Greetings, dear friends! Surprisingly, each of us has a certain type of temperament from birth. One is born an impulsive choleric, the other is an optimistic sanguine, the third is an impressionable melancholic, and the fourth is an imperturbable phlegmatic. And today I want to tell you about who a phlegmatic is, what are his features and character traits.

Ancient Greek doctors and thinkers Hippocrates and Galen identified 4 types of people's temperament and believed that it depends on the type of physiological fluid that prevails in a person. For a phlegmatic person, this is lymph, which sounds like “phlegm” in the language of Ancient Greece. Therefore, this type received such a name.

general characteristics

Among all types of temperament, the phlegmatic person is the most balanced. He is distinguished by unshakable calmness, slowness, restraint and inertia. He is absolutely not characterized by mood swings and emotional outbursts. He perfectly hides his emotions, so even close people cannot always recognize by the face what is happening in his soul.

A phlegmatic person does not adapt well to changing conditions. He is a conservative and prefers not to change anything in his established way of life. Before making a difficult decision, he will thoroughly weigh everything, carefully consider the possible consequences and only after that will take a risky step. Or not, which is most likely.

The worst thing for a phlegmatic is to get out of your comfort zone. Therefore, he does not like to travel. And if he still has to leave the house, then he tries to choose for himself such conditions that will most resemble the home environment. In particular, he rents an apartment and will never eat exotic unfamiliar food.

So, phlegmatic people have the following qualities:

  • restraint;
  • equanimity;
  • equilibrium;
  • thoroughness;
  • slowness;
  • consistency in preferences.

By his psychotype, a phlegmatic person is predominantly an introvert. Unlike an extrovert open to the outside world, a phlegmatic person does not show his feelings, tries not to give out true emotions. At the same time, a person of this type is always ready to listen and understand the feelings of another person, provide support and lend a shoulder. His prudence and calmness are very helpful here.

However, such situations take away a lot of strength from the phlegmatic. He prefers to recover alone - meditating, reflecting on life and just dreaming. He certainly will not share his experiences or flaunt them.

The phlegmatic person has an excellent memory, an analytical mindset and extraordinary ingenuity. Therefore, there are many researchers and scientists among people of phlegmatic temperament. So the following famous personalities are phlegmatic:

  • Immanuel Kant;
  • Galileo Galilei;
  • Anthony van Leeuwenhoek;
  • A.P. Borodin;
  • A. K. Lyadov;
  • G. A. Zyuganov and others.

Phlegmatic people love monotonous routine work. These are the most scrupulous, diligent, diligent, neat and efficient people in the world. Many employers even specifically determine the type of temperament of the future employee in order to find a phlegmatic person. After all, he will scrupulously carry out tasks and not get tired of it. And the phlegmatic himself is happy if he has a permanent job, which is repeated from day to day and does not require business trips or movement around the city. This kind of work instills in him calmness and a sense of security.

Here is a short list of the professions most suitable for a phlegmatic person:

  • accountant;
  • Researcher;
  • archivist;
  • librarian;
  • economist;
  • psychologist;
  • medical professional.

However, despite all the positive qualities, the self-esteem of a phlegmatic person is often underestimated due to self-doubt. And this does not allow him to reach career heights and become a leader, despite his innate colossal abilities. He refuses to participate in various events, avoids public speaking and communication with strangers both in public places and at work.

In a work collective, phlegmatic people observe more than show active actions. They enjoy watching fellow sanguine colleagues who love to be the center of attention. At the same time, phlegmatic people also have a good sense of humor and at the right time they can say a rather funny and accurate joke, as well as cheer up a sad comrade.

Some psychologists argue that in addition to behavior, a phlegmatic person can also be recognized by appearance. So, for example, they are characterized by a tendency to be overweight, a smooth gait, slow and measured speech. Even a thin phlegmatic person often has a massive physique.

In any case, before judging a person's temperament by their appearance, observe their behavior. Before you is one hundred percent phlegmatic if he:

  • calm like a boa constrictor;
  • reasonable;
  • speaks fluently and measuredly;
  • practically does not gesticulate;
  • it is impossible to read emotions on his face;
  • does everything slowly and it is difficult to switch to another type of activity;
  • difficult to adapt to new conditions.

Here's a brief description. True, it is very difficult to find an absolute phlegmatic person. We all most often have a mixed type of temperament, in which one will dominate.

Pros and cons of character

The phlegmatic has many undoubted advantages.

  1. The ability to get along with absolutely everyone, regardless of the type of temperament. A naturally-phlegmatic diplomat will always find a way out of a conflict situation and choose the right words to come to an agreement with an opponent.
  2. A strong nervous system that allows you to remain calm and reasonable in stressful situations.
  3. Reliability and selflessness. A phlegmatic person is the most faithful and reliable friend who can be trusted with any secrets. He will never betray, will not weave intrigues and will always keep his word.
  4. Perseverance, dedication, hard work. If the phlegmatic person has made a decision, it means that he will definitely bring the work started to the end.
  5. Analytical mindset, good memory, thoughtfulness and quick wit.
  6. Persistence in affection.

Along with an impressive list of pluses, the phlegmatic also has minuses.

  1. It takes a very long time and is difficult to adapt to changing external conditions. That is why he is afraid to take responsibility.
  2. It is difficult for him to make new acquaintances and communicate with unfamiliar people.
  3. His inertia, slowness and self-doubt interfere with self-realization.
  4. He is prone to apathy.
  5. He is absolutely unable to express emotions and therefore seems indifferent. And this is bad for personal relationships.
  6. It can “explode” from the accumulated negative emotions so that it does not seem a little.

Phlegmatic man

A phlegmatic man is calm, silent, balanced, has a strong character. By this he charms women. In general, a phlegmatic man is an ideal family man. He is not jealous, does not make scandals, does not cheat, regularly goes to work and brings the entire salary to his wife, always returns home on time, eats the same soup with pleasure every day.

At the same time, one should not expect romantic surprises, unforgettable adventures and sexual experiments from him. He is very conservative and stingy with emotions. To give flowers to his girlfriend is practically a feat for him. Stability in everything is the motto of the phlegmatic man.

A phlegmatic man is distinguished by concentration, restraint and excessive seriousness. He tries not to participate in discussions, but at the same time he will never get away from a direct question and will express his point of view. By the way, his behavior does not change, even when he is intoxicated.

Phlegmatic woman

It is difficult for men to seek a phlegmatic woman, because she is guided by reason, and not by feelings and intuition. If she is offered to marry, then she will think about the answer for a long time. At the same time, having answered in the affirmative, she will become the most faithful and balanced wife who does not throw tantrums and does not make scandals.

A smooth gait and movement, a low and quiet voice give her a special charm. And the look makes her mysterious, by which it is impossible to understand what she thinks or feels. Her appearance is always impeccable, which can cause the envy of other representatives of the fairer sex.

At work, a phlegmatic woman is rather slow, but at the same time very diligent and persistent. She will definitely finish the business she has begun. He gives preference to monotonous and routine work, therefore, most often he becomes an accountant, clerk, librarian. She is also not alien to the professions associated with helping people, for example, a psychologist, pediatrician, therapist and others.

Phlegmatic child

A calm and balanced phlegmatic child is a joy for his grandparents. He never gets into trouble, does not climb fences and construction sites, does not fight, does not be capricious. However, the danger lurks in the fact that a lack of initiative, infantile and lazy adult who does not have his own views and beliefs can grow out of him.

Such a child loves tasks, over which you need to sit and think. Even a four-year-old kid is happy to solve puzzles, add puzzles, play chess. To keep your child busy for an hour and a half, just give him a thick picture book. He will consider it with interest. Phlegmatic kids also love listening to fairy tales.

At school, teachers do not cherish a soul in such a child, because he is quiet, calm and diligent. Most excellent students are phlegmatic.

A phlegmatic child is mostly calm, but tasks that require quick reaction and speed knock him out of a rut. And if you also try to drive the baby, then the case may end in neurosis.

Also, a phlegmatic child is nervous because of a change in the environment, regime, environment. Therefore, such children are hard to adapt to kindergarten or school. This takes them much longer than all other children.

Some parents, seeing the sluggishness and sluggishness of their phlegmatic child, try to stir him up. Threats and shouts are used. And this is their huge mistake. The child begins to get nervous even more, his mental stress increases and nervousness develops, but he does not become more agile from this. Rather, on the contrary, it acts even more slowly.

Another common mistake some loving parents make is over-caring and helping. When they see how their phlegmatic baby is trying to do something with great efforts, they immediately rush to do it for him. As a result, the child develops self-doubt, a desire to avoid any active actions and a lack of independence.

It is necessary to develop the activity and mobility of a phlegmatic child consistently and measuredly, adjusting to his pace. As soon as he masters the basic skill, you can proceed to the further stage of training. The main thing is not to rush yourself and not to rush the child.

  1. Do not reproach the child for being slow or rush him. Otherwise, he will become nervous and notorious.
  2. Introduce your child to activity gradually. Play with him ball, badminton, catch-up, etc. But do not scold him if he does not have time to react in time. Remember that your child needs a little more time to master the skill.
  3. Play role-playing games with him, during which you play out different situations. For example, a bear and a bunny quarreled. Invite your child to figure out how to reconcile them. Subsequently, it will be easier for the child to communicate with peers.

I also advise you to watch a short video with advice from a psychologist.


Phlegmatic people are unique in that they can get along with almost any person, regardless of their type of temperament. It is almost impossible to meet a phlegmatic person who is the first to start a quarrel, provoke a conflict or raise his voice to the interlocutor. In relationships, he is always calm and restrained, so you should definitely not expect violent manifestations of feelings from him. But both in love and in friendship, the phlegmatic will become faithful and faithful like a dog.

For clarity, I made a table of the phlegmatic's compatibility with other types of temperament.

As you can see from the table, a phlegmatic person has good compatibility with a choleric person. The first will calmly react to the emotional outbursts of the second and be fueled by his energy, and the second will calm down faster.

A phlegmatic person is unlikely to have a long-term relationship with a melancholic. A sensual and vulnerable melancholic will suffer from the indifference and indifference of a partner who simply does not know how to show emotions. And the phlegmatic will quickly get tired of the increased sensitivity and emotional instability of the second.

The union of a phlegmatic person and a sanguine person may seem quite successful at first glance. A cheerful and cheerful sanguine person will charge a quiet phlegmatic person with his irrepressible energy. And the second will give the partner his loyalty and reliability. However, representatives of the sanguine type of temperament love new impressions, cannot sit in one place and cannot tolerate the routine that is vital for a phlegmatic partner. That is why it will be extremely difficult for them to get along with each other.

The union of two phlegmatic people is ideal. In this pair, there will be no contradictions and disagreements. However, it will be difficult for two introverts to get to know each other. They can converge only if a certain situation brings them together.


Now you have learned the whole truth about phlegmatic, by what signs you can determine him, what personal qualities he differs and what types of temperaments suit him best for creating a strong family. Although, to be honest, this is rather arbitrary, and a lot depends on the upbringing of a person and his personal aspirations, work on himself. Therefore, I wish you to continue to develop your best qualities and get rid of the negative ones, regardless of your type of temperament.

Have you already identified it? Indicate in the comments what type of temperament you consider yourself to and why!

Text: Olga Natolina

Phlegmatic is a type of temperament, which is characterized by slowness, endurance of character and laconic speech. Despite the fact that a phlegmatic person is calm and unemotional, this does not mean that he is an “insensitive cracker”. In fact, the character of the phlegmatic is changeable, and real passions are raging inside his nature.

General characteristics of the phlegmatic

A phlegmatic person can be unmistakably distinguished in a crowd of people. Traits of this personality type can be described as seriousness and restraint. He always tries to avoid disputes, quarrels and scandals. Therefore, in most conflict situations, he will agree with all the arguments, just to get out of a difficult situation. At the same time, he will keep calm and balanced, without showing any vivid emotions, agreement or disagreement.

He will not make rash and hasty decisions, as he is characterized by endurance, thoughtfulness and prudence. Therefore, he will "take a pause" and carefully consider this or that action. A phlegmatic person is not characterized by bouts of rage or aggression, he always remains unperturbed. To do this, he does not need to make any efforts on himself, since he has emotional balance by nature.

If he quarreled with someone, he is inclined to be the first to make contact and quickly establish relations with the other side, since he does not like changes and partings in life. In an unfamiliar situation or in a new team, a phlegmatic person needs a lot of time to adapt, make friends and take a closer look at the people around him.

Phlegmatic temperament

A phlegmatic person almost never develops new forms of behavior, since he adheres to and acts according to an already formed pattern of actions. The temperament of the phlegmatic is, as it were, between the other temperaments. For example, he is able to beneficially influence and balance an active sanguine person, or he will calmly observe a stormy choleric person, or he will never succumb to the melancholic despondency.

A person's temperament can be recognized not only by talking to him, but also by his manner of movement and ability to behave in society. As a rule, phlegmatic people are slow and unhurried, they never rush anywhere. Their gestures and facial expressions against the background of other types are limited and inexpressive. By their type of phlegmatic, they are mostly introverts, but at the same time they are always ready to listen and give thoughtful advice. If there are phlegmatic people among your acquaintances, appreciate them - they are the most reliable and good friends.

Features phlegmatic

Self-esteem. Phlegmatic people are able to adequately assess themselves, but sometimes they underestimate their real capabilities and abilities. They often lose confidence, as they are extremely modest personalities and do not like to brag.

Job. At work, phlegmatic people are consistent and systematic. They cannot quit unfinished work and immediately switch to something else, since they do not like unfinished or sudden cases. Also, a person with such a character is “included” in a new job for a long time. Therefore, work is contraindicated for phlegmatic persons, which requires a sharp switch of attention and speed of action.

Society. Phlegmatic people find it difficult to make new acquaintances, make connections and adapt to new people. But thanks to emotional stability and non-conflict, they easily get along in any team with all types of temperament.

Relationship. In a love relationship, phlegmatic people are the most calm and balanced partners. This does not mean that they are boring or callous, no, the other half just needs to be able to "read" the hidden emotions and moods of their partner. A phlegmatic person is capable of the strongest and deepest feelings, but he will not express his feelings vividly.

Test: am I a phlegmatic?

Temperament can be determined using a simple test by answering yes or no questions. If there are more than half of positive answers, then you have obvious phlegmatic features in your character.

  • Are you usually reserved, calm and cool-headed?

  • Are you consistent in your deeds, plans and actions?

  • Are you inherent in caution, prudence, attentiveness?

  • Can you wait?

  • Are you silent, do not like empty chatter?

  • Is your speech even, calm, without pronounced emotions and facial expressions?

  • Do you tend to save energy and not give all your best?

  • Do you adhere to a well-established routine of life, your day is always planned, do you like consistency in your work?

  • Are you calm about criticism, are you indifferent to censure from the outside?

  • Is it difficult for you to change from one activity to another on the fly?

  • Do you have a good and even relationship with the people around you?

A lot of literature and psychological articles have been written about temperaments. Authors are concerned about distinctive features, features, compatibility, influence on character and preferences. H What is phlegmatism, and who is a phlegmatic in psychology? This is a person who treats everything calmly and calmly. It is to this person that you can entrust your secrets. But to How does temperament interact with a person's sex? Phlegm and femininity - is such a combination possible? What should phlegmatic girls pay attention to? We will answer these and other questions about phgmatism in this article.

Who are phlegmatic people?

The word "temperament" has now gained unusual popularity. This is a psychological term that came to us from ancient Greece. It has undergone many changes and has been criticized. Some psychoanalysts have tried to circumvent it by creating new classifications. But the division into temperaments is too deeply rooted in the foundations of modern psychology. Soul healers divide people into 4 categories:

  • choleric,
  • phlegmatic people,

These are temperaments. Each person has features of several of them: some dominate, others hardly appear. Eysenck's test will help to determine them, to pass which you will need 15-20 minutes. The result, as a percentage, will show which temperament traits are more pronounced in you.

Phlegmatic women are calm and balanced

Temperament shows how the human nervous system works, and is determined by several criteria:

  1. speed of reactions,
  2. depth of feelings,
  3. ability to concentrate,

These characteristics affect the behavior of a person, his views, attitude towards life, towards himself and the people around him. They define a set of psychological defenses and a comfort zone. You can determine the temperament by looking closely at the person, talking to him. We are interested in a woman with a phlegmatic temperament, so consider characteristics of a phlegmatic woman:

  • Slowness... Even in a critical situation, when everyone around is speeding up to solve a problem, the phlegmatic person does not change himself. It is not in his nature to rush.
  • Prudence... A person with a phlegmatic character means that a person with this temperament is thoughtful and consistent. They do not like spontaneous decisions, unexpected impulses are not their story.

The phlegmatic will measure seven times, think, measure out the eighth, cut off, and then recheck again

  • Calmness... Steadfastness and balance create the necessary harmony with oneself. A phlegmatic person avoids anything that can shake a stable state.
  • Emotionality. This type of person can be well characterized by the description of a phlegmatic-introvert in love: experiencing even strong feelings, a woman is able to keep them in herself, while her face does not reflect any feelings or emotions. Her reactions are hard to see, even in the most disturbing situations. It’s hard to hurt a phlegmatic person, and he rarely takes things to heart, but if something deeply wounded him and unbalanced him, the consequences would be a difficult test for a phlegmatic person.
  • Introversion. The focus from people is manifested in the difficulties with communication. It is not easy for a phlegmatic person to find a common language with others, he is satisfied with the company of his own thoughts, which also makes this type of temperament related to an introvert.

A characteristic feature of all phlegmatic women is poise and little emotion.

Roughly the same characteristic of the temperament of a phlegmatic man. Only the stronger sex distinguishes even more restraint and unemotionality... At the same time, phlegmatic people are reliable and responsible people, excellent performers. It is difficult for a phlegmatic person to switch from one activity to another. As a rule, he chooses a vocation once and for life.

The nature and characteristics of a phlegmatic woman

The image of a phlegmatic person does not correspond to the generally accepted ideal. Such a woman cannot be called light and romantic. F restraint and unhurriedness are inherent in legmatists. It is necessary to make great efforts to evoke emotions in her, to please her with a gift, or just to make her pleasant.

She appreciates being considerate and caring., but will remain cold outwardly. A phlegmatic woman passes all events through the prism of prudence. She is not inherent in "female logic", in terms of tactics of thinking, she is close to a man. The voice of her feelings is weak and drowned out by her mind.

Phlegmatic women are reliable. They hardly manage to keep a warm family hearth, but they have no equal in solving issues of well-being!

Phlegmatic girls are pliable, they easily compromise, avoid conflicts and quarrels. But - life with a phlegmatic person will not please with a riot of colors and surprises.

NS a characteristic feature of all phlegmatic people is calmness and confidence. A man can rely on such a companion, she will become a faithful wife and support in any situation. Phlegmatic women skillfully distribute their forces, plan their life, manage the household. Impulsive purchases, rash decisions are not typical for them. No wonder this type of character is so named. After all, the concept of phlegm is composure and equanimity, bordering on indifference.

A phlegmatic woman may not show feelings, but this does not prevent her from firmly attached to another person. This bond is not easy to break. She becomes a guarantor of comfort, so a phlegmatic lady will do everything possible to maintain consistency in a relationship.

Phlegmatic women are characterized by restraint and unhurriedness, they are excellent housewives and wives.

Ladies with such a character need a decisive man, because it is difficult for her to make an important choice. The companion of a phlegmatic woman should be ready to push her in the right direction and support her if necessary.

In raising offspring, she painfully lacks sensual intimacy. and an emotional connection with the child. To show affection and care, you have to step over a hidden barrier. This distance in relationships often becomes the cause of misunderstanding in the family.

Despite many disadvantages, a phlegmatic person also has a number of advantages, which is why many people tend to make a "bias" in their temperament towards phlegmatism. As a result, they ask themselves how to become a phlegmatic? We'll have to try to increase the phlegmatic traits in cheb, and it is advisable to just try to take only the best from him. In particular:

  • phlegmatic people, even with monotonous work, are assiduous and patient.
  • such employees in the team get along freely with representatives of different temperaments.
  • it is difficult to distract a phlegmatic girl from work, and she will make every effort to perform it at the highest level.
  • the persistence of the phlegmatic allows you to slowly but surely climb the career ladder.

A phlegmatic woman must have good reasons to maintain her beauty. The main problem is the slow metabolism. It causes excess weight, skin and digestion problems. It is difficult for women of this temperament to force themselves to exercise or go on a diet. For them, radical weight loss methods are not suitable. Strong loads cause rejection, mental discomfort, fatigue.

A phlegmatic woman needs a powerful incentive for change. She confidently sets herself tasks for many years to come and worries if something goes wrong.

But failures do not affect phlegmatic ladies in the same way as, for example,. Adequate self-esteem and does not allow you to go into despondency and bogged down in disappointment. Just like the famous male phlegmatic people (M. Kutuzov, A. Delvig, I. Krylov), women, with all their calmness and serenity, are able to achieve great heights.

Sexuality and phlegm

A phlegmatic girl needs a sensitive sexual partner who will understand her features and reveal her inner potential. Women's sexuality is closely related to emotionality and sensitivity. To make intimacy pleasant for both partners, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

  • It is difficult for a phlegmatic woman to switch. The weaker sex is not given to combine logic and sensuality in sex. The first will have to be turned off, and this should be done in advance, before the start of the foreplay.
  • Remember that the main character traits and features of a phlegmatic person are slowness and low sensitivity. A woman with this temperament needs time, she is aroused for a long time. The sensibility of the body increases little by little, but constantly. Erogenous zones also do not wake up immediately. You should not start active actions right away, start from afar. Innocent kisses, stroking hugs. The transition to intense and frank caresses should be smooth.
  • The fantasy of a phlegmatic woman will have to be awakened by a man. An erotic whisper in your ear will stir your partner's imagination and enhance her responsiveness.
  • Excitation in phlegmatic girls is stable and prolonged. In this state, all their hidden possibilities are revealed. The accumulated sexual tension ends in a violent orgasm.

A man will have to wake up the fantasy of a phlegmatic woman

Despite the fact that a phlegmatic person is characterized by a lack of strong emotions, working on oneself will help a person of this type of character to open up. Where feelings are lacking, a deliberate approach to business will help you. Remember that you can awaken the dormant traits of other temperaments in yourself and reveal new facets of your own personality.

Do you know people about whom we can say “calm as doors” or, perhaps, you yourself notice such a quality in yourself? Most likely, we are talking about the type of temperament of the phlegmatic. What if someone is phlegmatic? How to behave with such a person? Phlegmatic - is it good or bad? Can he be considered lazy? What do we even know about this type of temperament? Who is a phlegmatic person? Why is it called that? What if your child is phlegmatic? How to educate him correctly? If you are not too lazy to read, all the answers can be found in this article.

Who is a phlegmatic person?

A phlegmatic person is the most balanced type of temperament, characterized by calmness and inertia. According to the ideas of Hippocrates and Galen, lymph predominates among phlegmatic people from "vital juices" or, in ancient Greek, "phlegm". Hence the name.

The ancient Greek sages described quite accurately who a phlegmatic is. This type of people with a stable mood, not subject to emotional outbursts... They are slow, constant in their preferences, restrained, have high intelligence,. Phlegmatic people are not inclined to take risks, they always ponder the consequences of their actions.

Can a phlegmatic be considered lazy? The question is rhetorical. Rather, it is energy efficient. After all, the absence of fuss does not mean at all that a person is lazy. Because the phlegmatic people are analytical and quick-witted, then among them there are many scientists, philosophers, researchers. For example, among the famous phlegmatic people Galileo Galilei, Immanuel Kant, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadov, as well as Keanu Reeves, Stephen Segal, Scarlett Johansson, Nicole Kidman.

The characteristic of the phlegmatic has changed little since the time of the ancient Greeks. Phlegmatic people prone to scrupulous, monotonous activities... Their efficiency and perseverance can envy other types of temperament. At the same time, work related to improvisation and constant changes is less suitable for such people. Also, not the best choice for a phlegmatic person is the role of a salesperson or a sales manager, where constant communication is necessary. People with this will be very useful in administration, maintaining stability in the enterprise.

How to define phlegmatic?

How to understand that you are phlegmatic? will allow you to cast aside doubts about your belonging to a certain type of people: either phlegmatic.

In the case when it is necessary to understand who our interlocutor is, it is advisable to pay attention to the following details of his behavior.

Signs of a phlegmatic person:

  • Calmness, serenity;
  • Good nature, smoothing out conflicts;
  • Prudence, a tendency to analyze the situation;
  • Smooth, measured speech;
  • Minimal gestures and facial expressions;
  • Moderation in all your actions, actions;
  • Unpretentiousness, getting along with others.

According to the points, a phlegmatic person is an ideal neighbor, colleague, assistant. Not only will he not interfere, you will not find him in the daytime with fire. At the same time, in terms of hard work and diligence, phlegmatic is in the first place.

In addition to behavioral qualities, some psychologists claim that this type of temperament can be recognized by external signs. For example, they are characterized by a tendency to overweight, roundness of outlines and shapes, smooth gait, slowness of speech and movements. Even without problems with adipose tissue, they are distinguished by their massive physique.

What does it mean to be a phlegmatic?

Like everything in this world, the phlegmatic type of temperament has its pros and cons. To the explicit the benefits of phlegmatic relate:

  • Perseverance, dedication, methodical adherence to the intended goal;
  • Increased efficiency, which has a positive effect on relationships in the work collective;
  • Stress resistance and non-conflict;
  • Patience, the ability to wait for the right moment;
  • Emotional stability, comfort for yourself and others.

Phlegmatic people are different, Carl Jung made a division by 8. You can find out yours using the test.

The benefits are impressive, but there is also a "fly in the ointment" that determines phlegmatic deficiencies:

  • Difficulties in adaptation, adaptation to changing conditions;
  • Tendency to, lethargy;
  • Difficult communication with people;
  • Avarice on, closed off from the world;
  • Inertia, which sometimes interferes with self-realization.

Knowing the shortcomings of this type of temperament, you can try to correct them, or actualize the positive.

What kind of phlegmatic person in a relationship?

In a relationship with a phlegmatic, it is most difficult to start these very relationships. Since such people are extremely reluctant to let anyone in. But, if they have already been let in, then they let go even longer. Therefore, building relationships or friendship with phlegmatic people, you can count on sincerity, stability, responsibility and peace of mind. That's right, because phlegmatic people are unlikely to be delighted with daily parties or drive.

They are prefer to wrap themselves in a blanket and sit together at home than attending a noisy party or skydiving. But, their half can be confident in the loyalty of their chosen one. In response, you should not test the patience and good nature of a phlegmatic person. Their excessive lethargy and inertia is sometimes exaggerated. So, Joseph Stalin possessed precisely a phlegmatic temperament, but hardly anyone in their right mind would dare to provoke him to. The same example shows that phlegmatic people are not always inclined to give leadership to another person.

If we analyze the relationship depending on the type of temperament, then the best combination is opposites: phlegmatic -. The first is fueled by the energy of the partner, and the second finds a quiet and cozy "harbor" in him. If two phlegmatic people unite, then in general they will be quite comfortable, but, over time, they may get bored. A successful union is a phlegmatic couple and, who also, with their humor and activity, recharges the partner with the missing energy. The worst thing is to build a relationship with a phlegmatic person, because they will annoy each other all the time. One will be disgusted with increased "snotty", and the second will be cold and indifferent partner.

In general, all this is rather arbitrary. First, pronounced temperaments are not common. Second, relationships are shaped by a variety of factors. Thirdly, everyone chooses with whom to communicate, be friends, build a family.

How to educate a phlegmatic person?

A phlegmatic child is the joy of all his grandparents. Calm, balanced, does not get into trouble, does not climb fences, does not chase pigeons. The most important thing is he never naughty about trifles... There is a certain threat in these "pluses", because such a child can grow up to be an extremely passive, infantile person who will not have his own opinion or beliefs.

Therefore, it is advisable to "stir up" a little phlegmatic person a little. But this should be done smoothly, little by little, without violence against the individual. It is advisable to interest him in any useful, to involve him in sports, to show the benefits of establishing social ties.

Whoever said what, but a phlegmatic person is a very successful type of temperament, which is sometimes possessed by first-class leaders. It all depends on the correct upbringing and the appropriate social environment. Phlegmatic become faithful companions in life, reliable friends or colleagues. They are not scattered, thereby allowing to maintain the integrity of any venture, project, and in general the team. Thanks to phlegmatic people, we do not forget our traditions, while purposefully moving into the future.

This type of temperament is distinguished by high mental balance, the phlegmatic person belongs to the inert type of temperament, therefore it is very difficult to start them, but if this is done, the phlegmatic person will not calm down for a long time. Personally, I rarely met pronounced phlegmatic people, these calm and balanced people are excellent performers, there are very few initiative among them. Possessing an imperturbable calmness, phlegmatic people at the same time are not able to rejoice from the heart, in general with emotions they are rather tight, and this, in my opinion, is their strongest side. The fact is that emotions often let a person down, they prevent him from thinking rationally, or even thinking in general. I consider emotions to be the enemy of a person, their excessive manifestation is of course, when behavior, desires and reactions become too obvious, which of course can be used. A person who is on a wave of emotions often makes mistakes, or not wanting to switch from one wave of emotions to another, is charged with a certain mood for a long time, while the situation may require slightly different manifestations of emotions and actions associated with them.

So, having a kind of immunity from emotions, a phlegmatic person may not experience violent joyful emotions, but he is not under their power, having the opportunity to clearly follow his plan, without being distracted by external factors. But phlegmatic people are somewhat inhibited, it is often difficult for them to switch from one type of activity to another, they are used to doing everything consistently, efficiently, thoroughly. So these people do not undertake ten tasks at the same time, and it is highly undesirable to entrust them with dynamic work, which requires constant switching of attention, reaction speed, constant communication, all this is not suitable for pronounced phlegmatic people. The strong side of phlegmatic people is their adequate self-esteem, I already wrote that the more realistic a person looks at the world and at himself, the fewer unnecessary mistakes he makes. Moreover, phlegmatic people often tend to underestimate their capabilities, despite the fact that they are confident in their abilities, therefore, in fact, they are not inclined to brag about their successes, demonstrating their genius.

For a phlegmatic person, any kind of activity to which he approaches with all responsibility and attentiveness, sooner or later, will bring positive results, because assessing himself adequately and working with great effort, a positive result for a phlegmatic person is an obvious pattern. Yes, these people do not take patience, and although of course the dynamics of the modern world requires a little more flexibility and dispersion, it is people with the type of character that are inherent in phlegmatic people who often rise up the career ladder. Phlegmatic people do not like to conflict in a team and calmly relate to the manifestation of negativity and dislike towards them, from which they often get along with any type of character. Even if a phlegmatic person seems to be a very docile person, executive and not at all ambitious, this does not mean that he does not have long-term plans for his life, which, in his understanding, is far from being so helpful, and he sees himself much higher than one can imagine.

In this, phlegmatic people are similar to melancholic people, only unlike melancholic people, they have enough self-confidence, and they perceive failures much better, so it is much more difficult to break their spirit. Another similarity between a melancholic and a phlegmatic is their seriousness and long-term relationships with other people, phlegmatic people are also quite amorous and not inclined, as they say, to change partners like gloves. An even, calm relationship suits them completely, but phlegmatic people often hide their feelings, as well as the emotions of phlegmatic, and if they do not hide them, then in any case, you will not see their bright severity and storms of emotions with them. As a rule, a phlegmatic person does not have very many friends, people with this type of temperament keep a limited circle of friends around them, but at the same time, this very circle of friends can be called selective, phlegmatic people do not want to be friends with everyone in a row, if we are talking about really real friendship, not friendship.

I would also highlight such a feature of phlegmatic people as enjoying the process, which allows them to be patient enough, consistent and achieve the set task. Without losing sight of the goal, they achieve it, contemplating every moment of micro success, which then develops into one big success after they achieve the result. We can single out such positive features of this type of temperament, dear friends, and although, as already mentioned, several types of temperament are combined in each of us, the basic one can be traced right away, and we can see it if we just show attentiveness to ourselves or to other people, in order to identify this most basic type. Phlegmatic people certainly have more advantages than disadvantages, and although, of course, some lethargy, as well as a lack of a predisposition to communication, somewhat limit their capabilities, in comparison with other types of temperament, phlegmatic people need to work on themselves much less.

In principle, here it is necessary to strive for greater openness, not to shy away from communication and does not interfere with sometimes evaluating oneself somewhat higher than in reality, but for a leader, of course, organizational skills and the ability to punch on the table, if necessary, are important. So for a not pronounced phlegmatic, in principle, it is not difficult to tune in to victory in life, you cannot call them losers, but they can become winners without any problems, albeit consistently as their temperament requires.