The head of the republic, Ramazan Abdulatipov, addressed the residents of Dagestan with a request to “stop killing defenseless animals” and “not to escalate the situation.” At the same time, a petition for the resignation of the mayor of Makhachkala and the head of Dagestan, who, according to the authors, are behind the shooting of dogs in Dagestan, received more than 3,500 signatures in three days.

As the "Caucasian Knot" reported, on February 19 a body was found in Makhachkala a nine-year-old girl, according to the preliminary version of the investigation, she died as a result of a dog attack. After this, the mayor's office announced that the catching of stray animals on the streets and in courtyards had been organized, and the official who had previously supervised the catching of dogs was fired. However, after the incident, residents of Dagestan began to report the mass shooting of dogs in the republic. After a dog attack on a Makhachkala schoolgirlthe city has turned into a "slaughterhouse" , noted in the report “The Hunt to Kill,” published in Novaya Gazeta on February 27.

On February 22, the mayor's office of Makhachkala announced the beginning of construction of a shelter in Dagestan based on an abandoned farmon the border of the Makhachkala villages of Leninkent and Semender. February 23rd residents of Semenderheld a protest , demanding that the project to build an animal shelter in the village be abandoned. At the same time, according to residents of the village, in exchange for accepting a shelter for dogs, representatives of the Makhachkala authorities promised them roads and sewerage.

"The prosecutor's office and the public of the republic are busy returning the situation to the legal channel"

It is unacceptable for stray dogs to threaten citizens and children. But cruelty towards animals is also unacceptable, said the head of Dagestan.

“I urge Dagestanis to preserve humanity and stop killing defenseless animals. Unidentified persons destroyed all the dogs without exception, and did it cynically and cruelly. Nothing can justify such a cruel attitude towards “our smaller brothers!” I urge the public not to escalate the situation, given that the spontaneous actions of individual townspeople were led by a tragic incident, which was used as a reason to provoke panic sentiments,” the words are quoted Ramazan Abdulatipov in a statement press service of the administration of the head and government of Dagestan, published on the official website of the head of the republic 28th of February.

The head of Dagestan also emphasized that instructed to involve public organizations involved in animal protection as much as possible in solving the problem.

“Immediately after the tragic incident, the head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, gave instructions to immediately take appropriate measures. First of all, they talked about creating a mobile shelter for stray animals, where they could be equipped before the construction of a full-fledged similar institution. It was planned that dogs would be caught and delivered to shelter, but the relevant services of the capital's mayor's office interpreted the solution to this problem in their own way. As a result of their unprofessional actions, and even connivance, Makhachkala veterinary clinics were overcrowded with injured animals," the press service emphasized in a statement.

According to the statement, “the prosecutor’s office and the public of the republic are busy returning the situation to the legal mainstream.” “Instructions were given to allocate funds for the creation of special shelters for animals. At the direction of the head of Dagestan, in connection with the tragic incident in Makhachkala, a special republican commission was created. In the coming days, fundamental organizational and personnel decisions will be made regarding those responsible for the incident and the subsequent barbaric shooting of animals ", the message emphasizes.

Let us recall that on February 27, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan announced that it had not found evidence of the mass shooting of dogs in Makhachkala. At the same time, the Makhachkala mayor's office assured the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the city administration had and does not have anything to do with the shooting of dogs.

Residents of Dagestan demanded the resignation of the mayor of Makhachkala and the head of the republic

A petition demanding the resignation of the mayor of Makhachkala and the head of Dagestan after the killings of dogs in Makhachkala collected 3,554 signatures by 11.20 Moscow time on March 1.

"All of Dagestan and all of Russia are extremely outraged by the blatant lawlessness that is happening now in Dagestan! Thousands of bloody dogs killed with extreme cruelty. The corpses of tortured animals are not removed, and they have already begun to decompose throughout the city. It is warm in Makhachkala now, and any infection has already began to spread. Most children will never recover from what they saw," says the petition entitled "Remove the mayor of Makhachkala from office!"

The petition was published on on February 26. It is planned to be sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“We demand that they be removed from office! We do not want to see them in power,” the petition says.

Animal rights activists report ongoing shootings of dogs

Killings of dogs have also begun in Khasavyurt, say animal rights activists from the Zoolife Animal Protection Center.

"Khasavyurt, today"- reads under a photo of two dogs' bodies posted on February 28 on the Zoolife page on the social network Instagram.

At the same time, Zoolife noted that “no measures have yet been taken to punish these criminals.”

"Well, that's it... Let's go! Bastards!" she wrote in a comment to the post. sapi1192.

"Is there even a reason why they kill dogs in Khas? People have really gone crazy," he said. mms_013.

Let us remember that On February 21, the website also published a petition demanding an end to the shooting of stray dogs in Dagestan. By 11:30 a.m. on March 1, the petition had received 20,064 signatures. The petition is addressed to Vladimir Putin. In addition, residents of Makhachkala recorded a video appeal to the president with a request to stop the mass shooting of dogs in the capital of Dagestan, which is carried out by young people in expensive cars.

On September 27, 2017, the resignation of the head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov took place. The politician remained in this position for four years, from September 8, 2013 - first as president, and on January 1, 2014, he changed the title of the position to the more modest “head”. This resignation was the 52nd for Abdulatipov (that is how many times, according to the calculations of the republican administration, rumors about his resignation arose). But now - real and final.

I'm between retirement and retirement. “Today I am writing a letter of resignation,” Ramazan Abdulatipov explained the situation on the air of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda. - It had to be done. There are some general laws. 71 years already. Landscaping is underway. That's why I decided to join those who are not suitable for landscaping, so as not to interfere. Dagestan is now on the rise, we can talk about a way out of the most severe crisis. I thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for this, and he thanked me too. So it's very good to leave when you are thanked.

Ramazan Abdulatipov was given control of a region that was indeed very difficult in all respects: with an active terrorist underground, high unemployment, poorly developed infrastructure, and huge debts in the housing and communal services sector.

The politician solved problems as best he could. But he always did it in a very colorful way. “KP in the North Caucasus” decided to recall the most striking statements of the retired head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov:

...that it’s enough to feed the Caucasus

“I am ashamed to go to Putin and say that his instructions are not being carried out. We all together brought Dagestan to this state. The feeding model that was formed between the federal center and the republic. He came, asked, received, ate... Asked again, ate again. You can’t live like that!” (November 25, 2013).

...about Stalin's methods

“I'm not going to pretend to be the president. I am 67 years old, I have depicted everything in this life that was possible. I want the republic to rise out of this Dark Ages. But so far people are working very sluggishly, they are dragging their feet. If it were Stalin times, it would have been possible, of course, to send a child to Magadan for three years. For re-education" (November 25, 2013).

...about the old anthem of Dagestan

“The anthem reminds me of letters of complaint from districts to management. It sounds like a funeral" (September 2015).

...about the need to pay bribes

“I came across Rosobrnadzor. I myself gave a bribe to Rosobrnadzor! Why are you laughing? I was the rector of the university, it was necessary to carry out the certification normally, as a human being. I was forced to pay a bribe. Although I have always been against this. People persuaded me, they said: “We will fail. We should have given them at least a little!” (April 27, 2017).

...about attempts to ban the celebration of New Year and Christmas in Dagestan

“New Year is an ancient Dagestan holiday. Those who lived far in the mountains as children must remember how we gathered on the longest winter night and celebrated the holiday, performing a number of rituals, including decorating trees. This holiday does not contradict any religious dogmas. And Christmas is ours! And then someone starts saying that this is not our holiday. How can a believer speak out against the Nativity of Christ? We consider him our prophet. And the second most important holiday, the Circumcision of the Lord, also speaks of our common roots” (December 2013).

...about difficulties in recruiting personnel

“Finding a normal mayor for Makhachkala turned out to be a difficult task. He appointed one, a man of science, in general he tried, but he does not know the huge economy. He directed the second one, he knows everything, but he tries to work a little for himself. If only a little, right? I think that Musa Musaev also works for himself a little bit” (August 2, 2017).

...about non-standard ways to combat terrorism

“Photos with the faces of these traitors should be posted on “boards of shame” in every village. The Untsukul district became famous thanks to the imams Shamil and Gazimagomed, and now it has been disgraced by the Gadzhidadaevs” (March 26, 2016).


Political scientists on who will replace Abdulatipov as head of Dagestan: it will be difficult to choose a candidate

“KP in the North Caucasus” asked the country’s leading political scientists to comment on the resignation of the leader of Dagestan, as well as to express their assumptions about the future prospects for both the entire republic and the future politician ().

“Once I was left without a job. They asked me then: what position are they giving you? And I answered: “My position is Abdulatipov!” That is, you need to preserve your personality, and if you have preserved your personality and ability to work, then the rest can be achieved, if I were healthy... For example, I dream of traveling around the country and giving lectures about the peoples of Russia, about culture,” Ramazan Abdulatipov shared such memories and thoughts in an interview with TASS last summer on the eve of his 70th birthday.

On October 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of Abdulatipov, who had led the republic since 2013, and appointed Vladimir Vasiliev, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, Chairman of the United Russia faction, as the acting head of the region. Abdulatipov himself told the media on Wednesday, September 27, that he had written a letter of resignation.

Ramazan Abdulatipov, who resigned as head of Dagestan, was able to achieve growth in the region’s economic indicators, improvements in the social sphere and a significant increase in security in the region, experts interviewed by TASS believe. However, in their opinion, many problems still remain unresolved, and a number of projects remain unrealized.

Security and national question

Experts interviewed by TASS consider Abdulatipov’s main achievement as head of one of the most troubled regions to be a reduction in crime and an increase in the level of safety for residents and guests of the region. “Before Ramazan Abulatipov came to power, Dagestan was a territory that produced terrorism and exported it; today it has ceased to be so. In four years, there have not been as many terrorist attacks as occurred in the month before him,” Dagestan political scientist Kamil Landa told TASS.

It must be understood that Abdulatipov came in 2013, when there was an unstable political situation in Dagestan and a large number of criminal crimes, including those related to property.<...>The main task has already been completed, at least we practically don’t hear about criminal circles - this is the most important thing

Igor Sopov

political scientist, ex-head of the Center for Contemporary Caucasian Politics "Caucasus"

Abdulatipov managed to positively influence the solution of interethnic issues in the region, says Shamil Jafarov, head of the Moscow Caucasian Club. “He tried to establish inter-confessional and intra-confessional harmony in the republic, and inter-ethnic one. Because before this, we know, there were certain problems. It seems to me that he managed to achieve some success in this direction,” he says.

Industry and Agriculture

According to Jafarov, over the years of governing the republic, Abdulatipov managed to achieve growth in economic indicators. “Outwardly, it looks like all the indicators have improved: economic indicators are showing constant growth. Moreover, as far as I know, Dagestan is a region where the growth dynamics - I’m not talking about the values ​​- are one of the highest in the country. That is, the processes that are taking place , they are accelerating, another thing is what results they achieve,” he said.

As noted by the Ministry of Economic Development of Dagestan, the volume of investments in fixed capital from all sources of financing in the first half of 2017 amounted to 51.7 billion rubles. The increase compared to the first half of 2016 is 105.6%.

“In difficult years for the country, there were increases in agriculture (expansion of areas under orchards and vineyards), in construction, mainly in private, in mechanical engineering, but so far a significant part of the gross regional product is produced in households. In the conditions of import substitution, mechanical engineering also started working due to defense orders. Enterprises such as Dagdizel, Azimut, KEMZ, gave a good boost to the economy and raised industry in GRP from 6.5% to 8%. Abdulatipov managed to use his political potential and “knock out” transfers from federal structures,” - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation Zeidula Yuzbekov told TASS.

“The implementation of a number of priority projects has been started, we can talk about an increase in investment activity in the republic. Thus, in agriculture, noticeable positive changes have been achieved in the development of viticulture - the area of ​​vineyards has been increased, a high grape harvest has been harvested in the republic for the second year, and the harvest of grain crops is also growing.” ,” noted Zaur Askenderov, a member of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship.

Unsolved problems

Over the past three years, as previously reported by the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Dagestan Shirali Aliyev, the number of new places in kindergartens in the republic has increased by almost a third - from 66 thousand to 96 thousand places, every eighth kindergarten in the region has been built. However, at least 20 thousand children are still on the waiting list for preschool institutions.

The construction of new buildings does not solve the problem of three-shift education. According to the regional Ministry of Education and Science, since 2013, more than 40 schools out of almost 1.5 thousand have been built in Dagestan, but they have only partially solved the problem of three shifts - students in at least 20 schools are still forced to study in three shifts.

Experts also talk about unresolved problems in the socio-economic sphere. “I cannot say that during this time any large enterprises were built in Dagestan, that some visible breakthrough was made somewhere, I cannot name a single serious socio-economic problem that was solved,” - Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Southern Federal University, Caucasian expert Igor Dobaev told TASS.

As Abdulatipov himself has repeatedly emphasized, the areas of housing and communal services and transport, as well as the state of the urban environment, remain problematic in the region. The wear and tear of municipal infrastructure is 75–80%, the issue of construction of treatment facilities remains open in Makhachkala, Derbent, the issue of construction of water pipelines to Babayurt, Derbent, Kaspiysk and Izberbash is urgent. As previously reported, in October last year in Makhachkala, about 700 people were hospitalized with an acute intestinal infection, and the cause of the emergency, according to Abdulatipov, was the “crimes of utility companies,” which for decades did not repair and maintain utility networks properly.

According to the head of the Agency for Road Facilities of Dagestan, Zagid Khuchbarov, over the past four years, 161 km of roads and 39 bridges have been built and reconstructed in the republic, 845 km of roads of republican and local importance and four bridges have been repaired. A trolleybus service has been organized between Makhachkala and Kaspiysk, which is planned to be extended to the airport in the future. However, according to him, five of the 40 administrative districts of Dagestan are still not connected to the capital of the republic by roads with asphalt concrete pavement.

"A ruble invested in culture"

“His (Abdulatipov’s - TASS note) main achievement is that he began to develop culture. It turns out that a ruble invested in culture releases 15 in education and 15 in medicine, this is equivalent. When he first started talking about this, everyone thought ", that we should hold more concerts, educate artists. Many did not understand that we are talking about culture in everything: in nutrition, driving, behavior and communication," says Landa.

Abdulatipov's main achievement is that he began to develop culture. When he first started talking about it, everyone thought that we should hold more concerts and educate artists. Many did not understand that we are talking about culture in everything: in nutrition, driving, behavior and communication

Camille Landa

political scientist

According to him, in less than five years, the Poetry Theater, one of the largest historical and cultural museums in the North Caucasus Federal District, and the Akhulgo Memorial Complex of Common Fate and Common Memory, which according to the plan should become a point of reconciliation of all peoples, were opened in Dagestan.

Salihat Gamzatova, a member of the Public Chamber of Dagestan and director of the Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts, also notes Abdulatipov’s merits in the development of the culture of the region. “On his initiative, a very good campaign began - “Culture for the children of the village.” Children constantly came to us on buses on Saturday and Sunday from different regions of Dagestan, according to the program they visit some museum and attend a performance in the theater - we have many national theaters. Every week on Saturday and Sunday, about 200 children came to the museums, and excursions were held - this is a big and significant work,” she said.

Tasks for the successor

According to Askenderov, in recent years the authorities of Dagestan have managed to achieve “renewal and whitewashing of the economy, bringing some business out of the shadows.”

He sees one of the main tasks that the new head of the region will face as continuing this work and supporting small and medium-sized businesses working in the agricultural sector.

“The new head needs to continue to legalize small and medium-sized businesses - this will provide new opportunities for development and improving the standard of living in the republic. I also believe that more attention needs to be paid to small businesses in the agricultural sector and peasant farms,” says Askenderov.

According to Igor Dobaev, it will be possible to solve all the problems facing Dagestan and bring to their logical conclusion the projects started under Abdulatipov by attracting people “with a lot of creative experience in the past and present” to the region, as well as by creating a separate federal program for the development of the region.

“In my opinion, there should be a separate federal program for Dagestan, separate from the entire North Caucasus. Because, in my opinion, when the Dagestan issue is resolved, all other North Caucasian problems will not be as acute as they seem today. This republic requires special attention both as the most multinational and largest territory in terms of population,” the expert believes.

What Ramazan Abdulatipov will do after his resignation is still unknown. In an interview with TASS on the eve of his 70th birthday, he said: “In general, after this age, in my opinion, even such a position as “Presidential Assistant for Educational Activities” should be given. Why not? No one can talk about the friendship of peoples better than me, because I gave my life for this."

Regional editorial office of TASS

The head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, confirmed to the media that he will resign in the near future. He cites his age as the reason - 71 years old. He did not answer what Mr. Abdulatipov intends to do in the future. The presidential decree on resignation has not yet been officially published.

“I will submit my resignation,” said the head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov in an interview with the radio station “Moscow Speaks.” “Most likely today. What's next? I'll return somewhere if I'm alive and well. I have a very wide range of interests in this regard.” Mr. Abdulatipov cited his age as the reason for this decision (the head of the republic turned 71 on August 4), making it clear that this decision was made not by him, but by the administration of the President of Russia (AP). “The reasons for the resignation are age has come, 71 years already,” he said. “I think this reason is because on all other issues the republic is on the rise, it has emerged from the severe crisis in which it was.”

What is Ramazan Abdulatipov famous for?

Rumors about his impending resignation accompanied Ramazan Abdulatipov throughout his entire period in power. In February of this year, when delivering a report to deputies of the National Assembly, he even spoke about the “Abdulatipov paradox,” which was formulated by “one of the federal officials.” When asked by the head of the republic what kind of paradox this was, the official replied that throughout his work in Dagestan, rumors about his resignation did not stop: “You achieve positive dynamics within three or four years, but you have already been fired 48 times.” “As of today, it’s 52 times,” Mr. Abdulatipov clarified. “It’s useless, guys, don’t do this! This is not your responsibility.

The president of the country, the chairman of the government of the country, even Allah, inshallah, treat me normally - look what the weather is like! We are not the ones who decide these issues, this is not delegated to us,” he added.

Ramazan Abdulatipov headed Dagestan in January 2013, when President Vladimir Putin prematurely dismissed the head of the republic, Magomedsalam Magomedov. True, the latter, taking into account the difficult situation in the republic, “went for a promotion,” as the Kremlin claimed. Mr. Magomedov took the post of deputy head of the presidential administration, in charge of national issues. As the AP explained then, Magomedsalam Magomedov had serious authority in Dagestan and his departure from politics “could provoke a new wave of conflicts on ethnic grounds, which could not be allowed” - in this case, Ramazan Abdulatipov, whose position in the region was much weaker, could simply fail to cope with responsibilities. Immediately after his appointment, Mr. Abdulatipov promised to deal with the clan situation, “penny-pinchers and bribe-takers,” but he formed the team from almost the same officials who worked on the team of his predecessors. Let us note that in the same year, one of the most influential people in the republic at that time, the mayor of Makhachkala Said Amirov, was detained.

Results of the reign of Ramazan Abdulatipov

The Makhachkala White House administration does not comment on the resignation of Mr. Abdulatipov and does not officially confirm it; the head’s press secretary, Aznaur Adzhiev, said that the head of the republic has been on vacation since September 25. According to unofficial information, Mr. Abdulatipov planned to go on vacation abroad, but was summoned to the AP.

Possible successors to Ramazan Abdulatipov as head of the republic in Dagestan are talked about only at the level of rumors. At the same time, the lack of suitable candidates from representatives of Dargin nationality is being discussed on social networks. According to tradition, which is not enshrined in any way by law, but has been steadily observed in Dagestan since the times of Soviet power, the three main posts in the republic are distributed among representatives of the most numerous nationalities - Avars, Dargins and Kumyks. Thus, it is expected that the Avar Abdulatipov should be replaced by a Dargin (Kumyk Khizri Shikhsaidov now heads the parliament of the republic). Therefore, Magomedsalam Magomedov is named among the potential candidates.

The republic believes that due to complex national quotas, a representative of the federal center can lead Dagestan.

This was even the name given to the candidacy of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin, who previously worked as the presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District.

Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky today announced his resignation at a meeting with the regional government staff and deputies. He did this before the official publication of information about the change of head of the region on the website of the President of the Russian Federation. Kommersant's sources believe that his departure is not related to an assessment of his work as governor, but to personnel policy before the presidential election. Representatives of the region's political community believe that Viktor Tolokonsky will be remembered for positive decisions related to the development of the social sphere in the region, as well as for his vocal talents.

After the release of the RBC material, in an interview with Moscow Speaks, Abdulatipov confirmed that he was resigning. “I will be submitting my resignation. Most likely today. What's next? I'll return somewhere if I'm alive and well. I have a very wide range of interests in this regard,” he said. On the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, Abdulatipov said that he was offered the position of Russia’s representative in the Organization of the Islamic Conference, but he refused. “I don’t want to go abroad. Otherwise, I’ll probably be a professor somewhere,” he said.

“The Kremlin has taken a course towards rejuvenating its personnel, and in order to stay on this course in office, an older person needs to be super effective,” Nikolai Mironov, director of the Center for Economic and Political Reforms, commented to RBC. According to the political scientist, all his life Abdulatipov was a public politician, scientist, teacher, parliamentarian, but not a manager, and this affected the quality of governance of the republic. “Many were dissatisfied with his personnel policy; it infringed on individual clans. There were no breakthroughs in the economy. It was not possible to simply restore order. In general, the government under Abdulatipov was not strong and effective,” says the political scientist. “The person did not quite find himself in the role for which he was ready, but Dagestan is generally difficult to govern, just as it is difficult to find a common language with all ethnic groups.”

Ramazan Abdulatipov was appointed acting head of Dagestan in January 2013; in September of the same year, deputies of the People's Assembly elected him head of the republic. In the 2016 rating of the effectiveness of heads of Russian regions, compiled by the Civil Society Development Foundation, Ramazan Abdulatipov received a “very high rating” and shared 18-19th places with the head of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko.

Dagestan under Abdulatipov

Dagestan's GRP growth slowed under Abdulatipov: in 2013-2014 annual growth was 6.3%, in 2015 it fell to 4.7%, and the estimate for 2016 is 3.5%.

The average per capita cash income of the population in Dagestan in 2013-2016 increased by 30.5%, to 28,348 rubles. per month. Expenses for the same period increased by 32%, to RUB 24,690.4. per month.

The average amount of assigned pensions in the republic in 2013-2016 increased by 88%, to 14,680.1 rubles. The increase in consumer prices over the same period amounted to almost 40%. At the same time, the share of the population with monetary incomes below the subsistence level in 2013-2016 increased from 10.1 to 10.9%. Unemployment in 2013-2016 decreased from 11.6 to 10.1% of the economically active population.

The day before, RBC sources close to the head of Dagestan denied Vedomosti newspapers about his possible resignation, saying that such reports have been appearing for four years and have not yet been confirmed. According to an RBC source close to Abdulatipov, rumors about the imminent resignation of the head of Dagestan have been appearing since September 2013, when he was appointed to this position. “We call it the Abdulatipov phenomenon,” the source said. “So far, not a single such rumor has been confirmed,” he noted.

At the same time, RBC’s interlocutor said that Abdulatipov is now on a two-week vacation. “If resignation was being prepared, then the head of the republic would undoubtedly be aware of his own resignation, since he would have been warned, and he would hardly have gone on vacation,” another source close to the republican administration told RBC. According to him, if a decision had been made, there would have been panic. “Half of the local administration is still in contact with Magomedsalam (Magomedov, the former head of Dagestan, now serving as deputy head of the presidential administration. — RBC), and he sits in the Kremlin and would probably signal to his people. But there is no panic here,” the interlocutor said.

One of RBC’s sources added that the head of Dagestan was fully confident that he would be warned about his resignation in advance and would be allowed to work it out in the media accordingly, but in the end, the call to the Kremlin came as a shock to him and his entourage.

A RBC source close to the region’s leadership said that a combination of factors influenced the resignation. “An extremely low rating - according to measurements, a maximum of 16% of residents of the region approved of Abdulatipov’s activities, and over 70% of the population were more or less negatively disposed towards him. Numerous conflicts that were of an economic nature, but could result in interethnic confrontation. The strong corruption-prone atmosphere in Dagestan, the Minister of Housing and Communal Services, age - on the eve of the presidential elections, all these factors turned out to be unacceptable for Moscow, and the Kremlin made a decision,” the RBC source listed. According to him, due to the risk of Abdulatipov's possible resignation, many republican officials sabotaged the decisions made by the head of Dagestan, fearing that they would cause disapproval from his possible successor.

Abdulatipov's career

Ramazan Abdulatipov was born in 1946 in Dagestan. Having received a medical education and served as a medic in the army, he worked for some time as the head of a first-aid post at a factory, and in 1974 he began his party career in the department of propaganda and agitation of the district committee of the CPSU. In the 1970s, he graduated in absentia from the history department of the Dagestan State University and postgraduate studies from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Leningrad State University, after which he worked for almost ten years in Murmansk, where he held various positions at the Murmansk Higher Marine Engineering School and in the agitation and propaganda department of the Murmansk Regional Committee of the CPSU.

In 1988, Abdulatipov moved to party work in Moscow, and in 1990 he was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR and headed the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. In the early 1990s, Abdulatipov was first deputy chairman of the Federation Council and then a State Duma deputy.

In 1997-1998, as Deputy Prime Minister under Viktor Chernomyrdin and Sergei Kiriyenko, he oversaw national issues and issues of local government development, and in 1998-1999 he was Minister of National Policy and Minister without Portfolio, after which he returned to the Federation Council. In 2005-2009, Abdulatipov was the Russian Ambassador to Tajikistan. In 2011, he returned to the State Duma, where he was a member of the United Russia faction, and in 2013 he headed Dagestan.

Earlier, RBC sources in the Kremlin spoke about the possible imminent resignation of about ten regional heads as part of a course to change the gubernatorial corps and form a new generation of managers. This week the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the head of the Krasnoyarsk region Viktor, and the governor of the Samara region have already resigned. A 40-year-old deputy minister of industry and trade was appointed acting governor of Nizhny Novgorod, and a 47-year-old senator headed the Samara region.