Is protection from damage and the evil eye possible? How can you protect yourself and your family from negative influences? Since ancient times, rituals have come down to us that can protect envious people and sorcerers from the black energy. Our great-grandmothers knew how to independently make amulets from natural materials that had protective properties. These absorbed the black influence or took it aside. Let's consider several effective protective rituals in case of an energetic attack by ill-wishers.

The energy of all people is different - some immediately react to a negative message, others cannot be penetrated by any damage. Why is this happening? It depends on the human psyche and the strength of his biofield.

Who can't be damaged or put under the evil eye? To deeply religious people who have dedicated their lives to serving the true faith. You cannot damage those who are more interested in universal human problems rather than their own. These are politicians, public figures and fighters for universal ideals.

People with weakened energy are primarily susceptible to damage:

  • elderly pensioners;
  • Small children;
  • chronic patients;
  • emotionally unbalanced individuals.

The last category of people can cause self-destruction, succumbing to panic. Self-damage and self-evil eye are common phenomena in the modern world. There is no protection from this negativity, since the source of the impact is the person himself. However, changing your way of thinking and engaging in spiritual practices will help you get rid of such a scourge.

Let's consider several rituals for protection against damage and the evil eye, which are intentionally inflicted on a person - with the help of magical actions.

Protective belt from damage

This belt must be knitted with your own hands from natural cotton threads to create a mesh. The network dispels negative energy and does not allow it to spoil a person. A net is used to cover a baby's cradle for the same reason, and at a wedding the role of the net is played by the bride's veil. The tulle on the windows is from the same series of protection.

So, crochet or knit a belt for yourself or a loved one who needs to be protected from exposure. While working, read the plot, saying your or another name.

The belt must be worn on the naked body under clothing. After washing, you should read the words of the spell again 12 times. As long as the belt is on the body, damage will not stick.

Protective herbs against spoilage

Effective protection against damage and the evil eye - enchanted herbs. Some field and forest plants have protective properties, removing dark energy from a person. To make a talisman against damage for six months, prepare the following plants:

  • sagebrush;
  • St. John's wort;
  • clover;
  • thistle;
  • tansy;
  • sage.

It is advisable to collect the herbs yourself. If this is not possible, then herbs are purchased at the market from herbalists or at a pharmacy.

For a talisman, sew a small bag of red natural material with your own hands. Mix the herbs in a ceramic/glass bowl with your hands in equal proportions and place in a bag.

Bend over the bag so that your breath touches the herbs and say three times:

Sew the bag so that the herbs do not spill out, and hang it on a red cord. Such a protective bag can be made for each family member. You need to wear the amulet on your body, for example, like an amulet. After six months, the herbs should be burned with gratitude and the bag should be filled with a new composition, following the same steps.

Protection for garlic and onions

Spices not only help improve digestion and get rid of colds, but also perfectly protect against spoilage. If you were warned that they will take revenge with the help of magical influence, do not waste time on empty worries - act.

Before going to bed, cut an ordinary onion (2 pieces) into two halves and place it in each corner of the room where you sleep. In the morning, take the onion in a plastic bag and throw it into a street trash container or bury it deep in the ground.

Overnight, the onion will absorb any negativity that comes from outside and will not allow it to penetrate into the subtle bodies of a person. The same can be done with garlic - scatter the cloves around the room, and in the morning collect and remove from the room. Do this as long as you are threatened with magical reprisals.

Protecting photos from damage

In the modern world, most negative influences are made on a photograph. To protect yourself and loved ones from damage based on photographs, do the following.

When the sun rises, light a church candle, take a photo and cross it with a candle with a prayer. Then turn the photo over and write the following words on the back:

Read the spell words out loud three times and hide the photo in the Bible or other place. After a year, repeat the ritual. The protection must be constantly updated, otherwise the magical effect weakens.

Protective circle of fire

If you are being targeted by witchcraft, you need to put fire protection on for six months. It is necessary to prepare for the ritual in advance - to cleanse it from magical negativity in any way. Then, on the full moon after sunset, lock the room and place three candles on the floor in the shape of an equilateral triangle with the apex pointing west.

Place a piece of white material in the center and stand on it barefoot, facing west. The clothes you wear should be made of natural fabric without a belt or fasteners. Light the candles with a match, close your eyes and say the spell 5 times:

Stay in the circle with your eyes closed and imagine a wall of flame around you, in which any evil burns out. The wall gradually turns into a sphere and surrounds you on all sides. You are surrounded by flames and are now completely protected from any influence.

Open your eyes and extinguish the candles with your fingers - you cannot blow them out. Wrap the cinders in white linen and place them under the pillow. Go to bed immediately, do not walk around the apartment. After six months, repeat the ritual with the same candles.

Protection from the evil eye of luck and money

Every person should have protection from the evil eye. There is a lot of envy and unfriendliness in the world, and for energetically strong people, envy easily turns into the evil eye. Perform a simple ritual on the waxing moon that will reliably.

Trim your fingernails and toenails saying:

Wrap your nails, along with hair and dust from shoes, in a sheet of white paper and bury them in the ground near or near the house. Cross the hole with three crosses. This amulet is long-lasting.

Amulet-prayer against the evil eye

You should always have this amulet with you. You can charm a pin, earrings, ring, brooch - any thing. You can speak your house/car keys or key fob.

Perform the ritual with a lit church candle, which must burn out completely. Before the conspiracy, say prayers in front of the icons of the listed saints and archangels - maybe for one icon.

You can also speak to any item of your loved one that he will carry with him constantly. Just instead of your name, say the name of the person you are charming. He needs to explain that the amulet must be worn constantly.

So that the damage does not come back

Sometimes the damage removed can return back to the person. The reasons may be changes in the phases of the moon or the activity of the sun. Celestial objects influence the human psyche and his subconscious - it is with these categories that sorcerers work.

Wait until the last lunar day - day 29 of the lunar calendar. In the evening, boil water and throw two flowers into the boiling water - one that has blossomed and one that has not blossomed. Flowers can be bought in a store or picked on the street, the variety does not matter, and the color should be yellow.

Then throw the locked lock into the water and read the spell over the steam three times:

Let the water cool. Take out the lock and pour out the water at the intersection. The lock should be taken to the cemetery gate and left there. When returning home, do not turn around and do not talk to anyone. You need to take a shower at home.

Drive out evil spirits and protect your home

If evil spirits have been sent to your house with damage, you need to perform a ritual of expulsion, and then install protection. Provide the following magical items for the ritual:

  • aspen twigs or shavings;
  • a candle from a church holiday;
  • juniper branches or St. John's wort/wormwood herb.

Place aspen shavings on a frying pan or metal sheet and light on four sides. Every time you set fire, read the prayer to the Holy Cross. When the branches burn, read the fire spell 9 times:

Then take a church candle with your left hand, and hold a cross in your right (if you don’t have a large one, take a cross) and walk around the perimeter of the house with a spell:

Then light the sprigs of juniper/wormwood/St. John's wort and fumigate the entire room. Then sprinkle the house with holy water, sprinkling a bunch of parsley/dill in a cross shape. During sprinkling and fumigation, read the Lord's Prayer.

Any doctor will tell you that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This fully applies to damage. It is much easier to put up a defense and prevent it from appearing than to then look for the culprit and remove negativity from the energy field.

What is needed to install protection?

To effectively install protection against damage¹ and ensure security for seven years, a number of conditions must be met.

1. Let's start with the time of year. It is advisable to carry out this ritual in the fall. This is the time when nature leaves us to be reborn again, this is the time of energetic resonance, when it is best to remove damage and put protection in place. But you can also do this ritual in other seasons, it’s not scary.

2. Another important point is the lunar cycle. The most favorable period for us is the full moon.

3. Now about the location of the ritual. Of course, nature and the forest are the best places, but you can also go to the park; The main thing is that no one distracts you.

How to perform the ritual?


1. We dig a hole under the aspen tree to accommodate our mortgage.

2. Take a dark glass bottle.

3. Fill the bottle with very salty water (very salty).

4. We fill it with new needles, pins, and nails purchased the day before. You can also add a decoction of nettle, garlic or St. John's wort. And a little bit of yourself - a tuft of hair, blood, saliva - your choice.

5. Now we read by heart (you’ll have to learn it):

“Mother Ladushka, loving for (name), mourned, Rodya equipped this cache for him, with my words, with my hands, she hung seven locks on this burial, closed it with seven locks, tied it with seven knots, placed seven animals near the burial place, surrounded it with seven winds, sprinkled it with salt these words were stated in the scripture, kept from everyone for (name).

Salt will dust the enemy's eyes, the winds will stir up the intoxication in his head, they will poke needles in the fabric of his evil deeds, mother will confuse him, my spell will kill the evil one. Mother raises the hidden power and puts a talisman on my burial. And the whispers that fell into the pot did not disappear for 7 years. They are lying in the burial place, (name) is being kept. My deeds and words are finished, my mother’s protection is my crown.”

By the way, there are many variations of this spell; you can easily find them on the Internet if you don’t like it.

6. Having said this 3 times, tightly cork the bottle and bury it (depth 40 cm, without fanaticism).

7. After which you can also put protection at the burial site so that ordinary people, even by accident, cannot get there.


After everything has been done, you need to go home silently, without turning around, without talking to anyone or saying hello. Arriving at home, you should wash your face and go to bed to regain your strength.

I wish you success and be careful with your wishes.

There are too many sources of negative influence in our world. These can be other people, events, and even our own thoughts. You need to protect yourself from all this. There are useful techniques for this.

Not only enemies, the negative influence of stars and planets, but also simple things that surround you every day can destroy your life energy. Get rid of them as soon as possible so as not to once again bring trouble on yourself and your loved ones.

Ritual for protection from unkind people and bad events

This ritual is performed once a month - on the New Moon. There are no specific requirements for the place and time of day. It's worth starting with preparations. You will need a candle and a mirror. We sit at a table in front of the window so that our face is directed towards the street. Be sure to close the doors behind you.

Light a candle, take a mirror without pointing it at yourself, so that it is also directed towards the street. Place a candle in front of the mirror and start saying out loud: “I ward off misfortunes, I ward off adversity, I ward off despondency and sorrow, I ward off anger, the evil eye, curses, I ward off problems and bad weather.” We read this plot three times. After this, you need to put the mirror with the reflective side down and extinguish the candle.

You cannot look into this mirror for three days, otherwise the magical effect of the ritual will be canceled. It is better to put the mirror where no one will find it. When you move it, cover the reflective side with your palm.

Jewelry and talisman stones

Silver jewelry. Silver has pronounced protective properties. Since ancient times, this metal was considered the best in terms of providing protection from the bad intentions of others, from evil forces and energy vampires. Experts on the site believe that silver also protects against the evil eye, illness, and loss of self-confidence. It goes well even with childish energy. Rings and bracelets, as well as chest pieces, such as a cross, best protect a person’s aura from the negative influence.

Moon rock. This mineral is considered one of the best amulets against negative currents for women. Of course, he helps men too, but he does not protect them as well as the fair sex. Moonstone represents the best source of peace and emotional stability.

Pearl. Pearls are also a wonderful women's protective amulet that can also be used by men. Its most important property is protecting the aura from the influence of energy vampires, enemies and ill-wishers.

Obsidian. Obsidian is the clearest example of an ideal amulet stone. He is born by the element of Earth, therefore his powers are extremely great. This mineral will perfectly protect your child, you and even the whole family as a whole. You need to be careful with it, because it blocks the actions of other stones. It can be worn by everyone, so one is enough for the whole family. If you have a difficult day at work, it is simply irreplaceable.

Feng Shui talismans

Red thread. The red thread should be worn on the right wrist for right-handers and on the left for left-handers. It should be tied by a relative or significant other. Red is the color of protection in the eastern teachings of Feng Shui. In combination with natural materials, red color is the strongest amulet against evil spirits, negative energy and the evil eye, diseases, and failures. The best material is silk, wool. After the red thread breaks, you need to put on another one. Well suited for children of any age.

Figurine of an eagle, elephant or horse. The eagle is a symbol of freedom in almost all cultures. In Eastern culture it also symbolizes wisdom. It protects a person or his home from failures and wrong decisions. The elephant is a majestic and huge animal, symbolizing strength, inaccessibility, character, and justice. Such a talisman or image of a given animal will help a person remain persistent, no matter what. A horse or its image protects a person from unforeseen troubles, strengthens the biofield, and bestows health and longevity.

Morning rituals

In the morning, getting out of bed, it is advisable to go straight to the bathroom. Look in the mirror and say: “The morning is wiser than the evening, the morning is more beautiful than the evening. In the morning I’m on horseback, my morning is not yours.”. After this, you need to wash your face three times with cold water. This will protect you from the evil eye and from manipulative people.

Before leaving the house or when you have washed, dressed and are ready to do things, you need to sit down and say to yourself: “Don’t be confused, my dears. Go away, doubts. I will stand my ground. May my mood be good." Such a simple ritual will not allow bad thoughts to punch a hole in a person’s self-confidence and willpower.

Folk amulets

Bag of salt. This is an ideal amulet against evil people, against the evil eye and damage, curses. The bag should be made from natural materials - for example, wool. Salt is the strongest barrier to negativity, which will be insurmountable to negative flows from the outside.

Mirror. A small mirror will help direct negative energy back to where it came from. Carrying a mirror with you is simply a must for anyone who communicates a lot, gets to know each other and is often forced to be surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers.

Pin. Since ancient times, a pin has been an object that puts a magical barrier around a person that does not allow any negativity to pass through. You can stick a pin in a place invisible to the eye.

After you learn how to protect yourself from negativity, you have to learn how to manage your energy. Five useful tips will help you with this. It is very important to be able to use your full potential correctly in order to achieve heights in love, business and work. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Why do some people rarely get sick, overcome obstacles with ease, and get everything they need? How to protect yourself from negativity from the outside? How to build biofield protection?

One of the reasons for the successful state of affairs is the strong protection of the aura. A person’s health, his ability to repel various infections, the speed of recovery from stress and not exposure to stressful situations depend on the integrity of the biofield and its ability to reflect any external influences. If a person has strong and reliable aura protection, then the proverb “comes out unscathed” can be applied to him. The stronger our biofield is protected, the more successful, healthy and happier a person is.

The human aura is vulnerable to various external influences. The slightest breakdown in the layers of the biofield causes serious harm and leads to negative consequences. It is quite possible to break through the aura only with the help of words, not to mention the special magical techniques used. Today in this article we will talk about how to protect your aura and yourself, and become invulnerable to negative influences.

Protection of the human biofield

Before you can learn how to protect your aura from evil of any kind, you need to understand who can attack a person and cause damage. To be brief, there are 3 types of negative impacts aimed at disrupting our biofield and causing harm to a person:

  • A magical attack by ill-wishers, this can be a deliberate or accidental effect of the evil eye, damage, curse;
  • Attack of entities of the subtle worlds, including their deliberate settlement;
  • Household negativity, infection, being in “bad” places;
  • Introduction of negative programs, zombification, programming by a group of people, society, individuals;
  • The influence of geopathogenic zones, earth faults.

We will talk about each type of attack on a person separately. Now let’s dwell on the issue of building protection against energetic evil of all kinds.

Ways to protect yourself from negative influences

There are different ways to protect a person. In this matter, the following factors must be taken into account: if there are already negative programs settled on the biofield (evil eye, damage, curse), the influence of the essence of the subtle world is being carried out, or programming has been carried out, then without cleaning the aura from negativity, it is pointless to put up protection. Evil has already found a loophole to man. How can I explain it more clearly? For example, imagine that there is an apple hanging on a branch, and there is already a worm sitting inside it. If you cover an apple from external influence with any kind of bag, paper or something else, then after a while you will find that it has been eaten from the inside. In order to somehow preserve the fruit, you need to remove the worm and remove the damage it caused. Only in this case will the apple be suitable for food for some time and retain its properties. So it is with the human biofield, if some kind of evil program has already been introduced into it or an entity has attacked it, then without removing this negativity, we will not achieve good results.

When thinking about the question of how to protect your aura, you must first of all be sure that there are no negative programs on you, and that no magical or essential attack is being made. Then, you have to choose the type of protection that is right for you. Only specialists in this matter can do this work effectively. Therefore, if you are looking for the most effective way to protect your aura and biofield from any kind of evil, contact specialists. They will diagnose the biofield, determine the presence and type of negativity directed at a person, and then clean the aura, select the best protective method and provide reliable energy protection.

What protection to put on a person and a house

If you want to be protected from evil on all sides, then you need to put protection not only on the biofield, but also on your home. A person spends quite a large part of his time at home, here he relaxes, sleeps, takes a bath, eats, and rests. Accordingly, your home should be completely safe, remember: “my home is my fortress.”

There are several types of protection for a person’s aura and his home:

  • energy method;
  • magical, through rituals;
  • talismans and amulets;
  • mental projections.

Each method has its own characteristics, strength and duration of action.

Energy methods are based on the use of a certain source of energy, elements, attracting Higher powers, Angels, Archangels, egregors, as well as generating cosmic energy and building barriers from evil. This includes protection with Cosmoenergetics, Reiki and other techniques.

The magical way of protecting a person from damage, the evil eye and negativity is based on the use of various rituals, prayers, and attracting the forces of the astral world. Magical protection with the help of prayer therapy, the use of runes, magic signs, drawings, incantations, spells.

Protection of a person’s aura with the help of talismans and amulets is based on the use of various material objects. These include items of natural origin (minerals, roots, tree fruits, seeds, resins, aromatic oils, herbs), as well as man-made (this can be various jewelry, threads, mirrors, pins, brooches, rings, bracelets, etc. .).

Mental projections are quite powerful ways to protect a person or his home from ill-wishers. This includes various “magic shields” and “mental images”. With the help of healing energy, they build a filter protection that blocks the negative impact and reflects the blow. Among the methods of mental blocking of negativity, the protective techniques of a mirror ball, mirror wall, golden egg, fire cocoon, pyramid, and shell are used.

Only a person who has thoroughly studied each of the methods, has experience and is proficient in the relevant techniques can choose and decide what kind of protection to put on a person, a child or a house.
Strengthening personal protection and prevention from negative impacts

There are some methods of protection from negativity that are available for use by ordinary people, without energy practice. I will say right away that these techniques and methods are suitable for protection against weak negative influences, such as household negativity, the evil eye, and the influence of dark forces. All these methods will work if a person’s biofield is in order and he is in harmony with himself.

Protective technique against negativity “Egg”

The method is suitable for those who practice bioenergy and have fairly strong personal energy. To build a defense, you will need some skills: a well-developed imagination and the ability to touch an object with your gaze.

Training the technique will take no more than a week. What you need for this: 5-6 times a day, remember this technique and practice. One workout takes 1-2 minutes, so you can do it at any free time, at home, in the office, on the way to work, during your lunch break.

If you lack visualization skills, then do exercises that develop your imagination every day. Choose a time and look at some object for a long time. Imagine its temperature, taste, tactile sensations from it. Then close your eyes and reproduce it in your mind's eye.

Try to remember the smallest details and details. mentally increase its size, bring it closer to you, smell it, touch it. Usually 21 days are enough to learn to reproduce mental images of objects with accuracy.

Technique for protection against the evil eye and damage “Egg”

  1. Relax, take 2-3 breaths.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. At a distance of 2 fingers from the navel upward, imagine a hot golden pea.
  4. Take it with your right hand and leave it in front at arm's length in front of you.
  5. Then place the same peas behind you at arm's length, to your left and right. The result is a cross in a horizontal plane formed by 4 peas.
  6. Start mentally heating the peas turning them into burning coals..
  7. Then give them a boost and make them turn into a hoop. Mentally rotate the hoop clockwise around you. It should turn into a burning ring.
  8. Make the ring rotate in a spiral, lift it above your head by 50-60 cm and lower it below your feet by the same distance.
  9. Make a few turns around your body. As a result, you should end up with a dense fiery egg around you, the walls of which cool and turn golden. You can mentally touch them. Check them for tightness. Tap them. If they seem weak to you, then make another egg on top of this one to thicken the walls and increase the strength of the protection.

The “Egg” technique is well suited and works against negativity currently directed at you. You can use it during scandals, unpleasant conversations with relatives, bosses, colleagues and in any other cases when you clearly feel and understand that influence is directed at you.
In the future, we will look at several more protective techniques, analyze how they work, and also find out in which cases which protection to use. And also, for those who practice cosmoenergy, we will analyze in detail how to properly build protection for yourself, an adult, a child and your home.

Any person, especially a successful one, is subject to negative influence from envious people. Some “put a spoke in the wheels,” others spread rumors, and there are those who use various magical rituals to interrupt the ascent and throw the lucky one to the very bottom. To stay safe, you need to know how to protect yourself and the other person. At the moment, dozens of methods are known, but not all of them are effective. Which option should I choose? How to avoid falling for charlatans and continue living without fear? Let's figure it out.

About the negativity in the lives of each of us

Evil eye and damage. The first option is the evil eye, which can be applied to a person, as if by accident. How does this happen? Example: you, while talking with a friend, praise your husband or child, and she begins to envy you and utters phrases such as: “lucky you,” “what a great guy, but mine,” etc. Perhaps it was said just like that, but the message has already been formed (negative energy has been collected) and the blow has been struck.

The second option is damage, which is specifically applied to a person using magic. Naturally, in terms of its strength, it outperforms the evil eye, because it is a deliberate, clearly thought-out impact that carries destructive force (reminiscent of a hurricane or tsunami). Therefore, in order to avoid becoming a victim, it is enough to protect your family and yourself in a timely manner, naturally.

Existing methods of installing a protective barrier

You can install protection against damage and the evil eye either independently or using the dark powers of a witch. There is an opinion that a lock ritual performed by a specialist will be much more effective. Although you may not agree with him, because sometimes it is self-hypnosis that works wonders. Are you familiar with this situation: everyone around tells a person: “It’s impossible to do this,” but he just takes it and does it? At such a moment, a person’s attitude, his faith, manifests itself. A similar effect is achieved when using amulets and amulets.

So, let's digress a little. Do you need protection from damage and the evil eye? Then carefully study the following methods:

  1. Appeal to black magicians.
  2. Independent setting of a block (by return, prayer, etc.).

Now there will be a detailed analysis of the above approaches in order to provide an answer to your question: “Which one should I choose?”

Going to magicians is a simple solution

Before entering the world of witchcraft, try to find out more about the performer using:

  • social networks (VK, classmates);
  • various healer sites;
  • advice from friends and relatives;
  • clippings from magazines and newspapers, etc.

Be careful, because there are many swindlers and charlatans posing as famous people: Natalya Banteeva, Marilyn Kerro, Julia Wang and others.

Having decided on a master, make an appointment and prepare to follow all the instructions received from the magician during the session.

Self healing

Have you begun to notice changes in your condition: constant dizziness, weakness, excessive anxiety, periodic sharp pain in the back or chest in the absence of an appropriate diagnosis, an unreasonable deterioration in your financial condition and stupor near church? Most likely, you are affected by damage. Masters of their craft (sorcerers, magicians, healers) can also state this, because they, using white magic and castings, scan photos and the person himself.

If you have recorded several symptoms of a magical attack from the list mentioned a little earlier, then the first thing you need to do is try to expand the message. How to do this? Everything is quite simple, because you don’t have to look for candles, castings, unicorn blood, etc.

To improve your condition, it is enough to mentally tune in, clear your mind, consciousness (under no circumstances think about the bad). After preparation, clench your hands into fists, look at yourself, observing how the silver threads entangle your body, and cast a rollback spell:

“Take your black misfortune for yourself. You will perish for it, but I, God’s servant (my name), know my share, there is no place for me in your captivity. That’s what it’s ordered.”

This is not the only way to remove damage and cleanse the envy of ill-wishers. You can look at other healing rituals suitable for a particular case in the book “800 New Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer,” authored by Natalya Stepanova. They help a person break spells and remove powerful damage (diseases).

If you are not sure of the effectiveness of the ritual performed or want to protect your husband and children, then try putting a blocking message on them. Remember, it can be produced only with complete confidence in the purity of the person. To close the biofield lock, you need to say the following words when fastening zippers, buttons or belts:

“El hibusassana, aingibul, ain gol.”

Such simple rituals can provide protection to a person and shelter him from negative influences from the outside and from diseases.

Protecting yourself

  • There are several ways to create a protective barrier for yourself. Here are a few of them:
  • With a red thread tied around the left wrist with seven knots.
  • With two-way mirror. An instrument is taken, covered with black cloth and worn near the heart (in the chest area). Mirror protection can also be used for a small child.

With salt. On Thursday, a crystalline product is purchased, and a conspiracy is read over it:

“Salt in the eyes of all the morons and spoilers, scorching fire, hot sand. The all-murderers and spoilers of God's creation will never know, the clouds will not be opened, the stars will not be beaten, the morning dawn will not be crossed, the new moon will not be locked away. According to the same words, I, the servant of God (my name), cannot be damaged, spoiled, eaten, or distorted, and so it will always be.”

After the grains of salt are placed in a bag, which is carried with you.

Interesting: such a talisman can be put in a car (the crankcase area of ​​a VAZ car engine) and conveniently taken with you to work.

With a pin. You need to purchase a pin and pin it on your clothing or place it in your car (near the engine or crankcase). This ritual is often performed by a mother who wishes her son or daughter happiness and well-being. The presence of an impact is determined by the tip of the needle: it turns dark - there was an attack and it was stopped. In this case, it is advisable to urgently spit forward three times, left, right, open the pin and bury it as far as possible from the house. Naturally, you will have to change the amulet.

Important: when using a pin, remove and open it at night to release negativity.

Now the question is: “How to independently protect yourself?” - doesn't bother you anymore? Perhaps you are thinking about protecting your family? Then continue to study the material presented.

Protecting the family from damage and the evil eye

Any family person worries about the standing of their loved ones. To become calm, it is enough to figure out how to independently protect your relatives from evil eye damage. Performing the ritual is not difficult. To do this you will have to:

  1. Buy candles at church.
  2. Clean the house (clean it using all possible physical means, and later read a powerful prayer), throw out the contents of the vases.
  3. Remove existing evil eyes and damage.
  4. Go to the forest to collect aspen particles. In this case, when selecting each piece, you need to say the name of the person to whom the armor applies. The following spell will help with this: “No one will count this poppy, no one will ever spoil (person’s name)”