On Sunday, January 29, a famous DJ and one of the founders of a nightclub died in Moscow. Soho Rooms, 41-year-old Sergei Tkachenko. A man fell out of a window multi-storey building on Shmitovsky Proezd. As you know, the tragedy occurred after a quarrel with a girl.

One of the eyewitnesses filmed Sergei while he was already hanging on the eaves of the house. After 10 minutes of balancing on the ledge, Tkachenko, unable to hold on to the window sill, breaks down and falls down. Witnesses of the tragedy and viewers of the video are surprised why the girl did not try to drag the man into the apartment or did not call her neighbors for help within 10 minutes. Perhaps the girl panicked and tried to convince Sergei to climb through the window. Questions are also raised by the behavior of Tkachenko himself, who does not try to climb out the window, but steps along the ledge and eventually falls off - clearly not intentionally. Tkachenko fell onto the roof of a supermarket, and only with the help of climbing equipment was it possible to remove his body.


In the two days after the tragedy, many speculations arose about what actually happened that day in the couple’s apartment and what condition Sergei might have been in.


A little later, Tkachenko’s relatives made an official statement, where they talked about what happened and asked “to stop gossip and speculation, which completely distort real events and they defame the name of an honest and believing person.”


“On the morning of January 29, in Sergei Tkachenko’s apartment, a quarrel occurred between him and his girlfriend, in which Sergei defended his innocence and feelings for his beloved. In an impulse, he jumped onto the windowsill of one of the rooms, where, by a terrible coincidence, the window was open, unable to maintain his balance, Sergei ended up on the other side of the window, but managed to grab the frame. Sergei held on while being outside at a temperature below 5 degrees and attempted to climb out the window on his hands, but physical strength there wasn't enough for that. After 10 minutes, Sergei’s arms could not stand it, and he fell down. Everyone already knows how these tragic events ended.”


Relatives also said that farewell to Sergei Tkachenko will take place on Wednesday at the Shcherbenskoye cemetery.

At the end of January, 41-year-old Soho Rooms founder Sergei Tkachenko died as a result of a fall from the window of a multi-story building. The media wrote a lot about this tragic incident, but all the information was related only to the circumstances of the man’s death. His friends told the site what kind of person Jeff really was, what contribution he made to the development of the club industry, music and the promotion of emerging talent.

On Sunday, January 29, he died under tragic circumstances. famous producer musician and promoter Sergei Tkachenko, known in show business as Sergei Jeff.

Sergey was born and raised in Moscow. He began to work early to help his mother, who raised him alone, and he himself achieved everything in life. His youthful passion for breakdancing and modern choreography eventually grew into a career.

Starting as a backup dancer for Bogdan Titomir, with his dance colleague Irakli Pirtskhalava, he became part of the MF3 team, after which the pop group Tet-a-tete was created.

At the same time, his career as a DJ began to develop rapidly and music producer. He also had his own place of power - a recording studio on Old Arbat, with which many artists worked: Murat Nasyrov, Legalize, Dima Bilan, Irina Saltykova, Dino MC and others. In the music industry, Sergei was known as a person immersed in culture and knowledgeable about modern trends.

He never refused to help with advice; his taste was taken into account and he was listened to. He created remixes of popular hits, thereby giving them a second life.

Huge place in creative life Sergei Tkachenko was always interested in supporting talents: fellow DJs and musicians, he invited them to work for best events, arranged for residents to go to clubs and put their compositions in his sets.

The next stage in his creative activity began working as a club promoter. Having united a team of like-minded people around themselves, Sergey and his colleagues made a noticeable presence in the club environment under the DLux Promo Group brand. Alexey Kulagin, Artem Zvezdinsky and Vyacheslav Martynenko, together with Sergey, promoted the fashion for R"n"B and Hip Hop in Russia.

From weekly parties in the clubs Garage, Shambhala, Stone, R"n"B cafe, the cult project Infinity grew, which remained at the top of Russian club culture for many years.

After that, a series of bright years began at the Opera club and, finally, Sergei and his team took a strong place in successful project Soho Rooms, which opened in 2008.

At the same time, they began a new direction of their activity - traveling around the world under the auspices of DLux Travel: traveling with DJs, musicians and parties that rocked the entire club community.

In all his projects, Sergei tried to give the public the most high quality and was attentive to every detail: from the music to the level of activities or the choice of hotels. He took on his work thoughtfully and put his whole soul into it. For him, this was never a business in its pure form; if Sergei Jeff participated in something, then his involvement always meant a certain sign of the quality of the final product.

A new project, in which he took part together with Alexey Goroby and Mikhail Danilov, was entertainment center PEACE - he gave his all to this cause. His friends and those around him noticed: the project inspired Sergei very much, he grew professionally, made big plans and received many offers from investors and colleagues.

Sergei's business partners were industry leaders: Alexander Tolmatsky, Dmitry Braude, Mikhail Danilov.

Since childhood, Sergei was fascinated by sports, he practiced wrestling, great place Football occupied his life: he was both a fan and a player. In these disciplines his character was tempered, his ability to withstand great physical activity and respectful attitude towards opponents.

Despite the specifics of the business, Sergei had no enemies. He was respected and was friends with promoters and owners of competitive projects. They went to him for professional advice, as a person with many years of experience and strong principles.

Sergei was a deeply religious person and visited holy places all over the world, he tried to introduce people from his circle to the faith and a righteous lifestyle, and he succeeded. About my godson Sergei cared with special trepidation. So, kind words and with a friendly hand he often helped people. Despite the fact that Sergei is no longer there, he will forever remain in the hearts of many people.

Sergei Tkachenko and his beloved Maria

Today in Moscow they said goodbye to Sergei Tkachenko, the founder of the fashion club Soho Rooms. The man, known as Jeff, died last Sunday. A businessman fell out of the window of his house after a quarrel with his girlfriend. During an argument with Maria, he stood on the windowsill and suddenly fell down. On February 1, Tkachenko’s funeral took place in the capital; the ceremony took place at the Shcherbinskoye cemetery.

Relatives of Sergei Tkachenko clarified the circumstances of his death

According to journalists, the deceased’s girlfriend, Maria, did not come to see her loved one off. last way. It is reported that friends of Sergei Tkachenko asked her not to come to the funeral. According to some of the man’s relatives, her behavior could have driven the businessman to nervous breakdown. Maria said goodbye to her chosen one in the morgue, this happened early in the morning.

Correspondents also report that he was not present at Tkachenko’s funeral ex-lover Diana. According to some reports, the girl could not find the strength to attend the farewell to the businessman.

Sergei Tkachenko was buried at the Shcherbinskoye cemetery in Moscow

Earlier, Maria announced a fundraiser, which caused a wave of criticism in in social networks. The girl said she needed help, but chose not to go into details. Many Internet users accused Maria of possibly provoking the tragedy that occurred at the end of January. The chosen one of the founder of the popular metropolitan establishment did not comment on public speculation.

The girlfriend of the ex-owner of Soho Rooms begs for help

Let us note that first everyone said goodbye to Sergei Tkachenko in the Temple of the Icon Mother of God"Joy to all who mourn." Say the last word the deceased received a large number of show business figures, including Decl's father Alexander Tolmatsky, T-killah and Dino MC.

Flowers from everyone who came to see Tkachenko off on his last journey

Then funeral procession went to the cemetery. Singer Vlad Topalov was also present at Tkachenko’s funeral, Life.ru reports. Earlier, the artist published a post on Instagram dedicated to the businessman.

“Today my old friend died. Ridiculous situation, absurd death. I've been trying all day to believe it and somehow accept it, but I can't. We were friends for 15 years. We've been through a lot together. He was an example for me and many. Talented. Real. Honest. Purposeful. I can't believe it all ended like this. Rest in peace brother. We love you and will always remember you!” – Topalov shared.

February 02

07:13 2017

The founder of the Moscow club Soho Rooms, producer and DJ Sergei Jeff Tkachenko, who died on January 29 after falling from the 20th floor, was buried at the Shcherbinskoye cemetery in the capital. As you know, the disaster occurred due to a quarrel with a girl. The footage shows that there is a girl in the apartment. They also said that this was how the man “flirted with death” and tried to commit suicide.

Questions are also raised by the behavior of Tkachenko himself, who does not try to climb out the window, but steps along the ledge and, as a result, falls off - obviously not on purpose. They asked to end the gossip and speculation, which 100% distort real events and discredit the name of an honest and believing person.

Sergei Tkachenko's relatives asked his fiancée Maria not to come to the funeral - according to friends, she drove Sergei to a breakdown. From the relatives’ message: “In a fit, he jumped onto the windowsill of one of the rooms, where, by a terrible coincidence of events, the window was open.” Sergei held on while being outside at a temperature below 5 degrees and attempted to climb out the window on his hands, but he did not have enough physical strength to do so. After 10 min. Sergei's hands could not stand it, and he fell down. The famous DJ died as a result of a tragic incident.

Among the friends who came to say goodbye to Jeff was Vlad Topalov. IN New Year holidays Sergey and Maria were skiing in Krasnaya Polyana. Among those who knew Sergei Tkachenko were singer Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, producer Alexander Tolmatsky, participant groups « Ivanushki International» Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov, singer Yulianna Karaulova and others. He began his career as a backup dancer for Bogdan Titomir, then became the lead singer of the group “Tete-a-Tete” together with Irakli Pirtskhalava. Many fans knew Sergei by his pseudonym Sergey Jeff.

Today in Moscow they said goodbye to Sergei Tkachenko, the founder of the fashion club Soho Rooms. The husband, known under the pseudonym Jeff, died last Sunday. A businessman fell out of the window of his house after a quarrel with his girlfriend. During an argument with Maria, he climbed onto the windowsill and suddenly fell down. On February 1, Tkachenko’s funeral took place in the capital; the ceremony took place at the Shcherbinskoye cemetery.

Relatives of Sergei Tkachenko clarified the circumstances of his collapse

According to journalists, the deceased’s girlfriend, Maria, did not come to while away her loved one’s final journey. It is reported that friends of Sergei Tkachenko asked her not to come to the funeral. According to some of the man’s relatives, her behavior could lead the businessman to a nervous breakdown. Maria said goodbye to her chosen one in the morgue, this happened early in the morning.

Correspondents also report that his former lover Diana was not present at Tkachenko’s funeral. According to some sources, the girl could not find the strength to attend the farewell to the businessman.

Sergei Tkachenko was buried in the Shcherbinsky churchyard in Moscow
// Photo: social networks

Earlier, Maria announced the fundraiser, which caused a wave of criticism on social networks. The girl said she needed help, but chose not to go into details. Many Internet users accused Maria of causing the tragedy that occurred at the end of January. The chosen one of the founder of the popular metropolitan establishment did not comment on public speculation.

The girlfriend of the ex-owner of Soho Rooms begs for support

Let us note that first, everyone said goodbye to Sergei Tkachenko in the Sanctuary of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” A large number of show business figures came to say the last word to the deceased, including Decl’s father Alexander Tolmatsky, T-killah and Dino MC.

Flowers from everyone who came to while away Tkachenko on his last journey
// Photo: social networks

Then the funeral procession went to the churchyard. Singer Vlad Topalov was also present at Tkachenko’s funeral, Life.ru reports. Earlier, the artist published a post on Instagram dedicated to the businessman.

“Now my old friend has died. Ridiculous situation, absurd death. I've been trying all day to believe it and somehow accept it, but I can't. We were friends for 15 years. We went through a lot together. He was an example for me and many. Talented. Real. Blameless. Purposeful. I can't believe it all ended like this. Rest in peace brother. We love you and will always remember you!” – Topalov shared.

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