Purchase and sale of rubber weapons / traumatic weapons / gas weapons with the ability to fire a rubber bullet: transactions with self-defense weapons in accordance with the Weapons Law.

Gas weapons, including gas pistols and revolvers with the ability to fire a rubber bullet, or firearms without a barrel can be purchased at a weapons store or from an individual selling officially, through the LRO.

  1. To purchase gas weapons (including those with the ability to fire a rubber bullet or firearms without a barrel) in a store, a citizen must have an open license to purchase, store and carry civilian weapons self-defense. With this license, as well as with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, he goes to the store and purchases the gas pistols or revolvers he needs (including those with the ability to fire a rubber bullet or guns without a barrel). After acquisition, within 14 days, a citizen is required to register his weapon with the LRO of the Department of Internal Affairs at the place where the license was obtained.

    In the case of purchasing an LLC, a citizen must have a license to purchase 1 unit of LLC, with which, as well as a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, he goes to the store and purchases 1 unit of LLC. After acquisition, a citizen is obliged to register the purchased weapon within 14 days with the LRO of the Department of Internal Affairs at the place where the license was obtained. Where, in return, within 14 days he will be issued a permit to store, transport and carry LLC.

  2. If there is no buyer, and the seller wants to sell his weapon anyway, the procedure is as follows:

    The seller comes to his LRO, writes an application to deregister the weapon he wants to sell and receives a referral to hand over the weapon to a consignment gun store. Then a citizen with this direction and a general passport goes to a thrift store and hands over his weapon to it. Discusses the price of weapons with the store. If it suits both parties, then, depending on the rules of the store, the store immediately pays the price of the weapon to the seller, or will pay it after the sale of the weapon. In any case, as soon as the store has accepted the weapon, it issues the seller a tear-off coupon notification of the direction for sale, in order to return this coupon to the LRO. The seller is obliged to submit this coupon to the LRO.

  3. For a citizen to purchase the specified weapon from another citizen, there are several options.
    • Buy a traumatic pistol through the store. The seller does everything described in paragraph 1, but comes to the gun store with a buyer who has a license and a civil passport. With the difference that the seller names his price without discussing it with the store, the store accepts the weapon, adds a commission markup to the specified price and sells the weapon to the buyer. In this case, weapons are more expensive (by 15-25%). The store receives this 15-25%, and the seller receives his price. The buyer, of course, is obliged to register the purchased weapon with the LRO at the place where the license was obtained within 14 days.
    • Buy traumatic weapons through LRO. The seller and buyer, having licenses and general passports in hand, appear at the LRO at the seller’s place of residence. The seller writes to the LRO an application to deregister the weapon and transfer it to the buyer. LRO employees deregister weapons and add them to the buyer’s license FREE OF CHARGE. Whether or not to thank LRO employees with a valuable gift is a personal matter for everyone. The seller and buyer, leaving the office, pay each other. The buyer is then required to register the weapon with his LRO within 14 days.

Traumatic self-defense weapon - ooop

  • Firearms of limited destruction

It is possible to sell civilian and service weapons and ammunition only after completing a considerable number of procedures that the police require for the sale of guns and blades. New order Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who today publishes Russian newspaper, complements and specifies weapons legislation. On the one hand, control over the circulation of weapons is being strengthened. On the other hand, all participants in this market understand the rules of the game - what is possible, what is not, and where to complain.

And this market in terms of the number of guns is comparable to the army arsenal. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, citizens have over five million units of registered firearms. In addition, about two million traumatic pistols and revolvers have been sold - no one knows the exact figure.

And, according to experts, almost the same number are unregistered weapons. Russian police is looking for over 220 thousand barrels, of which 70 thousand are rifled. The file of lost or stolen weapons has been maintained since 1947. Since then, over 160 thousand units have been found.

Russia is in ninth place in the world in terms of the number of armed people

Every tenth person in our country owns a gun. For comparison: in the United States, out of every hundred residents, 90 people own guns. There are 150 million different shooting units on hand. In Germany, for every 1000 people, 120 own weapons, in Finland - 400. In Japan, the armed population of the population is less than one hundredth of a percent, and in Switzerland it is literally universal: there, every person liable for military service, as a member of the people’s militia, keeps a service machine gun at home.

Of course, the most armed city in Russia is Moscow. A third of all weapons in the hands of citizens - service, sporting and so-called civilian - are in the hands of residents of the capital. More than half a million owners of civilian weapons are registered in Moscow. That is, owners of hunting smooth-bore and rifled guns and carbines, gas and traumatic pistols. There are 627,920 trunks on hand. The annual increase in the people's armament is five percent.

Almost half - 239,410 people - are owners of self-defense weapons, that is, pistols. These are the biggest forces for the police. headache. It is very important that owners of shotguns and carbines practically do not appear in crime reports - they do not carry such guns with them every day and, as a rule, do not shoot from them when drunk. But all sorts of pistols and revolvers are used for any reason: in a domestic fight, in a restaurant, and even in a traffic accident. Other artists sometimes earn their popularity through Makarych or, say, Naganych - there are precedents.

But even more often the most banal violations occur. People simply forget pistols in the most inappropriate places: in car glove compartments, shopping bags, in the wardrobes of restaurants or theaters. It is clear that the trunks are stolen there. And then they convert them into combat ones and kill people.

Therefore, the Law on Weapons was recently amended to seriously limit the rights of owners of concealed carry guns. If, say, a hunter can own six weapons, then a self-defender can only own two.

Moreover, when renewing a weapons license, hunters present only the entire required package of documents. And owners of trauma vehicles will have to take tests every time. And if it suddenly turns out that the owner beautiful pistol does not know the legal rules for its use and, moreover, does not know how to shoot from it, then you will have to part with the gun. Or - study military affairs.

Another significant change in legislation: the concept of a traumatic weapon no longer exists. There are firearms of limited destruction - a pistol, a revolver, a domestically produced firearm with traumatic cartridges. This change caused some confusion in the arms trade process: not all specialized stores had time to change the details on the goods, and holders of trauma weapons had time to redo their permits. By the way, the regulations published today take these changes into account and enable arms dealers to correctly issue licenses.

Supporters and opponents of the right for ordinary citizens to purchase short-barreled firearms - we are talking about combat pistols and revolvers - are increasingly breaking their spears. The reason for resuming the discussion, as a rule, is another shootout or massacre both in Russia and abroad. It is especially impressive when some madman shoots people with legally purchased guns and the same legal ammunition.

Several years ago, in the wake of interest in the weapons issue in Russia, a kind of compromise decision was made: the sale of pistols and revolvers was allowed, but traumatic ones, that is, shooting from which should not lead to death. However, the number of people killed by non-lethal weapons is already in the dozens. And there are hundreds of cases of its use. Drivers who do not share the road, visitors to nightclubs and restaurants, robbers and simply hooligans shoot at each other. What will happen, opponents of the legalization of short-barreled guns exclaim, if real pistols are allowed?

And everything will be fine, say gun supporters. After all, there are practically no facts when crimes were committed in Russia using registered smooth-bore and rifled hunting weapons. Why should they come with pistol permits? And trauma doesn’t count; people really don’t consider it a military weapon. They think that shooting from it is the same as hitting with a fist. After all, you can cripple and even kill with your hand.

To strengthen control over the circulation of weapons, the order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs specifies the requirements for the trade in everything that shoots. It is immediately obvious that only a legal entity can sell weapons. An ordinary citizen has the right to surrender weapons, including for a reward, only to the police.

The document lists in detail where an entrepreneur must go, what documents to collect and provide in order to legally sell shooting and piercing objects. Specific actions of licensing officials are indicated, addresses where you can complain are named, and even mandatory reactions to possible complaints are prescribed. The most important thing here is the public presentation of the document, which has openly anti-corruption goals. It is for this purpose that, for example, specific deadlines are indicated that are given for this or that action by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How are they

In the USA, the procedure for purchasing any weapon can last - depending on the state - from 15 minutes to a month. The store makes a request to the police about the identity of the buyer - and according to the result, the gun is sold or not sold. As a rule, a positive decision is made in 95 percent of cases.

In Europe, in order to purchase a civilian or hunting weapon, you need to complete approximately similar exercises: undergo training, have positive characteristics, obtain permission from the police. The difference is in the timing and specific requirements. For example, in Germany it is not pistols that are banned for sale, but pump-action shotguns - the police call them the classic weapons of criminals. Open carrying of any weapons, including pneumatic, bladed or stun guns, is prohibited. In France, the sale of any automatic weapons. In the UK, a pistol requires a separate license, and a long gun requires a different license. In Japan, permission to purchase will be given only after a one-year training course. They will teach shooting and knowledge of laws. You will only be able to buy a smoothbore shotgun or a single-shot rifle. We are not talking about pistols at all. And the owner will be checked every three months.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2013 N 541 Moscow
On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuing licenses to legal entities to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms and (or) sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components cartridges

Registration N 30139

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services"1 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 N 373 "On the development and approval of administrative regulations for the performance of government functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services"2 - I order:

1. Approve:

1.1. Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuing licenses to legal entities to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms and (or) sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components cartridges3 (Appendix No. 1).

1.2. List of changes made to the Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 12, 1999 No. 288 (Appendix No. 2).

2. GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Yu.N. Demidov), ministers of internal affairs for the republics, heads of main departments, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for other constituent entities of the Russian Federation to organize the study and implementation of the requirements of the Administrative Regulations approved by this order.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the Deputy Ministers, who are responsible for the relevant areas of activity.

Minister Colonel General of Police V. Kolokoltsev

1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 15, art. 2038; N 27, art. 3873, 3880; N 29, Art. 4291; N 30, art. 4587; N 49, art. 7061; 2012, N 31, art. 4322; 2013, N 14, art. 1651.

2 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; N 35, art. 5092; 2012, N 28, art. 3908; N 36, art. 4903; N 50, art. 7070; N 52, art. 7507.

4 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 24, 1999, registration N 1814, as amended by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 27, 2003 N 485 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 11, 2003, registration N 4888), dated December 24, 2003. N 1017 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 22, 2004, registration N 5453), dated July 15, 2005 N 568 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 17, 2005, registration N 6911), dated June 7, 2008 N504 (registered in Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 25, 2008, registration N 11880), dated January 11, 2009 N 8 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 28, 2009, registration N 13845), dated May 16, 2009 N 376 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 19 2009, registration N 13964), dated September 29, 2011 N 1038 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 21, 2011, registration N22734), dated April 23, 2012 N 348 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 26, 2012, registration N24711 ), dated April 23, 2012 N 355 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 22, 2012, registration N 24669), dated April 25, 2012 N 360 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia June 25, 2012, registration N 24678), dated 26 April 2012 N 366 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 26, 2012, registration N24712), dated May 5, 2012 N 408 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 21, 2012, registration N24651), dated May 21, 2012 N526 ( registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 26, 2012, registration N24699), dated May 25, 2012 N 538 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 22, 2012, registration N 24675), dated June 27, 2012 N 639 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 3 August 2012, registration N25110), dated June 29, 2012 N 646 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 6, 2012, registration N 25389).

Appendix No. 1 to the order

Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuing licenses to legal entities to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms and (or) sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components cartridges

I. General provisions

Subject of regulation

1. Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation1 for the provision of public services for issuing licenses to legal entities to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms and (or) sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges2 determines the timing and sequence of administrative actions (procedures) of officials of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional level3.

Range of applicants

2. Applicants may be legal entities registered in the prescribed manner on the territory of the Russian Federation4, including those who have appropriate licenses confirming the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms weapons and (or) sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges.

Requirements for the procedure for informing about the provision of public services

3. The procedure for informing about the provision of public services:

3.1. Information about the location, contact telephone numbers (telephone numbers for inquiries), the reception schedule of applicants for licensing authorities is posted in the federal government information system"Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)"6 (www.gosuslugi.ru), on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (www.mvd.ru), as well as on the official websites of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional level and information stands in the premises divisions of licensing and permitting work of the licensing authority.

3.2. Information on the procedure for completing administrative procedures, including in electronic form, the schedule for receiving applicants by departments of licensing and permitting work is provided directly on the premises of these departments, as well as by telephone, call center telephone (if available), using means mass media and on the Unified Portal.

3.3. The following information is posted on information stands:

The procedure for carrying out administrative procedures;

Address of the Unified Portal for sending an application in electronic form;

List of regulatory legal acts defining the range of legal entities entitled to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms and (or) sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges7, as well as regulating the issues of granting or re-issuing licenses, indicating the details of these regulatory legal acts;

List of documents submitted by the license applicant to obtain a license or by the licensee to re-issue it;

Application form for issuance or renewal of a license;

Block diagram of the provision of public services;

Schedule for receiving applicants from the relevant licensing and permitting department, indicating the telephone number.

3.4. By means of an auto-informant telephone (if available), which operates around the clock, the applicant is informed about the schedule for receiving applicants by the relevant licensing authority, its location address and the address of the Unified Portal website.

3.5. Information about the procedure for carrying out administrative procedures and the progress of providing public services is carried out by an employee of the licensing and permitting department of the licensing authority, who is entrusted with the implementation of procedures for the provision of public services by official regulations (instructions)8.

3.5.1. The applicant is informed using the information and telecommunications network Internet9, postal service or by telephone at work time free of charge.

3.5.2. When answering phone call the employee must name the department, last name, first name, patronymic (the latter if available) and position.

The conversation time should not exceed 5 minutes.

3.5.3. If it is impossible to independently answer the questions posed, the employee must redirect (transfer) the telephone call to another official or provide a telephone number where the necessary information can be obtained.

II. Standard for the provision of public services

Name of public service

4. State service for issuing licenses to a legal entity to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms and (or) sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges10.

Name of the federal executive body providing the public service

5. State services are provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The execution of public services is carried out by the licensing and permitting departments of the licensing authority.

The powers to make decisions and sign licenses are vested in the head of the licensing body, his deputy - the chief of police or the deputy chief of police for security public order 11.

Description of the result of providing a public service

6. The results of the provision of public services are:

Providing licenses to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms and (or) sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges included in the types of activities12 for which a license is required in in accordance with paragraphs 9 and 10 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ "On Licensing individual species activities"13;

Renewal of licenses;

Refusal to provide or re-issue licenses;

Termination of licenses;

Providing duplicate licenses or copies of licenses;

Providing an extract from the license register.

Duration of provision of public services

7. The terms for the provision of public services, including the issuance (sending) of documents resulting from the provision of public services, are14:

7.1. No more than forty-five working days from the date of receipt of the application for a license and the full set of documents attached to it, if the result of the provision of a public service is a decision to grant a license (to refuse to grant a license).

7.2. No more than ten working days from the date of receipt of the application for renewal of a license in cases of reorganization of a legal entity in the form of transformation or legal entities in the form of a merger, change of its name, location address or application for renewal of a license or termination of work (services) for one or more to the addresses specified in the license, if the result of the provision of a public service is a decision to reissue the license (refusal to reissue the license) or terminate the license.

7.3. No more than thirty working days from the date of receipt of the application for renewal of the license in cases of changes in the addresses of the places where the legal entity performs work (services), or changes are made to the list of work (services) performed specified in the license that constitute the licensed type of activity, if the result of the provision of a public service is making a decision on re-issuing a license (on refusing to re-issue a license).

7.4. No more than three working days from the date of receipt of an application for a duplicate license or a copy of a license and a document confirming payment of the state fee for issuing the corresponding duplicate, if the result of the provision of a public service is the provision of a duplicate license and a copy of the license.

7.5. No more than five working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding application for an extract from the register of licenses, if the result of the provision of a public service is the provision of an extract from the register of licenses.

7.6. The time frame for making a decision is calculated from the day the licensing authority receives a duly completed application and all the documents attached to it.

List of normative legal acts regulating relations arising in connection with the provision of public services

8. The provision of public services is carried out in accordance with:

Tax Code of the Russian Federation15;

Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control”17;

Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”18;

Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation”20;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 N 438 “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities”21;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2004 N 110 “On improving procedures state registration and registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs"22;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 N 373 “On the development and approval of administrative regulations for the performance of government functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services”23;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2012 N 840 “On the procedure for filing and considering complaints against decisions and actions (inaction) federal bodies executive power and their officials, federal civil servants, officials of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation"24;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2012 N 865 “On licensing the development, production, testing, storage, repair and disposal of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms, trade in civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms”25;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2012 N 925 “On licensing the development, production, testing, storage, sale and disposal of ammunition (including cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges), pyrotechnic products of classes IV and V in in accordance with the national standard, the use of pyrotechnic products of classes IV and V in accordance with technical regulations"26;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2013 N 33 “On the use of a simple electronic signature in the provision of state and municipal services”27;

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 29, 2012 N 646 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the execution by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the state function of controlling the circulation of civilian, service and award weapons, ammunition, ammunition for weapons, safety and technical condition military hand-held small arms and service weapons in temporary use by citizens and organizations, as well as over compliance by citizens and organizations with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms trafficking"28.

An exhaustive list of documents required in accordance with regulatory legal acts to provide public services

9. To obtain a license(s), the applicant submits to the licensing authority directly or sends by registered by post with notification of delivery, an application in the prescribed form (Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations) and documents (copies of documents) specified in part one and paragraphs 1 and 4 of part three of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Licensing”.

In the application for a license, the license applicant may indicate a request to provide a license in the form of an electronic document and (or) to send him information on licensing issues in electronic form.

10. The application shall indicate:

Full and (if any) abbreviated name, including corporate name, and organizational and legal form of the legal entity, address of its location, addresses of places of implementation of the licensed type of activity that the license applicant intends to carry out, state registration number of the creation record legal entity and data from a document confirming the fact that information about the legal entity has been entered into the unified state register of legal entities, indicating the address of the location of the body that carried out state registration, as well as the telephone number and (if available) address Email legal entity;

Taxpayer identification number, data from the document confirming the registration of the license applicant with the tax authority;

The licensed type(s) of activity in accordance with paragraphs 9 and 10 of part one of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Licensing” that the license applicant intends to carry out, indicating the work (services) performed;

Details of the document confirming the fact of payment of the state duty for the provision of a license, or other information confirming the fact of payment of the specified state duty;

Details of documents confirming the presence of buildings, structures, premises and other objects belonging to the right of ownership or on another legal basis, necessary for the performance of the declared work (services), constituting the licensed types of activities and corresponding established requirements, the rights to which are registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

11. Attached to the application:

Copies constituent documents legal entity, certified by a notary;

Inventory of documents (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations).

11.1. When performing work (services) on the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms, the license applicant also submits:

The range of weapons in respect of which the declared work (services) will be carried out;

Documents confirming the existence of a system for recording, storage and safety of documentation, weapons and main parts of firearms, excluding access to places where weapons are stored by unauthorized persons;

Information on the presence of employees on staff responsible for the safety, accounting and storage of weapons, as well as performing functions related to the sale, pre-sale preparation, transfer and transportation of weapons and the performance of declared work (services) with weapons (Appendix No. 3 to the Administrative Regulations).

11.2. When performing work (services) for the sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges, the license applicant also submits:

Documents confirming that the license applicant has, on the basis of ownership or other legal basis, premises, buildings, structures and other objects necessary to perform the declared work (services), constituting the licensed type (types) of activity and meeting the established requirements, the rights to which are not registered in Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It;

A document containing information about the availability of equipment necessary to perform the declared work (services);

A document containing information on ensuring conditions that exclude access of unauthorized persons to places where ammunition and accounting documentation are stored;

Information on the presence of specialists on staff responsible for the safety, accounting and storage of cartridges, as well as performing functions related to the sale, pre-sale preparation, transfer and transportation of cartridges (Appendix No. 3 to the Administrative Regulations).

12. To re-issue a license, the licensee, his successor or another person provided for by the Federal Law “On Licensing” submits to the licensing authority that issued the license, or sends by registered mail with return receipt requested the corresponding application (Appendix No. 4 to the Administrative Regulations), the original of the current license and a document confirming payment of the state fee for renewal of the license.

12.1. When re-issuing a license in connection with the reorganization of a legal entity in the form of transformation or in the form of a merger, the application shall indicate new information about the licensee or its successor, provided for in part one of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Licensing" (changed information about the legal entity - licensee or information about legal entities participating in the merger), and data from a document confirming the fact of making relevant changes to the unified state register of legal entities29.

12.2. When re-issuing a license in connection with the licensee’s intention to perform work (services) at the address of the place of their implementation, not specified in the license, this address is indicated in the application, as well as information confirming the licensee’s compliance with licensing requirements when performing work (services) at the specified address in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Regulations on licensing the sale of weapons, and (or) subparagraph “d” of paragraph 3 of the Regulations on licensing the sale of cartridges.

12.3. When re-issuing a license in connection with the licensee’s intention to stop performing work (services) at one address or several addresses of the places of their implementation specified in the license, the application indicates the addresses at which the declared work (services) are terminated and the date.

12.4. When re-issuing a license in connection with the licensee’s intention to make changes to the list of performed works (services) specified in the license that constitute the licensed types of activities, the application shall indicate information about the declared works (services) that the licensee intends to perform (provide), or about the works (services) ), the performance (provision) of which by the licensee is terminated.

When re-issuing a license in connection with the licensee’s intention to perform new work (services), the application also indicates information confirming the licensee’s compliance with licensing requirements when performing these works (services) in accordance with the Regulations on licensing the trade in arms or the Regulations on licensing the sale of cartridges, respectively.

12.5. When re-issuing a license in connection with a change in the name of a legal entity or its location, the application shall indicate new information about the licensee and data from a document confirming the fact of making the relevant changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

13. Upon termination of a licensed type of activity, the licensee is obliged to submit or send to the licensing authority by registered mail with return receipt requested an application (Appendix No. 5 to the Administrative Regulations) on the termination of work (services) constituting the licensed types of activity30.

14. To obtain a duplicate of a license or a copy of a license, the licensee submits an application to the licensing authority that issued the license (Appendix No. 6 to the Administrative Regulations).

The grounds for issuing a duplicate license are the loss of the license or its damage31.

To provide a duplicate license, the application for a duplicate license must be accompanied by a document confirming payment of the state fee for the provision of a duplicate and the original of the current license (in case of damage).

15. To obtain an extract from the register of licenses about a specific license, the applicant directly submits or sends by registered mail or in the form of an electronic document to the licensing authority an application (Appendix No. 7 to the Administrative Regulations).

16. An application for the issuance, renewal of a license, issuance of a duplicate or copy of a license may be sent to the licensing authority in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

17. Copies of documents are certified in accordance with the procedure established by law.

An exhaustive list of documents required in accordance with regulatory legal acts for the provision of public services, which are at the disposal of state bodies, authorities local government and other bodies involved in the provision of public services, which the applicant has the right to submit on his own initiative

18. The applicant has the right to attach to the application for the issuance (re-issuance) of a license on his own initiative:

A document confirming that the applicant has paid a fee for the provision of a public service;

Documents confirming that the license applicant has, on the basis of ownership or other legal basis, premises, buildings, structures and other objects necessary to perform the declared work (services), constituting the licensed type of activity and meeting the established requirements, information about which is in the Unified State Register of Rights on real estate and transactions with it.

19. If the documents specified in paragraph 18 of the Administrative Regulations are not submitted by the applicant on his own initiative, the information contained in these documents is requested by the licensing authorities in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including using unified system interdepartmental electronic interaction, in other government bodies or organizations that have the relevant information at their disposal.

20. Failure by the applicant to provide the documents specified in paragraph 18 is not grounds for refusing the applicant the provision of a public service.

21. Employees are prohibited from making demands on the applicant to provide any information or information, documents and their approvals that are not provided for by these Administrative Regulations, including those confirming the applicant’s payment of fees for the provision of public services, which are at the disposal of the licensing authority and other government bodies or organizations in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the documents specified in part six of Article 7 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”.

An exhaustive list of grounds for refusal to accept documents required for the provision of public services

22. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide grounds for refusal to accept documents necessary for the provision of public services.

An exhaustive list of grounds for suspension or refusal to provide public services

23. The basis for suspension of the provision of a public service is the submission by the licensee to the licensing authority of an application or documents in violation of the requirements established by Articles 13 or 18 of the Federal Law “On Licensing”.

Within three working days from the date of receipt of the application and documents, the licensing authority hands the applicant or sends him by registered mail a notification (Appendix No. 8 to the Administrative Regulations) about the need to eliminate identified violations within thirty days and (or) submit documents that are missing.

The period for making a decision to provide a public service or to refuse to provide it is calculated from the date the licensing authority receives a duly completed application and (or) the documents attached to it in full.

24. The grounds for refusal to issue or re-issue a license are:

The presence of inaccurate or distorted information in the application for the issuance (re-issuance) of a license and (or) the documents attached to it in the application for the issuance (re-issuance) of a license;

The non-compliance of the license applicant with the licensing requirements established during the inspection.

List of services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services, including information about the document (documents) issued by organizations participating in the provision of public services

25. Other services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services are not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

26. Other organizations do not participate in the provision of public services.

Procedure, amount and grounds for collecting state duties or fees charged for the provision of public services

27. For the provision of a license, re-issuance of a document confirming the availability of a license, as well as for providing a duplicate of a document confirming the availability of a license, a state fee is charged in the amount and manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

Maximum waiting period in line when submitting an application for the provision of a public service and when receiving the result of the provision of a public service

28. Applicants are accepted on established days and hours.

The maximum waiting time in line when submitting an application and documents required for the provision of a public service, and when receiving the result of the provision of a public service, should not be more than 15 minutes.

Duration and procedure for registering an applicant’s request for the provision of a public service, including in electronic form

29. An application, including one received in electronic form using the Unified Portal, is registered by the secretariat of the licensing authority on the day of its receipt.

Requirements for the premises in which public services are provided, for the place of waiting and receiving applicants, for the placement and design of visual and textual information about the procedure for providing such services

30. The interaction of the applicant with the employee is carried out on the days of submitting the application and receiving the license. The applicant is provided with adequate waiting conditions (chairs, table, lighting). Stands with the information specified in paragraph 3.3 of the Administrative Regulations are placed in accessible places.

The employee's premises must meet the following requirements:

Availability of fire extinguishing equipment and an emergency warning system;

Availability of office furniture;

Availability of a telephone;

Equipping the employee’s workplace with a sufficient amount of computer and organizational equipment, as well as office supplies;

Possibility of access to legal reference systems.

31. The place of waiting and receiving applicants must meet the following requirements:

Availability of appropriate signs and indicators;

Availability of fire extinguishing equipment and an emergency warning system;

Availability of sufficient A4 paper and stationery;

Access to the main regulatory legal acts regulating the sphere of arms trafficking and the procedure for providing public services.

32. Conditions must be created for the reception of disabled citizens:

The premises are equipped with ramps, special fences and railings;

Ensures unhindered movement and turning special means for mobility (wheelchairs);

The tables are located away from the entrance, allowing for unimpeded access and turning of special mobility aids (wheelchairs).

Indicators of accessibility and quality of public services

33. The main indicator of the accessibility and quality of public services is the provision of public services in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The accessibility and quality of public services are assessed based on the following indicators:

The degree of awareness of legal entities about the procedure for providing public services (availability of information about public services, the ability to choose the method of obtaining information);

Possibility for the applicant to choose the form of application for the provision of public services;

Provision of public services on time and in accordance with the standard of its provision established by the Administrative Regulations.

Other requirements and features of the provision of public services in electronic form, including taking into account the features of the provision of public services in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services

34. The provision of public services in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

35. An application for the issuance or renewal of a license sent in electronic form using the Unified Portal can be signed with a simple electronic signature, except for cases where the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the obligation to sign them with a qualified electronic signature.

36. When sending an application in electronic form, the applicant is provided with the opportunity to monitor the progress of the provision of public services in electronic form using the Unified Portal.

37. If the application indicates the need to grant or receive a renewed license in the form of an electronic document, the licensing authority sends to the license applicant or licensee in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature, a copy of the inventory with a mark on the date of receipt of the specified application and attached to it documents or notification of the need to eliminate identified violations and (or) submit documents that are missing.

38. If the decision is positive, the licensing authority submits the license on paper or in the form of an electronic document (through the Unified Portal) signed with an electronic signature.

III. Composition, sequence and timing of administrative procedures (actions), requirements for the order of their implementation, including features of the implementation of administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form

39. The provision of public services includes the following administrative procedures:

39.1. Reception and registration of applications for a license, including in electronic form.

39.2. Checking the correctness of the application and the completeness of the documents attached to it.

39.3. Verifying the accuracy of the information specified in the application and documents, including using the interdepartmental electronic interaction system.

39.4. Making a decision to grant (refuse to grant) a license with subsequent notification of the applicant.

39.5. Granting a license or refusing to grant a license.

39.6. Renewal of license.

39.7. Termination of license.

39.8. Providing a duplicate or copy of the license, as well as providing interested parties with an extract from the license register.

40. The block diagram for the provision of public services is given in Appendix No. 9 to the Administrative Regulations.

Reception and registration of an application for a license, including in electronic form

41. The basis for starting the administrative procedure is the submission by the applicant to the licensing authority of the application and documents provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of the Administrative Regulations.

42. When directly submitting an application to the licensing authority, an employee of the secretariat of the licensing authority, vested with the authority to register applications35, establishes the identity of the applicant’s representative using the passport he presents, as well as documents confirming his authority, and then checks:

Correctness of application;

Availability of documents required by paragraph 11 of the Administrative Regulations.

42.1. If incorrect information is identified in the application or the absence of information and documents provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of the Administrative Regulations, the applicant is asked to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

This circumstance is not a basis for refusing to accept documents.

42.2. The application and documents are accepted according to the list of documents (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations), a copy of which with a mark on the date of receipt of the application on the day of reception is given to the applicant or sent to him by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

42.3. The time for receiving documents should not exceed 15 minutes.

42.4. If the application indicates the need to provide a public service in electronic form, the license applicant in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature is sent a copy of the inventory with a mark on the date of receipt of the application.

42.5. Upon receipt of the application, the secretariat employee makes a record of registration of the application in the journal of incoming documents, which must contain:

Incoming number and date of receipt of the application;

Outgoing number and date of signing the application;

Information about the applicant (abbreviated name of the legal entity);

Application copy number;

Number of application sheets.

42.6. The registered application is submitted for report to the head of the licensing authority.

42.7. On the day of registration of the application, the head of the licensing authority appoints an employee who is tasked with reviewing the application, checking the documents, and also preparing a conclusion for making a decision, and returns the application to the secretariat employee.

42.8. The employee receives the application against a receipt in the journal of incoming documents and enters information about the application into the automated information system. search engine"Weapon-MVD"36.

Checking the correctness of the application and the completeness of the documents attached to it

43. The basis for starting an administrative procedure is the receipt by the employee of an application.

44. To make a conclusion about the possibility of granting (re-issuing) a license, the employee checks the correctness of the application, the completeness and reliability of the information contained in the application and the documents attached to it, including by comparison with the information contained in the AIPS "Weapons-MVD".

45. If the application for the issuance (re-issuance) of a license is drawn up in violation of the requirements established by the Federal Law “On Licensing”, or the documents attached to it are not presented in full, the employee prepares a notification within three working days from the date of receipt of the application and documents (Appendix No. 8 to the Administrative Regulations) on the need to eliminate identified violations within thirty days and (or) submit documents that are missing.

46. ​​Upon receipt by the licensing authority of a duly completed application and (or) in full the documents attached to it, the employee, within three working days from the date of receipt of the said application and documents, prepares a notification (Appendix No. 10 to the Administrative Regulations) on acceptance of the application for consideration .

47. If the application and (or) documents attached to it received by the licensing authority do not comply with the provisions of the Federal Law “On Licensing”37, the employee, within three working days from the date of receipt of the application and documents, prepares a notification (Appendix No. 11 to the Administrative Regulations) about the return application and documents attached to it with a reasoned justification for the reasons for refusal.

48. Notifications issued in accordance with paragraphs 45 - 47 of the Administrative Regulations are reported to the head of the licensing authority and, after signing, are handed to the applicant or sent by registered mail with return receipt requested.

49. When indicating in the application for a license in the form of an electronic document, the licensing authority sends a notification to the applicant in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

50. If the applicant fails to submit within thirty days a properly completed application for the issuance (re-issuance) of a license and the documents attached to it in full, the previously submitted application for the issuance (re-issuance) of a license and the documents attached to it shall be returned to the applicant.

Verifying the accuracy of the information specified in the application and documents, including using the interdepartmental electronic interaction system

51. The basis for starting an administrative procedure is the delivery or sending to the applicant of a notification that the application has been accepted for consideration.

52. The period for execution of the administrative procedure cannot exceed forty-five working days from the date of receipt of a properly completed application for a license and the full scope of documents attached to it.

53. In relation to the applicant who has submitted an application for the issuance or renewal of a license, the licensing authority conducts a documentary check and an unscheduled on-site inspection without the consent of the prosecutor's office38.

54. Documentary inspection and unscheduled on-site inspection of the applicant are carried out by an employee on the basis of an order (instruction) of the licensing authority and in the manner prescribed by Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Licensing”.

55. The employee, within a period not exceeding three working days from the date of the decision to consider the application, checks the completeness and accuracy of the information about the applicant contained in the application, as well as information about the employees responsible for the safety, accounting and storage of weapons, including those performing functions related to the sale, pre-sale preparation, transfer and transportation of weapons and the performance of declared work (services) with weapons, and (or) about specialists responsible for the safety, accounting and storage of ammunition, as well as performing functions related to the sale, pre-sale preparation , transfer and transportation of cartridges39.

This verification is carried out by generating and sending through SMEV using an enhanced qualified electronic signature of an interdepartmental request:

55.1. To the Federal Tax Service of Russia to provide the following information regarding the applicant:

55.1.1. Series, number, who issued the certificate of state registration of a legal entity, date of issue, availability of relevant data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

55.1.2. Series, number, who issued the certificate of registration of a legal entity with the tax authority, date of issue.

55.1.3. Series, number, who issued the license for the legal entity to carry out other types of activities, date of issue (if any).

55.2. The Federal Migration Service of Russia on the provision of the following information in relation to workers and (or) specialists authorized to work with weapons and ammunition:

55.2.1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant's representative (the latter - if available).

55.2.2. Date, month, year and place of birth.

55.2.3. Series, number, who issued the passport, date of issue.

55.2.4. Registration address at the place of residence.

55.3. To Rosreestr on providing information on documents confirming that the license applicant has the right of ownership or other legal basis of premises, buildings, structures and other objects necessary to perform the declared work (services), information about which is in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and transactions with him.

56. As part of checking the applicant’s compliance with licensing requirements, it is possible to send requests to other government bodies or organizations that have information about the applicant’s ownership rights or other legal basis to own and use equipment and other objects necessary to perform the declared work (services) ), constituting the licensed types of activities.

57. Failure to receive or untimely receipt of a response to an interdepartmental request is not grounds for extending the period for providing a public service or refusing to provide it.

58. If there is no technical possibility of sending an interdepartmental request using SMEV, the interdepartmental request is sent on paper by fax and simultaneously sent by mail.

59. If the applicant independently submits the documents specified in paragraph 18 of the Administrative Regulations, copies of these documents or the information contained in them are not requested within the framework of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

60. Within a period not exceeding three working days from the date of the decision to consider the application, the employee conducts an inspection of employees and (or) specialists authorized to work with weapons and ammunition, according to the internal records of the federal government institution "Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation" and information centers territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional level for the presence of information about an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a crime committed intentionally, or about the presence of a court-established ban on holding positions related to the storage and accounting of weapons and ammunition for them, or engaging in a certain professional or entrepreneurial activity in the field of arms trafficking.

61. During an unscheduled on-site inspection, the employee checks:

61.1. Availability of premises, buildings, structures, as well as equipment and other objects belonging to the applicant on the right of ownership or other legal basis, necessary for the performance of the declared work (services), constituting the licensed types of activities and meeting the established requirements.

61.2. Availability of employees and (or) specialists authorized to work with weapons and ammunition when the applicant performs work (services) that constitute licensed types of activities.

62. Based on the results of the inspection, the employee draws up an act of verification of the applicant’s ability to fulfill the licensing requirements (Appendix No. 12 to the Administrative Regulations) in one copy. The act must contain a conclusion on the granting of a license or refusal to grant a license. The report is reported by the employee to the immediate supervisor or his deputy, followed by its submission for approval to the head of the licensing body or his deputy.

Making a decision to grant (refuse to grant) a license with subsequent notification of the applicant

63. The basis for starting an administrative procedure is the employee’s consideration of the results of verification activities provided for in paragraphs 54-61 of the Administrative Regulations40.

64. The period for execution of the administrative procedure cannot exceed five working days from the date of completion of the verification activities.

65. If the applicant meets the licensing requirements established by paragraph 5 of the Regulations on licensing the sale of weapons and (or) subparagraph "e" of paragraph 3 of the Regulations on licensing the sale of cartridges, there is no false or distorted information in the application submitted by him and (or) documents attached to it , the employee, within two working days from the date of completion of the verification activities, prepares a conclusion in the form of a note on the application with the following content: “I would consider it possible to provide a license,” which he certifies with a personal signature and submits the application and conclusion with the attached documents to the immediate supervisor or his deputy.

66. To draw up conclusions and decisions, appropriate stamps can be used, the text part of which is certified by the signatures of authorized officials.

67. The immediate supervisor or his deputy, within a period not exceeding one working day, endorses this conclusion and reports it with the documents attached to the application to the management of the licensing authority.

68. The management of the licensing body makes a decision to grant a license, after which the employee, within three working days, prepares a draft order (instruction)41 on granting a license, issues a license42 to perform work (services) in the trade of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms, and (or) a license to perform work (services) for the sale (trade) of cartridges for civilian and service weapons and components of cartridges and presents them to the immediate manager or his deputy.

69. The immediate manager or his deputy, within one working day from the date of submission of the draft order (instruction) and license, reports them for signature to the management of the licensing authority.

70. Within no more than forty-five days from the date of registration of the application, the order (instruction) to grant a license, agreed upon with the head of the licensing and permitting department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the license are simultaneously signed by the leadership of the licensing body.

71. Within one working day from the date of registration of the order (instruction), the license is registered in the register of licenses, and information about it is entered by the employee into the AIPS "Arms-MVD".

72. If the grounds provided for in paragraph 24 of the Administrative Regulations are identified for the applicant’s non-compliance with licensing requirements, the employee, within three working days from the date of completion of the verification activities, prepares a conclusion, drawn up in the form of an entry on the application with the following content: “I would consider it possible to refuse to grant a license with reasons reasons for refusal", which is certified with a personal signature and presents a conclusion with documents attached to the application to the immediate supervisor or his deputy.

73. The immediate supervisor or his deputy, within a period not exceeding one working day, endorses this conclusion and reports it with the documents attached to the application to the management of the licensing authority.

74. The management of the licensing authority makes a decision to refuse to grant a license, after which the employee, within three working days, prepares a draft order (instruction) with a notification (Appendix No. 11 to the Administrative Regulations) about the return of this application and the documents attached to it with a reasoned justification of the reasons refusal.

75. The notification shall indicate a reasoned justification for the reasons for the refusal with reference to specific provisions of regulatory legal acts and other documents that are the basis for such refusal.

If the reason for the refusal is the applicant’s non-compliance with licensing requirements established during the inspection, the notification shall indicate the details of the applicant’s inspection report.

76. The draft order (instruction) with notification of refusal to grant a license is submitted by the employee to the immediate supervisor or his deputy.

77. The immediate manager or his deputy, within one working day from the date of submission of the draft order (instruction) with notification of refusal to grant a license, reports them to the management of the licensing authority.

78. Within no more than forty-five days from the date of registration of the application, the order (instruction), notice of refusal to grant a license, agreed upon with the head of the licensing and permitting department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is simultaneously signed by the leadership of the licensing body.

Granting a license or refusing to grant a license

79. The basis for starting an administrative procedure is the adoption of a decision by the management of the licensing authority to grant a license or to refuse to grant a license.

80. Within no more than three working days from the date of signing the license by the management of the licensing body, as well as making the corresponding entry in the register of licenses, the license is handed over to the applicant or sent by registered mail with return receipt requested or in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

81. In case of refusal to issue a license, the employee, within three working days from the date of registration of the order (instruction) and signing the notice of refusal to grant a license, delivers the specified notice to the applicant or sends it by registered mail with return receipt requested or in the form of an electronic document signed electronic signature.

Renewal of license

82. The basis for starting an administrative procedure is the delivery or sending to the licensee of a notification that the application has been accepted for consideration.

83. In cases of re-issuance of a license in connection with the reorganization of a legal entity in the form of transformation or reorganization of legal entities in the form of a merger, a change in the name of the legal entity, the address of its location, or the termination of work (services) at one or more addresses of the places of their implementation, indicated in a license, the period for completing the administrative procedure cannot exceed ten working days from the date the employee receives a duly completed application for re-issuance of a license and the full amount of documents attached to it.

84. In cases of re-issuance of a license in connection with the licensee’s intention to perform work (services) at an address not specified in the license, or making changes to the list of performed works (services) specified in the license that constitute licensed types of activities, the period for execution of the administrative procedure cannot exceed thirty working days from the date the employee receives a duly completed application for re-issuance of a license and the documents attached to it in full.

85. When a licensee submits an application for renewal of a license in the cases listed in paragraph 83 of the Administrative Regulations, the employee conducts exclusively a documentary check in accordance with paragraphs 54 - 60 of the Administrative Regulations.

86. When a licensee submits an application for renewal of a license in the cases listed in paragraph 84 of the Administrative Regulations, the employee conducts a documentary check and an unscheduled on-site check in relation to the applicant. Documentary inspection and unscheduled on-site inspection are carried out by an employee in accordance with Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Licensing", paragraphs 54 - 61 of the Administrative Regulations, on the basis of an order (instruction) of the licensing authority.

87. Re-issuance of a license, as well as delivery of a license to the applicant, are carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 62, 65 - 78, 81 of the Administrative Regulations.

88. The application for renewal of the license and documents are attached to the license file of the licensee.

Termination of license

89. The basis for starting the administrative procedure is an application received by the licensing authority in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Administrative Regulations.

90. The period for execution of the administrative procedure cannot exceed ten working days from the date of receipt of the application for termination of work (services) constituting the licensed types of activities.

91. Within no more than five working days from the date of registration of the application, the employee prepares a draft order (instruction) on termination of the license and submits it to the immediate supervisor or his deputy.

92. The immediate supervisor or his deputy, within one working day from the date of submission of the draft order (instruction), reports it to the leadership of the licensing authority for signature.

93. Within no more than seven working days from the date of registration of the application, the order (instruction) to terminate the license, agreed upon with the head of the licensing and permitting department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is signed by the leadership of the licensing body.

94. Within a period of no more than three working days from the date of registration of the order (instruction) on termination of the license, the employee prepares a notification to the applicant about the termination of the license, which is signed by the management of the licensing authority and handed to the applicant or sent to him by registered mail with return receipt requested or in the form an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

95. Information about a terminated license is entered by the employee into the register of licenses and AIPS "Arms-MVD".

96. An application for termination of a license with an order (instruction) and a copy of the applicant’s notice of termination of the license are attached to the licensing file.

Providing a duplicate or copy of the license, as well as providing interested parties with an extract from the license register

97. The basis for starting the administrative procedure is an application received by the licensing authority in accordance with paragraphs 14-15 of the Administrative Regulations.

98. Deadline for completing the administrative procedure:

When providing a duplicate or copy of a license, it cannot exceed three working days from the date of receipt of the relevant application;

When providing an extract from the register of licenses, it cannot exceed five working days from the date of receipt of the relevant application.

99. The employee prepares a duplicate or copy of the license or an extract from the register of licenses and submits it to the immediate supervisor or his deputy.

100. The immediate manager or his deputy, within one working day from the date of submission of a duplicate or copy of the license or an extract from the register of licenses, reports the materials for signature to the management of the licensing authority.

101. A duplicate or copy of a license or an extract from the register of licenses is signed by the management of the licensing authority.

102. Information about a duplicate or copy of a license or an extract from the register of licenses is entered by the employee into the Arms-MVD AIPS. A duplicate license is also registered by the employee in the license register.

103. A duplicate or copy of a license or an extract from the register of licenses is handed over by an employee to the licensee or sent to him by registered mail with return receipt requested or in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

IV. Forms of control over the implementation of the Administrative Regulations

The procedure for ongoing monitoring of compliance and execution by employees of the licensing authority of the provisions of the Administrative Regulations and other regulatory legal acts establishing requirements for the provision of public services, as well as their decision-making

104. Current control over compliance and execution by employees of the licensing body of the provisions of the Administrative Regulations and other normative legal acts establishing requirements for the provision of public services is carried out by the management of the licensing body directly in the course of coordinating conclusions on applications of legal entities, approving orders (instructions), as well as when signing notices submitted by the employee.

105. Employees immediately inform their immediate supervisors or their deputies about cases and reasons for violation of the terms and content of administrative procedures, and also take urgent measures to eliminate the violations.

The procedure and frequency of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the completeness and quality of the provision of public services, including the procedure and forms of control over the completeness and quality of the provision of public services

106. The control function over the performance of public services is carried out by the leadership of the Main Directorate for Ensuring the Protection of Public Order and coordinating interaction with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation43 and the licensing authority during scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

106.1. Scheduled inspections of the completeness and quality of the provision of public services, compliance and execution by employees of the provisions of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, Administrative Regulations are carried out in accordance with the work plans of the Main Directorate of Public Operations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or licensing authorities. The frequency of scheduled inspections is established by the management of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority.

106.2. Unscheduled inspections of the completeness and quality of the provision of public services are carried out by decision of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority on the basis of complaints (claims) of citizens or legal entities about decisions or actions (inaction) of employees of the licensing authority, taken or carried out during the provision of public services .

107. During inspections, a range of issues related to the provision of public services are assessed, including:

Completeness and legality of compliance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the provision of public services;

Availability and procedure for conducting licensing cases;

Full use of the powers granted to the licensing authority;

Statistics on complaints and statements from legal and individuals.

108. Based on the results of the scheduled inspection, a report is drawn up, which is submitted for approval to the head of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or his deputy44, responsible for this area of ​​activity, or to the leadership of the licensing authority.

109. Based on the results of an unscheduled inspection, a report is drawn up, which is reported to the leadership of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority that made the decision to conduct an unscheduled inspection.

Responsibility of officials for decisions and actions (inaction) taken or carried out by them in the course of providing public services

110. Authorized officials for unlawfully presenting demands to the applicant for information, documents and their approvals not provided for by the Administrative Regulations, for violation of the provisions and procedures established by them, as well as improper performance of their official duties, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Provisions characterizing the requirements for the procedure and forms of control over the provision of public services, including by citizens, their associations and organizations

111. Citizens, their associations and organizations, in the event of violations of the procedure for the provision of public services or improper execution of the Administrative Regulations, have the right to receive information about compliance with the provisions of the Administrative Regulations, the timing of the execution of administrative procedures during the consideration of their applications, orally (by phone) or in writing (by electronic form) of requests.

V. Pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure for the applicant to appeal decisions and actions (inaction) of the licensing body providing a public service or its officials

Information for the applicant about his right to file a complaint against the decision and (or) action (inaction) of the licensing authority and (or) its officials in the provision of public services45

112. The applicant has the right to file a complaint against the decision and (or) action (inaction) of the licensing authority and (or) its officials in the provision of public services.

Subject of the complaint

113. The subject of the complaint is decisions and (or) actions (inaction) of the licensing body, its officials, taken (implemented) in violation of the procedure for providing public services, as well as non-fulfillment or improper performance by employees of official duties established by the Administrative Regulations and other regulatory legal acts regulating relations arising in connection with the provision of public services.

114. The applicant has the right to file a complaint, including in the following cases:

114.1. Violation of the deadline for registering the applicant’s request for the provision of a public service.

114.2. Violation of the deadline for the provision of public services.

114.3. The requirement for the applicant to submit documents not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services.

114.4. Refusal to accept documents, the submission of which is provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services.

114.5. Refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them.

114.6. The requirement for the applicant to pay a fee when providing a public service that is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

114.7. Refusal of the licensing body providing a public service and its officials to correct typographical errors and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of a public service or violation of the established deadline for such corrections.

Organs state power and officials authorized to consider the complaint, to whom the complaint may be sent

115. The complaint is considered by the licensing body providing a public service, the procedure for the provision of which was violated as a result of decisions and actions (inaction) of the licensing body or its officials.

116. Complaints about decisions made by the management of the licensing body providing a public service are considered by the management of the higher territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

117. Complaints about decisions made by officials of the Directorate for Organization of Activities of Licensing and Permitting Units of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are considered by the leadership of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

118. Complaints about decisions made by the leadership of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are considered by the First Deputy (Deputy) Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who is responsible for the relevant area of ​​activity, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

119. The management of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing body providing a public service determines officials authorized to consider complaints who ensure:

119.1. Reception and consideration of complaints in accordance with established requirements.

119.2. Submitting complaints to the body authorized to consider them in accordance with paragraph 127 of the Administrative Regulations.

Procedure for filing and consideration of a complaint

120. The basis for starting pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedures is the registration of the applicant’s complaint.

The complaint is submitted in writing, including during a personal reception of the applicant, or electronically to the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority providing the public service.

121. The complaint must contain:

121.1. The name of the licensing authority providing the public service, or its officials, whose decisions and actions (inactions) are being appealed.

121.2. Information about the name, location of the applicant, as well as number(s) contact phone number, email address(es) (if available) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant.

121.3. Information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the licensing body providing the public service or its officials.

121.4. Arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the licensing body providing the public service and its officials. The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant’s arguments, or copies thereof.

122. If the complaint is submitted through a representative of the applicant, a document confirming the authority to take actions on behalf of the applicant is also submitted. The following may be submitted as a document confirming the authority to carry out actions on behalf of the applicant:

122.1. A power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, certified by the applicant’s seal and signed by the applicant’s manager or a person authorized by this manager.

122.2. A copy of the decision on appointment or election or order on the appointment of an individual to a position, according to which such an individual has the right to act on behalf of the applicant without a power of attorney.

123. A complaint in writing can also be sent by mail.

124. If a complaint is filed in person, the applicant presents a document proving his identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

125. A complaint can be submitted electronically by the applicant through:

125.1. The official website of the licensing authority representing the public service on the Internet.

125.2. Single portal.

126. When filing a complaint electronically, the documents specified in paragraph 122 of the Administrative Regulations can be submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature, the type of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and no identification document of the applicant is required.

127. If the complaint is filed by the applicant to a unit of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the competence of which does not include making a decision on the complaint in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 115 of the Administrative Regulations, within three working days from the date of its registration by the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or The territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia sends the complaint to the body authorized to consider it and informs the applicant in writing about the redirection of the complaint.

In this case, the period for consideration of the complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint with the body authorized to consider it.

128. If, during or as a result of consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense provided for in Article 5.63 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, or signs of a crime are established, the official authorized to consider complaints immediately sends the relevant materials to the prosecutor's office.

Time limits for consideration of a complaint

129. A received complaint must be registered no later than the next working day from the date of its receipt. The complaint is considered within fifteen working days from the date of its registration, if more short time consideration of the complaint has not been established by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority.

130. In the event of an appeal against the refusal of the licensing body providing a public service or its officials to accept documents from the applicant or to correct typos and errors, or in the event of an appeal by the applicant for violating the established deadline for such corrections, the complaint is considered within five working days from the date of its registration .

List of grounds for suspending consideration of a complaint if the possibility of suspension is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation

131. Suspension of consideration of a complaint is not allowed.

132. The complaint is refused in the following cases:

132.1. The presence of a court or arbitration court decision that has entered into legal force on a complaint about the same subject and on the same grounds.

132.2. Filing a complaint by a person whose powers have not been confirmed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

132.3. The presence of a decision on a complaint made earlier in accordance with the Administrative Regulations in relation to the same applicant and on the same subject of the complaint.

133. A complaint must be left unanswered in the following cases:

133.1. The presence in the complaint of obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of the official, as well as members of his family.

Result of the complaint consideration

134. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, one of the following decisions is made:

134.1. Satisfy the complaint, including in the form of cancellation decision taken, correction of typos and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services, return to the applicant Money, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

134.2. Refuse the complaint.

135. If the complaint is satisfied, comprehensive measures are taken to eliminate the identified violations, and the licensing authority providing the public service, including taking measures to issue the result of the public service to the applicant, no later than five working days from the date of the decision, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation .

The procedure for informing the applicant about the results of consideration of the complaint

136. The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint is sent to the applicant no later than the day following the day the decision was made, in writing, or, at the request of the applicant, in electronic form.

137. The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint is signed by the official authorized to consider the complaint.

138. The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint shall indicate:

138.1. The name of the unit of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority that examined the complaint, position, surname, name, patronymic (if any) of their officials who made a decision on the complaint.

138.2. Number, date, place of the decision, including information about the official whose decision or action (inaction) is being appealed.

138.3. Applicant's name.

138.4. Grounds for making a decision on the complaint.

138.5. The decision taken on the complaint.

138.6. If the complaint is found to be justified, the deadline for eliminating the identified violations, including the deadline for providing the result of the public service.

138.7. Information on the procedure for appealing a decision made on a complaint.

Procedure for appealing a decision on a complaint

139. The applicant has the right to appeal decisions on the complaint to higher officials.

The applicant’s right to receive information and documents necessary to substantiate and consider the complaint

140. The applicant has the right to receive documents necessary to substantiate and consider the complaint.

141. GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority are obliged to provide the applicant with copies of the documents necessary to substantiate and consider the complaint within three working days from the date of application, unless otherwise provided by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them.

Ways to inform applicants about the procedure for filing and considering a complaint

142. Informing applicants about the procedure for appealing decisions and actions (inaction) of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority, their officials is provided by posting information on stands in places where public services are provided, on the official websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or licensing authorities, on the Unified portal.

143. Applicants are advised on the procedure for appealing decisions and actions (inactions) of the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the licensing authority, their officials, including by telephone or in person.

13 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 19, Art. 2716; N 30, art. 4590; N 43, Art. 5971; N 48, art. 6728; 2012, N 26, art. 3446; N 31, Art. 4322; 2013, N 9, art. 874; N 27, art. 3474. Next - " the federal law"About licensing".

14 Articles 14, 17, 18 and 21 of the Federal Law "On Licensing".

15 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 31, Art. 3824; 2000, N 32, art. 3340.

16 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 51, Art. 5681; 1998, N 30, art. 3613; N 31, Art. 3834; N 51, Art. 6269; 1999, N 47, art. 5612; 2000, N 16, art. 1640; 2001, N 31, art. 3171; N 33, art. 3435; N 49, art. 4558; 2002, N 26, art. 2516; N 30, art. 3029; 2003, N 2, art. 167; N 27, art. 2700; N 50, art. 4856; 2004, N 18, art. 1683; N 27, art. 2711; 2006, N 31, art. 3420; 2007, N 1, art. 21; N 32, art. 4121; 2008, N 10, art. 900; N 52, art. 6227; 2009, N 1, art. 17; N 7, art. 770; N 11, art. 1261; 2010, N 14, art. 1554, 1555; N 23, Art. 2793; 2011, N 1, art. 10, 16; N 15, art. 2025; N 27, art. 3880; N 30, art. 4596; N 50, art. 7351; 2012, N 29, art. 3993; 2013, N27, art. 3477.

17 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 52, Art. 6249; 2009, N 18, art. 2140; N 29, Art. 3601; N 52, art. 6441; 2010, N 17, art. 1988; N 18, art. 2142; N 31, Art. 4160, 4193, 4196; N 32, art. 4298; 2011, N 1, art. 20; N 17, art. 2310; N 23, Art. 3263; N 27, art. 3880; N 30, art. 4590; N 48, art. 6728; 2012, N 19, art. 2281; N 26, Art. 3446; N 31, Art. 4320, 4322; N 47, art. 6402; 2013, N 9, art. 874; N 27, art. 3477.

18 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 15, art. 2038; N 27, art. 3873, 3880; N 29, Art. 4291; N 30, art. 4587; N 49, art. 7061; 2012, N 31, art. 4322; 2013, N 14, art. 1651; N 27, art. 3477, 3480; N 30, art. 4084.

19 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 7, Art. 900; N 27, art. 3880, 3881; N 30, art. 4595; N 48, art. 6730; N 49, art. 7018, 7020, 7067; N 50, art. 7352; 2012, N 26, art. 3441; N 50, art. 6967; 2013, N 14, art. 1645; N 26, Art. 3207; N 27, art. 3477.

20 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 32, Art. 3878; 2000, N 24, art. 2587; 2002, N11, art. 1053; 2004, N 8, art. 663; N 47, art. 4666; 2005, N 15, art. 1343; N 50, art. 5304; 2006, N 3, art. 297; N 32, art. 3569; 2007, N 6, art. 765; N 22, art. 2637; 2010, N 11, art. 1218; 2011, N 22, art. 3173; N 29, Art. 4470; 2012, N 1, art. 154; N 17, art. 1985; N 37, art. 5002; 2013, N 9, art. 961.

21 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 26, Art. 2585; N 46, art. 4597; 2003, N 33, art. 3270; N 43, Art. 4238; 2004, N 10, art. 864; 2005, N 51, art. 5546; 2006, N 49, art. 5220; 2007, N 32, art. 4146; N 34, art. 4237; 2008, N 50, art. 5958; 2012, N 1, art. 136.

22 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 10, Art. 864; 2005, N 51, art. 5546; 2006, N 3, art. 297; 2007, N 32, art. 4146; 2008, N 14, art. 1421; N 50, art. 5958; 2012, N 1, art. 136; 2013, N 16, art. 1957; N23, Art. 2914.

23 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; N 35, art. 5092; 2012, N 28, art. 3908; N 36, art. 4903; N 50, art. 7070; N 52, art. 7507.

24 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 35, Art. 4829.

25 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 36, Art. 4916. Further also - “Regulations on licensing of arms trade”.

26 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 39, Art. 5267. Further also - “Regulations on licensing the sale of cartridges”.

27 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 5, Art. 377.

29 In accordance with Part 5 of Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Licensing”, the application and the documents attached to it are submitted to the licensing authority no later than fifteen working days from the date of making the relevant changes to the unified state register of legal entities.

30 In accordance with Part 14 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Licensing”, an application is submitted or sent to the licensing authority no later than fifteen calendar days before the termination of work (services) constituting the licensed types of activities.

31 Part 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Licensing”.

32 Subclause 92 of clause 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

33 If technically possible.

37 Parts 1 and (or) 3 of Article 13 when granting a license, parts 3, 7 and (or) 9 of Article 18 when re-issuing a license.

38 Part 2 of Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Licensing”.

41 Information to be included in the order (instruction) of the licensing authority on granting a license or refusing to grant a license is determined by Article 15 of the Federal Law “On Licensing”.

42 The license form was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2011 N 826 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 42, Art. 5924).

46 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 49, Art. 7061.

Appendix No. 2 to the order

List of changes made to the Instructions

On organizing the work of internal affairs bodies

On control over the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them in the territory

Russian Federation, approved by order

1. In the second paragraph of paragraph 1, the word “trade” should be deleted.

2. In paragraph 3, delete the second paragraph.

3. In paragraph 15:

3.1. In the first paragraph, the words “trade or” should be deleted.

3.2. In subparagraph "e" the words "trade in them (closed showcases of exhibition halls)" should be deleted.

5. In paragraph 21, the word “trade” should be deleted.

6. Appendix No. 1 should be deleted.

1 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 24, 1999, registration N 1814, as amended by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 27, 2003 N 485 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 11, 2003, registration N 4888), dated December 24, 2003. N 1017 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 22, 2004, registration N 5453), dated July 15, 2005 N 568 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 17, 2005, registration N 6911), dated June 7, 2008 N 504 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 25, 2008, registration N 11880), dated January 11, 2009 N 8 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 28, 2009, registration N 13845), dated May 16, 2009 N 376 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 19 May 2009, registration N 13964), dated September 29, 2011 N 1038 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 21, 2011, registration N 22734), dated April 23, 2012 N 348 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 26, 2012, registration N 24711), dated April 23, 2012 N 355 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 22, 2012, registration N 24669), dated April 25, 2012 N 360 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 25, 2012, registration N 24678) , dated April 26, 2012 N 366 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 26, 2012, registration N 24712), dated May 5, 2012 N 408 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia June 21, 2012, registration N 24651), dated May 21 2012 N 526 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 26, 2012, registration N 24699), dated May 25, 2012 N 538 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 22, 2012, registration N 24675), dated June 27, 2012 N 639 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 3, 2012, registration N 25110), dated June 29, 2012 N 646 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 6, 2012, registration N 25389).

It is possible to sell civilian and service weapons and ammunition only after completing a considerable number of procedures that the police require for the sale of guns and blades.

The new order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev, which is published today by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, complements and specifies weapons legislation. On the one hand, control over the circulation of weapons is being strengthened. On the other hand, all participants in this market understand the rules of the game - what is possible, what is not, and where to complain.

And this market in terms of the number of guns is comparable to the army arsenal. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, citizens have over five million registered firearms in their hands. In addition, about two million traumatic pistols and revolvers have been sold - no one knows the exact figure.

And, according to experts, almost the same number are unregistered weapons. Russian police are looking for over 220 thousand guns, of which 70 thousand are rifled. The file of lost or stolen weapons has been maintained since 1947. Since then, over 160 thousand units have been found.

Russia is in ninth place in the world in terms of the number of armed people.

Every tenth person in our country owns a gun. For comparison: in the United States, out of every hundred residents, 90 people own guns. There are 150 million different shooting units on hand. In Germany, for every 1000 people, 120 own weapons, in Finland - 400. In Japan, the armed population of the population is less than one hundredth of a percent, and in Switzerland it is literally universal: there, every person liable for military service, as a member of the people’s militia, keeps a service machine gun at home.

Of course, the most armed city in Russia is Moscow. A third of all weapons in the hands of citizens - service, sporting and so-called civilian - are in the hands of residents of the capital. More than half a million owners of civilian weapons are registered in Moscow. That is, owners of hunting smooth-bore and rifled guns and carbines, gas and traumatic pistols. There are 627,920 trunks on hand. The annual increase in the people's armament is five percent.

Almost half - 239,410 people - are owners of self-defense weapons, that is, pistols. These are the biggest headaches for the police. It is very important that owners of shotguns and carbines practically do not appear in crime reports - they do not carry such guns with them every day and, as a rule, do not shoot from them when drunk. But all sorts of pistols and revolvers are used for any reason: in a domestic fight, in a restaurant, and even in a traffic accident. Other artists sometimes earn their popularity with “Makarych” or, say, “Naganych” - there are precedents.

But even more often the most banal violations occur. People simply forget pistols in the most inappropriate places: in car glove compartments, shopping bags, in the wardrobes of restaurants or theaters. It is clear that the “trunks” are stolen there. And then they convert them into combat ones and kill people.

Therefore, the Law “On Weapons” was recently amended to seriously limit the rights of owners of concealed carry guns. If, say, a hunter can own six weapons, then a “self-defender” can only own two.

Moreover, when renewing a weapons license, hunters present only the entire required package of documents. And owners of trauma vehicles will have to take tests every time. And if it suddenly turns out that the owner of a beautiful pistol does not know the legal rules for its use and, moreover, does not know how to shoot from it, then he will have to part with the “gun”. Or - study “military affairs”.

Another significant change in legislation: the concept of “traumatic weapon” no longer exists. There are “firearms of limited destruction” - a pistol, a revolver, a domestically produced firearm with cartridges of traumatic effect. This change caused some confusion in the arms trade process: not all specialized stores had time to change the details on the goods, and holders of trauma weapons had time to redo their permits. By the way, the regulations published today take these changes into account and enable arms dealers to correctly issue licenses.

Supporters and opponents of the right for ordinary citizens to purchase short-barreled firearms - we are talking about combat pistols and revolvers - are increasingly breaking their spears. The reason for resuming the discussion, as a rule, is another shootout or massacre both in Russia and abroad. It is especially impressive when some madman shoots people with legally purchased guns and the same legal ammunition.

Several years ago, in the wake of interest in the weapons issue in Russia, a kind of compromise decision was made: the sale of pistols and revolvers was allowed, but traumatic ones, that is, shooting from which should not lead to death. However, the number of those killed from “non-lethal” weapons is already in the dozens. And there are hundreds of cases of its use. Drivers who do not share the road, visitors to nightclubs and restaurants, robbers and simply hooligans shoot at each other. What will happen, opponents of the legalization of “short-barreled guns” exclaim, if real pistols are allowed?

And everything will be fine, say gun supporters. After all, there are practically no facts when crimes were committed in Russia using registered smooth-bore and rifled hunting weapons. Why should they come with pistol permits? And trauma doesn’t count; people really don’t consider it a military weapon. They think that shooting from it is the same as hitting with a fist. After all, you can cripple and even kill with your hand.

To strengthen control over the circulation of weapons, the order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs specifies the requirements for the trade in everything that shoots. It is immediately obvious that only a legal entity can sell weapons. An ordinary citizen has the right to surrender weapons, including for a reward, only to the police.

The document lists in detail where an entrepreneur must go, what documents to collect and provide in order to legally sell shooting and piercing objects. Specific actions of licensing officials are indicated, addresses where you can complain are named, and even mandatory reactions to possible complaints are prescribed. The most important thing here is the public presentation of the document, which has openly anti-corruption goals. It is for this purpose that, for example, specific deadlines are indicated that are given for this or that action by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How are they

In the USA, the procedure for purchasing any weapon can last - depending on the state - from 15 minutes to a month. The store makes a request to the police about the identity of the buyer - and according to the result, the gun is sold or not sold. As a rule, a positive decision is made in 95 percent of cases.

In Europe, in order to purchase a civilian or hunting weapon, you need to complete approximately similar exercises: undergo training, have positive characteristics, and obtain a permit from the police. The difference is in the timing and specific requirements. For example, in Germany it is not pistols that are banned for sale, but pump-action shotguns - the police call them “the classic weapons of criminals.” Open carrying of any weapons, including pneumatic, bladed or stun guns, is prohibited. In France, the sale of any automatic weapons is prohibited. In the UK, a pistol requires a separate license, and a long gun requires a different license. In Japan, permission to purchase will be given only after a one-year training course. They will teach shooting and knowledge of laws. You will only be able to buy a smoothbore shotgun or a single-shot rifle. We are not talking about pistols at all. And the owner will be checked every three months.

From 06/01/17 to 07/12/17, by Presidential Decree, a ban was introduced on the territory of Moscow and other cities on the carrying, transportation, purchase, sale, donation, demonstration of civilian weapons and ammunition for them:

- OOOP (traumatic), incl. gas, barrelless, electroshock devices,
- Sports, incl. pneumatic with muzzle energy over 3 J,
- Weapons of cultural value (antique),
- Signal weapon,
- Cold bladed weapons.

During this period we will work as usual, but the weapons department will only be open for display of weapons, the workshop will be closed!
You can select, order and pay for weapons and ammunition on our website or in the store, but receiving weapons is possible from 07/13/17. The sale of related products is allowed: optics, accessories, knives, shoes and others.

The ban is valid in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the Russian Federation, and applies to legal entities and individuals. Violation will result in an administrative protocol, confiscation of weapons and loss of permission.

Be careful! Follow the law!

We have been working for you since 1989

Moscow, st. Timiryazevskaya, 11, bldg. 1
Opening hours:

Mon-Sat: from 10:00 to 21:00
- Sun: from 10:00 to 18:00

Do I need to re-register inherited weapons?

You cannot store a weapon after the death of the owner, without notifying the police! Since the one who keeps the weapon can be brought to administrative responsibility for illegal possession of smooth-bore weapons and criminal liability for possession of rifled weapons.

There is control by the internal affairs bodies over the circulation of civilian weapons; all owners are specially registered. Immediately or later, a local inspector or employees of the licensing and permitting department will contact the heirs or the place where the weapons are stored and the offense will be identified.

LRR (licensing and permitting) departments promptly receive information about deaths of weapon owners from the FMS.

The order of inheritance of hunting weapons

The procedure for inheriting weapons, including hunting rifles, is regulated by Art. 1180 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with which the inheritance of weapons is carried out on a general basis and no special permission is required to accept such an inheritance. In accordance with the Law on Weapons, the heir (heirs), after the death of the testator, having ascertained the presence of a hunting rifle or carbine as part of the inheritance, must transfer it to the internal affairs body for safekeeping.

After you report that the owner of the weapon has died, police officers must arrive at the address where he previously lived and seize the weapon. In this case, a protocol of seizure is drawn up in 2 copies, one copy is given to the heir. The heir himself cannot carry or take the weapon to the internal affairs body, this is illegal, since you do not have permission to store and carry weapons.

The weapons will be stored in a special premises of the Ministry of Internal Affairs until the issue of inheritance is resolved. Weapons are stored free of charge and the question of their sale is not raised.

The storage of weapons, after the death of its owner, in the same place, is not provided for by current legislation.

The heirs, in the usual manner, contact the notary (who must also inform the internal affairs body as soon as it establishes that the inheritance includes weapons) with an application to accept the inheritance or issue a certificate of the right to inheritance and submit the necessary documents:

  • death certificate of the former gun owner
  • certificate from him last place residence
  • will (in case of inheritance by will) or documents confirming membership in the line called for inheritance)
  • existing documents for weapons (storage permits issued to the former owner and other documents)
  • a document confirming the market value of the weapon.
  • The notary opens the inheritance case, carries out the necessary checks and, after six months from the date of opening of the inheritance, issues the heir a certificate of the right to inheritance.

    By the time of receiving a certificate of the right to inherit a hunting rifle or carbine, the heir must obtain a license(s) to purchase weapons for the purpose of further storage or storage and carrying of weapons. Based on the license, you will receive a weapon from the internal affairs bodies and then register it.

    To register an inheritance, the following documents are required:

    For the design of a smoothbore hunting rifle

    If you want to keep the gun, you will need a gun license.

    To do this, contact the Department of the Russian Guard for licensing and permitting at your place of residence and submit the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • certificate of inheritance
  • copies of permits for the gun (on the basis of which it was purchased or kept by the testator)
  • medical certificate in form 046, certificates from a psychoneurological and narcological dispensary (at your place of residence)
  • 2 photographs 3x4 cm (black and white or color)
  • hunting license (issued at the MFC) and is provided only if you want to obtain permission to store and carry weapons, and without providing a hunting license, you will only receive permission to store weapons
  • a certificate from the local inspector confirming the availability of conditions for storing weapons.
  • After receiving a license and a certificate of inheritance, the smoothbore hunting rifle will be registered in the licensing and permitting department of the territorial department of the Russian Guard and the heir will be issued a permit to store weapons or a permit to store and carry weapons.

    If for any objective reasons the heir is denied a license, then the weapon must be sold within a year. If the gun is not sold by the heir himself within this time, then this will be done forcibly.

    For registration of rifled hunting weapons

    Unlike smoothbore, a license to purchase rifled weapons can only be obtained if you have at least 5 years of experience in owning smooth-bore weapons, and the period of responsible storage of a gun in the department of the Russian Guard is one year.

    If your experience in owning a smooth-bore weapon is less than 5 years, then you will have to sell a carbine (rifled weapon).

    Valuation of a gun or carbine for inheritance registration

    The assessment is necessary so that the notary, taking into account the cost of the weapon and the degree of relationship of the former owner and heir, can correctly calculate the amount of state duty paid when issuing a certificate of inheritance.

    In order to evaluate the weapon, the heir turns to specialists from an appraisal company, which is granted the right to evaluate the weapon. In our store we issue a report on the cost of weapons, which Moscow notaries also accept.

    In order to determine the market value of a hunting weapon, the heir must submit the following documents to our experts for review:

  • your Russian passport
  • copy/original of permission to store or store and carry weapons (license)
  • copy/original passport of the hunting rifle (if any).
  • photos of weapons (preferably).
  • Based on the results of the gun assessment, a specialist draws up a report, which is handed over to the heir. This document is presented by the heir to the notary.

    How to inherit a weapon

    Weapons are a very specific property and not everyone will be happy to receive such an inheritance from a deceased relative. The circulation of weapons in our country is strictly controlled by the police. Nevertheless, it is subject to inheritance on a general basis: by law or by will.

    The procedure for registering a weapon as an inheritance

    Inheritance of weapons after death is carried out on a general basis. The composition of the hereditary mass may include civil, hunting and military weapon(Article 20 of the Law “On Weapons”). The ban on inheritance applies only to military and short-barreled weapons. When the owner dies, such weapons must be transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs within the time limits established by law.

    The first thing every heir needs to do after the death of the testator is to contact a notary and obtain a certificate of title to the property. Registration of a weapons certificate is carried out as usual.

    No additional permissions are required to enter into inheritance rights.

    But heirs should understand the difference between inheritance rights and the right to use weapons. Entering into an inheritance of weapons does not guarantee obtaining permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for its storage and use. Such permission is not granted automatically; it must be earned.

    After submission established by law documentation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs decides whether the heir has the right to dispose of weapons. If his candidacy was refused, then the weapon must be handed over for disposal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this case, ownership of the weapon is lost.

    It is important to consider that the lack of permission to store weapons entails criminal and administrative liability.

    Inheriting a weapon has many nuances, so many people prefer to seek help from a qualified lawyer.

    Stages of inheritance registration

    IN general view The following stages can be distinguished in the registration of a weapons inheritance:

    1. Obtaining a certificate of inheritance from a notary (it will be issued six months after the death of the testator). The notary is obliged to inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the inheritance estate includes weapons.
    2. From this moment until the heir receives a license for the weapon, it will have to be stored in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can transfer it for storage through a specialized unit or duty station, or you can wait for the police to visit you to seize it.
    3. After receiving the certificate, the weapon is re-registered as your property on the basis of the certificate through the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It implies preliminary registration of a license to store/carry weapons.
    4. If within a year after the transfer of the weapon for storage the heir does not receive a license, the weapon must be disposed of. It is sold legally, and its value (minus commission and storage costs) is paid to the rightful owner. The heir is also given the opportunity to independently take care of the sale of weapons.

    Registration of weapons by inheritance is carried out in a similar manner. The only caveat is that the heir must additionally acquire a hunting license.

    How much does it cost to inherit a weapon?

    A state fee is charged for obtaining a certificate of inheritance from a notary. It is calculated based on the estimated value of the property. Its size varies depending on the category of the heir - from 0.3% of the estimated value of the weapon for close relatives (within 100 thousand rubles) to 0.5% for other heirs (within 1 million rubles).

    Therefore, a mandatory step is to pass independent assessment weapons. To do this, the heir must contact an independent appraisal company, which has a license for such services.

    Typically, the market value of a weapon is determined remotely based on submitted documents. These include a passport, death certificate, permission to store/use weapons, gun passport, hunting license (if any).

    The assessment is made on the date of death of the former owner. It is issued in the form of an official report. Its cost is about 5,000 rubles.

    Procedure for obtaining a weapons license

    It is worth distinguishing between permission to store and use (storage and carrying) weapons. In the first case, obtaining permits is quite simple. This is a fairly common type of license. It is quite relevant if a family decides to keep a weapon as a memory of a deceased relative.

    Any adult citizen can apply for a license.

    To do this, you need to collect and submit the following documents to the licensing and permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • sample application indicating address and passport details
  • certificate of inheritance
  • documents confirming the availability of a place to store weapons that complies with the requirements of the law and prevents access to weapons by third parties (for example, a safe)
  • a medical certificate confirming that the applicant does not have any diseases that are a contraindication to owning a weapon.
  • It is also necessary to provide a report from a narcologist.

    It is worth noting that you can obtain permission to store rifled weapons only after 5 years.

    Thus, registering weapons in Russia is a rather labor-intensive process. Legislative obstacles to the free distribution of weapons, which are due to objective necessity. Inappropriate registration of inherited property may result in criminal or administrative liability.

    Gun inheritance

    Lawyer stories

    However, before the issues of inheriting weapons are considered, I would like to turn to the history of the legal regulation of their circulation over the past decades.

    Currently, parts one and two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are in force in the Russian Federation. The third part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates inheritance issues, was recently adopted by the State Duma and comes into force on March 1, 2002.

    How to register an inheritance for a weapon?

    But there are also non-obvious situations that can play a cruel joke on you. For the purposes of this note, we propose to start from the consideration that a weapon will be any means of hitting a target, the possession and use of which requires a special permit (license). Therefore, if you find a knife in your grandfather’s garage after his death, do not rush to take it and take it home. To begin with, we would advise you to make sure whether your grandfather had a license for edged weapons and, if so, then better knife leave it in its place.

    How to inherit a hunting rifle

    The daughter of a deceased acquaintance, as well as her husband, are not hunters, however, they would like to keep it as a memory of a loved one.

    Initially, the heiress wanted to leave everything as it was; she was not too keen on re-registration, considering it unnecessary red tape, and insisted that hunting rifles are sometimes stored in a safe for years after the death of the former owner.

    Weapon Inheritance

    Where should I go 07/02/2013

    My husband died. He did not leave a will. According to the law, his only heirs are me and our 11-year-old daughter. The entire inheritance consists of two hunting rifles and one traumatic pistol 11/22/2012

    Hello! My father died. He left me and my mother as an inheritance two hunting rifles and one traumatic pistol. Since neither my mother nor I have a license to purchase and carry any 12.

    Gun inheritance

    RedCap 26-08-2012 12:08

    That is, am I correct in my suspicion that if I have no legal basis to claim to inherit the gun, and there are no other heirs, then the police will take it for themselves?

    Calmly and officially open an inheritance case under a will. Since there are no first-line heirs, the entire property will be included in the inheritance file.

    Finding, inheriting and donating weapons

    The person who finds the thing has the right to keep it or deposit it with the police, a local government body or a person indicated by them (Clause 1 of Article 227.228 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If within six months from the moment of discovery the owner of the thing is not found, then it becomes the property of the person who found it.

    Legal entities and citizens are prohibited from storing and using firearms found by them or transferred to them, of which they are not the owners.

    Weapon inheritance order

    The law establishes a 6-month period for accepting an inheritance, starting from the day the inheritance is opened. This period can be changed only in cases provided for by the law itself, so you should not miss it, otherwise serious problems with accepting the inheritance may subsequently arise.

    Perhaps for the first time in legislative practice, the issue of inheritance of certain types of property, including things of limited negotiability, has been regulated in relatively detail.

    The procedure for registering weapons by inheritance

    By law, weapons are items with potentially limited negotiability. That is, in order to take it, for example, abroad, you will need to obtain a special permit.

    On March 1, 2002, the third part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, section 5 “Inheritance Law” came into force. According to the law, according to Art. 1180 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, hunting rifles that belonged to the testator are items of limited circulation.

    Articles about weapons

    Only the heir who has the right to obtain a license to purchase and store weapons after the death of the testator will be able to inherit and sell guns. This is stated in Art. 20 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to sell what they own legally on the right of personal ownership of weapons to legal entities licensed to trade in civilian and official or for collecting or exhibiting, or to state paramilitary organizations with prior notification of the internal affairs bodies that issued them permission to store and carry weapons, as well as to citizens who have licenses to purchase weapons , collecting or exhibiting it, after re-registration of the weapon with the internal affairs bodies at the place of registration of the specified weapon.

    Federal Law - On Weapons, N 150-FZ dated

    Sale, inheritance and gift of weapons

    The Federal Law “On Weapons” dated December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ regulates the legal relations that arise during the circulation of both civilian and service, military hand small arms and bladed weapons on the territory of Russia. The law on weapons with comments will help to consider all the intricacies of regulating the circulation of weapons in our country; in this article we will consider the issue of selling, donating and inheriting weapons.

    In accordance with current legislation, the acquisition of weapons and ammunition on the territory of Russia is subject to mandatory licensing. The exception to this rule is:

  • acquisition of weapons by state paramilitary organizations
  • acquisitions by legal entities engaged in the production or trade of weapons, sports organizations. educational institutions of sports pneumatic weapons, which are not subject to registration with the internal affairs bodies (with a muzzle energy of no more than 7.5 J and a caliber up to 4.5 mm inclusive)
  • acquisition of long-barreled, single-barreled antique firearms, as well as copies and replicas of such weapons
  • acquisition of decommissioned weapons and spent cartridges.
  • Licenses for the purchase of weapons and ammunition are issued by internal affairs bodies. The basis for issuing a license is an application from citizens of the Russian Federation. Such an application is considered within a month from the date of its submission. The license is valid for 6 months from the date of issue.

    How to sell, donate or inherit weapons?

    Anyone who legally owns a weapon has the right to sell it, but given the peculiarities of regulating the circulation of weapons, there are certain conditions.

    You can sell weapons to both citizens and legal entities, or state paramilitary organizations. The buyer must have a license. The sale of weapons to legal entities or state paramilitary organizations is carried out with prior notification to the internal affairs bodies that issued them permission to store and carry weapons, and to citizens after re-registration of the weapon with the internal affairs bodies at the place where the said weapon is registered.

    Donation and inheritance of civilian weapons are carried out in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. A prerequisite is that the heir or the person in whose favor the donation is made has a license to purchase civilian weapons.

    When donating weapons or receiving them by inheritance, legal entities and citizens of the Russian Federation are required to submit to the internal affairs bodies at the place where these weapons are registered an application in the prescribed form and documents confirming the legality of the donation or inheritance.

    In the event of the death of the owner of the weapon, it is confiscated by the internal affairs bodies that registered it for safekeeping. Secure storage is carried out until the issue of inheritance is resolved and the heir obtains a license to purchase civilian weapons.

    The notary, when accepting an application for a certificate of inheritance, explains to the heir that he will be able to use the weapon after receiving a license. It is necessary to understand that the issuance of a license to the heir may be refused.

    If the subject of a gift or inheritance is a weapon of cultural value, then this issue is regulated taking into account the provisions of the following laws:

  • Federal Law "On Weapons" dated December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ,
  • Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 No. 4804-1 “On the export and import of cultural property”,
  • Federal Law of May 26, 1996 No. 54-FZ "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and museums in the Russian Federation"
  • Gun by inheritance

    It is known that the circulation of civilian weapons is limited, but citizens are not deprived of the right to inherit them. In other words, a gun can be part of an inheritance, that is, inherited according to the law, on a general basis. Naturally, like any inheritance, it can pass to the legal successor by will or by law. However, award-winning military weapons (hand-held, short-barreled, small arms) cannot be inherited after the death of the owner, with the exception of award-winning edged weapons (Article 1180 of the Civil Code (Civil Code) of the Russian Federation).

    Grounds for inheritance of a gun

    If the testator's will does not change inheritance by law (Article 1111 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), then the will itself takes place according to the law. The new legislation, unlike the old one, which included only two lines, significantly expanded the circle of heirs, establishing eight lines.

    In law

    Heirs are called upon to inherit according to the law in the order of their turn. In this case, the heirs of each subsequent line inherit the property of the testator in the absence of citizens from among the heirs of the previous lines. This means the following: when there is even a single heir of the first stage. heirs of all subsequent orders are not called upon to inherit. Or if, for example, heirs of the fourth order are called to inherit, then this means the absence of heirs of the first, second and third orders, and heirs of orders after the fourth are not called to inherit.

  • when the heir submits to the notary an application for acceptance of the inheritance or an application for obtaining a certificate of the right to inheritance
  • when performing actions that indicate actual acceptance of the inheritance.
  • The law sets a six-month period for accepting an inheritance. which begins from the moment the inheritance is opened. This period may be changed only in cases provided for by law. For this reason, you should not skip it, as serious problems with accepting the inheritance may subsequently arise.

    By will

    The law considers a will as a one-sided transaction. creating obligations and rights for heirs after the opening of the inheritance, that is, after the death of the testator. The testator may, at his discretion, bequeath any of his property to any persons. A will must be drawn up in writing and certified by a notary. There are exceptions to of this rule, but they are possible only under certain conditions, and there are quite a few of them. The testator has the right to change or revoke the will at any time.

    Confiscation of a gun after the opening of an inheritance

    Article 20 of the Law “On Weapons”, currently in force, determines that upon the death of the owner of the weapon, until the issue of inheritance and obtaining a license for its acquisition is resolved, the weapon must be immediately confiscated for responsible storage in the internal affairs bodies, where it is registered.

    If the heir to the property does not hand over the testator’s gun for safekeeping to the internal affairs bodies, then he may be prosecuted for illegal possession of weapons.

    In order to avoid such consequences, the heir should immediately inform the internal affairs authorities about the fact of the death of the owner of the gun, and not interfere with its removal for safekeeping. Until the list of heirs is determined, as well as the issues of issuing a license for the acquisition of weapons are resolved, the testator’s gun, which is in safe custody in the internal affairs bodies, cannot be sold.

    Registration of inheritance rights to a gun

    Registration of inheritance of a gun and the entire procedure for these actions has its own specifics. This is due to the following: the new owner is required to comply with certain restrictions on the use and ownership of weapons. Civilian weapons that are registered with the Department of Internal Affairs are inherited only if the heirs have licenses to purchase civilian weapons. Moreover, the storage of civilian weapons can only be permitted to citizens who have received permission to store and carry weapons. An exception may be civilian weapons that do not require a license and registration with the Department of Internal Affairs (Part 1 of Article 22 of the Law “On Weapons” N 150-FZ).

    You should definitely obtain a certificate of inheritance from a notary, since without re-registration given name a gun received by inheritance cannot even be simply stored. Internal affairs bodies carry out re-registration only if there are documents that confirm the legal entry into the inheritance, that is, a certificate of inheritance rights.

    Therefore, as a general rule, if obtaining a certificate of inheritance rights is a right, and not an obligation, of the heir, then in the case of inheriting a gun, you cannot do without certificates of inheritance rights (Article 1162 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 29 of the “Rules for the turnover of civil and official weapons").

    It is also necessary to take into account that a certificate of inheritance rights is usually issued to the heirs not immediately, but after a six-month period from the opening of the inheritance (Article 1163 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This means that for a certain time the heir, as the owner, cannot obtain permission from the police to store weapons. If the notary learns that the inheritance includes a weapon, he is obliged to immediately notify this fact internal affairs bodies, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 1172 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Only the Department of Internal Affairs can monitor compliance with all rules for the storage and sale of firearms. and also issue appropriate licenses (permits).

    For the time necessary before obtaining a license or permission to carry and store civilian weapons, as well as after the expiration of the permits and licenses available to the heirs, the gun is confiscated for safekeeping in the internal affairs bodies (clause 99.8 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia).

    To hand over weapons, you should contact the department of internal affairs for licensing and permitting work, which may also be called a center, department, etc. Although the internal affairs bodies in some cases accept weapons in duty stations. The gun will be returned to the citizen after he receives a license or permit. Moreover, the storage period for weapons established in the Department of Internal Affairs is no more than a year. After its expiration, the gun can be sold (Part 5, Article 27 of Law No. 150-FZ). The proceeds from its sale, minus all costs of sale, must be returned to the heir.

    Obtaining a license to purchase civilian weapons

    Citizens of the Russian Federation who for the first time acquire (or inherit) a smooth-bore firearm, as well as pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 Joules, gas revolvers and pistols, barrelless firearms for self-defense, firearms of limited destruction, signal weapons, or Those purchasing long-barreled smooth-bore firearms for self-defense purposes are required to provide the following documents to the internal affairs agency at their place of residence when receiving a purchase license:

  • an application containing passport data and information about existing weapons. Additionally, you must indicate in the application the address of your place of residence (residential buildings with equipped space for storing ammunition and weapons)
  • a photocopy of a Russian citizen’s passport or other identification document, as well as citizenship of the Russian Federation
  • photographs (two) size 3x4 cm
  • medical certificate confirming that the applicant does not have certain contraindications for storing and owning weapons (form 046-1)
  • When purchasing a civilian firearm with a rifled barrel, at least five years of experience in owning a smooth-bore weapon is required
  • certificates of training and passing a knowledge test established rules, By safe handling with weapon. For citizens who re-register civilian weapons, only a certificate of retaking the tests is required. Tests are retaken once every five years.
  • photocopies of hunting tickets.
  • Citizen K., who inherited a hunting rifle from his father, placed it in his house, that is, he actually entered into the inheritance as the only heir of the first stage. When registering a house, also inherited, the notary became aware of the fact that citizen K. had inherited a smooth-bore civilian weapon. The notary notified citizen K. of his obligation to inform the internal affairs bodies about this property received by citizen K. as an inheritance. After which citizen K. voluntarily handed over the inherited gun to the police department duty station for safekeeping until he received permission to carry and store weapons.


  • Upon the death of the owner of the gun, it is immediately confiscated for safekeeping in the internal affairs bodies where it was registered.
  • A gun is inherited only if the heirs have licenses to purchase civilian weapons.
  • Without re-registration of a gun received by inheritance, the heir cannot keep it in his own name.
  • Internal affairs bodies carry out re-registration only if there are documents that confirm the legal entry into the inheritance, that is, a certificate of inheritance rights.
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    Financial condition, collecting interest, or the lack of a required model on the primary weapons market may force you to turn your attention to the secondary market. Buying a weapon “second hand” on the secondary market, used or in mint condition, always means a unique flavor, visual contact and minimal distances (in every sense of the word) between the seller and the buyer. There are really many advantages to this purchasing option - it’s an opportunity to personally evaluate and check the weapon, hear the owner’s opinion, and it’s also economical (compared to the prices of new weapons), in the end.

    The purchasing process itself seems to be simple - there is demand, there is supply. Two gun owners meet, the product being sold is assessed and tested; If everything suits everyone, money is exchanged for weapons. And everyone seemed happy. One gun owner, now a former one, received the money. The second one, now the current one, received weapons. It would seem that this is where it all ends. But no. Everything needs to be legalized.

    This is also done quite simply, quickly and without unnecessary red tape (if there is necessary documents). The Buyer and the Seller must contact the LRO branch where the weapon was registered, permission to store and carry it was issued - and write an application in the Seller’s hand for re-registration of the weapon in connection with the sale. Everything is extremely simple - in the LRO departments there are quite competent people who will immediately understand the essence of the issue and provide required forms Having submitted them to the Seller for completion, they will accept them and begin processing them. The main thing is to have, in addition to the self-evident identification cards, a weapons permit (for the Seller) and a license to purchase (for the Buyer) weapons.

    No other documents are required. In this case, there may also be no purchase and sale agreement - since, according to the law, it can also be concluded orally. However, we still recommend concluding a weapons purchase and sale agreement.

    After filling and processing necessary documentation(the process may take a little longer - depending on the workload of the LRO department, filling out and processing the necessary application forms can last up to a week), the object of sale is entered into the Buyer’s license, filling out the necessary control counterfoils. In this case, the Seller’s permission for the object of sale is confiscated, after which the Buyer actually becomes the owner of the weapon.

    After this, the Buyer is obliged to appear within two weeks with the purchased weapon and license at his LRO branch (where he was issued the license) to obtain a weapons permit. After registration of the latter, he becomes the full owner of the weapon.

    The above manipulations are described for smooth-bore weapons. In the case of weapons with a rifled barrel, everything is somewhat more complicated. The above procedures add the operation of mandatory shooting of rifled weapons (before the re-registration operation) with receipt of a direction for shooting. Otherwise, everything is the same, simple and accessible.

    As you can see, the operation of buying a weapon “from hand” is simple and intuitive. At the same time, purchases through consignment departments are not necessary, there is no need for a serious baggage of documents and the difficulties of selling. Thus, becoming a gun owner is extremely simple - if only you had money and desire, and a correct offer for sale that would suit you.