Last week it became known that. The duties of the head are temporarily performed by his deputy, Alexey Gabdorakhmanov. Yuri Alekseevich himself appointed him before his vacation.

It is still unknown who will become the new head of the traffic police in the Sverdlovsk region. The candidacy must be selected and approved in Moscow by the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, Mikhail Borodin. There is a possibility that a new boss will be sent from another region. But, despite this, the traffic police itself has so far named three worthy candidates for Demin’s place. Let's get to know them.

Candidate #1

Dmitry Panfilov, deputy head of the traffic police department for the Sverdlovsk region

Dmitry Panfilov is 45 years old. He has been working in the police for 23 years. He began his service as a traffic police inspector in Polevsky, where he rose to the position of head of the traffic police department, which he headed from 2005 to 2010. In 2012 he moved to Yekaterinburg.

“Due to high performance indicators, effective implementation of official powers and responsibilities in 2011, he was transferred from April 13, 2012 to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Sverdlovsk Region to a position,” according to the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region.

For four years, Panfilov supervised the work of traffic police crews in the Sverdlovsk region. As noted in the Sverdlovsk headquarters, he has established himself as a competent and qualified specialist.

“He has a high professional level and enjoys authority among colleagues and subordinates. While serving in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, he was repeatedly encouraged by the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,” it is specified on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region.

In May 2016, Dmitry Panfilov was appointed commander of the Yekaterinburg traffic police regiment. After the departure of the deputy head of the Sverdlovsk traffic police, Sergei Zonov, Panfilov became Yuri Demin’s deputy.

In January 2017, specifically to Dmitry Panfilov. However, in the end, Vadim Buidalin from Kamensk-Uralsky was appointed chief traffic cop of the Ural capital. Subordinates characterize Panfilov as a good and adequate person.

Last year, for Victory Day, Dmitry Sergeevich recorded a video in which he talked about his grandfather, a WWII veteran.

Candidate #2

Vadim Buydalin, head of the traffic police of Yekaterinburg

Vadim Leonidovich is 48 years old. He came to Yekaterinburg from Kamensk-Uralsky in February last year and... He was born in Kamensk and went from a simple traffic police inspector to a chief. In 1998 he became a battalion commander, in 2004 he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the traffic police department, and then head. During his service, he was encouraged more than 40 times by leadership at various levels.

Under the leadership of Buidalin, the traffic police of Kamensk-Uralsky more than once became the best, so he was offered to solve a more difficult problem - to head the traffic police of Yekaterinburg.

Quite recently, Vadim Buidalin gave E1.RU, in which he told how he got used to the Ural capital, what he managed to do in the new place and how the situation is on the city’s roads. We found him to be a very kind and sincere person.

Look how Vadim Leonidovich congratulated the townspeople on the New Year 2018.

Candidate #3

Roman Yarysh, commander of the traffic police regiment of the Yekaterinburg traffic police

Roman Grigorievich is 44 years old. He joined the police in 2002 after serving in the Armed Forces for more than ten years. In Yekaterinburg, he worked his way up from the position of commander of the traffic police regiment of the Yekaterinburg traffic police.

Yarysh was called the man of the former chief police officer of Yekaterinburg, Marat Bisinbaev, who was fired after a conflict with the head of the police headquarters, Mikhail Borodin. Before taking the post of head of the Yekaterinburg Internal Affairs Directorate, Bisinbaev was the head of the Verkh-Isetsky District Internal Affairs Directorate.

In 2013, Roman Yarysh, due to a conflict with Yuri Demin, went to serve in the ranks of private security, where until April 2017 he served as commander of the UVO regiment in Yekaterinburg. However, a year ago, Yarysh returned to his old position and became the commander of the traffic police regiment of the Yekaterinburg traffic police. The reappointment of Yarysh took place without the approval of Yuri Demin, which outraged the colonel. After that, at the direction of the management, constant checks were carried out in the city traffic police regiment.

Auto experts call Yarysh a person who is open to communication, strict and fair.

By the way, Roman Grigorievich sings well. Here, for example, is his performance from the festival of the Volga-Ural Military District “When Soldiers Sing” in 1996.

Poll: Which candidate do you like best?

  • Panfilov
  • Buydalin
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Text: Maria CHERNYKH
Photo: Lavrenti14 /, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Sverdlovsk Region, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, Artem USTYUZHANIN / E1.RU
Video: gumvdso66, Alexander MOROZOV /

Alexey Kislyakov

Today, the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, Major General Pyotr Krivegin introduced the new head of the regional department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, police colonel Alexei Kislyakov, Valery Gorelykh, press secretary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Middle Urals, reported to the website.

The performance took place at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Sverdlovsk Region on Chkalova Street, 1, in the Ural capital. “In his brief speech to his colleagues, Colonel Kislyakov focused on the main tasks that the country’s government and the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs set for the service. This is reducing mortality on the roads, ensuring the safety of all road users and increasing the image of the service among citizens,” Gorelykh noted.

Valery Gorelykh / press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region

Alexey Kislyakov was born in Moscow in 1975. Since 1998, he has worked in various positions in the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and since 2011 - in the central office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was transferred to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Sverdlovsk Region from the position of head of the department for working with citizens' appeals of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The colonel has two higher educations and a number of departmental awards. Married, has a daughter.

Valery Gorelykh / press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region

The former head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Sverdlovsk Region, Yuri Demin, was dismissed after an unpleasant incident with his deputy Alexander Yunusov. On March 28 of this year, Yunusov was involved in an accident, which subsequently became the reason for his dismissal. It is known that that evening the security officer celebrated receiving a new rank. After that, he went home in his personal Citroen car and on the way collided with a Toyota Land Cruiser traveling in the same direction. No people were injured; the vehicles received mechanical damage. However, Yunusov refused to undergo a medical examination, which gave reason to assume that he was intoxicated.

What do you remember about the fired head of the Sverdlovsk traffic police, Yuri Demin?

“On April 11, in accordance with the order of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the official was dismissed from the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for negative reasons - for an offense discrediting the honor of an employee of the internal affairs bodies,” Valery Gorelykh, press secretary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, soon said.

The next day, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, signed an order to terminate the contract and dismiss from service Yunusov’s immediate superior, the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Sverdlovsk Region, police colonel Yuri Demin. It was unofficially said that the cause of this was Yunusov’s road accident.

Demin was fired immediately after returning from vacation. Resignation order available, dated April 11, 2018. According to the text, the reason for dismissal was the termination of the employment contract. The authenticity of the order to Gazeta.Ru was confirmed by the head of the regional press service.

Shortly before this, the region was shocked by a loud scandal with one of Demin’s deputies, Alexander Yunusov. On the night of March 29, he caused an accident and, after a short chase, was detained in an almost unconscious state. Immediately after the incident, Valery Gorelykh then told Gazeta.Ru that they would punish not only the culprit of the accident, but also his immediate supervisor:

“Based on the results of the ongoing internal audit, the officer will be dismissed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for negative reasons in the prescribed manner. In addition, this official’s immediate supervisor will be subject to disciplinary action upon returning from leave.”

Last week, Yunusov was indeed fired, but, as it turned out, there was formally nothing to punish the head of the Sverdlovsk traffic police for, because he was on vacation. According to an informed source of Gazeta.Ru in the regional security forces, he went to rest either the day before or the morning after the drunken antics of the hapless officer and they did not formally “present” Demin with the misconduct of his subordinate.

The dismissal occurred for a more standard and less scandalous reason. However, as a high-ranking regional police officer assured Gazeta.Ru, shortly before his dismissal, his employment contract was extended, and he himself had no intention of leaving the service.

“The contract with Demin was extended two weeks before Yunusov’s arrest, this is absolutely certain,” says an informed source.

At the same time, the representative of the regional headquarters, Valery Gorelykh, in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, essentially did not deny that Demin’s dismissal had little to do with the formal reason.

“Yunusov was fired for negative reasons, and his immediate superior was also punished. In such situations, the Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region has always taken and continues to take a principled position - whoever breaks the line of the law, regardless of positions, ranks and past merits, must suffer a well-deserved punishment, so that the principle of the inevitability of punishment operates not in words, but in in fact,” he noted.

And yet, the true motives for Demin’s dismissal lie much deeper.

During his 13 years as head of the region’s traffic police, he was repeatedly on the verge of dismissal, and even earned the fame of an “unsinkable traffic cop.”

As another informed source told Gazeta.Ru, there had been rumors in the region for many years that the colonel had good connections in Moscow, that the former head of the Russian traffic police himself directly provided support and patronage to Demin.

“When Mikhail Chernikov became the new head of the department last summer, many strong figures in the regions noticeably lost their positions. It’s safe to say that Colonel Demin’s “old school” relationship did not work out.

Apparently, at that time there was no reason to remove the head of the traffic police of the Sverdlovsk region, but the reason did not take long to arrive - it was Yunusov’s “trick,” says Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor.

Over the years of service, Yuri Demin gained fame as a principled and hot-tempered campaigner, who repeatedly entered into confrontations not only with colleagues, but also with the authorities of Yekaterinburg. He was distinguished by bold statements addressed to the city mayor's office, criticizing the administration for the terrible quality of roads, poor communications, opposed paid entry into the city, in every possible way prevented the installation of cameras on dedicated lanes for public transport.

He also chose a fundamentally tough position in relation to paid parking in the city.

Not without outright scandals. So in 2009, a clash occurred between Demin and journalist Yuri Basok. According to the correspondent, the colonel hit him in the face and broke the camera. After this, a case was opened against the head of the traffic police under the article “Exceeding official powers with the use of violence,” however

Later, in 2013, the Internet was full of a sensational story with an ambulance that Demin fined for parking in the wrong place. According to the testimony of the ambulance driver, because of this, the doctors could not leave for another 20 minutes to deliver the patient to the hospital. An internal investigation was carried out into this fact, and...

And these are just some striking examples from the service of the head of the Sverdlovsk State Traffic Inspectorate. It is clear that with such a disposition, Demin had many ill-wishers who were just waiting for a reason to resign.

At the same time, the colonel’s professionalism cannot be denied; over the years of service under his leadership, the local State Traffic Safety Inspectorate has become one of the best in the country. It is not yet clear who will take Demin’s place and how this will affect ordinary car enthusiasts. At the moment, Alexey Gabdrakhmanov is acting, but, according to Gazeta.Ru’s source in law enforcement agencies, he most likely will not remain at the head of the department.

“It is still unknown who will take Demin’s place, but, obviously, it will not be someone from the locals. Someone will be sent from Moscow,” the interlocutor believes.

Employees of the road patrol service wrote an open letter to the Yekaterinburg media with a request to publish information about the actions of their leaders and inhumane working conditions.

The guards accuse the leaders of the Yekaterinburg traffic police regiment of malfeasance. One of the first things inspectors point to is the introduction of a plan to deal with “costly” traffic offences. For example, during a shift, one company must fine seventy violating pedestrians and thirty drivers who did not give them the right of way at a zebra crossing, ten cars must be stopped for not having child seats, the same number must be stopped for running a red traffic light and catch at least one drunk driver .

Due to failure to comply with the plan, inspectors are forced to work on weekends. Here, for example, is a recording of a speech by the acting commander of the traffic police regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Rubtsov, who scolds the inspectors for their low results on drunk drivers.

In addition, the signatories note, due to Yuri Demin’s dissatisfaction with the failure to fulfill the plan for administrative materials, inspectors have to stay at work two to three hours longer than expected. The letter mentions the new head of the traffic police department, Vadim Buidalin. As the authors state, in order to “bend under” the higher management, the lieutenant colonel sent for further development those responsible for the company, who had previously been on duty for 18 hours.

Traffic police officers are outraged by the “lack of personal safety”: inspectors are on duty at intersections one at a time, as the authors of the letter indicate, because of this, attacks on employees have become more frequent.

They maintain the patrol cars in which the inspectors serve at their own expense: in winter, in order to warm up in the car, they fuel it from their wallet. From there, the purchase of wheels, belts, bumpers, antifreeze, oil, and spare parts is paid for. Employees also buy uniforms themselves. Even the work of a cleaning lady is paid for by the inspectors.

In the letter, the inspectors note that the senior manager, Yuri Demin, knows about many violations. Moreover, the administration of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate receives a certain percentage from the work of tow trucks (the letter contains sums in the millions). Therefore, the authors of the appeal ask the prosecutor’s office and the Internal Security Service to conduct a large-scale inspection of the Yekaterinburg traffic police regiment.

In turn, the traffic police management notes that every time there is a change in administration, such anonymous complaints appear. The authors of the letter were accused of inaccurate information: the department’s press service noted that there was no plan for identifying traffic violations.

Press service of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region:

The deputy head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, Dmitry Panfilov, went to the city traffic police regiment to sum up the results of the work and accept the results of the shift.