Sleep is an integral part of a healthy life. During the rest period, important biochemical processes occur in the body during which it recovers after being awake. Every person, at least once, missed the required sleep. If you don't sleep for one day, it won't have much impact on your health. But even such a regime failure leads to a disruption of the biological clock.

At the end of the article we have prepared a surprise 🎁 - an exciting test to test your attentiveness 😃

The issue of sleep is constantly being studied and subjected to scientific experiments. Let's look at the consequences of a week of insomnia for the body.

First day

1 night without sleep will not particularly affect your health, but it will be noticeable. Without rest for the brain for 24 hours, thousands of neurons that are responsible for the functioning of the so-called biological clock fail. They adapt to each person living in different parts of the world, to the daylight hours - circadian rhythms. Performance while awake depends on them.

On the first sleepless day, memory impairment and minor problems with concentration are observed. It was experimentally found that the subject who refused to sleep for 24 hours felt increased thirst, changes in blood pressure, increased dryness of the mucous membranes, and a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Such disturbances arise due to the fact that during night sleep not only the brain discharges and assimilates the information it has received during the day, but also the restructuring of hormonal levels, the regeneration of living cells of the body, and the formation of the body’s immune functions.

The next day the person may have trouble falling asleep. This is a consequence of overstrain and overexcitation of the brain and central nervous system. At this moment, an increased level of dopamine is observed in the blood.

The following changes in behavior and well-being are observed:

  • Poor concentration;
  • Absent-mindedness;
  • Memory problems;
  • Increased thirst and appetite;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Speech changes;
  • Mood swings.

Even if you don’t sleep for 36-48 hours, you won’t be able to regain your strength in a night of full sleep.

The third day

There are noticeable disturbances in the central nervous system. This period is characterized by increasing fatigue to the limit. The body hints in every way about the urgent need for sleep. Digestive disorders are observed - heartburn, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea or vomiting.

The person has difficulty formulating thoughts. Memory deteriorates greatly. It becomes problematic to pronounce even a simple tongue twister. In some cases, auditory hallucinations may occur.

After 3 days without sleep, a severe disruption of metabolism and hormonal levels occurs. The production of leptin increases, and glucose absorption is critically impaired.

Stress literally eats away. The body requires unhealthy fatty foods to store reserves. The thirst is growing. The synthesis of the insomnia hormone increases. Even if you want and have the opportunity, you won’t be able to fall asleep right away.

Fourth day

Hallucinations of vision and hearing are observed. A person reacts to any action of others with irritation and anger. The mood is changeable - hysterical laughter borders on crying or deep depression.

Speech becomes incomprehensible to others and incoherent. The work of neurons and all parts of the brain slows down.

Fifth day

There are significant disturbances in the functioning of the parietal and temporal lobes of the brain. Any even the most primitive arithmetic and logical problems cause irritation. Man is unable to solve them.

Indigestion progresses. Due to disruptions in the frontal cortex of the brain, hallucinations become more frequent. Neural activity decreases. Reduced sensitivity to pain.

Disorders such as photophobia and tremors of the limbs are noted. There are cases of confused consciousness: a person ceases to be aware of his location and does not always distinguish day from night. It becomes more difficult to stay awake.

Lack of rest negatively affects the entire body. The heart muscle experiences a noticeable lack of oxygen. Due to constant work in a stressful mode, it wears out, reminding itself of pain in the chest area. Tachycardia progresses.

Seventh day

Even a few days without sleep affect your well-being and behavior. But if you don’t sleep for a week, the body is completely exhausted, and the immune system is unable to fight pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Focusing of vision is impaired, speech is incoherent and illogical. A person cannot answer simple questions because he instantly forgets what is being said. Memory and concentration are impaired to an extreme degree.

Symptoms of a mental disorder are noted. Including Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, paranoia.


It is, of course, impossible not to sleep, for example, 1000 hours. But there are people in the world who never sleep. One of them is Vietnamese Tai Ngoc. After suffering a serious illness, irreversible changes occurred in the man’s body. He has continued to be awake for almost 40 years.

Sleep standards

It is extremely important for any person, be it a child or an adult, to get enough sleep every day. Otherwise, the body reacts with a deterioration in memory and concentration, and a breakdown of all vital systems.

Science has proven that getting little sleep every day is extremely undesirable. This leads to the development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, impaired immunity, decreased mental abilities and excess body weight gain.

Sleep standards for people of different ages:

  • The first 3 months of life – 14-17 hours;
  • From 4 to 12 months – 12-15 hours;
  • From 1 to 2 years – 11-14 hours;
  • From 3 to 5 years – 10-13 hours;
  • From 6 to 13 years – 9-11 hours;
  • From 14 to 17 years old – 8-10 hours;
  • From 18 to 29 years old – 7-9 hours;
  • From 30 to 60 years – 7-9 hours;
  • From 61 to 72 years and older – 7-8 hours.

11 highest calorie foods

It has been proven that you should go to bed to rest at 10 pm. From this time until 1 am, sleep is considered the most beneficial. In the morning hours it becomes superficial and less strong.

The dangers of insomnia

Lack of sleep can be due to various reasons. This is often influenced by environmental factors - work, study or family problems. But it happens that insomnia develops as a pathology. A person cannot sleep no matter how hard he wants. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Negatively affects the body. Mood deteriorates, the brain works slower, metabolic processes are disrupted, and the risk of obesity and diabetes increases. Unfortunately, no amount of fighting spirit will help you make the right decisions if you don't get enough sleep. Even stimulants, such as coffee, will not allow you to think better.

But you can prepare for being awake at night as best as possible. How to stay awake and survive the night away from bed and recover as quickly as possible? So…

How to survive a sleepless night

1. Try to get plenty of sleep

It is not always possible to plan a sleepless night, but if you suspect that you will have to suffer, prepare your body for the load. If you already sleep little, and then don’t sleep at all, the negative effects of this regime will only accumulate.

But if you usually stick to the regime and rest within the normal range, from seven to nine hours, then one sleepless night won’t hurt. And if you sleep longer for a few days before the night marathon, then the consequences for the body will be minimal.

Yes, the article is just about how not to sleep. But sometimes 20 minutes is better than nothing. If you have the opportunity to get some rest, it is better to give preference to short sleep.

Two problems. The first is the risk of sleeping longer. The second, equally serious, is the inability to sleep. Well, how can you take a break for 20 minutes if your head is full of things to do, tasks, tickets? Lie on the floor in the Shavasana yoga pose. Even if you're not a fan of meditation or anything like that, just lie down on a flat, hard surface, spread your arms and legs out to the sides, set your alarm clock (20 minutes!), and then relax your muscles one by one, starting from your toes to the top of your head. Consciously, forcing yourself to completely liberate yourself. It will take two minutes for this relaxation. For another 18 you will either sleep, or at least just rest.

If possible, sleep for an hour or an hour and a half. This way you will wake up from REM sleep and feel refreshed.

3. Turn on the light

We need darkness to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. If you don't want to fall asleep, add light. For example, a light source located next to the eyes (desk lamp, monitor) will bring the brain into an active state.

4. Ventilate

We sleep better when the room is cool, that is, the temperature is around 18 °C. If you want to be cheerful, the room should not be warm or cold. 23–24 °C is the temperature at which you will not fall asleep.

5. Take a cool shower

Sometimes just the thought that it’s time to get into cold water makes you wake up. You need to, you need to wash your face (at least) if an invigorating shower causes panic. The effect of the method is short-term: the charge will last for half an hour or an hour, then you will have to go through the procedure again. But remember that she .

Replace washing and showering with ice cream or popsicles. No more than once a night, so as not to conflict with the next point.

The candy will respond with irresistible fatigue in a few hours. Sweets will not help you retain energy: sugar will sharply increase your energy level, and then your strength will leave you just as abruptly.

It is better to eat foods that will provide you with energy for a long time. For example, light foods high in protein. What kind of food is this? Nuts. Eggs. Nuts again. Eat it with vegetables and fruits.

Don't put anything heavy or fatty on your plate; forget about fried chicken legs and hamburgers for now. And instead of bingeing on one meal, snack on small portions throughout the night to keep yourself energized.

7. Drink coffee, but in small portions

Coffee, of course, is a stimulant, but there is no need to exceed the dose of caffeine.

A couple of liters of coffee is as invigorating as a couple of cups, it’s not just a matter of quantity. The main thing is not to drink the entire dose of coffee at once.

When a night without sleep lies ahead, you need to focus on your tasks. If you drink more than two cups at once, you will overstimulate your nervous system and lose concentration.

So when you start to get tired, drink a cup or two slowly, preferably while chewing something. Then, after four hours, you can go for a coffee refill.

When your coffee requirement (which is four cups a day) has already been met, switch to water. With sufficient fluid supply to the body, each cell works better, and it is much easier to concentrate on work.

There are also folk remedies for vigor. For example, tincture of eleutherococcus or ginseng. Add them to your tea (in therapeutic doses!), they are natural tonics that will help fire up your brain and get it working.

8. Better to chew

Chewing gum increases activity and may even improve brain performance. Help yourself and choose mint gum. Mint promotes brain activity, and its aroma improves memory.

By the way, about smells. Essential oils of tangerine, lemon, orange, rosemary are also invigorating. If you don’t like flavorings and oils, just eat your sleep with oranges, or better yet, a fruit dessert with citrus and mint.

9. Get up and walk around

Take a short break every 45 minutes to go for a short walk. If you drink a lot, as advised above, then you will have to constantly go to the toilet, so use the forced break to walk a little more.

This is especially important if you work all night at the computer. From time to time, do the well-known exercise: take your eyes off the screen and focus on a distant point.

Instead of a short warm-up, do a massage. A full body massage will turn you off, but it’s better to knead individual points. Neck, ears, head, fingers - restore blood circulation in these areas to make it easier to think and move.

10. Choose an active background music

Save sounds of nature, mantras, lullabies and romantic music until the next day. Too monotonous tracks, even harsh and loud ones, will also not help to maintain vigor. Make a dynamic playlist that makes you want to dance to. At three o'clock in the morning, there will be no time for entertainment while studying notes, but you won't be able to sleep either.

Sit on an uncomfortable chair. Straighten your back, grab your gadgets and set reminders. Just no armchairs, sofas or soft pillows. Stools, a flat floor - these are your workplaces. Keep your body toned so that your brain doesn't relax either.

12. Find great experiences

When a sleepy veil covers your eyes, you need to wake yourself up with an emotional bomb. Talk to someone whose views are obviously opposite to yours, and on the most pressing topic (you can arrange a discussion in the comments). Open a link to a resource that you truly hate. The task is not to get carried away and not to prove to your opponent that you are right with all your might, but simply to get a dose of adrenaline and open your eyes wider.

How to survive the next day

All attempts to artificially add vigor can only be a temporary measure.

You don't add more resources to yourself when you pour a can of energy drink inside. You simply help the body burn its own fuel by working two or three shifts in a row.

Therefore, put all your efforts into recovery.

1. Don't drive

Research shows that a sleepy driver is no better than a drunk driver. So if you have a sleepless night on your schedule, ask someone to give you a ride to work or take public transport. Until you get at least four hours of sleep straight, no driving.

If you don’t want to destroy your normal routine, don’t go to bed during the day. Otherwise, you risk falling asleep so much that you only open your eyes in the evening. And then returning to a normal schedule will be much more difficult. If you sleep, then according to the night schedule: 20, 60, 90 minutes. Not more.

3. Save coffee for later

When your hands reach for a can of coffee and energy drinks, resist. Even if you drink coffee six hours before bed, caffeine disrupts your rest. You need to drink a couple of cups in the morning, but after 16:00 stop going to the coffee machine. Otherwise, despite your nightly adventures, you will sleep poorly.

4. Stop multitasking

It's better to choose two tasks and work on them in turn. When you feel like you're losing track of what you're doing, take a break and then move on to another task. Don't do them at the same time - your brain just can't do it fast enough. But he also cannot be busy with routine work. The same actions will put you to sleep, and a new task will activate your thinking processes. Give yourself some wiggle room to keep your thoughts on track.

5. Keep drinking and eating vegetables

Yes, yes, yes, drink water! We are aware that this is the most popular advice when it comes to health. Well, follow him finally. :)

If we don't sleep enough, we reach for high-calorie foods and eat more often than usual, although physical activity decreases. Therefore, by the way, regular lack of sleep is associated with a high body mass index.

Proper nutrition is especially important when you are not doing well with the rest of your diet.

The solution is to crunch on vegetables and fruits; nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants will protect the cells until you can provide them with normal recovery.

6. You need to do at least some exercise

It’s better to lift weights on another day, just like running multi-kilometer distances. But they will help you get through a difficult day and dispel sleep. Well, after light physical activity, even an overloaded brain will sleep better.

7. Eat little. And don't drink

A tired brain will demand pleasure, and the easiest way to get it is through food. The dangers of overeating have been known for a long time, so you will only feel overwhelming fatigue if you eat an extra piece.

And advice from the captain: don’t drink anything alcoholic. Lack of sleep + alcohol = disaster.

Scientists have long established that alcohol generally has a detrimental effect on sleep, so if you want to recover from last night’s race, even a glass of wine will be unnecessary.

Even if you are chronically sleep deprived, you can improve your condition by sleeping for 10 hours straight. Such sleep will help restore motor skills, and the next morning you will feel much better.


So, if you need to survive a sleepless night, remember that the body will not be happy. This means that in other areas you need to take care of your health: proper nutrition, enough fluid (not alcohol), both at night and the next day. Schedule opportunities to recover and take breaks from work.

Nothing will happen to you from one night like this, of course. At most, you will be irritated for a couple of days.

But chronic lack of sleep affects your health, but that’s another story.



Insomnia is a lack of sleep that does not allow the body to fully recover.

Prolonged insomnia (forced or voluntary) can seriously undermine a person’s health. Of course, irreversible consequences do not come soon, but some things can be “picked up” almost immediately...

Records and achievements

For more than 40 years, enthusiasts have been trying to find out in practice how long it is possible to stay awake, and what happens to the human body and psyche during prolonged wakefulness. The current official record from the Guinness Book of Records is about 19 days (the American Robert McDonald did not sleep that long). At the same time, people still often remember the record of schoolboy Randy Gardner, who lasted 11 days without sleep.

Probably, people are seduced by the fact that after this he slept for only 14 hours, and not 2 days, as one might assume. This time was enough to restore the normal sleep-wake cycle.

There is also an unconfirmed record of 28 days, but even this pales in comparison to the ability of some people to stay awake their entire lives. Yes, yes, there are such people, but you won’t find them all over the world “by day.”

It is noteworthy that people who do not need sleep at all are quite healthy and enjoy life. But record holders, students, workaholics, simply sick people and other “vigorous people” experience colossal overloads during their constant vigils. Let's talk about them...

Consequences of long-term insomnia

Despite the fact that the causes of insomnia are different, the body's reaction to lack of sleep is approximately the same for most people. So, what happens if you don’t sleep:

  • in the first two days, chemical processes begin to take over the psyche, but this is almost imperceptible to those around them and to the “test person” himself (we do not take irritability and fatigue into account);

  • then consciousness begins to become confused, as hormonal levels change and connections between brain neurons are disrupted;

  • on the fifth (and for some, the third) day, hallucinations and paranoia begin to occur to those who do not sleep for a long time, and then the accompanying syndromes of Alzheimer’s disease appear;

  • a week or more without sleep turns a person into a sick “old man” with slurred speech, trembling hands and weak intellectual abilities (even forgetting arithmetic);

  • Well, then - either a long-awaited dream, or death (it’s difficult to give exact dates, because everyone’s need for sleep is different).
It should be noted that the human brain has one interesting mechanism of protection against long-term insomnia - shallow sleep. In essence, this is a partial shutdown of the brain for some time (from a second to several minutes). At this time, a person can speak and even drive a car. Shallow sleep is useful, but ultimately does not save you from death.

By the way, according to NRMA statistics, every sixth car accident is associated with fatigue of drivers who are asleep in reality.

What are the risks of chronic sleep deprivation?

We have figured out what will happen if you don’t sleep for a long time, but this question is relevant only for a small part of the planet’s population. Much more interesting and important is what problems a daily lack of sleep causes for each of us (and this begins almost in kindergarten).

Of course, significant experience in shortening and postponing sleep indefinitely lulls (pardon the pun) your vigilance, but do you understand how seriously this affects your body? Undoubtedly, ordinary lack of sleep cannot be compared with the one we described above, but its consequences are sometimes even worse.

After all, if you don’t sleep for just a day, the ability to learn and process information is reduced by 30%, and two days of being awake takes away about 60% of a person’s mental abilities. It is curious that if you sleep less than 6 hours a day for a week (with an 8-hour requirement), the brain suffers as if it was deprived of sleep for two nights in a row.

Oxidative processes that occur with chronic lack of sleep have a bad effect on learning and memory. The body ages faster, the heart muscle rests less and therefore wears out more quickly. The nervous system is depressed and after 5-10 years of chronic sleep deprivation it becomes more difficult for a person to fall asleep. In addition, the immune system begins to malfunction, since due to short sleep duration, an insufficient number of T-lymphocytes are activated to resist viruses and bacteria.

In addition to the purely medical consequences, people who lack sleep are more irritable and grumpy. Therefore, we recommend that you torment yourself less with insomnia, despite the demands of your superiors, lack of time and other factors.

Sleep is a biorhythm given to us by nature, without which we cannot do without. But there are people who do not fully realize the value of night rest for the body. They try to cut it down in order to gain more time for active wakefulness. How wrong they are!

Lack of sleep for one day will not lead to any serious health consequences. However, prolonged lack of sleep leads to a disruption in the circadian cycle - it disrupts a person’s finely tuned biological clock. If you don’t sleep for a whole day, the first thing that will happen is severe fatigue. Then attention and memory disorders may appear. This is how a disruption in the functioning of the neocortex manifests itself - the area of ​​the cerebral cortex that is responsible for learning and memory.

How to survive a night without sleep

It is known that even a slight lack of sleep has a negative effect on the body. But sometimes circumstances are such that you can’t sleep. Then you need to prepare as thoroughly as possible for the night vigil in order to minimize the adverse consequences.

Here are some tips on how to stay awake at the most crucial moment and recover quickly:

  1. Get a good night's sleep beforehand. You already know that you are in for a sleepless night. This means that you need to unload your body as much as possible. It is recommended to sleep for at least 3-4 days beforehand as much as possible. Then you will be able to avoid serious health problems.
  2. Doze off for a while. Just 20-25 minutes - and you have regained some strength. When the opportunity arises for a short rest, it is better to prefer a short nap. If you suddenly have 1-1.5 hours free, feel free to go to bed. In this case, awakening will occur immediately after the end of the REM sleep phase. This will give you a feeling of more or less complete rest.
  3. Let there be light! In the dark, the sleep hormone melatonin begins to be produced. You can get rid of the obsessive desire to fall asleep by turning on the lighting. For example, placing a light source (a computer monitor or a desk lamp) directly near the eyes activates the brain.
  4. Open the window. When the room is cool (about 18-19°C), falling asleep is much easier. To maintain vigor, the air temperature in the room should be maintained at 23-24°C.
  5. Take a cool shower. Sometimes just the thought of having to douse yourself with cold water immediately invigorates you. Those for whom such procedures are contraindicated (for example, with a runny nose) can simply wash their face. This method does not work for long - the resulting charge is enough for about 30 minutes - a maximum of an hour. Then you will need to repeat everything.
  6. Avoid confectionery products. It is recommended to prefer high-energy and high-protein light foods. They will give you strength for a long period. Under no circumstances eat a lot at once. It is best to have small snacks until the morning. This way you can maintain your energy reserves.
  7. Drink coffee slowly, in small sips. If you feel tired, you should drink one or two cups little by little. It’s also good to chew something healthy. It is permissible to go for a supplement no earlier than after 4 hours.
  8. Get up and walk around. You need to give yourself short breaks approximately every 45 minutes. Take at least 10-15 minutes to get out and walk.

Causes and consequences of sleepless nights

If you stay awake all night before any important event (exams at a higher educational institution, defense of a PhD thesis, wedding), this will negatively affect the functioning of the body as a whole. The next day the person will suffer from drowsiness and generally feel unwell.

Lack of night rest is fraught with the following consequences:

Some schoolchildren and students, who were too lazy to study diligently all year, rush to gnaw on the granite of science on the last night before a test or exam. Working people are more familiar with the concept of a deadline (the deadline by which a task must be completed). A person who is accustomed to postponing all important matters for later, sooner or later (in this case it’s late) realizes that the finished project or task will still have to be handed over to management. And then the labor night vigils begin. It’s also good when you can sleep well the next day. But on weekdays, a working person does not have such luxury.

Without sleeping a wink at night, a schoolchild, student or office worker will literally fall asleep on the go all day. Of course, in such a state there can be no talk of any concentration. And this is fraught with problems in school and at work, conflicts with teachers and superiors.

When preparing for exams or a busy work day, in principle, you can devote the entire dark time of the day to this activity. The main thing is that this should be an isolated case and not develop into a vicious pattern. You will be able to keep a more or less fresh mind if you do not neglect one valuable piece of advice. It consists of taking a little nap.

Even a 15-minute half-nap helps improve your well-being and slightly clear your brain. But drinking large amounts of coffee or, even worse, energy drinks will do nothing but harm.

The dangers of lack of sleep and how to improve your sleep

The generally accepted norm of sleep for a person is at least 8 hours a day. If the night's rest is inadequate, superficial, intermittent or completely absent, this has a very unfavorable effect not only on the mood, but also on the condition of the internal organs.

When lack of sleep occurs more than 2 times a week, a person suffers from poor health and headaches throughout the day.

Chronic lack of sleep ultimately leads to serious health problems and even dangerous diseases:

  • premature appearance of wrinkles;
  • impotence;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • destruction of joints;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology.

When problems with night rest occur more than 3 times a week, this indicates the presence of insomnia. To get rid of it, you should consult a therapist or neurologist. The doctor will determine the real cause of the sleep disorder and give appropriate recommendations.

Under no circumstances should you prescribe sleeping pills yourself. They are addictive. The dosage will have to be gradually increased over time, and this already poses a danger to life.

Healthy sleep should be sound. How to make sure you sleep really well:

After the fact

If you already know that you will have to spend one or more nights without sleep, do not forget that this is a blow to the body. Therefore, get into the healthy habit of taking care of your health - eat right, drink enough fluids and periodically arrange five minutes of rest at work.

One sleepless night, of course, does not threaten serious problems. Unless, within 1-2 days after it, the mood will be depressed, and irritability may also increase. But chronic lack of sleep poses a significant threat to health.

Everyone needs sleep. At rest, strength is restored, information is processed and stored, and the immune system is strengthened. Therefore, it is so important to follow the regime and pay due attention to night rest. Speaking of what will happen if you don’t sleep for a long time, the consequences may be irreversible. In many ways, the changes occurring in the body depend on the period a person spent in a state of wakefulness.

In the course of a number of studies, it was possible to establish that the rule of three eights should be taken as the basis of the regime. Thus, eight hours a day should be spent on work, rest and rest. It is worth noting that there are also individual characteristics of the body that need to be taken into account. One person who slept for five hours will feel refreshed after waking up, while another will need up to ten hours to restore all systems.

To determine exactly how much time you need to rest during the night, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • age category;
  • presence of physical or mental stress;
  • health status.

It has been noted that the older a person is, the less time he spends sleeping. In this case, the duration of rest for newborns is up to twenty hours daily. Older children need 10-12 hours, teenagers 8-10, and adults 7-8.

In addition, the duration of sleep is directly dependent on the state of the body, the presence or absence of physical and mental stress. In addition, women need a longer night's rest than men. They are much more emotional and their strength takes longer to recover.

What happens if you don't sleep for a long time

Prolonged wakefulness will inevitably affect a person’s abilities and well-being. If you don’t sleep for just a day, the situation can be corrected: you just need to replenish your strength. It’s a completely different matter if you don’t sleep for 3 days in a row or more. In this case, the changes will be more serious.

1 night

The first 24 hours without sleep will have virtually no effect on your health. A sleepless night will cause drowsiness. You will feel overwhelmed. The ability to process information decreases. Concentration decreases. You may have trouble falling asleep the next night.

Doctors say that this disrupts brain function and distorts the sense of time. Changes in the emotional background are noted.

2 days

If a person is forced not to sleep for 2 days, changes are noted not only in brain activity. There may be malfunctions in the operation of other systems. Disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract are noted. Nausea and diarrhea are noted. Dizziness and frequent vomiting are also possible. At the same time, your appetite increases significantly. The body's protective functions are suppressed.

After two days of wakefulness, the following changes occur:

  • the level of attention decreases;
  • thought processes are carried out more slowly;
  • speech is disrupted;
  • motor abilities deteriorate. It is possible that trembling may occur.

Similar symptoms appear in cases where there is no opportunity to sleep for a long time, but disappear after a full night's rest.

3 days

After three days of wakefulness, more serious problems with coordination of movement and speech will arise. If you don't sleep for 3 days, a nervous tic appears and your appetite decreases. In addition, the hands become cold and there is chills. The gaze can focus on one point, and moving it away is quite problematic.

It is worth noting that failures are possible during this period. At the same time, the awake person does not begin to doze off. There is a temporary shutdown of certain parts of the human brain. He may be walking down the street and not remember how he crossed a certain section, or pass the desired stop on public transport. On the fourth day the situation worsens even more.

4 days

The consequences of sleep deprivation after 4 days are quite serious. Hallucinations (auditory and visual) begin to occur. Brain activity slows down. It becomes more difficult to process even basic information, and serious memory problems arise. Consciousness becomes confused and appearance changes. A person who is awake becomes like an old man.

5 or more days

After 5 days, attacks of hallucinations become more frequent. The day begins to seem like it lasts forever. Changes in body temperature are observed. Moreover, it is possible for it to fall and rise. Solving elementary arithmetic problems becomes impossible.

If you don’t fall asleep for another day, the symptoms change dramatically:

  • irritability increases;
  • limbs move involuntarily;
  • speech is almost impossible to understand;
  • the tremor intensifies and becomes similar to symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Not sleeping for 7 days is extremely life-threatening. After a sleepless week, panic attacks and signs of schizophrenia appear. Delusional ideas begin to appear, and the body is already completely exhausted.

Maximum lack of sleep without death

Scientists conducted an experiment and recorded the maximum period of wakefulness - 19 days. In addition, an experiment was carried out by an American schoolboy who did not sleep for eleven days. At the same time, doctors say that an ordinary person is able to stay awake for a week, but even during this period irreversible consequences are possible.

There are also people who may not sleep at all. For example, the Vietnamese Tai Ngoc suffered a serious illness and has been awake for 38 years after that. A native of England, Eustace Burnett, has not had a full rest for more than 56 years.

Night rest is extremely important for normal human functioning. Doctors strongly do not recommend experimenting on yourself and giving up sleep. It is noted that it is allowed to stay awake for no more than two days without causing much harm to the body. After this period, you need to regain your strength to avoid serious consequences.