings. It turns out to be a living “jug” filled with snake eggs. It is known that pythons are cold-blooded animals, i.e. their body temperature does not rise above the ambient temperature. A python can only warm itself by forcing its muscles to work. Knowing this, naturalists of the last century believed that the mother was simply protecting her offspring. But having measured the body temperature between the rings of the female “sitting” on the eggs, we realized that she not only protects them, but also warms them. The temperature of the snake when it digests food can be 6-7 degrees higher than the air temperature. However, for normal development of eggs, a temperature of 35C is required. What should I do?
(The python's huge body, which is more than half muscle, generates a lot of heat. Zoo visitors can watch the snake "sitting on its eggs" regularly shudder its entire body.)

Quiz with spectators:
Each correct answer is worth 1 point (token).
1. What feeds the wolf? (legs)
2. Which animal can breathe in three ways: lungs, skin, mouth? (frog)
3.What is creep? (the top layer of snake skin that peels off when shedding)
4. The name of which bird in the ancient Russian account corresponded to 10 million? (crow)
5. Which animal is the largest predator on land? (polar bear)
6. Can a polar bear eat a penguin? (no, they do not occur in nature)
7. What should you not feed the nightingale? (fables)
8. What animals are used to treat high blood pressure, eye diseases, and blocked veins? (leeches)
9. In what habitat do the fastest animals live? Name them. (Ground-air: swift, falcon, cheetah)
10. This bird is not small, but it is not easy to see: it will sit on the ground or a branch and disappear. That's just the color of it - pockmarked. Who is this? (grouse)
11. Why does a sitting butterfly fold its wings? (a method of camouflage - in this case it is positioned in relation to the sun so as not to cast shadows.)
12. These beetles fly in both spring and summer. What spring and summer months are their names associated with? (May and June Khrushchev)
13. This bird is a real acrobat, only it can run up and down a tree trunk. Who is this? (nuthatch)
14. Is this bird not like others - its beak is criss-crossed, and it can hatch chicks even in winter? (crossbill. Because it can feed the chicks with pine and spruce seeds even in winter)
15. Which insect can be called a “heavyweight” (ant)
16. There is such an expression - “ant cows”. Who is this and why do they call it that? (aphids. Ants feed on the sweet secretions of aphids and “graze” these insects, protecting them from enemies.)
17. Your age can always be found out from your birth certificate or passport. What serves as a “passport” for fish? (scales. By counting the number of rings on it, you can determine the age of the fish.)
18. There is an expression: “Those born to crawl cannot fly.” Is this so? Prove your point. (no. There are flying tree snake (South America), flying dragon lizard (Southeast Asia))
19. Who “sees” with their ears? (Bat) Leading: During the filming of a nature video, they forgot to sign which animals were filmed on the videotapes, but included their descriptions. Your task is to recognize the animal by description, and then we will compare your answers with video portraits.
All teams play at the same time. The description of the animal is read out in parts, after each part the responses of the teams are heard. Moreover, if the animal is recognized after the first reading, the team is awarded 6 points, after the second - 4 points, after the third - 2 points. After the teams answer, a video slide is shown and the correct answer is called.
1. These lively birds delight residents of Great Britain, France, Germany with their chirping... They are also common in Japan and China. Their life is closely connected with trees, which is why they have tenacious legs with short claws. The thin, awl-shaped beak is an excellent tool for catching insects and their larvae in the bark.
2. These birds are hollow nesters. Each litter contains from 6 to 15 insatiable yellow-throated babies. During the summer season, such a family eats more than 130 caterpillars.
3. At the end of summer, these birds gather in flocks. In the fall they move to human habitation. In winter, feeders are a great help for them.
(great tit)
Description 2
1. This is a beast. His legs are long, almost like a giraffe's. Vegetable food. It has a very mobile upper lip, but it is not an elephant. The hair on the belly grows forward.
2. Thanks to the membrane on its hind legs, it easily walks through the muddy swamp. Can swim across the river. This forest animal.
3. His appetite is enviable - he digests up to 7 tons of food in a year. Can eat pine needles, horsetails, buttercups. And mukhamoromi is treated for worms. In addition to humans, wolves, bears, and the racer are dangerous for him.
Description 3
1. This animal is small - from 50 cm to 1 m in length. Lives in forests and forest-steppes. The main food of young animals is insects. Adults feed on rodents. People are feared and avoided. These animals regulate the number of rodents.
2. They sense the approach of cold weather very well. They overwinter in empty burrows.3. They can be gray, brown, green, but always have a wavy or zigzag line running along the back. This is the only poisonous snake common in Russia.
(common viper) Both teams and spectators are allowed to participate.
Leading: Every hunter needs knowledge of habits, strength, dexterity, and fearlessness. Man used various devices to catch animals. We also can’t do without gear. Tell us who and how you can catch using a garden watering can.
Discussion of the question is 1 minute, then answers are accepted. The maximum score is 10 points.
(This animal is an earthworm. If you water the soil in the garden well, the worms will crawl to the surface, since they breathe atmospheric air.)
If there is no correct answer, the bravest person is asked to take the animal out of the box without looking. For courage, the team is awarded 2 points.
Musical pause
While the scoring is underway, the teams show their number, which they prepared at home.

The presentation was prepared for a biology game in grades 5-6. Any educational complex.

Target: Expanding students' horizons about early flowering plants.

Tasks: promote the development of cognitive activity of students; develop intellectual abilities and logical thinking; introduce students to primroses using riddles as an example.

The presentation contains riddles, answers to them and illustrations about early flowering plants. Changing slides and objects on them is done by clicking. First, the text of the riddle comes out, then the name of the plant and an illustration. For each correct answer - 1 point.

The extracurricular event “You'll be healthy, you'll get everything” takes place in the form of an intellectual game.

The goal of the intellectual game through game moments of the program is to set students up for a healthy lifestyle, develop healthy lifestyle habits, and introduce them to new information.

  • identify how well students have information about what health and a healthy lifestyle are
  • promote the formation of healthy lifestyle skills among students

Equipment: the office is decorated with posters with statements from writers, scientists, sayings about a healthy lifestyle, a multimedia projector, and a presentation.

This game is intended for children in grade 5. Suitable for biology week. The number of participating teams may vary, but not more than 5.

The game consists of two rounds. In Round I, you must select the category and cost of the issue. When you press the clock hand, the time given for discussing the issue will begin to count down. By clicking on the piece of paper in the lower right corner, you can return to the slide with a selection of questions. In Round 2, teams take turns eliminating the category whose question they do not want to answer. When there is one question left, you need to click on the piece of paper and the question will be highlighted. You can choose the time to discuss this issue yourself.

Target audience: for 5th grade

What is life? Why am I living? What is my purpose?

In a form that is unobtrusive for teenagers, the author suggests finding answers and understanding the meaning of life: family, friends, sports, learning, travel. And, most importantly, it gives confidence that the future depends on ourselves, that life is a priceless gift that should be treasured.
The presentation is set up automatically. Additionally equipped with a sound file by M. Bernes “I love you, life” (backing track), which must be listened to quietly.

Target audience: for 10th grade

Presentation virtual excursion “Records in the plant world” was created for an extracurricular activity in biology in the 6th grade.

This resource contains interesting facts about unusual plants of our planet using photo and video materials.

Also, the presentation can be used in class, in extracurricular activities, or at an extracurricular event by primary school teachers.

Target audience: for 6th grade

The resource consists of two information and game blocks:
"Riddles about mushrooms"
Interactive test “Assemble the puzzles”
This resource can be used in biology lessons in grades 5-6 when studying the kingdom of mushrooms, in extracurricular activities of the teacher, during a week of natural sciences.
The game can be played as a team or as an individual competition.
The presentation was created in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013. The main font is Calibri, 24 point.
Technological techniques were used: “apple on a plate”, “animated puzzles”. Control buttons, triggers, and hyperlinks are used.

Target audience: for 6th grade

This quiz was conducted in an after-school group on Earth Day with middle school students. This material can also be used in their work by class teachers, ecology and biology teachers for extracurricular activities. The quiz expands knowledge about birds, animals, insects, amphibians, fish and marine animals. It instills in children a humane attitude towards nature and a sense of responsibility for all life on earth.

Target audience: for 5th grade

The presentation was prepared for an extracurricular activity in biology. Can also be used in a biology lesson. This event is aimed at developing logical thinking and interest in the subject of biology. The game is accompanied by musical backgrounds. Sound accompaniment is provided automatically. During the game, questions appear sequentially on the slides, then answers. Thanks to the configured triggers for the figures, the amount that the player receives as a result of the correct answer is displayed in the right corner of the slide. At the same time, the color of the correct answer figure changes and the rectangles with incorrect answers disappear. In some slides, when you click the correct answer, the question disappears and a picture of the correct answer appears. During the game, the points are summed up and the presenter shows them on a slide. Under question on each slide there are two fields and one “Player” button. The presenter enters the points in the first field and presses the button. As a result, the earned point appears on the second field. On the next slide, the presenter enters the points from the previous game in the first field and clicks on the “Player” button. Next, the earned point is entered into the first field, and the points are automatically summed up by pressing the button. A summary of the event is attached to the presentation.