When giving a name to a child, parents, first of all, always plan to lay the foundation of their character, intelligence and everything else. In this article we will consider which name is best for a girl born in August.

Girls born in August are real authorities who are capable of leading crowds. They are very active, agile, bright, and often have enormous talents. They love to be the center of attention and they succeed without much effort, since their charm always makes them the life of the party, even if they have “joined” it only recently. These girls are always and everywhere accompanied by success and luck, both in their personal lives and in their studies and other hobbies. They are very smart, thoughtful and hardworking. Despite the fact that girls born this month have a kind, calm and gentle character, they will never allow themselves to be controlled, they always have their own opinions that are different from others, and this is a huge disadvantage of their character, since they are very They strongly repel others and even their enormous charm in this case is not a salvation. While defending their point of view, they do not even notice their selfishness. Being overly active, these children are able to do several things at the same time; in turn, they are irritated by sluggish and slow people. The huge disadvantages of these girls also include vindictiveness. If you once offend her, it will be very difficult, even practically impossible, to restore trust, and besides, they do not consider it necessary to be the first to reconcile.

For August girls, any name option is suitable, be it affectionate and homely, or something exotic and non-standard, since these bright personalities stand out on their own and, regardless of the name, will occupy a leading position in any case.

Names for girls born in August according to numbers

  • Eugenia - (from ancient Greek) “descendant of a noble family.”
  • Milena - ( Slavic name) "Darling".
  • Karina - (Latin) "steer of the ship."
  • Violetta - (Latin) "violet".
  • Alina - (from Latin) “stranger”.
  • Catherine - (from ancient Greek) “eternally pure”
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Christina, Christina - (Latin) “Christian”.
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Iraida - (from ancient Greek) “heroine”.
  • Olympics - Greek mythology “praising the gods.”
  • Raisa - (from ancient Greek) “main”, “light”.
  • Praskovya - (Greek) “Friday”.
  • Sylvia - (Latin) "forest".
  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Inna - “strong water”.
  • Anastasia - (from Greek) “resurrected.”
  • Elena - (from Greek) “fire”, “torch”.
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Seraphim - (from Hebrew) “fiery.”
  • Angelina - (Late Latin masculine name Angelus) “messenger, angel.”
  • Agnia - (Greek) “innocent.”
  • Kira - (Greek) “lady.”
  • Elizabeth - (Hebrew) “God is my oath.”
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Julia - (Greek) “fluffy.”
  • Sophia, Sophia - (from ancient Greek) “wise.”
  • Yesenia - (Slavic) “autumn.”
  • Nina - from male. Ninos (founder of the Assyrian state).
  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Irina - (from ancient Greek) “peace, tranquility.”
  • Oia - (from Greek) “violet”.
  • Clara - (Latin) “bright”, “clear”.
  • Daria - (ancient Persian) “dara” - “possessing, possessing” + “vaush” - “kind, good”.
  • Maria - (from Hebrew) “desired, beloved.”
  • Nona - (Latin) "ninth".
  • Ilona - (from Hungarian) “light.”
  • Tatyana - (from Greek) “organizer.”
  • Elina - (from Greek) “Greek”.
  • Sarah is from the Orthodox Church. "Madam."
  • Elvira - (Old German) “truthful.”
  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Maria - (from Hebrew) “desired, beloved.”
  • Irina - (from ancient Greek) “peace, tranquility.”
  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Regina - (Latin) "queen".
  • Rose - literally "rose".
  • Emilia, Emily
  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Ksenia, Ksenia, Aksinya, Oksana
  • Eve - (from Hebrew) “life-giver.”
  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Margarita - (Greek) “pearl.”
  • Monica - (Greek) “the only one.”
  • Sophia, Sophia - (from ancient Greek) “wise.”
  • Maria - (from Hebrew) “desired, beloved.”
  • Lyudmila - (Slavic) “dear to people.”
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Snezhana - (Slavic) “snowy”.
  • Julia - (Greek) “fluffy.”
  • Joan - (Hebrew) “gift of the Gods.”
  • Rufina - (from Latin) “rufus” - “golden yellow”, “red”.
  • Ulyana, Yuliana - (Latin) “happiness.”

Find out how to name a girl born in August according to the Saints.

Naming children according to the Saints is a good old tradition. By naming a girl after a saint, you are giving her a Guardian Angel, a patron who will protect her throughout her life. Read the article to find out how to name a baby born in August in accordance with the Monthly Word and find out the meaning of her name.

How to choose the right name for a newborn girl according to the Saints in August?

If your family is expecting the birth of a little princess, you and your family are probably puzzled by choosing a name for her. After all, you want a girl’s name to be beautiful and meaningful. Of course, you can choose a fashionable name for your baby. Don't be surprised if in a group kindergarten or in the class, in addition to your daughter, there will be two or three more Sonya, Violetta or Angelina.

Craving something exotic? You can name the girl Jasmine, Mia or even Khaleesi (yes, for last year 20 newborn girls were named this way). But don’t forget that she will bear this name for the rest of her life. I don't want it to become a reason for ridicule.

In order not to argue with your family, not to rack your brains, do as our ancestors did - take the Saints. This church calendar contains the names of saints, distributed by month and day. When choosing what to name your daughter, you can rely on the deeds of saints, their rank, or your understanding of the beauty of their names.

If you have come to the conclusion that it is best to name your August girl according to the Saints, you should know how to do it correctly.

  1. Most the best option- name the baby in honor of the saint who is the patroness of her birthday.
  2. Don't you like this name too much? Count the eighth day from the birth of the child. This was done in ancient times; it was on the eighth day that the naming ceremony was celebrated.
  3. You can also name the baby after a saint, who is usually remembered on the fortieth day after the child’s birth or on the day of her christening.
  4. If all three previous options do not suit you, look at all the names that fall between the girl’s birthday and the day of her baptism. Choose one of them.

IMPORTANT: Doubt your choice? Go to church, let the priest himself name the newborn. Then you can consider that the name was given to her from above.

Names according to the Saints and church calendar for girls born in August: meaning, origin, patron saint

If your daughter was born in August, name her Anna, Maria, Irina or Yulia, these names are very common in Christmastide this month.

August 3rd

August 4

5th of August

August 6

August 7

August 9

10th of August

11th August

August 13

August 14

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 22

24 August

August, 26th

August 27

August 29

August 30

VIDEO: How to choose a name according to the church calendar: a name for a child

In August, strong personalities are born, as well as charismatic leaders. August girls are surrounded by everyone's attention and love it. In childhood, crowds of boys circle around them, in more mature agefaithful friends and comrades. Girls born in August greatly value the attention of others and consider the highest praise when others take care of themselves. The name for them should be chosen extraordinary and creative, since life path These girls' careers may overlap with acting.

What to name a girl born in August - astrology

The following names will help maintain a strong sense of justice, enthusiasm and creative growth:

  • Tatiana,
  • Alina,
  • Anastasia,
  • Evdokia,
  • Victoria,
  • Christina,
  • Seraphim,
  • Natalia,
  • Alina,
  • Ulyana,
  • Svetlana,
  • Irina,
  • Arina,
  • Antonina,
  • Juliana.

The names Zhanna and Yaroslav should be abandoned, as they are capable of introducing internal dissonance into emotional calm August girl.

What to name a girl born in August - church names

The ideal solution would be to match the church and astrological names. Look at some meanings and translations of August female names:

  • August 1 – Eugene, which roughly translates from ancient Greek to “nobility.”
    Euphrosyne, from the same ancient Greek language“joy, fun.”
    Milena, which literally means “pretty one.”
  • August 7 – Iraida, which is translated from ancient Greek as “daughter of a great hero.”
    Eupraxia – “prosperous”, “virtuous”.
    Olympiad, from the Greek literally “singing the sky”,
    formed from the famous Mount Olympus, where according to myths all the gods lived.
    Raisa, a name derived from Iraida - “daughter of the hero.”
  • August 11 – Feodosia, which can mean “divine gift.”
    Seraphim is a biblical name.
    Clara - “bright sky, clear.”
    Susanna or Susannah, translated from Hebrew, means lily flower.
  • August 18 – Daria, literally from Slavic “gift from above”, and from Greek “blessing giver”.
    Nona is the “ninth child.”
    Christina or Christina - “in the name of Christ.”
    Tatiana, this is Latin name, derived from the name of King Tatius.
    Ellina - “radiance”.
  • August 27 – Eve, which is from the biblical word “giver of life.”
    Monica, derived from the Greek “single”, “inspiration”.
    Teresa, biblical name.
  • August 30 – Julia, translated from the Greek “curly”.
    Ulyana or Yuliana.
    Jeanne literally means “endowed with the power of God.”

First of all, pay attention to the girl’s last and middle names, because the name should suit them first of all. If you want to take a church or astrological name, then try substituting it in full name, what the girl will be called in the future.

In addition, many people name their child after a relative or respected person. There are many in August memorable dates dedicated to great women, for example:

  • You can give the girl the name Ada on the first day of August, since it is the birthday of the honored film actress Ada Woitsk. Valentina and Lydia are also suitable.
  • August 5 is a famous day for admirers of the art of cinema, since Vera Kholodnaya was born.
  • On August 11, pay attention to the name of the Saint - Clare of Assisi, also Alice, Vanga, Barbara.
  • August 16 – Margaret, Madonna or Louise.
  • On the 21st, the names of famous artists and actresses are suitable - Via, Kim, Valentina.
  • On August 27, Faina Ranevskaya, skier Lyubov Baranova, Natalia Sats and, no less famous, Ira Levin were born.

If you have a revered and respected relative, then using his name will draw the attention of the little August girl to his merits and achievements throughout his life. So you will submit good example and a role model in childhood, but you should not remind the child of this too often, since every person wants to feel like an individual and original person.