Despite the fact that women continue to fight for equal rights with men in all spheres, the real labor market in Russia is largely divided along gender lines. And not only because employers, contrary to labor laws, often choose their employees based on gender. Society as a whole still looks at many professions as areas where women's labor is preferable. This is confirmed by sociological research. And women themselves choose a number of activities much more often than men.

What professions are suitable for the fair half?

Today we are publishing a list of professions that, for the most part, are mastered and practiced by representatives of the fair half.

Let us make a reservation that this does not mean that the presented list is purely female: thousands of men successfully work in these professions, but statistics and public opinion continue to consider them more feminine...

School teacher, kindergarten teacher, technical school, college teacher

Education remains one of the most female-dominated sectors of the Russian economy. The authorities periodically make attempts to raise the prestige of the teaching profession and involve more men in it, but so far they have not been very successful.

Can it be a consolation for girls choosing a profession that the demand for teachers in the modern labor market is not decreasing? Perhaps each of you will answer this question in your own way.


It's about the same picture here. Today, as before, in the vast majority of Russian healthcare institutions there is an acute shortage of middle and junior staff - paramedics, nurses, orderlies, and there is also a shortage of certified doctors in clinics and hospitals.


Since state and commercial universities were filled with students of law and economics, the situation on the labor market has changed little. We can only state that with the slow growth of industrial production, the need for engineering specialists is increasing every year.

But the technological breakthrough, which officials and deputies talk about so much, is impossible without the qualitative and quantitative growth of the army of engineering personnel.

IT specialist

High-tech professionals are sorely lacking in the modern economy. Many of those who work in this field are self-taught or underqualified. The fact is that the rapid development of the IT technology sector is significantly ahead of the capabilities of the conservative education system, which is chronically late in meeting the requirements of the industry and its labor market.


This is one of the fastest growing Hi-Tech (high technology) industries. Therefore, enterprises in this area are also suffocating from the lack of qualified personnel, who are trained by a small number of educational institutions in the country.

Services sector

In the modern economy, the service sector is a very capacious market. The list will be long. Starting with traditional crafts such as hairdresser, shoe maker, seamstress, tailor, and ending with relatively new ones: realtor, beauty salon and fitness center administrator, sports club coach...

Advertising and PR

To master the skill of a professional advertiser or PR specialist (public relations specialist), you need to have not only broad erudition, communication skills and an appropriate diploma. This requires a creative streak, or, as they say now, creative thinking. Therefore, not every boy and girl can do this. However, if you have a rich imagination and are purposeful enough, you can try your luck.

The game is worth the candle: if successful, the demand for you will most likely be considerable.


Marketing is a specialty without which a market economy is simply unthinkable. Thousands of types of goods and services in an oversaturated market are constantly in need of promotion. And it is based on an appropriate study of the purchase and sale processes, the strategies and tactics of competitors, and forecasting the market prospects of a particular product. Therefore, a good marketer is a godsend for any serious company.


Environmental protection and restoration specialists are becoming increasingly in demand due to growing environmental problems around the world. To minimize the negative impact of intergovernmental structures on the Earth's ecosystem, the governments of developed countries are tightening environmental safety requirements for industrial production and in all spheres of human activity. Environmental state and public control at the national and corporate level is becoming more complex.

Family psychology

Next on the list of professions that came to the post-Soviet states from the global world is a family psychologist. Western methods of collective, individual and family therapy have caused an increase in the popularity of psychological services. It is especially difficult to find a professional in family psychology, so it is no coincidence that these specialists are in high demand. And, it is common knowledge that most people trust their personal and family problems more easily to a woman.

Most ratings suggest girls become hairdressers, flight attendants, sales consultants and nail technicians. This information is especially dangerous when choosing a profession, when a graduate of the 9th or 11th grade with unformed priorities is plunged into a swamp of stereotypes. It’s dangerous not because these professions are not as good as others - a famous manicurist can earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. It is dangerous precisely because of stereotypical thinking, which drives ambitions and aspirations into rather strange frameworks.

Let's put the remnants of the past aside and talk about what profession a girl should choose in accordance with her desires, aspirations and abilities.

What to consider when choosing a profession

Your desires, genuine information about the profession and the realities of the surrounding reality. If you really love something and want to dedicate your life to it, if you are sure that you will not “burn out” in a couple of years, go for it. If in doubt, try to choose 4-5 professions that interest you most. Throw away stereotypes, instructions from parents and teachers - this is only your choice and you are responsible for it.

Try to collect as much information as possible about each chosen profession. Clarify the specialist’s responsibilities, read reviews of people who are already working - find out about the real pros and cons.

Next, try this profession on the region in which you are going to live. Look for educational institutions where you can get a specialty, pay attention to potential institutions and companies in which you would like to work. Consider the choice from all points of view - only in this case will it be balanced and, possibly, correct.

List of the best specialties - TOP-30

This rating cannot be 100% objective, because complete statistics on the work of the female part of the working population in Russia do not exist. We analyzed the demand for personnel and wages based on data from popular job search resources and HR agencies, taking into account trends and expert opinions. Based on the information collected, ratings of the most in-demand, promising and highly paid professions in which women achieve success most often were compiled.

The most popular specialties for girls – TOP-10

If we consider in-demand specialties as professions in which the most vacancies are offered on the market, then the clear leaders will be promoters, sales consultants and waiters. We decided to include in the concept the potential of the professions themselves, so we selected for the rating professions with an average salary in Russia above 33 thousand rubles.

Remember that unskilled labor is always in demand. But it does not require higher education or special ambitions. Therefore, try to pay attention to more complex specialties that offer high salaries for employees already at the start of their careers.

  1. Sales Manager. If you do not suffer from excessive shyness and want to make large transactions, if you are sociable and have a fairly developed intellect, this profession will certainly suit you. Absolutely all companies that produce something or offer any services need to increase sales. And they are willing to pay huge amounts of money for your sales skills. The average salary of an experienced sales manager in Moscow is 110 thousand rubles, in the regions – 65 thousand rubles.
  2. Stylist. Chief in charge of beauty, image and creating an individual style. Sometimes a specialist is understood as a hairdresser-stylist, but usually the range of responsibilities is much wider. He creates the concept of a person’s image, his visual positioning, and helps bring it to life. For a stylist, not only skill and experience are important, but also a personal brand. It must be earned at exhibitions and professional competitions. The average salary of a specialist in the capital is 60 thousand rubles, in the regions – 38 thousand rubles.
  3. Web Designer. A modern and highly sought-after profession. At the same time, it is complex, with algorithms for obtaining education and achieving success that are not always clear. A web designer creates architectural layouts and visual shells for websites, web services, mobile applications and computer games. The key to a specialist’s success is an ideal portfolio, experience and the ability to adapt a design for further development. The average salary of a web designer in Moscow is 75 thousand rubles, in Russia – 40 thousand rubles.
  4. Marketer. The tasks of a marketer include creating a concept for a product or service, their positioning and promotion, studying the audience of buyers and customers, organizing beneficial communication with the target audience and regular customers. The specialist’s key goal is to increase the company’s profit, increase its brand awareness and expand its audience by implementing marketing campaigns within the organization and building communication with consumers. The average salary of a marketing specialist in Moscow is 64 thousand rubles, in the regions – 35 thousand rubles.
  5. Cosmetologist. The optimal specialty is a cosmetologist. The easiest way to get it is through medical education by taking specialized courses in an accredited organization. Then you can get a job in one of the cosmetology clinics immediately after receiving your diploma. Interest in the profession will not dry up until science and robotics make sharp leaps forward. Today, people are increasingly showing interest in cosmetology, seeing it as an alternative to plastic surgery, which is why the demand for qualified specialists is extremely high. In the capital, cosmetologists receive an average of 93 thousand rubles, in Russia – 48 thousand rubles.
  6. Teacher. The only profession that is included in the rating only based on additional indicators. On average, Russian teachers receive about 28 thousand rubles, many teachers earn only 15-17 thousand. However, the profession is respectable, and it is quite possible to succeed in it. In addition, you can work in several educational institutions and tutor. The main thing is to have sufficient qualifications.
  7. Dentist. A profession that does not lose its relevance and is one of the highest paid in the medical field. It is no secret that dental services in private clinics are quite expensive. This cannot but affect the income of specialists. Experienced dentists earn good money, especially if they eventually open their own clinics. The profession is complex, you need to study and gain experience for a long time. But this is an extremely important, respectable job with decent pay. The average salary of Moscow dentists is 92 thousand rubles, in the regions - about 70 thousand rubles.
  8. Copywriter. A relatively new specialty. Previously, copywriters were understood only as creators of advertising texts, but today they mean almost everyone who writes for Internet resources. Despite high competition, a good copywriter will always achieve success and will be able to claim the maximum salary. The main thing is to get a quality education (philologist, journalist, marketer, etc.), and constantly develop. Moscow copywriters earn an average of 55 thousand rubles per month, employees of companies from the regions - 38 thousand rubles. Many specialists work on remote exchanges and in freelancing mode.
  9. Loan Specialist. Loans are becoming the main focus of banks' work, and most organizations lack specialists working in the field of lending. This applies not only to managers who know how to work with clients, but also to professionals who are able to develop credit programs and monitor their implementation at the global level. The average salary of a loan specialist in Moscow is 73 thousand rubles, in Russia – 45 thousand rubles.
  10. Secretary-assistant. Stereotypical ideas about narrow-minded secretaries should not shape the image of the profession in your perception. In fact, the assistant secretary is the manager’s right hand. A specialist works under conditions of constant stress and multitasking, often coordinates the work of several structures, develops daily schedules, works with archives, and monitors many processes. The work of qualified secretarial assistants is well paid - the average Moscow salary is 67 thousand rubles, for specialists from the regions it is lower - 37 thousand rubles.
Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school of foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

The most promising specialties for girls

The most promising professions include those that will definitely not lose their relevance in the next 50-70 years. According to experts, they will become more and more in demand over time. Each of these specialties is ideal for girls, no matter how difficult their name may sound.

Interface designer

Interface designer is the most paid profession in the industry; today, Moscow specialists earn an average of 110 thousand rubles, and employees from the regions - 80 thousand rubles. Every year, humanity spends more and more time online, and therefore interest in the specialty will only grow.

Software Engineer

A complex profession that combines technical programming and creative development of innovative solutions. A prestigious and well-paid profession. According to unofficial statistics, only 20% of university graduates with this specialty are girls. However, almost all of them work in their profession and achieve success. In Moscow, experienced software engineers earn an average of 125 thousand rubles, in the regions - 65 thousand rubles.


Do you think this profession is not for girls? Hardly. Hundreds of female university students from all over the world annually present concepts and prototypes of robots that can change our lives tomorrow.

Industry and production are being automated, robots are being introduced into medicine and even into everyday life. This specialty is one of the most promising and well-paid - in Moscow, the average salary of a roboticist exceeds 120 thousand rubles, in the regions - 90 thousand rubles.


This branch of science and one of its key areas, genetic engineering, are developing rapidly. Largely thanks to women scientists. Perhaps you will be the one to accomplish the first human cloning. While biotechnologists in Moscow receive about 60 thousand rubles, in the regions – 45 thousand rubles. However, these numbers are sure to increase.


The profession is in maximum demand now and will not lose its relevance in the future. Cities are being rebuilt, new objects are constantly being created that require modern architectural design. The work is complex, requiring professional skills and long training, but it is paid accordingly: the average salary of architects in Russia is 70 thousand rubles.

Blockchain Specialist

Can a girl understand blockchain? Practice shows that yes. This is evidenced by the experience of many projects that are in the ICO stage and many representatives of the fair half of humanity claim as team members. There are no statistics on average salaries in this segment, but it is obvious that they are significantly higher than average.


Without diminishing the importance of experienced specialists, it is important to note the need to gradually update the medical staff. Technologies are developing rapidly, and mastering them as part of advanced training is not so easy. New areas are emerging that require the work of specialized specialists. But with salaries, everything is not so rosy - so far the average salary of doctors in Russia is 33 thousand rubles.

IT Manager

These are mainly team leads, who are responsible for project management and communication with clients. The job requires not only management skills, but also knowledge of the industry in which the company operates. Moscow specialists receive an average of 102 thousand rubles, the average salary in Russia is 55 thousand rubles

Advertising is changing and campaigns are increasingly being implemented online. Therefore, advertisers need specialists who keep up with the times. Today, advertising specialists from Moscow receive about 70 thousand rubles, the average salary in the country is 39 thousand rubles.


The specialist is responsible for investments, raising capital, issuing and selling shares, and sometimes for accounting and financial audit. Companies will always need investor money, which means this specialty will never lose its relevance. The average salary of a financier in Moscow is 80 thousand rubles, in the regions of Russia – 55 thousand rubles.

The highest paid professions for girls

Let's make a reservation that we are talking specifically about average indicators. A top-level stylist can earn 10-20 times more than an experienced surgeon. But this is the exception that confirms the rule. If we compare average salaries, they are highest in the IT industry.

The most popular professions among girls here are the following:

  • Web Designer.
  • Team lead.
  • Frontend developer.
  • Sales Manager.
  • Tester.

Jobs with a good salary can be found in the field of cosmetology, advertising and marketing, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Huge money is circulating in the beauty industry, but there is an extremely uneven distribution. Two stylists with the same qualifications can receive radically different salaries, for example, 25 and 250 thousand rubles per month - much depends on the professional brand, region and place of work, and on the positioning of their work. The key components of a high salary are the right choice, good education and experience.

In your choice, try to include not only thoughts about prospects, but also your own desires. It is equally difficult to do a low-paid job you love and a high-paid job you don’t love.

It is difficult to achieve success in a profession that you hate with all your heart. Try to find among the lists of popular and promising specialties exactly the one that is truly interesting to you. Choose a good university or college to get a quality education. Don’t be afraid to change jobs and specializations - this is the only way to really achieve success.

Professions for girls after 9th grade

After 9th grade, you can enter a secondary specialized educational institution (school, college, technical school), or a lyceum (or the same college) at any university. In the second case, it will be easier to continue education, having received certain benefits upon admission. However, the very fact of leaving school after 9th grade is often associated with the desire to get a secondary education.

The most popular specialties among girls are:

  • Teacher.
  • Hairdresser-stylist.
  • Nurse.
  • Cook.
  • Pharmacist.

There are other options to consider. For example, enrolling in a pedagogical college in the field of physical education, then undergoing specialized training and obtaining the qualification of a fitness trainer is a sought-after, relevant and often well-paid profession. You can also continue your education, no matter what educational institution you graduated from. If, after graduating from college or technical school, you realize that you have chosen the wrong profession or want to get a higher education, feel free to go to university. However, remember that not all accelerated programs will be available to you - only specialized ones.

Professions for girls after 11th grade

After 11th grade, you can enroll in a higher or secondary specialized education program at any educational institution whose criteria you meet. If you have sufficient knowledge of the language, you can try to apply to foreign universities, but in practice it is easier to enroll in master’s programs there after completing 4 years of study at a Russian educational institution.

As for the profession, you can choose any specialty from the list above or pay attention to traditional “solutions”: lawyer, economist, psychologist, accountant, and so on. More and more often, girls choose the profession of managers and HR managers, which until recently were not always present in large companies. Today, all reputable organizations are aware of the need to ensure responsible recruitment and offer vacancies with decent salaries and a large volume of work.

Remember that completing Year 11 is a conditional advantage. You can get a free higher education, and this opportunity is worth taking advantage of.

However, in the process of choosing a profession, you should not be guided by salary alone: ​​take into account a set of indicators, listen to your own desires. It is very important to make an informed decision. It's okay if you make a mistake. But it's worth doing everything you can to understand your desires, accept responsibility and not waste 4 years on training that you don't need.


When choosing a profession, girls are often guided by stereotypes. Little-understood “traditions” force them to choose between a hairdresser, a makeup artist, a flight attendant and a sales consultant. It’s great if you’ve always dreamed of one of these professions. And if not? Then pay attention to the girls who successfully test the latest machines, develop unique drug formulas, create robots and fly fighter planes.

There are no “male” and “female” professions. There are specialties that are easier for men to cope with due to gender differences. But that doesn't mean you should worry that your profession isn't feminine enough, too challenging or dangerous. Nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence - listen to your desires and do everything possible to choose a job you like.

Professions for girls: TOP 30 most in demand

4.3 (86.49%) 37 votes

It is very important for women to succeed not only in terms of family, but also in the professional sphere. To do this, you need to choose the right training program and not be afraid to change your life when it becomes obvious that the activity is not enjoyable. After all, there are women’s professions that allow them to earn excellent money and at the same time find time for themselves and their family.

Why is it better for women to choose their professions?

Psychologists have repeatedly proven that perception and other cognitive processes differ between the stronger sex and women. Despite the fact that representatives of the fair half of humanity are increasingly “encroaching” on male types of work, there are good reasons not to do this. The most important of them:

  • women cannot bear heavy physical activity;
  • excessive loads are harmful to health, especially reproductive function;
  • representatives of the fairer sex always perform a large number of social functions (mother, daughter, girlfriend, etc.), so professions with high labor costs inevitably lead to depression, nervous exhaustion and lack of time for self-care.

At the same time, it is worth using the resources that are given to a woman by nature. A more flexible mind, the ability to speak well and quickly, make up stories on the go, and the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully are also in demand in business. The following positions are perfect for women in this situation:

  • PR specialist;
  • mediator;
  • announcer;
  • presenter of programs and events;
  • sales consultant.

Working professions are also, of course, available to ladies, but you should think carefully before mastering them. As a rule, such a choice is rarely objectively justified.

Relevant at all times

There are types of activities that are generally considered feminine in society, and therefore they are the most common in the labor market for the fairer sex. These include:

  • a kindergarten teacher;
  • hairdresser;
  • speech therapist;
  • primary school teacher;
  • nurse;
  • manicurist;
  • seamstress;
  • secretary or assistant manager.

Even if wages are not always high, but having received the appropriate education, women can be confident that they will not be left without work.

Although competition with men is high, there are laboratory assistants, clothing cutters, doctors, scientists, singers, actors and musicians. The advantage of working in such areas is that the team is often mixed. This increases the chances of establishing a personal life. After all, where mostly women work, even March 8 does not seem such an attractive holiday. In addition, men always stimulate women to be successful.

More modern options for women include vacancies such as dancer, model, call center operator, photographer, copywriter, SMM specialist.

Types of activities with a free schedule

More and more women are trying to combine different types of activities, so they need a job that allows them to be free to work. What options are appropriate here? You can make great money and at the same time not be tied to an office and a chair by choosing the following professions:

  • consultant (in various areas);
  • image maker/stylist;
  • taxi driver (more and more women are taking this field away from men);
  • merchandiser and sales representative;
  • network marketing specialists, among whom the most popular projects are related to cosmetics and women's products;
  • a cleaner is an option that is not very attractive, but gives a lot of free time, and modern cleaning equipment makes the work not so hard.

This list is not complete, because the market constantly creates conditions for the appearance and disappearance of old ones. Even blue-collar jobs may require part-time work. For example, a janitor or a finishing specialist has the opportunity not to work all day.

Contrary to popular belief, a woman leader cannot freely manage her time. Owning your own business requires control and setting goals, so you have to work hard. Although there are options when ladies do more with themselves than with work. But to do this, they must have a good executive director and a reliable team.

Technical professions for female hands

In-demand professions for women also exist in the complex world. Excellent results can be achieved if you choose the following work:

  • ecologist;
  • chemist;
  • engineer;
  • technologist;
  • IT specialist;
  • car painting specialist.

The list of professions that are extremely undesirable for a woman can include miner, truck driver, and rescuer.

What will help you find your way?

Modern technologies make it possible to take into account many factors that will influence professional success. If you are in doubt about what you should do, you can:

  • professional aptitude test;
  • study of individual finger patterns, which determine desired professions;
  • an astrological chart that helps identify areas where success is possible.

Perfectly allows you to find your place and. After all, there are no obligations to the employer, and there is enough time to understand whether you like this kind of work.

It should be remembered that only the weaker sex can bring beauty and soften even the most acute situations with their presence. Therefore, it is better not to strive to get ahead of men in some area and choose female professions. In addition, you always need to think strategically. How much will a woman be able to devote herself to work when she has children and a family? After all, men are critical of the fact that their wife disappears in the office. They need a clean and comfortable home, as well as a hot dinner. This is also a lot of work. Therefore, you need to plan your labor costs taking into account these features. Working hands, a thinking head and high performance are needed in any field. Therefore, women should not be afraid that they will not find themselves in the labor market!

There are practically no exclusively male or female professions today. Girls can easily compete with men in many areas. The only exceptions would be those specialties that require great physical strength and endurance. At the same time, there are many more female employees in beauty salons, kindergartens and schools, and shops.

Historically, a woman is associated with the home, housekeeping and raising children. For a long time, women were not allowed to participate in higher education and, accordingly, could not teach. Until the 19th century, girls were mainly trusted to look after small children. In the culinary business, men also occupied the leading roles for a long time. They were responsible for creating culinary masterpieces, and women could become cooks or assistants. The weaker sex was not favored in art either. For a long time, noble ladies did not work at all, and those who were poorer became servants.

Over the centuries, the situation has, of course, changed noticeably. Men may well find themselves in the service sector, and women can occupy high management positions.

Girls are defined by certain character traits that the stronger sex does not possess. They are more inclined to provide support and empathy, they find it easier to communicate with children and adults, which makes them good nurses and doctors, teachers and educators.

Women often have an innate sense of taste and style, which is why they make excellent stylists, hairdressers, makeup artists, decorators, florists, designers, and fashion designers. Attractive ladies look good on camera, can advertise goods and services, and demonstrate clothes on the catwalk as models. Many businessmen want their clients to be greeted by beautiful ladies at the entrance to their offices. Therefore, the choice of popular professions for girls is great.

Russia is the leader in the number of women employed in secondary education. In schools, the number of teachers reaches almost 99% of all employees.

A similar situation is revealed by the US Department of Labor, although in American educational institutions there are only 81% of the fairer sex. Slightly fewer girls are employed in medicine. Basically, they play the role of nurses who, although they cannot make a diagnosis on their own, strictly monitor the implementation of the attending physician’s instructions, carry out procedures, and assist during operations. In America, the vast majority of nurses are female: more than 90%.

Although both sexes can practice accounting, women are more likely to choose this profession. As a survey conducted by the recruitment site HeadHunter showed, approximately half of female accountants, unlike men, are satisfied with their work and do not intend to change it. At the same time, the employees noted that their work requires great care, endurance and perseverance, and also called their work quite nervous.

Beautiful girls are always welcome on board the plane. The profession of a flight attendant has always been considered quite prestigious, because it allows you to see the whole world. However, flight attendants do not receive very much, and not everyone can endure long flights on their feet. At the same time, flight attendants retire quite early - at 45 years old.

Applicants are required to have basic knowledge of foreign languages ​​and the ability to find a common language with people, as well as certain external data.

The vast majority of workers in beauty salons are girls. We can generally say that the industry itself belongs to the fair sex. Women open manicure and hair styling studios, select staff and manage them. Constantly emerging new procedures for hair, nails, face and body care require advanced training, but they also bring more income.

Another popular profession for women is a call center operator. It does not require special education; it is enough to be able to speak competently, be polite and attentive. As practice shows, a female voice with a pleasant timbre inspires more confidence among clients. Many students begin their careers with this kind of work.

Another good profession to start with is a store consultant. At the same time, a woman can choose the area in which she will feel confident - cosmetics, clothing, jewelry. To be successful, employees need not only to inspire confidence in the buyer, but also to have the gift of persuasion.

It would also be useful to get acquainted with psychology: sometimes the client lacks motivation or is hindered by complexes.

A slender and fit girl will make a good fitness instructor who can not only select a training program, but also inspire achievements by her example. Professionals mostly have medical education or at least have basic knowledge in this field.

The highest paid professions for girls

Forbes' list of the 25 highest-paying jobs for women in the United States places CEOs at the top spot, earning an average of $1,900 a week. The second position is occupied by pharmacists, earning $1,811. Lawyers were in third position (1,717), followed by IT workers, engineers, managers and doctors.

The situation in Russia today is completely different. Late last year, the Ministry of Labor presented a list of the most lucrative professions in the country. According to their data, captains of sea vessels and pilots of aircraft earn the most in Russia with a monthly income of 500 and 320 thousand rubles, respectively. The third place is occupied by a technologist in the gold mining industry (312 thousand), and fourth place by a hockey coach (300 thousand).

At the beginning of April, HeadHunter published its own report on the highest paid specialists in Russia for the first quarter of 2018. According to their data, programmers, business development managers, internal auditors, and system administrators earn the most.

The company's research also showed that professions such as real estate agent, production engineer, marketer, advertising specialist, economist and lawyer acquired lucrative status at the beginning of this year. In Moscow, employee salaries fluctuate at 70-80 thousand rubles per month, in St. Petersburg - 60-70 thousand, and in the regions 40-50. Cleaners, waitresses, and salespeople earn the least.

The lists of popular and profitable female professions in Russia differ somewhat. Thus, according to statistics from the website, an accountant currently receives on average from 27 to 52 thousand rubles per month. Flight attendants receive significantly more - 74-110 thousand rubles per month.

Moscow school teachers get 20-40 thousand a month. Nurses receive 39-52 thousand, and, for example, hairdressers - 48-72 thousand.

The situation on the labor market is constantly changing. In the late 90s, lawyers and economists were considered prestigious and successful; a little later, successful and motivated women began to occupy the positions of sales managers and lawyers. During the 2008 crisis, the professions of specialists in working with loans and debts were relevant. As statistics show, a lot of women have always been involved in the field of personnel selection and tourism.

Currently, the highest paid positions in Russia tend to be held by men, although the gap is narrowing and in the future women will be able to earn just as much.

The average person spends a third of their life at work. Highly paid specialist - more than half. Therefore, the desire to find a business for ourselves that will justify such a significant personal investment is quite natural for us. When choosing, you should take into account not only material remuneration, but also the correspondence of the chosen specialty to your personal calling: highly paid professions for girls are found in any industry - from medicine to design.

It is almost impossible to identify areas of activity in which women cannot work. The fair sex realizes itself with equal success in management, economics, IT and oil production. At the same time, there are a number of profitable professions for girls related to the beauty industry, the service sector or the same accounting department, where there are very few or no men.

At the same time, it cannot be said that any special preferential requirements are put forward for women holding high positions and responsible positions. For example, senior managers are required to have two or three higher education degrees, diplomas from well-known business schools, and knowledge of foreign languages. Well-paid professions for girls related to production require in-depth familiarity with technological processes, organization of enterprise work, and risk management.

However, there are other circumstances that constrain such expansion of women into areas previously considered exclusively male. Firstly, there is a constant high level of stress. Women cannot work in such conditions for a long time, avoiding emotional and professional burnout. Secondly, some highly paid jobs in Russia for girls involve borrowing male business techniques - determination, aggressiveness, perseverance. Women sometimes prefer to work in quieter conditions for a lower salary, but avoid such personality deformation. And finally, responsible work leads to a lack of communication with family, children and relatives, which is unacceptable for many representatives of the fair sex.

Top management

Strictly speaking, the profession of a top manager does not exist. The head of an enterprise can equally well have a technical, legal or economic education. Typically, business owners prefer that the invited director have all of the listed types (or at least two of them).

To achieve appointment to the position of top manager, it is not at all necessary to choose the most prestigious professions for girls. Here, career growth is determined rather by personal qualities, the willingness to take responsibility, to work not only for money, but also for the success of the enterprise.

Therefore, the salary of a top manager is not related to the number of hours spent at work. The value of his work lies in the development of the enterprise, the development of new markets, the conclusion of successful contracts and the increase in sales volume. Of course, such a contribution is accompanied by corresponding remuneration: 400–650 thousand per month for the general director of the enterprise, 180–250 thousand for department heads and 150–190 thousand for branch managers.


Futurologists predict a gradual decline in the relevance of one of the highest paid professions in Russia 2016–2020 for girls in the distant future, mistakenly assuming that the work of a lawyer or lawyer can be replaced by a computer. In fact, the value of a lawyer is not in knowledge of the laws, but in the ability to apply them to the benefit of the employer.

In addition, the profitability of jurisprudence has led to the fact that a lot of graduates of specialized universities - representatives of this popular profession for girls - are trying to find a job, flooding the labor market. But as we have already said, a diploma does not guarantee anything. A lawyer’s salary depends on his level of qualifications, experience and responsibility: when working in the public sector, such specialists rarely earn more than 25-30 thousand rubles per month, while fees for private lawyers or legal advisers of large enterprises range from 65-180 thousand rubles .


Even small companies regularly receive raw materials and send finished products to suppliers. If we talk about large enterprises, then daily transportation volumes amount to tens and hundreds of tons. What if we are talking about a product with a short shelf life? Selecting a delivery method, correctly constructing a route with intermediate points and ensuring that cargo is received on time, while minimizing transportation costs - this is just a small list of tasks solved by specialists in such a sought-after and highly paid profession for girls as a logistician.

Experience and knowledge of relevant programs helps logisticians successfully cope with their responsibilities. Depending on the size of the company, the volume of transportation and the importance of the cargo, the salary of such specialists can vary from 55 to 95 thousand rubles.


An interesting fact: the deeper scientists study the human body and the more they know about the processes occurring in it, the narrower the specialization of doctors becomes. Literally fifty years ago, doctors such as an endocrinologist, hepatologist or allergist did not even exist. At the same time, income in this highly paid profession in Russia for girls depends not only on their experience and qualifications, but also on the type of practice: in private clinics, even entry-level doctors earn several times more than their colleagues from government institutions.

Private doctor

Of course, it is difficult to get an invitation to work in a private medical center immediately after graduation, but a doctor with extensive experience, a good reputation and his own experience can easily count on a salary of 75–120 thousand rubles. At the same time, professions with high salaries for girls in Russia include any specialization - from gastroenterology to general therapy.


According to statistics, up to 95% of the world's population suffers from various dental diseases. Therefore, everything related to their treatment can be considered a highly paid job for girls. Regular therapists earn from 60,000, orthodontists - from 80,000, specialists in prosthetics and implant installation (orthopedists) - at least 95,000 rubles per month. At the same time, working with children pays one and a half times higher, and working in foreign companies pays at least three times higher.


The first financiers appeared simultaneously with the advent of money. Subsequently, some began to work exclusively with gold, others with securities, and still others with investments, but the real boom in this profitable profession for the girl began with the formation of the world market. Exchanges of currencies, raw materials, and securities need such specialists, and their work is paid more than adequately.


In this popular profession for girls in Russia in 2019, one can observe quite large salary fluctuations. An ordinary accountant who performs a small part of general operations can hardly claim an amount exceeding 35–40 thousand rubles. This is especially noticeable if the staff of accountants at the enterprise is several dozen people. However, with increased authority and increased responsibility comes a sharp increase in income. Thus, an accountant who independently manages the affairs of a small private company can claim 45–60 thousand rubles per month. The chief accountant or financial director is actually the second person in the enterprise. A specialist in this current profession for girls earns from 120 to 200 thousand rubles.


If we talk about what highly paid professions are now in demand both in the economic and legal spheres, we cannot ignore auditing activities. There are high requirements for the education of such a specialist: a thorough knowledge of not only the tax system, but also civil and labor legislation. The responsibilities of a professional auditor include analysis of the state of the enterprise and proposals for optimizing financial processes. Such labor is estimated at 95–120 thousand rubles monthly.

Information Technology

It is quite difficult to say definitely which in-demand professions for girls in the field of information processing pay the best. Ten to fifteen years ago, programmers had the highest salaries in the industry, but the rapid growth of the World Wide Web and the massive entry of businesses there caused the emergence of completely new professions:

  • SMM and content managers, copywriters;
  • Mobile application developers;
  • Designers;
  • System administrators managing online stores;
  • Marketers and online advertising managers;
  • SEO specialists and link managers.

The activities of IT developers are connected not only with the Internet. Every enterprise, starting with the smallest ones, uses computers as a business tool. For small SPD this is accounting, fixed asset accounting, searching for suppliers and clients. A large production needs a full-fledged ERP system, and if it is also a national network, the task becomes much more complicated.

The attitude towards girls in this area was formed quite a long time ago, when every IT specialist had to have a mathematical mind and programming talents. Nowadays, interesting and highly paid professions for girls are no longer associated with these qualities, although extensive knowledge of technology remains, of course, necessary. In general, girls in the field of information technology can count on almost any salary, depending on their level of competence - from 15 to 250 thousand rubles per month.

Sales promotion

Trade as a business cannot be effective without related areas - marketing and advertising. The level of income of brand promotion specialists in such cases is directly related to the size of the enterprise and the advertising budget. If in a small company an employee’s responsibilities are limited to simply posting information on accessible media, then a large production facility or national retail chain needs services such as:

  • Development of strategy and formation of brand image;
  • Determining the target audience and the best ways to convey information to it;
  • Searching for manufacturers of advertising materials and concluding contracts with them;
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and making necessary adjustments.

In this modern profession for girls, career growth begins with the position of advertising manager (35–50 thousand rubles per month) and ends with the post of marketing director (180–200 thousand rubles), which can be applied for with significant experience of successful work and positive recommendations .


Among all types of management, the ability to effectively work with goods or raw materials, build economic relationships with customers and suppliers, and maintain their loyalty is most highly valued. This determines which of the most in-demand professions for girls in this area are paid better than others: purchasing managers and sales managers. However, risk management, human resources or public relations (PR) are not much less rewarded.

Purchasing Manager

It is impossible to compare the level of responsibility of a merchandiser forming the assortment of a small grocery store and a purchasing manager at a large processing enterprise, where the product range includes thousands of items. In the second case, an employee’s mistake can lead to a production stop and multimillion-dollar losses. A highly paid specialist in this good profession for girls must have extensive work experience and be able to:

  • Find a supplier with the best payment and delivery terms;
  • Build a logistics chain, take into account delivery times and possible risks;
  • Assess the quality of raw materials and materials, their suitability for production;
  • Transport goods through customs with minimal losses.

The services of an experienced supply manager are estimated at 70–95 thousand rubles monthly, depending on the volume and complexity of supplies.

Sales manager

Specialists who know how to sell, form relationships with clients and create their own loyal client base have always been highly valued. Speaking about what professions are in demand in Russia for girls, sales managers should be named among the first.

Note that psychological methods and techniques for persuading clients, common to all areas of activity, cannot be studied theoretically, and therefore the experience of a manager is much more important than education, communication skills and focus on results. However, education sometimes also matters: it is difficult to sell medical equipment or electrical products without specific knowledge.

Such profitable professions for girls are usually paid at a flexible rate. Depending on the level of competence and the implementation of the plan, a sales manager in a cellular communication store can claim 35–45 thousand, and a real estate specialist can claim 110–150 thousand rubles monthly.

Professions that do not require higher education:

Having a higher education is not always necessary in order to master some well-paid professions for girls. Basic knowledge in such specialties can be obtained independently or by attending short courses, and the level of income of a specialist is determined mainly by his experience, certain talents and personal qualities such as creativity, perseverance, and communication skills.

Beauty industry

The best professions for girls that do not require a diploma are:
Hairdresser, stylist. The work of universal masters is valued less, but stylists in elite beauty salons and photo studios can count on a salary of 90-100 thousand rubles monthly;

  • Makeup artist, cosmetologist. The salary of high-level professionals may well reach the level of 55-85 thousand rubles. Completing various training courses also has an impact on your income;
  • Clothing designers and fashion designers. You can start your career as an ordinary seamstress (a clear example of this), and then receive an invitation to famous fashion houses, where the work of a fashion designer is estimated at 70-90 thousand rubles per month.

Creative activity

In such professions, the success of a specialist is determined to a large extent by his talent. The success of the fair sex in this area, skill in creating artistic values ​​and a special way of thinking determine the best professions for girls related to creativity:

  • Photographers earn from 70 thousand rubles per month. In this case, we are talking about ordinary generalists who work at weddings, corporate events and matinees. If the photographer is a true master, organizes exhibitions and sells photographs to printed publications, then the amount of his income is unlimited;
  • Designers can work in graphics, interiors, landscapes, furniture - in any field their work is paid at the level of 65-150 thousand rubles;
  • Florists have a hard time creating bouquets and flower arrangements. They are competent to design various events, weddings and anniversaries, and work with the interior. Such work is estimated at 35–55 thousand rubles monthly.
  • Conclusion

    Many girls completely in vain refuse self-realization and forget about their dreams, choosing a promising economic and legal direction; here, in their opinion, it is much easier. In fact, an income level of up to 120-150 thousand rubles is achievable monthly without any connection with the coveted diploma of a prestigious university. If your goal is millions, then remember: you need to choose a profession first of all on the basis of personal abilities and interests, and only then on the level of salary. After all, money by itself has never made anyone happy.
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