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Why do you dream about a Scene in a dream according to 10 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Scene” symbol from 10 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If a woman looks at the stage- she is dissatisfied with her shape and wants to correct it.

If a man goes on stage- he likes to have anal sex.

If a woman goes on stage- She is proud of her figure.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The scene is a lie, intrigues of the opposite sex.

Universal dream book

The stage is a wonderful symbol of the fact that everything is becoming a thing of the past, since what is staged on the stage will soon end.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Scene according to the dream book?

Scene - you will be forced to behave insincerely.

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Did you dream about a Scene, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Scene in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dream that I am standing behind the scenes and watching the scene around me, it is already dark and on the stage many people are depicting a heart from small yellow lanterns, and the end of the heart (the last lantern) - a girl - my classmate - is pulling: now from the heart, then to this glowing heart. What does my dream mean?

    Good afternoon Today I had a very interesting dream with a huge number of symbols. It’s like I’m at my graduation, there are a lot of familiar faces, I’m in a beautiful white dress, first I’m at a banquet that I organized myself and I’m giving someone instructions on drinks, guests, etc. From the banquet hall I need to go to another building where the award ceremony will take place. And I walk through the corridor of people, beautiful, happy, smiling, and they applaud me. I enter the building for the ceremony and stand behind the scenes in front of the stage, as if we were waiting for the others, and people are seated in the hall, my parents, old acquaintances

    I dreamed that someone was walking around the hall and trying on clothes, but the audience liked it. I’m standing on stage with my friend, my friend is the presenter. There is silence in the hall. Some guy from the audience says, or rather asks: “What should the presenter do on stage ?. I answer: “He should entertain the audience!” A couple of people started smiling and answered that it was true. I took the microphone and said: “Do you like what’s happening here?” I don’t remember people’s reactions, but I really liked it and I’m ready was going to continue. But the man who was walking around the hall and trying on clothes didn’t like it. He got up on stage and snatched the microphone from me. Suddenly I noticed that half the audience was gone and I left the hall.

    I dreamed that I was sitting on a raised platform in the lotus position, most likely on stage, with a cross rising almost right behind me. I raise my palms up, emerald light pours from my palms and this light forms an emerald rainbow.

    I dreamed that I and 3 other people formed a KVN team and performed on stage and the audience applauded us. Then we went on stage and bowed to the audience. And then we ran away and jumped into the hall) The audience didn’t catch us, but we weren’t hurt) Some the audience hugged us and congratulated us)

    Good evening. I dreamed that an unfamiliar young man was talking to me. Several times in a dream we bump into each other on the street and he starts the conversation first. Then I find myself in his house and it turns out that his family knows me. But I don’t. Then I find myself on stage and sing (or rather, try to sing), but then I realize that I forgot the words. I look to my left at this young man. And then from the stage I say: “I can’t sing anymore.” And this young man comes up to me and says something like, well done, I passed the test. I don't understand anything what we're talking about. And then I wake up.

    I dreamed that I was performing at school.
    There was a skit about truth and lies.
    I played the main role. And my role was that I was lying. And I told everyone that lying was good and fun, and that there was nothing bad about it, And at the same time, I was still very ill-mannered..
    And then, at the end of this skit, they shouted to me from the audience that I was overacting... Although I tried my best and was afraid that I would forget all the words...

    There was some event at school and they told me that I would have to go on stage and say words, but they didn’t tell me what words and what they were supposed to say. Now my time came and I went on stage, they started singing and I had to sing this song, but I didn’t know it and that’s why I stood silent, almost, then I got tangled in the cord from the microphone and fell, Most people began to be indignant and I left

    I dreamed that my friends and I got to some kind of competition where we had to sing songs... My friend and I chose one song and went on stage, the stage was quite high, about like the 12th floor of a building, there were a lot of people below us, everyone was shouting to us sing, but then some girl came out to us (I don’t know her), but in the dream I kind of knew her, and everyone started throwing things at her, and she left... She soon returned, they started throwing things at her again, and she jumped from the stage... We started singing, I sang more than my friend. Everyone admired us and I had so many emotions!! Then we went to look for the girl who jumped, we looked for her for a long time... But then my dream was interrupted, and I fell asleep further ...There was a continuation, it was short...I found myself in some house where they didn’t want to let me go, and I ran away, I ran through the forest, and then I woke up (I was scared).

    I dreamed that some famous person in the crowd took me by the hand and led me to the stage. While I'm going up on stage, I see myself from behind, and then, when I'm up on stage, I see everything as usual from my face. And from the stage I look at the crowd of people.

    I played in the theater. I stood on stage, I had the main role. The performance had just started, I went on stage and forgot my text. She left the stage, re-read the beginning of the play, went on stage and forgot again. There was a buzz in the hall

    In a dream, when I went on stage, some kind of song was supposed to play, and I was supposed to sing, but for some reason Natalie was playing “Oh my God, what a man” and I was greeted with stormy applause and applause)

    I had a dream in which a man was leading me, and he brought me to the stage and said, do you want to stay behind the scenes or go out yourself, and I didn’t go backstage or to the stage or stayed behind the scenes, I don’t remember exactly.
    (I don’t remember the person who led me)
    Thank you.

    I was sitting backstage with my boyfriend, an unpleasant girl was sitting next to me, and we were all watching TV, when on stage there was some kind of performance like a beauty contest, where this ugly girl also participated. the dream was a little vague, the colors were not accurate.

    I’m sitting on the stage, there are a lot of people in the hall, artists are dancing and singing on stage, a huge screen is behind me, I understand that I will also have to show myself, I looked at a man with a microphone who was singing, trying, he was blond with curly hair and it was funny to me that he was trying so hard

    I came with several of my classmates to another city to perform in the theater, we went on stage and started playing some kind of short performance, there weren’t very many people in the hall, I played one of the main roles, the second main role was played by my ex-boyfriend and is also studying with me. His best friend and another classmate of mine played poorly and for a long time they were kicked off the stage for a bad performance by us and the audience, but we were applauded and asked if we would perform the same piece tomorrow. then my ex and I stood in the hall with the lights on and had a nice conversation and pushed each other, I, as usual, joked about his current girlfriend and I woke up)

    In a dream, I was offered to perform, to remember the old things (I had recently moved, and before that I went to a theater studio), but I didn’t know the words at all and was very worried. But the performance still went off with a bang.

    In general, I sing very well and often perform….but lately I’ve stopped….I saw in a dream that a woman I don’t know says to me you should sing now, I say okay, but can the one I know sing the rehearsed one, she says yes, and when I go out onto the stage and start singing, the whole audience stands up and starts clapping for me very loudly….

    In real life I do vocals, maybe this relates to my hobby. Today I dreamed that I was standing on stage, the hall was full. I start singing and realize that I can’t catch my breath, and then I’m completely “pulling the cat by the tail,” and then I only remember that I feel only hatred and disappointment in myself.

    Well, I dreamed that there were 4 guys at my house and I started a relationship with one of them, but then after a while I was passing by and saw a theater and went there and saw the guy who was at my house from the four, so he said something like that who am I looking for, he’s backstage, I went and saw him, that guy, well, I hugged him tightly and kissed, so it turned out that we were walking, but I remembered him, he was not tall and had curly hair

    Hello, I had a strange dream, but first a preface: my best friend and I used to do circus art and often performed as a duet, but now I left to study in another city... So... I dreamed that I was at a concert, my friend and I were standing behind backstage and I understand that now we are performing, everything seems to be starting out normally, but we were doing something unclear, not circus at all, but then I go backstage, and my friend finishes her program, during this time I run to the other side at the back of the stage ( there should be a unicycle waiting for me on which I have to ride in order to continue the performance) but it’s empty, I start to freak out, and I see that my friend is no longer performing but is stalling for time (sweeping, but not cleaning up, as if part of the performance), then I see shot that my props are on the other side of the stage, after that my friend speaks and pronounces my name, I feel ashamed that everyone can find out that I have to perform now, I understand that I don’t have time, I freak out, they run to the dressing room and there are my classmates and I continue freak out... What could all this mean?

    I dreamed about my work (on Christmas night). Our children, together with teachers and others, prepared a skit and went to perform it. I did not participate in this production, but I helped with the organization. During the performance, the children had to change their clothes, and to fill the pause, I was dragged out of the audience onto the stage to sweep. I swept for quite a long time, then I woke up.

    hello, I dreamed that my any group was performing on stage, they were singing and dancing at the same time, my friend came out to them and started dancing with them out of place, then it all ended abruptly and then I understand that now it’s kind of like my way out, I find myself in the very middle of the stage, and I understand that I am participating in a fashion show, I feel that I am very beautiful, and most importantly thin, although in reality this is not so... then I see that all the participants walked forward, I followed them and realized that I need to go down the steps, and they were very small, I was very scared to fall, I was confused... then the dream ended, I never went down...

    Hello. I’m in the theater and I need to get on stage, but I don’t know how... and then some guy appears and takes me by the hand and we run very quickly along the people. There are no obstacles on the way. He brings me to the stage and I watch some kind of performance and enjoy watching it ended...I don’t remember

    in my dream, I seemed to be recapitulating the performance, and at the same time I was satisfied and happy, the fact is that I often perform on stage. In this dream, I felt jealous of her for me, then when everything with the scene was over, I went to change clothes and when I was changing, I remembered that I had forgotten something and returned to the stage, but there was already a house surrounded by a red ribbon and it was very dark, and then I somehow found out there were 2 murders (but I didn’t see any bodies, blood, etc.) I wanted to run away from there, but then the police suddenly caught me, or rather one policeman! Calm music played and I woke up!

    I dreamed that I saw myself on stage, singing my songs (I am a musician), but the dream was like on a film and someone was describing me (the voice was not mine). You can say that I dreamed of a documentary about myself as a musician

    I dream of a stage, I do some strange things on it, somersault, laugh, do some other tricks. Others are trying to do something similar, their own. They give us some comments and instructions, but no comments were made to me.

    At first I was sitting in the concert hall, then the music started playing and I went dancing like a zombie. I was wearing a white dress, there was a moment when I pushed off the stage, I flew into the hall, but I was wearing insurance, then when I finished they started throwing me a bouquet

    I dream of a stage, I sweep it while dancing, but I don’t clean it, but as a stage role with brooms, then I start dancing. Then my late mother appears and tells me that she is late at work, and she is wearing a brown jacket, not hers. I clearly remember the number 7. Tolley’s mother said that she was late at work until seven

    I was walking up the stairs with a crowd to a casting for some theater. It was a closed staircase, it was gloomy there. When we woke up, we got on the stage, there was also not bright lighting there (probably as is usually the case on stage during productions). There were a lot of us, the whole stage was filled. I met two former classmates, with one we sang, and with the other we played fist bump, it was nice. So we divided into 2 crowds and started dancing, I repeated after the girl, it was something like an oriental dance. But I didn’t do well and we were stopped. The audience began to applaud and shout to us “CASTING!” with a huge poster in his hands. In response, we also shouted casting and that’s it.

    I'm in some kind of camp. My classmates are around. My friend and I are moving into the same room. Then the dream ends and another dream begins. My apartment. My friends are there. Then grandma comes. Gives food and all sorts of things. Then I dream about a cave. Everything glows with different bright colors. When I look at some thing I hear words. There are some animal skins there. Then I hear that I need to collect something by killing animals. Three jokes. Something similar to a round tablet, only bigger. I collect them. Suddenly someone approaches. He told me something. I don't remember what. I got angry and tried to kill him, he wounded me, but I couldn’t see it, it was just a feeling. Then I killed him. And it turned out that they asked me for three things. There were animals next to me. I remember the pink horse well, I don’t remember the others. And I also killed that beast with a sword. Then I walked through the cave and there was a bright light. I got into the backstage. That same horse stood there in the corner. I came out from backstage with the other children. We needed to hide. I saw my parents on the very top row. I walked across the stage to the middle and came down from it. I went to my parents. It was very difficult to get up. There were steep slopes. But somehow I got up. Then I went to my parents. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a red wasp flew in. She started flying after me. I ran from side to side. Then I woke up.

    And I saw that I played in KVN. At first I watched and then came out and also began to participate, sang and was a vocalist. I even remember the song - a remake of It is Raining Men. Everyone clapped and whistled, they liked it so much. The jury smiled. I saw a lot of celebrities. What does this mean?

    I’m standing on stage at my school, they were holding some kind of couples competition. I was paired with a young man who I used to really like. For some reason I needed to pretend to be his girlfriend and take part in this competition.
    I stand on stage next to him, he puts his arm around my shoulder, and I hold his hand (on my shoulder) with mine.
    He asks me: “You wanted to kiss me?” I remember that I take the dialogue in a different direction, avoiding the answer.
    Then I had to publicly say into the microphone why I love my “boyfriend”
    And when I said because he’s tall, he and I laughed.
    In the same dream, I told the dream to people I knew. And she was saddened (in the dream) because it was a dream.
    I actually don’t know this young man very well. Didn't communicate in person.

    I’m on stage and I know that I have to perform, but I’m not ready for this. Feeling full responsibility for myself, I begin to dance and sing. There are only a few spectators in the hall, I think they are veterans. Next to me is my school friend, with whom we rarely communicate now.

    I performed on stage and sang a funny song. And one friend who used to be close to me said terrible things about me, but I didn’t find out about it right away, then they showed me a video where she humiliates me during a performance

    I sat in the audience hall and saw myself from the outside, how I went on stage and started singing, the choir was supposed to come out, but no one came out and I sang alone, I myself didn’t really like it in the hall and I saw my shortcomings both in facial expressions and in voice, but then everyone started applauding and I (on stage) behaved very freely and relaxed, as if I was always performing. I woke up feeling positive.

    At first I was the presenter on stage, I can’t say for sure that I was leading - only that the stage and the audience were on the street, but there was a fence around it. I announced something, then invited the woman who was in charge (either the rector or the director) to the stage. She gave instructions on life, thanked me and left. Then I went to the audience, they applauded me, They said that I did everything well. Then there was another action. At all. I stood before the abyss. It was sunny and everything was green. There were bridges across the abyss. and behind each there was a house in which there was a puzzle. When you solve the puzzle, you find yourself back in front of the abyss. I went through the first 2 so quickly that I didn’t even remember what was there. And the third bridge was almost destroyed. But gathering my courage, I jumped over it (I flew a good 4 meters). I have crossed the abyss. And at that moment the house that was behind the bridge caught fire. He was immediately taken away by helicopter (strange). And so I remained on the other side of the abyss. By the way, there was a railroad there. I walked along it (very little, 100 meters) and saw resorts, azure beaches, pools with blue water. I went and enjoyed it. That's all, That's the whole dream.

    Hello, I had a dream, a huge stage, it was a club, there I was rehearsing a program with some girls and guys, we were developing a program, inserting various concert numbers, the rehearsal was a general rehearsal, people had already gathered in the hall, but not many... I had a role brides, I played a couple in love with some guy, I put on a white wedding dress and went out on stage with him, he was in a black suit, we started dancing, and then I remembered that I forgot to put on a veil, returned backstage, and there some woman was holding a veil in her hands and wanted to put it on me, but I still didn’t put it on and returned to the stage, then I seemed to be alone, some man (like a sound engineer) offered to take me home, and the people had already left...

    I dreamed that my mother, grandmother and I came to Moscow for some kind of Christmas concert. Polina Gagarina performed there. While she was performing, I was indignant at why all the spectators were sitting facing the stage and seeing everything, while I was sitting in seats that were turned to the back.

    I dreamed that I went to some camp where there were separate houses (something like buildings where children of 5-6 people live). And next to them there was a theater competition, I watched how it seemed to go, and then I wanted to participate. although when I looked at those who performed I realized that I wouldn’t succeed. I signed up to speak. we stood on stage. There were only three participants, me, some girl younger than me with glasses and also my ex-best friend. At first there was some kind of competition, I don’t remember, and then they turned on the music and we had to play someone or something so that the judges would understand what I was showing, as soon as the music started, both girls jumped off the stage, sat down on the seats and pretended to be a guitarist, and an ex-friend repeated this idea from a little girl with glasses. and I fell to the floor and began to crawl like a spider around the stage and quickly come up with something to show, finally I jumped to my feet (completely unexpectedly for myself) and began to imitate a ninja with sounds

    Hello Tatiana.
    I dreamed that I was behind the scenes of the theater and had to go on stage together with Alexander Kalyagin. But for now I'm walking on dark wheels. And suddenly I notice a high door in the wall. I have the keys in my hands and I go to open it, but there was no bell or knock on the door.
    I open the door - there is light and the silhouette of a man in a coat and a brimmed hat. Then I leave (the man never went inside, but remained behind the slightly open door). And I’m already in the left backstage - I’m looking at the stage and waiting for my exit. But then some young-looking, smiling woman comes up to me and starts talking to me: “Do you come here often? What’s your name, etc.?” I ask her (looking into the illuminated auditorium and realizing that this hall is from the Palace of Culture of my childhood): “Do people go to the performance?” “They walk a little,” the woman answers. I say: “Oh, I like this performance so much, I would go and go to it,” and then I understand that I missed my exit and completely ruined the performance - there are already other people on stage and Kalyagin is not there either...

    Thank you in advance.

    I was standing backstage, an unfamiliar guy was called on stage, and he said to me, “Will you come with me?” I replied that I would go. We were announced, we went on stage and sat on chairs with others. The audience applauded. It was something like an interview.

    The dream is like this - I’m standing behind the scenes of the stage and it’s as if I’ve recently been given words in my hands and I’m learning them intensively, but I understand that I won’t have time to learn them and on stage I’ll need some kind of hint, and I’ll also have to perform in the men’s role, and I wasn’t even put on makeup, in general I’m nervous, but then I see that other performers on stage are also reading from sheets, but I understand that I can’t do that, I’ll be ashamed of reading from sheets, I need to learn somehow, and then I wake up

    I dreamed that I was performing a concert on stage, either in front of an empty or in front of a full hall. I know the songs I performed. then I went backstage, a woman came up and gave me an apple. then I woke up

    I had a dream about some kind of concert in Deka, it was as if I was watching behind the scenes, they were inviting an elderly man and a grandson, a boy of 7-8 years old, then they announced the last name, first name of the grandfather and date of birth, I don’t remember which one, it was as if I was already on stage too and I applaud and the audience too, then behind the scenes there seems to be a bell and the grandfather went backstage, and the boy and I were left, then time passes, but he does not return, the audience is waiting, I see the words of the song in front of me, but I don’t know it and the melody too , I don’t remember what, I ask the boy for the notes, I find the notes and I think about trying to voice it with the boy and I wake up

    The day before yesterday I saw in a dream how I was working as a nanny and breastfeeding someone else’s child, milk was dripping from my breast. Last night I saw in a dream on Wednesday and Thursday a puppy that was following me, it seems brown in color, and I left it on the street behind the entrance gate. That same night I saw myself running across the field, then at home with my sisters they played hide and seek. And I found on the floor a gold ring that was given to my mother. And in the morning I already had a dream where a big, pumped-up man was dragging me in his arms onto the stage, and I, tearful, then began to choose a dress; there were many different colors in the dressing room, most were shiny and elegant, a girl came up to me and put on a white Kazakh dress with saukele and white shoes, and I ran to perform, there I met a classmate who said that I stood in her place and looked at me dependently, then the dance began, a lot of girls spun and ran out onto the stage, then sat on the floor, some girl was sitting next to me, I took care of her, I say sit closer or you'll freeze.

    I stood backstage before going on stage to sing. I wanted to wear high heels. I imagined how they would applaud me, at the same time I doubted the tall shoes, because I was tall and was afraid of what people would say when they saw me in heels. I have a long dress that was shortened in a dream. And in a previous dream this dress was long, and they demanded I perform, and I was worried, they say I’m not ready

    I am performing on stage in a small hall, it is completely filled, next to me on the stage are Zelensky and Koshevoy. The stage was red, there was music, but no one clapped. My grandmother appeared from somewhere and fed us all soup backstage. Then we went for a walk with her and she behaved strangely and took me to the tram parking lot. What does it mean?

    I dreamed that I was in the assembly hall of a school. Suddenly my teachers tell me to go on stage and sing a song. I tell them that I don’t even know the words to this song, but they still force me to go there. The music is controlled by my old singing teacher. In the end, I didn’t go to perform.
    I beg you to give the correct interpretation to my dream.
    Thank you in advance

    At the beginning of the dream, my friend and I were walking down the street and met 3 of my friends (one of them is my ex-boyfriend). I was talking to a friend and ignored my ex, but he persistently answered my questions that I asked my friend. Then they ran somewhere, we caught up with them, I took my bag and package from them. And my friend and I went further. We went into the yard and there was a long swing with a canopy; an acquaintance of mine was sitting in it, who in the past had an intimate relationship with my friend. Now she hates him. We sat on the same swing and she hugged him and said she missed him. I was surprised. The whole dream was gray and foggy. The action of the dream is transferred to the assembly hall. I've been dancing for a long time. And here I am in the hall with my old group, we have three numbers. One of the members of my team is sitting in the hall in a folk costume, I talked to her about something and went backstage to the dressing room, there was another participant only in an Indian costume, she said that we have the first Indian number. I look from behind the scenes and warn the first participant with gestures to change her clothes. And I woke up.

    I had a dream, my friends asked me to sing a song, first one not in Russian, and then in Russian, I told her right on stage when the music started playing that I forgot the words, she says stop it

    You remember everything, I ran into the background to be a backup dancer, the stage was huge, and people were sitting at small tables, and there were many acquaintances there, but also many strangers, I quickly ran out and took a notebook with words, but there were no words there, and I I had to make up the words, but I sang the chorus well. Then the song ended, I was applauded, but not everyone, then everyone else also performed, and I had a feeling of awkwardness, although in real life I sing very well, I even perform, why such a dream?

    Somehow they suddenly took me to the price and there were a lot of people who came supposedly to a concert. In the middle of the stage there was a joy (in life I also play the piano) I went and sat on the piano chair and they told me to play music called Furelize, I said I don’t know how Is it possible to play something else? They said, and when I tried to play, something happened to the drunkard. I left the stage and girls dressed in pencil costumes came and started dancing. I don’t know how, but on the screen there was a price bud which was written 30 seconds left before exploding. Then this place exploded and I don’t know how I didn’t die. A classmate came and said I did this for you. Then I woke up! Help, what does it mean?

    Hello, I had a dream where I was dressing a Barbie doll... and I was trying to pick out a white hair wig and I couldn’t. Then I found myself, first from the stage, some rock star named Alianna with long red hair was playing and I liked that name, then I went up on stage and heard a guitar loudly, then for some reason I had to perform on stage and I couldn’t even be afraid , since there was no room prepared, I waited in line for others to speak, then they started taking pictures with people, then for some reason I sat down at the computer and started looking for the name Alianna, I typed it twice, nothing came out, the third time I saw the keyboard clearly and approached her and Alianna wrote again, she saw the whole dream very clearly and I don’t understand why?..

    I go dancing, but I don't go in the summer. I dreamed that my band and I were performing on stage in a cultural center, where concerts usually take place in our city, we began to change clothes for a number behind the stage, there were already a lot of people. We changed our clothes and went to perform, we seriously messed up, that is, we forgot the dance, later we went to change for another number, we have two of them. I didn’t have time at all and a little boy climbed up to me, he from my school is always pulling his hair or something else, so I yelled at him and hit him, he cried. Later, everyone changed clothes and went to get jars for analysis, I asked my brother to bring them, he said no, I yelled at him, well, he still went, because I didn’t have time at all, later everyone came, well, that’s all.

    At first the dream was an ordinary performance, where I perform some song with a very famous singer. Then there was loud applause. After that, about 6 people from the audience gathered backstage, and I had to explain something to them in English. At some point everything changes. I'm backstage again, but they're already big. I see a lot of children, and I understand that this is a performance where children are playing on stage. My task was to control their every exit. Who comes out when? And one of the boys at some point tried to pull me onto the stage. He couldn't, and I'm still behind the scenes. I became interested in what the meaning of the performance was, and I asked the girl, “What is the meaning of your performance?”, to which she answered me, “About how Luntik built a rocket.” I was in a stupor. I think “Well... okay.”
    I wanted to see who the host was, and it turned out to be a guy I like. Nothing was clear to me at all, but then the dream ended.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Public speaking- as a rule, scares most representatives of the adult population, is their number one fear, i.e. ranks even higher than, say, death! The result of this is the widespread occurrence of dreams about such events. They are rarely nightmares - they are more dreams of challenge and overcoming. Most likely, the occasion for your speech or the audience members who are listening to you will lead you to think about an area of ​​your life that people pay too much attention to. Another version of this is a dream about a public speech, the topic of which or the speaker's outfit is completely inappropriate for the moment. This dream is similar to a dream about nudity, in which the key is exposing yourself to everyone and the non-standard situation. The dream may be an attempt to expose a weakness that you usually try to hide. Was the nature of your public appearance absurd or did it fit quite logically into your real life? In this situation, did you feel a high degree of anxiety or were you calm and determined?

Esoteric dream book

Getting ready to perform- prepare to participate in public work.

Listen to a speech, speech, report- advancement up the social ladder, leading place in a movement, party.

Speak out if you hold a high position- wait for competitors, if not yet, then be prepared to borrow.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why see a Performance in a dream (according to the English dream book)

Giving a speech you're not prepared for – There are several options: an exam on a subject you haven't learned, a demonstration of an object you don't know, or a performance on stage when you don't know your words. Such dreams can usually occur during periods of stress, when you feel that you are being “tested for strength.” If these are physical tests, are you experiencing any physical obstacles in reality? If this is an exam, is it an intelligence test?

Performance in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of a speech, getting ready to give a speech, preparing to participate in public work - listening to a speech, a speech, a report, moving up the social ladder, a leading place in a movement, a party.
  • Speak if you hold a high position, then wait for competitors, if not yet, then be prepared to take it.
  • Public speaking, as a rule, frightens most representatives of the adult population; it is their number one fear, i.e. ranks even higher than, say, death! The result of this is the widespread occurrence of dreams about such events. They are rarely nightmares - they are more dreams of challenge and overcoming. Most likely, the occasion of your speech or the members of the audience listening to you will lead you to think about an area of ​​your life that people pay too much attention to.
  • Seeing a public speech, the topic of which or the speaker’s attire is completely inappropriate for the moment. This dream is similar to a dream about nudity, in which the key is exposing yourself to everyone and the non-standard situation. The dream is an attempt to expose a weakness that you usually try to hide. Was the nature of your public appearance absurd or did it fit quite logically into your real life? In such a situation, you felt a high degree of anxiety or you were calm and determined.

What does it mean to see a Performance (according to the Christian dream book)

  • Why dream of a speech, moreover, a public one, namely, a report that is read from the stage, suggests that an unpleasant meeting with competitors is soon ahead. But this interpretation applies to those who occupy a high position.
  • If a person only listens to a report at a speech, then in reality he will receive very lucrative offers that will help him move up the social ladder.
  • An important detail in such dreams is the clothing of the performers. If it does not correspond to the moment and causes surprise, then in reality a public assignment can greatly shock a person and will be unpleasant for him. However, such an event is short-lived and will be forgotten very quickly.
  • You dreamed of a Performance for which you are not ready - a demonstration of an object unknown to you or a performance on stage when you do not know your words.

Speech - Getting ready to perform, preparing - participation in public work. Listening to a speech, a speech, a report - advancement on the social ladder, a leading place in a movement, a party. Perform - if you hold a high position, then expect competitors, if not yet, then be ready to take it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Public Speaking

Public speaking, as a rule, frightens most representatives of the adult population; it is their number one fear, i.e. ranks even higher than, say, death! The result of this is the widespread occurrence of dreams about such events. They are rarely NIGHTMARES - they are more dreams of challenge and overcoming. Most likely, the occasion of your speech or the members of the audience listening to you will lead you to think about an area of ​​your life that people pay too much attention to.

Another version of this is a dream about a public speech, the topic of which or the speaker's outfit is completely inappropriate for the moment. This dream is similar to a dream about NUDITY, in which the key is exposing yourself to everyone and the non-standard situation. The dream may be an attempt to expose a weakness that you usually try to hide.

Was the nature of your public appearance absurd or did it fit quite logically into your real life?

In this situation, did you feel a high degree of anxiety or were you calm and determined?

Interpretation of dreams from

Speech - Getting ready to perform, preparing - participation in public work. Listening to a speech, a speech, a report - advancement on the social ladder, a leading place in a movement, a party. Perform - if you hold a high position, then expect competitors, if not yet, then be ready to take it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Preparing for change (wedding). Changes in life that promise, through excitement and a creative (silver, bronze colors) approach to them (sandals, trim on a dress), to make you more whole and independent. It’s hard for you to even imagine how much you will change (the groom’s face), you’re nervous from uncertainty.

Dream Interpretation - Preparation

Hello, a wedding could mean that you are preparing for something in life. At first it doesn't concern you, but then you become the center of attention. Perhaps by trying to help another person in life, you can help yourself? Getting married means finding your way in life, finding some idea that you can strive to implement. You don’t know what it is yet, you only see it out of the corner of your eye. Think about what idea or dream you have and how you can make it happen. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Preparing for a wedding

I think that the dream reflects your feelings about how your marriage meets the expectations of your parental family, perhaps in relation and comparison with the situation of your sister. Your husband is distant from your relatives, and relations between them are cool. You are trying to settle their relationship in such a way that “the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe,” so that everyone lives peacefully, but it turns out to be strained. Despite your efforts, you, however, like your husband, have little trust in your relatives and do not let them know about your problems and personal life with your husband. In addition, in your family with your husband, you seem to have already abandoned the patterns of behavior and rules accepted in the family of your parents.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Preparing for a wedding

Such a dream reveals significant events in the life of the person himself or his parents. A career update, possibly caused by a change in management or a complete restructuring of the institution. The dream can bring you success and a tendency to make far-reaching plans that will be difficult to implement. Attempts to show oneself at any cost lead to opportunities for career growth, recognition of work results with awards, the need to defend one’s achievements, enter into conflicts, success can give rise to vanity, envy on the part of colleagues, one begins to run out of time and energy, a situation arises , which can cause gossip, which can affect your reputation and of course your health, as well as a waste of energy. It’s the same in love: circumstances that arise can prevent people from being together. Perhaps you will experience affection and falling in love with a person older than you (impossibility of love).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Preparing for a wedding

The dream reflects the beginning of the process of harmonization, the connection of consciousness and subconscious, body and spirit, male and female energies within yourself. All this happens under the influence of the past, but you cannot cling to it so as not to stop the process. Good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Preparing for a funeral

The dream may mean some kind of change in your life, but it will not be your initiative, or you will not be entirely sure of the correctness of what is happening. You may try to copy someone else's path ("after someone's funeral"), this will not be your original idea. You will feel uncomfortable. Tell me, do you have the feeling that your mother or your husband (or even some other person) is trying to control you or decide some important issues for you? Perhaps the point is that someone decided for you, but you don’t want it yourself? Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun