The Knight of Pentacles means that the process develops according to its own laws. This is an organized person who brings any task to the end, gifted, and demanding of himself. Sometimes he may be financially dependent on others.

Reverse position of the Knight of Pentacles card:

A reversed card means: stagnation, carelessness, indecision, laziness. This may be a person of little ability or a fool.

Dragon Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

Knight of Pentacles CAALERE di DENAR

Tlatoc, the young Aztec emperor, riding the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl, flies over his country.

Direct position of the Knight of Pentacles card:


The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

Direct position of the Knight of Pentacles card:

Knight of Pentacles - A responsible and generous person. Carefully thought out plans.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

KNGHT. Rider - He rides slowly on a hardy, powerful horse that matches his own appearance.

Direct position of the Horse of Pentacles card:

Meanings for Fortune telling: usefulness, suitability, interest, responsibility, honesty.

Reverse position of the Horse of Pentacles card:

Reverse meanings: inertia, idleness, calmness of this kind; stagnation; also - serenity, discouragement, carelessness.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

It is a reminder to us that, like this turtle, we carry our home wherever we go. There is no need to seek refuge anywhere else. Even when we move into the depths of the emotional waters, we can remain self-fulfilling and free from attachments.

Direct position of the Rainbow Knight card - Slow down:

The time has come when you are ready to let go of any expectations you have about yourself and other people, and accept responsibility for all the illusions you carry. There is no need to do anything but rest in the fullness of who you are now. If wishes and hopes fade, it is for the best. Their disappearance makes way for a new quality of calm and acceptance of what is, and you can welcome this development as never before. Maintain that quality of slowing down, coming to rest and realizing that you are already home.

Meaning of the card:

Meditation is a kind of medicine - it is useful only at a given time. Once you have learned this quality, you do not need any special meditation, then meditation will spread throughout your life. Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen. Then what will be the quality? A person walks - alert, lively, joyful, unmotivated, concentrated, loving, smooth. A person sits - lovingly, lively, alert, unmotivated - not for anything in particular, but just enjoying how wonderful it is to just sit, doing nothing, so relaxed, calm... After a long walk you sit under a tree and a cool wind blows over you. Every moment a person needs to be free with himself - without trying to improve, without developing or practicing anything. Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen. Conversation or silence, movement, stillness, the essence is easy. The point is easy - that's the key word. Do what you do, but at your deepest core remain free, cool, calm, centered.

This card always carries an impulse of responsibility, conscientiousness, diligence and willpower. She conveys that the road to success lies through hard work and self-reliance. This is an indication that you need to do useful things, develop your talents, learn to be practical, patient, persistent, methodical, and in this case there will be little that is impossible for you. This Knight’s advice is that you will achieve a lot, but only on the condition that you absolutely calm down and get down to serious work.

At the moment, we are talking about the fact that we have been given clear and understandable tasks that must be completed within a realistic time frame. The appearance of this card may indicate that the questioner is working hard or has worked and has spent a lot of effort in some situation. Whether the time has come to rest on your laurels will be shown by other cards in the layout.

In general, this card speaks of good opportunities to stabilize your financial situation, increase your own well-being, benefiting people and faithfully doing your job. Appearing in the layout, the Knight of Pentacles means that the situation, which was developing sluggishly and even threatened to reach a dead end, will be resolved positively. Results rarely appear quickly, but are worth the wait. In general, this card invites us to feel gratitude for what we already have and to consider everything that the Universe gives us as an object to work on and gifts to possess. The Knight of Pentacles is usually very busy with his work. Opportunities, meetings, responsibilities replace each other, and it is important, without allowing yourself to be suppressed and weakened, to take some time to realize and consolidate the results of this entire flow.

Traditionally, this Arcanum symbolizes a useful person, the receipt of a valuable service (“someone will do a faithful service”). Other basic meanings: profit, benefit, profit, gain, benefit. Signing an agreement, drawing up a business plan. Sometimes - departure, travel (more likely by land than by air or water).

Appearing in a chart, the Knight of Pentacles almost always indicates that one must continue to improve, gain new knowledge, follow the intended path, and be sure to complete the assigned tasks, even if the work seems hard and uninteresting. He calls for overcoming all types of laziness and completing all unfinished projects. This Arcanum represents the ability to pull oneself together and complete a task regardless of whether one’s soul is in it. This “to-do” can be anything - a school assignment, getting your paperwork in order, or creating a new relationship. In general, this Arcanum brings systematic progress towards the goal, healthy and pleasant daily activities. Figures of Pentacles often signify an impulse to take care of household and garden chores, big cleaning and family gatherings for meals. The Knight of Pentacles also favors home renovations and “repairing” the body (for example, working out in the gym).

In the upright position - reliability, commitment to fulfilling promises. Inverted - an unfavorable combination of circumstances, bad luck. Coupled with negative Arcana, it can indicate unfulfilled expectations. But in general, when appearing in a reading, the Knight of Pentacles seems to be saying: I’m a good product, at a good price, why not take it?

Cautiously optimistic and patient, like a marathon runner preparing for the Olympic Games. Using this map, we learn to properly distribute time and energy, show restraint, endurance and perseverance, and work zeal. It carries good potential for organization and hard work, but the inability or inability to independently choose specific goals. This card signifies the development of consistency and unwavering determination. We learn to set boundaries so that external circumstances do not distract us from our plans.

The Knight of Pentacles is the most cautious of the Knights of the Tarot. He takes on this or that task only after first weighing and calculating everything. Otherwise, this person will prefer to refuse even a very lucrative offer. Unlike his three brothers, he asks himself the question “What am I doing?” (and usually not unrequited). He is able to see both close-up details and more distant consequences, in this sense his point of view can be called balanced. The Knight of Pentacles is characterized by that combination of straightforwardness, modesty and realism, which is well described by the English-language characteristic - down to earth, usually having the nature of a compliment. If he promised, he will come. If you signed up, you will do it. In addition, this is the most resigned of the Knights. Working up a sweat? Please. Possibly until eight o'clock. In fact, the Knight of Pentacles is an ambitious and purposeful comrade. He just...quiet. He gives the impression of a shy quiet person, which sometimes misleads his rivals and competitors. In reality, it turns out that it is extremely difficult to bypass it, and in terms of practical results it will give many a head start.

This is a fairly mature person who is aware of responsibility for everything that he does. In his work he is methodical, even to the point of pedantry. The Knight of Pentacles is able to complete any task he begins. This is an organized person who does not allow any laxity. Being gifted from birth, he does not bury his talents in the ground, but develops them in every possible way, because he is very demanding of himself, diligent and hardworking. It happens that he lacks independence and self-confidence, but this is more an external impression of himself than a genuine deficiency of these qualities. The moment the Knight of Pentacles faces difficulties, they manifest themselves in full force, and he reveals amazing performance, patience and endurance, the ability to do the almost impossible alone. His confidence and independence are manifested in action, not in self-presentation. He has the right attitude towards earthly work as the support and basis of everything. Literally - everything. He is a convinced materialist in the sense that his greatest interest is always the physical aspect of what is happening. If it’s a job, then is it profitable? If it’s a thing, then how much does it cost? If it’s a relationship, then will there be sex? Experience attracts him, there is no abstraction. He feels confident only when he comes close to the undoubted facts of material life. He likes familiar things more than unfamiliar ones, which is why he is sometimes difficult to climb.

According to Crowley, it is associated with an orgy of earthly joys, a reckless overestimation of one’s working capabilities. He knows that he can do a lot, he has great faith in his business acumen, his power is really great. He does not feel weak at all; he has faith in his inexhaustible potency, endurance and concentration, and the ability to culminate in work. This makes him “naked and defenseless” - he does not seem to consider it necessary to arm himself. The Knight of Pentacles always has his earthly habits - his favorite dishes, his favorite resting position, his favorite blanket, he likes to sleep well and has great difficulty enduring jet lag. He almost always has a healthy appetite, he loves to eat deliciously, exercise properly, and a long run in the fresh air can do more for his psyche than a dozen psychotherapy sessions. The opposite is also true - the lack of normal food, sleep and the opportunity to do the necessary exercises can really wear him out (while Swords and Wands may hardly notice all these inconveniences, and for the Knight of Cups breakfast after a sleepless night, consisting of coffee, cigarettes and a view of the Eiffel Tower is considered optimal). Often the Knight of Pentacles is really well developed physically and is in excellent shape because his job requires it.

In the worst case, this is a talented young man with enormous potential, who, due to modesty, is not appreciated and who fails to realize his full potential. He has to work miracles with blunt instruments, wasting time and nerves, instead of showing everything he is truly capable of. There is no doubt that he can sometimes, with the help of a rope loop and a stick, do what someone else would need a digital machine to do, the only question is whether this is what he should actually be doing. It is the Knights of Pentacles who are able to work in three shifts on jammed equipment in unheated workshops, go out into the field with a plow in the absence of a combine harvester, and operate under bullets using almost a penknife. But still, “able” does not mean that “should” do so.

This is a good card for almost any professional endeavor, for work on an ongoing basis and consistent progress towards the goal. Hard work, worthy commitment, realistic approach are its basic meanings, and the traditional meaning is faithful service. Organized, serious and professional. As an employee, he is a performer, but is not yet able to set his own goals and achieve them.

The Knight of Pentacles is a significator of those areas of activity where production is carried out, as well as for agriculture, construction, architecture, and design. In addition, it favors all areas where it is necessary to achieve tangible results, check everything thoroughly, observe precise operating techniques and not take wishful thinking. This is a map of technicians, mechanics, engineers, people working with all kinds of units. Laziness and negligence on this card are completely unacceptable. The Knight of Pentacles can also communicate the importance of rhythms, like the rhythms in which the earth itself lives, the cycle of the seasons.

Advice: solve everyday issues step by step, resolve issues with honor and remember that patience and work will grind everything down. Be a reliable person. Stand with your feet on the ground, do not take wishful thinking.

Trap card: not for service, but for friendship, doing a bunch of things that are not your own. Inertia and fear of using your chance, refusal of everything new and unusual.

When fortune telling about a situation related to receiving money, the Knight of Pentacles warns that one cannot count on a solution to the issue in the near future. It will take a long time before you succeed in implementing your plan. At the same time, this card indicates earnings as a result of honest work and prudent actions, the ability to properly manage what you have. She warns against any risky fraud and the pursuit of easy money. Her element is slow and steady growth, not playing roulette. Practicality in financial matters. This card also serves as a significator of ownership of land and real estate. It is associated with agreements and contracts, profit and conservation of resources, stabilization of the situation through perseverance, will and prudence.

The Knight of Pentacles learns at every step to manage time, energy and money carefully, and therefore may seem like a bore. From the girl’s point of view, he is boring, since he is able to talk about little except for the business that he is passionate about and which he knows. The rest of the time he clearly doesn’t know what to say, and compensates for this with patience as a listener. In fact, this is a great sign of a promising guy who will become a good guy, and maybe even - in time - a whole King of Pentacles. So it makes sense to forgive him for the fact that he doesn’t waste money and goes on dates like a train on schedule, and his tongue loosens only when it comes to the technical details of his profession (well, or when he promotes a healthy lifestyle). Here his imaginary shyness evaporates as if by magic. In general, it is connected only with the fact that the format of his interests cannot serve as a topic for idle chatter - you either understand this or you don’t, and people who understand it are usually not at a social gathering. As a result, partying is often hard work for him, but at work he rests his soul and feels a connection with like-minded people and the presence of meaning in life. His actions almost always bring successful results. He really is not distinguished by his liveliness of mind and imagination in things that are not related to his main activity, therefore outside of its framework he often seems down-to-earth and cold. You need to see him in action once to understand how “cold” he is. Eyes sparkle, brow spiritualized, mutual understanding with colleagues is complete. Scratching a piece of his libido from his favorite device is not an easy task. But possible. The main thing is not to try to dislodge the aggregate from his life, because then the Knight of Pentacles turns over and becomes a lost couch potato, a stagnant and irresponsible type who cannot find a “job to his liking.”

In relationships, this is a multifaceted card that says that routine is the best thing now. It's better to have a bird in your hands. We must live in an atmosphere of constancy, respect and mutual support. The pathos of this card are commitment, responsibility, security, trust and patience. A clear financial and everyday background of relationships. Joint good deeds, housework, intense earthly sex. No fears or doubts. With the Knight of Pentacles you can truly feel “like behind a stone wall.” However, connoisseurs of such structures in relationships should be warned that a circular perimeter will quickly form near this wall. It turns out that the wall is on all sides, and there is no door in it in case of evacuation. To break through this wall, you need the Tower from the inside and preferably the King of Wands from the outside.

The Knight of Pentacles is a very loyal comrade. Paying tribute to carnal joys like any representative of the earthly element, he is jealous and does not understand anything other than fidelity. He is the owner in a purely physical sense - only he has the right to enjoy his partner’s body. For him, emotional betrayal is something like that in quotes. Zilch, fantasy, temporary hobby, eclipse in the sky. If they “didn’t sleep,” then he will be more likely to turn a blind eye to it and justify his partner by all means and with all his characteristic generosity. But if he had sex on the side, he will never forgive that. No excuses that it was a random episode, that “the devil got me into trouble,” that all this means nothing, do not work here. There will be no turning back, even if some efforts are made in this direction (most likely they will take place, because, in general, the Knight of Pentacles is good-natured and affectionate). Physical betrayal for him is the collapse of the galaxy. In this sense, the card really personifies the “inviolability of moral principles,” as they say in ancient commentaries.

At a low level of development, the Knight of Pentacles views loyalty rather as an affiliation measured financially - “whoever dines a girl, dances her.” The one who was bought must be faithful. He accepts this philosophy regardless of the role in which he finds himself. As the “owner” he will know down to the cent how much his “toy” costs him. As an “acquisition”, he will follow the rules of the game and most conscientiously fulfill what he considers his duties, including in bed. The important thing is that this role will not cause him any moral torment. Knights of Pentacles adhere to the most realistic views in matters of relationships, whether it concerns themselves, their partners, or the global picture of the world. They are the ones who believe that there is nothing more honest than legalized prostitution. In the end, it was, is and will be. So why shouldn’t it be safe, comfortable, controlled, with known addresses and fixed rates? Who will be better off if it is different? Moreover, deep down in their hearts they view any relationship as a transaction - the only differences are in the duration of the contract and prices - and from their point of view, cultivated prostitution is much more decent than other marriages. By the way, it is the Knight of Pentacles who will never be offended by the phrase “marriage contract”, and he will delve into all the points with interest.

If the Arcana Knight of Pentacles is a significator of relationships, then they are most likely based on practical considerations and the desire for financial stability. Crowley emphasizes the expressions of sensuality, awareness of sexual attractiveness, and the ability to enjoy intimacy associated with this card. Sometimes this card describes a person who has tried sex for the first time and now for some time you simply cannot drag him out of bed by the ears. As Oscar Wilde said, simple pleasures are the last refuge of complex natures, and the Knight of Pentacles can be an excellent partner for a “sword-wielding genius”, if the latter is smart enough to appreciate it. This, however, rarely happens - you still won’t have much fun with the Knight of Pentacles, partly due to his lack of imagination, and partly due to his inherent fatigue after work, despite the fact that he is a dependent and subordinate person there. Imagine dating a ballet dancer after an evening performance where he gave it his all. The “extravaganza” has already happened - at work. Now, if possible, let’s eat in silence, go home and go to bed, I have a rehearsal tomorrow morning. The bowls on the edge of the bed will sigh pitifully to themselves, “poor thing!”, the Swords will snort out loud - what good is it to me?, and the Wands will kiss your forehead and ride off to have fun with those who have not yet shot off their powder in the working field. And Only Pentacles, perhaps, will perceive the situation on the same vibrations and remind you about vitamins and massage. The best partner for an athlete is his physical therapist or coach.

Actually, it is a significator of good and lasting health and great endurance. At a minimum - an indicator of ability to work. This card also speaks of good potency and fertility. The Knight of Pentacles is extremely tenacious. He has a very durable body and can withstand various challenges well.

As an indication of a disease, one can talk about sick workaholics - ulcers and gastritis, migraines, professional burnout. Obsession with details causes anxiety, which in turn contributes to stomach diseases. Occasionally, it may indicate occupational diseases and sports injuries such as overexertion, ruptures and sprains, and other “failure to withstand” some tissues.

Using this card, treatment and stabilization of health status are successfully carried out, with nutrition, physiotherapy and sleep being of particular importance.

This is a card of numbness and chilling. Sometimes she talks about needed rest, serenity, laziness and peace. Doing nothing can be a wonderful activity. However, more often this card still manifests itself as a loss of interest in the business (the opportunity to “feed” from it) and a willingness to quit the project. Perhaps the reason for this is health problems. But most likely, this is an indication that the person is in a state of stagnation and is tired of the boring routine. He has simply lost his direction and does not see what he could achieve in this field. He begins to see all this as a waste of resources and time, and maybe this is so. He may sometimes disappoint himself and others, be unreliable, impatience, laziness, apathy, or low morale and unwillingness to fulfill his responsibilities. Sometimes it is complete submission to bodily desires and complete indifference to the inner world. The reversed Knight of Pentacles can be obsessive about working out, eating right, building muscles, and counting calories.

The inverted Knight of Pentacles can also embody such a quality as inertia. He is difficult to “swing”, indecisive, and maybe just an inveterate lazy person (because he knows that any business, once he gets down to it, will literally absorb him completely).

Traditional description of the card: idle, careless, immoral young man, spendthrift, gambler. Lack of attention and diligence, inability to choose a goal and strive for it. Sometimes the inverted Knight of Penacles acts as a simple, limited man in the street. Sometimes he is a fool, or a person of little ability, or a dogmatist who refuses to accept what does not fit into his schemes.

Sometimes this is literally a "miserly knight", a person who never manages to truly reap the benefits of frugality, pragmatism and work. Stagnation in money matters.

Astrological equivalents: Affected Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn, as well as all planets associated with these signs. Negative Sixth, Fourth and Tenth Houses.

Last updated: 18 Sep. 2018

  • Knight of Pentacles
  • Knight of Coins
  • Horseman Denariev
  • Prince of Disks
  • Lord of the Wild Fertile Lands
  • Path 45, from Hesed to Yesod
  • Astrological equivalents: Capricorn, Virgo, Houses Sixth and Tenth.
  • Jupiter in Taurus as a symbol of constancy, growth and increase in wealth.

General value in the layout

  • This card always carries an impulse of responsibility, conscientiousness, diligence and willpower. She conveys that the road to success lies through hard work and self-reliance. This is an indication that you need to do useful things, develop your talents, learn to be practical, patient, persistent, methodical, and in this case there will be little that is impossible for you. This Knight’s advice is that you will achieve a lot, but only on the condition that you absolutely calm down and get down to serious work.
  • At the moment, we are talking about the fact that we have been given clear and understandable tasks that must be completed within a realistic time frame. The appearance of this card may indicate that the questioner is working hard or has worked and has spent a lot of effort in some situation. Whether the time has come to rest on your laurels will be shown by other cards in the layout.
  • In general, this card speaks of good opportunities to stabilize your financial situation, increase your own well-being, benefiting people and faithfully doing your job. Appearing in the layout, the Knight of Pentacles means that the situation, which was developing sluggishly and even threatened to reach a dead end, will be resolved positively. Results rarely appear quickly, but are worth the wait. In general, this card invites us to feel gratitude for what we already have and to consider everything that the Universe gives us as an object to work on and gifts to possess. The Knight of Pentacles is usually very busy with his work. Opportunities, meetings, responsibilities replace each other, and it is important, without allowing yourself to be suppressed and weakened, to take some time to realize and consolidate the results of this entire flow.
  • Traditionally, this Arcanum symbolizes a useful person, the receipt of a valuable service (“someone will do a faithful service”). Other basic meanings: profit, benefit, profit, gain, benefit. Signing an agreement, drawing up a business plan. Sometimes - departure, travel (more likely by land than by air or water).
  • Appearing in a chart, the Knight of Pentacles almost always indicates that one must continue to improve, gain new knowledge, follow the intended path, and be sure to complete the assigned tasks, even if the work seems hard and uninteresting. He calls for overcoming all types of laziness and completing all unfinished projects. This Arcanum represents the ability to pull oneself together and complete a task regardless of whether one’s soul is in it. This “to-do” can be anything—a school assignment, getting your paperwork in order, or creating a new relationship. In general, this Arcanum brings systematic progress towards the goal, healthy and pleasant daily activities. Figures of Pentacles often signify an impulse to take care of household and garden chores, big cleaning and family gatherings for meals. The Knight of Pentacles also favors home renovations and “repairing” the body (for example, working out in the gym).
  • In the upright position - reliability, commitment to fulfilling promises. Inverted - an unfavorable combination of circumstances, bad luck. Coupled with negative Arcana, it can indicate unfulfilled expectations. But in general, when appearing in a reading, the Knight of Pentacles seems to be saying: I’m a good product, at a good price, why not take it?

Personal state

  • Cautiously optimistic and patient, like a marathon runner preparing for the Olympic Games. Using this map, we learn to properly distribute time and energy, show restraint, endurance and perseverance, and work zeal. It carries good potential for organization and hard work, but the inability or inability to independently choose specific goals. This card signifies the development of consistency and unwavering determination. We learn to set boundaries so that external circumstances do not distract us from our plans.
  • The Knight of Pentacles is the most cautious of the Knights of the Tarot. He takes on this or that task only after first weighing and calculating everything. Otherwise, this person will prefer to refuse even a very lucrative offer. Unlike his three brothers, he asks himself the question “What am I doing?” (and usually not unrequited). He is able to see both close-up details and more distant consequences, in this sense his point of view can be called balanced. The Knight of Pentacles is characterized by that combination of straightforwardness, modesty and realism, which is well described by the English-language characteristic - down to earth, usually having the nature of a compliment. If he promised, he will come. If you signed up, you will do it. In addition, this is the most resigned of the Knights. Working up a sweat? Please. Possibly until eight o'clock. In fact, the Knight of Pentacles is an ambitious and purposeful comrade. He's just... quiet. He gives the impression of a shy quiet person, which sometimes misleads his rivals and competitors. In reality, it turns out that it is extremely difficult to bypass it, and in terms of practical results it will give many a head start.
  • This is a fairly mature person who is aware of responsibility for everything that he does. In his work he is methodical, even to the point of pedantry. The Knight of Pentacles is able to complete any task he begins. This is an organized person who does not allow any laxity. Being gifted from birth, he does not bury his talents in the ground, but develops them in every possible way, because he is very demanding of himself, diligent and hardworking. It happens that he lacks independence and self-confidence, but this is more an external impression of himself than a genuine deficiency of these qualities. The moment the Knight of Pentacles faces difficulties, they manifest themselves in full force, and he reveals amazing performance, patience and endurance, the ability to do the almost impossible alone. His confidence and independence are manifested in action, not in self-presentation. He has the right attitude towards earthly work as the support and basis of everything. Literally - everything. He is a convinced materialist in the sense that his greatest interest is always the physical aspect of what is happening. If it’s a job, then is it profitable? If it’s a thing, then how much does it cost? If it’s a relationship, then will there be sex? Experience attracts him, there is no abstraction. He feels confident only when he comes close to the undoubted facts of material life. He likes familiar things more than unfamiliar ones, which is why he is sometimes difficult to climb.
  • According to Crowley, it is associated with an orgy of earthly joys, a reckless overestimation of one’s working capabilities. He knows that he can do a lot, he has great faith in his business acumen, his power is really great. He does not feel weak at all; he has faith in his inexhaustible potency, endurance and concentration, and the ability to culminate in work. This makes him “naked and defenseless” - he doesn’t seem to consider it necessary to arm himself. The Knight of Pentacles always has his earthly habits - his favorite dishes, his favorite resting position, his favorite blanket, he likes to sleep well and has great difficulty enduring jet lag. He almost always has a healthy appetite, he loves to eat deliciously, exercise properly, and a long run in the fresh air can do more for his psyche than a dozen psychotherapy sessions. The opposite is also true - the lack of normal food, sleep and the opportunity to do the necessary exercises can really wear him out (while Swords and Wands may hardly notice all these inconveniences, and for the Knight of Cups breakfast after a sleepless night, consisting of coffee, cigarettes and a view of the Eiffel Tower is considered optimal). Often the Knight of Pentacles is really well developed physically and is in excellent shape because his job requires it.
  • In the worst case, he is a talented young man with enormous potential, who, due to modesty, is not appreciated and who fails to realize his full potential. He has to work miracles with blunt instruments, wasting time and nerves, instead of showing everything he is truly capable of. There is no doubt that he can sometimes, with the help of a rope loop and a stick, do what someone else would need a digital machine to do, the only question is whether this is what he should actually be doing. It is the Knights of Pentacles who are able to work in three shifts on jammed equipment in unheated workshops, go out into the field with a plow in the absence of a combine harvester, and operate under bullets using almost a penknife. But still, “able” does not mean that “should” do so.

On a deeper level

  • This card represents a person who is in the middle of a difficult path, in the midst of a big undertaking. This could be, for example, a major financial transaction, a scientific work, or a work of art. Both rider and horse are tired, but there is still a long way ahead. The knight is not aggressive and generously helps the people around him; but while giving them what they need, he does not remove the iron glove from his hand.
  • The mighty black horse under the Knight of Pentacles is the horse of Hades, a symbol bestowed upon him by the lord of the underworld, the master of matter. It reminds us of the blackness of the womb of the earth, where the seeds of all future situations, ideas and projects sprout and mature. The green horns adorning the horse’s head and the Knight’s helmet, as well as the cultivated arable land on the Arcana, are a hint of the nature of the Virgin (aka Persephone, wife of Hades). Archetypally, the Knight of Pentacles personifies the grain yearning for the womb of the earth, where it could germinate and sprout. For him, love for nature is not only a material necessity, but also a sublimation of the attraction to the feminine principle, expressed through the body and feelings. It is with the Knight of the Penacles that ancient seasonal sexual practices that promote fertility, such as symbolic intercourse with the earth or ejaculation into water, are associated. The basis of ancient religions was the worship of the earth, empathy for the processes occurring in nature and participation in them.
  • The Knight of Pentacles embodies the truth that meticulous execution is the source of passion. As soon as we turn on the “virgin” scrupulosity and Saturnian concentration, even a seemingly boring task, as if by magic, begins to exude energy and supply us with additional information. Popular wisdom has given rise to a lot of theses expressing the spirit of this Arcanum. Patience and work will grind everything down, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do, practice works wonders. All of them express the idea that practical contact with matter has certain energy-informational effects. Thus, an experienced carpenter has a kind of “clairvoyance to wood,” and an experienced physiotherapist may only need to hear the patient’s gait for the first time in order to form a very accurate idea of ​​the disease. The contemplation of a person acting with precision and skill - regardless of whether he is rebuilding a car engine or painting the finest china, filling a tooth or wrapping Christmas gifts - gives a truly aesthetic pleasure and invariably gives rise to a subtle feeling that there is something magical about it. Try to do the same! It is clear that there is some kind of magic here. Moreover, the activist himself does not see any magic here. As David Beckham (by the way, a representative of the earthly Taurus) said: take corners? you stand on the corner and punch ten thousand times, that's all. It is this “magic” of skill, repetition, experience and practice that is described by the Arcanum Knight of Pentacles. The secret of this Arcanum is the love of work, which is always mutual. All the opposite theses from the area of ​​“Work loves fools”, “Work is not a wolf, it won’t run into the forest” and others, are generated by the inverted Knight of Pentacles. For some reason he just couldn't stay in the saddle. Perhaps he was horrified by the extent of the virgin soil. It is possible that if the territory of Russia was comparable to the territory of Germany, there would be fewer such proverbs. The Knight of Pentacles does not often budge, but once it does, it is impossible to stop it - the job must be done. The element Earth has the colossal power of creation and resistance. Neither Aries nor Scorpio will help to intimidate entrenched Taurus or “turn away from the path” of Capricorn who has chosen a goal.
  • The Knight of Pentacles has the amazing gift of being directly energetically fueled by the activity he performs, so work satisfies him, and idleness for him is synonymous with energy hunger. “Well, what should we do there?” he asks displeasedly, looking at an advertising brochure for a fashionable resort. "Nothing!" means “Nothing...”. The task that this Arcanum sets for the Ego is to bring the mind into harmony with earthly activities and material needs. The nourishment delivered by well-performed work creates a stable internal impulse to action. All his energy is focused on the fruits of his labors and the next achievement in the program.
  • The Knight of Pentacles personifies a state of mind characterized by diligence, patience and perseverance, in which things that are necessary and useful are created. It symbolizes something solid, durable, permanent, the soil or foundation on which we can build our future. This is a true expression of the earth element, that substance and materiality that gives us self-confidence, helps us look at things from a practical point of view and allows us to achieve real results. It also means, however, a very definite limit to the ability of our sensory perception. Where we go beyond this boundary, the positive qualities of the Knight of Denarii are distorted or even sometimes turn into their opposite, turning into stubbornness.

Professional situation

  • This is a good card for almost any professional endeavor, for work on an ongoing basis and consistent progress towards the goal. Hard work, honorable commitment, realistic approach are its basic meanings, and the traditional meaning is faithful service. Organized, serious and professional. As an employee, he is a performer, but is not yet able to set his own goals and achieve them.
  • The Knight of Pentacles is a significator of those areas of activity where production is carried out, as well as for agriculture, construction, architecture, and design. In addition, it favors all areas where it is necessary to achieve tangible results, check everything thoroughly, observe precise operating techniques and not take wishful thinking. This is a map of technicians, mechanics, engineers, people working with all kinds of units. Laziness and negligence on this card are completely unacceptable. The Knight of Pentacles can also communicate the importance of rhythms, like the rhythms in which the earth itself lives, the cycle of the seasons.
  • Advice: solve everyday issues step by step, resolve issues with honor and remember that patience and work will grind everything down. Be a reliable person. Stand with your feet on the ground, do not take wishful thinking.
  • Trap of the card: do a bunch of things that aren’t your own, not for service, but for friendship. Inertia and fear of using your chance, refusal of everything new and unusual.
  • Financial and housing situation
    When fortune telling about a situation related to receiving money, the Knight of Pentacles warns that one cannot count on a solution to the issue in the near future. It will take a long time before you succeed in implementing your plan. At the same time, this card indicates earnings as a result of honest work and prudent actions, the ability to properly manage what you have. She warns against any risky fraud and the pursuit of easy money. Her element is slow and steady growth, not playing roulette. Practicality in financial matters. This card also serves as a significator of ownership of land and real estate. It is associated with agreements and contracts, profit and conservation of resources, stabilization of the situation through perseverance, will and prudence.

Personal relationships Knight of Pentacles

  • The Knight of Pentacles learns at every step to manage time, energy and money carefully, and therefore may seem like a bore. From the girl’s point of view, he is boring, since he is able to talk about little except for the business that he is passionate about and which he knows. The rest of the time he clearly doesn’t know what to say, and compensates for this with patience as a listener. In fact, this is a great sign of a promising guy who will become a good guy, and maybe even - in time - a whole King of Pentacles. So it makes sense to forgive him for the fact that he doesn’t waste money and goes on dates like a train on schedule, and his tongue loosens only when it comes to the technical details of his profession (well, or when he promotes a healthy lifestyle). Here his imaginary shyness evaporates as if by magic. In general, it is connected only with the fact that the format of his interests cannot serve as a topic for idle chatter - you either understand this or you don’t, and people who understand it are usually not at a social gathering. As a result, partying is often hard work for him, but at work he rests his soul and feels connected to like-minded people and has meaning in life. His actions almost always bring successful results. He really is not distinguished by his liveliness of mind and imagination in things that are not related to his main activity, therefore outside of its framework he often seems down-to-earth and cold. You need to see him in action once to understand how “cold” he is. Eyes sparkle, brow spiritualized, mutual understanding with colleagues is complete. Scratching a piece of his libido from his favorite device is not an easy task. But possible. The main thing is not to try to dislodge the aggregate from his life, because then the Knight of Pentacles turns over and becomes a lost couch potato, a stagnant and irresponsible type who cannot find a “job to his liking.”
  • In relationships, this is a multifaceted card that says that routine is the best thing now. It's better to have a bird in your hands. We must live in an atmosphere of constancy, respect and mutual support. The pathos of this card are commitment, responsibility, security, trust and patience. A clear financial and everyday background of relationships. Joint good deeds, housework, intense earthly sex. No fears or doubts. With the Knight of Pentacles you can truly feel “like behind a stone wall.” However, connoisseurs of such structures in relationships should be warned that a circular perimeter will quickly form near this wall. It turns out that the wall is on all sides, and there is no door in it in case of evacuation. To break through this wall, you need the Tower from the inside and preferably the King of Wands from the outside.
  • The Knight of Pentacles is a very loyal comrade. Paying tribute to carnal joys like any representative of the earthly element, he is jealous and does not understand anything other than fidelity. He is the owner in a purely physical sense - only he has the right to enjoy his partner’s body. For him, emotional betrayal is something like that in quotes. Zilch, fantasy, temporary hobby, eclipse in the sky. If they “didn’t sleep,” then he will be more likely to turn a blind eye to it and justify his partner by all means and with all his characteristic generosity. But if he had sex on the side, he will never forgive that. No excuses that it was a random episode, that “the devil got me into trouble,” that all this means nothing, do not work here. There will be no turning back, even if some efforts are made in this direction (most likely they will take place, because, in general, the Knight of Pentacles is good-natured and affectionate). Physical betrayal for him is the collapse of the galaxy. In this sense, the card really personifies the “inviolability of moral principles,” as they say in ancient commentaries.
  • At a low level of development, the Knight of Pentacles views loyalty rather as an affiliation measured financially - “whoever dines a girl, dances her.” The one who was bought must be faithful. He accepts this philosophy regardless of the role in which he finds himself. As the “owner” he will know down to the cent how much his “toy” costs him. As an “acquisition”, he will follow the rules of the game and most conscientiously fulfill what he considers his duties, including in bed. The important thing is that this role will not cause him any moral torment. Knights of Pentacles adhere to the most realistic views in matters of relationships, whether it concerns themselves, their partners, or the global picture of the world. They are the ones who believe that there is nothing more honest than legalized prostitution. In the end, it was, is and will be. So why shouldn’t it be safe, comfortable, controlled, with known addresses and fixed rates? Who will be better off if it is different? Moreover, deep down in their hearts they view any relationship as a transaction - the only differences are in the duration of the contract and prices - and from their point of view, cultivated prostitution is much more decent than other marriages. By the way, it is the Knight of Pentacles who will never be offended by the phrase “marriage contract”, and he will delve into all the points with interest.
  • If the Arcana Knight of Pentacles is a significator of relationships, then they are most likely based on practical considerations and the desire for financial stability. Crowley emphasizes the expressions of sensuality, awareness of sexual attractiveness, and the ability to enjoy intimacy associated with this card. Sometimes this card describes a person who has tried sex for the first time and now for some time you simply cannot drag him out of bed by the ears. As Oscar Wilde said, simple pleasures are the last refuge of complex natures, and the Knight of Pentacles can be an excellent partner for a “sword-wielding genius”, if the latter is smart enough to appreciate it. This, however, rarely happens - you still won’t have much fun with the Knight of Pentacles, partly because of his lack of imagination, and partly because of his inherent fatigue after work, despite the fact that he is a dependent and subordinate person there. Imagine dating a ballet dancer after an evening performance where he gave it his all. The “extravaganza” has already happened - at work. Now, if possible, let’s eat in silence, go home and go to bed, I have a rehearsal tomorrow morning. The bowls on the edge of the bed will sigh pitifully to themselves, “poor thing!”, the Swords will snort out loud - what good is it to me?, and the Wands will kiss your forehead and ride off to have fun with those who have not yet shot off their powder in the working field. And Only Pentacles, perhaps, will perceive the situation on the same vibrations and remind you about vitamins and massage. The best partner for an athlete is his own physiotherapist or coach.

Health status

  • Actually, it is a significator of good and lasting health and great endurance. At a minimum, it is an indicator of ability to work. This card also speaks of good potency and fertility. The Knight of Pentacles is extremely tenacious. He has a very durable body and can withstand various challenges well.
  • As an indication of a disease, one can talk about sick workaholics - ulcers and gastritis, migraines, professional burnout. Obsession with details causes anxiety, which in turn contributes to stomach diseases. Occasionally, it may indicate occupational diseases and sports injuries such as overexertion, ruptures and sprains, and other “failure to withstand” some tissues.
  • Using this card, treatment and stabilization of health status are successfully carried out, with nutrition, physiotherapy and sleep being of particular importance.

Reversed card Knight of Pentacles

  • This is a card of numbness and chilling. Sometimes she talks about needed rest, serenity, laziness and peace. Doing nothing can be a wonderful activity. However, more often this card still manifests itself as a loss of interest in the business (the opportunity to “feed” from it) and a willingness to quit the project. Perhaps the reason for this is health problems. But most likely, this is an indication that the person is in a state of stagnation and is tired of the boring routine. He has simply lost his direction and does not see what he could achieve in this field. He begins to see all this as a waste of resources and time, and maybe this is so. He may sometimes disappoint himself and others, be unreliable, impatience, laziness, apathy, or low morale and unwillingness to fulfill his responsibilities. Sometimes it is complete submission to bodily desires and complete indifference to the inner world. The reversed Knight of Pentacles can be obsessive about working out, eating right, building muscles, and counting calories.
  • The inverted Knight of Pentacles can also embody such a quality as inertia. He is difficult to “swing”, indecisive, and maybe just an inveterate lazy person (because he knows that any business, once he gets down to it, will literally absorb him completely).
  • Traditional description of the card: idle, careless, immoral young man, spendthrift, gambler. Lack of attention and diligence, inability to choose a goal and strive for it. Sometimes the inverted Knight of Penacles acts as a simple, limited man in the street. Sometimes he is a fool, or a person of little ability, or a dogmatist who refuses to accept what does not fit into his schemes.
  • Sometimes this is literally a “miserly knight”, a person who never manages to truly benefit from the fruits of frugality, pragmatism and work. Stagnation in money matters.
  • Astrological equivalents: Affected Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn, as well as all planets associated with these signs. Negative Sixth, Fourth and Tenth Houses.
  • Losing your job is possible, especially due to negligence. Unrealistic expectations and quarrels associated with them. Sometimes monetary losses.

Manifestation in combinations

  • With the Four of Swords - banging your head against the wall, the situation is not worth the effort
  • With the Eight of Swords - it makes sense to put in more effort and show determination so that things go in the right direction
  • With the Knight of Swords - peace.

Archetypal correspondences

  • All gods of the earth, fertility and crafts.
  • Hephaestus
  • Jason, who overcame all obstacles in his quest to obtain the Golden Fleece.
  • “There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more royal than labor” (Alexander III of Macedon, 330 BC)

The Knight of Pentacles means that the process develops according to its own laws. This is an organized person who brings any task to the end, gifted, and demanding of himself. Sometimes he may be financially dependent on others.

Reverse position of the Knight of Pentacles card:

A reversed card means: stagnation, carelessness, indecision, laziness. This may be a person of little ability or a fool.

Dragon Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

Knight of Pentacles CAALERE di DENAR

Tlatoc, the young Aztec emperor, riding the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl, flies over his country.

Direct position of the Knight of Pentacles card:


The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

Direct position of the Knight of Pentacles card:

Knight of Pentacles - A responsible and generous person. Carefully thought out plans.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

KNGHT. Rider - He rides slowly on a hardy, powerful horse that matches his own appearance.

Direct position of the Horse of Pentacles card:

Meanings for Fortune telling: usefulness, suitability, interest, responsibility, honesty.

Reverse position of the Horse of Pentacles card:

Reverse meanings: inertia, idleness, calmness of this kind; stagnation; also - serenity, discouragement, carelessness.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

It is a reminder to us that, like this turtle, we carry our home wherever we go. There is no need to seek refuge anywhere else. Even when we move into the depths of the emotional waters, we can remain self-fulfilling and free from attachments.

Direct position of the Rainbow Knight card - Slow down:

The time has come when you are ready to let go of any expectations you have about yourself and other people, and accept responsibility for all the illusions you carry. There is no need to do anything but rest in the fullness of who you are now. If wishes and hopes fade, it is for the best. Their disappearance makes way for a new quality of calm and acceptance of what is, and you can welcome this development as never before. Maintain that quality of slowing down, coming to rest and realizing that you are already home.

Meaning of the card:

Meditation is a kind of medicine - it is useful only at a given time. Once you have learned this quality, you do not need any special meditation, then meditation will spread throughout your life. Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen. Then what will be the quality? A person walks - alert, lively, joyful, unmotivated, concentrated, loving, smooth. A person sits - lovingly, lively, alert, unmotivated - not for anything in particular, but just enjoying how wonderful it is to just sit, doing nothing, so relaxed, calm... After a long walk you sit under a tree and a cool wind blows over you. Every moment a person needs to be free with himself - without trying to improve, without developing or practicing anything. Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen. Conversation or silence, movement, stillness, the essence is easy. The point is easy - that's the key word. Do what you do, but at your deepest core remain free, cool, calm, centered.

The Knight of Denarii personifies a state of mind characterized by diligence, patience and perseverance, in which necessary and useful things are created. It symbolizes something solid, durable, permanent, the soil or foundation on which we can build our future. This is a true expression of the earth element, that substance and materiality that gives us self-confidence, helps us look at things from a practical point of view and allows us to achieve real results. It also means, however, a very definite limit to the ability of our sensory perception. Where we go beyond this boundary, the positive qualities of the Knight of Denarii are distorted or even sometimes turn into their opposite, turning into stubbornness, inertia, thick-skinned laziness and sensual excesses.


Here, the Knight of Denarii means a healthy working atmosphere, a spirit of hard work and reliability, thanks to which business goes well and plans are successfully implemented. This includes an instinct for profitable deals, good partners, and the desire (and ability!) to work clearly and productively. The card can also mean that we have a favorable period ahead, during which we will be able to realize our abilities and earn the respect of others thanks to the ability to distinguish the possible from the impossible, the valuable from the empty. If you are asked about an upcoming exam, negotiations or some kind of project, then the Knight of Denarii foretells a solid, lasting and long-term result.


At the level of consciousness, this card shows that we master the ability to distinguish the real from the unreal, and also finally find ways and means to realize our plans and ideas. This may mean a "policy of small steps", in which the immediate, albeit small, result is valued more highly than distant, although great, goals. In addition, the map shows that we will have to deal with purely material issues and analyze our plan from the point of view of costs and cost accounting. There are, although rare, cases when this card warns against excessive stubbornness, callousness or greed.

Personal relationships and love

Constancy, reliability, duration, fidelity - and, not least, tender sensuality. A strong alliance or the prospect of such an alliance, if we do not yet have a partner. In the union characterized by the Knight of Denarii, trust and loyalty play a more important role than the search for novelty, and the concept of “the two of us” plays a more important role than the search for communication with friends or concern for personal freedom and independence.

Inner meaning

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot exhibits the same qualities as his parents, but there are also elements of movement: departure, arrival, journey. This is a less mature person than the King or Queen; he has their potential, but not their experience. He may have a sweet personality, but he is not that reliable and sometimes disappoints himself and his loved ones. At times the Knight of Pentacles is impatient and unwilling to fulfill his duties. Whether this is his permanent trait or whether he will grow out of it will be shown by the remaining cards in the spread.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then the news is this: you can achieve more if you calm down and get to work.



Prince of Disks

Main meaning: Son of agriculture. Energetic young man. Pioneer. All-destructive force. Feeling of reality. Concentration. Initiative.

Profession: Consistent progress towards the goal. Business acumen. Work on a permanent basis. Agriculture and gardening.

Consciousness: Increased sense of reality.

Personal relationships: Stability. Rich sensory experience. Obligations. Feeling safe. Joint development of something.

Advice: Follow through, persistently and consistently make your dreams come true.

Warning: Stupidity, stubbornness.

General Meaning: The Prince of Disks speaks of perseverance, consistency and practicality. Reliability, the ability to wisely manage time and distribute forces indicate a favorable development of events in the area in relation to which the question is asked.

The Prince of Disks represents the airy part of the Earth, the flowering and fruiting of this element. He rules from the 21st degree of Aries to the 20th degree of Taurus. The appearance of this Prince is thoughtful. This is the element of the Earth, which has already become intelligible. He is dressed in light armor, and his helmet is decorated with the head of a bull; the bull is also harnessed to his chariot - this animal is especially sacred to the Earth element. In his left hand he holds his “disk” - a globe-like ball, marked with mathematical symbols and as if hinting at planning, without which agriculture is impossible. In his right hand he holds a scepter, crowned with an orb and a cross, a symbol of the Great Work accomplished, for the function of this Prince is to extract from the material of his element the vegetation on which the Spirit itself feeds. This card denotes enormous energy applied to the most “dense” practical affairs . Such a person is strong and resilient; He is a capable manager, a stable and persistent worker. He is a good specialist: inventive, thoughtful, cautious, reliable, calm, constantly looking for new uses for known things and little by little, thoughtfully, systematically remaking his circumstances “to suit himself.” He is almost completely devoid of emotions, somewhat insensitive and may seem boring, but this is not so; he simply does not try to understand ideas that he does not need. He may also look stupid and tend to be offended by more spiritual types of people. He rarely gets angry, but if he gets worked up, he becomes unforgiving. Distinguishing between good and bad elemental virtues for this card is not very practical; one can only say that in a poor elemental environment its characteristics both quantitatively and qualitatively deteriorate somewhat. The reaction of others to the Prince will depend almost entirely on their own temperament. In the I Ching, the airy part of the Earth is represented by the 53rd hexagram, Chien. The commentary speaks of the flight of wild geese "approaching the shore," then toward "great rocks," then toward "dry plains," "trees," "high hills," and finally toward "great heights." This symbolizes the slow, gradual liberation from everything that represses. This interpretation is even happier than the Kabbalistic one, although completely consistent with it. Chinese thinking - even the most abstract and metaphysical - has never shied away from practical considerations. The main heresy of the Black Lodge is contempt for “the world, the flesh and the devil,” which are very important for the design of the Universe; For the Great Work, the Adept absolutely needs to arrange his affairs in such a way that “even the evil microbes of Matter also become useful and good.” The error of the Christian mystics in this matter has been the cause of cruelty, suffering and collective madness to a greater extent than all other factors put together; its poisonous traces can be recognized even in the teachings of Freud, who considered the Unconscious to be the “devil,” while in fact it is an instinct that veiledly expresses the inner Point of View of everyone and, correctly understood, is the key to Initiation and an indication of that seed that can to blossom and bear the fruit of the “Knowledge and Communication of the Holy Guardian Angel”. For "Every man and every woman is a star." But doubtless the judgment of the Exclusive Adepts (for it is they, under the direction of the Lords of the Temple, who determine such details of doctrine) in the case of this card was influenced by its position - transitional from Aries to Taurus. Too often it is forgotten that Taurus is the house of Venus, and the Moon is exalted in it. The new doctrine set forth in this essay asserts that the fundamental color of the Earth is not black, but green; she insists that each Disc is a living and rotating symbol. The central thesis of the “Book of the Law” is the Perfection of the Universe. In her pantheistic concept, all possibilities are equally valuable; any and every Point Event is a “game of Nuit,” as stated in the “Book of Wisdom or Folly.” “Don't tie it up! Let there be no difference for you between one thing and any other; because this is harmful. Whoever contributes to this, let him be the leader over all” (“Liber AL”, I. 22-23). Or, even clearer and simpler: “Every number is infinite; there is no difference” (ibid., I. 4).


Aleister Crowley "BOOK OF THOTH"

Description of the lasso

It is a reminder to us that, like this turtle, we carry our home wherever we go. There is no need to seek refuge anywhere else. Even when we move into the depths of the emotional waters, we can remain self-fulfilling and free from attachments.

Straight position

The time has come when you are ready to let go of any expectations you have about yourself and other people, and accept responsibility for all the illusions you carry. There is no need to do anything but rest in the fullness of who you are now. If wishes and hopes fade, it is for the best. Their disappearance makes way for a new quality of calm and acceptance of what is, and you can welcome this development as never before. Maintain that quality of slowing down, coming to rest and realizing that you are already home.

Meaning of the card

Meditation is a kind of medicine - it is useful only at a given time. Once you have learned this quality, you do not need any special meditation, then meditation will spread throughout your life. Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen. Then what will be the quality? A person walks - alert, lively, joyful, unmotivated, concentrated, loving, smooth. A person sits - lovingly, lively, alert, unmotivated - not for anything in particular, but just enjoying how wonderful it is to just sit, doing nothing, so relaxed, calm... After a long walk you sit under a tree and a cool wind blows over you. Every moment a person needs to be free with himself - without trying to improve, without developing or practicing anything. Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen. Conversation or silence, movement, stillness, the essence is easy. The point is easy - that's the key word. Do what you do, but at your deepest core remain free, cool, calm, centered. (Osho)