Control is the main condition for successful business. When working with various contractors, you need to have a good grasp of information and remember to confirm your words from time to time in real numbers. It is for this purpose that in modern document flow there is an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements.

Description of the document

Relationships between partners cannot be built only on trust. In addition to feelings, there must be real facts that can confirm or refute various suspicions at any time. Any activity is actually related to the acquisition or sale of something. Some produce goods or provide services, while others buy them by concluding an appropriate agreement. Both of them periodically need to audit their expenses.

To do this, they use a reconciliation report. In what cases does it become necessary to draw up such a document? The reasons can be very different:

  1. If one of the parties provides its goods without prepayment or with installment payment.
  2. In the case when particularly valuable products are sold.
  3. The company has a large number of partners, each of whom supplies goods in a fairly wide range.
  4. In the case of long-term and constant cooperation between counterparties.
  5. In a situation where both parties decide to expand the scope of their relationship by entering into new agreements.

Any of these reasons may be a reason to request a reconciliation report from your partner. There should be no mistrust or bias in this.

Important details

Every accountant knows what a reconciliation statement is. This is not surprising, since they are the ones who have to compose it. In this situation, an employee is required who knows certain information. To compile such a document, you have to pull up data from different accounts:

  • for previously issued advances;
  • by income;
  • on the obligations assumed;
  • according to existing shortages.

Only an accounting employee has access to such information. At the direction of the manager, he collects the necessary information and prepares it in the form of a document of a certain sample. However, the responsibility for the provided data remains ultimately with Chief Accountant. If there are no visible disagreements between the partners, then a similar form is used as confirmation of the results of activities for a specific period. Some accountants act this way when it turns out that the primary transaction documents are lost or they are simply too lazy to look for them. However, this does not relieve them of responsibility for the information provided.


How should you draw up a reconciliation report? The filling sample will be a sequential presentation of specific information.

Any such act must contain the following information:

  1. Document's name.
  2. The period for which it was compiled.
  3. Name of counterparties.
  4. Basis of the transaction (contract, agreement).
  5. Dates, numbers and specific figures taken from primary documents (payment orders, invoices and others). They contain information that will confirm the delivery or payment of the goods. For ease of perception, such information is usually collected in a table divided into two parts. In this case, each party has the opportunity to separately indicate the data it has.
  6. Signatures of representatives of each party.

The document must be drawn up in two copies so that each organization can keep it. The signature of the chief accountant must be required here. And sometimes she may be the only one. This can be done in cases where there are no discrepancies in the data. Most often, the signature of the head of the enterprise is also required as confirmation.

Automation of accounting

When drawing up a reconciliation report, some employees are interested in how to fill it out in the 1C: Accounting program? There are no particular difficulties here. Thanks to the computer, work is much easier.

You just need to perform several sequential operations:

  1. Go to the “Sales” or “Purchases” section (as necessary). Then, in the “Settlements with counterparties” tab, select “Reconciliation report”.
  2. While inside the selected journal, click the “Create” button, and then go to the “Reconciliation report with counterparties” tab. A dialog box will appear that can be filled in two ways: automatically or manually. The specialist chooses for himself exactly the one he needs.
  3. Select the “According to organization data” tab, then click “Fill in” and specify the request using the “Fill in according to accounting data” button. A list of all performed operations will appear on the screen. If you need information on all contracts for a specified period, then you just need to check the “Split by contracts” checkbox.
  4. Make a note “Reconciliation approved.”
  5. Find the “Additional” tab and select from the list of persons required to sign the act.

All that remains is to write down this document, and you can send it to print.

Rules for drawing up a document

Accountants often have to do a reconciliation report. An example of drawing up and filling out such a form is strictly individual for each organization. Considering that the law does not provide for any strict unified form for this, employees of any enterprise are forced to form it themselves, guided by general rules and requirements:

  1. Any act begins with a “header” with initial information about the partners.
  2. Next comes the standard phrase that is used in all contracts. It states that the undersigned representatives of the two parties have drawn up this act, confirming that the following state of accounting.
  3. Following these words comes the already well-known table. The first line in it is “balance at the beginning of the period.” Next come the operations, divided into “debit” (performance of work or delivery of goods) and “credit” (payment). Then follows the closing balance of this period. The table ends with debt calculation.
  4. The signature of authorized persons must be confirmed by the company’s round seal.

Instead of the manager, another person can sign the act. To do this, you need a power of attorney that will give him such powers. By the way, in court, its absence may cast doubt on the entire document.

Documents, no matter how you keep track of them, sometimes get lost. They don't reach your customers or you don't have supplier documents. And this leads to different amounts of debt in the accounting of organizations. Reconciliation of debts with counterparties helps to identify such disagreements.

There is nothing complicated about this procedure. Only she is distinguished by a large amount of work. The frequency of reconciliation of calculations depends on your desire and capabilities. But once a year ─ during the annual inventory ─ it is mandatory. Thus, the balance of the settlement accounts is confirmed.


  • resolve disagreements in the statement of reconciliation of accounts
  • pay the debt according to the reconciliation report

read this article.

1. What is a reconciliation report and an example of how to fill it out

2. Can an accountant sign a reconciliation report?

3. Who should do the reconciliation report?

4. Disagreements in the settlement reconciliation report

5. What should an accountant do if the documents are not in the records of his organization?

6. What should an accountant do if the documents are not in the counterparty’s records?

7. Payment of debt according to the reconciliation report

8. Reconciliation with counterparties in 1Cversion 8.3

So, let's go in order.

1. What is a reconciliation report and an example of how to fill it out

Act of reconciliation─ this is a document that reflects settlements between organizations for a certain period. The seller in such an act shows the formation of the buyer’s receivables and the payment received from him. And the buyer ─ his accounts payable to the supplier, with whom he reconciles settlements and repays them.

The reconciliation report is signed and sealed by both organizations (if any).

There is no approved form for the reconciliation report. Moreover, it is not a primary document. Therefore, when developing a form Can use the details of the primary document, which are established in clause 2 of article 9 federal law“On accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.

And understand that the reconciliation act, like any other act between organizations, is two-sided. This means you need to provide appropriate fields for signatures.

Typically, the reconciliation report is signed by the chief accountant and the manager.

You can fill out the act by listing business transactions for each organization, but it is more convenient to do this in the context of contracts. Then, in case of discrepancies, it will be immediately clear under which agreement the turnover does not converge.

Fill out the reconciliation report only in money.

An example of filling out a reconciliation report. Metel LLC, the fabric supplier, compiled a reconciliation report with the Vyuga LLC atelier as of March 31, 2018.

The person responsible for drawing up the reconciliation report at Metel LLC filled it out in two copies, signed it with the director and chief accountant and sent it to Vesna LLC.

Vesna LLC checked the turnover, filled out both copies of the act on their part, signed and sent one completed act to Metel LLC. After entering the credentials in both organizations, the reconciliation act looks like this.

In this example, both organizations confirm that Vesna LLC has a debt to Metel LLC in the amount of 150,000 rubles.

2. Can an accountant sign a reconciliation report?

In organizations that have many counterparties and regularly reconcile accounts with them, the chief accountant and manager have to spend a lot of time signing reconciliation reports.

To free up time, a power of attorney is issued to one of the accountants. Thanks to this, he can sign any reconciliation report. At the same time, he can also check the correctness of the drafting of acts by his colleagues.

3. Who should do the reconciliation report?

The initiator of debt reconciliation with the counterparty can be any party to the transaction. IN regulations The obligation to conduct reconciliation between organizations is not specified. This is the right of companies. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to regulate the procedure and frequency of reconciliation of payments in contracts.

In companies, the accounting department is not always involved in drawing up reconciliation reports and sending them to counterparties. By order of management, these may include other employees ─ those who directly work with customers and suppliers.

In many accounting programs, including 1C, accounting of settlements with the counterparty is organized on separate sub-accounts ─ cards. Therefore, if all documents are entered into the system in a timely manner, unloading turnover on a specific card is not difficult. And the question: “Who should do the reconciliation report” does not cause much controversy.

The result of the reconciliation can be:

  • an act signed by the counterparty in which there are no disagreements
  • deed of disagreement

Reconciliation without disagreement is the most optimal and simplest for an accountant. What to do when there are disagreements?

4. Disagreements in the settlement reconciliation report

The main reason for disagreement in the statement of reconciliation of payments is the reflection of documents in the accounting of one organization and the failure to reflect the same documents in the accounting of another.

This is possible if:

  1. documents did not reach the counterparty
  2. within the company, the documents were not transferred to the accountant for inclusion in accounting
  3. postings according to documents in the first company were made in one period, and in the second - a period earlier or later

Moreover, there may be no documents:

  • in your company's accounting
  • in counterparty accounting

When checking the settlement reconciliation report, which was provided by the counterparty, it is immediately clear in which documents there are disagreements.

5. What should an accountant do if the documents are not in the records of his organization?

Situation 1: company ─ buyer material assets

Step one. It is necessary to check whether these documents were posted in another period, for example, following the reconciliation period. If you do not have documents regarding which there are disagreements in the accounting reconciliation report, then proceed to step 2.

Step two. Find out from the responsible employee of the company who works with the counterparty whether he forgot to transfer the procurement documents to the accounting department. If you forgot, then urgently pick up the documents and check their compliance with what the counterparty indicated in the reconciliation report and register them.

Step three. Request duplicates of documents not reflected in accounting from the counterparty. Receive, check them and record them.

At each of these steps, you may encounter one of the following options:

  1. the counterparty reflected your accounts receivable premature. For example, according to the terms of the contract, the transfer of ownership ─ during acceptance of the goods by the buyer. Your company's employees accepted the goods in the month following the reconciliation. You can sign a statement indicating the discrepancies and indicating the reason
  2. documents were reflected later than it should have been done. Sign the document provided by your supplier.

Situation 2: the company is a buyer of services.

You need to follow the same steps as in the case of purchasing material assets. But we must remember the main difference ─ the date of provision of services, and therefore the date of appearance of receivables ─ the number with which the certificate of completion of work was signed in your organization.

Exception ─ public utilities, the cost of which is determined based on meter readings. In this case, the date of the act is equal to the date of provision of the service.

6. What should an accountant do if the documents are not in the counterparty’s records?

Situation 1─ your company sells products, but the reconciliation report sent by the counterparty does not reflect your documents on shipments to them.

In this case, you need to ensure that you record revenue and receivables in accordance with the terms of the contract. If everything is in order with this, check whether the documents were sent to the counterparty.

When everything is done correctly on the part of your organization, add the unrecorded document to the reconciliation report and sign it with disagreements.

If there are problems on your side, then you need to solve them first. And then either include the document for which there are discrepancies in the reconciliation report, or agree with the buyer’s amounts.

Situation 2─ your company has completed the work, but its purchase is not reflected in the reconciliation report sent by the buyer.

Algorithm of actions:

  • check the signature date on the work completion certificate from the customer
  • Didn’t you find a copy of the act that was signed on both sides? Then find out whether the document was sent to the buyer
  • Based on the results of the “investigation”, you draw conclusions. And either add more language to the buyer’s reconciliation report and sign it in this form, with disagreements, or agree with the counterparty’s figures

The examples do not show all situations that can lead to discrepancies in settlement reconciliation reports. But it is already clear that the reasons why some documents are not included in the reconciliation report may be different. From misinterpretation of contract terms to employee forgetfulness. Moreover, from any of the counterparties.

7. Payment of debt according to the reconciliation report

During reconciliation, it may be revealed that one organization has a debt to another; this can happen for the following reasons:

  • The primary document is not reflected in the debtor’s accounting
  • there are errors in calculations, for example, when converting currency into rubles

The debtor's records do not contain the required document. In this case, the company that is owed payment sends duplicates of the primary documents to the debtor organization. After they are carried out, a debt will appear in the accounting, which can be paid in the usual way. IN payment order, in the ground field, you need to indicate an invoice, act or other document ─ the reason for the debt.

Errors in calculations can be corrected by drawing up an accounting statement and reflecting it in accounting. Once the debt is formed, it can be paid. In this case, you can pay the debt according to the reconciliation report, indicating it as the basis in the payment order.

If you find an error in your accounting, you need to correct it. In this case, it will help you.

8. How to reconcile with counterparties in 1C version 8.3

How to make a reconciliation with counterparties using the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program, see the video.

The reconciliation act is very important and required document, the formation or verification of which sometimes requires a lot of labor. Therefore, it is better to carry out reconciliation with companies with which you have large turnover in terms of money and/or product items regularly, maybe even monthly.

It must be remembered that the reconciliation act is not a primary document; any figure in it appeared after accounting entry, which, in turn, was made on the basis of the corresponding primary document.

In case of discrepancies, you need to look for the reason ─ an extra or unrecorded document, and use it to clarify the situation.

What difficulties do you encounter during reconciliation? If you have questions about how to reconcile with counterparties, ask them in the comments!

How to reconcile with counterparties and draw up a report

Quite common in economic activity business entities is the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements. The most popular area of ​​its application is supply contracts. When goods are delivered in several batches over a specified period of time and payment is due later.

However, the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements can be used for any other agreements when it is necessary to document the debt. It can be issued after, as well as in any other legal relationship involving settlements between entities over a certain period of time.

An example of a reconciliation report

between Selkhozmash LLC and the head of the peasant farm Isaev Eduard Yurievich

We, the undersigned, are the chief accountant of Selkhozmash LLC Andrey Viktorovich Ladoshkin, on the one hand, and the head of the Peasant farm Isaev Eduard Yurievich, on the other hand, drew up this reconciliation report according to accounting data as follows:

According to Selkhozmash LLC, the debt of the peasant farm Isaev E.Yu. in favor of Selkhozmash LLC is 181,207 rubles.

General Director of Selkhozmash LLC Burmistrov S.I.

Chief accountant of Selkhozmash LLC Ladoshkin A.V.

Head of the peasant farm Isaev E.Yu.

Chief accountant of peasant farms __________

You are kindly requested to sign the reconciliation report by the director (IP) and the chief accountant. If the act is signed by an authorized person, a copy must be attached. Please return the signed original reconciliation report to the address: 630015, Novosibirsk, st. Kuklacheva, 19, off. 305.

Why is a reconciliation report drawn up?

The purpose of the document is obvious - the actual recognition of the debt of one party to the other. We recommend drawing up a statement of reconciliation of mutual settlements:

    when cooperation between organizations (parties to the agreement) is long-term, permanent

    before concluding additional agreements and other contracts

    when providing a deferred (installment) payment

Is the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements? Of course, the court evaluates evidence based on its internal conviction. The act signed by both parties also indicates the existence of legal relations between the parties, the existence of debt and even its size. At the same time, a reconciliation act without the signature of an authorized person is controversial evidence. The court examines such a document and the corresponding objections of the other party. And in any case, in legal proceedings, primary documents (waybills, payment orders, invoices, etc.) must be examined.

The act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is drawn up by accountants using the 1-C program. However individual entrepreneurs often take on the responsibilities of an accountant themselves. The document must include the following information:

    names of the parties;

    basis for the debt (details of the agreement);

    details of primary documents;

    actual income and expenses Money between counterparties;

    signatures of authorized persons. The document must have the director's signature.

If the counterparty does not want to sign the reconciliation report, therefore, it does not intend to acknowledge the debt, which may indicate the need to submit a supply agreement and file a claim in court.

Select category 1. Business law (229) 1.1. Instructions for starting a business (26) 1.2. Opening an individual entrepreneur (26) 1.3. Changes in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (4) 1.4. Closing an individual entrepreneur (5) 1.5. LLC (39) 1.5.1. Opening an LLC (27) 1.5.2. Changes in LLC (6) 1.5.3. Liquidation of LLC (5) 1.6. OKVED (31) 1.7. Licensing entrepreneurial activity(11) 1.8. Cash discipline and accounting (69) 1.8.1. Payroll calculation (3) 1.8.2. Maternity payments(7) 1.8.3. Temporary disability benefit (11) 1.8.4. General accounting issues (8) 1.8.5. Inventory (13) 1.8.6. Cash discipline (13) 1.9. Business checks (14) 10. Online cash registers (9) 2. Entrepreneurship and taxes (395) 2.1. General tax issues (25) 2.10. Tax on professional income (3) 2.2. USN (44) 2.3. UTII (46) 2.3.1. Coefficient K2 (2) 2.4. BASIC (34) 2.4.1. VAT (17) 2.4.2. Personal income tax (6) 2.5. Patent system (24) 2.6. Trading fees (8) 2.7. Insurance premiums(58) 2.7.1. Extra-budgetary funds (9) 2.8. Reporting (82) 2.9. Tax benefits (71) 3. Useful programs and services (39) 3.1. Taxpayer legal entity (9) 3.2. Services Tax Ru (11) 3.3. Pension reporting services (4) 3.4. Business Pack (1) 3.5. Online calculators (3) 3.6. Online inspection (1) 4. Governmental support small business (6) 5. PERSONNEL (100) 5.1. Vacation (7) 5.10 Salary (5) 5.2. Maternity benefits (1) 5.3. Sick leave(7) 5.4. Dismissal (11) 5.5. General (21) 5.6. Local acts and personnel documents (8) 5.7. Occupational safety (8) 5.8. Hiring (3) 5.9. Foreign personnel (1) 6. Contractual relations (34) 6.1. Bank of agreements (15) 6.2. Conclusion of an agreement (9) 6.3. Additional agreements to the contract (2) 6.4. Termination of the contract (5) 6.5. Claims (3) 7. The legislative framework(37) 7.1. Explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia (15) 7.1.1. Types of activities on UTII (1) 7.2. Laws and regulations (12) 7.3. GOSTs and technical regulations (10) 8. Forms of documents (80) 8.1. Source documents(35) 8.2. Declarations (24) 8.3. Powers of attorney (5) 8.4. Application forms (11) 8.5. Decisions and protocols (2) 8.6. LLC charters (3) 9. Miscellaneous (24) 9.1. NEWS (4) 9.2. CRIMEA (5) 9.3. Lending (2) 9.4. Legal disputes (4)

Some enterprises (especially small businesses) base their work on complete trust in the enterprise partner.

Their financial record keeping practices lack such an important and required document, as an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements.

Thus, they deprive themselves of the necessary argumentation when deciding controversial issues related to debt, shortfalls, etc.

What is a reconciliation act

An act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is a special document through which business partners (suppliers and buyers) make clarifications in case of discrepancies or confirm the correctness of calculations for a certain time period.

The form for this document can be made by partner enterprises themselves, since there are no officially approved forms on a legislative basis. But there are recommendations on how to compose it.

Who needs this document?

A reconciliation report may be required in the following cases:

  1. When providing the buyer of a product or service with a delay in making a mandatory payment;
  2. With constant cooperation (partnership) between the buyer and the supplier;
  3. If the product range includes big number Items and suppliers are different partners.
  4. When the cost of services or goods is high;
  5. When extending cooperation or signing additional agreements.

It is also possible to verify the implementation of basic agreements unilaterally

This will serve as insurance if a partner refuses to draw up a reconciliation report due to the fact that he simply does not want to once again delve into accounting documentation (invoices, invoices, payment orders, etc.).

Acts of reconciliation of mutual settlements are drawn up and further checked by the enterprise accountant. It is recommended that it be drawn up in the form of a register, which should include all financial transactions for a specific period (for example, a quarter).

The form of the mutual settlements reconciliation act must be drawn up in two copies.

Each of them is signed by the head and chief accountant of the enterprise initiating the inspection. Their signatures are certified by a seal.

Both copies of the form are then sent to the partner company. They must also be signed by the director and accountant of this enterprise, and then certify their signatures with a seal.

After this, one copy of the act is returned to the enterprise initiating the inspection.

Based on the results of the reconciliation, the data on the forms from both enterprises must match. If there is a discrepancy, the enterprise where they were identified must give accompanying document or a written explanation in the act about the reasons for the discrepancy.

If one of the enterprises has a financial debt to another, it is recommended to indicate the period within which the signed copy of the act must be returned to the enterprise by the creditor. In this case, the deed must indicate the period for repayment of the debt.

By signing a deed with the terms of payment of the debt, the debtor agrees to the conditions set and undertakes the obligation to pay all specified amounts within the agreed period.

The reconciliation act will serve as an indisputable fact proving the defendant’s guilt before the court

In case of non-compliance with the signed agreements, the affected enterprise may apply for statement of claim to court.

How mutual settlements are reconciled

Most often, reconciliation of mutual settlements takes place according to one of the items: a specific delivery or product article, according to one contract.

Maximum objectivity can be obtained by conducting reconciliation for the period after the next delivery or the last mutual settlement.

The procedure for carrying it out is as follows:

  • The initiator of the enterprise checks its own documentation, for example, on the delivery of goods for the current month and the monetary settlements made for it with the supplier. All data is entered into the act, certified by the corresponding signatures and the seal of the enterprise. They are then sent to the company that supplies the goods.
  • The accountant of the supplier company verifies the data specified in the act with his accounting documents. If they match, they are certified, and one copy is returned to the enterprise that sells the goods.

The initiator of reconciliation can be any enterprise: supplying goods or selling them

How to make a reconciliation report in the 1C: Accounting program

The act of reconciliation of mutual settlements can also be filled out in a special computer program 1C: Accounting, version eight.

To do this, the accountant of the supplier company must go to the “Sale” menu, and the buyer company to the “Purchase” menu. If they are placed on the command line of the main functions panel, then you can find them in the corresponding tabs.

  1. In the “Purchases/Sales” tab, open the “Settlements with counterparties” section.
  2. You need to add a new document to it: the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements. To do this, click on the “Create” button.
  3. A document will open in which you need to indicate:
    1. the counterparty with whom settlements are subject to reconciliation,
    2. the currency in which payments were made,
    3. supply/purchase agreement number.
  4. The verification report in the 1C: 8.2 program contains several bookmarks.
    1. In the first of them, data about your own enterprise is entered manually or using the “Fill” button. In this tab, financial amounts must be entered in one of the columns. If there is a debt to your own enterprise, then it is entered in the “Debit” column. If own enterprise is a debtor, then in the “Credit” column.
    2. In the second tab, the columns about the partner company are filled in in mirror image with the filling of the first tab.
    3. The third tab contains current accounts, from which one or more accounts can be selected for verification.
    4. The fourth column includes information about the persons signing the reconciliation reports. It also allows you to configure document printing options.
  5. This document does not require any postings

  6. After the reconciliation is completed, when the acts are signed by both parties, you can put a corresponding check mark on the document indicating that the reconciliation has been agreed upon. This means that all information contained in the document is protected and cannot be changed.

You can simplify and speed up the reconciliation of mutual settlements if you connect to the electronic document management system SBiS. When working with it, the following operations are performed:

  • The supplier company (“Seller”) prepares the corresponding document (reconciliation report) in the 1C program: 8.2. Then it loads it into the SBS system. Now all that remains is to complete your own approval, put a digital electronic signature and send it to your partner (counterparty) for approval.
  • The partner company (“Buyer”), upon receipt of e-mail reconciliation acts from the counterparty, checks it with the data of its own accounting department. If all the data completely matches, he puts his own digital signature on the act and forwards the act to the “Seller”. This completes the reconciliation.
  • If discrepancies arise, he prepares his own version of the reconciliation report, which includes clarifications, and the procedure is repeated only in reverse chronology.

Reconciliation report for mutual settlements electronic media has the same legal force as on paper

This is confirmed in the law on digital signatures, adopted in 2002. It can be used in court, as evidence, in the absence of other accounting documents, if the defendant or plaintiff has no objections.

The statement of reconciliation of calculations can be used to verify payments to tax authorities, Pension Fund etc. Such an audit can be initiated by the taxpayer enterprise itself.

To carry it out, you must submit a corresponding request to tax office. It indicates the types of payments and the period for which they were included in the budget, and which is subject to reconciliation. The act of this type of reconciliation is drawn up in full accordance with the requirements of Instruction No. 276, clause 9.4.

You can always download forms or examples of the design of reconciliation report forms from the Internet. Here we suggest you look at a sample reconciliation report for mutual settlements.

View the settlement reconciliation report forms: