The genitive case answers the questions of whom? what?

    and the accusative case answers the questions of whom? What?

    Confusion arises because animate nouns answer the same question in both cases: whom?.

    In order to correctly determine the case or ending in a case, we learn to distinguish with the help of auxiliary words.

    For genitive case This there is no one, what? no son, no home, no family, no Snow Maiden,

    For accusative case This I see who, what? I see my son, house, family, Snow Maiden.

    If you substitute these helper words when declension of a word or determining case, then everything will be easy and correct.

    Hello. Please tell me how to write correctly!

    In our case, consumer is an inanimate noun.

    Option 1: The transformer substation has consumers.

    Option 2: The transformer substation has voltage consumers.

    Option 3: The transformer substation has consumers.

    Option 4: The transformer substation has voltage consumers.

    Which of the options are correct?

    Compare with the proposal:

    The hard drive has seals.

    Everything seems to be clear here.

    to come back to the beginning

    Probably, here you need to be able to distinguish between the action or the form of what is happening. Most people confuse the question Who?, which is in both the nominative and accusative cases.

    So here is the parent question Who? different from the accusative Who? an auxiliary word that is recommended to be remembered.

    For the genitive case there is the word no, and for the accusative case there is the word that. By asking a question with an auxiliary word, we also get a noun with a different ending. Example - no sister, hamster, rye - genitive case. I see my sister, a hamster, rye - accusative case.

    Here is a table with auxiliary words for each case, which make it easier to determine the case.

    In order to determine whether the case is accusative or genitive, you first need to determine whether the noun is animate. The fact is that animate nouns, both in the genitive and accusative cases, answer the question of whom?. If the noun is inanimate, it answers in the genitive case to what?, but in the accusative case to what? - a question that coincides with a question word in the nominative case.

    The noun needs to be checked to see whether it combines in the genitive case with the word no. For example, in the question No what?. The accusative case is checked by compatibility with verbs that are in the first person, singular, present tense, for example, I know, I see. I see what? - a chair or I see someone? - student. As we see, the forms of the accusative and genitive cases are the same for animate and masculine nouns of the second declension.

    Instead of an animate masculine noun in the second declension, substitute any word of the first declension. For example, No one? - student, Who do I see? - student. In the first declension for the genitive case y, and for the accusative case y.

    We replace the plural noun with an inanimate noun of the same form, after which we determine the case in the same way. For example - I know (who?) people should be replaced with I know (what?) names. It turns out that names are plural nouns in the accusative case.

    If we take the example with the genitive case, we replace I know the address of (who?) friends with I know the addresses of (what?) companies. Firm is in the genitive plural.

    Try to determine the case of nouns that are not declined (coffee, coat, etc.) using key questions. If it is difficult to determine from the questions, use the option with replacement by any noun (declension).

    I was once confused with this too. So, the genitive case answers the question of who and what, and the accusative case answers who, what. The simplest thing that can be done in this case to distinguish the case is to substitute the word I see or not. If the word no fits, then the case is genitive; if I see, then the case is accusative.

    The problem with determining case occurs only for animate nouns, because inanimate nouns answer different questions in the genitive and accusative case and therefore have different endings. In the genitive case, this is a question of what? and what about the accusative? Therefore, the easiest way to deal with animate nouns is to kill them, excuse the expression. It will look something like this: I brought home a rabbit, the question is Who?, the noun is animate, so we kill it this way: I brought home the carcass of a rabbit, the question turns out to be What?, and therefore the case is accusative. Same with the option I don’t have a rabbit. Again the question of Who? and incomprehensible case We kill, we get I don’t have a rabbit skin and the question turns out to be What?, and therefore the genitive case. This is how we were taught at school, a little brutally, but it was easy to remember.

    To distinguish the accusative case from the parent case, you need to ask the question:

    For the accusative case - Should you blame someone (or what) for your troubles? answer: yourself, your laziness, TV.

    For the genitive case, ask the question: Who is guilty? - lawyer. The culprit doesn't have what? - protection.

    The genitive answers the questions: Who?, What?, for example: I don’t have (Who? What?) brother, mug. The accusative answers the questions: Who?, What? Example: I received (Who? What?) brother, a mug.

    It can be difficult distinguish genitive from accusative in a sentence. The fact is that for animate nouns, both of these cases answer the question whom?. You can replace an animate object with an inanimate one in such a sentence and see what kind of question you can ask: if what?, then this is the genitive case if What? accusative.

    For example:

    • I see an elephant (who?). Let's replace the word elephant on table. I see a table (what?). Therefore, there is an accusative case here.
    • There is not a single elephant (who?). By analogy we get: There is not a single table (what?). This means that in the above sentence the genitive case is used.
  • Declension by case refers to the section of the Russian language. The genitive case answers the questions -NO- who? what?, and the accusative case - I SEE - who? What?. That is, when determining cases, it is enough to substitute the corresponding words and check whether the word being tested corresponds to the corresponding case. Then you won’t have to remember a bunch of all the rules.

    Schoolchildren usually confuse and poorly distinguish between the accusative and genitive cases. I myself remembered that I had difficulty at school until I was told an effective way, which is to substitute the word I see. I see (who? what?) a window, a street, a mother, a magazine.

    And the genitive case has questions of whom? what? To determine the genitive case, you can also substitute the word No. There is no (who? what?) window, street, magazine.

You will need

  • Nouns in genitive and accusative cases.
  • Knowledge of case definitions.
  • Knowledge of questions that determine cases.


According to the definitions in, the genitive case means:
Belonging to someone or something, for example “an arctic fox skin”, “teacher’s journal”;

If there is a relationship between the whole and its part, for example, “magazine page (RP)”;

Displaying an attribute of an object in relation to another object, for example, “survey results (RP)”;

The object of influence in the presence of a verb with a negative particle “not”, for example, “does not eat meat (R.p.)”;

The object of influence in the presence of a verb denoting desire, intention or removal, for example, “to wish happiness (R.p.)”, “to avoid responsibility (R.p.)”;

If there is a comparison of objects, for example, “stronger than oak (R.p.)”;

If the noun is the object of measurement, or genitive date, for example "a spoonful of sour cream" or "Paris Commune Day".

According to definitions in the Russian language, the accusative case means:
Transition of action to the subject completely, for example, “leafing through a magazine,” “driving a car”;

Transfer of spatial and temporal relations “walk a mile”, “rest”;

In rare cases, it is formed as a dependence on, for example, “it’s a shame for a friend.”

In order to never confuse a noun, it is important to remember that each case in the Russian language corresponds to a universal question, asking which of a given noun, we ultimately get the corresponding case.
The genitive case corresponds to the question “there is no one?” for the animate and “no what?” for inanimate nouns.
The accusative case corresponds to the question “I see who?” for the animate and “I see what?” for inanimate nouns.
Determining the cases of nouns based on its definitions or is extremely difficult. Let’s say that remembering all the definitions of the genitive and accusative cases is quite difficult. And the endings of nouns quite often coincide.
Here is an example using an animate noun in the plural:

Not far away I noticed people (see who? - V.p.)

There were no people around (there was no one? - R.p.)
As you can see, the word is declined in the same way in both cases.

But, in order to finally make sure that the case is determined correctly, mentally substitute an inanimate noun instead of an animate one.
For example:

Not far away I noticed a pillar (see who? - V.p.)

There were no pillars around (there was no one? - R.p.)
From the example it is clear: an inanimate noun in the accusative case does not change, unlike the same noun in the genitive case.

From this we can draw conclusions:
1. To distinguish the genitive from the accusative, ask the noun a defining question.

2. If you determine the case of an animate noun, because the question “who?” refers to both cases, then substitute an inanimate noun for this noun and ask it a defining question. For the genitive it will be “no what?”, and for the accusative “I see what?”. If the word looks like in, then the case of your noun is accusative.

In most cases, distinguishing between the genitive and accusative forms does not present any difficulties: you just need to pay attention to the case endings. If the endings of both forms coincide, you need to proceed according to the following algorithm.


If you have something inanimate in front of you, then you should ask a question about it. Nouns in

At school, several classes are always devoted to the accusative case, as it causes the most serious difficulties for students. It is no wonder that adults often make mistakes when using the accusative case. So it’s worth looking into this topic.

The accusative case is one of the 6 main ones and, as a rule, is used in the “transitive verb + noun” pair. What does this mean? This means that a noun in the accusative case experiences some kind of action directed at it by the noun or pronoun that performs the function of the subject. A simple and understandable example is “I love mom (dad, cat, sausages, porridge, music, flowers, etc.).” The subject, that is, the active person, in this case is the pronoun “I”. The direct object, expressed by a noun following a verb, experiences the action of the subject - love. And it will always be used in the accusative case.

This is quite easy to check: firstly, you can remember the case questions,

the accusative answers to “who? what?”, secondly, follow the endings, substituting nouns of the 1st declension instead of the complement in ambiguous cases - mom, dad, fox, etc. They will all end in "y".

The accusative case in the Russian language is often a source of errors, especially when it is replaced by the genitive, dative, nominative, and even Very often verbs require the use of a nominal direct object, but errors still slip through, so studying a topic devoted to how to correctly use the accusative case , needs to be combined with the topic about the construction of phrases and the features of the “verb + noun” pair.

There is also a possibility of encountering the accusative case in sentences that denote temporary concepts, for example, “work all week,” “get up every hour,” “rewrite notes all night.” In the latter case, both nouns are used in the accusative case, so care and caution should be exercised when parsing such sentences.

If the form of a noun is very similar to but the noun is not the subject, you can do a grammatical to make sure that the noun is used in the accusative case.

If doubts arise about the correctness after

some verb, you should look in the dictionary and check which case you need to use. For example, verbs such as “slow down”, “inspire”, “report”, “send”, “put on” and so on.

There are also some differences in the declension of animate and inanimate nouns. For example, “wait for a letter” and “wait for father.” In the first case the case will be genitive, and in the second case it will be accusative. This can be easily verified by asking questions from the verb to the object. So the substitution of nouns belonging to the first declension is still not a panacea. There are several ways to check yourself.

And the best way to become a competent person and practically avoid making mistakes is to large quantities read good literature.

The accusative case answers the questions "who? what?" and is used in sentences and phrases only with verbs and its forms (participle and gerund). The most common function of this case in the Russian language is the expression of the direct object of the action: I read a book, draw a picture and so on. What else can the accusative case mean, and how to distinguish it from the genitive? Read the article below!

What does case mean?

The case discussed in the article can have completely different meanings.

For example:

  • The accusative tense will indicate the time of an already completed action - “meet every Tuesday.”
  • The accusative quantity should be used to denote cost when there is a reference to the quantitative side of the verbal action - “cost one hundred rubles.”
  • A noun in the accusative case of measure will indicate a measure of time or space - “to run three kilometers.”
  • The accusative of the object will name the object to which the action is directed - “throw the ball.”
  • The accusative of the result will designate an object that will be the result of some action - “sew a T-shirt.”

In order to correctly determine the case in front of you, you need to know the questions of the accusative case (who? what?). Substitute “blame” or “see” with the word, and you will immediately understand everything. For example, I blame (who?) my grandmother, I see (what?) a cutlet.

Case meanings

This form of the word has two main meanings: objective and subjective.

  1. The objective meaning may appear next to a transitive verb ( buy a cat), next to the predicate ( sorry, visible, necessary, painful, sorry for the dog) and in one-part sentences expressing the required object ( reward for the brave).
  2. Subjective meaning can only be expressed in a sentence (not in a phrase). The accusative case, located at the beginning of a sentence, which tells us about the state of the person ( The boys were inspired by the award). The subject meaning is expressed by the case in sentences like “The child is shivering.” This meaning is also expressed by sentences that do not have a clear subject of action ( a person was killed).

Case endings

Questions in the accusative case also determine its ending.

So, what should be the endings for these forms of words?

  • Singular nouns: horse, land, mother, pig, field, mouse, path, banner.
  • Accusative case of plural (the number plays a big role in setting the correct ending) number: horses, land, mothers, pigs, fields, mice, paths, banners.
  • Adjectives and participles in the singular have the following endings: oval and oval, oval, oval; soft and soft, soft, soft; hare and hare, hare, hare.

Accusative prepositions

This case can be combined with a large number of prepositions, both simple and derivative. If a word is combined with simple prepositions (in, for, under, on, with), then it has a definitive meaning. Moreover, this definition can be different - by place, time, property, reason, purpose, and so on. Paired with a simple preposition, a word in the case we are analyzing can also have an objective meaning ( vote for a deputy, go mushroom picking). The word can also perform the function of replenishing the necessary information ( got a reputation for being a talker).

In the whole sentence, the form of the word in the accusative case paired with a simple preposition performs other functions. For example, case can indicate a predicative feature ( medal for bravery). The accusative case can even extend the sentence ( a kilometer from the village there is a lake; Miracles happen on New Year's Day). Paired with the prepositions “for” and “under,” the word can express the meaning of approximate ( he is over forty, she is under fifty).

Also, words in the accusative case form can be combined with derived prepositions ( despite, despite, a day later).

How to distinguish the accusative from the genitive: method one

In order not to confuse the cases of the Russian language, you need to remember that each of them has its own question, depending on the meaning of the case. By asking a universal question and finding a match for it, you will easily understand which case the word is in front of your eyes. The genitive case often denotes belonging, the whole-part relationship, a sign of an object in relation to some other object, an object of influence, and so on.

This form of the word is associated with the questions “no who?”, “no what?”. The accusative case will answer the questions “I see who?”, “I see what?” It is very difficult to determine the form of a word only by its meaning or ending. It is too difficult to remember all the meanings of the genitive and accusative case; they have many nuances. And the endings of nouns in these forms may even coincide!

Difficulties can especially often arise in determining the case of an animate noun. If the question is “who?” does not help you cope with the task, then imagine an inanimate noun in place of the animate noun. Ask a question for the genitive “no what?” and for the accusative “I see what?” If the word being defined has the same form as in the nominative case, then it is in the accusative case.

How to distinguish the accusative from the genitive: method two

  • If the noun in front of you is inanimate, just ask the right question ( I buy (what?) flowerpots; I don’t see (what?) pots). In the second case, the word is in the genitive case.
  • If you see an animate noun of the 2nd declension masculine, put any word of the 1st declension in its place and watch the ending ( I see a boar - I see a fox: ending y - genitive); ( no boar - no fox: ending ы - accusative).
  • If you see an animate noun in the plural, then simply replace it with an inanimate noun ( I love people - I love (that) letters- accusative; I love the kindness of people - I love the kindness of letters- genitive).

Remember that in Russian there are many indeclinable nouns ( coffee, pots and so on), looking the same in any case. In this case, all higher-level advice may not be suitable. Always check the correctness of the case definition with a key question, and there will be no mistakes.

A noun is a part of speech that denotes any objectivity, i.e. a noun answers the question “who” or “what”. The noun changes by case. In order not to confuse the cases with each other, there is a strictly defined system of differences between them. This article will help in the future to easily distinguish the genitive from the accusative case.

You will need

  • Nouns in genitive and accusative cases.
  • The ability to determine cases.
  • Knowledge of questions that determine cases.


1. There are six cases of nouns in Russian: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional. It is not for nothing that these names were given to them. Let's look at two cases of each: genitive and accusative.

2. Genitive case According to definitions in the Russian language, the genitive case means: Belonging to someone or something, say “an arctic fox skin”, “a teacher’s journal”; If there is a relationship between the whole and its part, say “magazine page (RP)”; Displaying the sign of an object in relation to another object, say “survey results (RP)”; The object of influence in the presence of a verb with a negative particle “not”, say, “does not eat meat (R.p.)”; The object of influence in the presence of a verb denoting desire, intention or removal, say, “want happiness (R.p.)”, “avoid responsibility (R.p.)”; If there is a comparison of objects, say, “stronger than oak (R.p.)”; If the noun is the object of measurement, counting, or genitive date, say “a spoonful of sour cream” or “Paris Commune Day.”

3. Accusative caseAccording to definitions in the Russian language, the accusative case means: The transition of action to the entire object, say, “leafing through a magazine,” “driving a car”; Transfer of spatial and temporal relations “walk a mile”, “rest for a month”; In rare cases, it is formed as a connection from an adverb, say, “insultingly for a friend.”

4. In order to never confuse the cases of a noun, it is important to remember that all cases in the Russian language correspond to a multifunctional question; asking the one for a given noun, as a result, we get the corresponding case. The genitive case corresponds to the question “there is no one?” for the animate and “no what?” for inanimate nouns. The accusative case corresponds to the question “I see who?” for the animate and “I see what?” for inanimate nouns. It is very difficult to determine the cases of nouns based on their definitions or endings. It is possible that remembering all the definitions of the genitive and accusative cases is quite difficult. And the endings of nouns quite often coincide. Let’s give an example using an animate noun in the plural: I noticed people nearby (I see who? - V.p.) There were no people around (there was no one? - R.p.) As you can see, he’s leaning in both cases the word is identical. But, in order to finally verify the correctness of the case definition, mentally substitute an inanimate one for the animate noun. Let's say: Nearby I noticed a pillar (I see who? - V.p.) There were no pillars around (there was no one? - R.p.) From the example it is clear: an inanimate noun in the accusative case does not change in difference from the same noun having Genitive.

5. From here we can draw some conclusions: 1. To distinguish the genitive from the accusative, ask the noun a defining question.2. If you find it difficult to determine the case of an animate noun, because... the question “who?” refers to both cases, then substitute an inanimate noun for this noun and ask it a defining question. For the genitive it will be “no what?”, and for the accusative “I see what?”. If the word looks like it is in the nominative case, then the case of your noun is accusative.

In most cases, distinguishing the forms of the genitive and accusative case does not present any difficulties: you just need to pay attention to the case endings. If the endings of both forms coincide, it is necessary to do the following algorithm.


1. If you have an inanimate noun in front of you, then you should ask a question about this word. Nouns in the genitive case answer the question “what?” and are in harmony with the word “no”. Nouns in the accusative case answer the question “what?” and are in harmony with the word “I see”. Let's say: I put on (what?) a coat - accusative case, I go without (what?) a coat - genitive case.

2. If you have in front of you an animate masculine noun of the 2nd declension, then you should substitute any word of the 1st declension in its place and look at its ending. Let's say: shot a boar = shot a fox (ending -у - accusative case), got scared of a boar = scared of a fox (ending -ы - genitive case).

3. If you have an animate noun in the plural, then it should be replaced with an inanimate noun in the same form. Let's say: I love people, I love (what?) letters - accusative case. I love the sincerity of people, I love the sincerity of (what?) letters - genitive case.

Helpful advice
In the Russian language there are indeclinable nouns, say, “coat”, “coffee”, when in any case the word looks identical. In this case, the case can be determined only by the key issue.