Pretty Little Liars actress Lucy Hale talks about skin and hair care, singing and her character Aria

At 20 years old, Lucy Hale has already gained success from her previous series " Privileged", And roles in the film" Jeans - mascot 2", And is now starring on ABC Family's long-awaited TV series" Pretty little Liars", From the creators of" Gossips" and " The Vampire Diaries". In this interview, Lucy talks to me about beauty, fitness, and of course Pretty Little Liars!

What personal care products do you use on a daily basis?
Lucy: I use Frederic Fakkai shampoo, I just love the smell of this shampoo and the way my hair looks after it. If I'm not working, I usually let my hair just air dry. I really don't use a lot of hair care products. And if I do, it’s John Frieda spray, which improves curling of curls. As far as facials are concerned, I have super sensitive skin, so I tried a lot of things, and after many of these products I got rashes on my face. But I found that Neutrogena works great with my skin. I use this brand of face wash and lotion. Makeup. I like everything. I really love to buy everything that has a very beautiful packaging. (laughs) I really like the shadows of Dior, Mac, Hard Candy, Stila, everything.

While on television, you work with a lot of make-up artists. Did you learn anything from them?
Yes. I definitely watch what they do. One thing I learned for sure is how to use the concealer correctly and make it look natural on the face. Also, I learned how to glue false eyelashes individually. I couldn't do it while the make-up artists Pretty Little Liars didn't teach me. There is a trick on how to make them aligned correctly without piercing your eyes. (laughs)

What is your fitness regime?
I recently started working with a coach and I really like it. I work with her several times a week. I also love Pilates and running. I try to work on myself as often as I can, depending on my schedule.

Who is your beauty icon?
I like Kate Winslet. She's so elegant, sophisticated. It seems to me that it gets better and better over the years, which, I hope, will happen to me. (Laughs) I just think she always looks so natural.

What attracts you to your character in Pretty Little Liars?
When I got on the show, I wasn't sure which character I was going to play because I auditioned for both Aria and Anna. In the end, Aria turned out to be closer to me, because she is different from others. She just does her job, she has different interests. And she knows what she wants. She is very mature for her age, and I would like to say that she makes the right decisions, except for a few things that happen in the pilot and on the show. It's a lot of fun to play.

Do you have something in common with Aria that makes it easier for you to play this character?
Many things in the series, I cannot take from my personal life, because it is connected with rather difficult things. Growing up and even now, I feel that I have different interests with many people. I like to think that I am doing my own thing and making the right decisions. As I said, as far as I can remember, I am mature for my age.

On the other hand, you sing well, don't you?

Can we look forward to something like that? Are you going to delve into singing?
Yes. Singing has just kind of faded into the background since my acting career took off, but I definitely love music and I would love to do it and maybe do an album someday. Of course, I would like to make music so that I could both play and sing. Maybe there will be a little chanting associated with the show in the future, I'm not really sure about that right now, but I hope so.

Do you have any other projects that you are currently involved in?
Now my work is the series " Pretty little Liars»24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Laughs) Maybe when we have a break, I would love to star in a movie.

Do you have a role that you dream of playing?
I want to do everything. For me, an example of the career of the actress Reese Witherspoon, which I really, and really like. It seems to me that she tried everything. She began her career at an early age and starred in romantic comedies and later in dramas. I would like to do a little bit of everything.

Would you like to pass on a personal message to all your fans and fans eagerly awaiting the premiere of the series?
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has followed me over the years and for such good support. I sincerely hope that fans of the books will really enjoy the series because we are working very hard and we are sticking to what made the books popular. This is a really fun series and will premiere on June 8 at 8 am on ABC Family!

“I can't look at my photographs from the self-tanning period. Where were my eyes? Why didn't anyone tell me that I resembled a carrot? This eerie orange skin color made me age, looked terrible, was a reason for ridicule ... How could I behave so stupidly for so long? Did I really think it was beautiful? "

2. Kylie Jenner

“When I was young, I systematically forgot to take off my makeup before going to bed or was just lazy to do it. At the same time, I was tormented by acne and red spots on the skin, I was spending a lot of money and time on expensive skin treatments. And nothing helped! Interestingly, I did not see the connection between acne and sleep in makeup at all until I let my beautician know about it. How she scolded me! And how right she was! As soon as I went to the obligatory stepwise cleansing of the skin before bedtime, the acne disappeared! "


3. Jennifer Aniston

“When I was young, I thought that tanning was first of all beautiful, secondly - beautiful, and only thirdly - not very useful. I thought it was so silly to use sunscreen, and I exposed my face to the sun at the first opportunity. I will not hide that most of my wrinkles are due to this, and they appeared much earlier than they could. And I still periodically remove age spots. This is the stupidest thing I could do: deliberately accelerate the aging of my own skin. "

4. Cameron Diaz

“In 2012, I got Botox injections. Then I was terrified by the prospect of becoming a wrinkled old woman, because I was already 40 years old! After the procedure, I was very pleased with myself, but then I saw my photographs ... There was a dead man on them! A woman without facial expressions, a doll, a robot! I realized that I can accept myself and my age, but I am not ready to turn into a plastic dummy, and I have never asked for injections again. Fortunately, after six months everything was back to normal. "

5. Kim Kardashian

“I have removed the so-called vellus hairs along the hairline. It seemed to me that this would make the oval of the face more flawless, but I did not take into account that without vellus hairs the face looks older, it turned out that these cute curled short strands are very young! I hope I will be lucky and they will grow back, but so far it seems to me that the process is irreversible. I implore all the girls: don't do this! "

6. Olivia Wilde

“I shaved my face. I read somewhere that it is better than peeling, scrub and other procedures for removing the stratum corneum. By the way, at first the effect was very cool: the skin became smooth and silky, but after a while it began to dry, irritations, acne appeared ... My cosmetologist explained to me that along with the removal of dead cells, I damaged the protective layer of the skin. Fortunately, after giving up shaving for a year, everything returned to normal, but I still regret putting my skin to such a test, and some acne scars will remain with me forever. "

7. Lucy Hale

“I can't say that my mistake was fatal, but I looked stupid and inappropriate when, at the age of 17-20, I thought that leaving the house without makeup was bad form. I spent hours applying all these bases-concealers-primers-powder-shadows ... As a result, I turned into a painted doll without age and personality. Of course, I'm not against makeup, but moderate, barely noticeable, and certainly not daily. Our faces are beautiful without him, why so much plaster? "

As a very young girl, Lucy Hale became the idol of American teenagers thanks to her role in the TV series Pretty Little Liars. But the actress did not want to rest on her laurels, but began to try herself in other areas of life. Even before her 30th birthday, she could boast of two dozen film roles, a successful music album, her own clothing line, and most importantly, active participation in charitable projects that give seriously ill people a chance to recover.

Childhood and adolescence

Karen Lussile Hale spent her childhood in Memphis, a city with a rich musical history. The legendary Elvis Presley and BB King once lived and worked in it, and now houses the world famous Museum of Soul and Rock Music. Perhaps it was the atmosphere of her hometown that influenced the girl so much that even in her earliest childhood she could not imagine her life without music and dreamed of becoming a famous singer.

Parents, Preston and Julia Hale, raised Lucy, her older sister Maggie and half-brother Wes in strictness, trying to instill in them strong moral foundations. Despite this, the mother did not disregard the obvious musical abilities of the youngest daughter and in every possible way contributed to the development of her vocal talent.

At the age of twelve, Lucy was transferred to homeschooling so that she had more time to engage in creative work, and a year later the girl and her mother went to Los Angeles for the American Juniors competition for young performers. With the song "Call me" Lucy reached the final and became one of the five members of the musical group formed by the producers from the brightest contestants.

The collective did not last long and broke up in 2005, but during this time the young "stars" managed to appear in several major television projects and series.

Film career

Inspired by this success, Lucy persuaded her mother to move to Los Angeles. She was so carried away by the dream of an acting career that she even pushed music into the background for a while. But it turned out that there are a dime a dozen of people like her in Hollywood, and not every aspiring starlet is destined to become a world celebrity.

At first, Lucy starred in minor series, the names of which she herself no longer remembers. In 2007, she was offered one of the leading roles in the series "Biobaba", but after the release of the first episodes, the picture was taken off the air due to the writers' strike. In the same year, Lucy appeared in the second part of the youth comedy "Mascot Jeans", where she was accompanied by Blake Lively and America Ferrera. It was followed by an interesting work in the comedy series "Spoiled", in which Lucy played the student of the brilliant Megan Smith.

The long-awaited gift of fate for the young actress was the role of Aria Montgomery in the thriller Pretty Little Liars (2010-17). The series was a huge success and was renewed for several more seasons. Lucy became the owner of prestigious film awards, which significantly added her weight in cinematic circles. The girl no longer had to pound the doorsteps of film studios in search of work, and she decided to resume her singing career.

Musical activity

In 2014, Hale recorded the album Road Between, which was well received by listeners and music critics. It includes several songs of her own composition, performed in the style of country soul.

The girl dedicated one of the compositions to the actor Drew Van Acker, whom she secretly fell in love with during the filming of Pretty Little Liars.

Lucy Hale - You Sound Good to Me (Official Music Video)

Lucy also contributed to the soundtrack for The Cinderella Story 3 and wrote several songs for aspiring country singer Ashley Liset.

Lucy Hale's personal life

In 2007, all the popular secular publications trumpeted about Lucy's romance with actor David Henry, her partner on the set. Two years later, the lovers unexpectedly broke off the relationship, without explaining the reasons for the conflict.

In 2012, the actress began to appear in public with another colleague on the set - actor Chris Zilka. The ending of their short-lived romance was a short tweet on Chris's social media page, in which he reproached Lucy for being arrogant. After that, the girl tried to build a serious relationship with actor Graham Rogers and musicians Joel Kraus and Adam Pitts, but these attempts were unsuccessful.

In 2015, Lucy first appeared with musician Anthony Calabretta. The lovers did not hide their feelings and even talked about an imminent engagement. But in the spring of 2017, joint pictures with her boyfriend disappeared from the actress's Instagram, and soon the couple officially announced their breakup.

Lucy Hale now

Lucy's parents brought up a caring person who cannot stay away from someone else's misfortune. The girl is actively involved in charity work and volunteering, collaborates with large medical centers specializing in the treatment of pediatric oncology and congenital pathologies of the palate ("cleft lip").

Lucy does not accept cases of blackmail and intimidation of teenagers on the Internet, and also strongly condemns violence against women and violation of their rights, which she has repeatedly stated in various public forums.

The girl is an active user of social networks and on her Instagram page discusses with her subscribers many topical issues of concern to modern adolescents. Lucy does not hide that at a young age she suffered from anorexia and overcame many difficulties in order to return to normal life. But now Hale is the face of several fashion brands and the beauty ambassador of the cosmetic brand AVON. In 2014, the girl presented her own clothing line, which is successfully sold in fashion stores in the USA, Canada and Europe.

Truth or Dare - Trailer

At the same time, Lucy does not forget about creativity, writes songs and starred in new films. In 2018, two premieres were released with the participation of the actress - the mystical horror "Truth or Dare" and the youth comedy "Dude". Also, the actress can be seen in the drama series "Sentence for Life", where she played the role of a girl with cancer.

Many people ask themselves how to lose weight quickly and effectively, lose those hated pounds? On the example of stars: actors, singers and simply famous personalities of domestic and foreign show business, you can clearly see that the fight against excess weight can be effective and fast!

Today, Lucy Hale is one of the most recognizable American actresses, who will be remembered by everyone for her leading role in the youth TV series Pretty Little Liars.
But few people know whether Lucy's hundred or what her parents called her Karen Lucille Hale is not only a Hollywood actress, but also a singer, dubs cartoons, works as a TV presenter, country singer, author of many songs, and for some time now, designer of her own clothing line ...

The problem of extra "grams"!

Despite the fact that recently Lucy Hale was a girl, as they say “in the body,” the actress herself admitted that as a teenager she suffered from anorexia. Perhaps it was this fact that led the star to extra pounds.

In 2012, in an interview with the correspondent of Cosmopolitan magazine, the country singer revealed her secrets. The girl said that she was a little complex and always tried to fight excess weight. Some of the days of the actress went on a complete hunger strike, or with at least one fruit, berries. After such a long and difficult period, the girl pulled herself together and completely changed her life and her weight.

Lucy Hale - lost weight!

Lucy Hale claims: "I lost weight without dieting!" Can't believe it?
The star of the "Pretty Little Liars" TV series said that for a long time she has been feeling pressure (about being overweight) from the world fashion and entertainment industry, cinema. Now she allocates 2-3 days a week, in which she completely devotes herself to sports, physical education and stress in the gym. The girl says that it’s impossible to train without music: “I don’t go in for sports in silence, I always find interesting, favorite or new tracks that can make me move well.”

In order to quickly lose weight, you can use the advice of a star, which clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the chosen training method:

  • Choose a suitable location.
  • You can go in for sports not only in the hall, says the actress, but also at home, if you don't want to go far or simply don't have enough time, because of the tight work schedule.
  • But for normal activities and loads, you need a sufficient amount of space so that you can freely lie on the floor, or, for example, swing your legs, etc.
  • If there is not enough space, try to move the furniture aside as much as possible.
  • Enjoy the process.

According to Lucy Hale, any activity must be enjoyed and sports too:

  • Relax;
  • Visualize the result of your work;
  • Remember something pleasant;
  • Play your favorite music, etc.

Training time

In order for the torment and efforts to bring the desired result, it is necessary to choose a constant time and rhythm of training. So, for example, Lucy chooses 2-3 days a week, always tries to keep the same rhythm, to take possible loads. “There is no need to overwork and“ tear ”, wanting those Sami to speed up the process - it does more time than good,” says the actress. So, it is necessary to achieve as a result that the unloved sport, painful training, as a result, become planned and habitual.


“I lost weight without dieting, but, nevertheless, I still slightly limited myself,” says the star. She is confident that this can greatly stimulate the process of losing weight.

How tall is Jeremy Renner?

In the space of the domestic Internet, a famous actor who played roles in the Avengers is credited with a height of 178 cm. And in foreign sources this actor is indicated 172-173 cm. To understand this issue and find out who is mistaken and who is telling the truth, we will find photos with this actor, that he will stand next to other famous people and on the basis of these photos it will be clear what his height is in reality.

Here we can see Jeremy Renner next to Tom Cruise, whose height is about 170-172 cm. Obviously, this photo should already lead to thoughts about whether our celebrity is really 178 cm tall.

And in this photo, Jeremy Renner is supposedly 178 cm tall and next to him is Mark Wahlberg with a height of 173 cm. There are countless similar photos where the growth of our celebrity will be in the region of 172-173 cm. Obviously, in Runet they are mistaken about the growth of Jeremy Renner.
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How tall is Doutzen Cruz?

The famous Dutch supermodel and actress of Frisian origin is credited with being 178cm tall on the Internet, but is it really so? Foreign information resources of a different opinion and attribute the growth of 172-176 cm. To understand the reliability of the disparate data, we will use a comparison of the height of celebrities in photographs. We just take a photo where our model is standing next to other famous models and compare her height according to these frames. Based on the data, we will understand where the information is correct and where it is not.

In this photo, we can see Doutzen Cruz with an alleged height of 178cm and Adriana Lima with the same data. Only now we see that our model is shorter than it is credited with.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Cruz and Maggie Grace with a height of 175cm. As we can see both celebrities are of the same height. Based on these photos, it turns out that Doutzen Cruz's height is clearly not 178cm, but closer to 175cm.

German film, television and voice actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. The pinnacle of his acting skills is considered the role of Martin Brest in Thomas Yan's crime comedy "Knockin 'on Heaven", also known for his roles in the films "Where is Fred?", "Inglourious Basterds", "So, War".

Til Schweiger's height is 178 cm

American actor, producer and screenwriter. Oscar winner and two Golden Globe awards, as well as a BAFTA nominee. The most famous films with the participation of Matt Damon: the drama "Good Will Hunting", "Saving Private Ryan", "Dogma", the crime drama "The Talented Mr. Ripley"; three parts about the adventures of Ocean Friends: "Ocean's Eleven", "Ocean's Twelve", "Ocean's Thirteen"; the Jason Bourne tetralogy: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum and Jason Bourne; as well as the films The Departed, Interstellar and The Martian and Ford vs. Ferrari

Matt Damon's height is 178 cm


Megan Fox was born on May 16, 1986. She is an American actress and model. Fox began her film career in 2004 with the Teenage Drama Queen. Her first notable film was the 2007 blockbuster Transformers. After Transformers, she has won many Teen Choice Awards. She has eight famous body tattoos which include her ex-boyfriend's name "Brian" and Marilyn Monroe's face on her forearm. Fox said she has a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe because: "She was one of the first people I saw on television. Marilyn was a big influence on me."

Megan Fox's height is 163 cm

Megan Fox's weight is 49-51 kg

How tall is Kristen Stewart?

For some reason, the famous actress from the "Twilight" saga in Runet is credited with a height of 165 cm. Although the celebrity herself in her controversial interviews said that her height is 5 feet 8 inches, which is 167 cm and that she feels at all 173 cm. But many eyewitnesses that saw the actress live next to him, noted that her height is hardly higher than 160cm. To figure out what is true and what is not, we will find photos where the celebrity is next to people whose height is similar in their data.

Three photos show Kristen Stewart, who claims that her height is as much as 167cm Dakota Fanning with a real height of 163cm. As we can see, our celebrity with a declared height of 167cm is below 163cm, which means that her parameters do not correspond to reality and in reality her height is about 161 cm. This phenomenon is very common among Hollywood stars when they talk about one thing, but in reality everything is different.