Welcome to the blog! Need to write a short summary of an article? Today we’ll take a closer look at how to do this. Let's look at examples, a small plan, and some useful recommendations. For example, do you already know what the recommended amount of text is?

When opening a book, the first thing a person sees is the annotation to it. This word means a brief but succinct and meaningful description of the publication. You can meet it not only in textbooks or scientific literature. It can be written for abstracts, coursework, dissertations and other scientific and artistic publications.

Why is it needed?

It represents a brief description of the entire article and gives an idea of ​​its content. The main goal of this part of the work is to interest the reader and encourage him to familiarize himself with it in more detail.

When creating a brief description of your work, it is not an easy task. It will be necessary to express the main idea of ​​the text in a few phrases as accurately and interestingly as possible, to intrigue the reader. The role of the annotation should not be underestimated and its creation should not be treated negligently. The number of people who want to read it from beginning to end directly depends on it.

To attract as many readers as possible, it is advisable to know how to correctly write an abstract for an article. For many not only beginners, but also experienced authors, this is not such an easy task.

Basic nuances when creating an annotation

The abstract should convey as clearly as possible the key idea of ​​the article and the main theses, its features and relevance.

It must be placed before the article or at its beginning.

It should be written as concisely as possible and only to the point. It should not include quotations.

The success of an article depends significantly on the correct writing of its abstract. There are several rules that it is advisable to adhere to when creating it.

  • In a brief description of the text, you must indicate the target audience for which it is intended.
  • must be fully consistent with the main content.
  • It must indicate what problems are raised by the author, and what conclusions he ultimately came to.
  • The presence of words such as, for example, being considered or being researched, is welcome.

An approximate plan will help you create an annotation correctly:

  • Author, title of work.
  • Who might be interested in it?
  • This article discusses...
  • Features of work...
  • The author believes and pays attention...
  • The following conclusions are drawn...
  1. First of all, you need to highlight and formulate the key idea of ​​the work as accurately as possible. It is necessary to take only the most important points and reflect them in the text of the characteristics.
  2. The abstract must be written in clear language, without specific, narrow expressions and definitions. It should be easy to read and understand by ear.
  3. It would be correct to include keywords to search for the article in the description text. It is recommended to place them in the middle of the description.
  4. It is highly undesirable to place tables, lists and other design elements in the annotation.
  5. There is no need to write general phrases in your resume that have no meaning. In a properly formulated testimonial, every word should be aimed at attracting readers.
  6. The use of some standard phrases is quite acceptable when writing a summary, for example, “The purpose of the article is to study...”, “The author pays special attention to...” and others.
  7. The results of the work must be described as informatively and accurately as possible.

An example of correct writing of an abstract for an article:

« In this article, the author discusses the importance and necessity of protecting personal data. Ways to prevent information leakage and unauthorized use are being studied. The result of the work is a number of significant proposals for storing and optimizing the processing of personal data in various institutions and organizations».

Any “master of the pen,” including, wants their articles to be read by as many people as possible. To do this, it may not be enough to simply write an interesting, outstanding paper. It is advisable to make a truly capacious, informative and intriguing summary. Only in this case will the author's work have a greater chance of success.

Haven't you thought about normal yet? This area of ​​activity is very promising. If it is interesting and you still lack professional knowledge in the field of activity, then I have great news.

I found good courses on how to make money from copywriting. You can find out more about them here.

Do you want to know the secrets and details of various ways to make money on the Internet? If yes, then I congratulate you, you have already found a really cool project - this blog. It focuses primarily on finance and networking. Stay in touch. In addition to the information already published, there will be a lot more interesting things. Subscribe. Bookmark Workip for quick access later. See you later.

Remember any bookstore...

You look through hundreds of books. But you only pick up a few copies. And after studying the summary, you choose one.

Just one book that beat the crazy competition.

This is the power of annotations. They serve as a kind of “talking filter” that suggests which text deserves attention, which book to buy, which edition will be interesting.

How can you make sure that this “filter” promotes your articles?

Much easier than you think. It is necessary to create such annotations that will attract the attention of readers, captivate and stimulate them to study a particular book or article.

Do you get it?

You need to completely change the way you look at annotations. Remove boring, empty and lifeless little texts “about nothing and everything in a row” from your mind forever.

This is what we will do - step by step we will take them apart “piece by piece” and learn how to capture the attention of readers from the first lines.

An abstract is an advertisement for your text.

However, the summary is a definite advertisement for the text or book. It depends on him whether the reader wants to spend his precious time studying the material, or whether he will prefer another publication.

The abstract introduces the text. Its task is to CONVINCE a person to read it immediately from beginning to end.

And it will be good if it is effective. Otherwise, the abstract may leave material that is really useful, interesting and necessary for a specific group of people without attention. And you are left with nothing.

So, we have decided that annotations are a kind of advertisement for a text or book.

Then, why not use the same techniques and methods of persuasion to compile them that are used when writing advertising text.

Shall we try?

12 tricks to grab attention

1. Segmentation

Get rid of any “fuzziness” when handling. Try to identify your audience as clearly as possible. Who will be interested in the book or article? Who will benefit the most after reading it?

Good example:

It will be of interest to owners of websites, blogs, presentersemail-mailings to users of social networks(from the annotation to the book “Content, Marketing and Rock and Roll”).

Let's ruin a good example:

It will be of interest to all active Internet users and ownersweb-resources who want to freely navigate the world of creating selling content.

2. Specifics

Specificity always defeats general information and makes any advertising message clear and believable. Be specific when writing annotations (don't say "flower" when you can say "rose"). Make the reader eager to read the text.


In this article, the brilliant David Ogilvy reveals 7 secrets to writing effective headlines.

In this article, the famous American entrepreneur and copywriter talks about creating effective headlines.

3. Uniqueness

Stop copying and imitating: “ His book is being read, which means you also need to write an annotation for yours.».

If all the annotations become similar to each other, then the reader's choice will turn into a “game of roulette.” Do you consider yourself a lucky person? How often will such a choice stop at your “creations”?

Be unique and the reader will appreciate it. Look at how your competitors write annotations and propose your own solution.

For example:

The book contains a collection of special techniques and techniques ____.

Adding your own “individuality”:

The book contains a unique collection of top-secret techniques and techniques ____ that you have never heard of before.

4. Quick results

Don't make the reader wait long. Nature is such that we all prefer to see results immediately (quickly, almost instantly). In general, the sooner the result is visible, the better.

Which option is better:

After studying the first three paragraphs, you will be able to actually check ____.

Subsequently, you will be able to see a clearer picture and actually experience ____.

We hope the main idea is clear.

5. The Bittersweet Truth

It also happens that a book doesn’t “stand out from the crowd” in any way. It's hard to grab onto something.

What should I do?

You can, of course, exaggerate, embellish and even lie somewhere. But this is a risk. First you deceive your readers. Then you disappoint them. And then you irritate, causing a syndrome of distrust in you in the future.

What to do?

To tell the truth, which can be “dressed” in an attractive form:

Yes, these techniques and methods have been known for a long time. But today they are increasingly forgotten. But such “tricks” still work flawlessly in salesB2 B.

6. Simple words

Pay attention to the associations that certain words evoke (symposium, take advantage, analyze, etc.). It could be negative, labor-intensive, or difficult.

Before you write this or that word, think about whether it is possible to say it simpler, shorter and more positive (you will not have a second opportunity).

For comparison:

The article contains the main statements of the main presenters of the symposium ____, using this material you ____.

This article contains the main thoughts and theses of the presenters of the seminar ____. By applying them in practice, you will be able to ____.

7. Get rid of any doubts

Get rid of various doubts, uncertainties and hesitations. Only a calm statement, without intrusiveness and fuss.

Imagine the "insecure" annotation:

Most likely, this book will be useful to those involved in sales. She will probably be able to help those who ____.

8. Dynamics and activity

More active, gentlemen, more active! Try to choose energetic words and expressions, do not forget about dynamics. Nobody will read boring and passive annotations (however, they can read them, but don’t count on more).


The article presents 78 special techniques and tactics. They are used for ____.

In the article you will find 78 techniques and tactics. They can be used for ____.

You got the direction.

9. Benefits

Try not to just indicate characteristics or describe the article, but name specific benefits from reading it. What will the reader get after studying the article/book? What will this give him?

For example:

You get your hands on a powerful tool that will make your texts sell and make a profit.

You can protect yourself from 9 mistakes that every second marketer makes today.

You can easily adapt the knowledge gained to any online store, making it as profitable as possible.

10. Call to action

No, there is no need to shout and call in the style of “write to us”, “buy”, “order”, “call right now” (“ Buy this book right now, and within a month you will become ____»).

Approach more delicately, apply all your charm:

Find out what the 8 main persuasion techniques Joseph Sugarman used in his work.

All you need to do is carefully study ____ and implement them into your business.

11. Use provocations

The purpose of the annotation is to evoke the necessary emotions in the reader, to force him to choose your work. And for this, as they say, all means are good. You can play around a little (just a little).

Let's see how to achieve this goal using provocations:

Do you need simple readers or reputable clients who are willing to pay good money for a product?

The book has 1000 and 1 tips for those who want to write like JK Rowling.

12. Emotions under control

Control the emotional flow when annotating a text or book. Otherwise, the material will turn into idle talk (“ This is an incredibly informative book for young mothers, it captivates you from the very first lines.»).

Determine the golden mean between callousness and emotions. Believe me, no one wants to gnaw dry branches (“The article contains 27 persuasion techniques that sales managers can use in their work.”).

Squeeze to the last drop

Imagine this annotation:

"Here You will find the best tips for cleaning windows. They were carefully selected by the most reputable cleaning agencies. The tips you learn could make a significant contribution to the development of the window industry».

Without specifics, emotions, facts, intrigue, persuasiveness, benefits.

There is NOTHING here.

Annotations like these are a direct route to a huge layer of dust on your books and texts.

That's why…

Use the techniques we've covered to write annotations. Not all at once, but selectively. Briefly, enticingly, accessiblely and clearly convey the main meaning (“meaning concentrate”).

This is not difficult if you approach the task seriously and thoughtfully.

We hope that with our help you will be able to write a good summary that will definitely earn a positive rating from the audience.

Good luck and great victories to your annotations!

It should be written as concisely as possible and only to the point.

Examples of abstracts for scientific articles

It should not include quotations.

  • Author, title of work.
  • This article discusses...
  • Features of work...
  • The following conclusions are drawn...

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Welcome to the blog! Need to write a short summary of an article? Today we’ll take a closer look at how to do this. Let's look at examples, a small plan, and some useful recommendations. For example, do you already know what the recommended amount of text is?

When opening a book, the first thing a person sees is the annotation to it. This word means a brief but succinct and meaningful description of the publication. You can meet it not only in textbooks or scientific literature. It can be written for abstracts, coursework, dissertations and other scientific and artistic publications.

Why is it needed?

It represents a brief description of the entire article and gives an idea of ​​its content. The main goal of this part of the work is to interest the reader and encourage him to familiarize himself with it in more detail.

When creating a brief description of your work, it is not an easy task. It will be necessary to express the main idea of ​​the text in a few phrases as accurately and interestingly as possible, to intrigue the reader. The role of the annotation should not be underestimated and its creation should not be treated negligently. The number of people who want to read it from beginning to end directly depends on it.

To attract as many readers as possible, it is advisable to know how to correctly write an abstract for an article. For many not only beginners, but also experienced authors, this is not such an easy task.

Basic nuances when creating an annotation

The abstract should convey as clearly as possible the key idea of ​​the article and the main theses, its features and relevance.

It must be placed before the article or at its beginning.

The success of an article depends significantly on the correct writing of its abstract. There are several rules that it is advisable to adhere to when creating it.

  • In a brief description of the text, you must indicate the target audience for which it is intended.
  • The style of the text must fully correspond to the main content.
  • It must indicate what problems are raised by the author, and what conclusions he ultimately came to.
  • The presence of words such as, for example, being considered or being researched, is welcome.

An approximate plan will help you create an annotation correctly:

  • Author, title of work.
  • Who might be interested in it?
  • This article discusses...
  • Features of work...
  • The author believes and pays attention...
  • The following conclusions are drawn...
  1. First of all, you need to highlight and formulate the key idea of ​​the work as accurately as possible.

    How to write an abstract for an article?

    It is necessary to take only the most important points and reflect them in the text of the characteristics.

  2. The abstract must be written in clear language, without specific, narrow expressions and definitions. It should be easy to read and understand by ear.
  3. It would be correct to include keywords to search for the article in the description text. It is recommended to place them in the middle of the description.
  4. It is highly undesirable to place tables, lists and other design elements in the annotation.
  5. There is no need to write general phrases in your resume that have no meaning. In a properly formulated testimonial, every word should be aimed at attracting readers.
  6. The use of some standard phrases is quite acceptable when writing a summary, for example, “The purpose of the article is to study...”, “The author pays special attention to...” and others.
  7. The results of the work must be described as informatively and accurately as possible.

An example of correct writing of an abstract for an article:

“In this article, the author discusses the importance and necessity of protecting personal data. Ways to prevent information leakage and unauthorized use are being studied. The result of the work is a number of significant proposals for storing and optimizing the processing of personal data in various institutions and organizations.”

Any “master of the pen,” including high-income copywriters, want their articles to be read by as many people as possible. To do this, it may not be enough to simply write an interesting, outstanding paper. It is advisable to make a truly capacious, informative and intriguing abstract. Only in this case will the author's work have a greater chance of success.

Have you ever thought about making a decent living from writing texts? This area of ​​activity is very promising. If it is interesting and you still lack professional knowledge in the field of copywriting, then I have great news.

I found good courses on how to make money from copywriting. You can find out more about them here.

Do you want to know the secrets and details of various ways to make money on the Internet? If yes, then I congratulate you, you have already found a really cool project - this blog. It focuses primarily on finance and networking. Stay in touch. In addition to the information already published, there will be a lot more interesting things. Subscribe. Bookmark Workip for quick access later. See you later.

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Welcome to the blog! Need to write a short summary of an article? Today we’ll take a closer look at how to do this. Let's look at examples, a small plan, and some useful recommendations. For example, do you already know what the recommended amount of text is?

When opening a book, the first thing a person sees is the annotation to it. This word means a brief but succinct and meaningful description of the publication. You can meet it not only in textbooks or scientific literature. It can be written for abstracts, coursework, dissertations and other scientific and artistic publications.

Why is it needed?

It represents a brief description of the entire article and gives an idea of ​​its content. The main goal of this part of the work is to interest the reader and encourage him to familiarize himself with it in more detail.

When creating a brief description of your work, it is not an easy task. It will be necessary to express the main idea of ​​the text in a few phrases as accurately and interestingly as possible, to intrigue the reader. The role of the annotation should not be underestimated and its creation should not be treated negligently. The number of people who want to read it from beginning to end directly depends on it.

To attract as many readers as possible, it is advisable to know how to correctly write an abstract for an article. For many not only beginners, but also experienced authors, this is not such an easy task.

Basic nuances when creating an annotation

The abstract should convey as clearly as possible the key idea of ​​the article and the main theses, its features and relevance.

It must be placed before the article or at its beginning.

It should be written as concisely as possible and only to the point. It should not include quotations.

The success of an article depends significantly on the correct writing of its abstract. There are several rules that it is advisable to adhere to when creating it.

  • In a brief description of the text, you must indicate the target audience for which it is intended.
  • The style of the text must fully correspond to the main content.
  • It must indicate what problems are raised by the author, and what conclusions he ultimately came to.
  • The presence of words such as, for example, being considered or being researched, is welcome.

An approximate plan will help you create an annotation correctly:

  • Author, title of work.
  • Who might be interested in it?
  • This article discusses...
  • Features of work...
  • The author believes and pays attention...
  • The following conclusions are drawn...
  1. First of all, you need to highlight and formulate the key idea of ​​the work as accurately as possible. It is necessary to take only the most important points and reflect them in the text of the characteristics.
  2. The abstract must be written in clear language, without specific, narrow expressions and definitions. It should be easy to read and understand by ear.
  3. It would be correct to include keywords to search for the article in the description text. It is recommended to place them in the middle of the description.
  4. It is highly undesirable to place tables, lists and other design elements in the annotation.
  5. There is no need to write general phrases in your resume that have no meaning. In a properly formulated testimonial, every word should be aimed at attracting readers.
  6. The use of some standard phrases is quite acceptable when writing a summary, for example, “The purpose of the article is to study...”, “The author pays special attention to...” and others.
  7. The results of the work must be described as informatively and accurately as possible.

An example of correct writing of an abstract for an article:

“In this article, the author discusses the importance and necessity of protecting personal data. Ways to prevent information leakage and unauthorized use are being studied. The result of the work is a number of significant proposals for storing and optimizing the processing of personal data in various institutions and organizations.”

Any “master of the pen,” including high-income copywriters, want their articles to be read by as many people as possible. To do this, it may not be enough to simply write an interesting, outstanding paper. It is advisable to make a truly capacious, informative and intriguing abstract. Only in this case will the author's work have a greater chance of success.

Have you ever thought about making a decent living from writing texts? This area of ​​activity is very promising. If it is interesting and you still lack professional knowledge in the field of copywriting, then I have great news.

I found good courses on how to make money from copywriting. You can find out more about them here.

Do you want to know the secrets and details of various ways to make money on the Internet? If yes, then I congratulate you, you have already found a really cool project - this blog. It focuses primarily on finance and networking. Stay in touch.

How to write an abstract for an article

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When it comes to a scientific article, its practical usefulness is usually very important. That is, in the abstract you must indicate who may be interested and useful in this work and why specifically. For example, it can be used by students of certain faculties when preparing practical assignments or considered as a scientific hypothesis within the framework of any research.

Annotation structure:



Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Example 4:


The article touches on the topic...

A comparison is given...

The article is devoted to the phenomenon...

Particular attention is paid...

The article talks about…

In conclusion it is revealed...

Practical experience is summarized...

Related information:

Search on the site:



The first requirement for annotations that you must firmly remember is brevity. This means that no matter how voluminous your article is, the abstract should consist of two or three, sometimes four or five sentences, that is, approximately 500 characters with spaces (or an average of 50 words). There are times when annotations reach 10-15 sentences (but this is the maximum!). In any case, you will have to present the content of your work in this short text and further explain to whom and how this article can be useful. Therefore, before writing an abstract, carefully re-read the entire work and think about how you could present its main idea in two or three sentences.

To cope with this difficult task, describe what the article is about, why it was written, and what conclusions were drawn as a result. You don't need to quote entire paragraphs of the author's text, but you can include a couple of original sentences in the abstract, enclosing them in quotation marks as a quotation.

The main purpose of any annotation is to give the potential reader an idea of ​​the content of the work, its features and practical application. Therefore, the text of the abstract should be as clear, simple and understandable as possible, even for people who do not specialize in this topic.

When it comes to a scientific article, its practical usefulness is usually very important. That is, in the abstract you must indicate who may be interested and useful in this work and why specifically.

How to write an abstract correctly: a brief plan, an example and detailed recommendations

For example, it can be used by students of certain faculties when preparing practical assignments or considered as a scientific hypothesis within the framework of any research.

Please note that annotations are always written in the third person in an impersonal manner. That is, even if you are writing an abstract for your own article, which sets out your views and conclusions, you still should not write in it phrases like “My work will talk about ...” or “Based on the data obtained, I concluded that ...” . Also, emotional and subjective assessments are highly undesirable in annotations. The text should be as objective as possible, meaningful and describing only the facts.


Compiling an abstract for an article

Annotation structure:

1. The article is dedicated to…. (subject of study or main research question).

2. A phrase on the essence of the subject of research.

3. Based on such and such approaches OR analyzing such and such data (or both), the author shows.....(specifically, what the author came up with as a result of reflection and


4. The phrase is essentially findings, conclusions, discoveries.


Example 1:

This article examines the problems of interpretation of the provisions of the Constitution by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The characteristic features of the grammatical method of interpretation, the use of various methods of linguistic and legal analysis in the process of such interpretation (using the example of the texts of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation) are analyzed. The need for joint use of methods of legal and linguistic analysis in the process of interpretation is identified and justified. Based on the research, the author proposes to highlight the legal-technical method of interpretation, gives its definition, and formulates the main characteristics of linguistic and legal analysis that make up the legal-technical method.

Example 2:

The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of network communications in modern society, which introduce new forms of dialogue and communication into society and all its spheres, including education. It is shown that network communications play a dual role in society: they can form a music video director’s consciousness, which does not require creativity, or they can develop creative, search, and navigator thinking. Education in the 21st century should develop according to a network model, which is characterized by synergetic, dialogical and communicative aspects. The main advantage of the new model is its openness to dialogue and communication and the possibility of self-organization.

Example 3:

The article sets the task of considering the effect of preserving and transforming the artistic canon using the example of A. A. Arkhangelsky and P. G. Chesnokov. As a result of the analysis, the author proves for the first time in the literature that in Orthodox liturgical singing there are texts with a stable canonized type of structure. They have freedom of musical interpretation. While maintaining a single text and structure of the works, using various melodic-graphic formulas, a wide variety of musical works is achieved.

Example 4:

The article is devoted to the issues of organizational development of the society "Down with Illiteracy" (ODN) in the Pskov province in the 1920s. The author reveals the tasks, slogans, forms and activities of the society. Particular attention is paid to the legal basis and material basis for the functioning of the organization. Based on an analysis of the dynamics of the size of a voluntary society, the effectiveness of its practical activities, as well as the nature of interaction with other public organizations, the degree of participation of ODN in the socio-political life of the region is determined.

This article addresses the problem...

The idea is substantiated that...


The article touches on the topic...

A comparison is given...

The article is devoted to a comprehensive study...

The purpose of the article is to analyze the study...

The article is devoted to the phenomenon...

The article reveals the problems...

Particular attention is paid...

Characteristic features are identified and described...

The article clarifies the features...

Based on the study... found...

The article is devoted to a close analysis...

Based on the analysis... as well as the involvement... it is established that...

The article is devoted to a topical problem today...

This problem has been little studied and requires further research.

The article summarizes new material on the topic under study and introduces it into scientific circulation...

The work is interdisciplinary in nature, written at the intersection...

This view will be of interest to specialists in the field...

The article talks about…

The article is devoted to a detailed analysis......

Considerable attention is paid...

In conclusion it is revealed...

The article reveals the content of the concept...

Practical experience is summarized...

The article examines the characteristic features...

The article discusses the key stages...

The article reveals the processes...

The article summarizes some of the results of the study...

This direction is also complemented by consideration...

The idea is substantiated that...

The article analyzes the concepts...

As key evidence... used...

The article provides an analysis of the views of researchers...

The question of...

This article attempts to reveal the main reasons...

The article provides an analysis of scientific research...

Related information:

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Welcome to the blog! Need to write a short summary of an article? Today we’ll take a closer look at how to do this. Let's look at examples, a small plan, and some useful recommendations. For example, do you already know what the recommended amount of text is?

When opening a book, the first thing a person sees is the annotation to it. This word means a brief but succinct and meaningful description of the publication. You can meet it not only in textbooks or scientific literature. It can be written for abstracts, coursework, dissertations and other scientific and artistic publications.

Why is it needed?

It represents a brief description of the entire article and gives an idea of ​​its content. The main goal of this part of the work is to interest the reader and encourage him to familiarize himself with it in more detail.

When creating a brief description of your work, it is not an easy task. It will be necessary to express the main idea of ​​the text in a few phrases as accurately and interestingly as possible, to intrigue the reader. The role of the annotation should not be underestimated and its creation should not be treated negligently. The number of people who want to read it from beginning to end directly depends on it.

To attract as many readers as possible, it is advisable to know how to correctly write an abstract for an article. For many not only beginners, but also experienced authors, this is not such an easy task.

Basic nuances when creating an annotation

The abstract should convey as clearly as possible the key idea of ​​the article and the main theses, its features and relevance.

It must be placed before the article or at its beginning.

It should be written as concisely as possible and only to the point. It should not include quotations.

The success of an article depends significantly on the correct writing of its abstract. There are several rules that it is advisable to adhere to when creating it.

  • In a brief description of the text, you must indicate the target audience for which it is intended.
  • The style of the text must fully correspond to the main content.
  • It must indicate what problems are raised by the author, and what conclusions he ultimately came to.
  • The presence of words such as, for example, being considered or being researched, is welcome.

An approximate plan will help you create an annotation correctly:

  • Author, title of work.
  • Who might be interested in it?
  • This article discusses...
  • Features of work...
  • The author believes and pays attention...
  • The following conclusions are drawn...
  1. First of all, you need to highlight and formulate the key idea of ​​the work as accurately as possible. It is necessary to take only the most important points and reflect them in the text of the characteristics.
  2. The abstract must be written in clear language, without specific, narrow expressions and definitions. It should be easy to read and understand by ear.
  3. It would be correct to include keywords to search for the article in the description text. It is recommended to place them in the middle of the description.
  4. It is highly undesirable to place tables, lists and other design elements in the annotation.
  5. There is no need to write general phrases in your resume that have no meaning. In a properly formulated testimonial, every word should be aimed at attracting readers.
  6. The use of some standard phrases is quite acceptable when writing a summary, for example, “The purpose of the article is to study...”, “The author pays special attention to...” and others.
  7. The results of the work must be described as informatively and accurately as possible.

An example of correct writing of an abstract for an article:

“In this article, the author discusses the importance and necessity of protecting personal data. Ways to prevent information leakage and unauthorized use are being studied. The result of the work is a number of significant proposals for storing and optimizing the processing of personal data in various institutions and organizations.”

Any “master of the pen,” including high-income copywriters, want their articles to be read by as many people as possible. To do this, it may not be enough to simply write an interesting, outstanding paper.

How to write an abstract for a scientific article: rules and examples

It is advisable to make a truly capacious, informative and intriguing summary. Only in this case will the author's work have a greater chance of success.

Have you ever thought about making a decent living from writing texts? This area of ​​activity is very promising. If it is interesting and you still lack professional knowledge in the field of copywriting, then I have great news.

I found good courses on how to make money from copywriting. You can find out more about them here.

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An abstract (from the Latin annotatio - remark) is a brief description of a document in terms of its purpose, content, type, form and other features.

Annotation is the process of transforming documentary information, the purpose of which is to obtain a generalized characteristic of the document, revealing its logical structure and the most significant aspects of the content.

· The abstract includes a description of the main topic, the problem of the object, the goals of the work and its results. The annotations indicate what is new in this document in comparison with others related in topic and purpose.

· The abstract also contains a message about changes in the title of the document or group of authors and the year of release of the previous edition (in case of reprint), the year from which the publication of the multi-volume edition began, an indication of the author’s affiliation with the country (for documents translated from foreign languages).

· The annotation for works of fiction must indicate information about the literary genre, the period to which the author’s work belongs, the main theme and problem of the work, the place and time of the events described.

· Abstracts for periodical and continuing publications include information about the tasks, goals, nature of the publication, merger, division, renewal or termination of publication and other changes in the publication.

Thus, the annotation includes information about the content of the document, its author, the merits of the document; characteristics of the type of document, main topic, problem, object, purpose of the work and its results. The abstract contains links to the source and date, title and first lines of the message, a list of concepts and names that reflect the semantic content of the message. Visually, the annotation is a concise and structured reflection of a text message. A user, looking at a few lines of abstract, can estimate the content of an article in hundreds of lines.

· reference – reveal the subject of documents and provide any information about it. They do not give it a critical assessment;

Based on the coverage of the content of the annotated document and the reader's purpose, annotations are distinguished:

· general – characterize the document as a whole, intended for a wide range of readers;

· specialized – reveal the document only in certain aspects intended for a specialist.

The annotation indicates only essential features of the content of the document, i.e. those that make it possible to identify its scientific and practical significance and novelty, to distinguish it from others that are similar in topic and purpose.

The abstract is explanatory or recommendatory in nature. When writing an annotation, you should not retell the contents of the document. It is recommended to minimize the use of complex phrases and the use of personal and demonstrative pronouns. The subject of the action is usually not named in the annotation because it is clear and known from the context; Passive constructions (verbal and participial) are used more actively.

The structure of the abstract reveals the most significant factors and systemic relationships of the problem being analyzed, and highlights key names and facts.

Positions that should be disclosed in the annotation:

1. bibliographic description;

3. form of the annotated document;

4. subject of presentation;

5. main characteristics;

6. distinctive features of the document in comparison with related ones in terms of subject matter and purpose;

7. circle of use of the document.

Bibliographic description. Consists of the title and information about the magazine or book, the surname and initials of the author.

Form of the annotated document. The specific form of the annotated document is indicated: monograph, textbook, study guide, etc.

Subject of presentation. The topic of the annotated document is indicated.

Main characteristics. The basic concepts, processes, place and time during which these processes occur, etc. are indicated.

Distinctive features of the document in comparison with related ones in terms of subject matter and purpose. Indicates what is new in the content of the document, features of the presentation of the material, for example, statement of the problem, a system for presenting the question, ways to solve a particular issue, new technologies, a new methodology, generalization of data from various sources, a new assessment of the facts, a new concept or hypothesis, specific recommendations of a practical nature and etc.

Circle of use of the document. It is indicated to whom the document is addressed, as well as an additional circle of readers, in addition to the main one.

· before writing an annotation, read the text and break it into semantic parts;

· highlight the main idea in each part and formulate it briefly;

· list the main thoughts, problems raised by the author, his conclusions, suggestions;

· determine the significance of the text;

· in the annotation, use verbs of a stating nature, for example, the author analyzes/proves/states/justifies, etc.;

· use passive constructions (the text talks about problems, reveals questions, etc.);

· also use evaluative standard phrases (pays special attention, important topical issue (problem), analyzes in particular detail, convincingly proves, etc.).

The results of the work are described extremely accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered relationships and patterns are presented. In this case, preference is given to new results and data of long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the opinion of the author of the document, are of practical importance.

The text of the annotation should be concise, clear, convincing, and free of secondary information.

The annotation text begins with a phrase that states the main topic of the document. Information contained in the title should not be repeated. Historical information, if it does not constitute the main content of the document, a description of previously published works and well-known provisions, are not given in the annotation.

Use standardized terminology, avoid using less common terms, or clarify them the first time they are mentioned. It is necessary to maintain uniformity of terminology.

Abbreviations and symbols, except those commonly used in scientific and technical texts, are used in exceptional cases or their definitions are given upon first use.

The skeleton of an annotation looks something like this:

Setting: where and when does the action take place?

Introducing the hero: who is he? Why should the reader care about his fate?

We show the problem the hero faces. What does the hero lose or could lose? This “something” must be extremely important to him.

We ask a question (will the hero or will he not be able to solve the problem?), tease the reader, or provide a solution.

Author Karen S. Wisner has found her answer to the question, “What is an abstract and how do you write one?” She also suggests the following scheme for writing an annotation:

You can also fill in the blanks with the following diagram:

Wants ____________ because ___________, but he (she) faces
(name of hero) (goal) (motivation)
(obstacle on the path to happiness)

By creating a draft abstract like this, you will solve the first problem: describe what kind of book you want to publish. Now you need to rework the text so that it meets the needs of your target audience.

The target audience

If your readers are people with undeveloped literary taste, then the sentences in the annotation should be brief, without embellishment. The emphasis is on something sensational, provocative or useful. The reader is promised simple pleasures - laughter, fear, satisfaction of curiosity.

If the target audience is the intelligentsia, then the emphasis should be on the aesthetic pleasure of the book and the high quality of information. In this case, a mundane blurb can kill the book.

It's one thing to write:

The novel is about a pedophile who cohabited with a child.

And something completely different:

Here is a novel about the touching, painful love of a mature man for a 12-year-old girl.

Both annotations correctly describe Nabokov’s “Lolita”, but if you put the first version on the cover, then the book will be bought by a security guard from a beer stall, and an educated young lady will not even find this novel: after all, in the store it will be put on the “Sex and Erotica” shelf - right on based on the annotation

  • Don't forget that an abstract for a publisher and for readers are two different things. In some cases they coincide, in others they do not. Editors are people with higher education and a certain amount of reading, and they live, as a rule, in cities. But the target audience of the book may be completely different citizens.
  • Don't wishful thinking. If “New Dovlatov” is written on a tabloid novel, this will scare away both aesthetes and non-aesthetes. Simpler people don't like the classics. And those who like it won’t be fooled by the summary.
  • If you need to write an abstract for a collection of short stories, describe one of them, and below indicate that you are talking about a collection.

Typical mistakes when writing an abstract

No specifics

This is a very funny book!

Do you find it funny when you read things like that in the annotations? If you want to convince the reader that a book is funny, insert a joke into the description. The same goes for the most tender lyrics, original philosophy, rich language and other advantages. Don’t tell, but show in practice that you master your art: write an annotation in the same vein as the main text.


Vasya Pupkin is a discovery in the world of literature in recent years. He is one of the most extraordinary writers of today's Russia. His strong, tough prose combines dark humor and the skill of a true prose writer.

There are a dime a dozen such annotations and none of them seem convincing.

No story

Animals entering the village at dawn...
Girl in a black dress...
A strange plot based on a real political scandal!
Just open the book. And you will not tear yourself away from it until the very last page.

Question: what is the book about?


The famous writer Vasya Pupkin, with his unique depth and empathy, tells amazing stories about love and hate, about betrayal and disappointment, about patience and hope, about how feelings decorate or disfigure human life.

No emotions

A man and a woman meet and separate. And then they meet again twenty years later. What could they have become if they had not separated then? This is a novel about love. About stereotypes and curses that we bring upon ourselves.

Complete set of all errors

The collection includes the best science fiction works by Russian-speaking authors from around the world. The works were carefully selected by the most authoritative representatives of Russian science fiction. The names you will find in this book are unlikely to have come across to you before, but they will, without a doubt, make a significant contribution to the development of their field.

Emotionless, unconvincing, no specifics, no story, no surprise.