Just choosing and buying a bottle of expensive wine is not all that is needed for a meal. It is important to know what dishes this delicious drink should be served with.

Wine selection

Many people know little about wines, for example, only their varieties: sweet wine , semi-sweet, dry, white and red. For the average consumer, this knowledge is enough. But in every person’s life there are situations when he finds himself faced with the choice of a drink of excellent quality, which will be an ideal addition to the holiday table.

Types of drink

All wines are very different, often depending on what source material was used in their preparation. In the case of wines, what matters is the grape variety that the producers used to create the wine and the soil in which the grapes grew. After all, only with experience does a person become wiser and is able to create truly great and valuable objects from his mistakes.

According to the aging period, the wine can be young, without aging, or, conversely, aged. It is generally accepted that wine over seventy years old loses its value. However, if we rely on the words of Parker, a wine critic, then such wines are the most valuable and provide great benefits to the body.

Wine classification

Based on Russian standards, according to the amount of sugar and ethyl alcohol, wines are divided into:

Table wines, natural wines;

Special wines (sweet wine , dessert, semi-dessert, strong and liqueur);

Flavored wines;

Sparkling wines that are filled with carbon dioxide during their repeated fermentation.

The most famous sparkling white sweet wine in the whole world is, of course, champagne.

Factors to consider when choosing a drink

When choosing wine in a store, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

1. In the store you need to purchase only dry or sweet wine, since semi-sweet wines can also be sold in Russia and neighboring countries, but they are of low quality.

Low-grade wine materials are often added to them. Semi-sweet wines contain more preservatives than sweet wines. In dry wines, the fermentation process is slowed down due to the low sugar content, while sweet wine, on the contrary, does not slow down this process with the help of sugar, which acts as a natural fermentation agent.

If a buyer decides to buy a bottle of semi-sweet wine for his holiday table, he automatically agrees to pour a large amount of preservatives and chemical additives into his body.

2. Pay attention to the manufacturer. All self-respecting companies want their brand to be recognizable. To do this, they put their company name on the label large and clearly so that people can read it without difficulty.

3. Another important point is the year of harvest. Every wine label must indicate when the wine was harvested. If there is no such information, it is worth considering whether this bottle is a preservative.

4. Grape variety. Many wines are made by mixing several varieties of grapes, in which case the manufacturer is required to indicate on the label which varieties were mixed.

On store shelves you can only find wines from mixed grape varieties, since wines from one are expensive and are not sold in regular stores.

French wines may be an exception to the rule. Producers in France may not indicate grape varieties, since this process is monitored strictly on a regional basis. Sweet white wines are excellent from French producers.

5. Container and cork. It is best to purchase wine in a bottle or barrel. Wines sold in cardboard boxes can be used in cooking. If the manufacturer decides to save money on packaging, it means that his wine is of low quality.

6. Price of the drink. It must be remembered that all high-quality products are expensive. Under no circumstances should you purchase wine at a low price. The best wines are sold at the best prices.

Where to buy wine

Choosing a place to buy a bottle of wine depends on many factors: for whom it is being purchased, for what event, how much time there is to choose and, of course, what finances the buyer has.

If you need to buy a bottle of wine for a family dinner, you don’t have a lot of time, and your finances don’t allow you to buy expensive wine, then you can visit the supermarket and use the above principles to buy wine.

If you want to give wine as a gift or simply want to enjoy delicious wine, you need to visit specialized wine boutiques. The best wines presented here are always of high quality.

In the event that you have a controversial issue regarding the manufacturer or quality, sales consultants will offer their assistance. In the boutique you can buy both cheap wine and expensive, higher quality wine. sweets will be an excellent purchase made in a boutique, because here they will advise you and offer you a large assortment of such wines. There are also boutiques that create a small restaurant. In it, the buyer gets the opportunity to taste the wine, pair it with certain dishes and make a final decision.

And the most pleasant place is the restaurant where you can taste the best wines. It also happens that low-quality wine in a restaurant is presented at a huge price, because the markup ranges from forty to two hundred percent. But don’t forget that everything depends on the restaurant, and you shouldn’t completely trust the waiter’s taste.

When purchasing the best wines, whenever possible, do so while traveling. After all, where else, if not in the homeland of wine, can you buy the highest quality drink. Just don’t miss the point that there are restrictions on the import of alcohol into the country.

What is wine

Wine is primarily an alcoholic drink, which is obtained as a result of the natural fermentation of grape juice. Most often, wines are made from grape juice, which can be of different varieties.

In wine production, grapes are most often divided into two groups: white and black, sometimes called red. According to the color content, it can be white, red, or rose wine.

Where is the wine made?

Wine is produced in many European countries. But the leaders in the wine business were France, Italy and Spain. Each nationality has its own types of this alcoholic drink. For each of them there are specially selected dishes, which in a duet better demonstrate their taste. The sparkling white sweet of Carlo Rossi has made the United States of America, namely California, famous. This is one of the worthy representatives of white wine of its kind. Germany becomes the leader in exports.

Best combinations

Sweet red wine is perfect if the menu includes roast or chicken with pasta. Red wine is a great accompaniment to burgers and steaks. Sweet red wine is very popular and comes in a wide variety, ranging from bright pinot grigio to fruity pinotage.

An excellent option when sweet red wine is served with dessert. For example, sweet red wine "Vintage Port". You will definitely appreciate the taste of this drink.

Sweet white wines are good to savor against the background of light food, which includes chicken and salad, fish, and veal.

Wine etiquette

But purchasing a good bottle of wine and doing it in all respects is not all you need for a meal. After all, true wine connoisseurs know that wine notes can best be felt in a certain type of glass. And in order for the process of savoring wine to take place at a high level, a special wine etiquette was invented. This etiquette is considered to be the rules for pairing wine and food, as well as the rules for serving wine.

And what is the process worth? When color, consistency, aroma, taste and individual aftertaste come to the fore. Only true experts in their field cope well with the tasting process.

Popular imported wines have risen in price due to the jump in exchange rates. "Business Petersburg" asked large producers and importers how to choose wine now and whether it is possible to buy a quality product for no more than 500 rubles per bottle.

The above-mentioned 500 rubles is a conditional amount chosen by the editors as an indicator of consumer opportunities. The indicated figure cannot be considered an ironclad protection against an unsuccessful purchase, experts warn. “Of course, when purchasing expensive products, there is a much greater chance of getting something really interesting, but only the buyer’s own knowledge about wine can be a real guarantee of quality,” says Dmitry Zhurkin, import director of the Ladoga group and founder of the Wine Masters sommelier school.

“The price can only serve as a signal; the function of a guarantor of wine quality is performed only by the international classification of wines,” agrees Kirill Kalmyk, Marketing Director. So, on the front side of a bottle of Spanish wines you need to look for the abbreviation DO, for French wines AOC and AOK are used, as well as the designation of the castle and grape variety, for Chilean wines this role is played by belonging to the region of wine production (the best wines are those produced in the central area). But for Russian wines such designations are not provided.

“You can definitely buy good wine for 500 rubles!” - says Anna Mekhovykh, training manager for assortment of LLC "". She advises going to supermarkets or liquor stores to buy inexpensive and decent wine, rather than to boutiques. “Thanks to large volumes and investments from suppliers, chain stores, through discounts and seasonal sales on imported alcohol, provide consumers with a better price and choice,” explains Anna Mekhovkhov.

What can you buy

As it turned out, 500 rubles is an amount that allows you not only to buy good wine, but also to choose more. True, the choice is not that wide.

Most familiar or familiar brands now cost more than 600 rubles, so importers and distributors are adapting to new realities, offering new brands from poorly represented regions, says Anna Mekhovkhov. For example, there are many proposals from the Spanish regions, as a rule, these are young, open and clear wines with a fruity component, there are also wines from Portugal and the countries of the New World (Central Valley of Chile, southwestern Australia, South Africa and Argentina), except Moreover, these are Russian wines from reliable producers who receive awards at prestigious Russian and international competitions and occupy good positions in the ranking of Russian wines.

Mikhail Nikolaev, managing partner of the family enterprise Nikolaev and Sons (Russian wine producer), also advises paying attention to wines from the New World and Russian producers. In his opinion, European wines are greatly overpriced: “Many people are used to thinking that if they’re going to buy wine, they need to choose Spain, France and Italy, but in fact, in our stores wine costs 500-700 rubles, which in Spain is sold for 1 .5 euros, so I would not talk about the high quality of such a product."

In terms of price-quality ratio, in the category up to 500 rubles there are young wines from the New World: Argentina, Chile, Australia, South Africa, Georgia or simple table wines from Europe often fall into this category, Dmitry Zhurkin gives a similar opinion. As an interesting fact, he notes that since such products do not have the potential for long-term aging and must be drunk in the next 1-3 years, they are sealed with a screw cap. “This fact sometimes unnecessarily frightens the buyer - given the short shelf life, the wine does not require closing with a special cork stopper,” he says.

As for Russian wines, a buyer can expect to buy for 500 rubles only wines bottled in Russia, but made from imported wine materials, says Kirill Kalmyk. As a representative of the company - a leader in the production of champagne, he could not help but note the sparkling wines made in Russia.

Import substitution failed

Judging by the statistics, market participants have had to worry in recent years - wine sales in St. Petersburg, after a couple of years of growth, are now declining. recorded a slight surge in sales at the beginning of last year, but in the first half of 2016, 1,584.5 thousand dal of wine were sold in St. Petersburg, which is 4.6% less than sales for the same period in 2015.

Wine sales volume in St. Petersburg, 1st half of the year, thousand decalitres

There is no better accompaniment to dinner than good wine. Some collectors devote an entire basement to this drink so that it does not spoil there and retains all the taste of the bouquet. However, we are more interested not in collecting, but in the best varieties for a certain price.

First, we want to answer some of the most asked questions about inexpensive wines. 1) Is it possible to find good wine inexpensively? Yes, for 400-500 rubles it is quite possible to find a decent wine, we recommend choosing producers from Chile, South Africa or Argentina, this way you will have a better chance of finding really good wine, in this price category they are better than European wines. Also, for very small sums (less than 400 rubles), we recommend taking white wines. White grapes reach faster, unlike red grapes they are less demanding of conditions, which is why the production of white wine is cheaper, and accordingly the price and quality will be better than in red wine. Also, good wine can be found at a low price from domestic and neighboring producers. 2) What should you look for on the label, what types of wines are there? If we talk about European laws, then wine can be divided into three types: table wines, IGP wines and AOP wines. Let’s not go into details, let’s just say that if on the back of the bottle you see only the word France on the label, not counting the address of the manufacturer and importer, then the wine is table wine. If next to the name of the country you see a region, for example - Bordeaux, Languedo, etc., then this is an IGP wine, this wine is considered to be of better quality than table wine. Well, wines with the name of a specific appellation (AOP wines) are considered the best; they are protected by their place of origin, since the IGP also has its own production territory, albeit much smaller and clearly defined. It undergoes strict sample control, has a quality mark and a guarantee of its origin from the manufacturer. Such wines are more expensive; most of them are produced in France. 3) The label says that the wine contains sulfites, is this dangerous? Sulfites have been used in winemaking for centuries. This is a kind of preservative that protects wine from bad bacteria and promotes long-term storage of wine. For this, the manufacturer uses sulfur dioxide (E220). Finding sulfite-free wine in stores is almost impossible; now all producers use it, but in what quantities is another question. Some take the minimum, others the maximum. As a rule, less sulfites are added to red wines due to the significant amount of polyphenols they contain, which in turn have an antioxidant effect. It is impossible to determine the amount of sulfates at home, you can only try it in a practical way; if after a few hours you have a stomach ache or headache after a moderate amount of wine, most likely there are too many chemicals in such wine. In conclusion, we would like to say that you should not be afraid of sulfates; if they are used within acceptable limits, then this will not affect your health in any way.
    A few simple recommendations when choosing wine in a store:
  • See manufacturer name. It must be on the front side of the bottle, and in capital letters. Good manufacturers always want their products to be recognized.
  • Look for the harvest year. If it is not there, then most likely you will buy a concentrate or some kind of chemical.
  • Bottle container. We do not recommend taking it in cardboard bags. As a rule, the wines there are of low quality; such wines are, at best, suitable for cooking. We also recommend taking wines with wooden corks.
  • Price. Don't expect a miracle; good wine cannot be very cheap. If the wine costs less than 300 rubles, most likely it contains only chemicals.

Good wines under 400 rubles

Wine of Abkhazia "Lykhny"

400 rub.

This variety has a delicate aroma, with a light strawberry tone, as well as all the richness of Isabella grapes. Due to its low price and high quality, this contender takes first place in the ranking. If you have a modest budget, around 350-400 rubles, then Lykhny wine, due to its quality, may be your best choice.

Vinal AD "Kadarka"

300 rub.

A drink from Bulgaria, made from Kadarka grapes, thanks to the aroma of ripe berries and ripe fruits, will look good at the festive table. This wine will go well with hard cheese and cold desserts.

Sauk-Dere "Merlot"

320 rub.

A domestic variety of wine that will delight many lovers, since the taste of this candidate is not sour, but slightly tart. The bottle is designed very stylishly: the label is made in the form of a map of the Krasnodar region.

Chateau Taman "Saperavi Taman"

340 rub.

Another candidate from the Krasnodar region, which is made from selected grapes, but its taste is not as good as the previous wine. The tartness and sourness can be scary at first, but after a while it feels much better.

RUB 5,360

Bright pink color, simple but slightly strong aroma, with a hint of mango and strawberry - these are the signs of a good wine from Portugal. A light aftertaste with a hint of grapefruit makes this drink one of the best in the “budget” category.

Good wines up to 700 rubles

"Tinajas" Carmenere Reserva

700 rub.

This candidate is considered the best in its price category; it perfectly combines lightness and pleasant sourness. The taste has notes of red currant and herbs that go well with meat dishes. We recommend it, quite a good wine.

"Trapiche" Cabernet Sauvignon

540 rub.

This wine has been awarded the title of best more than once. Friendly and mild taste, pleasant spicy aroma goes well with steak, grilled meat, baked goods and cooked vegetables.

"Campo Viejo" Tempranillo

700 rub.

For such a sum, purchasing such a simple and aromatic drink is the best deal. Notes of blueberry and marmalade are felt. The bouquet itself is balanced so that it is felt without much acidity.

"Valentin" Parellada, Catalunya DO

690 rub.

The combination of two Italian grape varieties, Garnacha Blanca and Parellada, results in a dry and elegant bouquet, with special notes of ripe fruit. It is recommended to drink only with fish dishes.

"Conti Serristori" Chianti DOCG

700 rub.

This wine is good for everyday use; its history dates back to the 14th century. The pride of its region, it shows an excellent balanced taste with a slight sourness. It goes well with meat snacks and pasta.

Good wines under 1000 rubles

Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc

950 rub.

This is a special wine made from grapes grown in the terroir of New Zealand's Marlborough region. The wine has a unique fruity taste, which is obtained through a special vinification technology.

The debate about the benefits and harms of alcoholic beverages continues. But even the most ardent opponents of alcohol will not refuse a glass of good wine. Wine means truth, revelation, and is also called the moisture of life. To know the depth of the drink and enjoy drinking it, you need to know how to choose a good wine.

Which wine is better to choose

The diverse classification of the drink can be divided into: taste, aroma, presence of alcohol. Based on alcohol content, they are classified into:

  1. Fortified (sherry, port, Cahors) - have a high rate of 16% to 21%.
  2. Sparkling wine (champagne) – they contain up to 14% alcohol and contain carbon dioxide.
  3. Table, still, non-sparkling wines (Bordeaux, Cabernet, Chardonnay) – alcohol content is also up to 14%.
  4. Flavored (vermouth) – up to 20%.

Based on color, wines are divided into:

  • Red, their palette is extensive, from rich garnet to terracotta brown (aged varieties), from ruby ​​to purple (young varieties).
  • Pinks, softer colors from pastels, light rubies to the whole pink spectrum.
  • White varieties have straw, greenish tones (young dry varieties), amber (fortified, dessert).

Almost all brands change their shade over time; fortified and dessert wines acquire amber colors, while dry wines darken. When eating food, they determine which wines are better suited for what based on its color and content. Dinner dishes are best used as a flavorful addition to the table, and dessert dishes are best used as final dishes. Restaurateurs recommend taking into account that the more refined the drink, the simpler the dish, and vice versa.

Read also: good Abkhazian wine

Examples of successful menu combinations:

  • Sparkling, effervescent wines can be drunk with almost any food, as long as it is not borscht or herring with onions. Serve chilled (up to 8°C) in narrow glasses.
  • Red varieties are served with meat dishes, fried and spicy, with any type of cheese, various fruits, and go well with pasta, pizza, etc. Recently, restaurants have been offering popular flavor variations for fish products: salmon, trout, sushi. The optimal temperature for them is room temperature (18°C) and served in wide glasses.
  • Dry white brands “love” the first dishes (soups, stews, purees), all kinds of salads with mayonnaise, but without vinegar. Low-fat sausages and veal, poultry, and, of course, fish – classics of the genre. Drink chilled (up to 12°C).
  • Pink - considered universal, served with hot dishes, seafood, desserts (temperature up to 18 °C). For them and dry dishes, utensils with a high stem and narrow walls are used.
  • Sweet (dessert) varieties - they are heavier, stronger, drink them with pastries or jelly (up to 16 °C) from small charms on a low stem.

Read also:

How to choose good wine in a store based on the label - 10 rules

You don’t have to be a sommelier to learn how to buy a decent drink, and not a drink that leaves a terrible aftertaste and, at a minimum, dizziness the next morning, and at a maximum, body disorder.

Ten rules for choosing good wine in a store will help you avoid this:

  1. Clearly separate sweet and dry varieties. To produce popular semi-sweet drinks, wine materials of the lowest quality are used. They add a lot of preservatives and chemical components. Abroad, this type does not exist at all.
  2. Manufacturer information. The main thing is to have the name and information about the manufacturer; if this is not available, it is better to immediately return the bottle to the shelf. On the front side of the right drinks you can always read the brand name in large print.
  3. The region of production also serves as a calling card. The absence of this indicates the low quality of the product.
  4. Grape sort. Only very expensive wines, which you cannot buy at a regular retail outlet, are made from one grape variety. First-class drinks of inexpensive and medium cost are produced by blending, i.e. mixing several varieties of berries. If the label shows 100% of one name, there is no doubt that it is a fake.
  5. Harvest time. The labeling of high-quality alcohol must indicate the year of the grape harvest. You will not find such information on a diluted concentrate, a chemical analogue.
  6. Duration and place of aging. The barrel is considered an ideal storage place; only high-quality brands are stored in them. Divided by age:
  • vintage, made from high-quality berries, languishes for 3-7 years, from 6 years is considered a collectible species;
  • ordinary ones go on sale with aging from 4 months to 1 year.
  1. Description of the advantages and originality that add a positive image to the brand.
  2. Product cost. The rule that cannot be attributed to wine is that you can pay not for quality, but for the brand. An inexpensive drink cannot be natural and tasty; too much work is put into it.
  3. Package. Cardboard packaging is the “friend” of cheap chemical concentrate. If you pour a noble drink into it, it will certainly lose its virtues. After all, only a glass bottle or a wood barrel can preserve the richness of taste.
  4. Original containers, for example, ceramic or decorative, have a negative effect on wine storage or hide the fake.

Manufacturer country


Grapevines in Russia are grown in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, regions of the Caucasus, Crimea, Volgograd, and Saratov regions. But most of the products in stores are made from imported materials; they are in demand. Of course, competition on the world market is high, but now reasonable prospects are predicted for Russian winemaking. The drinks are made from classic varieties of berries and are distinguished by their natural, floral taste.

Read also:

The following brands hold the palm:

  • "Isabella", "Aligote";
  • "Pino black";
  • "Cabernet Sauvignon."

Known manufacturers:

  • "Caucasus";
  • "Russian Vine";
  • "Phanagoria";
  • Rostov plant, Tsimlyansky plant (among sparkling wines), etc.


The climate of Ukraine allows the development of this industry in almost most of the territory, but still the vine bears fruit where there are mild winters and long hot summers. These are Southern Bessarabia, Transcarpathia, Southern regions. The best brands, taste and aroma qualities, which are quite at a decent level:

  • "Shabo";
  • Agrofirm "Belozersky";
  • "French Boulevard" (specializes in sparkling varieties).

Soil and climatic factors make it possible to obtain berries with balanced levels of acidity and sweetness. But still, imports dominate the Ukrainian market.


There are about 4 thousand grape varieties in the world, over 500 grow in Georgia. During Soviet times, it supplied 80% of all fine wines of the republics. Now the demand for them is not decreasing, the drink is impeccable. Perhaps this is due to the special Kakheti wine production technology.

Huge cone-shaped jugs, qvevri, are buried in the ground, then the berries are kept at a temperature of 14°C, and the juice is squeezed out with feet. There is also mechanical processing and mass production, but as a result of this method, full, extractive characteristics with a soft astringency are obtained. The distinctive features of Georgian brands include a long and pleasant aftertaste and harmony of aromas. The best varieties:

  • "Khvanchkara";
  • "Rkatsiteli" etc.


Moldovan alcohol is credited with sophistication and lightness of taste. Drinks from the Kodrovoy and Central regions of the republic are saturated with shades of wildflowers, and the aromas of violet can be traced in them. In this country, they prefer to make wine not only by fermenting grape berries, but also apple juice.

Collectible bottles may contain a kind of acid; to reduce its level, you need to open the container in advance and let the wine “breathe.” Not inferior in characteristics to foreign products, it has a lower cost. Among the popular ones:

  • "Moldavian";
  • Aligote "Onesti";
  • "Dneprovskoe white";
  • "Romanesti"
  • Cabernet “Chumai”;
  • “Bouquet of Moldova” (flavored vermouth, similar to Italian).


The French, like the Moldovans, have been growing vines since ancient times and drinking alcohol from an early age. In this country, the quality of manufactured products is controlled on a regional basis; accordingly, grape varieties are not indicated on the labels of French drinks. On its territory there is the largest vineyard in the world of a high-quality variety called Bordeaux. 80% are red wines.

The insanely expensive, limited-release Bordeau "Petrus" is considered one of the noble red drinks. It comes from the Polerole region. The south-eastern side is famous for its white dry “Entre de Mer”, with a rich aroma of a fruity bouquet, in perfect harmony with seafood. The regions of Médoc, Saunères, and Prav produce the legendary premium cru brands:

  • "Chateau Latour";
  • "Chateau Lafite-Rothschild";
  • "Mouton-Rothschild";
  • "O-Brion";
  • "Chateau Margaux"


Gourmets will agree that the definition of “good” does not apply to French and Italian wines. They are ideal, even those that have an average or affordable price. A distinctive feature is the balance of taste, color, aroma, and aftertaste.

The climatic conditions of the Apennine Peninsula contribute to the development of culture. Under the Italian sun and warm rain, the berries are filled with full-fledged juice, as a result of fermentation of which a divine drink is obtained. Although it is not so easy for Italians to break into the world market due to competition with their neighbors. Production has a stepwise classification:

  1. elite;
  2. DOC category (by region, sugar and alcohol capacity);
  3. IGT (inferior taste);
  4. dining rooms, from prefabricated varieties.

The division of alcohol into red Rosso and white Bianco came to us from there. And all these names have long been associated with something especially pleasant and solemn:

  • "Lambrusco";
  • "Dolcetto";
  • "Malvasia Nera";
  • "Amarone";
  • "Lagrein" and many others.

Wine, according to the world medical community, is recognized as the only alcoholic drink that not only does not harm health, but improves it, of course, if the measure is observed. But everything: strengthening blood vessels, activating brain function and calming nerves - can only be obtained from a good quality product.

Many people think that you have to pay a lot for a good drink. We undertake to prove that good, but inexpensive, exists.

How to choose a good but inexpensive wine

One day you will certainly wonder how to choose good wine at a cheaper price. Do not fall for the hackneyed phrase that good things are always expensive, price is not a guarantee of quality.

When buying inexpensive wine you need to focus on:

  • Price. High-quality wine does not cost less than 300 rubles; it is better to choose between 300 and 600 rubles.
  • Don’t be too lazy to take the bottle out from the depths of the shelf, this guarantees the preservation of taste and quality, because such a bottle is not exposed to the warming rays of lamps.
  • Pay attention to wines with discounts and sales, and monitor their expiration dates. Perhaps the wine is old or past its sell-by date.
  • You, of course, have heard that wine gets better with age, but this is not about budget drinks. Delicious, inexpensive young wine is ready to drink.
  • The best choice would be . It is cheaper, and due to simple technology, it is of better quality.
  • Old World drinks tend to be more expensive, because winemaking originated there - in Greece, France, Italy and Spain. Wine producers from Argentina and Chile price their goods cheaper, although their wine is just as tasty.
  • Remember the most important rule: the taste of the drink does not depend on the grape variety, but on the technology and place of bottling. To choose a bottle of an inexpensive but high-quality product, look for the inscription “natural wine”, the aging period is last year or two years ago, it must be bottled in the same place where it was produced.

Dry white wines

There are a huge number of varieties of white grapes; they serve as raw materials for the production of dry white wines. And if you consider that different brands of drinks are obtained by mixing grape berries of different varieties, then it is clear that there are even more varieties of dry white wines.

What dry white wine is considered high quality? Something that has a color from straw to golden, alcohol content from 9 to 14% and sugar up to 0.3 g/100 cm3.


This is the name of the region of Italy near Verona where this wine is produced. Connoisseurs rank Soave products very highly. They are created from rare grape varieties - Garganega, Trebbiano, Verdicchio, Chardonnay.

The color of Soave wines is straw, the aroma combines a fruity note and the smell of a green meadow, the taste balances between a sour note and a sweetish note, the aftertaste is fruity. You can't go wrong if you choose a bottle of Villa Razina Soave Classico 2009 when choosing a drink.

Pinot Grigio

This is the name of the grapes from which light wines are made. A wonderful example of such a wine would be the Italian Cadiz Pinot Grigio 2010.


Drinks with the general name Chardonnay are made from the berries of the Chardonnay grape variety, which has long spread throughout the world, however, the wines of the New World enjoy worldwide recognition.

Excellent drinks are also obtained from other grape varieties:

  • from the Riesling variety – Jordan Stellenbosch Riesling 2009 with a magical citrus aroma;
  • from the Cortese variety - Gavi Canti 2009, which is called the white king of Piedmontese wines;
  • from the Sauvignon variety - French Sauvignon Blanc, known since the 18th century.

Good inexpensive dry red wines

There are approximately 4,500 varieties in the world. They have a tart taste, less sour than white, but stronger.

Dry red wine comes in two types:

  • with sugar content 1%, strength 9-13%;
  • with sugar content up to 3%, strength 14-16%.


The homeland of the Merlot variety is France, but now it is also grown in Italy, Argentina, and Chile. Merlot wines are soft, have a light aroma and a rich bouquet.

If you want to find a delicious dry red wine, buy a bottle of 2009 Pink Panther Bordeaux Rosé or Bordeaux made in France.


Wines of this variety are made from wine berries of the Sirach variety. These drinks are now produced not only by French winemakers, but also by masters from Australia and Argentina.

A fine example of this robust wine with chocolate notes is the 2010 Michele Torino Shiraz.


Fine dark burgundy dry drinks are also made from Malbec grapes. Surprising fact: the strength of these wines is usually higher - 15%, but the intoxication is neutralized by aging the wine in oak containers for up to two years.

If you are wondering which good Malbec wine to choose, take the Argentine drinks named after their creator - Michel Torino Don David Malbec 2008 or Don David Cabernet Sauvignon 2008.

Excellent wine products are also produced from other grapes: the Italian variety Sangiovese gave birth to the magnificent, calm Rapido red Sangiovese 2009), from wine berries Corvin and Molinara create the divine Rocca Alata Valpolicella Superiore 2009), Pinot Noir grapes gave life to the Chilean Undurraga Sybaris Pinot Noir 2010, and from the Carmenere grapes they created the delicious Sybaris Carmenere 2008.

Semi-sweet wines

While Western countries are famous for dry wines, they practically don’t drink sweet or semi-sweet wines. The production of semi-sweet wines is very complex in technology, and such elite drinks are very expensive.

Inexpensive, but very high-quality semi-sweet red wines are excellently produced in Crimea:

  • “Whisper of the Monk” (11% strength, sugar up to 5%).
  • “Crimean Pinot Noir” is made from the Pinot Noir variety, sugar content up to 5%, strength 9-12%.

Wine has accompanied humanity throughout its history. Legends were made about him, he was considered a gift from heaven and the elixir of life. Now, of course, its role in our lives is not so great, nevertheless it remains an element of the culture of many peoples.