Due to poor nutrition and limited physical activity, more than half of the adult population of our country is overweight, and more than 30% are obese. As a result, after 30-40 years, and for some - much earlier (especially after the birth of children or with a predisposition to obesity), the figure deteriorates. This fact can also affect the psyche, causing deep down a feeling of physical inferiority. The excessive fatness of children is of particular concern: 30-40% of them are overweight, and 22-28% are prone to obesity.

Statistics show that overweight people are 6 times more likely than thin people to develop kidney stones, 4 times more likely to develop gallstones and atherosclerosis, leading to myocardial infarction, and 3 times more likely to develop diabetes mellitus. diabetes. Atherosclerosis in obese people occurs 20 years earlier than in people of normal body weight. If a man has a waist to hip ratio of more than 2, then this is already dangerous to his health. Women whose ratio exceeds 0.9 also urgently need to lose weight. Values ​​exceeding 1.1 - 1.2 indicate obesity.

Obesity is a serious disease caused by profound disturbances in metabolic processes in the body. Just 5 kg of excess weight increases the risk of diseases: the function of the thyroid gland is suppressed, which leads to atherosclerosis; The body's immunity begins to decline. By the age of 50, the protective capabilities of the latter decrease by 2 times due to excess cholesterol in lymphocytes and a decrease in their activity. The sad result of this is high morbidity and mortality in the most productive age. The following pattern has been discovered: the more excess body weight, the higher the mortality rate (obesity shortens a person’s life by an average of 10-12 years). However, you can fight obesity if you know the causes of excess weight.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of overweight and obese people among young people and children. If we take into account that the predisposition to obesity is inherited, and fat cells are formed at an early age as a result of overfeeding of infants, then we can predict our future with a high probability: if the situation is not radically changed, then we are threatened, among other things, with extinction and from diseases, one of the main causes of which is obesity - this is a prediabetic condition.

Let's consider the main reasons leading to overweight and obesity, and consequently to diseases and early aging. Just don’t rush to follow the recommendations below immediately: you need to switch to a new diet gradually.

FIRST REASON- we eat too many high-calorie foods, the excess of which turns into fat. In terms of calorie content of food eaten, Russia ranks one of the first in the world - per day per person

accounts for an average of 3443 kcal. For comparison: in the countries of Western Europe, an average of 3378 kcal is consumed, and per inhabitant of the Himalayas (Hunza people) there are only 1933 kcal. The average life expectancy of the latter is 92 years. Among the representatives of this nationality there are many centenarians, whose physical performance remains up to 100-120 years.

For obesity and overweight, it is enough to consume 1200-1700 kcal. Many people eat until the stomach walls stretch and give a distress signal. With this type of nutrition, the rule “he who eats a lot, eats little” applies. The body stores fat and works hard to release it. Therefore, a person who has eaten a lot, after a while, again feels a strong feeling of hunger. There is a kind of training of the stomach in processing large amounts of food. The feeling of hunger especially increases when switching to a low-calorie diet. Don't be upset! You will only have to be patient for the first time, until the stomach returns to normal, that is, decreases in size.

THE SECOND REASON overweight and obesity - we eat not what the body needs, but what we like, or what is on store shelves. As a result, an artificial deficiency of any vitamins or microelements is created in the body, and a person experiences a feeling of hunger even with a large amount of food eaten, but currently useless.

AND THIRD REASON- low physical activity of both adults and children, leading to insignificant energy expenditure. Only 5-7% of the adult population of Russia engages in physical education to the extent necessary to maintain health. For comparison: in the USA, Japan and other developed countries that lead in average life expectancy, this figure is 40-80%. Thus, 52 million people in the United States are into recreational walking alone, 30 million people are into running, and 20.2 million people are into cycling. In total, in this country, 120 million people play sports at least 3-4 times a week for an hour or more. And the point here is not in equipping our cities and villages with an insufficient number of swimming pools and other sports facilities, but in the lack of physical education among children and their parents. In order to do exercises, jog or walk at a fast pace, you do not need any sports facilities.

It has been established that even those few who systematically engage in physical exercises often do them not in the way that would be necessary to normalize body weight, and not in the same volume. As a result, the opposite effect is also possible; for example, during intense exercise, body weight not only does not decrease, but sometimes increases.

BODY WEIGHT CONTROL. To estimate body weight, height (in cm) must be divided by weight (in kg). Indexes in the range of 2.3-2.8 correspond to normal body weight, 2.5-2.6 - ideal (regardless of age).

At higher or lower rates, there is an increase in the risk of diseases (cardiovascular, cancer, etc.) and an earlier onset of aging of the body.

FOR REDUCING BODY WEIGHT Before normal, try to follow the following recommendations.

1. During the entire period of transition to a new, low-calorie diet, develop the habit of eating slowly, and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Remember that saturation through the blood occurs approximately 30 minutes after the start of a meal. After some time (1-2 years), a restructuring will occur in the body, digestive processes will begin to proceed more efficiently, and you will no longer be able to eat differently, since satiety will occur from a small amount of food.

2. Eliminate from your diet useless foods with so-called “empty” calories (sugar, candy, cakes, alcohol) and sharply limit the consumption of salt, cream, sour cream, high-fat milk, butter and other animal fats, flour and pasta products, potatoes, porridge, jam. You only need 4-5 g of salt per day (not 25-30 g). That is, it is not at all necessary to salt everything - the body will receive the required amount of sodium from natural products. Don't be afraid that it won't taste good. After some time, after such limited salt consumption, even lightly salted food will seem over-salted and tasteless to you, and the healthy habit you develop will remain with you for life. A salt-free diet helps you lose weight in a very short time.

Determination of normal body weight for women and men

Get used to drinking tea only without sugar. After some time you will feel its real taste and aroma.

Try to season salads with a small amount of vegetable oil, and cook porridge from whole grains without milk or salt.

3. Try to eat as monotonous food as possible at one time. With this diet, satiety occurs faster, and food absorption is much more efficient. To do this, space out the consumption of foods that are better absorbed separately - bread, milk, grapes, apples and other fruits (except pears). In your daily diet, include foods that go well together and complement each other: for example, protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese) with any greens and vegetables, except potatoes; starchy foods (bread, porridge, potatoes, pasta) with herbs and vegetables (but not proteins).

Sweet desserts are especially harmful to digestion: while the first and second courses are being digested, the sweets in the body undergo fermentation, turning into alcohol and vinegar. Therefore, it is advisable to separate the consumption of fruits and honey into a separate meal. If this rule is not followed, then a significant part of the food will decompose and cause stomach irritation, as a result of which you will constantly experience a false feeling of hunger, eat frequently and constantly overeat.

Dietary diversity with such a diet should be ensured by including various foods in the menu throughout the day, week and month.

4. Try to eat foods daily that help consume fat from the body’s reserves: cabbage, carrots, beets, green salad. Prefer vegetable oil, and only coarsely ground bread.

If possible, include red pepper (paprika) in your diet. It contains the substance capsaicin, which makes the blood in the veins “boil.” As a result, all excess fat is burned in the cells. If red pepper is not available, use other spicy foods.

5. You should not eat according to a schedule, but when you feel hungry. The habit of eating at the same time leads to the fact that, due to the development of a temporary food reflex, you have to eat extra portions that are completely unnecessary for the body. For the same reason, do not have breakfast immediately after sleep, wait until you feel hungry. This may take several hours.

The last meal should be no later than 18-19 hours. It has been proven that products that enter the body during the daytime are spent on energy supply for human life, and in the evening they are deposited as fat. Satisfy your hunger, which is especially strong in the evening, with raw vegetables. It's better to eat less, but more often.

A person has difficulty distinguishing between the feelings of hunger and thirst. Don't eat all the time, just try drinking.

6. For those who have a hard time with limiting the amount of food they eat and cannot sleep without eating at night, the recommendations of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) will help you lose weight. Their essence is that it does not matter how much food you take and at what time, but what is important is the proportions in which different food groups are consumed (“Food Pyramid”).

FIRST GROUP - flour products (bread, cereals), from 6 to 11 shares.

SECOND GROUP - three types of vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, pumpkin, zucchini, etc.), from 3 to 5 shares.

THIRD GROUP - fruits, berries, dried fruits, from 2 to 4 shares.

FOURTH GROUP - protein products (fish, skinless chicken, etc.), 3 shares, but not more than 150-170 g per day.

FIFTH GROUP - dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, etc.) with low fat content, from 2 to 3 shares.

The average daily diet in the indicated proportions will be approximately as follows: a thick piece of black bread or 100 g of boiled rice with 100 g of vegetables - in the first meal; 50-60 g of fish or chicken, or one boiled egg with herbs -

at the second meal. Separately, instead of breakfast or in between meals, satisfy your hunger with products of the third group (for example, a medium-sized apple).

7. MONODIET. This method is also recommended for those who have difficulty with fasting. His “secret” is that during the week you eat only one type of food per meal, and in total, no more than two foods per week. For example, kefir and apples, rice and grapes, oatmeal and oranges, cabbage and apples, etc. Measure your body weight and you will be surprised what the results will be.

8. REDUCING BODY WEIGHT WITHOUT DIET RESTRICTIONS, WITHOUT FASTING AND WITHOUT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. Some people categorically refuse to restrict themselves in diet and fast, others cannot bring themselves to exercise. For them, Japanese nutritionists have come up with a way that allows them not to limit the amount of food they eat, and their weight decreases even without physical activity.

Mix 200 g of unrefined flour with finely chopped vegetables (50 g each of cabbage, onions and bean sprouts) and add salt to taste. You can add yeast for fermentation. Pour some water into the mixture and stir. Cover the dough with a dry cloth and place in a warm place for 6-8 hours. Bake pancakes in olive oil on both sides.

With such a diet, within a month body weight decreases by 4 kg, and after 3 months - by 7 kg. If satiety occurs, then green onions should be added to the dough, at the next stage - fish, at the final stage - pork.

9. ELIMINATE THE FEELING OF HUNGER AND LOSE WEIGHT NATURALLY Eating up to 3 tablespoons of beet pulp before meals also helps. This occurs due to the sorption of gastric juices by the cakes and their removal from the stomach. When hunger disappears, try not to eat until it appears again. Try using the pulp to pick it off again. If hunger cannot be eliminated again, then start eating.

The use of even small doses of gray jaundice I (0.001-0.1 g of fresh or dry grass with flowers 3 times a day) allows, as academician B.V. Bolotov, reduce the mass of adipose tissue by 2-3 kg within a month.

Other bitter plants have a similar effect: yarrow, water pepper (mustard), wormwood, mustard, pepper, horseradish, dandelion, hawkweed, Japanese sophora, etc. These additives will make you into a very old age people who do not know what diseases are.

10. DIET FOR EXTREMELY REDUCED BODY WEIGHT: in the morning - a cup of coffee, 12 o'clock - 200 g of dry wine with a piece of cheese, 15 o'clock - 200 g of dry wine, in the evening - 200 g of kefir. This diet allows you to lose up to 9 kg of body weight per week. We recommend using this diet only in emergency cases, since the faster you lose excess weight, the more difficult it will be to keep it off.

11. FOR A STABLE REDUCTION OF BODY WEIGHT AND MAINTAINING IT WITHIN NORMAL BOUNDARIES use continuous aerobic physical activity (running, walking, swimming, rowing, skiing, cycling, sports dancing, rhythmic gymnastics) with an intensity of 50% of the maximum. In this case, fats are used when performing the load.

If your body weight exceeds the norm by 20 kg or more, at first it is recommended to engage only in walking according to a special program, carefully following nutritional recommendations.

The recommended intensity of the load is achieved at a heart rate in the range of 100-120 beats/min. Fat burning at a heart rate of 150-160 beats/min decreases sharply, and during anaerobic exercise with a heart rate of 170 beats/min and above it stops completely.

Physical activity should be quite long, since during the first 20 minutes of continuous work of average intensity, energy consumption is provided mainly by the average intensity of substances (fats and carbohydrates) found in the blood. When their supply is gradually depleted, fat deposits begin to burn. So, just 1 hour of running at the recommended intensity leads to a one-time loss in weight only due to the burning of fat deposits in the range of 25-30 g. Knowing these numbers, it is easy to calculate the time during which you can bring your body weight back to normal.

Walking program for people with excess body weight (according to K. Cooper)

Distance, km

Time, min, s

Frequency of classes per week

Distance, km

Time, min, s

Frequency of classes per week

Under 45.00

It is impossible to reduce body weight by reducing water consumption when performing physical activity. These losses are quickly restored even with dry “food” due to the water contained in solid foods.

12. After performing physical activity, try not to eat for at least 1 hour, as fats continue to burn even after physical activity. Remember that more physical activity reduces appetite, while little physical activity increases it.

13. Along with aerobic exercise, be sure to include flexibility exercises in your classes. As a result of performing these exercises, adipose tissue is replaced by muscle tissue, and the total volume and weight of the part of the body that is being stretched is significantly reduced. In addition, flexibility exercises strengthen ligaments and are good for joints.

Sets of stretching exercises and methods for performing them are described in the book “Encyclopedia of Health” (section “Development of Flexibility”).

14. "QI GUNG" METHOD. This effective method helps reduce body fat not only by limiting the amount of food, but also due to the regulated redistribution of nutrients in the body. It can be successfully used by those who, for whatever reason, are unable to perform aerobic physical activity or flexibility exercises. The method can also be an excellent addition to other means of normalizing body weight. Moreover, during exercise, the feeling of hunger weakens or completely disappears, which makes it easy to give up food for several days.

Doing the exercise. Sitting on a chair, in a quiet place, place your feet shoulder-width apart, the angle between your shin and thigh should be straight or slightly less than 90°. For men, clench your right hand into a fist and place the palm of your left hand on top, for women - vice versa. Place your elbows on your knees, lean your torso forward a little, lower your head, resting your forehead on your hands, close your eyes and completely relax.

Qigong method for weight loss.

Concentrate completely on your breathing. While inhaling through the nose, focus on the penetration of the “Qi” energy into the stomach, while exhaling slowly through the mouth, try to feel how the “polluted Qi” is removed from the lower abdomen. The abdomen gradually becomes soft and relaxed. Then you should take a slow and even breath through the nose, gradually expanding the lower part of the abdominal cavity, and pause the inhalation, holding your breath for 2 seconds. Then take a short breath and immediately begin to exhale slowly, removing the “polluted Qi.” Continue the exercise in the same sequence: exhale - inhale - hold your breath for 2 s - short inhale, etc.

The volume of inhalation is determined by the health status of the practitioner. This exercise is contraindicated in case of any internal bleeding or if you underwent surgery less than 3 months before the start of classes. Those with cardiovascular and other serious illnesses should inhale only 50-60% of their capacity, avoiding maximum effort. Most practically healthy people or those with indolent chronic diseases should inhale up to 80-90% of the maximum possible amount of air, but this should be approached gradually, avoiding strong tension in the abdominal muscles.

During the entire period of reducing body weight to the level you need, the exercise should be performed 3 times a day for 15 minutes. It is better to exercise at a time when you are used to eating, but you can also do it when it is convenient for you. At the end of classes, do not rush to open your eyes immediately, otherwise dizziness may occur. With your eyes closed, you need to slowly raise your head, fold your palms in front of your chest and rub them together 10-15 times. Then “comb” your head several times with the fingers of both hands, open your eyes, clench your hands into fists, stretch and take a deep breath. After finishing classes, a surge of vigor sets in, vision becomes sharper, and well-being improves. Repeated repetition of this cycle helps to enhance the overall dynamics of blood circulation (from the internal organs to the extremities and back), significantly improve metabolism, massage the internal organs, and effectively redistribute “internal energy”. All this weakens or completely eliminates the poor health that occurs due to a decrease in the amount of food consumed.

15. Many who want to get rid of excess fat deposits are afraid that losing weight will have a bad effect on their appearance - the skin will sag, folds and wrinkles will appear. There will be no troubles if those parts of the body that cause the most concern are worked out with the help of strength exercises (see the section “Sets of exercises for forming a beautiful figure”). Women, and indeed men, are also recommended to primarily perform exercises for the muscles of the chest, abdomen and waist.

16. Include a special massage of body areas in your program for combating fat deposits (massage techniques - squeezing and stroking). In this case, the efficiency of destruction of fatty structures increases even more, and the skin acquires elasticity. This massage helps you look good after losing weight.

A contrast shower and body wrapping in a wet, cold sheet help to avoid the formation of wrinkles and folds and reduce the amount of fat; These procedures provide excellent massage of the skin capillaries and increase its elasticity. Take a contrast shower daily for 15 minutes, changing cold and hot water every 15 seconds.

17. An excellent additional means for the prevention and treatment of obesity is short-term (1-3 days) fasting. It is effective only if it is carried out regularly: 24-36 hours once a week and 2-3 days once a month - complete abstinence from food. Longer fasting is recommended only under the supervision of a specialist or in a clinic.

When food does not enter the body, it uses its internal reserves. Moreover, adipose tissue is consumed to the greatest extent. The fasting technique is described in the section "Natural Elixirs of Youth" ("NBL").

However, it is always necessary to remember that no matter how outstanding success you achieve in losing body weight through prolonged fasting or using the best diets, when you switch to your previous lifestyle, the weight will quickly be restored, and even in excess. Therefore, the means and methods for treating obesity and normalizing body weight should be comprehensive, and once the goal is achieved, they should continue to be used throughout life.

Following these recommendations will allow you to naturally achieve your ideal body weight in a short time. Attempts to further simplify this task and get rid of fat deposits at once, for example, using liposuction (fat removal with vacuum suction), surgery or other artificial means do not provide a sustainable result. Nature takes cruel revenge for such invasions: gynecologists note pain in the pelvic area of ​​unknown etiology, accumulation of fluid in the sutures (seroma), irregularities and nodules, and re-accumulation of fat after surgery occurs very quickly. There are also absolute CONTRAINDICATIONS to these methods: diabetes and endocrine disorders.

Increase in body weight. To normalize body weight, thin people (and there are only a few of these out of hundreds of subjects, and even then - in their own subjective opinion) should consume proteins in slightly larger quantities relative to the norm and include exercises from athletic gymnastics complexes aimed at increasing muscle mass in health-improving activities. mass (the maximum possible number of repetitions of the exercise with the selected weight is from 8 to 12 times, the pace of execution is slow or medium, pauses for rest between approaches are 1,5 -2 minutes). Sets of exercises are given in the next section.

The most important indicator of health status and compliance of nutrition with the body’s needs is body weight. For an approximate assessment of body weight, Broca's index is used, according to which for men of average build, normal body weight (in kilograms) is equal to height (in centimeters) minus 100 for a height of 155-165 cm, or minus 105 for a height of 166-175 cm, or minus 110 with a height of 175 cm or more. In persons with a narrow chest, the obtained data decrease by 5%, and in persons with a wide chest - increase by 5%. The body weight of women of the same height and build should be approximately 5% less than that of men.

In domestic medicine, it is generally accepted that body weight that exceeds the norm for a given person by 5-14% is called overweight. If body weight is 15% or more above normal, this indicates obesity. There are four degrees of obesity:

I degree - excess body weight by 15-29%;

II degree - excess body weight by 30-49%;

III degree - excess body weight by 50-99%;

IV degree - excess body weight by 100% or more.

However, it must be borne in mind that excess body weight is not always combined with excessive fat deposition. It can be due to powerful muscles (physical workers, athletes) or due to retention of large amounts of fluid in the tissues in certain diseases. Body weight below normal by 5-14% indicates reduced body weight, and by 15% or more - the appearance of protein-energy malnutrition.

It should be emphasized that, in contrast to the concept of “overweight,” obesity is considered as a disease. Sometimes you can read that more than 50% of Russian adults are obese. This is the result of confusion between the concepts of “overweight” and “obesity”. In fact, true obesity occurs on average in 20% of adult residents, which, of course, is also a lot. Of course, obesity itself is characterized by excess body weight. We also note that in many countries (Germany, USA, etc.) obesity is considered to be an increase in body weight compared to the norm by 20% or more, and not by 15% or more, as in Russia. This explains the differences in data on the prevalence of obesity in our and some other countries.

Currently, to control body weight, the body mass index recommended by the World Health Organization is used, which is determined by dividing a given person’s body weight (in kilograms) by his height (in meters), squared.

Table 17 shows the average values ​​and range of desired body weight according to height, as well as the body mass index in adults as reported by the World Health Organization (“Energy and Protein Requirements,” 1987).

Using men as an example, let’s look at the values ​​that characterize the body mass index. If the index is 20.1-25, then body weight is within the normal range, and the average normal value corresponds to an index of 22. If the index is above 25, but does not reach 30, then this characterizes excess body weight. An index of 30 or more indicates obesity as a disease, and an index of 20 or less indicates underweight.

The role of obesity as a risk factor in the development of a number of diseases depends not only on the degree and duration of obesity, but also on the distribution of fat in the body. Complications of obesity are more common with fat accumulation on the torso and abdominal cavity (“upper obesity”) and less typical with fat accumulation on the buttocks and thighs—“lower obesity.” A simple indicator characterizing the type of obesity is the ratio of waist and hip circumferences (w/b). “Top obesity” in women is taken to be a t/b of 0.82-0.85, and for men - a t/b of more than 1.

limentary(food) factors influence all aspects of the body's functioning. The word "alimentary" comes from the Latin word "alimentum" - food.

In the development of almost all diseases, one can see a greater or lesser role of various nutritional factors. This indisputable position is the basis for the widespread belief that poor nutrition causes most diseases. This opinion is especially popular among supporters of unconventional nutrition. They claim that if a person does not follow the type of diet they recommend, it causes almost every disease known to medicine, except injuries.

The basis for a distorted understanding of the problem of “nutrition and human disease” is confusion with the concepts of the causes and mechanisms of development of diseases - their etiology and pathogenesis.

Etiology Literally translated, it is the science of the causes of disease. But more often this word is used to define the cause itself. For example, the etiology (cause) of influenza lies in the viruses that cause influenza.

Pathogenesis- these are the mechanisms of development of pathological (painful) processes, the disease as a whole and its individual manifestations. If nutritional factors cause a particular disease, then they are its cause - etiology. If nutritional factors are involved only in the development of a specific disease, then they are important only in its pathogenesis. This article is devoted to explaining the true role of nutrition in the occurrence or development of various diseases.

Speaking about the connection between nutrition and human diseases, we can distinguish five main groups of diseases and syndromes (combinations of symptoms):

primary diseases of insufficient and excess nutrition - nutritional diseases;

secondary diseases of insufficient and excess nutrition;

diseases with nutritional risk factors for the development of the disease;

diseases caused by food intolerance;

diseases with nutritional factors of transmission of the pathogen.

Due to poor nutrition and limited physical activity, more than half of the adult population of our country is overweight, and more than 30% are obese. As a result, after 30-40 years, and for some - much earlier (especially after the birth of children or with a predisposition to obesity), the figure deteriorates. This fact can also affect the psyche, causing deep down a feeling of physical inferiority. The excessive fatness of children is of particular concern: 30-40% of them are overweight, and 22-28% are prone to obesity.

Statistics show that overweight people are 6 times more likely than thin people to develop kidney stones, 4 times more likely to develop gallstones, and atherosclerosis, leading to myocardial infarction, is 3 times more likely to develop diabetes. Atherosclerosis in obese people occurs 20 years earlier than in people of normal body weight. If a man has a waist to hip ratio of more than 2, then this is already dangerous to his health. Women whose ratio exceeds 0.9 also urgently need to lose weight. Values ​​exceeding 1.1 - 1.2 indicate obesity.

3 .1 What is obesity?

Obesity is a serious disease caused by profound disturbances in metabolic processes in the body. Just 5 kg of excess weight increases the risk of diseases: the function of the thyroid gland is suppressed, which leads to atherosclerosis; The body's immunity begins to decline. By the age of 50, the protective capabilities of the latter decrease by 2 times due to excess cholesterol in lymphocytes and a decrease in their activity. The sad result of this is high morbidity and mortality in the most productive age. The following pattern has been discovered: the more excess body weight, the higher the mortality rate (obesity shortens a person’s life by an average of 10-12 years). However, you can fight obesity if you know the causes of excess weight.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of overweight and obese people among young people and children. If we take into account that the predisposition to obesity is inherited, and fat cells are formed at an early age as a result of overfeeding of infants, then we can predict our future with a high probability: if the situation is not radically changed, then we are threatened, among other things, with extinction and from diseases, one of the main causes of which is obesity - this is a prediabetic condition.

3 .2 Causes of obesity

Let's consider the main reasons leading to overweight and obesity, and consequently to diseases and early aging. Just don’t rush to follow the recommendations below immediately: you need to switch to a new diet gradually.

The first reason is that we eat too many high-calorie foods, the excess of which turns into fat. In terms of calorie content of food eaten, Russia ranks one of the first in the world - an average of 3,443 kcal per person per day. For comparison: in the countries of Western Europe, an average of 3378 kcal is consumed, and per inhabitant of the Himalayas (Hunza people) there are only 1933 kcal. The average life expectancy of the latter is 92 years. Among the representatives of this nationality there are many centenarians, whose physical performance remains up to 100-120 years.

For obesity and overweight, it is enough to consume 1200-1700 kcal. Many people eat until the stomach walls stretch and give a distress signal. With this type of nutrition, the rule “he who eats a lot, eats little” applies. The body stores fat and works hard to release it. Therefore, a person who has eaten a lot, after a while, again feels a strong feeling of hunger. There is a kind of training of the stomach in processing large amounts of food. The feeling of hunger especially increases when switching to a low-calorie diet. Don't be upset! You will only have to be patient for the first time, until the stomach returns to normal, that is, decreases in size.

The second reason for overweight and obesity is that we eat not what the body needs, but what we like, or what is on store shelves. As a result, an artificial deficiency of any vitamins or microelements is created in the body, and a person experiences a feeling of hunger even with a large amount of food eaten, but currently useless.

And the third reason is low physical activity of both adults and children, leading to insignificant energy expenditure. Only 5-7% of the adult population of Russia engages in physical education to the extent necessary to maintain health. For comparison: in the USA, Japan and other developed countries that lead in average life expectancy, this figure is 40-80%. Thus, 52 million people in the United States are into recreational walking alone, 30 million people are into running, and 20.2 million people are into cycling. In total, in this country, 120 million people play sports at least 3-4 times a week for an hour or more. And the point here is not in equipping our cities and villages with an insufficient number of swimming pools and other sports facilities, but in the lack of physical education among children and their parents. In order to do exercises, jog or walk at a fast pace, you do not need any sports facilities.

It has been established that even those few who systematically engage in physical exercises often do them not in the way that would be necessary to normalize body weight, and not in the same volume. As a result, the opposite effect is also possible; for example, during intense exercise, body weight not only does not decrease, but sometimes increases.

3 .3 Weight control

To estimate body weight, height (in cm) must be divided by weight (in kg). Indexes in the range of 2.3-2.8 correspond to normal body weight, 2.5-2.6 - ideal (regardless of age).

At higher or lower rates, there is an increase in the risk of diseases (cardiovascular, cancer, etc.) and an earlier onset of aging of the body.

To reduce your body weight to normal, try to follow these recommendations.

During the entire period of transition to a new, low-calorie diet, develop the habit of eating slowly, and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Remember that saturation through the blood occurs approximately 30 minutes after the start of a meal. After some time (1-2 years), a restructuring will occur in the body, digestive processes will begin to proceed more efficiently, and you will no longer be able to eat differently, since satiety will occur from a small amount of food.

Eliminate from your diet useless foods with so-called “empty” calories (sugar, candy, cakes, alcohol) and sharply limit the consumption of salt, cream, sour cream, high-fat milk, butter and other animal fats, flour and pasta, potatoes, porridge, jam. You only need 4-5 g of salt per day (not 25-30 g). That is, it is not at all necessary to salt everything - the body will receive the required amount of sodium from natural products. Don't be afraid that it won't taste good. After some time, after such limited salt consumption, even lightly salted food will seem over-salted and tasteless to you, and the healthy habit you develop will remain with you for life. A salt-free diet helps you lose weight in a very short time.

Get used to drinking tea only without sugar. After some time you will feel its real taste and aroma.

Try to season salads with a small amount of vegetable oil, and cook porridge from whole grains without milk or salt.

Try to eat as monotonous foods as possible at one time. With this diet, satiety occurs faster, and food absorption is much more efficient. To do this, space out the consumption of foods that are better absorbed separately - bread, milk, grapes, apples and other fruits (except pears). In your daily diet, include foods that go well together and complement each other: for example, protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese) with any greens and vegetables, except potatoes; starchy foods (bread, porridge, potatoes, pasta) with herbs and vegetables (but not proteins).

Sweet desserts are especially harmful to digestion: while the first and second courses are being digested, the sweets in the body undergo fermentation, turning into alcohol and vinegar. Therefore, it is advisable to separate the consumption of fruits and honey into a separate meal. If this rule is not followed, then a significant part of the food will decompose and cause stomach irritation, as a result of which you will constantly experience a false feeling of hunger, eat frequently and constantly overeat.

Dietary diversity with such a diet should be ensured by including various foods in the menu throughout the day, week and month.

Try to eat foods every day that help burn fat from the body’s reserves: cabbage, carrots, beets, green salad. Prefer vegetable oil, and only coarsely ground bread.

If possible, include red pepper (paprika) in your diet. It contains the substance capsaicin, which makes the blood in the veins “boil.” As a result, all excess fat is burned in the cells. If red pepper is not available, use other spicy foods.

You should not eat according to a schedule, but when you feel hungry. The habit of eating at the same time leads to the fact that, due to the development of a temporary food reflex, you have to eat extra portions that are completely unnecessary for the body. For the same reason, do not have breakfast immediately after sleep, wait until you feel hungry. This may take several hours.

The last meal should be no later than 18-19 hours. It has been proven that products that enter the body during the daytime are spent on energy supply for human life, and in the evening they are deposited as fat. Satisfy your hunger, which is especially strong in the evening, with raw vegetables. It's better to eat less, but more often.

A person has difficulty distinguishing between the feelings of hunger and thirst. Don't eat all the time, just try drinking.

For those who find it difficult to tolerate food restrictions and cannot sleep without eating at night, the recommendations of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) will help you lose weight. Their essence is that it does not matter how much food you take and at what time, but what is important is the proportions in which different food groups are consumed (“Food Pyramid”).

The first group is flour products (bread, cereals), from 6 to 11 shares.

The second group includes three types of vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, radishes, pumpkin, zucchini, etc.), from 3 to 5 shares.

The third group is fruits, berries, dried fruits, from 2 to 4 shares.

The fourth group is protein products (fish, skinless chicken, etc.), 3 shares, but not more than 150-170 g per day.

The fifth group is dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, etc.) with a low fat content, from 2 to 3 shares.

The average daily diet in the indicated proportions will be approximately as follows: a thick piece of black bread or 100 g of boiled rice with 100 g of vegetables - in the first meal; 50-60 g of fish or chicken, or one boiled egg with herbs - for the second meal. Separately, instead of breakfast or in between meals, satisfy your hunger with products of the third group (for example, a medium-sized apple).

Mono-diet. This method is also recommended for those who have difficulty with fasting. His “secret” is that during the week you eat only one type of food per meal, and in total, no more than two foods per week. For example, kefir and apples, rice and grapes, oatmeal and oranges, cabbage and apples, etc. Measure your body weight and you will be surprised what the results will be.

Losing body weight without dietary restrictions, without fasting and without physical activity. Some people categorically refuse to restrict themselves in diet and fast, others cannot bring themselves to exercise. For them, Japanese nutritionists have come up with a way that allows them not to limit the amount of food they eat, and their weight decreases even without physical activity.

Mix 200 g of unrefined flour with finely chopped vegetables (50 g each of cabbage, onions and bean sprouts) and add salt to taste. You can add yeast for fermentation. Pour some water into the mixture and stir. Cover the dough with a dry cloth and place in a warm place for 6-8 hours. Bake pancakes in olive oil on both sides.

With such a diet, within a month body weight decreases by 4 kg, and after 3 months - by 7 kg. If satiety occurs, then green onions should be added to the dough, at the next stage - fish, at the final stage - pork.

Eating beet pulp in a volume of up to 3 tablespoons before meals also helps to eliminate the feeling of hunger and lose weight naturally. This occurs due to the sorption of gastric juices by the cakes and their removal from the stomach. When hunger disappears, try not to eat until it appears again. Try using the pulp to pick it off again. If hunger cannot be eliminated again, then start eating.

The use of even small doses of gray jaundice I (0.001-0.1 g of fresh or dry grass with flowers 3 times a day) allows, as academician B.V. Bolotov, reduce the mass of adipose tissue by 2-3 kg within a month.

Other bitter plants have a similar effect: yarrow, water pepper (mustard), wormwood, mustard, pepper, horseradish, dandelion, hawkweed, Japanese sophora, etc. These additives will make you into a very old age people who do not know what diseases are.

Diet for emergency weight loss: in the morning - a cup of coffee, 12 o'clock - 200 g of dry wine with a piece of cheese, 15 o'clock - 200 g of dry wine, in the evening - 200 g of kefir. This diet allows you to lose up to 9 kg of body weight per week. We recommend using this diet only in emergency cases, since the faster you lose excess weight, the more difficult it will be to keep it normal.

To steadily reduce body weight and maintain it within normal limits, use continuous aerobic physical activity (running, walking, swimming, rowing, skiing, cycling, sports dancing, rhythmic gymnastics) with an intensity of 50% of the maximum. In this case, fats are used when performing the load.

If your body weight exceeds the norm by 20 kg or more, at first it is recommended to engage only in walking according to a special program, carefully following nutritional recommendations.

The recommended intensity of the load is achieved at a heart rate in the range of 100-120 beats/min. Fat burning at a heart rate of 150-160 beats/min decreases sharply, and during anaerobic exercise with a heart rate of 170 beats/min and above it stops completely.

Physical activity should be quite long, since during the first 20 minutes of continuous work of average intensity, energy consumption is provided mainly by the average intensity of substances (fats and carbohydrates) found in the blood. When their supply is gradually depleted, fat deposits begin to burn. So, just 1 hour of running at the recommended intensity leads to a one-time loss in weight only due to the burning of fat deposits in the range of 25-30 g. Knowing these numbers, it is easy to calculate the time during which you can bring your body weight back to normal.

3 .4 Determination of normal body weight

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Successful weight management is critical for athletes. Having excess body fat or inadequate amounts of lean or total body mass can negatively impact athletic performance. In some sports, physical activity that involves all the muscles of the body will be more effective at lower levels of fat and body weight (gymnastics, figure skating, etc.). In swimming, a slightly increased level of fat is a necessary condition, as it improves buoyancy and provides thermoregulation. High levels of body mass may have advantages in certain sports (sumo wrestling, weight class sports).

Many sports are judged by their aesthetic qualities and the performance of specific physical exercises (gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, dance sports). An athlete's appearance can be as important a factor in achieving a certain weight as minimizing fat mass.

A physically active person has more lean body mass than a sedentary person. Recommended body fat ranges are 15-18% for untrained men and 20-25% for women. Optimal ranges for athletes are 5-12% for men and 10-20% for women. Levels indicating potential risk of malnutrition are as follows:<4% у мужчин и <10% у женщин. Оптимальный состав тела зависит от пола спортсмена и избранного вида спорта. Относительная величина жира у высококвалифицированных спортсменов - представителей спортивной гимнастики составляет 5-12% у мужчин и 8-16% у женщин, а у спортсменов-теннисистов - 6-14% и 10-20% соответственно.

Very often before competitions there is a need to reduce body weight. This is especially true for all types of wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, figure skating, weightlifting, etc. The main principle of reducing body weight is the use of hypocaloric, or low-calorie, diets.

The goal of all low-calorie diets- reduce food (energy) consumption, reduce body fat reserves, but maintain athletic performance. A sharp reduction in the calorie content of food consumed is unacceptable: this process must proceed gradually. The recommended rate for safe weight loss is 0.2-0.5 kg per week, which is equivalent to reducing energy consumption by 250-500 kcal per day.

If an athlete needs to reduce body weight below the “natural level”, as in sports with weight categories, rapid weight loss should occur within 6-8 weeks, the weekly reduction should not exceed 1-1.5 kg.

Rapid loss of body weight can cause large losses of muscle glycogen, fluid and lean mass, leading to a deterioration in well-being and a decrease in overall performance and speed-strength qualities.

Body weight control involves weighing (always under the same conditions - in the morning after using the toilet, on an empty stomach). We must remember the usual fluctuations in body weight of 1-2 kg over the course of a month, especially in women.

Loss of fat mass can occur when overall body weight is stable. Conversely, it is possible to lose relatively small amounts of fat despite significant weight loss. It is necessary to accurately determine changes in the structure of body weight using caliperometry or bioelectrical impedance methods, which allow determining the thickness of fat folds in different parts of the body or the percentage of fat in the athlete’s body.

An effective diet is one in which there are no fats and a reduced proportion of consumption of simple carbohydrates, while proteins, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are preserved. To do this, you need to exclude foods with visible fat from the menu, and then gradually reduce the amount of food consumed by 10, 15, 20, 25%.

Once you reach your desired body weight, you should not suddenly change your diet. You can gradually increase the amount of food you eat. The transition diet should not contradict the requirements of the training and competition programs. Sometimes you can add a favorite dish or drink to the menu that was excluded from the low-calorie diet. If your body weight increases again, you need to switch to a low-calorie, balanced diet.

To increase body weight, the athlete must be in a state of positive energy balance. As with weight loss, weight gain is best achieved during the transition period. The focus is on increasing lean mass, although some athletes need to increase their entire body mass. In this case, you should be careful, since a significant increase in body fat mass negatively affects the function of the immune system. The emphasis should not be on strength training, but on aerobic exercise. This stimulates muscle growth and does not create a significant energy deficit.

The principles of nutrition for gaining muscle mass are given below.

The number of main meals (more than 15% of the total calorie content of the daily diet) should be from 4 to 6 times during daylight hours.

The distribution of daily protein intake among meals should be uniform, with a spread of no more than 12%.

Theoretically, the quality of a protein is determined by its amino acid ratio. In practice, the combination of animal protein with vegetable protein at a ratio of 50% to 50% by weight allows you to have good quality indicators of total protein in one meal. A large proportion of animal protein enhances the overall protein quality of the food.

A variety of sources of animal and vegetable protein throughout the day guarantees not only the quality of food protein (completeness and digestibility), but also allows the body to receive known peptides and stimulators of anabolic processes in muscles.

Anabolic processes require taking increased levels (3-5 times more than usual) of essential vitamins. The need to increase the amount of minerals is half as much.

When solving problems of growth and development of muscle quality, it is important to satisfy the body’s need for energy due to the calculated amount of carbohydrates and high-quality sources of fat indicated in the recommended diets (vegetable oils, nuts, seeds - everything is fresh; ocean fish, natural butter).

After special anaerobic exercises on certain muscle groups, at least 2 days should pass for full recovery and implementation of metabolic changes caused by training.

The main muscle proteins are so-called long-lived high-molecular compounds, so you shouldn’t expect quick results. Noticeable changes may appear after 5-7 weeks.

An increase in muscle volume due to supercompensation of glycogen or hydration of muscle tissue should not be confused with true hypertrophy of muscle cells.

More than a third of the population is overweight. Excess weight is a risk factor and contributes to the development of complications of diabetes mellitus (especially type 2): heart attack, stroke, hypertension, etc. If you are overweight, it is more difficult to normalize blood glucose levels.

Broca's index

The simplest method for determining excess body weight is Broca's index:

Kegle index

Another method for determining excess body weight is Kegle index(BMI - body mass index) recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

It is calculated by the formula:
body weight (kg) : (height (m)) 2

  • Normal -18.5-24.9;
  • Excess body weight - 25-29.9;
  • obesity 1st degree - 30-34.9;
  • obesity 2nd degree - 35-39.9;
  • obesity 3rd degree - more than 40.

For example, with a height of 170 cm, a body weight of 75 kg is already excessive.

The likelihood of developing diabetes doubles with an increase in body mass index over 30. The likelihood of a myocardial infarction increases by the same amount.

Body weight monitoring should be carried out regularly at home using floor scales.

At any age, a person should have the same weight, corresponding to his constitution and height. In old age, people gain weight mainly because they have maintained the habit of eating as they did in youth, although life has become less active and less mobile.

To get rid of excess weight, diet and exercise are necessary. These must be discussed with your doctor.

They must be observed especially strictly by patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. To get rid of obesity you need to switch to a low-calorie diet. Initially, to lose weight, you need to consume about 1000 kcal per day. Then switch to eating approximately 1200-1400 kcal per day. These are approximate figures and depend on the degree of obesity. Do not use weight loss products! Most of these products are harmful to the body!

Physical activity is necessary at any age. This is a powerful factor in the fight against obesity. However, it should especially be coordinated with your doctor so that significant physical activity does not result in a heart attack. Most people who are overweight are those who do sedentary work and lead a sedentary lifestyle.