Objective of the project: Find out what nature gives to people.
Form of work (individually, in pairs, groups, whole class): in pairs

Stages of work:

  1. Find out what the ocean (sea, river, lake) gives to people
  2. What does the forest give to people?
  3. What mountains give people.
  4. Conclusion

My responsibilities for the project:I have to find out what the forest gives people, find suitable pictures and interesting material.

Working hours:a week

Ways to present the results (story-portrait, story-biography, album, book, stand, etc.): Biography story

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

  1. The forest is a storehouse of natural resources
  2. What the forest shares with people: mushrooms, berries, dead wood, game, fur, wood for building houses.
  3. Beauty of the forest

Materials for the project(write, stick, draw what you think is necessary).

They say that the forest is a real storehouse of natural resources. And I have been convinced many times of the veracity of this statement. I often visited the forest and the forest always shared with me a variety of its riches.

For example, in the fall we often go with our parents to the forest to pick mushrooms. We love to wander along forest paths and find boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus and aspen under the fallen leaves.

In the summer, we sometimes go out into the forest to pick berries. Like bears with a sweet tooth, we collect wild raspberries and a bucket of fragrant wild strawberries, from which we then make delicious strawberry jam.

When I was in the village with my grandmother, she and I went into the forest for dead wood - dry tree branches needed to light the stove. So the forest shared its warmth with us and warmed us.

My dad told me that his friends go hunting in the forest. They then bring carcasses of wild boars and deer to make delicious food from their meat. I even tried deer meat once when we were visiting. It was very tasty and unusual, the meat was dark and rough, apparently the deer ran a lot through the forest.

I know that in the forest animals are hunted not only for game (meat from wild animals), but also for animal skins, which are then used to make fur coats, but I really don’t like it. It seems to me that no fur coat is worth killing animals over.

The forest also produces wood for building houses. My mother and I have been dreaming of our own log house (a house made of round logs) for a long time, and maybe our dream will come true someday.

However, for me the greatest wealth of the forest is its beauty. Every time I come to the forest, it pleases me with new stunning colors and landscapes.

How do I evaluate my work on a project?(whether the work was interesting, easy or difficult, whether it was completely independent or required the help of adults, how the cooperation with classmates developed, whether the work was successful).

The work was difficult, but we did it perfectly! I couldn’t have done it without help, but my mom and dad helped me. Our report was very interesting and exciting!

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my parent and friend for your help.

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Project “Riches given to people” Prepared by Anastasia Evdokimova, 3B grade student of secondary school No. 46

Project goal: To tell about the wonderful deeds, actions and achievements of our fellow countrymen. Project objectives: Collect information in the form of photographs and facts from the biography; Prepare a presentation story; Introduce your project to your classmates

The names of many world-famous scientific and cultural figures are associated with the Ryazan region. In medicine PAVLOV Ivan Petrovich (1849-1936) Native of Ryazan. The great Russian scientist-physiologist, academician, creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity, the first Nobel Prize laureate in Russia in the field of physiology and medicine. Riches of the Ryazan region

TSIOLKOVSKY Konstantin Eduardovich (1857 - 1935) Native of the village. Izhevskoye, Ryazan province. An outstanding Russian scientist and inventor, the founder of Russian cosmonautics. Theoretically studied the problems of aviation and astronautics In astronautics

GOLOVNIN Vasily Mikhailovich (1776 - 1831) A native of the Ryazan province. Russian navigator. It occupies an honorable place in the history of the Russian navy and Russian geographical science. He repeatedly circumnavigated the world. In seafaring

SEMENOV-TIAN-SHANSKY Petr Petrovich (1827 - 1914) A native of the Ryazan province. Russian geographer, traveler, statistician, collector, animal expert, outstanding public figure. Before the age of 14, the future scientist re-read his father’s entire rich library. Studied foreign languages. He studied at St. Petersburg University, in Germany, in Italy. In 1856, he traveled into the depths of the Tien Shan, where no European traveler had ever penetrated before. Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky was the leader of many dozens of scientific expeditions. In geography

The great Russian breeder, talented experimenter - Ivan Vladimirovich MICHURIN (1855 - 1935) is also a native of the Ryazan province. Michurin found his calling in life early. He wrote: “...as far as I can remember, I have always been completely absorbed in the pursuit of growing one or another plant...” Contribution to science He developed methods for the selection of fruit and berry plants using the method of distant hybridization, and developed new and improved varieties. In biology and selection

ESENIN Sergey Alexandrovich (1895 - 1925) Native of the village. Konstantinovo, Ryazan province. A great Russian poet who glorified the beauty of Russian nature and the spiritual greatness of the Russian people. One of the main themes in his work is the theme of the Motherland. “No matter how beautiful Shiraz is, it is no better than the expanses of Ryazan,” Yesenin argued, being far from his native land. And of course in poetry And many, many others...

One ancient sage said: “Earthly beauties are the crown of nature, and the gems on it are people.” Ryazan residents can rightfully be proud that the Ryazan land is not deprived of either marvelous, peaceful and soul-warming nature, or its best decoration - wonderful people.

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Purpose of the project: - Studying the biography of Boris Fedorovich Frantsuzov, his achievements in the field of painting. Objectives: - Get acquainted with the biography of B.F. Frantsuzov, who glorified the city of Kameshkovo. - Create a presentation about the life of a scientist. - Introduce classmates to the life and work of the artist.

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Why did I choose this topic? I and all my relatives come from the city of Kameshkovo. Once my mother told me about the outstanding Kameshkovsky artist, Boris Fedorovich Frantsuzov. I became very interested in how my fellow countryman lived, what and with what he painted.

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“The world we live in is beautiful. Everything is beautiful: people, the huge sculpture of the Earth’s surface, the wind, grass, water, the change of seasons - everything, everything... But the most beautiful and mysterious thing is the light that is everywhere, and in us too.” Frantsuzov.B.F.

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Historical reference

Frantsuzov Boris Fedorovich was born on February 5, 1940 in the village. Kameshkovo (now the city of Kameshkovo). In 1942, after the death of his father at the front and the death of his mother, he became an orphan. He spent his childhood in the village of Zaurechye, Kameshkovsky district, with his father’s parents.

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In 1959 he graduated from the Vocational Art School in the village of Mstera, Vyaznikovsky district, from 1963 to 1964 he studied at the art studio of the VTZ Palace of Culture under the direction of V. Ya. Yukin, and in 1970 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Art and Industrial School. In the 1950s and 60s he worked as a graphic designer at enterprises. Kameshkovo and Vladimir, teacher of drawing and drawing at the Kameshkovo eight-year school (1963 - 1964). Since 1970 he lived in Vladimir. In 1971 became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

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In 1970-1992. participant of numerous exhibitions, including foreign and international ones. In 1986 received the title Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Awards and prizes: 1985 - Laureate of the Vladimir Regional Komsomol Prize named after. G. Feigina, 1986 - Grand Prix and medal at the graphics exhibition in Tallinn (Triennial – 7), 1987. - Prize at the exhibition of European graphics in Ljubljana (Biennale – 17), 1989. - Varna, 1989 - Diploma from the USSR Academy of Arts.

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Frantsuzov worked in the techniques of etching, linocut, and watercolor.

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The core of his creativity is the people and nature of his native land. Frantsuzov B.F. "Vekovukha". 1986. Etching

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Along with landscapes, he created still lifes, turned to portraits, and became widely known as a master of the bookplate.

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A fund named after him has been created at the Vladimir Cultural Foundation. Frantsuzov's works are presented in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, other art galleries in Russia and foreign collections. March 12, 1993 died of severe heart disease.

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Picture gallery of Frantsuzov B.F.

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Terms 1. Sculpture is a type of fine art: creating three-dimensional images (statues, busts, bas-reliefs, etc.) by sculpting, carving, cutting or casting; sculpture. 2. Etching is a type of metal engraving in which in-depth elements of the printing form are created by etching the metal with acids. 3. Linocut - A type of engraving - obtaining an image from a flat printing plate made of linoleum or other plastic materials.

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Stages of work: Studying the biography of the artist, his works.

Prepared by 3rd grade student Tatyana Snopova

Project goal: To tell about the wonderful deeds of my fellow countrymen for the benefit of other people. Project objectives: Prepare a presentation story. Collect information in the form of photographs, facts from the biography. Introduce your project to your classmates.

Burdenko Nikolay Nilovich

Burdenko Nikolai Nilovich (1876-1946) - an outstanding Soviet surgeon, one of the founders of neurosurgery, academician, State Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Colonel General of the Medical Service. Burdenko was born in the town of Kamenka, Penza province. Since 1910, Burdenko has been a professor at Yuryevsky and then Voronezh University, where he worked until 1923. Burdenko is the first president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. During the Great Patriotic War he held the position of Chief Surgeon of the Soviet Army. In Voronezh, one of the city streets is named after Burdenko.

Memorial plaque on the building of the PSU Medical Institute

1st conference of front-line surgeons, Tambov, November 1942 (1st row, in the center of academician N. N. Burdenko) The conference was held on the basis of evacuation hospital 1189 (school no. 19). N. N. Burdenko arrived at the conference with all his deputies: professors V. S. Levit, S. S. Girgolav, M. N. Akhutin, chief traumatologist prof. V.V. Gorinevsky.

Nikolai Burdenko created a school of experimental surgeons, developed methods for treating oncology of the central and autonomic nervous system, pathologies of the cerebrospinal fluid circulation, cerebral circulation, etc. He performed operations to treat brain tumors, which before Burdenko were rare throughout the world. He was the first to develop simpler and more original methods for performing these operations, making them widespread, developed operations on the dura mater of the spinal cord, and transplanted sections of nerves. He developed a bulbotomy - an operation in the upper part of the spinal cord to cut the nerve pathways that were overexcited as a result of brain injury.

The name of Burdenko is carried by: the Research Institute of Neurosurgery in Moscow, on its territory there is a bust of Burdenko, the Voronezh State Medical Academy, the Main Military Hospital, a specialized sanatorium for the treatment of spinal patients in the resort city of Saki, the faculty surgical clinic of the I.M. Sechenov Medical Academy, Penza regional clinical hospital (1956). In 1958, a bust of the scientist by sculptor A. A. Fomin was installed on the territory of the hospital. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Burdenko’s birth, in 1976, the wooden house of his parents, in which the scientist spent his childhood and youth, was moved from the former Chembarskaya Street (since 1947 - Burdenko Street) to the territory of the hospital. A memorial museum was created in this house. Scientific medical readings dedicated to the memory of N. N. Burdenko are being held in Penza. Journal “Issues of Neurosurgery named after. N. N. Burdenko" Streets in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Penza and Donetsk.

The outstanding teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky wrote the book “I Give My Heart to Children.” He devoted his entire life, until his last days, to the education of his students. Vasily Alexandrovich sought to raise them to be kind, honest, fair, and, in one word, humane.

Many people endowed like V.A. Sukhomlinsky, rich in inner world, generously give these riches to people.

This is manifested in their actions in the family, in communication with friends, in professional work, in noble service to the Fatherland, in the great feats that they perform.

Examples of a person’s noble service to people can be found in the past and present, in his native land and in other parts of the country, in many countries of the world.

To prepare the project “Riches given to people,” collect information about such people, about their wonderful deeds for the benefit of other people. You can prepare stories - portraits, stories - biographies dedicated to one or more of these people. Choose illustrations for your stories, make drawings, take photographs. You can design an album, book, stand.

The most popular form of project available for 3rd grade children is presentation.

Project - presentation "Riches given to people" - A.S. Pushkin

Project - presentation "Riches given to people" - Yu. A. Gagarin

Presentation "Riches given to people" - Lenardo da Vinci

The heroes of your projects can be people who surround you in everyday life: doctors, teachers, writers, etc.

Here are some more beautiful templates for a project on this topic.

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