If you did not receive the goods that you paid for on time or the goods that arrived turned out to be completely different from what was described in the online store, then first of all, it is always recommended to contact the seller directly. Most sellers value their reputation and are always ready to discuss problems and make concessions.

But it also happens that the seller refuses to satisfy your request or completely ignores your messages. For such cases, there is a “Problem Resolution Center”, in which you should open an official dispute with the seller.

Opening a dispute is available within 45 days from the date of payment.

If you have a complaint to the seller about the non-delivery of goods, then open a dispute 40-43 days after payment, since the goods could well be delayed due to the slow work of postal services.

If you bought an item on eBay and paid for it via PayPal, then you will need to choose which dispute resolution tool to use. If you file a complaint with PayPal, it will no longer be considered and vice versa.

Initial contact with the seller.

To contact the seller.

1. Log in to your PayPal account and on the “My Account” tab (1) click on the “View all transactions” link (2).

2. In the list of operations, find the problematic one and click on the “Details” link.

3. PayPal does not have an internal messaging system for buyers and sellers outside of disputes, so look for the seller's email address on the page that opens and send them a regular email describing the problem, indicating the date of the transaction and your name to . The seller's address can be found both at the top of the page and at the end.

How to open a dispute in PayPal.

If communication with the seller by email does not lead to anything, open a formal dispute on Paypal.

1. Sign in to your PayPal account again. On the “My Account” tab, find the “Resolution Center” link and click on it.

2. On the next page, click on the “Dispute transaction” button (1). If you already have any open disputes, they will be displayed just below (2).

3. Select the transaction in question (1) and click Continue (2).

4. Let us know what kind of problem you are encountering. If we are talking about PayPal in the context of making purchases, then select “Product Dispute” and click “Continue”.

5. In the next step, clarify the problem and click Continue again. You must choose between non-receipt of the goods and the goods not meeting the description.

6. If you have chosen that the product does not correspond to the description, then on the next page indicate what exactly happened to the product (1), what category the product (2) belongs to, for example, “home and consumer electronics”. Then add a text description of the problem for the seller (3) .

When describing the problem, you will need to keep it within 2 thousand characters. Then check “I would like to request a refund” and indicate the amount of the refund you would like (4) . When you click "Continue", the dispute will be created and a date will be announced when it will close automatically.

The section on non-receipt of goods is filled out in the same way.

You can discuss a controversial situation with the seller within 20 days. During this time, you must either agree with the seller on a full or partial refund, or, if this cannot be done, convert the dispute into a claim. Be careful when closing the dispute. Once closed, a dispute cannot be reopened. Also, if you do not convert the dispute into a claim within 20 days, it will also be closed without the possibility of renewal.

Translation of a dispute into a claim.

To convert a dispute into a claim you must:

1. Go to the “Problem Resolution Center” and in the list of open disputes, find the one you want to convert into a claim. Click on it to view.

2. Check the box indicating that you would like to convert the dispute into a claim. After you click “Continue” the claim will be opened.

When a dispute turns into a claim, the PayPal administration gets involved in its consideration. Within 30 days, service representatives review the history of the dispute (therefore, if you have already opened a dispute, then conduct it exclusively in the PayPal system), get acquainted with the arguments of the parties and, if necessary, request additional data. Additional data must be provided in a timely manner as it is in your best interests.

Finally, PayPal makes its decision in favor of the buyer or seller. As a rule, if the buyer’s claim is justified and supported by facts and evidence (photos, videos, documents), then the dispute is resolved in his favor and he gets his money back. Thus, using PayPal is not only easy to pay for purchases, but it is also reliable in terms of buyer rights.

We wish you successful shopping and won disputes!

Making online purchases on foreign resources is always associated with a certain level of risk, when the buyer may receive a product that does not correspond to the description on the store’s website, etc. In many cases, the parties compromise and are ready to resolve the problem peacefully. But if, for example, the seller flatly refuses to admit his guilt, the problem can only be resolved by opening a PayPal dispute.

What is

Dispute (dispute) is a special service to protect the interests of all registered participants in the payment system who make purchases and sales through PP. It helps buyers receive compensation for the cost of a product if it does not meet the declared quality or if it is not received. A dispute is something like the possibility of pre-trial resolution of disagreements between the two parties to a transaction. If the parties do not reach a compromise within a certain period of time, the dispute turns into a claim and the decision will be made by PP employees after studying all the circumstances of the incident.

Dispute Rules

Users often ask how to open a dispute on PayPal. To begin the procedure, the following prerequisites must be met:

  1. The package containing the product was not received from the buyer. The seller, at the request of the client, can return the money for the goods voluntarily or forcibly, with the assistance of the system administration, if the decision was made in favor of the buyer.
  2. The received product has signs of defect or does not correspond to the description. The seller may partially (if such an agreement is reached) or fully compensate the cost of the product. To receive a full refund, you must return the item and provide your tracking number. The cost of return shipping is not reimbursed, but the online store can pay for it voluntarily.

The dispute is always opened by the buyer, who must describe the current situation in detail and, if necessary, take a photo or video. The period for opening a dispute on PayPal is 45 days after payment for the purchase, so if you have not received the parcel within 40 days, you can safely start a dispute. 20 days are allotted for its conduct, after which the dispute must be closed (upon reaching a certain agreement between the parties to the conflict) or converted into a claim for its forced resolution by representatives of PP.

How to open

Before you open a dispute on PayPal online, you need to:

Conducting a dispute

After opening a dispute, the seller of the goods receives a notice of this and must, in a response message, state his position or offer a certain way out of the current situation. You will be notified of the response by a letter sent to your email. All correspondence is carried out within 20 days and during this time the parties must find a solution that will equally suit both parties to the conflict.

If mutual understanding has not been reached or the seller ignores the dispute opened against him, then before the expiration of 20 days, the buyer must convert the dispute into a claim to force a solution to the problem. Otherwise, the dispute will be closed without the possibility of its renewal and your demands will not be satisfied.

How to respond to the seller

To respond to the seller’s message, you need to log in to your account, click on the “Resolution Center” item, select the desired transaction in the “PayPal Cases” table and click on the transaction code. Next, you can read your opponent's latest message and send him a response. It is very important to conduct all correspondence without involving third-party communication resources, because when considering your case it will be taken into account when making a decision.

Closing a dispute or converting it into a claim

To convert a dispute into a claim, you need to click the “View” button in the “Action” column in the “PayPal Cases” table and select the “I wish to stop correspondence and convert the dispute into a claim.” When reaching a compromise, select “My problem is resolved, I want to close the dispute.”

What decisions can be made on PP disputes

After the case is transferred to the claim stage, a decision is made depending on the evidence presented by the parties that they are right. Let us consider in more detail in which cases a decision is made in favor of one side or another.

Decision in favor of the buyer

A positive decision in favor of the buyer is made if:

  • The goods have not reached the recipient, and the sender cannot provide the tracking number of the parcel to track it on the courier service website. This can happen when sending a parcel in a way that does not allow its movement to be tracked online.
  • The tracking number provided is displaying incorrect information. For example, the parcel went in a different direction.
  • The buyer, by providing photo and video results, proved the fact that the product was defective or did not correspond to the stated description. In this case, he must return the goods to the seller.

Decision in favor of the seller

The seller will win the dispute if:

  • provided the tracking number for the parcel, by which the carrier’s service received information that the goods are in the process of delivery;
  • was able to prove the groundlessness of all the buyer’s claims;
  • the product slightly does not correspond to its description on the online store website;
  • the buyer has not provided evidence of his innocence or does not respond to the seller’s messages.

Thus, PayPal protects the interests of both parties: buyers from unscrupulous sellers, and sellers from fraudulent buyers trying to fraudulently get their money back.

How to open a dispute in PayPal: Video

The PayPal system offers its users a convenient mechanism for resolving misunderstandings - Dispute. This is a free online dispute between the recipient (seller) and the sender (buyer). The buyer can open a dispute if:

1. the paid item is not received by the buyer;

2. the product arrived, but does not correspond to the stated description;

3. The product is damaged, defective, and cannot be used for its intended purpose.

During the Dispute, the parties must come to an agreement. If this does not happen, the PayPal administration is involved in discussing the situation. She considers the arguments of the parties and makes a decision.

How to open a dispute on PayPal

The buyer can open a Dispute after 10 days and no later than 45 days after payment. Please note that the countdown starts from the moment of payment, and not from the moment the goods are sent or you meet the seller. It is impossible to open a Dispute earlier or later.

It is important that the buyer provides all the information on the current situation: a description of the problem, and photographs if necessary. The more detailed you describe your arguments, the greater the chances of a positive outcome of the case.

As soon as you open a Dispute, the amount you sent him for the product is blocked on the seller’s account. This amount will remain unavailable until the dispute is closed. If desired, the seller provides his counterarguments or tries to resolve the issue. For 20 days, the parties can negotiate until they come to a solution that suits both. If no understanding can be found, the buyer can transfer the Dispute to the category of Claim - in this case PayPal will sort it out.

Within 20 days, you need to make some decision: whether to convert the Dispute into a Claim, or to come to an agreement with the seller. Otherwise, the Dispute will automatically close itself. It will not be possible to resume or reopen it, so pay close attention to the deadlines.

PayPal, after examining the claim, makes a decision in favor of one of the parties. If PayPal considers the dispute resolved in favor of the seller, the money in his account is “unfrozen.” If the buyer turns out to be right, the money is returned to him. If you are in a country that does not accept payments from PayPal (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.), the money will be transferred not to your account, but directly to the payment card linked to it. PayPal refunds are processed within 1-2 weeks.

Before opening a Dispute, you should contact the seller and try to resolve the issue yourself.

No one wants to spoil their reputation, so sellers are willing to replace the product. In some cases, opening a Dispute can even be harmful. For example, when delivery of goods is delayed, and this is not uncommon during international shipments. In this case, 20 days may simply not be enough for you.

Experienced shoppers advise opening the Dispute at the very end of the possible period - 43-44 days from the date of payment. If the goods arrive with a delay due to the fault of the postal services, you will still have time to challenge the transaction, for example, due to the goods not conforming to what was declared.

Is it possible to open a Dispute when buying on eBay?

If you completed a transaction through an eBay auction, you can open a Dispute on both the PayPal website and the eBay website. eBay management still recommends conducting a Dispute on their website. There is one peculiarity in Disputes on eBay. If the seller returns your money against their will, it will be returned through the eBay Buyer Protection refund system. If you are in a zone of countries that do not accept payments to a PayPal account, the site will issue an online coupon that can be spent on purchases in the system.

The following options for resolving disputes are practiced on eBay:

1. full refund;

2. partial refund;

3. return of the item and its replacement.

Dispute resolution options

The PayPal administration makes similar decisions. According to the stories of those who have already resorted to the services of an arbitrator represented by PayPal employees, decisions are made in favor of the buyer if:

The goods have not arrived and the seller cannot provide the shipping number to track the parcel;

If the provided trucking number is not correct, or it shows that the parcel was sent back to the sender, or it is the trucking number of a completely different product;

If the product does not correspond to what was declared, the buyer has already sent it back and can show the shipping number of the parcel.

The seller is considered correct:

If it shows the shipping number of the parcel and it is clear from it that the goods are still on the way to the buyer;

If the discrepancy between the goods and the declared one is insignificant;

If the seller has proven the buyer's claims to be untenable;

If the buyer ignores the Dispute or does not provide arguments and reasons in favor of his position.

If you do not bring the Dispute to the level of a Claim, the dispute can be resolved in the following way:

1. Item not received. The buyer has the right to demand the seller to return all funds, including delivery. Sellers, most often, return money without any problems. There are options for a partial refund - this is already agreed upon in a specific case.

2. The product is not as advertised, broken, faulty or defective. The buyer needs to return the goods to the seller. Usually the entire amount is compensated without taking into account the return (the item is sent back at the buyer’s expense).

3. The same situation as in paragraph 2. The parties can agree to replace the goods. All shipping costs may be borne by the seller.

P.S. Opening and maintaining a Dispute is not difficult, the system works properly, so you can always defend your rights.