We have already told you about the features of certain rodents that you can choose as pets. However, not all types of these funny furry pets are listed in the article. Exotic animals are more and more often found in our apartments, but often they require some kind of special conditions or food in order to feel comfortable. Others, on the contrary, are completely unpretentious and can keep even a child company. Let's get to know the degu: who is this unusual animal and how to properly care for it.

Chilean squirrel

Degu, a small nimble animal native to South America, is often called the Chilean or mountain squirrel, although it belongs to a completely different family - the eight-toothed. The name went, apparently, due to some external resemblance to the European squirrel: a wedge-shaped head with wide-set eyes and rounded ears, gray or yellow-brown coat color, a long pubescent tail with a tassel, body length with a tail - up to 30 cm, weight - up to 300 grams.

In general, in nature, degus can easily be attributed to agricultural pests, since the animals, not content with wild herbs and vegetables, spoil cultural plantings and the contents of food warehouses from time to time. In captivity, this is quite a cute decorative animal, sociable and clean, capable of delivering a lot of pleasant emotions to the owner. With proper care, of course.

Building a house for degus

These rodents require a fairly spacious cage, as they love to move: for a couple of animals - at least a meter wide and 60 cm in height and width, always with a wooden nesting house-refuge. It is very good if the cage is multi-tiered, since in nature, animals often climb the branches of bushes and rocks: they need to keep in shape. It will be great if you manage to build a system of passages, ladders or pipes, put a wheel for running, hang ladders or ropes. Remember that all the wooden parts of the degus' housing will definitely be tried and tested, so over time they will have to be replaced. With some renovation, a tall terrarium with a mesh cover will do.

As for the bedding, the main rule here is that it should not be dusty, like straw, since due to the peculiarities of the structure of the nasal cavity, degus very easily get sick with bronchitis and rhinitis. Pressed fillers (such as wood or corn fillers) are quite suitable, just do not forget to remove wet areas in a timely manner. The entire cage is cleaned every two weeks.

A drinker, a feeder and a sennitsa (nursery) are placed in the cage. The cage itself is placed in a quiet place without drafts and direct sun, since degus are sensitive to climatic conditions and strong odors such as cigarette smoke or kitchen aromas. Do not put the cage low, as the animals will feel uncomfortable, fearing the attack of birds of prey "from the air": the optimal height is about one and a half meters from the floor.

Alone or by company?

Degu are socially active animals that live in groups in nature, therefore, it is desirable to keep at least two animals in the cage. You can lodge opposite-sex and same-sex animals - they, as a rule, are not aggressive to relatives. Flocks of a male and several females feel quite comfortable. If you keep opposite-sex animals together, then they bring offspring once or twice a year. The animals are chirping very interestingly among themselves.

Features of the content

Taking care of degus is not difficult.

They feed them dust-free hay, dried grass and dry grain food purchased at the pet store. Degu have a predisposition to diabetes, so they should not be given sugar, sweet fresh fruits and vegetables, or dried fruits. For uniform grinding of constantly growing teeth, the animal in the cage must have branches of deciduous trees or special stones with mineral additives.

Water should be changed daily and hay and feed as needed. It is necessary to ensure that the animals do not make food supplies in the litter that will spoil, especially in the warm season. The feeder and drinker should be heavy or screwed to the wall to prevent the degus from turning them over and soaking the bedding.

The point is that moisture is not their habitat. They even bathe degus not in water, but in special sand from a pet store.

Once every three months, it is worth deworming animals with special preparations.


Degu - animals are sociable, curious, easily get used to a person, remember their nickname and recognize the owner by smell during frequent communication, although they are reluctant to go to their hands. They are active during the day and easily adopt the host's mode of life. Many even let the degus walk around the apartment, however, carefully watching the wires, flowers in pots and valuable items that come across the animals along the way.

Remember two rules: if a degu is left unattended for a long time, it will just as easily “run wild” again, and then an attempt to pick it up can result in very painful bites. And in no case should the animal be grabbed by the tail, since there is an extremely thin skin that is easy to damage, after which, in most cases, the exposed area will bleed and die off.

For the rest, the degu will not cause problems and, with due regard, will delight an attentive owner up to 9 years old, although in nature Chilean squirrels usually do not live more than five.

Galina Zimina

Degu is a rodent native to South America. The native home of this animal is the slopes of the Andes and the central regions of Chile.

These rodents, due to their unusual behavior, arouse increased interest among scientists: they know how to arrange objects in decreasing order of size. If it becomes necessary to get food from a hard-to-reach place, they use foreign objects. When a degu is in a dark room, its brain determines the exact time of day, so the normal processes are maintained in the body.

Degu appearance

In length, this animal reaches 25-30 centimeters, while its weight is 180-300 grams.

The tail is 7-10 centimeters long and ends in a black tuft. The ears are long and rounded. Feet are light gray. The muzzle is slightly elongated. The fur is short and soft. The upper part of the skin is yellow-brown in color, and the lower part of the body is creamy yellow. A pale stripe surrounds the neck. There are yellow circles around the eyes.

Degu is a small rodent.

Reproduction and life expectancy

The gestation period is 90 days. The average female gives birth to about 6 babies, but the number of babies can vary from 2 to 12. The body of newborns is covered with fur, their eyes are open. The mother feeds them with milk for 3-4 weeks. Males, like females, take care of the offspring.

Hear the degu's voice

During the season, the female most often gives birth 1 time, but there may be 2 litters. Fertility peaks among degus in mid-spring, and in captivity these animals can reproduce throughout the year. Representatives of the species live on average for 6-8 years, in captivity degus, under ideal conditions, live up to 13 years, but a case was recorded when the animal lived up to 15 years.

Degu behavior and nutrition

Degu are social animals, they live in large groups. These rodents dig holes, creating systems of complex labyrinths. But at the same time, they spend most of their time on the surface of the earth, where they get food for themselves. The members of the group regularly communicate with each other, for these purposes they use 15 unique sounds.

Degu are skilled labyrinth builders.

These rodents are active in the morning and evening hours. Each group owns its own feeding area, which is not allowed by strangers. The degus feed exclusively on plant foods: grass, seeds, and leaves of shrubs. Like other species of rodents, they eat their feces, extracting the maximum useful from the diet. In hot summer months, they sit in burrows, and leave them when the sun sets at its zenith.

Degu at home

These rodents are often kept as pets. They are kept in iron cages, since they easily gnaw wood and plastic. In degus, incisors grow throughout their life, so there should be branches of linden, birch or apple in the cage so that the rodent can grind teeth on them. It is impossible to catch these animals by the tail, because the skin will peel off from it, and it will bleed, after which the tail will die off and completely disappear.

To keep the fur soft, degus must regularly take a sand bath. On this basis, degus are similar to chinchillas. Sand is poured on the animal at least 2 times a week. There should always be food in the trough: cereals, vegetables and grass. The composition of the feed should not contain sugar, since these animals have a predisposition to diabetes, and any sweetness can be destructive.

Exotic squirrel degu in its appearance than the usual jumping inhabitant of forests and parks. Due to the thick undercoat and the shape of the ears, it can also be mistaken for a chinchilla. The animal comes from South America, therefore it is also called Chilean. In natural habitat, she lives with her relatives. At home, the degu quickly gets used to a person and requires constant attention.

Exotic degu squirrel looks more like a jerboa

The minimum length of the animal's body is 9 cm, and the maximum is 22 cm. The long tail ends with a pretty tassel. The head has an elongated shape, the eyes are dark in color, small and set wide apart. There is a yellow border around the eyes. The ears are rounded, their edges are slightly wavy. The hind legs are longer than the front legs. Degu has 8 pairs of teeth, which, like other rodents, grow throughout their lives.

The degu's coat is tough and fairly dense, brown-gray or brown-yellow in color. An adult individual weighs 200-300 g. The Chilean squirrel lives in captivity for an average of 6-8 years, while in its natural habitat for about a year. The lifespan of the animal depends on the characteristics of keeping and feeding.

The animal has an interesting feature associated with its reaction to danger: if a squirrel is grabbed by its tail, it instantly sheds its skin and disappears. Subsequently, it climbs into a secluded place and with the help of teeth separates the exposed part of the tail.

A person who liked the decorative squirrel so much that he decided to settle it at home should receive detailed information about the character of the animal. The animal is distinguished by curiosity and is not averse to communicating with its relatives. If you get more than one squirrel, but two or three, they will always be in a good-natured mood. But if the animal lives alone, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to it - often talk to it, stroke it, trying to compensate for the lack of communication with other animals. It is advisable to gradually teach him to take food from his hands. Otherwise, the pet may run wild and show aggression towards its owner. Domestic degu squirrels move within their cages mainly during the daytime. At night, the animal, as a rule, sleeps, which favorably distinguishes it from other representatives of the genus of rodents.

When buying a degus, pay attention to the animal's appearance. A healthy individual should look like this:

  • the eyes are clean and shiny, the eyelashes are not stuck together;
  • yellow teeth with clearly visible two upper incisors;
  • the coat is shiny, without bald patches, tight to the body;
  • the behavior is active, but at the same time alert.

It is better to refuse a purchase if the baby has an unkempt appearance and is inactive.

Degu squirrel at home (video)

Degu keeping rules

Despite the relatively small size of the animals, they require sufficient space. This is explained by the mobility of proteins. A spacious cage of at least 60x60x60 cm should be prepared in advance. The ideal size is 120x60x100 cm. The structure should be made of stainless steel.

Other materials, such as wood or plastic, are not suitable for one reason: the animal can gnaw them with its sharp teeth in a matter of minutes.

Inside, it is desirable to make 2 or 3 levels, connecting them with ladders. In the cage, you need to provide a special room for the animal to sleep. A small house can act as such a place. In addition, a tray filled with wood chips must be placed in the cage. It is desirable for her to cover the bottom of the cage. In the absence of it, you can use pressed ears of corn or white sheets of paper.

Chilean degus squirrels love to hide in various hiding places, so it is necessary to provide such places for them. Many owners put clay pots in the cage, put small stones, tree roots or branches along which rodents run with pleasure. Plants are necessary for animals in order to sharpen their teeth on them, so it is necessary to periodically add new portions of tree branches to them. It is also recommended to install several shelves that will attract the attention of an inquisitive animal. To prevent the animal from getting hurt, these structures should be secured in a secure manner.

In natural conditions, proteins are often in motion. In the cages, they do not move so intensively, so a special wheel is installed in them. Moving inside it, proteins consume energy. It is necessary to take care of the placement of feeders, of which there should be several, as well as a reservoir with fresh water.

The Chilean squirrel does not like to be in direct sunlight, so the cage should be placed in a shaded place. It is necessary to ensure that the animal's dwelling is not located in a draft.

Gallery: squirrel degu (25 photos)

Cage addiction

After acquiring a rodent, there is a natural desire to place it in a cage as soon as possible. Doing this is not recommended, since the animal needs a certain time to adapt to the surrounding reality. It is best to place the box in which the Chilean squirrel was transported next to the cage. Over time, when the animal gets used to the new environment and begins to behave more calmly, you can remove it from the carrier and place it in the cage.

It should be remembered that this must be done carefully so as not to cause undue anxiety in the animal. Before this, it is recommended to put in the place determined for the permanent residence of the squirrel, part of the bedding from the carrier. Degu will smell her scent in a new place, which will help her to cope with anxiety.

After the animal gets used to it, you need to walk it periodically. It should be admitted into a previously fenced off part of the room, free from electrical wires, glassware and other objects that can attract the attention of degu squirrels. Some indoor plants, such as anthurium, calla lilies, ivy, rhododendron, sansevier, etc., can also pose a danger to these animals.

After a walk, the animal may not want to go back to the cage. In this case, place the structure next to it and open the door. The animal will soon go inside, because it will either get hungry or want to drink.

You can speed up this process by serving a treat with a soft whistle. Degu will remember this sound and will subsequently react to it, running up to the trough. If you have to catch the animal, in no case should you cover it with your palm, otherwise the squirrel will be stressed. Do not grab a squirrel by the tail to avoid damaging it.

Chilean Squirrel Feeding and Hygiene

Before feeding a squirrel, you need to take care of a suitable diet for it. Since we are talking about a rodent, the following products can be used:

  • corn;
  • crackers, pre-ground;
  • oat flakes;
  • dried peas.

It is allowed to give the animal ready-made food, which can be purchased at pet stores, as well as hay.

The animal's diet should include fruits, vegetables and seeds at room temperature. Sweet fruits should not be given, as the animal may develop diabetes mellitus. Unripe or overripe fruits, dried fruits are undesirable. It is forbidden to give milk to the degus and give fermented milk products, meat and fish, various scraps from the table.

The future owners of decorative squirrels will certainly be optimistic about the information that these animals do not need to be washed. Animals are clean, so they do not need bathing. The animals are able to take care of themselves on their own using ordinary sand, which must be poured into the bath. It is advisable to put a similar container with toilet filler in the corner of the cage. At the same time, the animal's shelter should be kept clean, regularly cleaned and litter changed. However, when replacing it, you need to leave some part in place, since it is important for animals to smell their usual smell.

Laundry soap can be used to clean the pallet. After completing the washing process, the pallet must be wiped dry and covered with white paper. On top you need to put new sawdust, slightly diluted with old ones.

Obtaining offspring

The adults are considered to be degus that have reached the age of one year. However, squirrels that are only 50 days old can start mating. For this to happen, animals must be on good terms with each other. If the owner wants his pet to produce offspring, he needs to take care of a suitable pair in advance. It is necessary to acquire an individual of the opposite sex and add it to the animal that already lives at home.

You should carefully observe the behavior of the couple, because it is possible that the female and the male may not get along with each other. In this case, one of them may show aggression towards the partner.

If the animals do not fight and treat each other favorably, offspring can be expected. It is recommended to remove objects from the cage that could injure a pregnant squirrel or its babies. These include food shelves and a wheel.

Individuals close in blood are not suitable for mating, since squirrels can be born weak and sick. The most suitable partners are those who are six months old. After giving birth, the male is placed in a separate cage. This is done to prevent re-mating. The female is ready for gestation and childbirth no more than 1 time per year.

After which the childbirth process takes place. Usually 5-6 babies are born, but sometimes their number reaches 12. There are cases when only one squirrel is born. After 4-6 weeks after receiving the offspring of small rodents, they are relocated: boys to some cells, girls to others. If this is not done, juveniles will start mating.

Determining the sex of the animal

It is important to know how to sex determination in cubs, as degu boys and girls are very similar in appearance. That is why at first glance it will be difficult to do this. Determination of sex should begin with raising the tail and examining the area of ​​the body where the anus is located. The process in the form of a cone is mistaken by some for the penis, but there is the urethra, which is present in both sexes.

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Fans of unusual pets will surely like the degu - "Chilean squirrel". In fact, this is a small rodent that looks like a chinchilla and a squirrel at the same time. After reading the information and a photo of this cute animal, it will become clear what conditions of detention are suitable for him and why he is attractive for home maintenance.

general information

Zoologists attribute degus to bush rats, which are mammals belonging to the order.
The body size of these animals can range from 95 to 125 mm, and the weight - from 200 to 300 grams. To the full size should be added the length of the tail (6.5-10.5 cm), which is not covered with thick hair and has a small tassel at the end. The fur is gray-brown on the back and light yellow on the belly. Some degus have an orange tint in the main color.

In the wild, they live in flocks of 25 to 30 individuals. The leaders of such groups are 2–3 females, to whom all the rest obey unquestioningly. They live in branched burrows, in which nests are arranged for comfortable placement and breeding of offspring.

They are very active and mobile. Move freely both on the ground and in tall bushes and trees. They eat only food vegetable origin.

Did you know?In direct contact with degus, in no case should you hold, let alone lift them by the tail. In such a situation, the animals shed their skin from the tail in order to free themselves, and then gnaw it off in a safe place.

How many individuals are best to keep together

Degus are preferred by society. If the owner can pay enough attention to his pet, then the option of solitary confinement is quite acceptable. The sex of the animal does not really matter, but it should be noted that males are more sociable and easier to tame.

You do not need to know much about how the gender of a degu is determined. It is enough to estimate the distance between the anus and the urethra. In females, it is much less than in males.

It is permissible to keep in pairs, preferably of the same sex and age. In this case, the animals will definitely not get bored.
For breeding, you should create a small group of one male and several females. It should be borne in mind that it is permissible to form a flock with age restrictions, since after 4 months of age, animals are reluctant to accept new ones and can seriously conflict.

Important! Family ties should be taken into account. Keeping one litter with the prospect of mating is unacceptable, as this leads to a weakening of immunity in the new generation and the degeneration of the breed.

How many live at home

Under natural conditions, like all small rodents, degus have many enemies that feed on them. Therefore, the average life expectancy is only 3, maximum 4 years, and only 1% of the total number of newborns survive to this age.
But how many degus will live at home directly depends on the health status of the animals, the quality and influence of the environment. With careful care, a safe and comfortable living environment, and proper nutrition, they live from 5 to 9 years. But it should be understood that nine years of age for a degus is the same as 120 years of life for a person.

Choosing and arranging a home

One or a couple of rodents should be kept in a fine-mesh metal cage, with the minimum length, width and height parameters of 600x450x400 mm. Despite the small size of the animals, they require a large, preferably multi-tiered space.

Some owners prefer glass terrariums of the same size, with a grate at the top.
A typical degu dwelling layout that simplifies maintenance and improves home maintenance is as follows:

  • a litter of wood shavings, pressed corn cobs, or plain paper;
  • in the corner there is a small house in which a nest will be created;
  • on the opposite side - a tray with sand for bathing;
  • clay pots, large branches, stones between them;
  • on the walls there are several shelves located at different heights;
  • freely rotating squirrel wheel;
  • several bowls for different food;
  • drinker.

Large branches and roots of trees are a must, as rodents experience a constant need to sharpen their teeth. Various kinds of objects, obstacles, rungs and shelves are necessary for an active and interesting pastime for animals.

Important! The cage should be installed in an area free from drafts and direct sunlight.

What do they eat

There are usually no problems with what to feed the Chilean degu protein. But, when making a menu for your pet, you need to take into account with next moments:

  • only plant food should be present in the diet, since these animals are exclusively herbivorous;
  • do not feed vegetables and fruits with a high sugar content, as this can lead to diabetes mellitus.

In order not to doubt the correct nutrition, you can use ready-made feeds from manufacturers such as Beaphar, Vitakraft or Versele-laga. These feeds are balanced in all nutrients, trace elements and vitamins that rodents need.
Compulsory year-round feed is a high quality hay, which in summer can be replaced with freshly cut grass or other succulent forage. The temporary transition to succulent feed is carried out gradually, starting with small portions. Alfalfa, clover, lettuce are suitable as a delicacy.

Grain mixtures of oats, wheat, barley, millet are well perceived by rodents. Acceptable solid foods include bark and branches of willow, linden, apple, pear.

Small amounts of feeding are acceptable dried fruits unsweetened varieties of apples and pears, as well as carrots cut into small pieces.

Not often and in small quantities, it is possible to use the fruits of hawthorn and rose hips, chokeberry, corn kernels, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. Usually such foods are suitable for domesticating animals.

Care and communication

Caring for a Chilean squirrel is extremely simple. Remove leftover feed, clean bedding and wash troughs daily. Clean the cage weekly and disinfect monthly.

You don't need to do anything with the animal itself, as its fur is cleaned while swimming in special sand. Teeth and claws are grinded naturally when wooden objects are gnawed and active movement around the cage occurs.

The task of how to accustom the degus to the hands, react to the nickname and carry out simple commands is not difficult. First of all, you need to convince the animal that it is for him to be near a person. absolutely safe... To do this, you do not need to talk loudly and make sudden movements. In the future, putting a small amount of delicacies on the palm of your hand, switch to direct contact. The animal itself will come up and take a treat from its hand. With the highest IQ among rodents, degus quickly figure out what they want from them. With careful and gentle treatment, they are happy to communicate with a person, despite their restless nature.

Did you know? If a person studies the sounds that degus make in certain situations and then imitates them, then the animals will understand him. For example, a certain whistle from them indicates danger. Therefore, by whistling in the right tone, the rodent can be driven away from the electric cable or valuable furniture that he wants to taste for a tooth while walking around the apartment.

Hygiene procedures

Degu, being very clean animals, independently clean and degrease their wool using the method dry cleaning... Bathing procedures are provided by daily placing a deep tray or bath with special sand for bathing in the cage.
To eliminate the occurrence of an unpleasant odor, every day it is necessary to remove the remains of feed and periodically change the litter in places of contamination. A complete replacement should not be carried out, since rodents are very sensitive to changes in the environment. The inherent smell, which the litter gets over time, soothes the animals.

Breeding offspring at home

For the planned breeding of Chilean squirrels, you will need at least one heterosexual pair in one cage, or better - one male and several females.

It should be remembered that when adults are placed on the same territory, conflicts may arise between them. Mating is possible only if the animals know each other well and are accustomed to being in the same society. Therefore, when forming a group, the first time you should carefully observe the behavior of the animals.
Puberty in Chilean squirrels occurs at the age of one and a half years, sometimes a little earlier, but they try to mate from the age of six months.

Physiologically, the female can bear offspring Twice a year, since pregnancy takes only three months, and estrus lasts 17-25 days. But when breeding at home, it is recommended to prevent females from becoming pregnant more often than once a year, so that their body has time to recover after childbirth.

One female gives birth to an average of 5-6 cubs, but there may be variants from one to twelve. For the first two weeks, babies feed only on mother's milk, and then begin to try adult food, so that after 2-3 weeks they completely switch to it.

Young degus can be removed from their mother as early as 4–6 weeks of age. By this time, they are already quite independent and can take care of themselves.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that a rodent from South America with the strange name "Chilean squirrel" degu perfectly takes root at home. He does not bring much trouble, does not require much care and attention, and is able to become a loyal friend for a long time.

Degu, a small South American rodent, in moments of danger resembles a lizard: like her, he leaves his tail in the teeth of a predator, or rather, a tail skin. The animal subsequently bites off the bared fragment, but the tail no longer grows back.

Description, appearance of the Chilean squirrel

The world learned about the degus in 1782 from the scientific work of the Chilean Juan Molina, a priest and naturalist, who attributed the new animal to the genus Squirrels (based on the great similarity in their habits). The degu is now included in the Octodon family of Eight-toothed.

An adult grows up to 35-45 cm (including the tail) with a mass of 170-300 grams... They are discreet brownish-yellow rodents with silvery-gray legs. On the front, 4 toes and a thumb (vestigial) toe are visible. The hind legs are longer than the front ones and have 5 toes. Each finger ends with a sharp black claw. Thanks to the strong hind limbs, the animals jump to a height of up to 1 meter.

The muzzle is decorated with cream stripes, an orange tint sometimes breaks through on the back, the abdomen is painted in a yellow-cream color. A tassel of longer hair is visible at the end of the 12-centimeter tail.

It is believed that the degu squirrel can even see what is happening behind its back without turning its head. This is facilitated by the special arrangement of elongated almond-shaped (with vertical pupils) eyes, which provide their owner with an almost panoramic view.

Rather large oval ears of brownish-gray color are responsible for the hearing of the animal. The auricles are usually slightly pressed to the body, but quickly open at any sound, even one that is not able to catch the human ear.

The nose, in comparison with the mouse, is shorter and rounder, but also has vibrissae (whiskers) that perform two important functions - touch and smell. An adult degu has 20 teeth:

  • 12 large indigenous;
  • 4 small indigenous;
  • 2 incisors from below / from above.

Instead of fangs, there is a diastema (a gap through which rodents spit out hard pieces that are not suitable for food).

It is interesting! A sexually mature degu surprises others with its bright orange teeth. But they acquire an orange hue as the rodent matures: babies are born with white teeth.

The hair of the Chilean squirrel is characterized by a granular structure and agouti color: a light middle and a darker tip. If you look closely, you will notice (especially on the back) some long hair. The zoned coloration helps the degus blend in with their habitat.

Degu in the wild

Animals living in families (1-2 males and up to 5 females with 5-10 calves) have the status of social animals. Each community "owns" about 200 square meters, where there is a lot of food and an extensive network of burrows. They try not to let strangers into the site.


It is called family-group: relatives are better at digging holes and keeping them. By digging a hole, the members of the family union form a living chain to transfer the earth to each other from the depth to the surface. The degus work together to create long underground tunnels.

Spending a lot of time underground, rodents do not forget about their food and winter supplies. The food is dragged into burrows or buried in the upper layers of the soil... The main food of Chilean squirrels:

  • grass;
  • bark of trees;
  • foliage of shrubs;
  • seeds;
  • hay and dry leaves (in winter).

In nature, the partner gives birth once, a little less often twice a year. Pregnancy lasts 87-93 days, ending with the appearance of (1-10) 14-gram crumbs. In captivity, degus are capable of more frequent reproduction, since after giving birth, the female easily becomes pregnant. That is why, after the appearance of the brood, the father is recommended to be removed.

The mother feeds the offspring with milk from 2 to 6 weeks, but already two weeks after birth, the babies can eat solid food, and after another week they can crawl out of their burrows on their own.

When trying to get out earlier, adults drag the kids back. The males help the females to raise the brood by supplying the young with fresh grass. Before the onset of fertility, young animals are grouped in same-sex companies, and starting from 12-16 weeks old animals are already able to mate themselves.

The Chilean squirrel is predominantly diurnal, with activity peaks in the morning and early evening.


Degu was called a South American rodent for a reason: it inhabits Peru, Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. The animals are attracted by rocky areas with a lot of bushes.

It is interesting! Adults mark their sites with urine. Other means of communication are tactile, visual and acoustic signals. There are at least 15 known sounds that degus exchange.

Despite daytime activity, rodents are reluctant to crawl out into the fresh air at summer noon, avoiding sheer sunlight that can provoke heatstroke.

Food searches usually take place in the morning and before dusk, when the heat subsides. In addition to the scorching sun, degus fear eagles, owls, and foxes (their natural enemies).

Also, rodents, which are among agricultural pests, often die from pesticide poisoning, as they love to feast on plants in the fields.

Degu squirrel at home

The animals are very restless and fussy: they run, sharpen their teeth, jump, and make sounds. Degu know how to adapt to the host's regime, but they do not always do it. With their restless disposition, pets require a calm environment in the room. They cannot stand loud music, tobacco smoke, noisy gatherings, drafts, and are also wary of children who can easily injure them. The child does not calculate the strength and is able to squeeze the degus to death or drop it on the floor, which is fraught with his death. But the rodent itself can bite the offender to the blood.

Degu cage device

You will need a very spacious cage, since these animals are kept exclusively in same-sex pairs.

Key requirements for the cage:

  • Minimum dimensions: length - 1.2 m; width - 0.6 m; height - 1 m.
  • The interval between the rods (preferably chrome-plated) is no more than 1-1.5 cm.
  • Tightly lockable doors. Gaps (even very small ones) are unacceptable.
  • Availability of play equipment, including shelves, a house, ladders, driftwood and wheels. Be sure to leave room for free movement and jumping.
  • Digging bed (at least 10 cm high) and drinking bowl.
  • Feeder and sennitsa filled with hay.
  • Bath with special "sand" for bathing the animal.
  • If the bottom is made of plexiglass / getinax, holes are drilled in it for ventilation.

Additionally, you need a daylight lamp, which is placed near the cage. If the apartment is cold, you can heat the cage with an incandescent lamp.

Since a degu squirrel cannot be kept in a cage all the time, when you let it out for a walk, hide indoor flowers, wires, and make sure that it does not gnaw on wallpaper and furniture.

When starting a rodent, get ready for daily cleaning of the space next to the cage: the degu will scatter bedding, as well as gnaw all objects in its home (toys, shelves, houses). They will have to be purchased as needed.

What to feed the degus - the main diet

Both products from our table and factory feed are not suitable for these animals. But if the pet's diet consists of the latter, make sure that they are:

  • free of prohibited, including sweet ingredients (apples, berries, raisins and others);
  • natural (no chemicals);
  • free of diabetic cereals and pseudo-grains.
  • Fresh greens - herbs, flowers, weeds, foliage and vegetable tops.
  • Seeds (preferably in mixtures) - 4 g per 1 rodent.
  • Treats (vegetables, plant roots, nuts, legume seeds) - 2 g per 1 rodent.

Hay should always be available to the pet.

How long does the Chilean squirrel live?

A balanced diet lays the foundations for a long life for the animal. It is known that in the wild, half of the degus does not live up to a year, 1% live up to 2 years, and only one individual out of 5400 overcomes the threshold of 4 years.

It is interesting! In artificial conditions, South American rodents demonstrate miracles of longevity, living next to their owners for 5-8 years.

Diseases and treatments for degus

In 2011, the British Small Animal Veterinary Association conducted a study on common diseases of the Chilean degu squirrel.
The most common diseases were recognized:

  • Dental (60.0%).
  • Cataracts (13.33%).
  • Baldness due to self-draining of hairs (13.33%).
  • Fractures (traumatic).
  • Soft tissue injuries (wounds, tail detachment).
  • Diarrhea due to poor nutrition.
  • Reproductive abnormalities.

Of the 300 animals examined, only 38 were completely healthy. Zoologists have found that most ailments are caused by poor-quality nutrition, violations of maintenance and injury through negligence.

Reproduction at home

This lesson is within the power of only very experienced gourmets who understand what they are doing. If the female dies, you will have to feed the tasting cubs every 2 hours for at least 2 weeks, keep them warm and massage the tummies.

You need to be sure to breed healthy degus (not relatives!) Without abnormal genes. You will need free cages where you will place the male (before giving birth). Grown up babies (mother with daughters, father with boys) are also placed in different cells.

To avoid frequent pregnancies, adult females and males are also bred in separate cages.... The female is not mated until she is six months old and she has gained 220 grams (at the age of 4-5 years, childbirth is also excluded).

Important! Breeding degus often requires the cost of medical care (hospital, X-ray, cesarean section), as well as the confidence that once every six months you will be able to attach a grown brood (6-10 degus).

And finally, you must be able to determine their gender, so as not to endow new owners with a mixed couple, which threatens early childbirth and the disadvantages of inbreeding.

Do not take a baby younger than 1.5 months. Weaning from the mother earlier is fraught with stress and health problems. It is advisable to see the conditions in which the parents of your future pets live, to find out what they are fed with, to observe the behavior. Animals should not only be healthy (with shiny eyes and hair, clean nose / ears), but also sociable.

Where to Buy Chilean Squirrel

There are 4 purchase options:

  • In a nursery or with a private breeder.
  • At the pet store.
  • At the poultry market.
  • Through the Internet.

Advantages of buying from a nursery / breeder: a large selection of animals; inspection of the place of their keeping and food; detailed consultation of the seller and further assistance.

When you contact the store, you will also receive good advice and purchase special literature. True, there is always less choice of degus (2-3 individuals), and you can run into a stupid seller.

A healthy rodent can be bought on the market if the owner sells it. The responsible person will tell you about the nuances of leaving and give (just in case) his phone number.

If you find the animal on the Internet, try to get to the seller's house to see where your degu was raised.

Degu squirrel price

It is not high - from 300 rubles apiece... Squirrel "accessories" are much more expensive: a cage costs from 5 thousand rubles and more, a showcase - from 10 thousand, a wheel - from 700 to 1500 rubles. And also drinkers, bowls, houses, filler, bath for "sand" and the mineral "sand" itself, worth 2-3 thousand rubles. It is forbidden to use river and sea sand!

Do not forget about good food, for the packaging of which you have to pay 300 rubles, plus hay and a variety of healthy "snacks".