The ground forces of any country are armed with special large-sized multi-purpose combat vehicles with a terrifying appearance - tanks. These hulking monsters combine armor, high levels of protection and firepower to counter the enemy and support infantry with fire to capture and hold territory. That is why they are an important element of the weapons of any country and number thousands of units.

If an armed monster weighing 70 tons is moving towards someone at a speed of 65 km/h, then he will think several times whether to get in the way of a strong and modern combat vehicle. It is very difficult to name the exact number of tanks, since some states that are proud of their weapons openly declare the number of these combat vehicles, while others deliberately suppress information. The same figures that are already known are very contradictory. Therefore, when compiling the review, data declared by national governments was taken into account.

10. Türkiye: 3,763 main battle tanks

Türkiye occupies a worthy place in the world in terms of the number of armed forces. The country is armed with many American and German-made tanks, for example, the M48 Patton and Leopard 2A4. Leopard main battle tanks from Germany are considered the best of their kind in the world, and the 2A4 modification is adapted for urban combat. Turkey is interested in having large tank forces as a counterweight to the forces of its militarized neighbors, Iran and Syria.

9. Ukraine: 3,784 main battle tanks

Taking into account the turbulent situation in Ukraine associated with the military conflict, it is not surprising that the state wants to have a large number of tank troops. Ironically, a situation has arisen where the majority of tanks are T-64s left over after the collapse of the USSR.

8. Pakistan: 4,000 main battle tanks

Pakistan is one of the countries where the numbers regarding the number of tanks fluctuate greatly. But the fact that the state is armed with tanks is undeniable. Pakistan purchased most of the tanks, and, surprisingly, from China. The Pakistani Al-Zarrar tank is based on the Chinese Type 59 tank, and the country also has a Type 85 tank in service.

7. Egypt: 4,145 main battle tanks

Most Egyptian tanks are of American origin, such as the M60-2000 and M1 Abrams tanks. It is sad that they actively showed themselves on the streets of Cairo and other Egyptian cities in recent confrontations. The country also uses tanks from the former Soviet Union, including the Ramses II main tank, which is based on the Soviet T-54.

6. Syria: 4,750 main battle tanks

It is not surprising that Syria has a large number of tank troops in its arsenal. The country is in a zone of constant conflict, and the current situation determines the use of heavy equipment against the Syrians themselves. Syria received most of its tanks from Russia, including the T-55. The T54/55 tank is considered the most numerous; the Soviet Union produced 100,000 copies of this model until 1981, when it was discontinued (until 1983 it was still produced in Czechoslovakia).

5. North Korea: 5,500 main battle tanks

Any figures regarding North Korea must be questioned, since the state strives to secure superiority over its eternal enemy, South Korea, through false, inflated statistics. China and the former USSR supplied tanks to North Korea, while the country itself increased production of the T-62-based Chonma-ho and P'okpoong-ho tanks, built in North Korean factories (North Korean Second Machine Industry Bureau).

4. India: 5,978 main battle tanks

Every military historian and fan of The Princess Bride knows to never get involved in a war in Asia. But if a country is forced to enter into a military conflict on this vast territory, it is obliged to have large tank forces. The four largest tank armies in the world belong to Asian countries. Most of the tanks in Indian service are T-72 with 125mm cannon and powerful destructive capabilities.

3. China: 9,000 main battle tanks

According to statistics, China is in second or third place in the number of tank troops in the world. It is armed with Type 59 and Type 96 tanks, and a large number of Type 99s with a 125 mm gun. The tank's armor is equipped with laser defense systems, and the tank itself can reach a speed of 80 km/h.

2. USA: 9,125 main battle tanks

The United States' neighbors are Canada and Mexico, and it would seem to make no sense for the state to build up its weapons for fear of invasion by land. Indeed, there is no need for the United States to increase the number of main battle tanks, since the state is mainly relying on the development of the navy and air force. The United States is armed with thousands of units of the M1 Abrams tank and its modifications. The future of US tank forces lies with the M1A3 Abrams tank, which competes with the highly modernized South Korean tank, the K2 Black Panther.

1.Russia: 22,710 main battle tanks

Not surprisingly, Russia is at the top of our list. The amount of weapons is determined by the long border of the state, 19,312 km, which must be controlled and protected. Most of the tanks are in a mothballed state - the T-54, T-64 tanks, and the modern T-90 tank is ready to fight at any moment. In the future, Russia hopes to create a fully remote-controlled tank based on the Armata platform. Everything is heading towards the fact that tanks on the battlefield will fight without crews and be controlled from a distance. And it is possible that over time all military equipment will be converted

Tank troops are the shock force of the army

And any military expert will confirm that this is true. Without tank support, it is difficult to imagine a successful offensive operation, especially when it comes to fortified enemy positions. Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that the Russian Tank Forces are not just tanks.

This type of troops also includes other armored vehicles: infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery, tractors, armored personnel carriers and much more. Even specialized educational institutions and military command bodies are part of the tank forces. So you must understand that this is not just an armada of powerful armored vehicles, but a complex structure.

Without the Tank Forces, the losses of Soviet (and Russian) combat formations would have been more significant. Take, for example, the Great Patriotic War, where tanks played one of the decisive roles. Or, the conflict in Georgia in 2008. After all, without powerful tank support, it might not have ended so quickly. And who knows what it would all develop into. So it is difficult to overestimate the role of the Tank Forces in the Russian army (as in other powerful armies of the world).

By the way, for all tankers, the military trade "Voenpro" has not only information materials about the branch of the military, but also high-quality equipment that will always remind you of the best moments of your service.

Armament of the Russian Tank Forces

Once upon a time, Soviet tank forces could be considered one of the best on the planet (if not the best). For example, the Soviets surpassed everyone in the number of tanks. However, for decades, tank forces have been slowly but surely reduced. The saddest period for this type of troops was the “dashing 90s,” when the army lost not only a lot of equipment, but also a lot of professional personnel.

However, in recent years the trend has changed slightly. At this stage, full-scale rearmament is underway, which in the future should significantly increase the combat effectiveness of the Russian Tank Forces, even with a decrease in the number of combat vehicles themselves.

But while complete rearmament is still far away, I would like to talk about the combat vehicles that were in service with the Russian army and allowed it to dictate its unwavering will to potential opponents for many years.

Tank T-90A/K/AK/S

The main battle tank of the Russian Federation, in service with the Tank Forces in several modifications. The tank has earned high marks not only from domestic but also from many foreign experts. The total number of combat vehicles is more than 500 in the Russian Armed Forces, about 1000 have been exported, and there are also a number of auxiliary vehicles based on the T-90.

In addition to its impressive combat characteristics, the vehicle’s versatility in combat use in various regions with extreme climates should be noted. The T-90 has proven itself to be a reliable MBT in the North, in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, the humid jungles of Malaysia and India, something that its competitors cannot boast of.

Tank T-80B/BV/U

A pretty good fighting vehicle, although a little outdated. There are more than 4,000 of these vehicles in service with the Russian Federation, but by 2015 it is planned to completely remove them from the “combat post” and replace them with more modern models. Time will tell to what extent this will be accomplished.

The specifics of a powerful gas turbine engine (GTE with a power of 1000-1250 hp, depending on the modification) made this MBT ideal for developing success in Europe, but now the military doctrine is different and a similar combat vehicle is losing its relevance as a means of implementing strategy.

Tank T-72A/B

Another “age” tank, which, it would seem, can be taken out of service. But it was decided to modernize the machine at the T-72B3 level. This may be due to the large number of this model - about 9,000 units. It’s a pity to simply “throw away” such a quantity of excellent armored vehicles, to put it mildly. The only question that remains is how well the modernized tank will meet international standards.

Yes, this combat vehicle has performed admirably in various wars, but the early modifications are obsolete and only further modernization will be able to keep the T-72B3 MBT competitive on the modern battlefield.

As mentioned earlier, the Russian Tank Forces include not only tanks. For example, the Russian Federation has about 6,000 infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-2 and BMP-3) in service. There are also several hundred self-propelled anti-tank systems, about 15,000 armored personnel carriers of various modifications and 7 types of combat reconnaissance vehicles with a total number of more than 2,000 units.

Of course, this is not a complete list of what is in service with the tank forces of the Russian Federation, but this is enough to understand how powerful the armored “colossus” is in protecting the borders of Russia. Now, if the Tank troops had not been destroyed systematically for many years, it would have been even better. But the times of “Serdyukovism” have passed and now we can look into the future with optimism.

Tank forces of Russia and the USA. Comparison

To better understand what the military potential of the Tank Forces of the Russian Federation is, let's compare it with another powerful country in the military sense, namely the United States.

Well, let's start with the tanks themselves. We will not go into any technical details, the number of crews, training, testing and other factors, but will talk exclusively about the number of tank forces of Russia and the United States, respectively.

So, the US currently has about 7,000 tanks in service. Not all of them are the latest designs. If we talk about the “top” ones, then there are almost 600 of them in the US Army (Abrams M1A2SEP). As for the Russian Federation, our newest T-90 tank (T-90A and T-90AK) is presented in approximately 500 copies. The differences, so to speak, are not critical. But the total number of Russian tanks is several times higher than that of their overseas counterparts. Thus, even if only a third of domestic tanks are prepared for battle, this will be enough.

Go ahead. Next up is artillery. The US has about 1,500 towed weapons and approximately 2,000 self-propelled guns. Russia has 6,800 self-propelled guns, as well as 7,500 towed guns. The latter, however, will thin out considerably, but even without this, in terms of artillery, the Russian Federation is superior to its competitor.

By the way, Russia also has more MLRS, and significantly: 3500 versus 830 US ones. And, given the fact that artillery is the God of war, the conclusion suggests itself. Moreover, if you look at the advanced models built on the T-90 chassis, for example, the TOS-1A Solntsepek, we will not find similar analogues overseas.

If we talk about infantry fighting vehicles, then the Russian Federation is also superior to the United States. Russia has approximately twice as many infantry fighting vehicles of various modifications in service. But in terms of armored personnel carriers, the States are ahead. America has 16,000 cars, versus approximately 5,000 domestic ones.

Bottom line

What do we have in the end? Many say that the Russian Tank Forces are now in a deplorable state. Nonsense. In recent years, it has been possible to seriously raise the level of combat training of personnel and improve their moral and psychological state. The officers finally began to receive decent pay for their difficult service. Perhaps, if compared with the times of the dawn of the USSR, there is still something to strive for. But progress is obvious.

If we take into account the fact that after the collapse of the Union the Tank Forces were systematically destroyed, then the current state of affairs is not nearly as sad as some alarmist “experts” claim. The number of armored vehicles in Russia is sufficient, there is practically enough qualified personnel, and rearmament is in full swing.

We can talk a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of Russian equipment, but here’s a paradox: where the Russian Tank Forces are located, for some reason our troops always win!

You also need to understand that the “defense industry” is an expensive pleasure and it is not so easy to just take and “change clothes” of the entire Armed Forces. But it’s not easy - that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. In any case, the Russian Tank Forces still have a lot of “powder in the flask”.

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Maneuverable, powerful and efficient tanks are a reliable basis for the Armed Forces of any country. The constant arms race, going on behind the scenes between the leading countries of the world, obliges designers to create improved models of combat vehicles. The best tanks of our time are vehicles, each of which has unique functions and capabilities.

Challenger 2, UK

Challenger 2, unlike other modern combat vehicles, is equipped with a rifled gun with a diameter of 120 mm. Internal threading allows you to effectively hit objects at a distance of over 5 kilometers. Challenger 2 is the record holder for the longest range of tank battles.

This tank is the most protected in the world. Special armor, which is based on the classified Dorchester armor, consisting of an alloy of steel, Kevlar, and ceramics. This connection reduces the power of impacts from incoming projectiles. It is capable of effectively countering direct-fire weapons. However, reliable armor made it significantly heavier. Challenger. Combined with a relatively low-power engine, this made the tank slow and clumsy.

The built-in combat information system and computer fire control help in difficult conditions.

These tanks performed well in the Iraq War (2003). In the Battle of Basra, an armored brigade took part in the advance on the city. Later, combat vehicles entered into battle with Iraqi tanks. This was the largest tank battle since World War II - the British were able to destroy 15 enemy vehicles without losing a single tank.

During the entire existence of Challenger 2, its armor was damaged only once - as a result of an erroneous hit by exactly the same tank.

T-90 (“Vladimir”), Russia

The main battle tank of Russia. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was the best-selling product, having the best price-quality ratio.

A unique feature of the Russian combat vehicle is the Kalina fire control system, which is superior to its analogues in many respects. It allows you to hit enemy targets that are in motion with the first shot, even in unfavorable weather conditions.

The 22-round machine gun is capable of firing up to 9 shots per minute. At the same time, it can fire anti-tank guided missiles.

The special design allows the T-90 to overcome water obstacles up to 5 meters deep. Based on the results of many tests, including indicators such as shooting accuracy, maneuverability, and wear resistance, this tank occupies a leading position, leaving behind the famous tanks of other powers.

There are suggestions that in 1995 several T-90 combat units took part in the Chechen War, but this is not documented. Russian tanks took part in the fighting in Ukraine, acting on the side of the militias, and were used in the liquidation of the Ilovaisk cauldron and in the assault on the security forces near Lugansk. T-90s as part of the Syrian army took part in recent military operations in Syria.

Type 10, Japan

Japan's newest combat vehicle. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is equipped with innovative mechanisms for electronic and computer combat systems - an automatic charging system and a panoramic view.

The automatic continuously variable transmission allows you to reach maximum speed when driving in both directions. Type 10 has a hydropneumatic suspension that allows you to change the ground clearance and degree of inclination of the body. This improves cross-country ability and increases the vertical guidance range of the gun. The reduced ground clearance makes it possible to lower the tank to the bottom, making it less noticeable.

The crew is housed in a special compartment covered with more durable nanocrystalline steel.

M1 Abrams, USA

One of the few tanks with a system of protection against weapons of mass destruction. In the event of a nuclear or chemical attack, the system supplies the crew with clean air and blocks the entry of poisons and dust into the fighting compartment.

Abrams is equipped with chemical and radiation reconnaissance instruments and is equipped with an innovative fire control system. The vehicle is reinforced with uranium armor and has the latest guns. Over the 35-year history of this tank, there have been no recorded cases of complete destruction of the crew, which indicates its excellent security.

The M1 Abrams is equipped with advanced thermal sensors and navigation surveillance systems. The gas turbine engine has excellent performance, but is difficult to maintain and requires a lot of fuel.

One of the main advantages of this combat vehicle is the ability to remotely control weapons.

Abrams received their first battle experience in 1991 during hostilities in the Persian Gulf. Thanks to their technical superiority, American tanks successfully destroyed Iraqi vehicles.

M1 Abrams also took part in the seven-year war in Iraq. In the battles, the Americans suffered significant losses - out of 1,200 combat vehicles, 800 received damage of varying degrees of severity.

Merkava, Israel

A distinctive feature of this tank is the front location of the engine and transmission compartment, which provides additional protection for the crew. Another feature of the combat vehicle is the rear compartment for transporting wounded or landing troops. This adds versatility to the tank and the ability to vary actions in accordance with the combat situation.

Merkava was the first to use an active protection system that effectively shoots down missiles and shells approaching the tank.

It is perfectly protected - the modular armor can be quickly replaced. Particular attention was paid to camouflage - so that the tank was not noticeable on the battlefield, the designers changed the shade of the exhaust gases. The defense system is capable of informing about threats and neutralizing missiles.

The new projectile guidance system is especially effective against low-flying helicopters.

Leopard 2, Germany

It has an advanced fire control system that allows you to effectively hit moving targets while in continuous motion.
Overlay armor protects against mines, landmines, missiles, and cluster munitions.

Leopard has a special installation that allows all electronic systems to function without turning on the main engine. The tank is equipped with one of the best modifications of guns and two machine guns, which, thanks to a laser rangefinder system, can hit targets at a distance of up to 5 kilometers.

The advantages of Leopard 2 are provided by an information interaction system, improved daytime and thermal imaging sights, dynamic protection, and an attack information system. Excellent performance in combat mode.

Several other models of combat vehicles also have excellent efficiency and maneuverability.

K2 Black Panther, South Korea:

It has innovative tracking systems and fires about 10 rounds per minute. Protected by composite and reactive armor, has active and passive protection. Guidance systems automatically identify the target and launch projectiles.

According to the spheres of influence and activity, the Russian Armed Forces are divided into three types: the Navy (Navy), the Aerospace Forces (Aerospace Forces) and the Ground Forces. Each branch includes several branches of the military - military formations, united by a certain structure, technical support unique to them, characteristic weapons and an emblem.

A tank division is the main structural and tactical combat unit of tank forces that are part of the Ground Forces, along with motorized rifle troops, special forces, RVIA (missile forces and artillery), infantry and others.

Brief historical background

Armored forces begin their historical countdown with imperial Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, when foreign tanks were adopted. Serial production of domestic cars began in the 20s. The first tank divisions of the Soviet Army were formed in 1940.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the divisional organization of troops was replaced by a brigade organization. The main units were tank battalions and brigades. In June 1945, tank brigades were reorganized into regiments, and corps into divisions.

During the military reform of 2008–2009. The divisional structure was again replaced by a brigade structure. The reconstruction of tank divisions began in 2016. The first were the famous tank formations near Moscow - the Kantemirovskaya and Tamanskaya divisions.

Assignment of divisions

In the Russian Ground Forces, tank units together with motorized rifle formations constitute the main striking force.

During military operations, the main tasks of tank forces are:

  • fire support for motorized rifle divisions (regiments, brigades) - during defense, otherwise the defense of lines;
  • breaking through enemy defenses to the maximum depth of the territory - during attacking actions (offensive).

Due to their high firepower, strong protection, and ability for rapid maneuverability, tanks are used to carry out deep strikes on the main combat axes.

Structure and number of personnel

Tank troops (TV) consist of divisions and separate brigades of the same name, as well as regiments and battalions that are part of motorized rifle units (divisions, brigades, regiments).

TV emblem on the buttonholes and shoulder straps of servicemen of the tank division

The division is part of a formation that is part of the Military District - a strategic formation that territorially unites military units, army institutions, and educational institutions of the Armed Forces.

The division is equipped with several types of troops. A military formation receives the name “tank” (“armored”) according to the prerogative branch of the troops included in its composition. The structural composition of a tank division is a combination of several tactical formations of different types of troops.

Staffing table of divisional units

All units belong territorially to the same military district. During martial law, the district is called the front. Russia is divided into four districts, according to geographical division: Western, Eastern, Central and Southern. According to the staffing table, the division commander (divisional commander) corresponds to one of the highest officer ranks - major general. The divisional deputy commander has the rank of colonel.

The number of personnel (officers, warrant officers, sergeants and foremen) is not the same for all divisional formations and varies from five to twenty-two thousand military personnel. Civilian personnel of military units - persons working under an employment contract in certain positions - are not considered personnel.


By the collapse of the Soviet Union, the number of tanks in service was 63,900. There were 15 tank divisions stationed geographically in the RSFSR. By 2005, the number of operating tanks was close to 23 thousand units. Over the next four years, this number was reduced by 10 times.

According to unclassified data from the Russian Ministry of Defense (Ministry of Defense), the actual armament consists of the T-62, T-72, T-80 and T-90 “Vladimir” tank models, as well as the new T-14 tank or the “Armata” universal combat platform.

Tank vehicles are in service with motorized infantry units, including the famous PT-76 light amphibious tank. Reserve combat vehicles (inferior to modern ones, but not losing their combat capabilities) are represented by the T-55, T-62 and T-64 models.

According to average data, the number of tanks in one division is up to 120 units. When asked how many tanks are in a tank division of a particular linear unit operating on Russian territory, the Ministry of Defense will not give an answer. This information is confidential.

The total number of active tanks (in service and in reserve) in the Ground and Coastal Forces is about 13 thousand. Most of them are T-72 Ural, various modifications (T-72A and T-72B, T-72BA and T-72B3) and T-80.


Armored troops, like any other, have their own emblem and unofficial sleeve insignia. The patch on the left sleeve determines belonging to the branch of the military, on the right sleeve - to a specific military formation (division, regiment).

TV RF sleeve patch

The lapel insignia - emblem - is located on the shoulder straps or collar of the uniform. There is also a TV emblem on the buttonholes and shoulder straps of servicemen of the tank division in the form of a tank.

The annual Tankman's Day was established in 1946 and was celebrated on September 11. In 1980, the date was adjusted to the second Sunday in September.


A tank division is a constituent unit of the troops of the same name. The structural unit includes three tank and one motorized rifle regiment, as well as a missile and jet divisional and several specialized battalions. The number of personnel in the division ranges from 5 to 22 thousand people. The number of tanks for each formation is information classified by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Tank troops are a branch of the Ground Forces. They are capable of performing combat missions both independently and in cooperation with other branches of the military. Technical power and weapons make tank forces suitable for combat operations in all weather conditions, at night, and even under the influence of damaging factors of nuclear weapons.

Main tasks of tank forces

Tank troops perform the following tasks:

  • in the offensive - breaking through the enemy’s defenses and penetrating his defensive formations to great depth;
  • in defense - supporting motorized rifle troops in repelling an enemy offensive, launching counterstrikes and counterattacks.

History of creation

The history of the creation and combat use of tank forces begins with the First World War of 1914-1918, when the British first used self-propelled armored vehicles with light weapons on board. The first battle took place on the Somme River in 1916, where tanks won a landslide victory.

By August 1914, the Russian Empire had about 12 armored vehicles in service. By 1917, Russia already had 7 armored trains and 300 armored vehicles.

Formation of troops in the USSR

In May 1918, the first school for commanders of armored vehicle units was opened in Moscow. The first Soviet-made tanks began to arrive in the Red Army in 1920. These were light vehicles armed with small-caliber cannons. Until 1922, the armored forces of the Red Army were equipped with French tanks, which later became the prototypes of the famous KS model.

In 1923, the armored detachments were transformed into a tank squadron, equipped with light and heavy tanks. In 1929, under the command of the Department of Motorization and Mechanization of the Red Army there were already more than 110 vehicles, and in 1932 their number reached 500 units. In the same year, the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army was created.

The first Soviet developer of tactics for using armored forces was V.K. Triandafilov. Based on his calculations, tanks began to be used in “deep offensive operations.”

Until 1935, the ranks of the Red Army were replenished with tanks of three categories - light, medium and heavy.

In 1937, mechanized and tank units formed a new Armored Branch of the Armed Forces, consisting of 4 mechanized corps, 6 separate brigades and 6 tank regiments. Despite the ever-growing number of armored vehicles and tanks, they continued to work closely with cavalry regiments, the number of which reached 15 units in 1937.

Such formations, in cooperation with infantry, represented the strongest offensive force, capable of carrying out almost any combat mission to break through the front and suppress enemy resistance.

As a result of the military conflict on the Russian-Chinese border and near the Khalkhin Gol River, tanks with reinforced armor were created, and the caliber of guns was increased. These were the famous medium T-34 and heavy KV-1.

By 1941, based on the experience of the Spanish Company using tanks, 18 tank divisions and 45 brigades were created, headed by the first graduates of the Military Academy.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army had almost 1,800 tanks in service, but most of them were lost in the first months of hostilities.

The evacuation of factories for the production of armored vehicles beyond the Urals made it possible to increase the number of tanks to 4,000 units by December 1941, and to 6,000 by May 1942. Based on this material base, the 3rd and 5th tank armies were formed, which launched an offensive across all fronts since 1942.

In the same year, 1942, armored forces were officially created. The offensive of Soviet troops began near Stalingrad.

Soviet tanks passed through Poland, Czechoslovakia and other European countries, liberating them from the Nazi invaders. This victorious march under the walls of the Reichstag in Berlin ended with the complete defeat of the German army.

However, the service of Soviet tank crews in Germany had just begun. In order to deter military aggression against the Soviet Union by Great Britain and the United States of America, tank units were formed on the territory of East Germany and were on constant combat duty.

Modern history

Russia inherited powerful tank forces from the USSR. In 2005, there were 23 thousand tanks of various modifications in service. In 2009, only 2 thousand vehicles remained in service.

The country was faced with the task of modernizing its tank fleet. From 2005 to 2010 tank units were replenished with T-90 vehicles.

At the same time, new samples were developed. In 2011, all efforts were concentrated on developing a new generation tank - the T-14 Armata.

Tank T-14 "Armata"

The T-72BA, T-80BA, T-80UA, T-80U-E1 and T-90A tanks have been in service with the Russian Federation since 1991, which are constantly being modernized and improved.

At the 2015 Victory Parade, the Armata tank was presented for the first time, which is the product of a new tank design concept. Take for example the fact that the Armata's turret is uninhabited, which makes it possible to reduce its size and make the tank less noticeable on the battlefield. And his crew is located at the bottom of the car. It is planned to create a whole cluster of new combat vehicles on the Armata platform.


Tank weapons are a complex of various types of weapons and control systems: cannon, machine guns, anti-tank missile launchers, stabilization and guidance systems for weapons. Shooting can be carried out both day and night, which makes the vehicle dangerous for the enemy in any visibility and at any time of the day.

Special mention should be made of the tank gun. If in 1930 tanks were equipped with guns of 30 or 45 mm caliber, then by 1980 they were equipped with smooth-bore guns of 100 and 125 mm caliber, allowing the use of shells of various effects - armor-piercing, fragmentation and cumulative. Modern tanks have guns of 120 and 125 mm caliber, and in the future, guns of 140 and 152 mm caliber with the ability to use nuclear ammunition are being considered.

Throughout the history of tank building, the gun loading system has also been improved. Previously, the projectile was fed into the breech of the gun in the form of a solid product, consisting of a cartridge case with a powder charge and a head recessed into it. The tank of the 40s even had a position - loader. Modern vehicles use an automatic ammunition supply system. In this case, a tank shot consists of two parts: a powder charge and, in fact, a projectile. This arrangement allows you to diversify the destructive capabilities of the projectile from fragmentation to high-explosive, while saving the internal space of the tank.

The use of machine guns - course, coaxial and anti-aircraft: the first two types are installed in the front of the tank, on the frontal armor and in the turret. The anti-aircraft machine gun is located on the tank's turret and is designed to combat enemy aircraft and drones. However, the constant improvement of aircraft makes the anti-aircraft machine gun ineffective, so it is used by tankers as a target designator, if loaded with tracer cartridges, or to suppress lightly armored enemy vehicles and their manpower.

During the Great Patriotic War, a flamethrower was installed on tanks to destroy enemy personnel. But a few years after the war, this type of weaponry on tanks was canceled.


Tankman's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September. The holiday was established a year after the end of the war to commemorate the great merits of armored and mechanized troops in the defeat of the Nazi invaders, as well as for the merits of tank builders in equipping the country's Armed Forces with armored vehicles.


The emblem of the tank forces is a stylized drawing of a tank. The sleeve chevron of the Soviet tank driver featured a tank with a red star above it.

In the buttonholes and on the shoulder straps of the tankers there was a small golden tank; on the field uniform it is a khaki color.

The Russian emblem of tank forces is a full-face image of a tank framed by oak branches.

The name of the vehicle “tank” was born during the First World War as a result of secretive work on the vehicle. To increase secrecy in production, rumors were spread that the plant was assembling a large tank for heating water, in English “tank” - barrel. After the armored vehicle entered the battlefield, its name remained unchanged - tank.

It is noteworthy that driving a tank or tracked armored personnel carrier requires a special document in which the tank is equated to a tractor.

Tank troops have a glorious history. They were reorganized many times, renamed, tactics and battle strategies changed. But through all the years and trials, the tankers carried their love for their vehicles and unparalleled courage. After all, if a tank is hit by a shell, armor-piercing or cumulative, then, as a rule, the entire crew is killed at once. Because you can’t hide from the damaging elements of a projectile, armor fragments, or high temperatures in a cramped tank. In this regard, the tankers in the crew always perceived each other as brothers, family. They fought together and died together.

Eternal memory and glory to the tank heroes who defended our Motherland in the Great Patriotic War and other local conflicts around the world!