IN Lately More than one book has matured in my head with the title “How I came to Islam and what I saw in it...”. Recently, in a conversation with someone, I mentioned that I was counting the days of my life from the moment I came to Islam.

In fact, it was as if I didn't exist at all. And how the world and your surroundings change, the more you begin to learn and understand... At first I was just “Dianka, who will definitely get over it...”, then I became “Dianka, who is greatly influenced by someone... who -is clearly a zombie...", then the stages began: "Dianka, who became fanatical, radical, irreconcilable, intolerant, no, no, no, no,...", "Dianka who completely ruined herself", "Dianka who lost her human form..." And finally, what was left was “Ayat, who is no longer Diana at all... and with whom no one is on the same page...” How long did it take them to understand this. Probably years... I only needed one surah in the Koran. “Say: O you infidels! I do not worship what you worship...” It happened that I was even diagnosed with Islam of the brain! Apparently wanting to point out my inferiority. But if they only knew what a service they are doing me with such words. If only they knew how their misunderstanding, their hatred, their alienation, their sidelong and angry glances, their angry responses, their slander behind my back, their crossing to the other side of the street, seeing me from afar, please me. Oh, if they only knew how happy I am at their disapproval, they would want with all their might to do the opposite, they would kill each other for such a service rendered to the Muslims. Every time a conversation does not work out for one reason only: “You only talk about Islam,” I am ready to cry with love, tenderness and gratitude to Allah Almighty, who leads me to the straight path, and not the path of those who are under His wrath and not lost. Every time I say that Islam is the air I breathe, this is the time I spend, this is an integral part of me that I value, I hear only one thing: “You have gone too far into religion... too much! You can not do it this way". You can’t not listen to music at all, you can’t not watch TV at all, you can’t really wrap yourself up like that, you can’t really be so strict and serious. You need to be simpler... Simpler... That is, you need to be the kind of Muslim woman from whom it will be easier for them to mold what they love. Something they will be pleased to see. “Well,” they say, when they suddenly see you in light clothes, although it seemed before that they didn’t know about your existence at all... Well, now it’s a completely different matter! You have become fresher, blossomed, brightened. Always walk like this! Nice to look at!" Sometimes it seems to me that if, Allah forbid, for example, I appear in the yard in trousers and a tunic, with a hijab “a la Zhadi,” they will generally distribute sadaqa on this occasion. And I will become the most, most, most beloved - the same Dianka that I once was... That is, the same one, ungrateful to Her Lord, but so grateful to her “friends and neighbors.” The same infidel who got stuck in sins, the same wicked who believed that she had to live for herself, for everyone, for anyone, but not for Allah. How can you want to return there... to this past, how can you want the satisfaction of all these once familiar, close, relatives, just for their satisfaction... It’s as hateful as if you were thrown into the fire again... I’m tired of repeating, that I do not seek anyone's pleasure except the pleasure of Allah. I don’t understand why you should add me as a friend, then, after a while, understand that you are dealing with some kind of “abnormal fanatic”, and write: “I wish you good luck, gain knowledge, you are just still young, impulsive...” Subhan-Allah! How many times have I heard this since the very moment I read Surah Al Kafirun, and drew a clear line between us. From the very moment when I outlined who the real terrorists were. From the very moment I said loudly and clearly: “Kafir!”, and they hastened to shut my mouth, because “... only Allah decides this; Well, let him work wherever he wants, do whatever he sees fit. You don’t know what’s in his heart, you can’t judge outwardly - only Allah judges! Perhaps he will enter Paradise before all of us combined..." So, from the very moment when I froze in front of the screen, listening to the Call of my Ummah, silently swallowing tears, and realizing that my life had changed completely... From that very moment when I started stroking the monitor and reading dua for them, hoping that someday I would achieve at least half of what they... From the very moment when my heart began to beat stronger when meeting my brothers and sisters, and my face became more severely, when meeting people from the past... It was from that moment that I began to live. I live here and now. As long as I have my religion. And no one except Allah will take it away from me and will not be able to return it to the past, which I hate. I do not worship what you worship or what you worship. You have your own religion - I have mine. And let these words be on my lips until my last breath, until my last shahada. Only the pleasure of Allah, and no one else. It's a draw. Amine.

Prayer therapy
Bioenergy therapist
Spiritual healing
Removing negative information and influences
Intuitive vision, clairvoyance

Winner of the first international prize in the field of esotericism and healing in the category “Ethnic Esotericist” 2014

SESSIONS of extrasensory diagnostics and energy information correction:

Biocorrection (diseases of varying severity)
Removing evil eyes, damage, curses
Personal and psychological problems(elimination of psychological attachments, cleansing negative emotions)
Modeling positive situations
Solving problems in interpersonal relationships, harmonization of relationships with the opposite sex, family relationships
Elimination of insomnia, depression, fears
Elimination of necrotic connection


I was born in Dagestan. Since 1986 I have lived in St. Petersburg, and also conduct receptions in Moscow.

My abilities go back centuries. My mother removed all negative programs from people with the help of prayers, eggs and water. She helped everyone who needed her help. And there were a lot of them! My brother also followed in my mother’s footsteps. He healed the most seriously ill patients with energy.

Unlike my peers, I understood that I had some kind of power that was incomprehensible to me at that time. I could tell everything about a person on the cards, until I was warned twice in a dream - a quiet female voice on the right said: “You can’t guess.” And my late mother warned me what fortune telling on cards meant for me. Since then I have parted with the cards. By applying my hands I could relieve any pain. But for a long time I refused to work in this direction.

I became interested in finding out about myself, who am I? Why me? Then I started attending some courses and seminars. Some were interesting, some turned out to be not mine, since people tend to remember something that is closer to their spirit. And here I realized that each person must bring his own experience, his knowledge, which is given to him from above.

In the process of working with a person, it turned out that knowledge and help that is suitable for some people does not help others. Everyone is given their own individual from above. And therefore, when I start working with a person, I am open to everything new that may appear in this work.

I often see prophetic dreams. There are answers to specific questions posed. When a stressful situation occurred in my life, my abilities became even stronger. Clairvoyance and clairaudience opened up. People who are in my field admit that they are getting better: fears, depression and much more disappear.

Then an idea came to me: what if I consciously help people? Happened!

Through clairvoyance I can identify a cause-and-effect relationship through viewing events of the past, present, and future. I establish the reasons that led to failures in life (at work, in the family). I identify all negative forms of influence on a person that are magical in nature, such as damage, the evil eye, curse and other forms. Help in neutralizing them.

I provide assistance in solving various life situations: betrayal, leaving the family, returning good luck, financial and business issues, eliminating binge drinking, drug addiction, eliminating necrotic attachments. Exorcism. I practice searching for missing people, as well as missing documents, etc. I will predict where to find your destiny.

Prayers and energy work to attract good luck and success!

I work via Skype, over the phone and in person. There are no boundaries for energy and prayers.

Tell friends:
Number of impressions: 10774

Enver Abdurakhmanov was born in the village. Albat, Bakhchisarai district in 1940. His father, Emirsale Velyaev (Chubarsale - nickname), worked in the local regional consumer union. He was born in Bakhchisarai in the family of a tanner, Emirali, in 1908. The family had three boys and 2 girls. The mother of the hero of our story, Tenzile Asanova, was born in the Bakhchisarai region. More details not available. She was a housewife.

The story of the engagement of Enver-aga's parents is romantic. His mother was already engaged, but she sympathized with Emirsala. And her father stole her, took her to Albat, where the young people began their life together. They were filming private apartment. In 1935, a girl, Maire, was born. In 1938, their son Server was born. And in 1940 Enver was born.

In 1939, embezzlement occurred in the Albatsky District Consumer Union. The employees, including the father, were tried and given various sentences. The father was sentenced to 2 years. He served his sentence in Ufa, working there as a stoker in a hospital. It was war time. After serving his sentence, he was transferred to the labor army.

By the beginning of the war, Enver-aga's mother remained with three children in Albat. The times were harsh, it was impossible to feed the children. The family moved to Bakhchisarai and began to live in the house of grandfather Emirsale-kartbaba (at 58 Lenin Street), in which his father’s sister Fatma-ala lived at that time. The house is still standing.

The mother got a job in a canteen to feed her children. When leaving for work, she locked the children. One day my mother went to work (this was in 1943) and did not return. No one could understand where she had gone.

Fatma-ala, knowing that she would not be able to support her three nephews, distributed them among her friends.

Enver was taken in by the childless family of Abduraman Nafe and Abibullaeva Fatima. Fate turned out in such a way that, due to his age, Enver did not know who was given to raise his sister and brother.

The fate of grandfather Emirali-kartbaba

During the dispossession of him and his brother Seydamet, authorities looked for jewelry in the house. Emirali-kartbaba managed to hide and go to Melitopol and further to Ganja (Kirovobad). Eyewitnesses said that Seydamet’s brother was tortured and demanded to say where they kept gold and precious items. Even the window sills were opened. Ultimately, a total of about 10 kg of gold items and jewelry acquired by their labor were confiscated. Knowing about the danger impending to their families, the brothers distributed much of their property to their neighbors. They always enjoyed respect and great authority among their neighbors. And during further interrogations, none of the neighbors said a single bad word about them.

Everyone knew them as enterprising people who right time could always help poor people. The following example speaks volumes about their business savvy.

When bicycles first appeared in Bakhchisaray, Emirali-kartbaba bought several of them and rented them out to visiting tourists so that they could quickly get to the Khan’s Palace and other attractions of Bakhchisaray. His fate was such that even before the war he returned from Ganja to Bakhchisarai and died there.

Life in deportation

During the deportation, Enver and his new parents ended up in the Fergana Valley in the Tashlak district, the Fergana collective farm. In 1946, the family was recruited to Fergana, where the parents got a job at a textile plant.

In 1946, the head of the family, Abduraman, was sentenced to 10 years for careless statements and exiled to the Chita region. Returned home after Stalin's death.

Enver went to school in 1947. Life was difficult, and from an early age I had to earn extra money. He remembers molding bricks on construction sites when he was 14 years old.

How did the fate of Enver-ag'a's father Emirsale Velyaev turn out?

Life turned out in such a way that during his stay in a settlement in Ufa, Emirsale-aga had a life partner, and later they had a daughter. And yet the father was searching for his relatives. And he found out that he Native sister Fatime lives in Andijan. Subsequently, he new family moved there.

The meeting of the hero of our story, Enver Agha, with his father turned out to be unusual. My father was a good musician and performed at weddings. And at one of these weddings, which was attended by father and son, they were introduced to each other. This was shortly before my father's death. Later, his father’s second family also moved to Crimea, and Enver-aga constantly communicates with his sister Najie. This is the intertwining of people's destinies.

Difficulties in the life of Enver Abdurakhmanov

Due to the unusual nature of his biography, Enver Agha had his own difficulties. IN younger age new parents, in order not to traumatize the child, did not let him know that he Foster-son. But when he grew up, problems arose with obtaining a passport. Due to the lack of identification, he was not issued a passport. He wrote to Bakhchisarai twice, but the answer came from there that the archive burned down and the documents were not preserved. Due to need, it was not possible to study in high school. Enver completed courses at DOSAAF, received a 3rd class driver's license and was drafted into the army in 1961.

After returning from the army, he got a job as a driver. Later he graduated from an auto-mechanical technical school. Got married. The family had two children. Worked at vocational school-1.

Participation in the national movement

At the end of the eighties, he joined the national movement to return to his homeland.

As Enver-aga recalls, the entire people were imbued with this dream. In the Regional Executive Committee, activists were given a room where they literally spent days and nights, solving all sorts of issues that arose before the people returning to their homeland.

An original idea came from activists of the national movement to return a group of young compatriots to Crimea. Vocational school employees knew how difficult it was to enroll students in vocational schools at the beginning of each school year. And the activists came up with the idea of ​​organizing a group of young people from among our compatriots to enter vocational schools in Crimea. To coordinate this issue, Enver Agha was sent to Moscow to the Ministry of Education. In turn, ministry employees agreed on this issue with the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and Crimea. A positive response was received.

In Fergana, local newspapers advertised the enrollment of students in Crimean vocational schools. There were more than enough of our compatriots willing to participate. This was one of the ways to return home. A plan was developed in detail for the transportation of young people who expressed a desire to enroll in schools in Crimea. Two special carriages were formed, and about two hundred applicants were sent to Simferopol. Accompanying the youth were Seithalil-agaa, a vocational training master at one of the vocational schools in Fergana, and Shevkhiye Ablyakimova, a worker public education Regional Executive Committee.

Enver Agha met this unusual delegation at the Simferopol station. Two trolleybuses were rented and the applicants were brought to PTU-26. Initially, it was planned to distribute future students throughout Crimea. But the director of school 26 expressed a desire to enroll all recruits in his educational institution. As a result, after 1-2 years, these graduates, our compatriots, were distributed among the construction divisions of Grazhdanstroy, PMK and others construction organizations, engaged in the construction and arrangement of our compatriots on native land.


Enver-aga himself moved to Crimea with his family in 1992. First they settled in the Razdolnensky district. Later they moved to Simferopol. He was hired by Reskomnats. At the end of the 90s he retired. The hero of our story considers himself happy man. He and his wife have two children, five grandchildren. Like all our compatriots, he dreams of the further prosperity of our people in their native land. And yet, no, no, yes, he is overcome by melancholy that he does not know the fate of his missing mother, brother and sister, who were transferred to be raised by other families. Enver Agha repeatedly made inquiries through the press about their fate, but positive result never received it. And yet, he finds consolation in the certificates of birth records of him and his sister Mayra, obtained in the archives of Crimea after returning to their homeland. What can we do? This is the fate of many of our compatriots of the older generation who survived the tragedy of deportation.


Find out more and make an appointment:

Telephone,WhatsUp, Viber: +79522893309
[email protected], In contact with

Sessions of clairvoyance, extrasensory diagnostics and energy-information correction:

  • Biocorrection (diseases of varying severity)
  • Solving personal and psychological problems (eliminating psychological attachments, clearing negative emotions)
  • Modeling positive situations
  • Solving problems in interpersonal relationships
  • Elimination of insomnia, depression, fears
  • Exorcism
  • Elimination of necrotic connection
  • Cleaning of premises (apartments, offices)

Zainap Abdurakhmanova in the program “Labyrinths of Life”

Zainap about himself:

I was born in Dagestan. Since 1986 I have lived in St. Petersburg, and also conduct receptions in Moscow.

My abilities go back centuries. My mother removed all negative programs from people with the help of prayers, eggs and water. She helped everyone who needed her help. And there were quite a few of them! My brother also followed in my mother’s footsteps. He healed the most seriously ill patients with energy.

Unlike my peers, I understood that I had some kind of power that was incomprehensible to me at that time. I could tell everything about a person on the cards, until I was warned twice in a dream - a quiet female voice on the right said: “You can’t guess.” And my late mother warned me what fortune telling on cards meant for me. Since then I have parted with the cards. By applying my hands I could relieve any pain. But for a long time I refused to work in this direction.

I became interested in finding out about myself, who am I? Why me? Then I started attending some courses and seminars. Some were interesting, some turned out to be not mine, since people tend to remember something that is closer to their spirit. And here I realized that each person must bring his own experience, his knowledge, which is given to him from above.

In the process of working with a person, it turned out that knowledge and help that is suitable for some people does not help others. Everyone is given their own individual from above. And therefore, when I start working with a person, I am open to everything new that may appear in this work.

I often have prophetic dreams. There are answers to specific questions posed. When a stressful situation occurred in my life, my abilities became even stronger. Clairvoyance and clairaudience opened up. People who are in my field admit that they are getting better: fears, depression and much more disappear.

Then an idea came to me: what if I consciously help people? Happened!

Through clairvoyance I can identify a cause-and-effect relationship through viewing events of the past, present, and future. I establish the reasons that led to failures in life (at work, in the family). I identify all negative forms of influence on a person that are magical in nature, such as damage, the evil eye, curse and other forms. Help in neutralizing them.

I provide assistance in solving various life situations: betrayal, leaving the family, returning good luck, financial and business issues, eliminating binge drinking, drug addiction, eliminating necrotic attachments. Exorcism. I practice searching for missing people, as well as missing documents, etc. I will predict where to find your destiny.

Prayers and energy work to attract good luck and success!

I work via Skype, over the phone and in person. There are no boundaries for energy and prayers!

Zainap Abdurakhmanova, reviews

I am delighted and pleasantly surprised to meet such a person as Zainap Abdurakhmanova.

I had a difficult situation in my life and I received great help from Zainap. I am very grateful to her. Her seemingly invisible work bore fruitful fruits. The outflow of energy in the solar plexus area has disappeared. Now I don't feel any inner torment or unhappiness.

At the session, I told my whole life, it all poured out of me like a stream, I cried, and she just listened and seemed to do nothing. When I came out, my negative feelings did not immediately disappear, and at first I did not believe that anything would happen. But then, after a while, I suddenly noticed that those negative feelings were no longer there. The feeling that “everything is bad”, “I can’t do anything” went away... Zainap healed my soul. It was as if I had visited a good psychologist.

I will refer friends and acquaintances to her.
I convey my warmest regards to Zainap!

Polyanskaya Irina

Photos, diplomas

About Me

My name is Khadijat, I am 24 years old. Born and raised in Dagestan. Graduated from DSU, Faculty of Law, in this moment I work at the Federal Cadastral Chamber. In addition to official work, I’m setting up my small business, for which I have big plans.

I love a variety of music, dancing and everything connected with it. I get inspired by reading literature, going to theaters, museums and cinema - this, let’s say, gives me a certain inner, spiritual comfort and harmony.

Well, I get the greatest pleasure from traveling! For me, traveling means living! As they say, the soul requires space, new emotions and extreme sports.

Thanks to my parents, who revealed all the colors of the world to me and passed them on to me. good hands, the person with whom I continue to feel like the only one and with whom I go through life at the same rhythm.

About style

Speaking separately about style, I highlight several stars and celebrities who have a lot to learn from, such as Victoria Beckham (their family, by the way, is an example for me perfect marriage), her sophisticated images and rigor of presentation evoke admiration. I would absolutely love to buy one of her bags! Mira Duma and her interesting, varied looks, I often want to try them on myself.

I like brands such as Chanel, LV (with their timeless bags), VB, Kenzo, Celine, Max Mara Weekend. Among affordable brands, like many girls, I single out Zara; I really like things from Massimo Dutti. I will note that fashion in our country is developing rapidly, many affordable Russian brands are appearing, which are in no way inferior to the above.

I can say about myself that I simply love combining incongruous things! The main rule is that clothes should be comfortable and not restrict movement. I don’t adhere to a specific style, as such, so my style is a direct reflection of my inner world and moods.

As the world-famous designer Yves Saint Laurent said: “In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.”

I can’t say that I would never wear this or that thing, as they say, never say never. Fashion is an unpredictable thing, you can’t promise it! Only if something is vulgar, then no, but otherwise there are no restrictions.

About the city

IN last years There has been a big stylish “leap” in our city, so to speak. Previously, it was quite sad to watch girls inappropriately dressed and wearing makeup, and boys who had two types of clothes - sports suit and jeans with a shirt for going out. Now the situation has changed, and it is mostly pleasant to watch young people. The style has become more interesting, bright colors have not been lost, but they have learned to combine them, people have a sense of proportion.

More and more often I meet girls in comfortable and stylish shoes with natural make-up, or without it at all, with well-groomed hair. natural hair, beautiful interesting manicure. And the same guys began to understand fashion.

As for establishments, there are now more than enough of them in Makhachkala. Among those cozy places where you can relax, eat delicious food, unwind and even do some work, I highlight such as the recently opened Pirosmani restaurant, which boasts its colorful Georgian menu, and the Giardino cafe, famous for its excellent desserts. I really like to sit in Aroma, where the prevailing home furnishings and they cook very tasty. But I think everyone still has their own preferences in this regard.

Of course, I am a patriot, and I madly love my hometown, but I, like many residents, would like to see it clean and tidy, I would remove pointless and ugly buildings, create more parks and flower beds throughout the city, so that mothers can walk with their children more often and breathe fresh air. We also lack a good large shopping and entertainment center with interesting shops and a large cinema.

But what we can really be proud of is the traditions, customs and hospitality of the people! Beautiful scenery mountains and the Caspian Sea. We really can’t take this away from us!

Finally, I would like to thank the site team, it was truly a pleasure to work with you! I wish everyone well and peaceful skies above their heads!