Was Nastya offended?

On November 9th, the wonderful actor Oleg Menshikov celebrates his birthday. He turned 46 years old. The actor gave himself a wonderful gift - a new theatrical production. This year, in his “Theatrical Partnership - 814”, Menshikov is producing the play “Dreams of Rodion Romanovich”. And immediately conversations arose around this event. Like, why did the actor invite main role not his wife Nastya Chernova, but an unknown theater school student Vera Strokova? The crowd came to the conclusion that Oleg had quarreled with his wife, who does not want to be just a housewife, but is making demands to help her pursue a career; It seems that the birthday boy, dissatisfied with his wife’s behavior, even decided to file for divorce. And the offended Nastya packed her things and moved out from her husband - “KP” also wrote about this.

As we managed to find out in the acting community, quarrels between spouses actually happened not so long ago and precisely on professional grounds - they say that Nastya was in no hurry to become a mother, but dreamed of doing something in the profession first. And Oleg Evgenievich continued to cherish dreams of an heir. But did this lead to separation?

We decided to check the rumors and called home phone to an apartment in a house on Frunzenskaya Embankment, where the newlyweds lived last year.

There is no Nastya here, we were told. - No, not because she ran away from her husband, they just sold this apartment together and moved to another, more expensive and spacious one!

New flat

It turned out that the couple had actually recently moved to new apartment- to... the roof, having bought a two-story penthouse. According to rumors, the actor earned money for a new home by filming the series “The Golden Calf” (it was reported that his fee was $800 thousand) and “Doctor Zhivago”. The cost of such a penthouse is, according to realtors, one and a half million US dollars.

As Nastya and Oleg’s housekeeper said, fans often pestered the couple by keeping watch near the entrance and calling the apartment - getting into the entrance was not particularly difficult. This began to stress Oleg Evgenievich, and he decided to protect himself and, above all, his young wife. After all, fans in love with the actor behaved very aggressively towards Nastya, not wanting to put up with Menshikov’s choice. At one time, a jealous fan threw acid at him, but he managed to dodge, after which he acquired personal security. Nastya does not have security, but she doesn’t go anywhere much; the housekeeper runs around the shops. New housing will cut off unwanted visitors.

The penthouse in which the couple recently moved in is located on the roof and is considered housing for the elite. There is a special elevator leading to the apartment, which goes from the first to the last floor without stopping. And get there to the common man impossible: the entire entrance is covered with CCTV cameras, and three security guards are constantly on duty in the hall, knowing all the residents by sight.

Bankers, politicians live in the penthouse, and Oleg Menshikov and his wife recently moved in, the guards reported to us.

Now they are finishing European-quality renovation. We saw Menshikov’s father taking out the trash, they were having some kind of commotion there, we don’t know what it was about. It’s inconvenient to ask, the neighbors told us. They are sure that rumors about the couple's divorce are exaggerated. Oleg and Nastya leave the impression of a friendly couple.

Pleasant expectations

It seemed to us that Nastya was very shy, and perhaps she didn’t need any leading roles,” said the talkative neighbor. - We didn’t hear the spouses quarreling. On the contrary, they are full of pleasant expectations.

Which ones? - we asked.

So ask them! - the lady noted intriguingly.

Suddenly a girl wearing a fashionable cap and a loose coat came out of the entrance. We recognized her as Nastya Chernova.

Nastya, are you divorcing Oleg Menshikov? - we asked the actor’s wife while running (she was in a hurry somewhere).

No, my God, what are you saying?! - the beauty got nervous, waved her hand at us and ran out into the street. Here she ran up to a stopped foreign car, which brought a woman. Having embraced a lady who looked very much like Oleg’s mother, the cheerful Nastya, chirping cheerfully and smiling tenderly, quickly returned to that same entrance. The two women took the elevator and disappeared.

We called the actor's new apartment by phone.

Yes, Menshikov lives here with his wife. They are not going to get divorced, what makes you think! - An elderly female voice answered irritably.

Oleg Evgenievich’s mother comes to visit Nastya on weekends, and she greets her with joy. Nastya is a very hospitable girl, Oleg Evgenievich and his parents love her. Yes, everyone likes her! - confirmed our assumptions that the actor’s mother and neighbors are visiting Chernova.

And Nastya’s friends told us in confidence that Chernova recently visited the Family Planning Center. She admitted that she dreams of children. But to direct questions about whether she is expecting a child now, she gives evasive answers. It seemed to some that Nastya had gained a little weight; she began to wear loose-fitting undershirts. There are rumors that the family will soon have offspring. As Nastya herself previously admitted, love for her husband and family still come first, and she will probably do everything to strengthen her marriage.

Last Tuesday, the entire Moscow elite gathered in GUM, after it closed, on the occasion of the grand opening of the retrospective exhibition "INSIDE MOSCHINO" and the arrival of the chief designer of the Moschino fashion house, Rosella Jardini. What characters were there: Dmitry Malikov with his wife, Philip Yankovsky with Oksana Fandera, Tatyana Arno, Artem Mikhalkov with his wife.

“The highlight of the program,” or rather the evening, was a quartet: Oleg Menshikov with his wife Anastasia and Nikita Tatarenkov with his girlfriend. Oleg Evgenievich killed all the birds with one stone with this exit. Firstly, he debunked the rumors regarding any issues regarding both his love life and love life young actor his troupe Nikita Tatarenkov. Who cares if a more successful and famous actor helps a younger and unknown one? After all, at one time Menshikov himself came under the tutelage of almost all the masters of Russian cinema: Kazakov, Balayan and Mikhalkov, who, by the way, still stars him in all his films. Moreover, that evening Menshikov demonstratively showed everyone that he was not just married, but also passionately and passionately loved his wife, whom he did not let go of his arms all evening. His wife Anastasia also shone and not only in the modest capacity of his wife mysterious actor Russian cinema. It was about her, and not about her star husband, that all the ladies and gentlemen were talking all evening, discussing her outfit. And indeed, she had an extravagant outfit that evening: a jacket with gold buttons, dressed backwards. All evening socialites They puzzled over this “zest”: “What is she wearing? Dress or blouson?

But this is not the only thing with which Anastasia Chernova-Menshikova shocked the audience: there was a flower tattoo on the diva’s bare shoulder blade, and her husband defiantly showed everyone this “accessory” of his wife, trying to hug her correctly so as not to hide this treasure from the public’s eyes.

Menshikov and his retinue looked at the exhibition for a long time and carefully, trying to pose for everyone at each exhibit. He was indescribably delighted by the mannequins dressed in low-cut outfits and extravagant shoes and was touched by Tatarenkov - either the mannequin’s legs, or the shoes they were wearing:

Just look at this!

By the way, if Menshikov’s wife came that evening fully armed, then the actor himself was dressed rather modestly, except for a ring with a huge diamond on one hand and a ring with a black stone and wedding ring- another.

Philip Kirkorov also looked into the light. The handsome man simply could not believe his eyes that Menshikov went out into the world and had a nice conversation with his spouses. Later, being one of the first to go around the exhibition, I showed off in front of the mirror for a long time. Yeah why not? Philip is stately, and handsome, and tall, and his hair has already grown, and his slight narcissism is on everyone’s face!

Towards the end of the evening, another acting couple, Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova, appeared. Ksenia was bored for the rest of the evening, but then decided to pass the time with her colleague Ekaterina Guseva. But Yegor even refused to be photographed before he arrived, quickly heading to the wardrobe, alone.

Anastasia Chernova is an actress whom the public knows primarily as a girl who managed to marry one of the most desirable bachelors in Russia. Before meeting Nastya, Oleg Menshikov had never entered into legal marriage. The significant age difference did not bother the lovers; the wedding took place in 2005. What is known about the chosen one? famous actor?

Biography of actress Anastasia Chernova: childhood

Menshikov's future wife was born on the Taimyr Peninsula, this happened in 1983. Anastasia Chernova is an actress whose childhood years were spent in the small town of Talnakh. If you believe the recollections of her school teachers, as a child Nastya had a hot temper and found it difficult to find mutual language with peers. Her dream was successful career actresses, this desire is recorded even in school essays.

The biography of actress Anastasia Chernova indicates that she studied well at school. Of course, the excellent student was envied by her classmates, who called her a nerd. In addition to lessons, Nastya found time to attend various clubs. She played in amateur performances, studied dancing and music. She did not enjoy success with male representatives at that time, which was due to her excess weight and complex character.

Nastya Chernova’s childhood was not cloudless due to problems in the family. She was still a child when her parents divorced. The resentment against her father turned out to be so strong that the actress still refuses to communicate with him.

Student years

Anastasia Chernova is an actress who graduated from one of the most famous universities in the country. Having received the certificate, she immediately submitted documents to GITIS and entered on the first try. Surprisingly, the girl has excellent relationships with her classmates; they speak of her as a responsive and gentle person.

Such a problem as extra pounds also disappeared from the life of the aspiring actress when she became a student. True, she had to stick to a strict diet for some time. Nastya studied with pleasure, she liked to comprehend secrets acting. IN student years Chernova had her first fans, but none of them managed to become her first love.

Fateful meeting

Anastasia Chernova is an actress who owes her star status to famous husband. Acquaintance with Menshikov, according to the girl’s words, became the most romantic event in her life. The meeting of the future spouses took place on February 14, when the aspiring actress was invited to Zhvanetsky’s performance. To her surprise, Menshikov and Basharov joined the company in which she spent time.

Oleg captivated 22-year-old Nastya with her self-confidence and extravagant behavior; she later laughingly told reporters about how she future spouse tried to eat the flowers given to her. On the day they met, they exchanged phone numbers, but began dating only a few months later. For some time, Menshikov and Chernova lived together; the wedding took place in the year when Anastasia received her university diploma. It is interesting that there was no magnificent ceremony; even Nastya’s friends learned about the wedding from the newspapers. The couple spent their honeymoon in Switzerland.

Family life

Is actress Anastasia Chernova happily married? Menshikov’s wife happily tells reporters about what an attentive and caring husband she got. Oleg and Nastya have been together for more than 10 years, but the famous actor does not stop pampering his life partner with gifts and surprises. Every year a married couple solemnly celebrates February 14th - the day they met, such attributes as luxurious bouquet roses and dinner in a restaurant.

What else does actress Anastasia Chernova tell about her family life? Menshikov's wife does not deny that the actor - Difficult person. However, Nastya understands that her husband is creative person, got used to turning a blind eye to some of his shortcomings. The young woman is upset primarily by the fact that she had to temporarily leave her career. Chernova does not want to be trusted with roles just because she is the wife of a famous actor. At the moment, Anastasia can only be seen in episodes of some TV series, for example, she played a small role in “Streets of Broken Lanterns-4.”

Children have star couple not yet, but it is possible that they will appear in the future. Anastasia Chernova, an actress whose photo can be seen in this article, does not lose hope for the professional realization of Chernova.

0 June 29, 2009, 10:45

in Leonid Alexeev dress and Preen trousers

L'Officiel magazine interviewed the wife of one of the most private actors of our time - the charming, talented and mysterious Oleg Menshikov.

Menshikov rarely gives interviews, goes out even less often, and one day his wife, unexpectedly appearing to everyone, obeyed the established tradition. To what extent is this organic for her, and to what extent is it imposed by her husband... we’ll wait and see.

In the meantime, one of the first (if not the first) interview with Anastasia Menshikova, and a photo shoot of a girl in dresses by Russian fashion designers, appeared in L'Officiel magazine.

in Vika Gazinskaya dress

About the impression that his wife’s numerous relatives made on Oleg Menshikov:

When he first came to us, he was shocked. He's the same only child in the family, and there’s such a crowd here. He was somewhat confused and said: “You talk to each other all the time, but I can’t make out anything...”

in Vika Gazinskaya dress

About the impression that Menshikov made on his wife’s family:

With Oleg, “it’s easy” is generally impossible. And it’s not about his popularity, that’s the kind of person he is. Of course, over time, when everyone began to communicate and meet more often, everything evened out and the family in a good way I got used to Oleg’s presence. But at first everyone sat with bated breath.

in Terexov dress

About how difficult it is to be the wife of a famous actor:

Difficult. Very. At first it was just hard. I can say that even now it is sometimes difficult. And slanted glances, and a crooked word - everything can ruin the mood and instill self-doubt. But it’s enough for Oleg to say that I’m the most beautiful and the most beloved, and everything goes away by itself...

Oleg is like that amazing person, he knows how to be happy on his own terms. When he wants to be with me, he calls, cancels all meetings and turns off the phone. This makes me endlessly happy.

in a Terexov dress and a Christian Dior jacket

About how the future spouses met:

He ate my roses... It so happened that we met at a concert by Mikhail Zhvanetsky. I, a second-year student, and he, Oleg Menshikov, were sitting next to each other. Imagine my condition!

I couldn't even speak. As if she was numb with her bouquet. And he plucked off the petals and ate them. And, apparently, he enjoyed my condition. (Laughs.) After the concert, he walked me home and, as he later admitted, for the first time he asked for a phone number.

Over time, he became dear, close, my person. But sometimes he will do or say something, and it just stuns me - God, Nastya, do you even understand who you live with? This is simply incredible!

Source L'Officiel

Photo Viktor Gorbachev/L`Officiel

Anastasia Chernova, now the wife of Oleg Menshikov, was born on the Taimyr Peninsula in 1983 in the small town of Talnakh. According to teachers, the girl had an explosive temper, so it was not easy for her to make friends with other students. She really wanted to be a star, she dreamed of becoming famous actress and even wrote about it in school essays. But Nastya Chernova is popular with the opposite sex, future wife I didn’t have Oleg Menshikov in my youth, because I didn’t shine with beauty. Her classmates considered her a “nerd” and a careerist - the girl excelled in almost all subjects, and also attended numerous clubs: music, dance, and dramatic art class. Even in childhood, Anastasia’s father left the family, the reasons for this were never announced, but the girl still does not maintain a relationship with him.

Arriving in Moscow to realize her dream, Anastasia submitted documents to almost all theater universities. Immediately after passing the first round at GITIS, Anastasia realized that this was exactly the university where she should study. The opinion of her classmates about the girl was sharply different from what her classmates said about her. At the university she was known as very gentle, vulnerable and responsive. The educational process itself was also to the liking of my wife famous actor, besides, excess weight, which Nastya had, began to disappear by the second year; in proportion to the disappearance of kilograms, the number of her admirers grew.

First meeting and wedding

Meeting her future husband was quite unusual - on February 14, Nastya unexpectedly had the opportunity to go to Zhvanetsky’s concert. Imagine her surprise when she found herself there in the company of Oleg Menshikov and Marat Basharov! The surprises didn't end there: future husband behaved very extravagantly - he tried to eat the roses that Anastasia was given for Valentine's Day. That same evening, he asked for her phone number, called and made sure she was already home, and then disappeared for several months.

Why Menshikov no longer tried to contact her, Nastya found out only six months later - Oleg did not want to ruin her life. In addition, she was the first girl in many years with whom he decided to start building a relationship. After some time, aspiring actress Anastasia Chernova, Menshikov’s future wife, realized that for the first time she was experiencing such deep feelings. The lovers began to live together, and in the year Anastasia graduated from GITIS, on her birthday, the couple formalized their relationship without arranging lavish celebrations. Even Nastya’s classmates learned about this event only from journalists. But, despite the modest registration, Oleg Menshikov and his wife spent an unforgettable honeymoon in Switzerland.

Family life

Oleg Menshikov's wife always notes in interviews that her husband is very caring and attentive, often pleasing her with expensive gifts. There are also pleasant traditions in the family, for example, February 14th (the day they met) is celebrated from year to year as follows: Anastasia comes with a white bouquet of roses in her hands, her husband gives her a gift, and then they go to a restaurant for a cozy joint celebration .

Despite all this, the young wife does not hide the fact that Oleg is “a difficult person.” He is rather cold in communication and harsh in his statements. But this does not come from empty and unfounded arrogance, but based on the understanding and awareness of his talent, nobility, inner depth and other gifts that nature has awarded him. The difference of more than twenty years between the spouses could not but affect their relationship. At first, the young wife addressed Oleg exclusively as “you.” The transition to a simpler form of address took her about two years. Of course, Menshikov was dissatisfied with this because after such long term Nastya distances herself from relationships. But the husband was unable to influence this with his pressure - the wife began to address him as “you” only when she was able to pronounce this pronoun to him freely, without feeling awkward.

Naturally, this relationship could not get by without a fly in the ointment - Anastasia had to postpone her plans to become a famous actress, since her family took up almost all of her time, and she also did not want to get roles and hear that it was all only thanks to famous husband. Despite this, Oleg Menshikov and his wife Anastasia did not even think about using Oleg’s connections to promote Nastya in career ladder. Therefore, you can see Anastasia Chernova, Menshikov’s wife, only on numerous photos from social events, because in 2015 there are a lot of them.

Children of the star couple

The actor's family really wants them to have children, but several courses of treatment for 54-year-old Oleg Evgenievich Menshikov have not yet yielded results. This also left its mark on the fact that the wife of the famous actor does not take on acting work– you can’t put off a conceived child, but you don’t want to let other people down in your work. However, the yellow press is full of empty headlines that Anastasia Chernova, who is also the wife of the well-known Menshikov, has given birth.
Unfortunately, this information is unreliable, but this moment the issue of conceiving a child was not resolved in positive side. But numerous fans talent of the actor and simply caring spectators wish married couple well-being and want to quickly see a photo in the gossip column in which Oleg Menshikov is captured with his wife and children, in order to rejoice for such a beautiful couple!