The city of Rezh is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

Which federal district does the city of Rezh belong to?

The city of Rezh is part of the federal district: Ural.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory consisting of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In what region is the city of Rezh located?

The city of Rezh is part of the Sverdlovsk region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region.

The Sverdlovsk region is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

Population of the city Dir.

The population of the city of Rezh is 37,420 people.

Year of foundation of the city.

Year of foundation of the city Rezh: 1773.

What time zone is Rezh located in?

The city of Rezh is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+6. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Rezh, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city of Rezh

The telephone code of the city of Rezh is: +7 34364. In order to call the city of Rezh from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 34364 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Savva Yakovlev built an iron smelting and ironworks. The metal from the Rezhevsky plant was considered excellent. In 1878, at the World Industrial Exhibition in Paris, a sheet of Rezhev iron received a gold medal.

Coordinates for GPS navigator

57.375170045363326, 61.39326293165192

Rezh city on the map

The plant operated until 1911, when it closed due to the industrial crisis. Already in Soviet times, large reserves of nickel ores were found near Rezh. The nickel plant that emerged here became the second in the USSR after Verkhneufaleysky. The Rezhnikel plant still operates in the city. The main symbol of the city, which has become its calling card, is the Church of John the Baptist, rising on Eagle Hill. The temple has a rather unusual architecture.

The stone single-altar church was founded in 1897, and consecrated at the very beginning of the 20th century - in 1902. Near the temple there is a city cemetery. There is a good observation deck on the mountain near the temple. From here you can clearly see the city, the factory, and the pond. The river Rezh flows right under the mountain. Behind the mountain rise the absolutely black dumps of the Rezhnikel plant, completely devoid of vegetation and any life. The apocalyptic landscape of the dumps also attracts some tourists. One of the city’s decorations is the monument to Labor and Military Glory. The monument stands on the right bank of the pond.

Closer to the city center you can see another interesting monument - a monument to the first builders of the Rezhevsky plant. A rich semi-precious strip of the Urals passes through the Rezhevsky district, widely known for its precious stones. There are many mines and burrows in the local forests. The natural and mineralogical reserve “Rezhevskoy” was formed here, the administration of which is located in Rezh. There is also a small but interesting mineralogical museum “The Gem Strip of the Urals”. Visitors will see in it stones that are found on the territory of the Rezhevsky reserve, including precious ones.

On the banks of the Rezh River, 83 kilometers from the regional capital. The area of ​​the settlement is 33 square kilometers.

A settlement on the site of the modern city appeared in 1773, at the same time a decision was made to build an ironworks and iron smelter here.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Regis ironworks produced products of standard quality, which even Emperor Alexander I admired.

In 1878, in the capital of France, the sheet iron of this plant was recognized as one of the best in the world and was awarded a gold medal.

In 1911, due to the crisis in metallurgy, the plant was closed.

In the winter of 1918, all private enterprises of Rezh were nationalized.

In the early 1930s, two nickel deposits were found in the vicinity of the city. After some time, a nickel production plant was built in the city, which was the second nickel enterprise in the country. The city is divided into several districts: Station, Harbor, Kochnevo, Sixth Section, Seven Winds, Stroygorodok.

The city operates on Yekaterinburg time. The difference with Moscow time is +2 hours msk+2.

Industrial enterprises of the locality: a mechanical plant, a cable plant, a clothing factory, a chemical plant, reinforced concrete production, crushed stone production, two quarries, a bakery, agricultural machinery production, children's clothing production, PVC pipe production.

The telephone code of Rezh is 34364. The postal code is 623750.

Climate and weather

Rezha has a continental climate.

Winters are harsh and long. Summer is short and cool.

The warmest month is July - average temperature 18.9 degrees, the coldest month is January - average temperature -16.4 degrees.

The average annual precipitation is 495 mm.

Population of the city of Rezha for 2019-2020

Population data was obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of population changes over the past 10 years.

The total number of residents in 2019 was 36.8 thousand people.

This graph shows a slight drop in population from 39,300 people in 2006 to 36,843 people in 2019.

As of January 2019, in terms of population, Rezh ranked 428th out of 1,117 cities in the Russian Federation.

Sights of Rezha

1.Rezhevsky plant- this enterprise was built in the first half of the 19th century. This monumental building has a domed top. Also, this structure was built according to the prototype of the Senate of the Moscow Kremlin.

2.Church of John the Baptist- this wooden Orthodox church was founded in 1830 on Mount Orlova. The new stone church building was erected in the Russian-Byzantine style.

3.Historical and Literary Museum- the cultural institution was opened in 1960. At the moment, the museum’s collection contains more than 3 thousand exhibits: paintings, numismatics, books, photos, letters, household items of city residents.


In the settlement there is a railway station Rezh, which connects the city with Artemovsky, Yekaterinburg, Alapaevsky, Irbit, Tavda, Mezhdurechensky.

Public transport consists of minibuses and buses.

From the city bus station there are bus routes to Lenevskoye,

Located in the Sverdlovsk region. the city of Rezh is famous for its historical past. Hundreds of years ago, cast iron and metal products were produced here, famous for their quality not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Now the settlement is the center of the urban district of the same name. Tourists are attracted here by the local nature, views of the picturesque river and attractions telling about the history of the metallurgical industry.

General facts

The city of Rezh was originally conceived as a settlement at an iron smelter and ironworks, but then grew into a full-fledged city. General information and interesting facts about it:

  • The area of ​​the city is small - 33 km².
  • The population of Rezh is 37 thousand people. The number of inhabitants per km² is 1125.82, which is more than 10 times the national average.
  • The village at the Rezhsky plant was founded in 1773, but it was given city status more than 150 years later - in 1943. The anniversary is celebrated on the first Saturday of July. In 2019, Rezh turned 246 years old.
  • Initially, the city was a metallurgical center. It is known that in the 19th century, locally produced products were recognized as products of standard quality. They were admired not only by Russian Emperor Alexander I, but also by many specialists in the USA and Europe.
  • Now the city's economy is based on the production of reinforced concrete, crushed stone, cable products, engineering products, mechanical parts, transformers, PVC pipes, and various (including non-standard) equipment. Light industry enterprises include a clothing factory, a children's clothing factory, and a bakery that produces some of the best bakery and confectionery products in the country.
  • The city lives according to Yekaterinburg time (UTC+5). The difference with Moscow is 2 hours upward.
  • Rezh is named after the river of the same name, which is part of the Tura basin. According to some sources, in the Finno-Ugric language this word means “cliff”, “channel” or “rocky shores”. The name is true - there are more than 60 stone ridges along the shore of the reservoir, thanks to which it is considered one of the most beautiful in Russia.
  • The city's flag and coat of arms depict a lynx. The animal symbolizes attentiveness and visual acuity.

Despite the small area and poorly developed tourist infrastructure, the mountains. Director in the Sverdlovsk region. attracts travelers who want to get acquainted with its history.

Location and climate

The city of Rezh was built near the river of the same name and fenced off from its neighbors by the eastern slope of the Middle Urals. This settlement is part of the Sverdlovsk region and is located 83 km northeast of its center - Yekaterinburg. It belongs to the cities of regional subordination and is the center of the Rezhevsky urban district, which in addition to itself includes about 30 villages, villages and towns with a total population of approximately 10 thousand people.

The climate of Rezha is continental and typically Ural with cold, long winters and short, cool summers. According to information from Wikipedia, the average temperature in July here is 18.7 °C, and in January - 15 °C. There is relatively little precipitation in the area - 495 mm per year.

City `s history

People first came to the site where the future city was founded in 1773, when one of the richest entrepreneurs of that time, Savva Yakovlevich Yakovlev, received permission to build metallurgical plants at the mouth of the Rezh River.

Since then the industry has developed rapidly, and the enterprises were inherited by the son and grandson of the founder. During the latter, they reached their peak - it is known that in 1824 Alexander I himself admired the local iron, and in 1835 they wrote about its outstanding quality in the magazine “Mining”. In 1878, a sheet of Rege metal was presented at the World Industrial Exhibition in France, for which the master who made it received a gold medal.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the city of Rezh in the Sverdlovsk region. together with the entire Urals, it survived the metallurgical crisis, during which the factories had to be closed. Then followed a series of unpleasant events for the local population- The First World War, the civil revolution, the hardships of the post-revolutionary period. All this had a negative impact on both production and the quality of life of the local people. In January 1918, the Rezhsky factories were deprivatized and transferred from the ownership of S. Yakovlev’s heirs to the state.

In 1924, nickel ore deposits were found on the territory of the settlement. In 1930, an order was received to conduct detailed exploration, as a result of which 2 rich deposits were found - 6 and 12 km from the city. Soon the townspeople switched to mining - this is how the second nickel plant in the country was founded. The development of industry led to an increase in population and infrastructure, as well as the rapid assignment of city status to Rezh - this happened in 1943.

In 1957, a new nickel deposit was discovered, and in 1985 residents found deposits of copper and zinc, but they began to be mined only in 1994. In addition to the mining industry, printing, mechanical engineering, and the textile industry developed. A little later, the Rezh Khleb plant was opened, the products of which are known to most residents of Yekaterinburg and the Urals. Nowadays, the popularity of the city among tourists is growing - this is facilitated by the efforts of local historian and director of the travel company Alexey Rychkov.

Sights of Rezha

For such a small town, not known for its developed tourism, Rezh boasts a surprisingly rich list of attractions. Here you can find cultural monuments, museums, and interesting natural places. Tourism in the city is popularized by the company Malysh and Carlson, which regularly conducts excursions and a variety of entertainment events for guests.

Museums and monuments

The city's historical museums and monuments celebrate its past and present as a metallurgical and mining center. Interesting places:

  • Monument to the founders. It was installed in 1973 in honor of the city's bicentenary. Located in a picturesque park, surrounded by tall trees. It represents the figures of two adult male workers - one stands and looks forward, the other sits with a thoughtful look. They personify the Rezh craftsmen who founded the plant, thanks to whom the existence of the city became possible.
  • Historical Museum. It was opened in 1990. Stores a variety of exhibits telling about the history of the city in every period of life - from the village at the factory to the present. Here you can find plant specimens, stuffed animals, posters and paintings, household items, industrial tools and much more. The museum often hosts master classes and educational and entertainment events for children.
  • Mineralogical Museum. Opened in 2004, it now has more than 3,000 exhibits. Allows you to get acquainted with the minerals of the Ural strip - tourmalines, aquamarines, the unique and famous shaitan overflow throughout Russia. The museum organizes excursions and expeditions to abandoned mines, where tourists are introduced to mining technologies and even allowed to independently cut and collect samples for the collection.
  • Monument to labor and military glory. It was built in 1973 as a tribute to the city residents who died in World War II. In 1975, the Eternal Flame was lit here, and in 1985 a memorial plaque was added with the names of local heroes who gave their lives for their patronymic name. Now the townspeople celebrate Victory Day here, and conscripts take an oath of allegiance to their homeland.

History buffs will also be interested in seeing the areas of the old city. There are still ancient stone and wooden houses (some of them are over 200 years old), untouched ponds and rocky shores, giving the area an ancient atmosphere.

Natural monuments

Among the attractions of the city of Rezh in the Sverdlovsk region, it is difficult not to mention its natural monuments. The river on which the first settlement was built is surrounded by picturesque cliffs, and the surrounding Ural mountains are famous for their harsh northern nature. Abandoned and flooded quarries are also of considerable interest to tourists. List of natural attractions of the city:

  • Rocks "Five Brothers". They are located on the right bank of the Rezh River in close proximity to the city. In 1983, they were awarded the title of a natural monument of regional significance and made a protected area. The view of this place from afar is striking - five majestic stone walls are partially covered with earth, pine trees and wild lingonberry bushes grow on them, stretching all the way to the coastline. Animals, mostly commercial animals, run among them. The place is popular among fishermen and simply lovers of outdoor recreation.
  • Shaitan-stone. It is located where the Adui tributary flows into the Rezh River. The majestic rock is striking in its size - the height of the vertical stone is 30-40 meters (varies in different areas), and the length along the water is almost half a kilometer. From the top there is an unforgettable view of the surrounding area. The cultural significance of the mountain for ancient people is also interesting - they considered it a magical place where spirits and otherworldly forces lived. Traces of ancient rituals are well preserved on the stone - rock writings, depressions and cracks from blows from ritual weapons.
  • Spring "Breaker Key". One of the symbols of the city, loved by tourists and locals. According to legend, it arose from a lightning strike that pierced the stone so deeply that water began to flow from it (it is considered extremely pure and is even credited with healing properties). The spring itself is very picturesque - the spring is lined with stone, a canopy roof is built over it, and there are several benches nearby for rest. You can go down to it via a man-made stone staircase. From the source, a trickle of water runs in a thin stream through the forest, getting lost in the trees. The spring was recently consecrated, which is why pilgrims visiting the holy places of the Urals go to it.

The city of Rezh is quite popular among lovers of outdoor recreation, hiking and especially fishing - in the local river you can catch carp, pike, perch and other freshwater fish. But the northern Ural nature is harsh and inhospitable, so not everyone will like such a pastime.

Among other attractions of the city, the Church of John the Baptist stands out. It is located on Mount Orlova - the highest point of the city, located on the right bank of the river. According to legend, once upon a time a robber ataman nicknamed Eagle lived here - he robbed rich people and distributed the loot to the poor. Once he was killed in his sleep, after which the body was buried on the top of the mountain, which is why it was nicknamed Orlova. The church was built here in 1902. The beautiful white building with five blue domes has become an object of cultural heritage of the region.

Among the notable places in the city of Rezh one can highlight the creative workshop “Buratino”. It is worth a visit for anyone who wants to acquire local designer souvenirs. Here you can buy unique handmade wooden toys or order individual work. Local craftsmen have become famous for participating in numerous folk fairs and exhibitions, which is why this place attracts tourists as one of the city’s attractions.

Local thermal springs are also of interest to vacationers. On their basis, the hotel and resort “Baden-Baden Emerald Coast” was founded, offering tourists to combine the enjoyment of the primeval Ural forest with swimming in healing hot water and relaxing in comfortable rooms of various categories. In addition to swimming in warm natural pools, the complex offers visitors a variety of services and entertainment - billiards, paintball, catamaran rides, relaxing in gazebos with barbecue facilities, a sauna, dining in a restaurant, and rental of fishing equipment.

The city of Rezh is interesting for its historical past and unforgettable Ural nature. It cannot be called a major tourist center; lovers of active recreation will not be bored here.

Rezhevsky Pond, one of the most beautiful in the Sverdlovsk region, together with the dam, is a monument to the industrial history of the city, a monument to those years when the old plant worked on the energy of falling water. Rezhevskaya pond and dam also remind of their creator - the founder of Rezha Savva Yakovlev. In his youth, Savva was engaged in street trading in St. Petersburg. Perhaps his whole life would have passed like this if it had not been for chance. In 1741, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna came to power in Russia. The daughter of Peter the Great had several weaknesses: for the Rezhevians, the most remarkable of them was a direct passion for beautiful male voices, which led to the rise of Savva, and then to the founding of Rezh. According to legend, while inviting buyers, he attracted the attention of the queen.
Rezhevskaya Pond is the city-forming beginning of Rezh and its main decoration. In the Sverdlovsk region, the Rezhevskaya pond, with its relief banks and variety of landscapes, has the reputation of being one of the most beautiful. The Rezhevli residents nicknamed the reservoir “Rezhsky seaside”. Throughout the history of Rezha, the pond has been an important place for organizing socially significant events. Many village-wide holidays were held here, for example, Maslenitsa, and sports competitions were organized. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, horse races were held every winter on the ice of the reservoir next to the Lord's House. For this purpose, a circular track was set up, and crowds of onlookers watched the races from the high left bank and dam. In Soviet times, a skating rink was set up on the pond, hockey games were held, but skiing competitions were especially popular.
There are many natural and historical attractions along the banks of the pond. For example, on the right bank, near the Gavan microdistrict, you can examine deposits of serpentine ornamental stone. Not far from this place rise the Five Brothers rocks, a natural monument of regional significance. In Rezhev’s folklore, “brothers” have a mysterious, sometimes gloomy character. They say that during the Mesolithic times there was a sacred sacrificial place here.
In front of the Five Brothers, the Bystraya River flows into the Rezhevskaya Pond. The picturesque meadow near its mouth is not just a wonderful vacation spot, but also a historical monument. It was here in 1906 that the leader of the Ural Bolsheviks, Ya.M., spoke to the factory workers. Sverdlov. After 11 years, he will enter the Bolshevik elite, heading the party and Soviet apparatus of the country. Yakov Mikhailovich visited Rezha more than once, but it was his Bystrin speech that was included in K.T.’s book. Sverdlova, which became the main story about the life of a revolutionary.
The Rezhevskaya dam is the very first Rezhevskaya building, and the construction of the plant began with it. Interestingly, the construction of the dam cost Savva Yakovlev almost twice as much as all the factory buildings combined. What was the old Rezhev dam like? An embankment, reinforced at the base with larch cages (log houses), blocked the river and formed a dam. On the side of the pond, the embankment was lined with turf. The opposite, “dry” slope had a wooden retaining wall. Two cuts were made in the body of the dam: one permanent (working) and one “spring”, to release the spring flood. On the side of the pond, the dam was protected during ice drift by special wooden structures - ice cutters. From the working slot, water flowed down wooden gutters - chests, from them, along side branches, it fell onto the wheels of the mechanisms by which these mechanisms (hammers, forge bellows, etc.) were put into action. The old wooden dam “worked” for almost two hundred years; only in the late 50s of the 20th century did its major reconstruction begin. In 1973, the new reinforced concrete dam, decorated with cast iron grating, began to function. It took so long to build that a riddle arose in the Sverdlovsk region: “What is the widest river in the world?” Everyone knew the answer: “River Rezh!”