It has long been no secret to anyone that Thailand is heaven on earth for sexually liberated people. But why has sex gained such popularity? Everything is very simple and due to the fact that here you can find such sexual services that you will not find anywhere else in the whole world.

The epicenter of sex tourism in Pattaya is located on the street of debauchery called Volkin Street. No less famous and popular in this regard is the street called Bangla Road.

In contact with

In our today's article, we will take a closer look at all the delights of sex tourism in Thailand.

Why do they do it

Upon arrival in Thailand, the vast majority of tourists the impression is that at least 90% of the local population are prostitutes. In reality, this is not the case. According to the cited statistics, no more than 0.02% of the population is involved in this area, it is just that their demand is great in resort cities. Demand gives rise to supply - a well-known fact for a long time. It's hard to believe, but officially in the country, prostitution is prohibited at the legislative level.

The reason for the popularity of this kind of activity in Taikoy and Phuket is rather commonplace - people need to feed their families. As a rule, these are representatives of the north, where all work is limited to agriculture. If you think about it, the current situation is no different from similar ones all over the world. It is not for nothing that this profession bears the title of “the most ancient”.

How are their parents perceived? Based on the conducted social issues, it is safe to say that it is calm. This does not fit in our heads because of the colossal difference in mentality between peoples. In Thailand, prostitutes are not treated with contempt, unlike our countries. Do not think that this profession there is equated to an honorable one, no. It's just that for the Thai people it is of great importance that a girl is ready to sacrifice her body for the sake of her family.

Carrots are prostitutes who work in go-go bars that you can buy and fuck. However, people come to them not only for the sake of carnal pleasures, but also to find wives in their faces. This is due to the fact that an educated Thai woman from high society will never marry a person with a low social class - a faranga. In addition, it should be noted that all tourists are deprived of the opportunity to get acquainted with secrets from high society, since they have their own parties, bars and discos.

How to find a prostitute in Phuket and how much does it cost

Hiring prostitutes is part of the tourist program for every tourist arriving on the island. It is not officially advertised, however, it brings in colossal revenues from the entire entertainment industry. Phuket is the third largest abode of the vice of shadow Thailand, which has been named the center of sex tourism in Southeast Asia. It is worth noting that it is inferior to Pattaya, however, you have the opportunity to soak up the white beaches on the shores of the Andaman Sea.

Quite a large number of men are faced with the question of how to find a prostitute in Phuket. Rather, one should ask not how, but where. The largest number of "moths" gather on Patong Beach.

But it is worth giving credit to the fact that in Patong they cannot be met standing in crowds. If you come to this country for the thrill, then we recommend that you settle near Bangla Road - this is almost the same as Volkin Street in Pattaya.

Mind-blowing relaxation in blowjob bars in Pattaya

Blowjob in Pattaya is almost officially allowed, which massively attracts our compatriots. Germans are often found in bars like this and Americans of retirement age, who combine good beer with reanimation of a youthful erection. For taekas, this is a great option to make good money. Especially skillful and virtuoso are able to make money for a good car in one season, as well as rent a luxurious apartment. As a rule, their reception is carried out by appointment several days in advance.

Types of blowjob bars in Pattaya:

Why you shouldn't film Russian girls in Thailand

Approximately two decades ago, Russian prostitutes in Thailand accounted for more than 5,000 of the country's total population. The vast majority of them hit to the country through criminal channels that were organized by Russian groups. As for modern times, today the number of priestesses of love has increased significantly, and they are also divided into categories.

The main places of concentration of Russian "tourists" are:

  • Central Festival shopping center;
  • Volkin Street with a Russian cafe called Mix;
  • beaches of Koh Lan island.

If you nevertheless decide to stay with Russian girls, then get ready, you will have to shell out much more money than for taekas. If an ordinary Thai woman costs from 1,000 to 1,500 baht on average in one hour, then a Russian will have to pay from 2,000 to 10,000 baht. Does it make sense to go to Thailand for new experiences in order to satisfy your needs with compatriots? If you speak English, then we definitely do not advise you to contact them.

We woke up early. We moved to another guest house in the very center of Pattaya. Nastya was seriously poisoned by something, so they spent the whole day treating her. In Asia, you need to be very careful with your food, because, even when dining not with street food and only with fresh products, you can eat some kind of infection along with an oyster or raw fish in sushi. And that's how it worked out for us. It seemed like they ate everything the same, but Nelia and I were fine, and Nastena couldn't even drink water for two days ...

But everything is already good! Her body is completely healthy))

In the last article I started writing about prostitution in Thailand. So, I want to devote this article to this topic.

Pattaya. Street of prostitution and debauchery "Walking street". Any intimate services are offered here.

Pickup of a girl / boyfriend / transvestite is divided into three types: a prostitute for a while for sex (from $ 50 per hour), a prostitute for "chatting" and drinking cocktails at a bar at your expense, most often these are very good at language, well, in terms of I know English)), and the prostitute is free for a period of time. In the third version, the girl / boyfriend / transvestite can show you the city, local cafes, sights, live with you, court, and you do not pay her / him, but everywhere you pay for her / him. This option is used by many European men of a very mature age. You can meet an old man on crutches, who is being led under the arms of two young girls, rubbing his legs, taking care of him. As a rule, the third “free” option is the most expensive.

For our guys who came to have fun in this city, there is a huge danger to shoot a transvestite instead of a girl. After all, in Thailand, the most beautiful girls are ex-boyfriends. There are whole transvestite shows that can hardly be distinguished from simply beautiful girls. They spend a lot of money on various sex reassignment surgeries, make their own breasts, remove ribs and Adam's apple, whiten their skin, change their voice ... even their feet are made smaller here!

In Pattaya, the sex industry is so developed that even the king renounced this city and removed it from the map of Thailand. But, anyway, he closes his eyes to what is happening here, since this city brings money.

Walking street shines with night lights. From all sides you are poked with pictures of naked girls, offering to go to their establishment. There are girls, boyfriends and ex-boyfriends to choose from in front of the doors of each bar. Sometimes passers-by "quietly" offer drugs. Each bar has live music, mostly rock. And between these sounds you can hear karaoke singing like "Childhood, childhood, where are you running? .."

Bangkok is on a par with Pattaya in nightlife. Here, the red light district is called Soi Cowboy. It got its name from a retired American officer who wore a cowboy hat, who settled for a long time in Bangkok after the Vietnam War and became "his own" in the midst of debauchery and licentiousness. In the 70s, he founded the first bar here, but now the street is strewn with strip bars. You can go to any one, grab a cocktail or a beer and just look at naked girls (she may be an ex-boyfriend), or treat one of them to a drink. The girl will receive 40% from each of her clients for drinking. Do not flatter yourself that you will see a super striptease here! Taikas stand on the stage like wooden ones and there are no dancers from them.

Nastya and I decided to treat a nice Thai woman with a cocktail. The girl is really beautiful (not a fact, of course, that she has always been a girl), speaks English well and is very well-groomed, the only thing that questioned her femininity is her slightly squeezed voice, although Thais are basically different in voice from us.

She changes every half an hour with other girls, strips naked and stands on stage in only one belt, which globally does not cover anything. This is how they demonstrate that they are girls. Moreover, the funny thing is, during their work, 70% of them are embarrassed, hand gestures clamped, legs crossed and downtime has gone. For the next half an hour, he puts on a short dress and catches clients on the street, which also does not work out very well. And so all night in a circle ...

She told us that her parents are from Vietnam, but she was born and has lived in Bangkok all her life. He studies at the Faculty of Marketing, on Fridays and Saturdays he earns money in this way. She said it was good money. She helps her parents in this way, since she still has three brothers. And if a boy was born in the family, then for Thais it is a grief. Her family does not know where she works, so we hardly persuaded her to take a picture. Maybe she came up with it all, but it doesn't matter anymore. This is the way it is, Asia!

So, a bit of my observations while sitting in bars, I watched the girls' eyes or whatever they might call them. Most often, apart from dull looks and emptiness in my eyes, I saw nothing, I divided my eyes into two types of "obstinate bitches" and "lost hope."

Obstinate bitches are girls with a confident, slightly feigned, but insanely impudent look, these girls know exactly what they want from "Farang" (this is what white people are called in Tae). These girls have a confident gait no matter how she looks, the look dictates sharpness and these eyes, when they see that you are looking at them, 100% will turn to you, and if you are yourself, they will start dragging you to the bar. These girls love what they do.

“Those who have lost hope” (such 80%) - these girls are sitting with a sad face. They have neither desire nor idea of ​​what they are doing here. They move as if they have weights of 80 kilograms hanging on their hands. Distantly resembling an orangutan or ape from the Museum of Human History, according to Darwin's theory. The complete lack of posture, unwillingness to do anything - just hurts the eye. Although, apparently, there are not many like me.

Judging by the observations, those who drag these girls, but I can’t name it differently, do not pay attention to it, they just cling to them.

At this moment, no fire appears in their eyes. They stupidly go to do their job. What I can’t say about the former. They get even more turned on, circle around the client and sometimes even hiss with sparks from their eyes, especially at the sight of their wallet.

To summarize:

  • On the Red Light Street, you can just walk, take pictures and drink beer in some of the bars. There are also some pretty decent establishments. No one will rape and grab hands if you are not yourself, but if you yourself, then I do not guarantee.
  • The police are patrolling there and only on this street the tourist will always be right. So you can assume that it is safe there, of course, if you do not behave like a trash.
  • Choosing a girl, you can get on a boy who is already like a girl, or even with extra accessories.
  • If you are still not afraid to get on a transvestite or pick up some kind of Thai infection during sex, then at least be careful and protect yourself.
  • Behind "Walking street" there is a beautiful embankment, which you need to walk along, especially at sunset, I have never seen such bloody sunsets anywhere else.
  • Both "Walking street" and "Soi Cowboy" are worth visiting, at least just to look))
  • Well, if you are already choosing a girl, pay attention to the eyes, there most often it will be seen whether you will be interested. 😉

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Sep 21 2014

Prostitution in Thailand - myths and reality

With this note I open a small series of articles about prostitution in Pattaya.

But now I will say about Thailand in general, not only about Pattaya. There is a popular belief that Thai women are easily sold, that every Thai woman is a prostitute, that in Thailand anyone can buy a young girl. Thailand is known as a country for sex tourism. Is it true?

First of all, I will give you the actual data.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia, there are about 1 million prostitutes in 2012. In 2013, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Zubov, speaking in the State Duma, cited the following data: “already more than a million people in Russia are involved in prostitution. Many of them are minors. "

in the report The International Labor Organization in 1998, it was reported that over 300,000 women were involved in prostitution in Thailand. Slightly different data on the number of prostitution in Thailand is given by Kevin Bales, an international expert on the problem of modern slavery. In his 1999 work, he wrote: "The total number of adult prostitutes in Thailand is about half a million, moreover, it is characteristic that of them only one in twenty fell into slavery ..."

Unfortunately, I did not find more recent data for Thailand even on English-language sites. But, given that Thailand's economy is growing steadily, and at the moment Thailand is the most developed country in Southeast Asia, it can be assumed that the number of prostitution in Thailand has not increased much. Since the country is far from poor and quite happy, which cannot be said about Russia. And the increase in the number of prostitutes is directly related to the fall in the standard of living.

So. The population of Thailand is 70.5 million. Which is almost exactly 2 times less than the population of Russia. And, as we can see, the number of women engaged in prostitution is also 2 times less. Everything is exactly proportional. So I consider further debating the topic that Thailand is some kind of special country, where every woman is a prostitute, is completely meaningless. In Russia there are 2 times more of them.

Pattaya - the sex tourism capital of the world

Why, then, has Thailand received such a bad name? Because there is a city of Pattaya. In the 60s of the last century, it was just an ordinary fishing village, but American soldiers chose this place, thanks to its good beaches and a convenient location, as their base. There was a demand, and there was a supply. Thailand was then a poor country. When the Americans got out of this place, Europeans and other whites began to travel to Pattaya, with one goal, maintaining the established tradition, and Pattaya blossomed into a resort city of a certain orientation.

Of course, do not forget about Bangkok, there are also enough hot spots, as well as about. Phuket. But Pattaya is still in the lead here by a wide margin. With some degree of exaggeration, one can even say that the whole city is one big brothel ...

Many tourists from all over the world began to travel to Thailand exclusively to Pattaya. At the same time, few people visit the rest of the cities and provinces of Thailand. Majestic temples, amazing nature, conservative way of life, traditional family values, everything is by, a tourist has not seen anything of this ... Thus, the glory of one city left a stain on the whole country.

Let's imagine that we went to Turkey or Egypt and asked the local Arabs on the beach what their opinion of Russian women was. What will they answer? That's just it. The fame of Russian "Natasha" is well known. And these Turks and Arabs quite reasonably think that all Russian women are the same.

Or there is a city of Las Vegas in the USA, we will not say that the whole country is such a large gaming zone. It is also not necessary to draw conclusions for the whole country from Pattaya alone. But for some reason, many do not understand this. And it jars me when even my relatives, hearing that I want to marry a secret, make round eyes and say: why, they are all " such"…

Thailand has a centuries-old culture based on Buddhism. Where prostitution is discouraged, as in most countries in the world. The relationship between parents and children, man and woman, is in many ways fundamentally different from the Christian culture of the Farang. Helping your family is considered more important than honoring yourself from the sale.

In Thailand, girls, often under the age of majority, go to earn money in Pattaya or Bangkok in order to financially help their families, mother, father, and often many of these Thai women already have children of their own. They all send money home every month. Thus, saving their sisters from a similar fate. All these Thais in Pattaya are from the poorest part of Thailand - some provinces of Isaan.

In general, this directly resembles Sonechka from Dostoevsky. "Sonechka, Sonechka Marmeladova, eternal Sonechka, while the world stands!"

Volkin Street in Pattaya- the street of debauchery, which is known to almost any tourist who has already visited or is just planning a trip or even. It is very easy to find it (in principle, to skip it too), you just have to go along relentlessly. Let's take a look: what is this street famous for and why does every second visitor go for a walk along it?

By her own Volkin Street- this is a continuation of the street on which the most work, and it is also an analogue. Its peculiarity lies in the huge number of all kinds of restaurants, dance floors and Go-Go bars located on both sides. After six o'clock in the evening, the entire street is closed, entertainment venues open, loud music is played everywhere and a wave of fun of unprecedented proportions covers the street.

Where to go to Volkin Street?

On a street known to every tourist, there are a lot of different establishments: there are bars, restaurants, Go-Go, and sex shows ... because of the wide variety of where to go and what to choose is not so easy.


There are most of them on Volkin Street. Tourists are offered a choice of both quiet and calm places where you can drink cocktails or places where girls of not the most serious behavior work. The latter are called "open" and represent a room where there are no doors and windows, but there is always a pole and a bar counter, behind which are the young Thai women. Visitors can safely invite the girls to play board games, have a drink or spend time alone in a more intimate setting.

Go-Go Bars

Perhaps, there are no more establishments of this type than on Volkin Street anywhere in the world. Go-Go Bars- these are relatively small premises, in which a platform with poles is located in the middle of the hall. At the poles, attractive secrets are dancing, openly seducing tourists (or "", as they are usually called here). As a rule, in the back of the room there is a transparent shower stall, a bathtub and a tube filled with water, in which completely naked people wash and put on a show. In turn, visitors sit near the walls and either drink, admiring the performance, or look closely at the girls, trying to determine their own desires.


Finding a first-class restaurant on Volkin Street is almost impossible, but there are no problems with establishments where you can have fun. The most expensive restaurants are those whose menu is dominated by seafood. However, even the quality of service and food does not always justify the multiply inflated price tags. It should be understood that restaurants located on Volkin Street are a priori the most expensive establishments. For people who want to save money on food or taste true Thai cuisine, it is best to go deep into the city (for example, on Soi Bukao). Of course, the most popular among Russian-speaking tourists are Russian restaurants that provide menus in our native language. In fact, this is the best solution for tourists who do not know a foreign language.

Sex show

Erotic performances (more likely reminiscent of an attraction) are the "highlight" of Volkin Street, which attracts thousands of tourists. One has only to enter the alley blocked in the evening, as the barkers with price lists "attack" and begin to offer shows for every taste. Deserve special attention, which also arrange performances. However, they behave quite impudently, and tourists are pestered at every opportunity.

Dance clubs

There are more than enough clubs, as well as bars. In general, they are focused on Russian-speaking tourists, which every year Thailand attracts more and more. We recommend visiting one of ten!

All clubs located on Volkin Street can be roughly divided into three types:

  • those that are interesting to Europeans (as an example, one can cite Lucifer disco and Insomnia). These establishments also actively attract taeks who are never averse to meeting a wealthy tourist;
  • those whose services are aimed at Russians (for example, The pier or Mixx). In these places, all the necessary information, including the menu, is in Russian. Plus, the format of the establishments is closer and more familiar to our compatriots (there are at least sofas for relaxation);
  • those that are visited exclusively by local residents ( Hollywood pattaya). The police and guides do not recommend Russians to go to such establishments. As a matter of fact, the main visitors to Thai clubs are Japanese, who feel uncomfortable in other recreation areas.

How to get to Volkin Street?

Volkin Street is located near Pattaya Beach and turns into one-way Beach Road, it will not be difficult to find it. Its length is 1 kilometer.

Video tour of Volkin Street