The article was written based on my five years of experience participating in boudoir photo shoots. During this time, I worked on many projects without being a professional model. I made some mistakes, made conclusions, and came up with my ideal formula and checklist.

One example of a photograph with my participation. Photographer - Olga Smirnova. Hair styling and makeup - Liliya Salakhova. Retouching - Svetlana Ivleva. Especially for

1. Come up with an idea

Decide what you want. Start with a general idea, then think about the details: clothes, decor, makeup, hairstyle (if necessary). The easiest way to create a board with inspirational ideas and examples is on Pinterest.

The more detailed you describe your idea, the better.

As for the makeup artist and stylist: if you show photos with makeup and hair styling that you like, you will make their work as easy as possible, and ensure the desired result for yourself.

2. Choose a format: photo day or individual shooting

Decide what is best for you: a photo day or an individual photo session. Each option has its pros and cons.

During the photo day, shooting time is limited (usually half an hour per person), you will not be able to choose the location, make-up and styling. Therefore, it is worth looking for a photo day that best suits your needs.

On the other hand, this format is much cheaper than individual photo sessions. Plus, you don’t have to agree on a place (studio), makeup artist and hair stylist - they’ll do it all for you. Weigh the pros and cons and make a decision.

If you have rarely taken photographs before, I would not recommend starting with photo days. There is a risk that in half an hour you will not open up, will not relax and will look tense. Although a lot depends on the chosen photographer.

In the case of an individual photo shoot, there are more costs on all counts. But here you are the creator of your own happiness and a generator of ideas. And if the photo shoot lasts an hour and a half, then you have more chances to relax and go beyond standard poses.

3. Agree on important things on shore

So, you have decided on the idea and details, and chosen a photographer. What should you agree on before the photo shoot?

  • Specify the deadline for delivery and the number of finished photographs.
  • If you want to look through the sources and choose what you like, agree in advance.
  • Discuss whether you need face and body retouching.
  • In addition to face and body retouching, there is also color correction and other details of retouching the photograph itself. You can ask the photographer to show one processed photo. Using his example, discuss what you want in terms of retouching so that the photographer can then focus on the given parameters.
  • If you plan to shoot outdoors, the weather may interfere. Think about a backup option and discuss it with the photographer. There is always a risk that force majeure may occur. So it’s better to have in your notebook spare contacts of people who will come to your aid (makeup artist, photographer, studio manager, and so on).

It is customary for us to conclude contracts only for wedding photo sessions. But this procedure will help save your nerves if something goes wrong. So don't hesitate to ask about the contract or ask for a receipt.

4. Remember self-care

If your face is peeling, it is better to moisturize it with cream in advance, otherwise it will be difficult for the makeup artist to work, and the result will not be at all what you want.

Also, before the photo shoot, remember about the pedicure. You can do them yourself or contact specialists.

If you have time, visit the location before the shoot takes place. Perhaps in real life you won’t like something and you’ll want to change it. There was such a case in my practice.

Look at the shooting location and think again whether additional decor or the help of a florist is needed here.

6. Think about where you can save money.

Since a photo shoot with a whole team is quite an expensive undertaking, you may be thinking about saving money. You can save money by doing your own hair and makeup and choosing to shoot not in a studio, but in the city or outdoors.

The only specialist you definitely shouldn’t skimp on is a photographer.

7. Accept that you will get tired.

Be prepared for the fact that during photo sessions lasting an hour or more you will be tired, and very tired.

Long photo sessions are good because you can take your time, relax and open up better. But with this comes fatigue. At the end of the shoot, you will feel like you've come out of a grueling workout. Therefore, after the photo shoot, it is best to plan a vacation.

8. Be careful with food

You shouldn't go to a photo shoot with a full stomach. If you have eaten heavily, you will not be very comfortable moving and working. But you don’t need to go hungry either: a photo shoot, as I wrote above, is a physically demanding activity. If you are hungry, you will not be able to concentrate on the task at hand due to stress, and imaginary cakes or steaks will fly before your eyes.

Have a small snack before and take something light with you if the photo shoot is going to be long.

9. Relax

Relaxation is the key. Both moral and physical. And if the first depends on you and the photographer, then a good massage the day before the shoot, as well as a sauna or bathhouse, will help you physically relax.

10. Be yourself

It often happens that you only relax towards the end of filming. It is at such moments that very beautiful shots can be obtained. Be yourself, inspire and be inspired.

Tell us about your experience participating in photo shoots in the comments. What would you like to add to the tips in the article?

So, here are the main points to consider before a professional photo shoot:

— Think about how much time you will need for the photo shoot.
A professional photo session in the case of shooting can last from 2 to 4 hours, in the case of portrait photography or shooting for a dating site - from 1 to 2 hours. Try not to limit yourself by time; there is no need to rush here. That single photograph that you see on the cover of a glossy magazine is the result of many hours of collaboration between the photographer and his model. In 1 hour of shooting, about 100 photos are obtained.

— Plan the day and time of your visit to the photo studio.
It will be necessary to reach an agreement by discussing in advance all the important nuances and conditions for the shooting.

- Fantasize! Look at photos from magazines or on the Internet. Think about how you would like to appear in a photograph. What do you want to emphasize? Sexuality? Innocence? Any personality traits? Maybe something romantic? Think about style! Business, romantic, sports, glamorous, casual, carnival, sexy, etc... The main thing is that you feel comfortable in the chosen image! Be sure to think about what movement options do you work best with? I, as a photographer, will be able to offer something during the shooting process and adjust the options for images and poses, but nevertheless, having homemade photographs that you would like to receive as a result is very useful.

Useful information about preparing for a photo shoot

They can have a different appearance and character and should be as different as possible so that the result subsequently pleases with its diversity. Try practicing in front of a mirror, repeating the poses of the models. You can pose in the frame standing, sitting, lying down, you can also pose in motion, or with props, the main thing is to have examples of poses in stock. At least a couple - three of the most basic ones in which you like yourself. By using them at the beginning of shooting, it will be easier for you to get used to the situation, and a professional photographer will help you orient the direction of your arms and legs more correctly.

A few moments for a photo shoot in a studio in Moscow

— Don’t exhaust yourself with diet and exercise before a photo shoot in the studio.
— Feel free to call and consult with the photographer before shooting.
— Do not visit the solarium a few days before the shoot.
— Don’t drink a lot of fluids the night before your photo shoot.

Clothes and style for a photo shoot in the studio

— Think through all the details: from the color of underwear to the polish on your hands (it is advisable to apply a light neutral polish or, for example, a French coat).
— Think through the image in detail to practice your gaze and facial expression.
— For some images for a photo shoot, prepare alternative clothing options.
— Transparent silicone bra straps sparkle!
— Do not overuse black color, it spoils the image in the photo, especially if it family photo session in the studio.
— Before a photo shoot in the studio, wear something loose and not tight to avoid clothing marks on exposed areas of your body.


What is better to take with you to a photo shoot in the studio:

— You don’t need to take the cosmetics that you usually use if there will be a photo shoot in the studio. Only in case of any allergy to professional cosmetics. If you do not plan to use the services of a professional makeup artist, then it is enough to take the most necessary cosmetics. Be sure to take powder with you, as the light illuminates the skin very strongly, creating glare and emphasizing any slightest imperfections. I also recommend taking lipstick or lip gloss, pencil and mascara with you, in case you need to adjust your makeup during the shoot. Everything else is at your discretion. It all depends only on your desire and planned image 😉

Necessarily clean replacement shoes. Additional clothing, underwear and accessories (jewelry, glasses, watches, hairpins, umbrellas, hats, fur, handbags, cosmetic bags, gloves, scarves, scarves, etc.). A men's photo shoot in the studio is also not complete without accessories. The more options you have for accessories, the more interesting and fun the photos will be, since they not only complement the image, but also help you come up with additional movements during the shooting process. As for clothing options, it is best to take 2 or 3 options in reserve. Well, or at least 1 option in case there is some time left for 1 more image. (in 1 hour of shooting, without rushing, we manage to complete about 1-2 images). The most important thing is not to take the same options for images, for example, 2 black dresses with slightly different styles. I highly recommend choosing bright clothing options that can be combined with each other for a complete look. The most important thing is to try to choose clothing options for a photo shoot that make you look impressive or simply like yourself. Since being photographed professionally is quite difficult, try to choose clothing options for shooting in a studio that you feel comfortable in.

First, you should think through the photo shoot down to the smallest detail. First, decide on the theme of the shoot, maybe it will be a LoveStory, a family photo shoot, or a nude shoot for your loved one. Once the topic is chosen, you need to move on to the next stage. Think about the atmosphere that will be felt on the site. Let's say you decide to be naked in front of the camera, then decide whether you will be in the image of a defenseless girl or put on a catwoman costume. For inspiration, you can look through the works of the best photographers in the country; among their photographs you will definitely find something that will be close to you.


Choose several costumes that will reflect your ideas. If you're playing a runaway bride, work hard, but get the wedding dress. When the question of makeup arises, it is worth understanding the difference between ordinary everyday makeup and stage makeup. Don't be afraid to experiment; long feather eyelashes, black lipstick, and rhinestones can be used.


You should look simply gorgeous on camera, so start preparing for the shoot at least a week and a half in advance. If you are overweight, then lose a couple of kilograms (remember, you will look fuller on camera than in real life). Try not to eat junk food and in just a week your skin will glow with health, and all inflammation will disappear. On the eve of a photo shoot, you can use self-tanning, but only on condition that you know how to apply it correctly. If bronzer is applied incorrectly, unaesthetic stains appear all over the body, and such “beauty” obviously does not suit you in the frame.


If you think through the poses the day before and pose in front of the mirror, then you will make the work of the photographer and yourself much easier. Poses for a photo shoot are divided into universal ones, which are suitable for everyone, and individual ones. You can choose the latter yourself through trial and error. It is also worth dividing the poses by season. Poses for a photo shoot in autumn are radically different from winter ones.

On the day of the photo shoot, it’s a good idea to get your hair done by a hairdresser and visit a makeup artist. During the shooting process, be confident, calm and natural.

If you are suddenly overtaken by a creative impasse, have run out of new ideas, or are just looking for a little hint for photographing a girl, then you can use sketches as a starting cheat sheet, because they are one of the most important stages of preparation. The more carefully they are thought out, the more interesting photographs you will get as a result of photography. Many professional photographers use this technique when preparing for and during a photo shoot. Poses of girls for a photo shoot This article should be used as a starting point, and it is best to review and discuss suggested angles with your model, especially if she has little experience. This way, you will be able to establish psychological contact with the model. During the photo shoot, do not hesitate to ask the model for her opinion on which poses she likes best. This helps both the model and the photographer feel more confident, and in the end, get decent results. It will be very useful if before the photo shoot the model thinks about what she wants to see in the pictures, what she wants to emphasize? Innocence? Sexuality? Maybe something romantic? Or some special character traits? What types of poses will work best for her? The following poses are a hint not only for the model, but also for the photographer; you can print them out or send them to your phone and carry them with you as a cheat sheet that will help you in difficult times.

In this article, each pose presented has a photograph as an illustration. All pictures are taken from the Internet (mainly from the site //, copyright belongs to their authors.

So, let's look: successful poses of girls for a photo shoot.

2. Very often, when shooting portraits, both the model and the photographer forget about the position of their hands. However, something creative can happen if you ask the model to play with her hands, trying out different positions on her head and face. The main thing to remember is one rule - no flat, tense palms: the hands should be soft, flexible and, preferably, they should not be facing directly into the frame with the palm or back of the hand.

3. You are probably familiar with such a compositional rule as.

4. A very cute pose for a sitting model - with your knees together.

5. Another open and attractive pose - the model lies on the ground. Get down and take the shot almost from ground level.

6. And again, an option for a lying position: you can ask the model to play with her hands - fold them or calmly lower them to the ground. A great angle for shooting outdoors, among flowers and grasses.

7. The most basic pose, but it looks simply stunning. You need to shoot from the lower level; walk around the model in a circle, taking pictures from different angles. The model should be relaxed, you can change the position of the arms, hands, and head.

8. And this amazing pose is well suited for girls with any figure. Try different positions of your legs and arms, focusing on the model's eyes.

9. Cute and playful pose. Great for almost any setting: on the bed, in the grass or on the beach. Take a photo of the model from a low position, focusing on the eyes.

10. A wonderful way to show off your model's beautiful figure. Perfectly emphasizes the silhouette against a bright background.

11. Another friendly pose for a seated model. Position the model so that one knee is pressed to the chest and the other leg, also bent at the knee, lies on the ground. The gaze is directed into the lens. Try using different shooting angles for better results.

12. A great way to demonstrate all the beauty and plasticity of the model’s body. Can be used as a silhouette pose against a bright background.

13. Simple and natural position with many possible variations. Let the model experiment with the position of the hips, arms, and head.

14. Simple and at the same time elegant pose. The model is turned slightly to the side, hands in the back pockets.

15. A slight forward tilt can unobtrusively emphasize the model’s shape. It looks very attractive and sexy.

16. A sensual pose with raised arms emphasizes the smooth curves of the body. Well suited for slim and fit models.

17. The options for posing in full height are simply endless; this position can be taken as a starting point. Ask the model to easily turn her body, change the position of her arms, head, direction of gaze, etc.

18. This pose looks quite relaxed. Don't forget that you can lean against the wall not only with your back, but also with your shoulder, arm or hip.

19. Full-length shots are quite specific and are better suited for tall, slender models. Here's a little secret: the model's body should resemble the English letter S, the weight is transferred to one leg, the arms are in a relaxed state.

20. One of the best poses for slim models with a huge number of possible options. To get the best position, ask your model to slowly change the position of her arms and continuously bend her body.

21. Romantic, tender pose. Use different fabrics and draperies. With their help you can get sensual photographs. It is not necessary to expose your entire back: often, even a slightly bare shoulder creates a flirty mood.

22. A good pose for a photo shoot and an excellent angle from which the model appears slimmer. The model stands sideways, with her chin slightly down and her shoulder slightly raised. Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

23. Often, ordinary poses are the most successful. The model should transfer the weight of the body to one leg, while bending the body into an S-shape.

24. The model touches a vertical surface, such as a wall or tree, lightly with both hands. The pose is suitable for a portrait shot.

25. If the model has beautiful long hair, be sure to show it in motion. Ask her to quickly turn her head to allow the hair to develop. Experiment with shutter speed to get clear or blurry shots that highlight movement.

26. In the next pose, the model is sitting on a sofa or bed. If you give a girl a cup of coffee, you can get a thematic photo (for example, the girl was cold, and now she is resting and warming up).

27. An excellent and comfortable pose that is suitable for a photo shoot in the house, studio on the couch and more...

28. A beautiful pose for a model sitting on a sofa.

29. Excellent for photographing a model sitting on the ground. The photographer can shoot from different angles.

30. You can experiment in a sitting position; you should not limit yourself only to certain subject poses.

31. It is believed that crossing legs and arms between people creates a certain psychological barrier, and this is not recommended when taking photographs. However, this is not always the case. The photographer should try to take a photo where the model's arms are crossed over her chest. This is a great pose for a women's photo shoot.

Anton Rostovskiy

32. It’s not always worth coming up with a certain hand position. It is completely normal to leave them in a natural position, relaxed. The same can be said about the legs. The only thing to remember is that while standing, the model must transfer her body weight to one leg.

33. Another example of a full body photo pose that is perfect for a photo shoot. The girl's hands, fully or partially, are in her pockets.

34. This pose is perfect for a summer photo shoot. Ask the model to take off her shoes and walk slowly.

35. The model’s hands behind her back, an unusual, but very open and sincere pose. The model can also lean against the wall.

36. For decent official portraits, a very simple, and at the same time, effective position is suitable. The model stands slightly sideways, with her face turned towards the photographer, her head tilted slightly to the side.

37. The model will look very harmonious in the frame if you place both hands on your waist. The pose is suitable for half-length and full-length portraits.

38. If there is any tall piece of furniture nearby that you can lean on with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create a formal, but at the same time free and inviting pose.

39. Another good position is to sit on something. Well suited for both indoor and outdoor shooting.

40. An example of a feminine and winning pose for a full-length shot of a model.

41. A rather complex pose, due to the fact that you need to convey the movement of the model. However, if done correctly, the reward will be a great, elegant fashion shot.

42. Great pose, although it will require certain camera settings: the girl is leaning on a fence or bridge railing. A large aperture will provide shallow depth of field and a blurry background.

43. A great pose if done with its features in mind. The correct placement of the arms and legs plays a decisive role here. Ideal for any body type. Please note that shooting should be done from a slightly elevated position.

44. A great pose for intimate photography. Well used in various environments, bed, beach, etc.

45. Another interesting pose. We take the angle from the bottom point. The upper part of the model's body is slightly raised, and the head is slightly tilted down. The legs are bent at the knees upward, the feet are crossed.

46. ​​This pose is not the easiest. There are a few things to pay attention to: the arm the model is leaning on should be facing away from the body, the abdominal muscles should be under control, and the legs should be extended. The pose is ideal for a sporty body type.

47. The next difficult pose requires professionalism from the photographer. For a successful final result, he must take into account the position of all parts of the body - head, arms, waist (there should be no folds in the skin!), hips and legs.

I hope these tips will help your models prepare for the shoot more responsibly :)

Many girls and boys dream of becoming a model, thinking that it is just pure entertainment. In practice, posing in front of a camera is serious work. Work is often enjoyable, especially if you work with a good team. But not everything depends on the professionalism of photographers and stylists, so you need to approach the photo shoot responsibly and prepare in advance.

So, first, let's get a good night's sleep. You should not have a hen/bachelor party on the eve of the shoot, or even visit noisy and smoky places. Although such a fun pastime is pleasant, it leaves behind tired skin and red eyes from burst blood vessels. Try to limit your fluid intake, whether it’s alcohol or mineral water. A photo of a swollen face with black circles under the eyes will not make you happy, will it?

Think about the condition of your nails in advance. Even if you are a girl, you should not choose bright varnishes for manicure and pedicure :) Be content with a French coat, a nude finish, or just glitter. Why? Imagine, an image is created of a daisy girl with a teddy bear in her hands, and these very hands are decorated with dark blue pointed claws, pardon the expression.... Only if you have agreed to shoot a “witch for Halloween”, only a witch and nothing but a witch, then a vampire manicure will come in handy.

Going to a shoot with your own clothes and not sure what exactly you will use? Take more. A lot is not a little. For those who travel by car, there should be no question of whether to take it or not. Take everything you can think of. If you will be traveling to the shooting location by public transport, load your items into a rolling suitcase. Traveling is much easier with wheels. Fellow models who are going to shoot a portfolio, do not forget to bring a swimsuit if you are a girl, or shorts (swim trunks) if you are a boy. This is necessary for the photographer to take snapshots for you. And of course, bring your shoes too :)

The classic dress code for the first modeling portfolio is something like this:

For the girls, a cocktail dress and stilettos. The ideal color for such a set is black, it looks stylish and slims the figure. A pair of light summer dresses will help create a romantic and gentle look. Also, take jeans and a T-shirt, a la the “tough girl,” and don’t forget your swimsuit. At a minimum, it will be necessary to make snapshots, and even better, several artistic shots. For each set of clothes, you must definitely choose shoes and, very preferably, accessories. If you want something gothic and incomprehensible in fashion style, it is better to resort to the services of professional stylists!

Young people, you need a business suit, jeans + a T-shirt (it’s a good idea to take a sweater or jumper), as well as swimming trunks or short shorts. Don't forget about shoes and sneakers/sandals. Do you have nice linen suits, boxing gloves and a tartan skirt available? Take everything, it might come in handy :)))

I would also like to mention clothing that should be used with caution. Large patterns on the fabric and bright colors will greatly attract attention, or even completely overwhelm pale-faced models. It is better to use calmer tones and highlight your beauty, not the beauty of your wardrobe. Those who want to look slimmer, choose vertical stripes and forget about horizontal ones, use shoes with heels, long skirts, trousers at the waist (they visually lengthen your legs). Dark colors are indeed slimming, but they will never “lighten” your skin and eyes like white, soft blue, pink, light beige and other fresh colors. If shades of black reign in your wardrobe, then at least dilute them with light accessories. If possible, consult a stylist or an experienced photographer, they will tell you what is best to choose.

Girls who adore short skirts, try not to limit yourself to them. This spectacular detail of the toilet greatly limits movement and the number of decent poses. However, wouldn’t you know :))) If you really want ultra-short, take shorts.

I thought for a long time about whether it was worth it, but I finally decided to touch upon one sensitive topic. May those beautiful girls who will be offended by reading the lines below forgive me. I mean the hair on our girlish hands. It may seem natural to us, but in the photo it will look ugly, believe me. Not every photographer is ready to spend his usually expensive time on carefully retouching each hair. I strongly recommend that you resolve this issue in advance. One of the most painless and convenient options is a special depilatory cream, the use of which will prevent the rapid appearance of “stumps” that many people get after a razor. For those who are not afraid of mild pain, cosmetologists have come up with a terrible but very effective execution - waxing. Just do all these procedures no less than a day before the photo shoot. Then the irritation, if it exists, will definitely have time to pass. I kindly ask you to heed my impudent request and a big human THANK YOU in advance on behalf of all photographers and retouchers!

Now about the makeup. Photography technology in our time has reached unprecedented heights, allowing us to examine every cell on the skin, not to mention the border of unshaded foundation at the chin. Therefore, when you are going to shoot with a good photographer who has all these modern technologies, think about how perfect your makeup application skills are. If in doubt, it is better to limit yourself to mascara-gloss-powder, without any heavy foundations. You can do without makeup at all, using only powder and mattifying wipes. These products should not be neglected by anyone, including men, in order to avoid an oily sheen on the skin (and it will inevitably appear under hot studio lamps).

  • A few days before the shoot, take care of yourself. Use the services of a cosmetologist: professional care for the skin of the face and décolleté will refresh, rejuvenate, and relieve tension and fatigue. The skin will look radiant and will minimize the use of decorative cosmetics. Correct your eyebrows: a clear, neat eyebrow line will add expressiveness to your look and “open your eyes.”
  • Pay attention to the condition of your hair. Perhaps you should update your haircut, refresh the color, and give your hair a well-groomed look.
  • If you have previously visited a solarium or used a self-tanner, you can refresh your tan. But! If you have not used tanning products before this time, do not experiment before a photo shoot, your skin may present unpleasant surprises. Also try not to use new products from the cosmetics and perfume industry on the eve of the shoot. To avoid unwanted skin reactions, use proven cosmetics and decorative cosmetics.
  • Before the photo shoot, try to get a good night's sleep to look great and be in a great mood, and also to avoid unwanted redness of the sclera of the eyes.
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, or foods with excess salt the day before to avoid unwanted swelling.
  • If there are inflammatory elements on the face (in common parlance, acne), you should not squeeze them out, especially before shooting. This won't make them look any better. Instead of using your fingers, apply a colorless antiseptic solution to the area of ​​inflamed skin and do not touch again.
  • Makeup for photos is a separate topic for discussion. If possible, it is better to entrust this delicate matter to a professional, i.e. to the makeup artist. After all, a face under professional studio lighting will look slightly different than under ordinary light. The makeup artist will even out the complexion, disguise unwanted skin defects, give the face relief, place accents, color spots, highlight the eyes, and make the lines clear. In addition, makeup for photos involves the use of professional cosmetics, which have such properties as heat resistance, durability, plasticity, and hypoallergenicity. And the rich palette of colors and shades of professional decorative cosmetics allows you to bring any idea to life.
  • Remember, if you decide to use the services of a makeup artist, you should not apply makeup yourself at home, so as not to waste precious studio time on removing makeup and once again irritate your skin and eyes. And do not forget to notify the makeup artist in advance if you are allergic to any cosmetic products or their components.

Perhaps these are the main points to remember when preparing for a photo shoot. Enjoy your time in front of your camera lens and enjoy your photos!